- BEING HEALTHY-LOVING LIFE- A NEW CHOREOGRAPHY & DANCE for U.S.A.LL & Britney Spears in OUR JOYFUL LIVING!!! June 29, ’21 Dec. 22, 2021 HOPE YOUR CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY LAUGHTER & CHEER IS MORE INFECTIOUS THAN COVID’S OMNICRON ‘DARLING’- NOT VARIANT!!! HOHOHO!!!!! Santa’s checking his sleigh & feeding his Reindeer Energy Treats for THE BIG WORLD TOUR!!!!! ROCK ON SANTA!!!!!!!!!! Dec. 22, 2021 *added new COVID Plague Update Christmas 2021 ***MORE LAUGHTER & JOY TOO FOR YOU in ’22!!! Dec. 23, 2021- Jan. 7, 2022 ***CREATING JOY & FUN FUN FUN! in OUR BEAUTY & The BEAST WORLD!!!!! Jan. 8- 21, 2022 *****Beijing Winter OLYMPICS FIREWORKS CELEBRATING SPORTS-PERSONSHIP & Mental/Physical EXCELLENCE! PLEASE- no Fireworks in OUR BELOVED FREE UKRAINE & BALTIC NATO FAMILY! FREEDOM Spirit of ’76 CONVOYS- BIPOLAR ECONOMICS & POLITICS- OUR KISSING COVID- NOT! WINTER DANCE PARTY TOUR!!! Jan. 23- Feb. 4, 2022 *****OUR WORLD & BRITNEYWORLD is on FIRE! “I WANT TO HELP OTHERS in VULNERABLE SITUATIONS- TAKE LIFE by THE BALLS, BE BRAVE!!!” EVERYONE IS COPYING U.S. A.LL WORLDWIDE SAYING- WE JUST WANT OUR LIVES BACK!!!! Feb. 5- 18, 2022 *****OUR WORLD IS ON FIRE- INVASION by EVIL AXIS- Russia +(China, N. K. etc.) into FREE DEMOCRATIC BEAUTIFUL BELOVED UKRAINE!!! OUR HEARTBEAT – THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER!!!!! Feb. 19- March 3, 2022 ***TRUE LOVE WAYS- UKRAINE, RUSSIA, CHINA, U.S.A., NATO- OUR WHOLE WORLD’S RESCUING HEARTBEAT!!!!! March 4- 18, 2022 ***BLOODY GOOD Artistic Britney MATADORS R US ALL- Spearing B.S. ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH, CLIMATE CHANGE, COVID-19, RUSSIAN UNBEARABLE BEASTS> UKRAINE, 007 R U.S.A.LL!!! March 19- 31, 2021!!!!! ****ON OUR CROSSES or IN THE CROSSHAIRS- BRITNEY’S DOING IT & SPRING IS SPRUNG in OUR APOCALYPTIC GAMES!!! TRUST ME- YOU’RE GOOD!!! April 1- 15, 2022 *****CELEBRATING LIFE & BEING OUR BEST SELVES- FACING BUMMERS & BLESSINGS!!! April 16- 29, 2022 ***B. O. B. S.> EXPRESSING OUR LOVE, HAPPINESS & FREEDOMS w/o BOUNDARIES!!!! April 30- May 12, 2022 ***MAYDAY- WHY DO WE ENABLE THESE TRAGEDIES TO HAPPEN TO U.S. A.LL??!!! N.R.A.- NOT RELIVING OUR HORRORS- AGAIN??!!! May 13- 27, 2022??!!! ***Rebuilding Our Garden in Eden- BRITNEY, AMBER ALERTS, Johnny & Jeff Love Affair, Taylor, Alien Encounters, THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE- BOBS vs. ROBB- & Ukraine, NRA!!!! May 28- June 10, 2022 ***AMERICA in APOCALYPTIC CHAOS- CLOWNS, JUGGLERS & JESTERS- DO SOMETHING!!! June 11- 24, 2022 ***Living, LAUGHING & LOVING in Our Wild Twisted Jungle!!!! June 25- July 8, 2022 ***CELEBRATING LIBERTY, LIFE- But Especially LOVE!!!! July 9- 22, 2022!!!! ***POWER & POLITICS CHALLENGING OUR MENTAL HEALTH!!!! July 23- Aug.5, 2022 ***HEALTH = HEAL THE HEART!!!! Quoi!? Aug. 6- Aug. 19, 2022 ***HOLDING OUR HEARTS CLOSER- SHUTTING OUT EVIL!!!! Aug. 20- Sept. 2, 2022 Being True to OURSELVES!!!! ***#NO MORE WAR, NO MORE HATE- YES TO WAAR: #WE ARE ALL ROYALTY & BOUND TOGETHER BY SELFLESS DUTY!!! Sept. 3- 16, 2022 ***TRUTH &/or RECONCILIATION DAY! Tomorrowland? Neverland? Sept. 17- 30, 2022 ***MARRIAGE VOWS BLISS or BROKEN PROMISES?!!! Oct. 1- 14, 2022 ***WEDDING VOWS VIRGIN TELL ALL Oct. 27, 2022 ***REMEMBRANCE DAY- OUR HEALTHY TRUE & BEST SELVES!!!! Oct. 28- Nov. 11, 2022 ***THANKSGIVING- INSPIRATIONAL WORDS & STORIES!!!! Nov. 12- 25, 2022 ***HEALTHY LIVING & LOVING ON TOP OF OUR WORLD!!!! Nov. 26- Dec. 7, 2022 ***SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS- CYCLONIC STORMS of HOPE< PEACE <LOVE!!! Dec. 23, 2022 ***CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS & MUSICAL MANIA FOREVER- Jan. BLUES NEVER!!! Jan. 4, 2023 ***SHAPE OF THINGS BEFORE OUR EYES! Jan. 16- 23 ****MORE CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS & MUSIC MANIA + ANNUAL SANTA SPECIAL DAY!!! Jan. 30- 23 ***MENTAL HEALTH WARS, PEACE, ALIENS & MOTHER NATURE- OMG!!!! Feb. 24, 2023 The HEAT IS ON U.S.A.LL- CHERISH & RENEW OURSELVES, OUR WORLD!!! July 5, 2021 Whatever It Costs, Whatever It Takes- FIX IT RIGHT, FIX IT FAST- For Mother Nature’s Sake GOOD-NOW *****Are we ACTUALLY REPLAYING HISTORICAL HYSTERIA or BECOMING ENLIGHTENED & FREE??? July 12, 2021 ************ Britney Spears VENGEANCE- Like Our WORLD, Mad as Hello! & ‘NOT Going to Take It NO MORE!!!’ PLUS Bri’s TALE ABOUT A Borderline Blasphemy Vaccine Rare BLACK/WHITE SWAN EVENT July 19, 2021 *********CULTURAL WARS: Race, Immigration, Power, Entitlement, Oppression & DEEP DISTRUST! CANCEL CULTURE & Vaccine COVER-UPS… Californian Conservatee Rights- But Britney’s STRIPPED & RIPPED- HOT as Hell-o!!! CARTWHEELING CONFIDENTLY- ENJOY!!! July 26, 2021 *************VACCINE CONSPIRACY THEORIES- Pharmaceutical Follies- Pirates & Profiteering! Follow ‘THE SCIENCE!!!’ But first- OUR ONGOING EMANCIPATION from ENSLAVEMENT & UNJUST LAWS! Aug. 2, 2021 ****************CODE RED for HUMANITY!!!” Aug. 9, ’21 ***** Experiencing OCEANS of EMOTIONS is BEING ALIVE!!!!! Aug. 16, 2021 ***** FRUSTRATED BEAUTIFUL BIRDS FLAPPING AGAINST OUR CAGES DEMANDING OUR HEALTH, RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!! Aug. 23, 2021 ********** Still CAN’T GET NO- STABILITY?!!! STOCKHOLM SYNDROME+>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So Much More +Britney BEAT!!! Aug. 30, 2021 *********** OUR ZANY TRICKSTER ‘APOCALYPTIC TIMES’ PERSONALITIES!!! YOU CAN BE YOUR BEST THERAPIST!!! GUARANTEED… Conservatives Courting & Controlling The Courts? Katrina & IDA Hollywood Style Living Monsters? Elvis Rocked our MUSIC but Emmett Till Rocked our Nation’s Conscience!!! Sept. 6, 2021
- BEING YOUR BEST THERAPIST, Racism, COVID, Britney Spears S. O. Beat, MENTAL ILLNESS & DRAMA QUEEN ADVICE!!!! WINNERS R U.S.A.ll!!!! Sept. 13, 2021
- IS IT MAKE IT or BREAK IT DOOMSDAY “TIME’S UP!” for U.S.A.ll???? Nov. 1, 2021
- JINGLE BELLS & CHRISTMAS SPIRIT- but satan is ALWAYS on THE ATTACK!!! Nov. 22, 2021
- DON’T LET “SCROOGE’ or ‘THE GRINCH’ STEAL YOUR HOLIDAY/CHRISTMAS SPIRIT!!!! Dec. 7- Dec. 22, 2021 see at top above all articles***HOPE YOUR CHRISTMAS/ HOLIDAY LAUGHTER & CHEER IS MORE INFECTIOUS THAN COVID’S OMNICRON VARIANT!!!! HOHOHO!!!! Dec. 22, 2021 Santa’s checking his sleigh & feeding his REINDEER ENERGY TREATS for Dec. 25 BIG World TOUR!!!!! ROCK ON SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dec. 22, 2021
- ADDRESSING POWER IMBALANCES with LOVE- Past, Present & Future… March 3, 2021
- critical reading: TRIPLE CROSS BURDEN Jan. 5, 2018
- critical reading: BIG PHARMA’S PAINFUL TRUTH & SEDUCTION EXPOSED!!! Jan. 12- March 26, 2018
- Let’s Just DO IT! S.A.D. Mental Illness vs. Enjoying “A Winter Wonderland” Face-Off! EVERYBODY-LACE UP YOUR GAME SKATES & COURAGE! March 8, 2019 ‘International Women’s Day’- VICTORY may still not be all that easy- BUT it’s also not that hard knowing people just like YOU are TAKING BACK their RIGHT to ENJOY Freedom & Mental Health 365!!!!!!
- ***New P.N. Hair Raising Serpentine Seduction Stories! Jan. 18, 2019
- New- So you REALLY Wanna Be A Rock and Roll STAR??? March 14, 2019
- NEW***** Painful TRUTH- Big Pharma Vampiric Seduction EXPOSED! Becoming Self Aware, Enlightened & Able to Heal Ourselves, Our World- ‘We Shall Overcome!’ March 26, 2019
- NEW****** Changing Yourself = Changing Your World! “Change MY LIFE, Change MY LOVE, Change MY HEART- and EVERYTHING STARTS!!!” YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 2, 2019 ‘time for ‘April Fools’ is in the past!
- Biochemistry 101- YOU versus YOUR BODY… FACE-OFF!!! GO TEAM GO!!! And THE MAGIC BEGINS! April 18, 2019
- New*** Free Spirited Birds R Us- Exposing Closed Societies & Institutions- Dark Arts Sorcery! Time Compressing! April 11, 2019
- NEW***** SUMMERTIME- And the Living IS EASY! Or maybe NOT!!! April 25, 2019 P.S. Exotic & Exciting Vacationing in HOT ZONES- BORING R.& R. -hell no! Adrenaline & Neurotransmitter RUSHES! Don’t Watch the NEWS– Experience the NEWS! But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE- DON’T BE THE NEWS!!! And don’t get KIDNAPPED for RANSOM or BECOME A POLITICAL HOT POTATO BARGAINING CHIP!!!
- New*****S.O.S.- Or maybe NOT-2!!! “Give Peace A Chance!” Creating A Circle = PEACE, LOVE & PRAYER!!! May 6, 2019 (P.S. I am Woman- Hear Me Roar- Way Back Since Good Ol’ 1964!!! You know by writing this, fireworks about WOMEN’S RIGHTS/LIBERATION gonna explode!!!)
- NEW*****SINCE BEGINNING OF TIME- OUR NARCISSISTIC GOV’TS/LEADERS ‘DIVINE RIGHT DELUSIONS!’ May 16, 2019 by Brian Lane (see also (Coming Soon) under “Mental Health Therapy Face-Off Contest Who or What Is BEST?” Roe v. Wade- Welcome Everybody Back to living in the 1950’s!!! *BEING HEALTHY- LOVING LIFE- A NEW CHOREOGRAPHY & DANCE for U.S.A.LL & Britney Spears in OUR JOYFUL LIVING!!! *June 29, 2021 Setting out on our adventurous Sunday afternoon walk in adjacent picturesque Forest Trails- during our ‘man made’ Climate Change summer heat wave, (the southern interior of British Columbia hit almost 47C.- approaching 120 F., a Canadian all time high!) I asked my Brother- Do you think Britney Spears is SMART? ‘She’s likely average intelligence on a standard I.Q. test BUT MUSICALLY= SINGING, DANCING, CHOREOGRAPHY, CREATING EVERYTHING, Britney’s a GENIUS!’ Celebrating The July 4th U.S. Holiday or similar National Creation Holidays- Canada’s Creation was on July 1, 1867- beloved Princess Diana’s birthday also on a July 1. Diana was allegedly assassinated by Monarchy interests a predictable one year after official divorce from Prince Charles by a staged auto ‘accident’ as she forewarned the World would be her fate! Prince Harry feared a repeat of history by Meghan quickly falling helplessly into mental illness & suicidal incompetency & depression- again under sickly spell by the Royal Family & their stone cold old crypt like casket traditions! Harry fled the Continent like the Pilgrims for Safety & Promise first to beautiful B.C., Canada & on to sunny California but with a healthy $40 million+ under his Scottish kilt, his manhood intact, abundant $$$MEDIA opportunity awaiting in the new American Promised Land! Another ‘Scotsman’ free from Rule Britannia! But by God/Allah- hard to accept how slow Social & Cultural change happens! Don’t throw the Baby out with all the dirty disgusting bathwater America! But do come up smelling sweetly again, joining Nations RENEWED & IMPROVED-
- $Whatever it COSTS, WHATEVER IT TAKES: FIX IT RIGHT, FIX IT FAST, FIX IT GOOD & for Mother Nature’s sake- FIX IT NOW!!! *Dec. 22, 2021 *HOPE YOUR CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY LAUGHTER/CHEER IS MORE INFECTIOUS THAN COVID’S VARIANT “DARLING”- NOT! OMNICROM!!!! Santa’s checking his Sleigh & feeding the Reindeer ENERGY TREATS for the BIG Whirlwind Dec. 25 WORLD TOUR- ROCK ON SANTA!!!!!! HOHOHO!!!! *Dec. 22, 2021
- CHRISTMAS TRUCE!!!! #MAY we all PRAY for a CHRISTMAS TRUCE in our UNDECLARED ALL OUT POLITICAL CIVIL WAR between the darn too PROGRESSIVE RADICAL 6%+ inflation, $85 Billion Advanced U.S. Weaponry for Wahabi Taliban Treachery & Brutally Enslaving Butchery, ENERGY CRISIS CREATING OPEC DEPENDENT, CANADA BASHING, No Borders, No Questions, No Policing CATCH & RELEASE Soft on CRIME- CUDDLE ALL CRIMINALS, Immigrant illegals’ FIRST- Americans SECOND Democrats- c/o White PRIVILEGED & SHAMED vs. Black OPPRESSED VICTIMS Critical Racist Theory Radical BIG BROTHER Co-Parented Children – CANADA OFFERS $10. a day DAY CARE Scrooge Biden-Harris!
- #$$$$$$ print more & work less Mantra during COVID= $$$Trillions in Deficits!!!!
- vs. the alleged Butt- Dragging Neanderthal CONTROL BRITNEY & ALL WOMEN, Male Chauvinist MISOGYNIST Rear Admiral Ruling RIGID REPUBLICANS attempting to RESTORE 1950’s Americana??? c/o FOX NEWS- EVERY SHOW being A REHASH ABOUT THEIR LOVE/HATE FOR JOE BIDEN-Kamala Harris & LONGING to REVIVE ‘GOLDEN’ OLDEN DAYS AMERICANA- Women at home in the Kitchen- SERVING & OBEYING their ‘Father Knows Best!’ CONTROL FREAK Man of the House; oppressed Blacks in Straw Hats spittin’ watermelon seeds after a hard working day in the ‘Whitey Master’ cotton fields? Too much Fox News White Entitled Privilege BROAD CASTING MAKES EVEN WHITE FOLKS PUKE THEIR GUTS OUT!!!! LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, old ROCK & ROLL FILMS, ELVIS MOVIE MOVES seducing all the voluptuous innocent young virgins, LOST IN SPACE, STAR TRECK, The Beverly Hillbillies, Archie Bunker, Sonny & Cher, etc. Pres. Biden should be paid a $$$trillion dollar copyright fee for basing everything in FOX NEWS on his activities or lack thereof..
- #Trump’s Christmas Spirit Truce? Apologize to Pres. Biden for waiting a year to congratulate him on his ‘Fake News’ ELECTION VICTORY- ESPECIALLY Biden’s BELOW 30 % SINKING APPROVAL RATING!!! ‘KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JOE- ASSURING MY COMEBACK!!!’
- #Does Pres. Trump PROMISE to drop that narcissistic delusional Dictator Mussolini schtick frightening Americans- still imagining he won the election he clearly lost? FOX NEWS should inform him- ‘YES Pres. Biden- COGNITIVELY OBVIOUSLY CHALLENGED KICKED YOUR BUTT- GET SOME SHRINK THERAPY BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT RUNNING FOR the next Jan. 6 RESSURECTED INSURRECTION as a crowned KING for AMERICA??!!!!!!
- #Pres. Trump is not alone being DELISIONALLY CHALLENGED over Election loss. – Candidate Hilary Clinton is still enraptured by the 2016 Election she believes was ordained by DESTINY for her to WIN!
- #America is no longer viewed as a DEMOCRACY- instead as an AMOCRACY due to the Autocratic behavior of recent Presidents!!!!
- #Anyone want to channel Pres. Lincoln back to resolve this mocked up Civil War resurgent Capitol Hill ERECTION (Chick Schumer’s dirty mind) between Democrats & Republicans???
- #He came chaperoned by the Democrats but now is dancing with the Republicans rear guard? CHAMELEON REPTILIAN SNAKE or SAVIOR????
- #SHOW YOUR ‘TRUE COLORS?’ How much $$$ to buy/sell Virginia?
- GETTING DOWN to REAL BUSINESS from our American Snake Oil POLITICAL Salesmen/Women/Others… U.S. F.D.A. is about to APPROVE Pfizer’s & Merck’s pills to TREAT COVID hopefully preventing hospitalization- we recall the controversy sparked by Pres. Trump about various suggested COVID treatments not ‘officially’ approved by Dr. Fauci & his Friends or Fellow Fiends? But the dozens of mutations on OMNICRON are able bypass double dose vaccines= a third booster is mandated ‘for our full protection!’ Contagion happens in a minute! Vaccination levels needed to stem the exponential infection rate appear months away among folks who want their shot TODAY!
- My regional political authority OVERREACTS AGAIN & AGAIN AFTER ALL THE COVID HORSES HAVE LEFT THE BARN-the COVID FLASH FIRE IS UNCONTROLLABLE!!! ! We successfully downsized COVID to only 300+ infections per day but by our reckless behavior like neglecting masking & social distancing, SCREAMING SPORTS VENUES & RIOTOUS SOCIAL EVENTS, etc. today we are 12X HIGHER & our Government is LOCKING DOWN OUR BUSINESSES AGAIN! Our North American N.H.L. is REFUSING TO ATTEND CHINA’S OLYMPICS FEARING COVID OUTBREAKS!!
- #Political Hockey News sees Republicans wooing Stooge Manchin to trip up & SLASH AWAY at Pres. Biden’s Build Back Better Dreams for America!
- #A LUMP of Virginian Coal is what Scrooge Stooge puts in Liberty’s Build Back Better Christmas Stocking!!!! OVERSPENDING, etc. by Big Brother Government CAUSED 6% inflation but international companies seek to dissolve all borders to source the lowest cost manufacturer & pay the lowest taxes- a race to the bottom! Our World Health Organization hopes to exert control over every Free Country!
- #Our EVIL POLITICIANS are continually denying & killing our Seniors & vulnerable with underlying health challenges like Heart & stroke issues, cancer, organ failure, etc. requiring testing & treatment. In COVID Care, African Americans can be assured they are still HELPED LEAST & LAST along with Seniors, the Poverty Stricken & citizens challenged by illness or disabilities!!!!
- #As Baseball Great Yogi Berra says- the (COVID) CONTEST//BASEBALL GAME AIN’T OVER ‘TIL IT’S OVER!!!! Hopefully Darwinian Evolution involves more infectious but less virulent strains adapting to humans & humans immune response is able to handle endemic COVID! COVID will kill ‘low hanging human fruit’ first!
- #Ancient & Biblical Accounts- like the Holy Muslim Quran, clearly inform us how to deal with PLAGUES- We are to SOCIAL DISTANCE, MASK & COVER UP, prevent both AIRBORN & CONTACT transmission. WE are to self isolate if possibly infectious & NEVER TRAVEL SPREADING AN INFECTIOUS PLAGUE!!! COVID EASILY REMAINS AIRBORN INDOORS- if we breathe in COVID sufficiently, we become infected! Think of smoke being airborne in a room- by smelling smoke, we know we probably are also breathing in particles.
- #How could Chinese Government Autocrats have been so dishonorable as to INFLICT this UNNECESSARY Plague on Humanity!!!! China easily locked down & contained COVID internally but actually covered up & enabled international travel spread- WHY? EVERYONE SHOULD ASK CHINA TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES! If Big Brother issued FREE M- 95 Protective masks, infections could be lowered SIGNIFCANTLY!!! Pres. Biden is smartly mailing out rapid test kits to everyone. Our modern phones are able to inform us if we near an infected COVID carrier!
- #WE ALWAYS OWN OUR OWN BODY- not Big Brother Government!!!
- #Yes- Everyone hates Abortion of viable fetuses but enslaving WOMEN LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS WAS TOTALLY CONTROLLED for 13 tearful years, HARDLY SEEMS JUSTIFIABLE!!!!
- #But Doctors & Politicians literary BURY THEIR MISTAKES- U.S.All who WERE ILL TREATED & CAST ASIDE in discrimination! OUTCASTS are precious LIVING JEWELS- just as Jesus was regarded by Political & Religious Authorities of the day as only worthy of being CRUCIFIED! But we are among the LAMBS of God- LOVED< LOVED LOVED for being our Authentic Selves!
- #Yes- Mother Nature is totally frustrated about People Kind ‘raping’ Mother Earth & enslaving all other Life Forms like Britney
Spears was enslaved to feed off her Gifts & Talents!!!! Like you I’m constantly saying to Mother Nature & to God, we’re seeing The LIGHT- What we’ve inflicted on our Blessed Garden in Eden on Earth & among each other- in ‘Taliban hating women’ Afghanistan, for example. Our Apocalypse is all about facing TRUTH & RECONCILIATION for all People kind’s behavior- we are being called to RISE UP including our HEALTH & HEALING POWERS, our INNER BEAUTY & KIND GENEROUS HEARTS; OUR ABILITY to FREE CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS LIFTING ALL HEARTS in DEVOTION to Freedom, Justice & JOY/Happiness for our entire World!!!! - #INSANITY is repeating the same disaster- knowing the probable outcome in advance! My regional political government refuses to provide needed protective infrastructure- medical grade facility air filtration, isolation containment areas- plagues spread up & down sardine packed Care Facility Residents- no one escapes; unvaccinated staff wearing inadequate protective clothing spread disease to everyone!!!
- #Neither Surveillance Society Big Bad Brother Government nor Vigilantes appointed by Big Government nor charismatic brow beating radio & t. v. irresponsible personalities may force us to get shots nor Birth all fetuses/babies once impregnated!!! LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO BRITNET ONCE CALIFORNIA GRANTED HER DAD & ASSOCIATES TOTAL CONTROL OVER HER!!! Only by #FREE BRITNEY MOVEMENT, etc. & our advising Britney to strongly DEMAND HER LIFE BACK- CONTROL OVER HER PERSON & WEALTH & TALENTS we succeeded! Canada’s P.M. Trudeau wants to be able to STOP FREE COMMUNICATION ON THE INTERNET like Russia, China & North Korea!
- #But contrary to common belief, we do not have the SOCIAL RIGHT to INFECT & CAUSE DEBILITATING DISEASES in our Community! Together APART we are GOOD SAMARATINS- OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS KEEPERS as Jesus implores us to
- #DO UNTO OTHERS AS WE WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO US!!! Only yesterday carrying groceries out to my scooter, a wonderful community spirited Senior approached me- Please take this large strong plastic bag to help carry your groceries & please accept this money ($10.) to enjoy your CHRISTMAS!!!’
- #TOGETHER APART We are (floundering?) SWIMMERS & RESCUERS in our daily affairs- PROTECTORS, HELPERS, LOVERS, GIVERS, LIVERS for the GLORY of our “It’s A Wonderful Life!” BEAUTIFUL WORLD!!!! Let’s ask ourselves if we’ve learned anything in dealing with Plagues???
- P.S. When we immediately identified our current Apocalyptic Times- Plagues, Pestilence, Climate Changes- Droughts, Superstorms, Atmospheric Rivers, Sandstorms, etc. in 2019, & more STRONGLY in January 2020, did Government act to SAVE OUR SENIORS & VULNERABLE from COVID TRAGEDY or bury their heads in the sand- neglect or consciously act to CULL our Vulnerable citizens to this very day?!! My regional authority quickly offered blanket immunity from lawsuits- raising the threshold, to absolve For Profit Seniors & Vulnerable Care Facilities of negligence! In New York political authorities criminally PLACED COVID INFECTED INTO SENIOR/VULNERABLE CARE HOMES but covered the crime up! Refused Pres. Trump’s special medical & hospital assistance offers. ALL ABOUT APPEARANCES, they were CULLING VULNERABLE CITIZENS as second class THROWAWAYS- DISPOSABLE PEOPLE just like in Nazi Germany!!!!
- P.S.S. In British Columbia Canada this year’s CLIMATER CHANGE TRAGEDIES cost 10’s or 100’s of $$$Billions plus billions of Life Forms- The cost of doing nothing becomes too expensive! Citizens are Mentally Ill & BROKEN- SHELL SHOCKED by continuous man made Climate Calamities! Far cheaper creating practical applications & becoming part of the solution.
- Pharaoh can’t simply harden his HEART & expect everyone to BEAR THE CATASTROPHIC KARMIC CONSEQUENCES !!!! WE ARE CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES US ALL!!!! We made our own bed & we must lie in the mess until we SMARTEN UP & PULL UP OUR BRITCHES!!!! Yes- our ‘Careless’ Homes are still DEATH TRAPS- INCUBATORS for Diseases & Plagues lacking medical grade air filtration, barely separating the sick from the soon to be infected, not offering timely sufficient protections, culling our vulnerable.
- FOX NEWS- repeating Pres. Biden’s cognitive screw ups day after day like ‘GROUND HOG DAY!’ but never getting it RIGHT until both FOX NEWS Personalities & Viewers alike are BATTY as BATS in the BELFRY!!!!!!! Actual REAL LIFE BATS are Enjoyable to observe in erratic flight, BLESSED WITH IMMUNE SYSTEMS more ABLE to BEAT BACK VIRUSES like COVID! By our reckless bull in a china tea shop self centered behavior- imagining we are MASTERS over MOTHER NATURE, modern society ENABLES ZOONOTICS- VIRUSES jumping from other LIFE FORMS to We HUMAN LIFE FORMS!!! The current outbreak theory is that the biological research lab. in Wuhan created a deadly virulent gain of function. BATTY COVID specifically designed to infect & terribly sicken we humans! Conspiracy theorists claim Pres. Obama banned GAIN of FUNCTION research in America circa 2014 so Fauci’s Associates funded research in China’s viral Lab! Other conspiracy theorists argue COVID was released circa China’s World Military Games in Oct- Nov. 2019? China acted by a HARD INTERNAL LOCK DOWN while enabling international travel & covering up the Plague’s virulence damning our World!!!!
- But how do we release FOXY NEWS t. v. Personalities from being tortuously infected by ‘Bidenitis-Harristitus, SARS- COV- 3 Biden-Harris 21? Striving to escape back to the Leave to Beaver 1950’s when Pres. Trump is still a mischievous scheming EDDIE HASKELL. ALWAYS in your Blessed Heart & you in mine- Christmas BLESSINGS LOVE & PEACE for Us All WE DESERVE LOVE, LIFE, JOY & HAPPINESS THIS #WE FREED BRITNEY CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SEASON!!!!!!!!! *Dec. . 22, 2021 by Brianca Lane *#MORE LAUGHTER & JOY FOR YOU TOO in 2022!!! Welcome- THE NUTCRACKER! *Dec. 23, 2021 – Jan. 7, 2022 #Humor can SAVE AMERICA in 2022! Britney’s DANCE SPINS brief video clip, BRIGHTENING UP our lives JOYFULLY inspiring U.S. All to #GET OURSELVES IN SHAPE TOO in 2022!!! #ARE WE JUST BAGS of FLESH or GOD’S/ALLAH’S BEAUTIFUL GOLDEN CREATION CELEBRATING LIFE JOYFULLY!!!
- #You TURN YOUR WORLD ON- Like Britney Spears- you sure turn me on!!!!
- #O.k.- You ARE ALL THAT!!! FEELING BETTER ABOUT YOURSELF? Good! We’re honestly looking at our U.S. undeclared Civil War- Don’t blame me for jumping into this NUTCRACKER- #Pres. Lincoln’s IS TODAY ENCOURAGING everyone to get on it! Pres. Lincoln suffered depression terribly, watched sleeplessly over the tragedy of The Civil War- Brother killing Brother! Brought DELIVERY of FREEDOM & PROMISES of RACIAL JUSTICE we are still working towards- TRYING TO DO GOOD- Be a BLESSING to our World & to ALL OPPRESSED EVERYWHERE!!!!
- #Healing takes special intelligence & compassion- informed approaches & time! My Angel Hearted Aunt went in amongst the worst Federal Prisons to help & educate inmates. Asked her why inmates became so evil & bad! My Aunt said EVERY BAD INMATE SUFFERED TERRIBLE CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES & ABUSES- TURNED THEIR INNATE GOOD HEARTED GRACE & COMPASSION TOWARDS THE DEVIL’S WORK! WE HAVE TO SAVE OUR CHILDREN FROM A FUTURE OF EVIL BY LOVING THEM BEFORE THEY BECOME ADULTS- BRINGING OUT THEIR WONDERFUL GIVING NATURAL CHARACTER!!!! #BABYPOWERMOVEMENT!!!!
- Pres. Lincoln’s suffered too much! But if he could see Britney smiling, twirling & dancing- remember his contributions to FREEING America’s greatness! For all his lifelong suffering, faced one last HEADACHE! Humble Heroes R U.S. A.LL rescuing Floundering Swimmers but how often does our mainstream media report about ALL YOUR GOOD DEEDS Everyday! Mainstream Media’s motto is- ‘If it bleeds, it leads!’ Did anyone do bad things today? Mainstream Media wants to tell our World about everything bad! Readers plead PLEASE TELL US SOME GOOD NEWS!!!! FOX News Entertainment Hosts almost exceed The former U.S.S.R.’s Brainwashing efforts by endlessly replaying every micro miscue by Pres. Biden, Kamala Harris, etc. ‘So I say to ALL AMERICANS- (Biden coughs) Get your shorts on! I mean get your shots. (JEEZ! Got to get my eyes checked! What am I doing here? Where do I go now?’ ‘Look Hannity- get on it! Say Biden is cognitively critical & breathing his final breathes; he can’t read nor understand the scripted teleprompter words anymore.’
- ‘But scheming FOX in charge of the henhouse boss- we already played that video clip 965 times this month!’ Yes- Pres. Trump, unwilling to accept Democratic Election results, quietly sitting in a private dining room off the Oval Office, watching & using up all his supporters naively impaling themselves before dozens of cameras, wrecking their lives- Becoming hated by all Americans for taking up their beloved leader’s cause the Election was fraudulent- All Trump supporters giving themselves for their Leader who totally abandons them on the alter of his own scheming Power Play- ALL beaten down by the Democrat run Courts!?? A ’60’s style mild OCCUPATION, not an INSURRECTION created after the event by applying barb wire & 50,000 troops creating a Hollywood Movie Set at The Capitol!!!! Generations of Trumps have allegedly employed this very script using supporters as cannon fodder- supporters destroyed while Trump rises from the Battlefield!? But no one can deny President Trump sets challenging goals & does everything to achieve them- Trump’s MAGA courageous achievements; WARP SPEED vaccine creation for example! Pres. Trump fended off a blistering election immoral propaganda campaign but still succeeded in bringing the highest voter turnout in American history but for Pres. Biden’s victory! You recall we implored Pres. Biden to bring Pres. Trump to work together with him for the first transition year avoiding all the current calamities FOXY NEWS repeats 1000’s of times over!
- #But BACK TO GOODNESS- BE GOOD for GOODNESS’S SAKE! Thankfully our Universe is like Santa- sees everything GOOD people do! The Universe observes your every Act of Kindness- You do a Good, Kind Deed & Think- Am I truly APPRECIATED for being Righteous & Kind? Is anyone taking notes on my Generous Acts of Kindness? Yes- Our Universe is saying “We SAW CLEARLY WHAT YOU DID IN KINDNESS & COMPASSION! WE REALLY LIKE YOU!!!! How do you imagine Mother Natures went about speaking to me about being abused by People Kind- Her precious flora & fauna? Her Heartfelt Longing to see us “SHOW ME! SHOW ME!” Because we CHERISH our MOTHER EARTH, flora & fauna, beautiful living systems within systems! Mother Nature KNOWS OUR HEARTS & GOOD ACTIONS!!!!
- Yesterday- feeling anxious& stressed like Britney before we delivered Britney into Blissful Freedom! Yesterday- all my troubles seemed so far away so took a hike into the evening dark woods- RINGO wake up! I know it’s late! Phone Paul McCartney- I’ve discovered an amazing song for Paul to work on! Please name it ‘Blackbird!’ On the Woods trail I suddenly encountered 3 large Birds at peace embracing me like I am in their Bird Family- in their Hearts! Healing me of my anxiety! I didn’t know what to say in thanks for helping me- Chirp or Coo? Britney Spears knows all the sweet cooing sounds from recording her sexy music. Actually, my deer friends often offer me the same comfort- approaching me & blessing me.
- #Are we by Natural Origins designed to communicate with flora & fauna but have forgotten we are intimate partners in our Natural World? Suddenly animals, birds, plants, etc. realize- “Hey Brianca is GOOD HEARTED, SAFE, ALIVE & READY to COMMUNICATE!” TODAY’S GOOD NEWS STORY IS OUR NEIGHBORLY CREATURES ARE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH US- WE EASILY WITH NON HUMAN LIFE!!! (But what if deer, etc. form a relationship with we special safe humans- Will they still understand other humans are NOT AT ALL SAFE- hunt & kill deer every fall/winter! Sometimes I see a line of Baby deer- all their Mothers hunted & killed by hunters in deer season. Their chosen leader is the biggest among the baby Bambis to KEEP THEM SAFE FROM HARM- ONLY A BIGGER BABY BAMBI responsible for all their lives!!!! Let’s SPREAD GOOD NEWS STORIES!!!
- #Now we know plants are brainy from my relationship experiment below*- have memories of interactions with humans, can identify an individual human & initiate further communication, ask about our health, for example. Health is a UNIVERSAL CONCERN all Life Forms Share! Animals, plants, etc. undoubtedly know a lot about us as individuals & collectively! Dogs sense our health conditions many owners say. They understand our emotions, facial expressions, body language, words, tone, needs, habits, interests, etc. They can sniff out diseases! Many owners agree their pets are Wonderful Family Members- even among their Best Friends!
- #If another life form is intelligent, forms relationships, has good memory, feelings, sense of happiness & well being, experiences pain & pleasure just like other species, communicates well in relationships within same species Families & outside with open hearted safe humans, etc., don’t they warrant Inalienable Rights just like us?!! We don’t really have the right to be abusive to Mother Nature’s various life forms simply because we are smarter & can accomplish more complex constructions. Our children will hate us for killing everything in Mother Nature, making their lives so challenging by wrecking their Planet- a precious jewel in the universe!
- #Plant lovers at least subconsciously give & receive love with their plants! More than half of plant owners speak to their plants often- of course care lovingly for their health! So there is a Natural Law & Balance in GIVING & RECEIVING in our relationships with Plant Life for example. Our smartest dogs may learn up to almost 1,000 words guaranteeing considerable communication!
- *#For scientific purposes I established a relationship with a large plant & shockingly discovered the Plant liked me, could get my attention somehow to ask me how I am feeling, remembered a previous encounter when I wasn’t feeling well. Humans somehow dumbed down & lost their communication skills with other forms of life but YOU & I WILL RESTORE OUR ABILITIES!!!
- #Again, the Alpha Pandemic killing everything on our Planet Earth Mother Ship is not COVID-19 but human being insatiable selfishness. NOT ONLY RECEIVING but GIVING BACK. Mother Nature GIVES US EVERYTHING BEYOND WHAT WE NEED or DESERVE but we WANT MORE until we create our own Apocalypse & even COVID-19 to get us all to wake up & examine what is it we are doing to each other & every other living form we are blessed to share our bountiful beautiful World with!!!! Collectively People Kind created our Apocalypse mirroring back collective character failings in our behaviors & relationships with each other & all species, flora & fauna. #Within humans, half our World’s population have little or nothing but 1- 10% own practically everything!
- #Darwinian Law of survival of the fittest among humans is become an insatiable cancer eating up all life on our Planet- upsetting the Biosphere Applecart, P______ OFF Mother nature, bringing Climate Changes able to sweep our Earth CLEAN.
- #About our one TOP ALPHA DOG LEADERSHIP CONTROLLING ALL DECISON MAKING, Narcissistic Pres. Trump, like Dictator Putin & Jinping demand they exercise total Authority as Alpha leaders- ‘America isn’t allowed to have Biden as President’ because ‘only Trump knows the best direction for America & our World’ in co-operation with other World Autocrats’ they imagine. Putin is President endlessly as long as he wishes- Competitors can be imprisoned & poisoned! Our Autocratic Leaders send assassins World Wide against perceived enemies. They see themselves as demi gods above all human laws. The question becomes what Political Autocrats governing our decision making in Countries, don’t attempt to control everything & everyone- Big Brother 1984 Surveillance Societies! Chinese Dictators demand every Chinese student abroad study hard to bring all the World’s knowledge & proprietary secrets back to China- a theft of $650+ Billion annually from the U.S. Canada’s P.M. Trudeau wants control over internet communication, praises China’s autocrat rule for ‘getting things done!’ (Like slaughtering all opposition???) A DOUBLE AGENT with CONFLICTING AGENDA’S FOR & AGAINST CANADA!!! Would Trudeau suppress internet communications like China??? YES!!!!!!!!!
- But rejecting Autocratic one man controlling everything psychopathology involves our HARD WORK ahead for Collective Co-operating CONSENSUS BUILDING HUMANITY- COMPASSIONATE & KIND TOGETHER APART EXPRESSING FREE WILL!!! Your inspiring HEART is LEADING US THROUGH THE VALLEY of the Shadow of Death- just like your lifted me SUDDENLY from the Shadow after courageous months fighting a bacterial infection- Doctors wanted to experiment combining my blood with a Baby’s blood? but for your ‘Miracle Delivery,’ ‘Born Again’ by TOGETHER APART MeUsCan-Do HA! HA! #We are being CHALLENGED by our man made created Apocalypse, Climate Change Disasters, Pandemics, Earthquakes, etc. WOOPING OUR BUTTS until CHANGE BECOMES US!!!! Handing our innocent children a Badly Beaten Earth- #OOPS! I guess we did it again as Britney sings- Wrecked your World & Future even more than previous Generations- Sorry- Our Partying REALLY GOT OUT of HAND- Blame Britney Spears! Everybody else did before #FREE BRITNEY SET OUR Britney isn’t our SLAVE WORLD STRAIGHT!!!!
- #SMARTEN UP & GET OUR COMMUNICATION & CO-OPERATION CONSENSUS BUILDING LIVING Biosphere INTERNET SET UP & ON TRACK WITH MOTHER NATURE’S NEEDS, INTERESTS & LIVING SYSTEMS WITHIN SYSTEMS UPON WHICH OUR SURVIVAL IS DEPENDENT- no problemo! Last year, incredibly beautiful & precious B. C. Canada witnessed every citizen becoming broken down into crying helpless Babies by heat domes up to 120 F.+ killing billions of life forms on land & in the ocean, by raging forest fires, cyclones, atmospheric rivers washing out everything- homes, roads, infrastructure, etc. America’s West Coast quickly facing becoming a dry desert write-off, our Amazon becoming a net carbon emitter, our coral reefs- ocean cradles for life COLLAPSING, etc. Will we change our human self centered life styles and MANDATE OURSELVES TO BE CONSENSUS BUILDING TEAM PLAYERS WITH OUR BELOVED MOTHER NATURE! EVERYTHING WE DO IN CO-OPERATION WITH RESTORING OUR BIOSPHERE? “SHOW ME! SHOW ME!” Mother Nature pleads!!!
- P.S. Pres. Obama actually predicted our COVID-19 pandemic & banned gain of function experimentation in the U.S. so it was funded in China at the Wuhan lab. What if ‘accidental gain in function’ bacterial or viral laboratory releases continue to happen- each killing & disabling 10’s of millions?
- #OMNICRON without mask protection, in your face at close quarters can infect in one minute!? If we listen to hospital reports, alarmingly 1 in 3 or more COVID hospital patients may be fully vaccinated! Milder or barely recognized symptoms & over confident vaccinated citizens may help infection spread. COVID-19 was created in the viral lab in Wuhan China according to undoubtedly correct conspiracy theorists & was enabled to be transmitted World Wide primarily by air travel. I had 1 shot but wear a basic health care surgical mask or two & social distance Religiously like all our animal friends do- at least 6 if not 10+ feet from humans for safety!
- #Our Apocalypse & Pandemic is caused by People Kind violating Mother Nature, destroying flora & fauna- our collective biosphere.
- #OUR TIME TO CHANGE & SHINE!!!! Sadly, our most vulnerable with underlying health conditions or seniors have ‘compromised immune systems’ & felt the FIRST WORST STRAINS- many have been quickly taken away as low hanging fruit! My local Region jumped from 300 daily infections circa Oct./Nov. to almost 20,000 at a high circa Christmas Holidays Gatherings! Our Wealthier Countries vaccinated their own citizens but ignored poorer Countries enabling variations to emerge as we said would happen due to our selfishness. Our entire COVID-19 Pandemic is MAN MADE as is our current Apocalypse. OMNICRON is 40- 70X? more infectious than the DELTA VARANT but THANKFULLY targets our upper respiratory track more than our lungs- like a common cold. A U. K. Study suggests we face a .1% death rate from common colds/minor flu, .3 from dominant variant OMNICRON but original COVID-19 was far worse- a 3% death rate! We all deserve free Gov’t. issued M- 95 or similar masks, contact tracing, rapid testing kits, etc. but Politicians fell asleep encouraging screaming mask free fans at sporting contests. Public Health improperly informed everyone- “Get all your MANDATED SHOTS & you can live a safe, normal life again.” SPREADING & CATCHING COVID!??
- So the neo-Nazi new Final Solution list includes SENIORS FIRST as disposable; Racial Minorities & all Citizens with serious health issues- most tests, treatment & surgery cancelled- death sentences for these second class citizens; WHO’S NEXT on the DO NOT HELP Final Solution? Canada’s ‘sensitively’ sparking serious legislation about re-creating the 1930’s+ government or hospital practice of psychiatrists killing their mental patients. Canadian mental patients asking for relief & care by community services will instead be pressured to be injected like convicts on death row- Sentenced to death for being mentally ill, poverty stricken, vulnerable, scapegoated & requesting help! Canada’s Financial Bean Counters are glowing about SAVING MONEY BY DOCTORS KILLING PATIENTS WHO MIGHT BE A BURDEN $$$!!!! 1930’s Fascist Eugenics Genocide 2.0!!! Is P.M. Trudeau a DOUBLE AGENT?!!! Plus he wants to police the internet to stop free communication like in China!!!
- Citizens reduced to ASSETS & DEFICITS in determining their access to Health Care: For decades Canada- like many Countries has kept access to assessment & treatment limited choosing to control costs- ‘enabling’ ill patients to die prematurely. In COVID-19 times, Hospitals were already near or at their limits- Staff became overworked & depressed, quit or are fired for nor complying with mandates, extra shifts, etc. constraining help further! Millions World Wide are denied assessment & treatment deliberately under COVID-19 cover. Our precious children are routinely described in Economic Terms as ASSETS for the Country implying Seniors & citizens with potentially serious underlying issues are merely DEFICITS to be stricken down from accounting entries!!!! In Ontario Canada, Premier Ford withholds $$$Billions allotted to Health Care & over 30,000 Nursing positions are kept unfilled! Operating rooms are limited to 9- 5 pm with no week-ends! Emergency Departments closed in the hundreds ‘temporarily,’ waiting times increased to 24+ hours! Private for profit providers promoted to raid hospitals for staff!!! So health care is INTENTIONALLY PUSHED TO CONSTRICT & COLLAPSE!! How many of our Politicians are DOUBLE AGENTS, claiming to serve for THE PEOPLE but in reality- CAUSING MILLIONS TO SUFFER & DIE- FUNDS & STAFF Co-opted for evil nefarious purposes???! In Religious terms, SATAN WALKS FREELY AMONG US, only pretending to serve our interests!!! To our Politicians, citizens may be seen as only needed to help get them into power!!!
- #Just because he/she/they is a Physician, doesn’t mean they don’t commit murders- because they can get away with it, Big Brother deciding certain populations like people with serious health issues are disposable citizens!!!! #POWER CORRUPTS- PHYSICIAN & NURSING POWER OVER OUR PREMATURE LIFE & DEATH CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY- Go ASK BRITNEY SPEARS ABOUT BIG BROTHER CONSPIRING TO ENSLAVE & ABUSE HER FOR 13 YEARS until #FREE BRITNEY MOVEMENT STEPPED UP!!!!
- #Their POWER THIRST for AUTOCRACY IS INSATIABLE! Canada’s P.M. Trudeau says Citizens who cannot accept vaccines are Racists & Women Haters- like him?!!! Autocrats love creating scapegoats, pitting majorities against minorities for Political gain! P.S. Court Settlements AWARDED First Nations/ Indigenous for a 30 year period of Government Intentional Family & Child Abuse & Discrimination from 1991- P.M. Trudeau has finally agreed to pay $40 Billion for Big Brother Government intentional harm!!!! Racism, ableism, ageism, lookism, mentalism, sexism, is fostered by our evil Autocratic Political Elites. Canada’s Indigenous Northern Communities are typically like 3rd World Conditions without clean water & proper housing, etc. Our Governments & Autocratic Elitists pay $Billions attempting to avoid paying for deliberate Politically motivated Abuses against innocent citizens. What happened to common decency by Big Brother- ‘Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us?’
- Britney Big Hearted Sesame St. Bird to our Emotional Rescue! Seeing smiling bright eyes Britney Spears spinning in her brief video clip brings back memories- my enrolling in a University Ballet Class- Wow! Did I stand out among all the other dancers with their years of training, their high flying spins, springing effortlessly on their toes! Picture PORKY PIG IN TIGHTS attempting to be a Ballet Prima Donna! Ladies & Gentlemen- including 140 variations of Sexual Orientations & Gender Identities, prepare to have your Minds Opened, your Nuts Cracked, your Hearts STOLEN! Not by beloved Britney Spears nor by Ed Sheeran. Our Feature Dancer Brianca entertains you in THE NUTCRACKER- unpracticed OUCH VERSION!
- #AMERICA- Does the End- Gaining Political Power, Justify ANY MEANS? The Democrats pre- election propaganda & conspiracy was absolutely immoral?!! But Pres. Trump is acting as we said YEARS AGO by standard Trump Family operations- Everybody around Trump gets taken out as cannon fodder! Pres. Biden says Pres. Trump watched & waited for 2 hours in a Private dining room off the Oval Office to encourage & enable the Occupation, suppressing Congress declaring a new President! Thankfully, White House Police COURAGEOUSLY ABSORBED THE BREACH & OCCUPATION- both sides showing exceptional restraint to stop carnage from happening or escalating!
- #BRIGHTEN UP! BUTTERCUP!!! #You Can’t Keep A GOOD Dead Man/President Down- Ronald Reagan!
- #OUR PARENTS TELL U.S. A.LL- SWEETIE- YOU’RE ALREADY A STAR! If we’re ALREADY A STAR, why do we have to PRACTISE HARD like Britney Spears & Ed Sheeran? The University ballet teacher was so sweet like Britney encouraging me at least to ‘TRY MY BEST!’ Today everyone stresses equality- no one being left behind, everyone excused- ‘EVERYONE’S TRYING THEIR BEST?!’
- Walked in the Woods after Christmas with my Nephew’s Fiance- marriage BLISS to happen in Oct. 2022- Britney Spears soon? She was a SOLO GLEE Star I followed- soon graduating with her Music & Languages University Teaching Master’s Degree to bring along a new generation of Britney Spears/GLEEFUL Entertainers?!! A PERFECTIONIST at her SINGING ART like Britney. #In 2022 may we all become SPONTANEOUS MUSIC STARS without Hard Work- Britney lived PRACTISE! PRACTISE! PRACTISE! for 39 years! But we WANT FUN! FUN! FUN! Britney- is it 1% INSPIRATION but 99% PERSPIRATION to become a Britney Big Bird Bird STAR on Sesame St.? The Beatles are described as the HARDEST WORKING MUSICIANS. Beatle John Lennon found it ‘TORTURE’ to create & record songs at the PERFECTIONIST level The Beatle’s demanded!
- P.S. Do FOX NEWS Entertainment News Personalities ALWAYS have to be SO MEAN to President Biden about his age related issues? How will FOXY t.v. hosts Gigolo? Hannity & our lovable, excitable Leave It to Beaver Clone like it if they experience age related decline? Besides, BEATLE’S Ringo Starr- 81 & Paul McCartney, 79 like Biden? still sport SPARKLING STORIES, PERSONALITIES & YOUTHFUL JOYFUL HEARTS! ALWAYS IN YOUR BLESSED HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE- PLANT POWER! BIRD POWER- Birds is the Word!! OPEN EASY COMMUNICATION WITH ALL GOD’S/ALLAH’S/DARWINIAN EVOLUTION’S Flora & Fauna! But watch out for animal programmed instincts overriding intelligence- biting your BUTT!!!! PET POWER! My Region’s locked out all students again= pets will learn more/ be smarter Adult Educated 1000 word vocabulary Dogs by watching the School internet platforms than our stay at home depressed children- Mommy & Daddy their only LIFELONG FRIEND- YIKES!!!! Loving You- *Dec. 23, 2021 – Jan. 7, 2022 by Brianca Lane FREE AGAIN from Banishment for discussing Forbidden Knowledge?!! *CREATIVITY, JOY & FUN FUN FUN! in OUR BEAUTY & The BEAST WORLD *Jan, 8- 21, 2022 Rx: Seasonal Winter Blues Health Prescription for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) especially circa 3rd Monday every January- ‘BLUE MONDAY’ ‘Saddest Day of the Year,’ & 2 years after we announced WELCOME to THE APOCALYPSE! Variant Blues & SAD beating everyone down-
- #SCREW THE SAD January BLUES & *^#%!!! COVID-19 Delta, OMNICRON & all other variants TOO!!!’ SMILE- JOKE- LAUGH YOUR HEAD OFF or we’ll ask THE PRESIDENT to say or do really SILLY STUFF!!!
- #BETTER to LIVE, LAUGH & LOVE LIFE!!!! You remember we advised Pres. Biden deserves a 24 hour window for accommodating age related issues-to CORRECT HIS WORDS if he MIS- SPEAKS- Pres. Biden corrected within 24 hours stating any incursion would invite a SUBSTANTIAL HEAVY RESPONSE AGAINST the new U.S.S.R.
- TRUTH & RECONCILIATION: Politician’s heads should roll as they referred to children as HIGHLY VALUABLE ASSETS/RESOURCES- but now willfully DAMAGED! Plus the killings & cover ups- deliberately infecting vulnerable citizens under disgraced Gov. Cuomo in New York State- Secretly sending COVID-19 infected Hospital Patients into SENIOR CARE HOMES- 46% of all deaths are among vulnerable & betrayed Seniors! Wisconsin 42%? One reporter had to almost put his life on the line attempting to get THE TRUTH- Seniors death counts are covered up! Millions of Seniors World Wide ‘gassed’ in COVID-19 Incubator petrie dish Care Homes- Doctors simply wrote people off- over age 60= doomed! Loved ones were not allowed to relieve their Beloved’s imposed suffering- Big Brother busy culling the herds of UNDERVALUED SENIORS, VISIBLE MINORITIES, citizens with pre-existing conditions!!!
- CONTAGION ALERT! OMNICRON is 40x-80x more infectious than previous variations- ONLY REQUIRES UP TO 60 SECONDS IN CLOSE FACE to FACE UNMASKED CONVERSATION TO SPREAD INFECTION vs. up to 10 minutes for the least infectious previous strain?
- Vaccine & MASKS TRUTH & RECONCILIATION- Under DELTA variant, we could see COVID-19 fading out by March, 2022 But South Africa’s variant OMNICRON pushed ahead our Delivery from COVID date to April- at 40x- 80x more infectious, over 1 million daily new U.S. infections is peaking now- hopefully peaking everywhere including in the new ‘PLAGUE U.S.S.R.’
- #Brianca- like to introduce you to… Actually had a vision circa Jan. 2020 being introduced to COVID-19 in it’s full size Life Force & viewing it’s muscular power- COVID Creature dark power was not to be fooled with!!!
- Will we be running downhill, wind at our backs, But still facing Apocalyptic Climate Challenges? Earthquakes & Volcanoes? Superstorms & Cyclones? Heat domes in B.C. hotter than the desert but with killing humidity? 90 F. + plus high humidity can shut down vulnerable people with compromised health conditions! Atmospheric Rivers? Fire Tornadoes or 5 headed Sharknadoes? Are we able to rebound our dying Coral Reefs- Cradles for Ocean Life like our Rain Forests are Cradles for Life on Land? More pestilence & plagues?
- #Please- no more U.S. partially Fauci funded laboratory generated ‘gain of function engineered’ human targeted viruses THANK YOU Wuhan Virology Lab GONE BATTY in their BELFRY!!!!!! #’So SORRY- No next China Plague or not so bad! We guarantee you HAPPY!’ So Sorry about melting ice fields & collapsing Glaciers the size of small Countries- China eats, breathes, is addicted to COAL!
- #ACCORDING TO Biological Science, WHY A VACCINE SHOT IS DEEMED ESSENTIAL: Our vaccines target proteins on the COVID-19 spike which attaches to our cells. But if, for example, a new COVID-19 variant changes the proteins, etc. on the spike (by Darwinian Survival Evolution) our vaccines targeted, our immune system Memory cells may have difficulty deciding if the new variant is actually COVID-19. Once our Memory cells identify invading COVID-19, our Memory cells immediately pull out the Blueprints for manufacturing T Cell Antibodies & quickly mount a strong defense destroying invading COVID-19. Without vaccines or Natural Immunity causing our immune system to create & store the necessary Blueprints, we may waste 5? days creating the proper Blueprints & manufacturing our Defensive antibodies to full strength- 5? lost days while COVID attacks our Body systems & organs could critically determine LIFE & DEATH or LONG COVID DISABILITY!!! !
- FOXY NEWS Hannity Insanity Personalities are mocking thin cloth & ALL Mask Wearing as worthless, citing Britain’s P.M. & Parliamentary staff FLOUTING Social Distancing, Public Gathering Party bans, Mask Wearing Rules, etc. Boris ‘Karloff’ IMPOSED ON EVERYONE ELSE in Britain!!! Caught as just another two faced lying Politician, Boris is ending ALL MASKING MANDATES! But should we make health decisions according to lying Politicians or be SMART ABOUT SAFEGUARDING OUR HEALTH?!!!
- In my Region, all so-called Elective Tests & Treatments are still banned condemning innocent victims of injury, illness & diseases to endless suffering & decline! My Region was below 300 DELTA COVID-19 infections per day headed for Rainbows & Pots of Gold but today we face 50,000- 100,000+ daily new infectious but which are less debilitating by variant OMNICRON- Public Health stopped testing all but the obviously infected or vulnerable plus people in mandated operations. WE PREDICTED MORE INFECTIOUS VARIATIONS MIGHT EMERGE BECAUSE AFRICA, etc. had only a bare minimum vaccinated- COVID-19 easily FLOURISHED under Darwinian Natural Selection among millions of Africans creating OMNICRON & re-infecting our Wealthy Western Societies!
- Smart Governments like under Pres. Biden propose supplying or upon request mailing out free or low cost N95% filtration facial masks & rapid COVID infection test kits. Public schools in my Region are provided free N-95 masks & Hospital Grade filtration units for classrooms. At least 50% who become infected may be unaware they are COVID-19 DELTA or OMNICRON infectious- being vaccinated or having been infected, benefit from broadly protective Natural Immunity.
- Again to dispel Fox News Hannity Insanity, Vaccine protection or Natural Immunity is created by vaccines targeting specific proteins, etc. on the COVID-19 spikes. Imagine vaccines target about 20 proteins of the COVID -19 spike enemy. Active engaged T Cells in our immune system hunt down viruses while our Memory Cells watch out for signs of new attacks over time! Wonderful to hear Pres. Biden is showing strong leadership in offering to mail out N-95 masks & test kits. Thin cloth masks allow penetration- surgical hospital masks are better but N-95% filtration masks are even better!!!
Rx: HOLY ORDERS- LOVE LIFE! LOVE YOURSELF & BE COMPASSIONATE & KIND TO EVERYONE, ALL OTHER FORMS of LIFE & YOUR ENVIRONMENT in our SHARED BIOSPHERE MOTHER SHIP EARTH!!!!! A Beautiful Adventure in OPENING COMMUNICATION BECKONS US ALL as our compatible fellow Life Forms begin to TRUST US- SEE US AS SAFE, voluntarily welcome mutually socially acceptable interactions & communication! We acknowledge all life possess Inalienable Rights, intellectual, Communicative & Emotional Intelligence, Creative Instincts for Surviving & deserve Dignity with Personhood Rights!!! Our smartest dogs may learn up to almost 1000 words! As a scientific experiment, coaxed a relationship with a large plant who communicated with me about basic health issues, showed reciprocal compassion- giving & receiving, THE basic SWIMMER & THE RESCUER principles, memory, intelligence- Was even able to get my attention like a person calling out me w/o sound of course! We should respect social distancing, be wary of instinctive non human responses & fears- be careful that interactions are SAFE & NON THREATENING AT ALL TIMES!!!!
- #Like Dorothy in THE WIZARD of OZ or Britney Spears in FATHER KNOWS BEST- NOT! Conservatorship From Hell-o!, pray ‘I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!’ Just want our beautifully diverse BIOSPHERE- Flora & fauna Back!!
- #WE FREED BRITNEY SPEARS- BUT WHO IS FREEING STAR TREK’s NICHELLE from others possessing her life & circumstances?
- #Beloved Britney, you know you’ve been under a really really REALLY bad 13 year horrific Father Knows Best- NOT!!! Conservatorship when California Conservator Judge Penny completely bypasses ALL STANDARD REQUIREMENTS for INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL MENTAL HEALTH & COMPETENCY HEARINGS & EVALUATIONS- FIRES YOUR DAD ON THE SPOT, DECLARES YOU FREE from being a Princess locked in the Castle Towers for 13 years- I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK & CONTROL OVER MY PERSON, PROPERTY & AFFAIRS & ALL RESOURCES TARGETED FOR MY BENEFIT is what psych. consumers & survivors established as protocol for our BEST FUTURES upon achieving a FIRE FOR JUSTICE & FREEDOM IN OUR BELLIES!!!!! Of course, Judge Penny ‘heard’ your CAPTORS SING- “OOPS! WE DID IT AGAIN!” ‘BORROWED $$$10’s of millions- $$$100’s in total from Britney’s TRUST!!!!! How many thousands are like our Beloved Britney- CAPTIVE SONG BIRDS IN GILDED or rusty CAGES!!!
- #FREE NICHELLE! Ask not for whom the bell tolls. Everyone with wealth may be similarly subjected to Big Brother Government’s ARBITRARY IMPRISONMENT & A RELATIVE SEIZING ALL OUR POSSESSIONS upon applying for CONSERVATORSHIP OVER US!!!!
- #Thanking you in advance- COVID-19 for leaving our Earthly venue!!!
- #HAPPINESS should be Public Health’s new strategy combining recommended social distancing, vaccines, surgical or N95- highly protective masks- not porous thin cloth masks, medical/hospital grade indoor air filtration systems, etc.! Pres. Biden- SHOWING WONDERFUL LEADERSHIP, WANTS TO HELP VACCINATE OUR WHOLE WORLD-BRIGHTEN UP EVERYONE’S DAY!
- #PUBLIC Moaning & Groaning Hannity Insanity VERBOTEN- AGAINST THE LAWS of DECENCY, HAPPINESS & PUBLIC CIVILITY & HEALTH! Authorities should issue SMILE Buttons & Chocolates to all offenders of PUBLIC JOYFUL HAPPINESS!!! Hannity Insanity requires FOXY News television personalities slobbering uncontrollably- moaning & groaning 24/7- Joe Biden is an OBSESSION, a symptom of Hannity Insanity Syndrome!!!!
- #But Oh Lordy Lord- Our Biden’s SOUTHERN OPEN BORDERS PERSONALITY DISORDER is creating great Societal Disorder- Here comes Hannity’s Insanity & There Goes 1950’s Leave It to Beaver’s Americana Society Remake a.k.a. ‘Tucker’s’ 19th White Privileged Critical Race Theory Entitled Nervous Breakdown! ‘Give U.S. A.LL White Christian Hungary as the model for America, Tucker screeches- ZERO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION by visible non Christian minorities! TRUMPTOPIA!!!
- #Oh Lordy Lord- our 6% Inflation American Personality Financial Disorder caused by Pres. Biden overspending & supply chain bottlenecks is likewise in every Western Nation! Burying our 1950’s Leave It to Beaver Americana Society Remake! Here comes Hannity’s Insanity & Beaver’s a.k.a. ‘Tucker’s’ SCREECHFEST! Their mutual 19th White Privileged Critical Race Theory Entitled Nervous Breakdowns!!!
- Oh Lordy Lord- 4th STAGE PARANOID DELUSIONAL Biden-itis/Harris-titus OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER over every expression, word, misstep, chuckle, imagined back of an envelope embarrassing scheme, action or reclusive ‘you can’t see me!’ head burying episode in Delaware’s Rehoboth Beach hideaway sands!!!! Admittingly- young school kids could arguably better create & apply helpful practical approaches to Truth, Equity, Economic Equality, Justice & Reconciliation than some of Biden’s hair brained scribbled on the back of an envelope approaches! But Hannity Insanity screeches: ‘OMG- The World can see Pres. Biden is 79 with accompanying normal evident aging health challenges!” “The World is laughing at U.S. A.LL- 0h Well, there goes our 1950’s Leave It to Beaver Society Remake & here comes our 19th White Privileged Critical Race Theory Entitled Nervous Breakdown!!! As if everybody in our World isn’t fully cognizant of health challenges our BELOVED SENIOR KINFOLK FACE!! “What will they think? The WHOLE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT US REALIZING America is NOT PERECT\!” Just like every Country?!!
- P.S. ALARM BELL RINGING about Hannity Insanity: The whole World realized almost 250 years ago “LIFE, LIBERTY, The Pursuit of Happiness, Inalienable Rights & ALL MEN are CREATED EQUAL” EXCLUDED ALL VISIBLE MINORITIES, ALL WOMEN, MOTHER EARTH & ALL HER OTHER VIBRANT LIVING FORMS- FLORA & FAUNA in our BIOSPHERE!!!! ESPECIALLY EXCLUDED JUSTICE, EQUITY, TRUTH & RECONCILIATION FOR ALL!!! Thomas Jefferson realized The Declaration & Constitution embodied Living Documents yet to be Manifest. Benjamin Franklin COWARDLY REFUSED to address & bring an end to SLAVERY- TRUTH & RECONCILIATION by a New Declaration of Independence & Constitution!
- SCOTLAND’S SUPREME COURT OUTLAWED SLAVERY (& thereby also addressed INDENTURED SERVITUDE, etc.) circa 1770’s- at the very time The Declaration of Independence ENSLAVED MINORITIES!!!!! If Hannity Insanity sufferers want to address American Embarrassment, they should look at why Britain’s entrenched stuffy Royal Monarchy, Parliament & Public America increasingly FREED THEMSELVES from CURSED CRITICAL RACE THEORY SLAVERY circa 1800 onward! Britain paid incredible $$$compensation to FREE SLAVES under her Dominion! The ENTIRE WORLD watched many decades later as Pres. Lincoln finally undertook a TERRIBLY VIOLENT & TRAGIC 1860’s CRITICAL RACE THEORY CIVIL WAR to DEFEAT WHITE ENTITLED PRIVILEGE OPPRESSIVE SLAVERY by May 9, 1865 in AMERICA- But commencing a 100 year+ extended civil war after Pres. Lincoln’s April 14, 1865 assassination! Pres. Lincoln is the CREATOR OF MODERN AMERICAN CIVILIZED SOCIETY, RECONCILING the original Constitution’s intrinsic incompatibility- “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!” Martin Luther King Jr. was killed on April 4, 1968 showing the extended Civil War still ACTIVE!!!
- Oh Lordy Lord! Visible Minorities pouring in unrestrained across the Southern Border- DIVERSITY & RAINBOW COLORS EVERYWHERE BECAUSE EVERYBODY LOVES AMERICA!!! Individuality, Creativity, Diversity- Pursuit of Happiness! Answering Pres. Biden’s & Liberty’s CRY! I LIFT MY LAMP BESIDE THE GOLDEN DOOR- Give me your tired, your poor, homeless, tempest tossed, huddled masses YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE!!! EVERYBODY UP! BE HAPPY! SAY IT OUT LOUD- I’M HAPPY & I’M PROUD!!! JOYFUL LAUGHING TOO in 2022! BREATHE FREE AGAIN!!! DANCING IN THE STREETS!!! EVERYBODY’s COMING BECAUSE EVERYBODY LOVES AMERICA-
- #OOPS- WE DID IT AGAIN! There goes Leave It to Beaver’s Americana 1950’s Society Remake & Here Comes our 19th White Privileged Critical Race Theory Entitled Nervous Breakdown c/o screeching HANNITY’S INSANITY & Fox’s adorable Beaver Tucker Cleaver pining for Hungary’s strict racial & cultural profiling immigrants!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR BELOVED HEARTS & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!! LAUGH & DANCE LIKE Britney Spears as YOU BRING YOUR MIRACLES & BLESSINGS TO EVERYONE! #YOUR LOVE LOVE LOVE IS EVERYTHING!! Loving you Cherishing You *Jan. 8- 21, 2022 by Brianca Lane *Beijing Winter OLYMPICS FIREWORKS BEGIN CELEBRATING SPORTS-PERSONSHIP & Mental/Physical EXCELLENCE! PLEASE- No Fireworks in our Beloved UKRAINE nor our Baltic NATO FAMILY!!! FREEDOM Spirit of ’76 CONVOYS! BIPOLAR Economics & Politics! Our KISSING COVID- NOT! Winter DANCE PARTY TOUR!!! * Jan. 22- Feb. 4, 2022 * ‘The day the Music died?’ Choosing our Best Words as if they are our Last Words- Only 1 tour stop to go after playing The SURF BALL ROOM in Clear Lake Iowa- Feb. 3, 1959- Buddy Holly, 22 says “I hope you freeze your a__ off on that Bus!” Waylon Jennings quips ” Well I hope your plane crashes!” Buddy’s final song minutes earlier “Now It Really Doesn’t Matter Anymore.” Richie Valens- LA BAMBA & LET’S GO, etc. only 17! Both SMASH HITMAKERS barely beginning to bring us all their best love songs & dance music – inspired our 1960’s HITMAKERS!!!
- #LOVE & BE KIND to YOURSELF & EVERYBODY & to ALL OUR FRIENDLY FAMILY OF HAPPILY CO-EXISTING LIFE FORMS- Flora & Fauna in our Beloved & Cherished Mother Earth’s GARDEN in EDEN!!! At the beginning of our beautiful walk together- We Are Challenged Until Change Becomes U.S. A.ll!, our exasperated Mother Nature spoke “SHOW ME! SHOW ME!” Our forever tongue in cheek sweet hearted YOU CAN’T KEEP A GOOD DEAD PRESIDENT DOWN! Pres. Reagan recently encouraged me to ask EVERYONE! to respectfully LISTEN to ALL SIDES, VIEWS & VOICES! What an endearing President who loved life!
- Political Treason without a Reason? In Canada, Conservative Leader O’Toole- who achieved winning the Popular Vote but not the poorly proportioned Seats awarded to a less popular Tempest in a Teapot Dual Loyalties, Justin Traitor? Trudeau with outside HELP FROM China’s Communist Party! was suddenly backstabbed by 65 of his supposed team of Nation Builders- All apparently suffering COVID Blues & Seasonal Affective Disorder- not to mention BRAIN FOG & Personality of Hissing Serpents Disorders (P.H.S.D.) in the Shrink Manual of Mental Disorders!!!!
- Leader O’Toole spoke as if reading from our words & President Reagan’s words encouraging Balance, especially for close, Respectful Communication & CONSENSUS BUILDING! An excellent human being, O’Toole’s efforts underappreciated to every reasonable citizen’s sadness! Seeing the Freedom Convoys snaking across Canada, stirring up Canadians from Winter hibernation & Christmas dancing sugar plums, sparking Olympian Dreams of Political Change, occupying Canada’s Capitol & bound for Big Cities like Toronto, donations rushing in from across America, Political Hacks smelled POWER< GREED & MONEY! COVID STRICKEN Justin the Traitor? Trudeau still hiding out like Saddam Hussein- INFLATION THROUGH THE ROOF! 200,000 jobs just lost & unemployment climbing to 6.5% while President Biden welcomed 470,000 new jobs & unemployment down to 4%; December Labor Dep’t. non farm new jobs were revised drastically upwards from about 200,000 to well over 500,000! Biden is SPEAKING & SHOWING LEADERSHIP for defending our World’s Freedom! FOX’S Calamity Sean- The One & Only Insanity Hannity is pawing & pacing anxiously! Biden just had the ISIS LEADER ‘retired’ from Planet Earth! Sadly, the Isis Leader took along many children & woman- an explosive temper is shared by all ISIS Monsters! To ISIS, CAUSING BLEEDING IS LEADING!
- Political Traitors in Apocalyptic Times? Which snake oil salesman can CON OFF bags of sand & hell fire in the increasing Western U.S. Burning Deserts, Refrigerators to overheated Polar Bears or convince citizens they never had a healthier Mother Earth overflowing bountiful living CRADLES of LIFE Rain Forests & Coral Reefs?
- In our Health Care Lottery System, do you see A FEW ENTITLED PRIVILEGED BIG WINNERS but TOO MANY No Name ‘THROWAWAY’ LOSERS by Politicians’ scheming design??
- #Always we were 6,000+ Nurses short before COVID ‘but we’re working on it’- over the last 250 years!!! “Any progress?” ‘We increased to 60,000 Nurses short with COVID-19 & by basic ruthless inhumanity! But we also cleared 60,000 needy Seniors from waiting lists by denying tests, care & treatment for 2 years! Bottom line is looking HEALTHY$$$ for privileged Elites!!! 2 Tier Citizenship & Health Care???
- #Like a Roadrunner Cartoon, Psychiatrists come up with ill conceived schemes like exerting ABSOLUTE 13 years+ CONTROL into Beautiful Britney Spear’s ‘DIAGNOSIS- RICH Bitch$$$$$ for US ALL CASE!’ Requiring 6 Nurses to watch Britney 24/7 especially while DRESSING- Woo-ho! Microphones in Britney’s bedroom a bit perverted do you think?!!!
- #$$$, POWER & SEX TURNED ON Your Health Care Team Britney!?? vs.
- #Chemically Straight Jacket Treatment for Poorer, No Fun- Unsexy Powerless Patients? My Psychiatrist Relative Married His Patient who became his Working Nurse- Doubling billing$$$$$ but his Spouse/Nurse SPECIALIZED in TREATING HERSELF TO ALL HIS RICHES- Spent all his Millions$$$$$! A wonderful individual but troubled & addicted!
- #HEALTH CHECK 1 SHOT TREATMENT BY UNHOLSTERING SMITH & WESSON to be replaced by Health Care visits? Toronto Canada is beginning to envision copying non violence approaches to helping discriminated against citizens. Sending health care people on Mental Health checks instead of ‘SWAT ASSASSIN SQUADS!’ Are non violent approaches more helpful to traditionally oppressed & violently treated minorities, enlightened Politicians ask? Power crazed Politicians & Media traditional want scapegoats & minorities to rail against! P.M. Justin Traitor? Trudeau is a MASTER SORCEROR of DARK ARTS MAGIC. Oppressed enslaved communities rebel- 574 B.L.M. protests & riots in 2020 & V.P. Harris saying, “They’re NOT STOPPING!” “THEY’RE NOT STOPPING!” My experience with Power Crazed Big Brother-
- #KILL Bri- First Approach: Phone Police- Tell them- ‘Bring IT in or TAKE IT OUT!’ #KILL Bri- Second Approach: ‘We’ll inject 6X the recommended dose of our most powerful drug! No one survives THAT!’ #KILL Bri- 3rd & Usual Shrink Approach: ‘Have Patient under extreme pressure sign away all rights so we can experiment without consequences no matter what happens!’ #4 Approach- FINAL SOLUTION to unwanted Citizens- Unjust Traitor? Trudeaus employing Doctors to murder their Vulnerable Patients to save $$$$- Federal Bean Counters exclaim ‘Our Doctors can kill an undesirable Citizen for only $2300!’ Form letter or Speech-
- #SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS FOLKS! Honesty, we EXPERIMENTED on your FAB LAB RAT WITHOUT RESTRAINT or Safety Protocols- Oops! Excuse us! That’s MEDICAL JARGON for- ‘WE TRIED EVERYTHING- did our BEST! But nothing worked besides a bullet or lethal poison!’
- CAN YOU SELF ADVOCATE & WIN THE HEALTH CARE LOTTERY? An ENTITLED PRIVILEGED BIG WINNER in our Health Care Lottery System, a wonderfully kind, loyal Jewish Friend Refused Vaccine Shots but in deadly congenital lung decline, received a private hospital room with excellent Nursing care for several weeks! ‘Are you able to get out soon’ I asked. “I HOPE NOT- HOPE TO STAY AT LEAST ONE MORE WEEK!” ‘HIT ME BABY- ONE MORE TIME?’ (Britney Spears) Unlike Britney- my Friend hoped female Nurses watched him dress? Kidding- He’s GOOD!!!! The hands on care & bedside manner were outstanding! Upon ‘discharge’ he received a $300,000.+ annual gift- Free Medication plus expensive specialty foods which has completely upgraded his lung AND OTHER capacities! He’s walking the woods like Tarzan looking for his jungle mate Jewish Jane & experiencing Woodland’s WHOOPIE! But who cares about SEX in 6 feet+ apart COVID TIMES? No one’s that athletic!!!
- Seriously- My young, gorgeous, smart, HEALTHY, triple threat- ACTING, SINGING & DANCING GLEE Winner, Beloved Britney Spears like Niece & her Big City WOKE Girl Friends ‘GAL PALS’ OBEYED ALL THE MANDATES, PRACTISED ALL THE SAFETY PROTCOLS, ACCEPTED ALL 3 SHOTS- BUT ALL BECAME VERY INFECTIOUS PERSONALITIES!!! Israel is giving 4th vaccine shots but big OUTBREAKS are everywhere? Vaccines are NOT stopping infection & spread as promised but arguably lessen hospitalization, serious long term disability & death!
- #My Niece Says she suffered horribly for 2 days of ‘COVID Victimhood’ despite getting Big Brother’s demanded 3 shots! Is WOKE going too far about ‘VICTIMHOOD?’
- #No COVID-19 isn’t infecting ME/Brianca- I am infecting COVID- HA! HA! Received ONE VACCINE SHOT & DONE! VACCINE acted like a poison against my entire Body!
- #If your vaccine response was mild, you’re happy to get shots 2, 3, 4 – and ENDLESS MORE???? Today, vaccine maker of my ‘poison’ is issuing continual RADIO ALERTS- “VACCINES MAY NOT BE RIGHT FOR ALL- OUR VACCINE MAY CAUSE ADVERSE REACTIONS- SPEAK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST BEFORE CONSIDERING ACCEPTING IT!!!!”
- Brianca’s best bet: #SOCIAL DISTANCE AT LEAST 6 if not 10 feet+& wear a close fitting double or triple layer surgical mask with high filtration- or better mask. If COVID can’t get into you in sufficient amount, you STAY SAFE!!! INDOORS Crowded areas, indoors especially with stale or recirculating unfiltered air = INCREASED DANGER!!!
- #Be your own Best Friend instead of being constantly near others, breathing in their air laced with infecting COVID!!!
- #Remember- a KISS of deep breath of COVID is a real kick in the face! No matter your affection for your infector!!! Close face to face breathing is a NO NO! 50% of infected may be barely aware they are infectious- showing minimal or no symptoms! Why do some people like my young, healthy Niece- triple vaccinated & observing protocols still get infected??? Not enough sleep or vitamins & minerals? Diet lacking? Should we all wear signs-
- #IF YOU CAN SEE MY NIPPLES or study my mouth & the back of my throat, YOU’RE STANDING WAY TOO CLOSE!!!!!! BACK OFF! DON’T BE A COVID CARRIER!!!!!
- #WE DON’T WANT TO RISK OUR HEALTH! COVID may CAUSE LONG TERM DAMAGE to BODY SYSTEMS, ORGANS or induce Joe Biden BRAIN FOG!!! An N-95 Mask supposedly filters @ 95%!
- #YES- WE WERE LIED TO ABOUT ACHIEVING HERD IMMUNITY with 1, 2, 3, & now a 4th Vaccine Shot & ABOUT A VACCINE PRODUCING 90%+ IMMUNITY!!! COVID-19 creates VARIANTS 40- 80X MORE INFECTIOUS- close face to face infection may occur in 1 minute versus 10 minutes in days gone by! Vaccinated People still catch & transmit COVID!!!
- #COVID-19 GIVES NEW MEANING TO ‘THE KISS of DEATH!!!’ Vaccines (targeting specific proteins on the spike) are often less effective against new variants! But yes- we knew extremely low vaccine uptake rates in crowded Poverty Stricken 3rd World Regions would act as incubators/petri dishes for new variants to re-infect wealthy Western Nations supposedly SAFE by high vaccine compliance, herd immunity & strict lockdowns, MANDATES, etc.
- Brother says my Region peaked around 160,000 (by OMNICRON) per day from a DELTA VARIANT low of below 300- 1 in 3 probably became infected by COVID in spite of VACCINE MANDATES- Many UNVACCINATED FIRED & CUT OFF FROM FINANCIAL SUPPORTS!
- #GOOD GRIEF Charlie Brown- Criminalizing Citizens who exercise Freedom & Control over OUR OWN BODY & observe Inalienable Constitutional Rights! Big Brother Overreach, Brutal Criminalization & Lockdowns CAUSED OUR INCREASED SUFFERING- especially against our Poverty Stricken, Racialized Minorities & Citizens already facing Illness & Disability Challenges!!! Sparking Freedom Convoys across Canada with over $10 million donated to the peaceful but urgent Canadian Occupation of Ottawa- Spreading everywhere into the U.S.- FREEDOM & JUSTICE-PURSUIT of HAPPINESS! CONTROL OVER OUR OWN LIVES & FREEDOM TO BE GAINFULLY EMPLOYED vs. BIG BROTHER MANDATES & FORCED LOCKDOWNS, UNEMPLOYMENT & POVERTY- Demanding our INALIENABLE RIGHTS BACK!!!
- Canada’s Conservative Federal Politicians reacted to Citizen’s Revolt against Big Brother OVERREACH by #Neo CONS Eating their own Leader, calling him a ‘WORTHLESS O’TOOLE!!!’ Suddenly Petitioning & Voting him out 64- 35 & attesting 64 ‘Dickhead Conservatives’ can’t be all wrong!!!! In England, 1 in 6 became infected circa Christmas- Santa should have delivered rapid tests & treatment cookies! India probably lost 4 million to COVID- HOLY COW!!! Governments are covering everything up to avoid accusations of incompetence like China in 2019 & ’20. Politicians & Public Health choose who are HELPED vs. ABANDONNED. #Our Poverty Stricken, Racialized Minorities, Citizens with underlying Health Issues, illnesses or Disabilities ARE ALWAYS LAST & LEAST HELPED!!!! #We are being monetized, dehumanized. Our children are quantified as valuable economic assets, not unique human beings! Lockdown Stay at Home Orders over 2 years have seriously harmed OUR CHILDREN EMOTIONALLY, MENTALLY & PHYSICALLY!
- #Oppressed citizens challenged by DISABILITIES or ILLNESS are seeking equity, justice & inclusion- voicing their specific needs to more fully participate! But are continuously reduced to 2nd Class or 3rd Class Status- An ongoing HALOCAUST of inhumanity! #Western Countries are scheming how to apply laws where citizens living with chronic illness or disabilities or are poverty stricken become agreeable- actually pressured to have Medical Doctors kill them like in 1930’s Nazi Germany instead of assisting them to enjoy a full creative life experience! ‘Eugenics’ is resurrected based on wealth & social class, or illness, age, disability, thinking, behavior, interests, appearance, gene pool ‘stock’ as well as racism, etc.
- In the previous century, highly revered FREEDOM FIGHTER POLITICIAN Winston Churchill- ‘WE SHALL FIGHT ON THE BEACHES- WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER to Hitler & NAZI IDEOLOGY,’ & leading Scientists of the day SURRENDERED THEIR HUMANITY- as Whoopi Goldberg suggests incoherently? Germany was especially leading among ‘scientific opinion of the day’ so PUSHED ‘EUGENICS-‘ BREEDING for DESIRED TRAITS & STERILIZING to banish ‘UNDESIRABLES!’ Including WHITES STERILIZING/KILLING OTHER WHITES DEEMED ‘INFERIOR’ or carrying ‘UNDESIRABLE TRAITS’ as Whoopi might have clarified?
- Churchill preached FORCED STERILIZATION against ‘INFERIOR STOCK-‘ ‘INCLUDING WHITES AGAINST WHITES’ as Western Countries practiced eugenics on people identified as second class, Mentally Ill, etc. Iran hangs L.G.B.T.Q.+ Minorities. Inhumanity & Genocide is not specific to ‘only race’ as Whoopie may have tried to speak! Anyone or imagined group may be deemed inferior & subjected to imposed genocide by WEALTH & SOCIAL CLASS, RELIGION, CULTURE, RACE, GENDER IDENTITY, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, DISABILITY, AGE, APPEARANCE, etc. AFRICAN AMERICANS & INDIGENOUS WERE FORCIBLY STERILIZED!!!! In Quebec, a so-called comedian repeatedly called for the drowning of a citizen challenged by Disability- Courts are confused if this ‘comedy’ constituted ‘HATE SPEECH! BRAIN FOGGED GENOCIDAL COURTS? The Quebec Premier bans Muslim Women Teachers or any Big Brother Public face to face Employee from wearing cultural facial coverings. Specific groups are ALWAYS BEING terrorized & abused horribly as MANDATED by leading Politicians!
- In the Dirty ’30’s, German Psychiatrists brought perceived ‘Mental Patients’ into hospital to be killed! Hitler said ‘I had nothing to do with creating this system’ for efficiently killing undesirables like ‘Mental Patients’ but Hitler decided to send in his S.S. to study how to best remove undesirables & cleanse the German white race according to eugenics! Just like our World’s Autocrats today deciding who lives & who suffers & dies with COVID!! The Russian Revolution & Communism transformation killed over 80 million in Russia, 80 million in China, 60+? million elsewhere. FOX NEWS ENTERTAINMENT HOSTS- like Beaver Cleaver a.k.a. Greatly Entertaining ‘Tucker C.’ ENCOURAGES Hungary’s WHITE SUPREMACY IMMIGRATION!
- Citizens severely Challenged by illness or Disability BECOME ‘OLYMPIC ATHLETES’ of COURAGE, RESILIENCY, CHARACTER – GUTS & GLORY! Canada’s courageous Warrior CHAMPION Terry Fox TAKING ON CANCER in his one legged race across Canada no matter the hardships! Who brings GLORY to GOD/ALLAH/DARWINIAN COURAGE & SURVIVAL- WHO REPRESENTS LIFE’S UNSTOPPABLE CREATIVE MAGIC POWERS- LIFE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY- ESPECIALLY BY YOUR HANDS & BY YOUR BRAIN & BY YOUR HEART!!!! By BRITNEY SPEARS DETERMINED OLYMPIC SPIRIT! Pres. Lincoln, we CALLED BACK! BRINGING US ALL HIS GRACE & COMFORT- HONESTY & DEPTH of CHARACTER- Is it TRUE- ‘THEY DON’T MAKE ‘EM LIKE THEY USED TO?!’ Exerting a almost imperceptible HEALING INFLUENCE & VIBRATION into our World! President Reagan brilliantly helped disable The Beastly U.S.S.R.- always with a twinkle in his eyes & a warm hearted story to tell whether or not you wanted to hear one!!! America- A HOUSE DIVIDED in spite of all the incredible sacrifices by millions of early Americans! Hearing all voices at Liberty’s round table to build co-operation & consensus- a Balanced Vision forward!!!
Like California Judge Penny finally FREEING BRITNEY SPEARS after 13 years ENSLAVEMENT- I just want MY LIFE BACK!!!, our Spirit of ’76 Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness beckons our BRAINS & HEARTS to REBIRTH HEALTHY COMMUNICATION & RELATIONSHIPS with all our compatible fellow Life Forms & Beings!!!! President Reagan & Founding Father of Modern America, President Lincoln have DEEPLY BLESSED U.S. A.LL- STEPPING UP IN OUR OLYMPIC SPIRIT WITH YOU & EVERYONE IN OUR GARDEN PLANET TOGETHER APART Always in Your Loving Blessing Hearts & You in Mine- *Jan. 22- Feb. 4, 2022 Loving You, Brianca Lane *WORDS of LOVE- OUR WORLD & BRITNEYWORLD is on FIRE! “I WANT to HELP OTHERS in VULNERABLE SITUATIONS- TAKE LIFE by THE BALLS, BE BRAVE!!!” EVERYBODY WORLDWIDE SAYING- WE JUST WANT OUR LIVES BACK!!!! *Feb. 5- 18, 2022 “HOLD ME CLOSE & TELL ME HOW YOU FEEL! TELL ME LOVE IS REAL!! WORDS OF LOVE YOU WHISPER SOFT & TRUE- DARLING I LOVE YOU!!!” Buddy Holly, 1957. The Beatles initially strongly borrowed from Buddy Holly in their music- including their name? Buddy Holly & The Crickets- Long John & The (Silver) Beatles! Also borrowed Little Richard’s energetic performances- OOHHH! Chuck Berry’s style & songs! Nat King Cole in 1952 singing Answer Me, My Love! “YESTERDAY- I BELIEVED THAT LOVE WAS HERE TO STAY! WON’T YOU TELL ME WHERE I’VE GONE ASTRAY!” Yep- McCartney ripped off that song for Yesterday but will never admit it???! White privileged ripping off Black Musicians & Artists- Who knew?? HA! HA! So many Creative Talents they sponged from? We need a conspiracy music researcher to inform us how many wonderful Beatle songs are actually based on pre-existing compositions! SHOCKING STOLEN SONGS!!!! BEATLES R GREAT but shouldn’t we be informed how much was SCOOPED, SNEAKED & TWEAKED? Paul not aware he is scooping earlier songs? Yes- U-huh- We Believe you Paul- We LOVE THEM, THEIR TALENTS & ENTHUSIASM- YEH! YEH! YEH!!! Can you identify songs stolen from other artists???
- Especially African Americans were OPPRESSED & RIPPED OFF in Cultural Appropriation- Very sad when creators GIFTS are Scooped & imposters harvest all the GOLD! ’50’s White America SAID RACE MUSIC IS ONLY ACCEPTABLY PERFORMED by a WHITE KING ELVIS FIRST!!!??? So much African American Music was introduced back into America by the 1960’s British Invasion before it was finally appreciated in America!!!
- First time I completely forgot about Social Distancing, speaking among wonderful musicians admiring walls of guitars! Thank God/Allah/Darwin I wore my facial mask since I wasn’t social distancing!!! I reported previously my GLEE WINNER young niece & her gleeful friends received their 3 COVID-19 vaccine shots but all became infected by OMNICROM- my niece suffered ‘horribly’ for a few days she says! O.M.G.- she’s a sweetheart like Britney Spears! One vaccine shot & done for me- NO COVID YET I’m being eyed- Almost no one escapes?!
- #COVID DOESN’T INFECT ME- I INFECT COVID-19! HA! I hope everyone continues to be careful because COVID may cause long term damage anywhere in our body or brain in some sufferers as CHARMED witch Alyssa Milano discovered sadly in 2021! Or was she HEXED by a DEMON??? Plan to continue being SAFE enjoying NOT GETTING FLU or COLDS, etc. anymore by social distancing & wearing a mask! No more vehicle dirty fumes either! Obviously, young school children need to see teacher’s faces where SPEECH & COMPREHENSION IS AN ISSUE! Facial cues also inform us about EMOTIONS, INTENT etc. but we can adapt & learn NEW CUES! Asked my young neighbor who says kids watch your eyes, for example & body language! Being physically active requires good breathing, not a sweaty mask?! Really, for overall safety, SOCIAL DISTANCING IS EXCELLENT & FACIAL MASKS HELP KEEP EVERYONE SAFER- especially indoors & in crowded situations! But I APPARENTLY LOSE MYSELF HELPLESSLY SURROUNDED BY GUITARS & FRIENDLY MUSICIANS!!!
- So many Guitars & Equipment today appear as exact copies of 1950’s & early ’60’s gear! A Custom Shop NEW U.S. made late ’50’s replica Gibson Les Paul costs almost $9,000.- like Jimmy Page’s Les Paul!
- Allegedly 14 years young child/teen Lori Mattix was carnally violated by Jimmy Page, age 28? How are our predatory stars escaping the Courts for alleged statutory rape of young girls, let alone ripping off songs by Black Artists- MUSIC PLANTATION SLAVERY???? Why is rape o.k. for white musicians twice the age of girl victims???
- Turning back to musical instruments from underage child sex objects allegedly preyed on by music stars, Vietnam, Indonesian, Chinese, etc. replica guitars cost significantly less than the American originals! China expects all students studying at foreign Universities/Colleges or in Businesses to make all Western Knowledge free for China to steal & replicate without compensation- at least $600 Billion in stolen information annually. Lower wages & poorer working conditions including slave labor = being able to easily undercut Authentic QUALITY Western Goods in price. So what should Western Nation’s consumers do? Buy knock offs hopefully by hard working talented good folks in Communist & other Countries doing their best, trying to improve their Family’s Standard of Living. BUT possibly undermining Western Society- jobs, economies, quality of life, patents & copyrights- based on a lower product price? $9000. is a full year’s average Russian’s yearly salary about 5 years ago? Today Russia is descending into Barbarian Wilderness!!!
- President Putin is worth hundreds of $$$Billions- some say a $$$trllion or more! Among the richest thieves? on our Planet- A Filthy Wealthy among the small number of Oligarchy Autocrats who own & run Russia. Stealing mercilessly from ordinary Russian people like Filthy Wealthy in too many Countries! Ordinary Russians apparently are simply brainwashed bubble headed robots! Is a big divide between HAVES & HAVE NOTS morally unconscionable in today’s Judeo Christian & Islamic Religions! How do we FREE OUR SOCITIES FROM PREDATORS???
- #WE CAN’T EVER BE DEVOUT UNLESS WE’RE GIVING LOVE & GOOD STUFF OUT!!! Pres. Putin hopes to create a proxy satellite new U.S.S.R. sphere of control/influence including Ukraine for starters- owned & run by the Oligarchy! Rich Bitch Pres. Putin threatened France’s Macron over Nukes? Oligarchs see our Planet like a Board Game! Why are they still above ground??? SHAKE WEAKER COUNTRIES DOWN BY ANY MEANS- EVIL/CRIMINAL, BREAK THEIR ECONOMIES & RESOLVE- You see what the SHAKE DOWN AGAINST UKRAINE INVOLVES! By every mean spirited bullying tactic! China is effectively buying out Countries around our World, heavily investing & managing economic & infrastructure assets! How much should an Oligarchy of Families be able to control a Country by owning businesses, paying towards the election of Politicians, controlling media content, stealing everything, etc.?
- #POWER CORRUPTS- ABSOLUTE POWER IS ABSOLUTELY CORRUPTING!!! Canada’s Traitor? Trudeau is seen as under China’s influence/spell but Canadians might decide the devil they know is better than a Conservative ‘devil’ replacement Party? With China’s help, Trudeau pulled in sufficient support in ’19 & ’21 to form a minority Coalition- he must be attractive to many Canadians!!!
- Do we want a One World Government run by mean spirited Oligarchy Family Elites- everything including our Politicians bought off or else is Wealth better spread out among our populations- Benefitting everyone & enabling our hope of escape from too challenging circumstances & poverty? Oligarchy Dictator Elites have $Billions invested in Foreign assets- Should our Western Countries freeze & seize all their assets in response for Genocide or CRIMINALLY SHAKING DOWN VULNERABLE POPULATIONS? President Biden is trying his best to be Liberty’s FREEDOM LIGHT for our World’s Challenged Nations NOW BEING SHAKEN DOWN by Communist Oligarchies! But are our Politician’s of QUALITY CHARACTER so as to be free from BOUGHT & PAID STATUS??? President Lincoln IS THE GENUINE GOLDEN EAGLE BEHIND MODERN AMERICA’S EMERGENCE FROM DARK AGES!!! So THANKFUL he is ACTIVELY HELPING AMERICA TODAY- WE ARE OBLIGED TO BRING OUT OUR BEST SELF HONORING PRESIDENT LINCOLN ALWAYS GIVING HIS BEST NO MATTER HIS PERSONAL & OUTER CHALLENGES WHILE ALIVE & STILL NOW, THANK GOD!!!!!!!
- The majority of Plant Lovers SPEAK OPENLY with their Plants so I developed a relationship with a large plant-BECAME SHOCKED AT HOW INTELLIGENT A PLANT IS or MAY BECOME!
- Beloved Britney Spears- now BACK in the SPOTLIGHT- being formally invited to testify before the U.S. CONGRESS about citizens being OPPRESSED & ENSLAVED under Big Brother 1984 style Government arbitrary Conservatorships, nails our generic Apocalyptic Challenges on the CROSS! But Britney Bird- just make sure their SWEET WORDS are GENUINE- #We don’t want any excitement happening below their belts in their trousers as you bring them up to speed, HEARTS POUNDING WAY TOO ENTHUSIASTICALLY!!!
- #I’m not here to be a VICTIM! #Although I’m the first to admit I’m pretty messed up by it all! #I want to HELP OTHERS in VULNERABLE SITUATIONS- TAKE LIFE BY THE BALLS- BE BRAVE!!! Britney- couldn’t you choose ‘LESS STIMULATING WORDS’ in speaking to Politicians- What if they are Governor Cuomo Greasy Predator Creeps???!!! Actually- Authentic Honesty is a Beautiful Quality in Britney! Britney’s words pretty clearly sum up our experience in challenging moments of COVID-19, Russia aggression, Climate Change, China Creep, Inflationary Crime Stats Apocalyptic Times- most mainstream media have virtually become personality challenged robotic zombies?!!!
- #Calling all CONSPIRACY THEORISTS to work 24/7 identifying all the CONSPIRACIES we FACE today!!! But are our Politicians capable of speaking honestly- free from involvement in conspiracies??? Is President Lincoln our most recent honest speaking Politician aside from President Reagan?????? ‘Baby- I’m Amazed!’ as Beatle Paul McCartney sings, we GIVE THANKS to feel President Lincoln’s WONDERFUL EXPRESSION of COMFORT & HEALING HE ACTUALLY RECENTLY GIFTED INTO OUR WORLD- Can you FEEL HIS ONGOING POWERFUL HEALING INFLUENCE these past many weeks?
- Adding our STILL VERY ALIVE- comforting voice, gentle speaking style & ‘deadpan’ humor is President Reagan encouraging EVERYONE & ALL CONFLICTING VOICES & NATIONS TO GATHER ROUND, listen respectfully & learn from one another. BUILDING CONSENSUS & CO-OPERATION-TOGETHER MEUSCAN-DO!!!! Could our current crop of LIVING & LYING Political Leaders try being AUTHENTIC & ACTUAL SERVANTS OF, BY & FOR WE THE PEOPLE!?!
- #AMERICA- COME TOGETHER TODAY in WORDS & DEEDS of LOVE & CONSENSUS BUILDING! Canada- get your butt on board too!!! Pope Francis- an experienced EXORCIST for Justin Trudeau???
- #’FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE vs. the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. of a new budding Worldwide (even nuclear?) Holocaust by Russia & China in Eastern Europe & The ‘China Sea?’ Pres. Putin is pressing hard against Ukraine today for concessions- SUBMIT TO BECOMING A RUSSIAN SATELLITE PUPPET or be militarily assaulted & provoked to finally retaliate- ‘justifying’ a Russian pre-planned attack to INSTALL A RUSSIAN PUPPET REGIME? *
- *Reminding everyone about my account how 5 young strategically placed bad men planned to burglarize my neighborhood beginning with me! Just like Pres. Putin’s Russia $$$Billionaire’s Controlled Oligarchy is strategically surrounding Ukraine with 160,000- 190,000? fighters & military assets including provocateurs within Ukraine- for ransom, burglary &/or invasion! Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, etc. next in Russia’s ‘Nation’s Neighborhood Strategic Plan for Plunder???’ Our alarmed Watching Nations- NATO Members, NOT playing Chamberlain’s disastrous ‘on our knees pre-surrender’ attempt to appease Hitler??? I stood up to the 5 Freaks, unarmed helplessly positioned like Ukraine as Russia is about to invade& annex Crimea from an unprepared Ukraine in 2014! (But being unarmed= burglars also remained happily unarmed?) Russia is supporting proxy rebels against Ukraine within the Eastern Donbass Region.
- FOXY NEWS delightfully entertaining television personality ‘Beaver’ Tucker C. says NO WORRIES- No chance Russia’s Bear will invade & plunder neighboring honey nests- ‘War exercises R over! Participants R backing off & returning home as declared!’ ‘Oops! Forgot to mention RUSSIA’S NEW NUCLEAR OPTION WAR GAMES’ R just beginning TUCKER! Beaver C./Tucker C. says he smells Biden’s & Western Military Industrial Complex’s dis-information campaign to SELL MORE WEAPONS $$$ & redirect citizens attention from “ACTUAL” Domestic Issues reflecting badly on Pres. Biden & Dems! ‘Actual Issues’ include Crime, Inflation, Southern Open Border ‘unlawful’ Immigration, COVID-19 & Health Care, Climate Change Disasters & Costs, Parental Education Rights about In Person Attendance, Critical Race Theory, 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?, Masking, Vaccine Mandates, Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation, etc.
- I peacefully appealed to the ‘Humanity’ of my 5 invaders- May Ukraine successfully appeal to the Russian Oligarchy’s ‘HUMANITY?’ Like helpless Gabby Petito- “105 pounds soaking wet!” vs. her women beater fiance’s INHUMANITY- threatening battery & lethal throat choking for not bowing to his hate filled misogyny! Like NO HUMANITY shown by Politicians towards formerly described HEROIC Unvaccinated Health Care Practitioners helping COVID-19 victims 24/7! Who are being fired without benefits as OMNICRON WINDS DOWN! For refusing to allow Big Brother furiously control their lives, bodies & medical decisions AS OMNICRON WINDS DOWN?! HUH!!!! LYING POLITICIANS not only OVERRULING HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS’ DECISIONS but also attacking Essential Supply Chain Truckers & Supporters further constricting Border Supply Chains & fueling INFLATION- HUH!!!! Calling them haters, sexist, racists!
- #P.M. Untrusted Trudeau is the kettle calling the pot water brained!!!
- Just as WE at mentalhealthrighsforum.com & Governments predicted months ago, COVID MANDATES are being withdrawn by circa March, 2022 after the DELTA WAVE passed (& new 40- 80X more infectious variant WILDFIRE OMNICRON BURNS ITSELF OUT BY INFECTING MASSIVE PERCENTAGES REGARDLESS OF VACCINE STATUS!!!!!!) Worldwide our wonderful truckers began SPEAKING our Psych. Survivor Abracadabra Incantation FOR EVERYONE- WE JUST WANT OUR LIVES BACK AGAIN- NOW! Britney Spears- Look what you set in motion last summer by using our MAGIC WORDS PUBLICLY- inspiring Worldwide unrest against undemocratic, totalitarian, often conflicting, arbitrary, non scientific, punitive divide & conquer, stigmatizing Mandates & Big Brother!
- #THANKS TRUCKERS- FREEDOM ROCKS THANKS TO YOU BIG WHEELS & YOUR BIGGER HEARTS!!!! YOU TURNED OUR WORLD’S GEAR HEADS BACK ON AGAIN!!! But over 100 arrested today in Ottawa according to P.M. Trudeau exercising once in a lifetime terrorism Emergency ACT targeting extreme violence & insurrection- like 9-11 terrorist attacks killing thousands- Punitive measures involving Banks arbitrarily deciding to freeze & seize bank accounts; 5 years in jail for civil disobedience, blocking roads, etc.; International civil & criminal suits & tracking down everyone for supporting Canada’s Freedom Convoys with small donations or showing up for a street dance? Civil suit by Ottawa residents for over $300 million & applies to anyone participating in the Ottawa protest, ‘occupation’ or providing verbal or material support; Federal Gov’t. spokesperson suggests any strong pro-Trump MAGA support by a donor to the Truckers Fund warrants further investigation by Banks; $10 million+ into GO FUND ME was forcibly reversed; new money seized as unlawful; 65- 75 million Trump U.S. voters & Canadian Trump supporters are now considered haters, sexist, racists, terrorists & insurrectionists by two faced, China Captivated, Black Faced Trudeau?
- FOXY NEWS declares THE End of DEMOCRACY IN CANADA including FREEDOM OF OPINION & SPEECH, VOTING, ASSEMBLY, ALL INALIENBLE RIGHTS? FOXY NEWS SAYS TRUDEAU HAS DECREED ANYONE WHO OPPOSES HIM & HIS EVIL POLITICAL Un-SUNNY & Un-FUNNY anti-Diversity VIEWS IS AN ENEMY OF CANADA, A ‘NAZI’ LOVER! Conspiracy Theorists Alert: Trudeau hid underground like Saddam Hussein for several weeks, refused to address Canada’s massive initial TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY featuring thousands upon thousands of patriotic Canadians waving flags- berating MANDATED inhumane & ineffective COVID DECREES; FOX NEWS emphasizing Trudeau’s Dark hearted evil POSSESSED INSATIABLE POWER LUST- refusing to accept LEGAL PEACEFUL PROTESTING, children’s joyous Bouncy Castles, Street Dances, a LOVE IN style street communal international food fest, hot tubs, etc. Police initially fully joined in the celebratory spirit; Local Ottawa citizens shouted like Britney- ‘#End this Conservatorship of our City- We just want our LIVES & QUIET UNRIOTED COMMUNITY BACK!!!!’
- Extensive interviews on television by FOXY NEWS, etc. of Canadian Flag waving PEACE LOVING PROTESTORS strongly outs cruelty under the War Measures Act- children being targeted for seizure if parents haven’t arranged for alternative care; Parents subject to 5 year sentences; trucks & assets seized; Critics of COVID ineffective arbitrary MANDATES cite a John Hopkins study arguing Lockdowns saved .2% while causing immeasurable economic damages, human suffering & horrific overall losses! #COVID CURE MANDATES WORSE THAN THE ILLNESS? But Autocratic Politician Trudeau is an ‘ANGRY IMPALER,’ a ‘MONSTER’ in Beaver’s/Tucker’s FOXY NEWS words!!! FOXY NEWS shows Trudeau Black Faced, Brown Faced- a RACIST’S RACIST; Known Worldwide for Infamously Belittling First Nations & even repeatedly the Culture & Government of India! MISOGYNISTIC in TOSSING Elected Far More Intelligent & Educated WOMEN of Superior Character WHO WILL NOT BOW, Kiss his DIRTY SOLE & SUCCUMB TO HIS HISSY FIT COMMANDS! Wow- Trudeau OFFICIALLY CENSORS an Elected Jewish M.P. & Granddaughter of Jewish Holocaust Horrors- ‘She & her Conservative Supporters of Canada’s Trucker Freedom Convoy are supporting/embracing Nazi’s & Swastikas-‘ 85 million humans killed in WW II, almost 6 million in Poland- 6 million Jews by the Nazis from 1941- 1945! Trudeau WEARING BLACK FACE APPEARING AS A MONSTER is shown repeatedly on FOXY NEWS!!!
- Trudeau condemned the Indian Gov’t. for not listening compassionately & co-operating with Farmer Protestors but back in Canada implements an updated WAR MEASURES Terrorism ACT against PEACEFUL TRUCKERS featuring BOUNCY CASTLES, HOT TUBS, A LOVE IN CARNIVAL ATMOSPHERE, STREET DANCES, COMMUNAL KITCHENS. Freezes & seizes Trucker’s & Supporters BANK ACCOUNTS, licenses, assets, employment, children arbitrarily without Court oversight, &/or based on being strong Pres. Trump MAGA Enthusiasts!!! Trudeau hiding out in his bunker, afraid to speak to peaceful salt of the Earth protestors,; unwilling to stop ARBITRARY INEFFECTIVE & UNJUST MANDATES & CRUEL Big Brother Government BRUTALITY!!! CONSPIRING TO ENCOURAGE DEEP & LASTING RADICALIZATION BY APPLYING OBSCENE LABELS & by a ‘War Measure’s Updated Emergency Act.’ Over 100 ARRESTED today alone in Ottawa! Eye witness alleging Police prevented Protestors escaping from the occupation voluntarily. Previously Police acted respectfully & reasonably- more than equipped with existing laws upon laws enabling them without war measures extreme overreach zealotry! The Canadian Constitution Foundation & Civil Liberties Association are challenging the extreme overreach of the Declaration of Emergencies Act- The World sees Trudeau’s dangerous POWER GRAB with the same shame as Putin’s false flag attempts & implanted provocateurs!
- #Britney reached a MAGIC MOMENT by which she spoke the Abracadabra Incantation I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK Judge Penny!!! Control over our own Life & Decisions, Assets & Resources targeted for our benefit; Today- Everybody is living a Britney Spears sense of Twilight Zone Big Brother Oppression & Victimization, VOICING PSYCH. SURVIVORS’S SPECIAL INCANTATION- being mentally, physically &/or emotionally challenged or ill by COVID-19 & arbitrary Mandates destroying businesses; inducing Family Breakdowns, etc. by LOCK DOWNS; STAY AT HOME ORDERS; ENDLESS POLICE STATE SURVEILLANCE & BRUTALITY; FORCED POVERTY & UNEMPLOYMENT; HELPLESSLY WITNESSING DISPOSABLE THROWAWAY SENIORS; CREATING & ABUSING POOR & RACIALIZED TARGETED OUTCASTS; HOMEBOUND WRECKED & RUINED CHILDREN DENIED BASIC RIGHTS & NEEDS FOR SURVIVAL & DEVELOPMENT; UNSCIENTIFIC CHANGING ARBITRARY CONFLICTING ORDERS; Big Brother CRIMINALIZING CITIZENS FOR EXPRESSING BASIC INALIENABLE RIGHTS; now criminalizing political views, peaceful assembly & protesting, free speech & conscience driven views- getting people fired for good faith small donations to a cause, etc. Effectively ‘killing Democracy in Canada’ according to FOXY NEWS. Banks arbitrarily freezing & seizing assets, publicly demonizing & destroying citizens for holding views P. M. Trudeau doesn’t approve of! Suppression of Democratic HARD WON RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!!!
- One Einstein spit on me & mocked me mercilessly hoping I would be persuaded to strike first so he could justify LETHAL VIOLENCE IN ‘SELF DEFENCE’ & to cover their BURGLARY CRIMES- Just like Russia is attempting against Ukraine today! CREATING A FALSE FLAG CRISIS/EXCUSE TO ATTEMPT TO CONQUOR & ESTABLISH A BEATEN DOWN PUPPET ON A STRING RESOURCE RICH SLAVE UKRAINE STATE!
- #Maybe the 5 Burglars & Pres. Putin’s 160,000+ Forces Leaders studied from the same BOOK- ‘HOW TO- INVADE & CONQUOR FOR COMPLETE DUMMIES!!!’ #Be successful BURGLARS taking Neighborhoods or Nations! Finally a Brave WOMEN FIRST CAME SCREAMING TO MY DEFENSE like Pres. Biden screaming ‘CONSEQUENCES WILL BE DEVASTATING (FOR OUR WORLD!’
- We anticipate Britney Spears will be strapping on HER BALLS- BRAVELY STANDING UP LIKE PRES. BIDEN against Bullies & Burglars on behalf of Vulnerable Victims! ‘The Police are COMING!’ ‘Leave Bri ALONE!!!’ shouted my Rescuer SUPERWOMAN! A GALLANT YOUNG MAN also came to my Emotional & Physical rescue- BEGAN DE-ESCULATING, PSYCHOLOGICALLY TAKING THE 5 Fiends APART! Burglars & Russian Provocateurs may be less than Rhodes Scholars or Rocket Scientists! With Ukraine being ‘spit on’ mercilessly by Russia’s military munitions, President Biden is Russia-ing to Ukraine’s defense- ‘Leave Ukraine ALONE! NATO members are coming to Ukraine’s SELF Rescue- issuing military assets & loans- stabilizing & boosting Ukraine’s economy against Russia’s SHAKEDOWN! Also reinforcing Poland, Latvia, Estonia & Lithuania, etc. We’re SPANKING Beaver’s/Tucker C.’s bottom for mocking Pres. Biden defending Ukraine & CALLING OUT RUSSIA’S BLASTING & BULLYING False Flags & embedded provocateurs!!! Pres. Putin built a $$$1.5+ Billion Palace bordering the Black Sea, owns a $500 million+ yacht- is one of the richest 007 Villains on our Planet with over $$$200 Billion- maybe a $$$trillion?!
- WE CHOOSE OUR APPROACHES & RESPONSES to our CHALLENGES & WE BENEFIT or SUFFER according to OUR GOOD or BAD CHOICES! Our CLIMATE CHANGE CONFLAGRATIONS & ALL OUR STRUGGLES ARE PEOPLE KINDS CREATION & KARMA- Ours to BEST ADDRESS & HEAL or suffer increasing extinction events of Mother Nature’s Flora & Fauna- eventually all consuming! Russia/China pushing a war soon???
- But should we simply begin adopting our Highest & Best Character Dr. Martin Luther King envisioned! I HAVE A DREAM- Aug. 28, 1963: Judge by CHARACTER, NOT SKIN COLOR! BE YOUR BEST SELF- GIVING, LOVING with Character & Compassion! Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us! A good Samaritan- There but for Grace go I!!! Pres. Lincoln- our Rightful Father of Modern America, EMBODIES EVER LIVING LOVE, COMPASSION, CHARACTER, REASON, Social Justice & Inalienable Rights, Equity, FREEDOM< FUN & HAPPINESS for All- He experienced incredible mental health depression illness challenges within & tragedy all about him both persona;;y & while leading America through the darkest twilight zone!!! DELIVERING A HOUSE DIVIDED CIVIL WAR BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER horror show into RAINBOWS & GOLDEN OPEN DOORS, LADY LIBERTY SUNNY WAYS & DAYS!!!! ONLY BEGINNNG HIS TALENTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TAKING LIFE BY THE BALLS- BEING BRAVE- UNSTOPPABLE but by assassination like so many timeless HEROES!!!! Always in YOUR BLESSED HEARTS & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!!! *Feb. 5- 18, 2022 Loving You, Spring is almost Sprung in our HEARTS- Brianca Lane *THE HEARTBEAT of FREEDOM, JUSTICE & DEMOCRACY! OUR WORLD IS ON FIRE- INVASION by AXIS of EVIL= RUSSIA (+ China, N.K. etc.) into FREE DEMOCRATIC BEAUTIFUL BELOVED UKRAINE!!! OUR HEARTBEAT= THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER!!!!! *Feb. 19- Mar. 3, 2022 Heartbeat “Why do you skip when my Baby’s lips meet mine?” Buddy Holly
- #We just want our LIVES, DREAMS, JOYFILLED HEARTS & DESTINIES- including our LOVING COMMUNITIES & COUNTRIES, BACK!!!!! #When I DO GOOD, I FEEL GOOD! When I do bad, I feel bad! That’s My Religion! #RIGHT makes MIGHT, not Might makes Right! (Abe Lincoln) #A house divided cannot stand! #Nations do not die from invasion- They die from internal rottenness! (Abe Lincoln) R You Listening Russia??? WE ALL STAND TOGETHER WITH BELOVED UKRAINE! But Russia’s Impaler’s Overconfidence vs. Ukraine’s Blood & Guts, Glory & Loyalty STOPPED a QUICK & CLEAN Blitzkrieg, decapitation of Ukraine’s steadfast Democratic Elected Parliamentarians & installation of a Russian controlled puppet ‘government’ like in Belarus- without destroying infrastructure, normal economic activity & causing civilian/urban CHAOS & SLAUGHTER! You o.k. for some Stomach Churning War Humor? Good!!!
- 400 special Mercenary Assassins were sent in by Russia from Belarus to kill former comedian, now elected Ukraine President Zelenskyy who quipped- seems like “The end of the World has arrived!” But apparently ‘the end has arrived for the 400+ assassins’ as comedian Zelenskyy is STILL LAUGHING- Seeing the graveyard filling up quickly with space for 400+ Mercenaries grounded by the point of our moral message! Didn’t the IMPALER tell them- P.S. ‘The Wages of SIN is DEATH!!!’ Yes- my humor is KILLER isn’t it!!! THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING- THE RUSSIANS FOR THE LAST TIME-
- BEAUTY & THE BEAST- Ukraine 2015 Beauty Queen Anastasia Lenna is learning to handle weapons to take on the Russian Beast! ‘Yoo-hoo- all you big bad hairy Russian Barbarian Beasts- Beauty Queen Anastasia is waiting to lay you on the Bed (whispering: For visitation, prior to your funerals Russian Pigs!!!)
- Indeed, Russia gave in to more of a Scorched Earth war style- including cluster bombing civilian areas, schools, gathering areas, apartment buildings, etc. to BREAK the MORALE of civilians! Not so bright Russian impalers! With wide open internet, cell phone & television coverage, killing Mothers & Children, bombing civilians is broadcast live- NOT ONLY UNITING UKRAINE BUT the ENTIRE WORLD AGAINST RUSSIA!
- Every day Countries Worldwide increasingly impose FIERCER CRIPPLING ECONOMIC SANCTIONS AGAINST RUSSIA. After the Russians invaded, massive sanction began kicking in strangling Russia’s economic bloodstream- Beaver Cleaver a.k.a. FOXY NEWS fantastic entertainer Tucker C. had assured everyone Russia would NOT INVADE- OOPS! Wrong Again BEAV! vs. Our assertion of imminent attack upon a final build up of 160, – 190,000 Russians at the Ukraine BORDER! Barbarian China gave it’s terrorist approval for the Russian invasion of Ukraine but asked The Impaler to hold off so as not to not embarrass China during The Winter Olympics! CONSIDER YOURSELF SHAMED CHINA! Today, Russia is being STRIPPED of National Participation in most Sport events! A question for everyone is under a Dictator/Autocratic Big Brother Government, should powerless sports participants with no say whatsoever be excluded from international competition because their Government behaves as Genocidal Terrorists? In the Berlin 1936 Olympics, Black American Jesse Owens was EMBRACED & HELPED by German white competing participants SHOWING OLYMPIC SPORTSMANSHIP OUTSTRIPPING NAZI PROPAGANDA & IDEOLOGY! #White 1936 Athletes ACTIVELY DISPLAYED THEIR UNITY & BROTHERHOOD, PUTTING THEIR HEARTFELT OLYMPIC SPIRIT & FLAME ABOVE ALL – In a hissy-fit, temper tantrum prone Fuhrer Shitler waked out, turned his back to Black Winners, etc. Russia’s approx. 500 Oligarchy Families, like The Impaler, steal Russia’s wealth impoverishing Russia’s oppressed citizens- Aside from energy & other natural resources for supplying the invasion, they have turned Russia into a Basket Case- Millions are oppressed, sign petitions, thousands protest supporting the U.N.’s 141- 5 CONDEMNATION of Russia for invading innocent Ukraine but are quickly ARRESTED & PUNISHED! How may we HELP FREE OPPRESSED RUSSIANS & FORCED SOLDIERS WHO ARE WANTING TO STOP & SABOTAGE THE INVASION of Ukraine? The Impaler & Oligarchy Elites HATE ORDINARY RUSSIANS who endure diminished hospitals & care, suffering barest levels of hygiene & often without running water!!! Standards of living have stagnated or fallen back even with $100+ barrel per oil prices BLOOD MONEY! Oligarchy Elites build $500 million+ super yachts; The Impaler’s summer residence costs $1.5 Billion- while ordinary Russian civilians go hungry!!! Our FREE WORLD SHOULD SEIZE ALL EXTERNAL RUSSIAN ASSETS?!!
- #NO ONE CAN ACCUSE CHINA’S Shitler style DICTATORS OF COMPASSION towards innocent Countries about to be SAVAGED by a Terrorist State Ally Russia!!!!! Last Monday, Russian interest rates rose from 8.5% to 20.% overnight! The Russian Ruble became The toxic Russian rubble- worth less than 1 cent!! Russians lined up hoping to buy U.S. dollars, etc. Better get out wheel barrows & garbage bags to bring in worthless Russian Rubles??? Sanctions are Cutting Off Russian Banks, Commerce, Reserves, Seizing Assets, STOPPING access to SWIFT & all International Exchanges, frightening importers & exporters from any business dealings with Russia in all sectors including technology & now energy! Yikes- India is a roaring market still for Russian Energy!!!
- Pres. Biden & NATO SADLY SUCKING & BLOWING AT THE SAME TIME?!!! STOP GLOBAL WARMING by controlling American Energy Production- enabling other Countries to sell additional energy at America’s loss!!! Pres Trump’s brilliant scheme: Make America Energy Independent & encourage Europe to totally rely on North American oil & gas vs. Russian dependence! But STOPPED by Pres. Biden his first day in Office! The Canada/U.S. X L Pipeline he cancelled, he still will not reinstate by his State of the Union address! RUSSIAN ENEDRGY BLOOD MONEY! U.S. began buying over 500,000 barrels of oil daily from Russia; FOXY NEWS Hannity say about 167,000 today! But some in Congress say the intake is over 500,000! THE RUSSIAN INVASION- Butchery & Slaughter, IS BEING FINANCED USING AMERICAN & GERMAN ENERGY PURCHASES- & BLOOD MONEY from all Buyers of Russian Energy Resources like India!
- Canada was quick to deny any Russian Energy imports & restricting Russian planes from Canada’s air space! Most Countries are adopting similar restrictions & attempting to cut back Russian imports used to FINANCE WARFARE & INVASIONS! BLOOD MONEY!!! Russia ships over 6 Billion barrels- Europe buys 3 Billion! In Canada, Trudeau is actively courted by Germany, Japan, etc.- Canada can supply energy all the World uses for decades- but Trudeau refuses to be the Free World supplier, bankrupting the Country on paper with excessive money printing- debt surpassing a $trillion! Germany did suspend approval of Nord Stream 2 & reversed its Post War anti weapon distribution stance- first issuing helmets but now offering anti tank, anti aircraft advanced weaponry- after seeing Russian butchery LIVE!!! Pres. Biden ENTHUSIASTIC CHEERED ON UKRAINE FREEDOM FIGHTERS the first 10 minutes of his State of the Union address, RALLYING OUR WORLD TO HELP FEARLESS UKRAINE! Zelenskyy is our World’s only? AUTHENTIC POLITICAL LEADER PUTTING HIS COUNTRY ABOVE HIS OWN SAFETY & LIFE!!! Zelenksyy, his fellow Parliamentarians & Ukrainians are taking up arms bravely- presenting as a BIBLICAL DAVID & GOLIATH STORY! Creating INSTANT NATO & WORLDWIDE UNITY!
- “#Ask not what your Country can do for you! Ask what you can do for your Country!” Pres. Kennedy was quickly assassinated for speaking so ‘outrageously!??’ Pres. Biden relegated internal U.S. State of the Union issues to ‘and in other lesser stories.’ Sadly, he wouldn’t commit to PROTECTING Ukraine’s AIR SPACE as specifically called for by FEARLESS LEADER SUPERHERO Pres. Zelenskyy, against MERCILESS Russian targeted cluster bombing & missile attacks! Ukraine cities now face siege operations in addition to merciless bombing but the Russian Blitzkrieg is a failure even with (exposed) 40 mile long military convoys. Germany is ramping up its military suddenly, non aligned Countries like Sweden & Finland are jumping in offering thousands of advanced anti tank & warplane weapons. America’s Javelin FIRE & FORGET TANK TAMERS & Stinger Plane Blasters are HOT SEXY FAVORITES. Russian forced fighters SABOTAGE Russia’s weapons! See Ukraine citizens as BLAMELESS Friends, Neighbors & Relatives- The MORALE of Russian Soldiers is WEAK in a COMPLETELY UNJUSTIFIED WAR against GOOD Neighbor Ukraine! FOXY NEWS Sean Hannity calls for the Assassination of The Impaler! Do whatever is REQUIRED TO BEAT BACK RUSSIA & TAKE OUT COMMANDERS! But is the replacement dictator more evil?
- #WARPLANES REPAINTED TO SAY ‘BRITNEY’S UKRAINE SPEARS- SPEARS INTO INVADING RUSSIANS-‘ ‘We just want our Country Back & Free from Barbarian Conservator Invaders plundering our Assets! #From Britney being invaded to Ukraine- Predators looking to Plunder????
- #Yes- We all just want our Planet Earth SAFE from impalers!!!
- #NATO has never been more united but worthless to clearing Ukraine skies!!! Since our inception, mentalhealthrightsforum.com has tracked & forewarned everyone about our coming WORLD ‘EARTH SHAKING’ STORMS, APOCALYPTIC CHALLENGES, AXIS of EVIL IMPALERS vs. UNCONQUORABLE SUPERHEROS!
- #ACTING TOGETHER APART MeUsCAN-DO WILL-DO MUST-DO!!! We Swimmers & Rescuers- RIDING The SPIRAL of LIFE, Facing & Embracing EVOLUTIONARY CHANGES R Challenged until Change Becomes U.S.A.LL! Asinine Earthly Evil Cling-Ons CRASH & BURN but WE R RISING UP!!! SHOWING OUR TRUE COLORS, CHARACTER & OUR INALIENABLE LOYALTY to LIFE, TRUTH & LOVE- OUR PURSUIT of ABUNDANT JOY!!!!! Always In Your Blessed Hearts & You in Mine!!! LOVE YOURSELF LOVE UKRAINE- PRAY FOR US ALL & MOTHER NATURE. Please Give Thanks to our dead returning to help we who are still joyously living but under a Nuclear Shadow- Yikes!!! *Feb. 19- March 3, 2022 Loving You Completely, Brianca Lane May God/Allah/Darwinian Evolution Bless U.S.A.LL & Ukraine!!!!!
- P.S.S. Our Scottish High Courts TERMINATED SLAVERY& simultaneously indentured servitude, etc. circa 1770’s, FREEING African American, Mr. Knight from White Privileged Unjust Oppression! If only America followed in the path to Liberty’s Wonderful Highlands!!! Like Beloved Britney Spears pleading her release from 13 years as The Goose Who Lays Golden Eggs- scooped by her alleged blood sucking oppressors. ‘SAY IT LOUD- I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD’ (James Brown) ‘alleged escaped slave’ Mr. Knight pleaded before the Scottish Court, I JUST WANT MY LIFE, FREEDOM & DESTINY BACK!!! SO GRANTED by a wonderful High Court! But Vulcan brained half human Spock chastises Captain Kirk- ‘How is it Jim, early America DECLARED INALIENABLE GOD GIVEN RIGHTS for humans but illogically included enslaving & oppressing Visible Minorities, Women, etc.
- IS OUR SACRED GARDEN in EDEN WORLD- A CHILD’S BOARD GAME PLAYED BY & FOR POWER CRAZED MEGALOMANIACS, Filthy Wealthy OLIGARCHIES, MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ELITES & MULTI NATIONALS? A James Bond World 007 challenging SPECTRE STYLE WAR INC. Board Game? Russia’s former cabbie driver becomes ‘just another Incompetent, Idiot Gangster Impaler’ but sees himself as power crazed, bloodthirsty Stalin or China’s Mao killing 10’s of millions- instilling LOYALTY by FEAR; As an Empire building Russian Czar, not a Carry your bags Sir? small, ugly & uncivilized frustrated Vlad the Russian unknown cab driver; Blames Democracy, Freedom & Western Culture for the collapsed U.S.S.R. 1989- 1991- A HUMILIATING tin pot Dictator- ‘Are you TALKING TO ME!!? leading collapsed laughing stock country of light opportunity but heavy drinking & sexually frustrated women! To ESCAPE FROM A.S.A.P. Like Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, etc. HAPPILY LEAPING LIGHT YEARS AHEAD FREE OF Russia’s Ball & Chain Oppressive drunken hopelessness? Yes= UKRAINE IS FREEDOM, RULE of LAW, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS Westward Looking ‘LIVE FREE but READY TO DIE’ BEFORE SINKING BACK INTO RUSSIA’S Medieval Dark Ages Swamp!!! Chechnya brutalized beyond belief for rebelling against Vlad the Incompetent Idiot former cab driver Impaler? Except for energy, natural resources & a Military Industrial Complex, Russia is a pestering Monkey like N.K. around the World’s annoyed sore neck? Pres. Reagan- Dead or Alive, ALWAYS SMILING & LAUGHING? #He sees the Russian Dystopia comprising a small indignant cab driver’s words: #’Are You Talking to ME?!! You want me to carry YOUR BAGS!??’ “And Happily TOO- BONZO!!!”
- Actually Pres. Reagan IS VERY VERY VERY CONCERNED about our Challenging World Situations- How can he or Pres. Lincoln REST IN PEACE? Today 141 vs. 5 Terrorist Countries are UNITED in CONDEMNING Russia’s Hitler style Blitzkrieg into Ukraine! An IMPALER & 500+ Oligarchy Families STRIPPING AWAY Russia’s wealth, impoverishing citizens with their $600+ million dollar yachts; Vlad’s 1.5 $$$Billion Baltic Sea summer Estate, etc. Russian’s standard of living is impoverishing citizens, slipping backwards! Europe BUYS 3 billion barrels of oil annually from Russia at over $100? per barrel; Germany buys over 40% of it’s Natural Gas!
- #Thomas Jefferson gave the UNDERSTATEMENT of the CENTURY by saying the 1776 U.S. DECLARATION was a birthed living document about to evolve!!!
- #George Washington & Ben Franklin allegedly could not tell a lie- FROM THE TRUTH IN APPROVING THE HOLOCAUST HORRORS OF UNLAWFUL INEQUITY, OPPRESSION & SLAVERY!!! Pres. Lincoln is AGAIN AMONG US SO WE DELIGHTFULLY SHOW OUR HIGHEST & BEST SELVES- OUR TRUE COLORS, SUPER HEROIC CHARACTER like Pres. Lincoln, comforting & inspiring, leading Everyone through the Shadow of the Valley of Death!
- Violating our World’s UNIVERSAL DECLARATION of HUMAN RIGHTS!!!’ SPECTRE= Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge & Extortion! YES- I actually was BLESSED- Enjoyed speaking with the REAL James Bond prior to his passing on which the books & later movies are largely based- Just like SCOTTISH Born James Bond in the Movies but SMARTER- Socially & Culturally Fascinating & Convincing he has been your life long Best Friend You could Ever Want to Be With!!!!!! Our current Russian SPECTRE is ATTACKING OUR COLLECTIVE GOODNESS, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUITY, PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, OUR INDIVIDUAL & SHARED RISING RAINBOW COLORS & DESTINY UPWARD on THE SPIRAL of LIFE!!!!! Ask not for whom the BELL TOLLS in our BEAUTIFUL BELOVED UKRAINE- THE BELL TOLLS FOR US ALL IN EVERY COUNTRY EVERY SECOND EVIL DEMONIC Russia & Axis IMPALERS BLEED UKRAINE’S STREETS BLOOD RED!!!!!! But yes- we are BLESSED by our 1860’s English American James Bond! By modern America’s TRUE COLORS, TRUE CHARACTER, TRUE FATHER, TRUE BELIEVER & True National Treasure- President 007 Abe Lincoln is BACK AMONG US, as well as Pres. Reagan- HELPING SAVE US FROM AN ABYSS!!! Also help FREE US from SLAVERY, INJUSTICE, INEQUITY- All Evil Oppressive Demonic Dark ‘Conservatorship’ Entities!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR HEARTS & YOU IN MINE BELOVED *March 3, 2022 LOVING YOU TOO!!! by Brianca Lane *TRUE LOVE WAYS- UKRAINE, RUSSIA, CHINA, U.S.A., NATO- OUR WHOLE WORLD RESCUING HEARTBEAT!!!!! *March 4- 18, 2022 *True Love Ways by Buddy Holly, Petty- Beatle Paul McCartney Friends, Peter & Gordon cover harmony SWEET!!! “Throughout the days our TRUE LOVE WAYS will BRING US JOY to SHARE with THOSE WHO REALLY CARE!!!!” #Wishing Everyone be SAFE & HAPPY in stormy choppy distressing World WILDCAT SEAS! Remembering ‘Beach Boy’ FUN FUN FUN Santa Monica ‘Muscle Beach’ Surf- But strong undertow currents almost crashed my brother into Santa Monica Pier Beams + Stray Sharks, Jellyfish Stingers and Californian ‘Doors’ to Other World Perceptions! ‘Baywatch’ Pamula Anderson style life guards SWEETEN YOUR RESCUE EXPERIENCE- But don’t get carried away as a floundering swimmer needing rescue- Grateful Dead’s Pig Pen might sit in for Pamala Anderson’s mouth to mouth resuscitation!!!
- GOOD NEWS- KEEP SMILING EVERYBODY!!!!!!!* U.N. World Happiness Report: Donating to a Charity, Helping A Stranger & Volunteering ALL UP 25% in 2021!!! We have been saying BE A GOOD SAMARATIN & DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU!!!! Health, Life Expectancy, G.D.P. per person, available needed social supports, strong trust & low corruption, community kindness, generosity & FREEDOM- We add CONTROL OVER OUR OWN LIVES & DECISION MAKING? PEOPLE WORKING TOGETHER APART!!! The finding is PEOPLE ARE WORKING TOGETHER! TOGETHER APART MeUsCan-Do!!!! Ukraine is #98; Russia #80! Afghanistan is last at #146! Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxenbourg, Sweden, Norway, Israel, N.Z., Austria, Australia, Canada, U.S.- 16, U.K.
- BAD/SAD NEWS: *’KEEP SMILING’ is sadly the motto of a FOXY NEWS video war zone reporter slaughtered in Ukraine by Russia this week- A crew of 3 were shot- 1 survived! Ironically, Russia’s Propaganda Minister recently praised FOXY NEWS Theodore ‘Beaver Cleaver’ /Tucker C. as perfectly representing Russia’s concerns about Ukraine just as invasion was imminent!!! Tucker obviously is quite upset now! Tucker- THEY LIKE YOU – COULD YOU STOP THE WAR BEFORE IT STARTED BY YOUR ENCHANTING CHARM? Bending Over to TAKE ONE FOR THE TEAM from the Russian Leadership?!! Ouch!!!!
- #We are ALWAYS both SWIMMERS & RESCUERS in our Challenging Apocalyptic Times- This is LIVE LIFE & DEATH THEATRE- not a DRESS REHEARSAL! Have we made out o.k. with COVID over 2+ plague years? Imagine had China contained COVID in the FALL of 2019, STOPPED ALL INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL instead of FORCING the CHINA COVID COVER UP- SILENCING WHISTLE BLOWERS & enabling World Wide Spread! A guesstimated 20 million have died- but worse, how prevalent are LONG COVID symptoms with BRAIN FOG & damage to our organs? Watching, birds & animals natural SOCIAL DISTANCING at least 10- 15 feet, SOCIAL DISTANCING is a better approach to Everyone staying Healthy- free from Colds, Flu, etc.
- #By SOCIAL DISTANCING & wearing a basic 2- 3 layer hospital mask, NO COLDS, NO FLU- JUST HAPPY HEALTHY & FREE, THANK YOU!!! Everybody’s personal choice but if we are all crowded close together- especially indoors, we are breathing in air & any infections people just breathed out!!!! SAFETY against sexual assault, harassment & bullying is another protection afforded by SOCIAL DISTANCING!
- #Thankfully & Regrettably- All our Warnings & Predictions are coming to pass Challenging OUR BEST GIVING HEROIC SELVES! But we are LEARNING about ADAPTING TOGETHER! Sudden obvious shocks wake us- We don’t want to be slowly boiled alive as the changes gradually overwhelm us! ENOUGH is ENOUGH- We see what is happening and take appropriate action!
- FOXY NEWS is hammering home relentlessly America should not be bowing to, dependent on & giving BLOOD MONEY to Dictator Nations like Russia, Iran, Venezuela- holding the largest reserves @ over 300 Billion barrels of oil reserves, etc. for evil Dictatorships & Military Empire Building!
- LIONESS HEAR ME ROAR LOVINGLY Sweety Pie Britney Spears is PISSED she is ‘BEING PITIED’ & temporarily suspended her on-line INSTA- account- Amanda Bynes also just wants her life back again!
- #UNITED R US ALL WORLDWIDE- Most Countries are offering $$$Relief- Humanitarian, Economic, In Person, Military Tech. & all manner of Defensive Weapons- 1 $$$Billion this week alone authorized by Pres. Biden! Vets. shouting “TOGETHER- WE DEFEATED HITLER!” “The INNOCENT BEING ATTACKED- THE KIDS! I JUST CAN’T STAND BY & WATCH!” Pres. Biden initially is refusing American fighter jets or even Polish Russian made Migs, Ukraine’s trained pilots could fly or drag across the Poland- Ukraine border to help unprotected Ukraine skies! Demoralized Russian lied to ‘conscripts’ were promised ‘ONLY TRAINING EXERCISES- LIBERATING A WELCOMING OPPRESSED UKRAINE CITIZENRY- ‘We’ll be dining leisurely as Heroes in Kiev cafes within 3 days after crossing Ukraine’s border!’ Stage West- Enter THE TERMINATOR!!!
- Actually The Terminator released a 9 minute video TERMINATING the CREDIBILITY of The Impaler & his Hitler like Genocidal Holocaust PURIFICATION Plans!!! Arnold’s Pop fought for Hitler against Russia- returned from the war a broken man, physically & emotionally! At 14, Arnold became fixated on a Russian World Class Strongman Weightlifter to whom he was introduced- Arnold decided to become like his Russian hero! So today, The Russia Impaler follows Arnold on line- Arnold is popular or adored by Russians! Arnold proclaims “THIS IS AN ILLEGAL WAR- YOUR LIVES, YOUR LIMBS, YOUR FUTURES ARE BEING SACRIFICED FOR A SENSELESS WAR CONDEMNED BY THE WHOLE WORLD!” If Russia fails to SHOW SOME BASIC HUMANITY & GOODNESS, THE TERMINATOR SAYS, “I’LL BE BACK!!!!!” But if THE TERMINATOR condemning Vlad The Impaler’s War wasn’t strong enough, God’s proclaimed Rep. on Earth- Pope Francis says THE INVASION IS BLATANT ARMED AGGRESSION! Whipping The Impaler mercilessly, Pope Francis speaks directly- “YOU STARTED THIS WAR! YOU ARE LEADING THIS WAR! YOU CAN STOP THIS WAR!!! Under former cabbie Putin- Hospitals often lack basics like running water! The average wealth of a citizen is $1000. but Vlad’s summer estate cost $1.5+ Billion; his yacht about $500+ million! The Impaler is said to be worth hundreds of $Billions stolen from ordinary Russians!!! He & his Oligarchy Supporting Families primarily own Russia’s wealth! #IT IS ORDINARY RUSSIANS WHO NEED TO BE FREED FROM OPPRESSION- PILFERING PUTIN & CRIPPLING OLIGARCHS!!! Ukraine’s Pres. Zelenskyy said: “To all the Countries of the former Soviet Union- Look at us! EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! Let’s build a Country of Opportunities, where everybody is EQUAL BEFORE THE LAW & where the rules of the game are honest & fair!!!”
- “#Government (in Ukraine) of THE PEOPLE, by THE PEOPLE, for THE PEOPLE- SHALL NOT PERISH FROM THE EARTH!!!” Pres. Lincoln said My AMBITION includes “no other so great as being truly esteemed of my fellow men!!!” “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm!!!!” Zelensky pursues mentalhealthrightsforum.com & Britney Spears principles-#WE JUST WANT TO LIVE OUR LIVES FREE IN OUR OWN COUNTRY (Ukraine) BY OUR OWN TRANSPARENT DEMOCRATIC PROGRESS, DECISION MAKING & RESOURCES; ENJOY UNIVERSAL INALIENABLE RIGHTS WITH JUSTICE, EQUALITY, OPPORTUNITY & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS FOR ALL!!!! Speaking every day to Democratic Governments Worldwide- Canada’ Parliament, U.S. Congress, this week for example, EVERYOPNE IS SO INSPIRED BY UKRAINE’S CHARACTER, SELF SACRIFICE & SUPERSTAR HEROISM!!! Zelenskyy adheres to U.S. Medal of Honor principles: I WILL NEVER ACCEPT DEFEAT< QUIT NOR LEAVE A FALLEN COMRADE”(Behind!) All Countries- the U.N. should be recording Ukraine’s Heroes & Stories of Goodness God’s/Allah’s Grace & Compassion, Self Sacrifice, Valor & AWARDING UKRAINE HEROES MEDALS of HONOR!!! #Ukraine embodies Pres. Kennedy’s highest calling: “Ask NOT what your Country can do for you! Instead ask what you can do for your Country!!!” #Bring On FREEDOM & JUSTICE AWARDS!!! AWARDS FOR DEFENDING EVERYONE’S RIGHT TO MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS & EXERCISE CONTROL OVER OUR OWN LIVES!
- Talented Actress Amanda Bynes is inspired by #FREE BRITNEY & Britney Spears’ success- I just want my life back! to also seek release from her impaling Conservatorship! Amanda is SO THANKFUL TO HER SUPPORTERS #FREE AMANDA just as #FREE BRITNEY! became #FREED BRITNEY! California Conservator Judge Penny STEPPED UP FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE & THE AMERICAN WAY- Superman’s code! Ha! Ha!!!! STAR TREK’S character UHURA- Swahili for ‘FREEDOM,’ was encouraged by Martin Luther King Jr. to keep up her SIGNIFICANT ROLE advancing Intelligent Successful Respected Black Women as featured on STAR TREK! Sadly, Uhura’s freedom was removed under a Conservatorship!!! FOXY NEWS Hannity & Friends say ‘Cut the head off the Russian Snakes!’ ‘Only following orders when knowingly committing war atrocities’ didn’t stand up in the Nuremberg Trials- #Every Russian monstrosity is being video documented! But Accomplishing What amidst Bloody Slaughter of Innocents??
- I befriended the REAL Scottish ‘JAMES BOND’ on which the Books & Movies are based prior to his death- AMAZING FASCINATING LOVABLE MAN- Seeing his rare car- “BETTER TO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING Bri!!!” I shouldn’t have pointed the cigarette lighter his way & squeezed the case but how was I to know he wasn’t pulling my leg? Ha! Ha! KIDDING!!! Russia ‘liberating a welcoming Ukraine’ by targeting defenseless civilians in A BLOODBATH; cluster & carpet bombing cities & towns; 43+ hospitals destroyed; marked ‘CHILDREN’ shelters destroyed; filled apartment housing, etc. Millions in exile leaving all possessions behind! Paranoid
- Yesterday rode the dangerous speedy highways on my faithful scooter to visit a dear relative. He owns a circa late 60’s MUSCLE CAR Mustang- garaged & not started since 1980 when his wife birthed their children & vanquished THE BEAST! All Birds finally flown from the nest, he towed THE PRISTINE but DUSTY GARAGED TEEN DREAM BEAST- one son ripped the Family car door off backing out of the same garage but in 40 years, the BEAST remained untouched! A cousin to Christine the possessed car with a life of her own? A Senior Mechanic who began his apprenticeship back during Muscle Car Mania, performed his MAGIC! New tires, new brakes, new gas, a complete tune up- $6700. later the MAGIC MOMENT HAPPENED- The MIRACLE Christine Car MECHANIC turned the ignition key- THE BEAST ROARED INTO LIFE AGAIN- My Relative is reliving his Teenage Head Youth- Little Deuce Coup- NOT! But you don’t know what she’s got under the hood or in her POSSESSED SOUL!!!
- #ONE WORLD- ONE HEART UNITED BY WORDS of LOVE!!! TRUE LOVE WAYS!!! #RIGHT MAKES MIGHT! Pres. Lincoln *March 4- 18, 2022 by Brianca Lane *BLOODY GOOD Artistic Britney MATADORS R US- SLAPBACK AGAINST EVIL EVERYWHERE- Spearing B.S. about Mental Health, Climate Change, COVID-19, Russian UNBEARABLE BEASTS> UKRAINE, 007 *March 19- 31, 2022
- #Calling Out Around the World- Ukraine/Zelenskyy R U Ready for a BRAND NEW BEAT?! SPRING IS SPRUNG- RUSSIA’S Putin’s evil dictatorship IS DONE BEEN HUNG- #Time Is RIGHT For DANCING IN THE STREET!!!
- All We Need is MUSIC SWEET MUSIC- Swinging, Swaying & Records Playing, #LED BY BRITNEY’S EXPLODING Anti Ruski STINGER SPEARS, Javelin causing Catastrophic Tank Fears & DANCING IN THE STREET!!!’
- #Deliver Fighter Migs, TANKS ALOT RIGS! & SHIP SINKING Missile Cigs- Ukrainians will be DANCING IN THE STREET!!! (Apologies for hamming up your lyrics Gaye, Hunter- 1964 version recorded by Martha & The Vandella’s) Who’s All DANCING IN THE STREETS with US? Why-
- Presidents Reagan & Lincoln ARE BACK AS ACTIVE ‘INFLUENCERS.’ But upon Putin actually invading Ukraine, Trump said: “Putin’s SMART! He’s TAKING OVER A COUNTRY FOR $2.00 Worth of Sanctions. I’d say that’s PRETTY SMART!” As Russians invaded Donbas, Trump said “THIS IS GENIUS! Putin declares a portion of Ukraine as INDEPENDENT. Oh, that’s WONDERFUL! HE is going to go in & BE A PEACEKEEPER. That is the STRONGEST PEACE FORCE! We could use that (approach) on the Southern Border!” Since 92% of Americans BACK & ADMIRE ZELENSKYY(STANDING FIRM ON DEFENDING UKRAINE) Trump is NOT A LEADER AMERICANS OR ANYONE SEES AS EXPRESSING THE RIGHT RESPONSE; Putin is universally seen as a KILLER & WAR CRIMINAL COMMITTING ATROCITIES LIKE HITLER.
- WORTHY vs. UNWORTHY& Selective Empathy towards Victims of War-Does RACISM, SKIN COLOR, CULTURE, ETHNICITY, etc. influence our Sympathy & Empathy towards War Victims. Today Indigenous Residential School Survivors are meeting with Pope Francis seeking TRUTH & RECONCILIATION- The Church being asked to surrender all withheld Residential School Documentation & welcome OPEN FULL JUSTICE PROCEEDINGS; Pope Francis being asked to APOLOGIZE in Person & OFFER FULL RESTITUTION!!!!!
- LONG COVID is more than 10 or 12 weeks of symptoms & may involve chronic illness, debilitation, loss of smell & taste, brain fog, forgetfulness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating & finding the right words, remembering pictures, poorer cognitive performance, dizziness & headaches, etc. Excessive immune response inflammation to COVID infection can cause these symptoms of injury. 75% with severe long COVID symptoms reported lengthy unemployment gaps; Another study reported almost 1 in 2 non-hospitalized Patients had symptoms for 4 weeks & 40% for 12+ weeks! Symptoms included shortness of breath, sore throat, chest pain, fever, fatigue, walking issues, joint, muscle or abdominal pain, loss of taste & smell, etc.
- Americans believe at least 20% of citizens are 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?- Among 140 orientations & gender identities; Teens should be supported if their Doctor & Parents support their decisions Americans generally agree! Schools should have appropriate material in the Libraries & Schools should clearly WELCOME ALL STUDENTS!!! We don’t live in the 1950’s but in our current century! Every child needs to be WELCOMED & LOVED NO MATTER GENDER IDENTITY or SEXUAL ORIENTATION! Mental illness & self harm rates are SHOCKING among 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? young Folks facing discrimination & being shunned! Children may simply feel they are female but stuck in a Male physical Body, for example! We wouldn’t try to force a heterosexual child to be gay! Every child needs Health Care respecting how they see themselves, not forcing anyone to be something completely different from their experience of themselves! Discrimination gives BULLYING FREE LICENCE + WRECKING PEOPLE’S SELF ESTEEM & LIFE!!! CAUSES Mental Illness, undue stress & depression! Parents can be CAUTIOUSLY SUPPORTIVE aware that children face additional stress given society’s norms & stereotypes! We look to ABOVE AGE 16 for anything radical like considering surgery in a process involving detailed assessment & counselling followed by hormone treatments if requested & appropriate but LASTLY after a few or perhaps after several years by surgery if approved & appropriate- and IF REALLY WANTED??? Obviously it may be easily to look female by taking hormones before the male body reaches complete maturity so it’s a person by person tricky decision! Young children obviously are vulnerable to being influenced to modern social trends- The worst situation desired is to have a child reach 16+ & realize they underwent treatments or surgery not easily reversed which were in retrospect entirely WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! Speaking of WRONG-
- Taylor Hawkins had 10? different drugs in his body? Band Leader Dave- What’s going down in your bands man??? Brilliant Kurt Cobain self inflicted horror at only 27 & now bright spirited childlike Taylor, a long time mental health illness anxiety sufferer- Enjoying success beyond any human’s wishes- All doped up- WHY? WHY? WHY? Dave- EXPLAIN WHAT’S GOING ON MAN!!! You said you two were BROTHERS- Your Brother only able to play LIVE with you under the influence of 10 killer drugs??? Bad Slap- Good Slap?
- SLAPSTICK HUMOR? WILL SMITH ‘CALLED OUT’ RACIST BLACK WOMAN HUMILIATING COMEDIAN Chris Rock Head, for TARGETING HIS WIFE’s Hair Loss Health Condition!!! Brutally attacked her very personally & directly front center in a widely viewed television show- she challenged by an incurable? illness sitting only a few rows from the stage! Will exceeded everyone’s expectations for being AUTHENTIC- jumping on stage & slapping the Insensitive Brute. INSTANT KARMA’S GONNA GET YOU ROCK HEAD, SANG Beatle John Lennon!
- #YOU INSULT & HURT MY WIFE, I PLACE ‘A SURPRISE KARMIC GIFT’ ON YOUR FACE!!! Will was asked to leave the show- Will said NO- THE SHOW MUST GO ON & Will was AWARDED BEST ACTOR & forever known for THE LOUDEST SLAP HEARD AROUND THE WORLD!!! Most Memorable Academy Awards Moment??? A Hard ROCK Act to Follow- Wait till next year’s insults against Black Women- I thought that behavior ended with the ’60’s Civil Rights Movement!!!
- #Police were eager to arrest- but Rock Head would not attest, knowing how heartless & feckless he IS to humiliate a BLACK WOMEN challenged by an embarrassing incurable? disease! It’s o.k. in 2022 for a Rock Head to humiliate her in front of millions of viewers???
- Hard to believe Brad Pitt wouldn’t think about his SLAP BACK Consequences- messing around, ‘beating’ on Angelina or threatening the children! Angelina Jolie- LOVE HER! performs almost TOO GOOD as Laura Croft, going to the ends of the Earth seeking Good, Justice & Righteous Revenge!!! Brad’s faced years of public shaming as his SLAP BACK KARMA for grabbing Angelina’s head, face & shoulders- shaking her. No HEAD & SHOULDERS MARKETING SHOOT BRAD- YOU DONE BAD!!! Adding a few threats, etc. to the children doesn’t endear you either! Pouring booze on your spouse & children is hardly endearing too!!! But how to slap back Russian Brutality???
- Russia can cut prices by 30% & access third party Cayman Island money laundering, etc.- Selling to Countries & Corporations happy to buy barrels of cheap Russian BLOOD Oil! Russia is seeking payment in Russian Rubles from Europe for gas & oil. SLAPBACK AGAINST CRIME-
- Biden wants to REFUND THE POLICE to curb CRIME as critics allege defunding the Police enabled lawlessness- especially in crime ridden communities! Money was to be redirected addressing the socio-economic roots of prejudice & intergenerational failure to thrive including strengthening Families, etc. Canada is shooting towards $10. per day Child Day Care enabling Moms & Dads to easily succeed in the Work Force, enjoy quality Family & Community Living & children enjoying full child care experiences in their development & educational achievements! Obviously, where communities or Families are impoverished, isolated, stratified, especially visible Minorities, Indigenous citizens, etc. are waylaid!
- Canada’s Demonic Parliament & Supreme Satanic Court is attempting by slippery deceit to re-enact 1930’s eugenics genocidal practices- Killing undesirables like our poverty stricken, mental patients, citizens with challenging disabilities, filled with self doubt or simply other discriminated against minorities & scapegoats as ‘unworthy of life!’ Mental Patients currently experience third world life expectancy due to deliberate prejudicial practices! Canadian Parliamentarians aim to encourage mental patients to give up on any Inviolable & Constitutional Right to Life & Helpful Community Supports; Have ‘SWORN DO NO HARM’ Doctors reverse all their Health Care Values & Traditions- pressure them give up all hope & everything; kill them instead of offering assistance to build a happy, viable life in the community as valued citizens & participants! We NEED A MAJOR SLAP BACK considering True Dunce Trudeau expresses dual Loyalties to China’s Systemic Abuses & alleged actively Killing it’s scapegoated citizens! Besides Nazi Germany & Hitler, who can be more disgusting than Trash Troll Trudeau, the Parliamentarians & Courts who are ENCOURAGING NAZI FASCIST STYLE EUGENICS GENOCIDAL HOLOCAUST 2.0! The very Morality of Western Civilization is suddenly totally discredited by Trudeau & Upper Legislators since ‘A SOCIETY IS JUDGED BY HOW IT TREATS IT’S MOST VULNERABLE CITIZENS!!!’ SLAPBACK IN ROME WITH POPE FRANCIS!!!
- TODAY March 31, North American Indigenous Genocide Survivors of Catholic Church Residential Schools are speaking online & face to face with Pope Francis- A 20 year spirit-quest to achieve a meeting- MORAL & ACTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY BE ACCEPTED by Pope Francis in Rome on behalf of The Catholic Church! Survivors were subjected to deliberate Cultural & Actual Genocide- FORCIBLY torn from Indigenous Families & Communities to be Brutalized in Church Controlled Government Funded Residential Schools; TOSSED in UNMARKED GRAVES, SCATTERED ABOUT THE GROUNDS- RECORDS of CRIMES ARE HIDDEN by The Church!!! ‘Beat the SAVAGE out of these children’ said the Church! Beat them for speaking in their Native language or practicing any aspect of their Indigenous Culture! Canada’s P.M. Trudeau in Europe was called out for being hypocritical on Human Rights, etc. Trudeau skipped attending Canada’s First National Day Events for Truth & Reconciliation on Sept. 30, 2021 & went SURFING INSTEAD! Now televised walking among the hundreds+ of unmarked graves & bodies yet to discovered by ground radar of brutalized, Church murdered Indigenous children at Williams Lake Residential School. A young Relative moved to Williams Lake with her Partner- pretty & scenic but she left after only a year+-She couldn’t face the hellfire of daily community racism; accepted a Happy Heavenly University career job last year- Blame her for choosing HAPPINESS EVERDAY instead of attempting to HEAL DECADES OF Community RACISM? Would we accept a Racist Community Approach???
- Indigenous Survivors discovered The Church APPROPRIATED & STOLE VAST QUANTITIES of Indigenous (Sacred) Cultural Artifacts currently being held in Rome (& elsewhere on Church controlled property.) THEY WANT POPE FRANCIS TO RELEASE EVERYTHING BACK TO THEM in North America! But Church staff said they weren’t allowed to even photograph their Indigenous STOLEN GOODS & ARTIFACTS!!! Indigenous Survivors want all Church Records about kidnapped Indigenous children made available to them- The Catholic Church has refused as part of their coverup of Genocidal Crimes! They want all offenders identified & immediately brought to justice in the Criminal Courts- The Church practice is to cover up all crimes & relocate Clergy Offenders to a new Parish to begin ‘serving’ again somehow magically rehabilitated??! The Indigenous Survivors want $Financial Compensation for all crimes for every Brutalized or Murdered Victim & Family! They want Pope Francis to personally come to North America and apologize to all the victims still living & to the Communities raided & plundered by the Catholic Church! Every GOOD Catholic 100% SUPPORTS the Church WELCOME TRUTH & RECONCILIATION, FACE JUSTICE, OFFER FULL COMPENSATION!!! Pope Francis has the Holy Character to address these tragedies on behalf of the Church- WE HOPE & PRAY!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR LOVING HEART & YOU IN MINE!!! So Wonderful to feel your STRENGTH & LOVE!! Together Apart Everyone’s playing their BEST SELF CRITICAL PARTS!!!!! Who knew the BIG CHALLENGES we would face TOGETHER IN LOVE- EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE- CLEAN HANDS & OUR PURE HEARTS!!! AMAZED ABOUT PEOPLE SO TOGETHER IN STRESSFUL TIMES RISING UP TO THE CHALLENGES- CALM IN THE STORM- BUT MANY GOING POSTAL TOO- HAVE YOU BEEN SHOCKED BY BEHAVIOR GOOD or BAD???? Always adoring your Beautiful Personality!!! Yours Always, Brianca Lane *March 19- 31, 2022 to be continued….. Loving You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ON Our Crosses or Between the Crosshairs? Britney’s Doing It & All’s in Play at our Apocalyptic GAMES!!! TRUST ME- YOU’RE GOOD!!!!!! *April 1- 15, 2022 Beloved Britney Spears is still starry eyed, fertile like our Passionate Easter Bunnies but no street drugs & overly strenuous Rock an Roll for Pop Star Britney- Pregnant carrying her 3rd Bambino & LOVING SEX SEX SEX 24/7!!! All Britney’s honestly authentic on stage Energy & Sexuality is focused on her new Family now instead of her previous drooling audiences!!!! Britney’s BORN for LOVING- isn’t everyone built emotionally like Britney- She’s not ashamed to be passionate, enjoying LIVING her LOVE?!!! The Creator says in the Bible/Torah ‘BE FRUITFUL’- Britney’s very RELIGIOUSLY FRUITFUL!!! Russia- Be like Britney- Make LOVE NOT WAR like the 1960’s slogan! “What is war good for- Absolutely Nothing!” the song says!!!! You don’t have to HURT ANYONE or Steal Anything to easily get what you want- LOVE & Everybody LOVES YOU BACK & OPENS their HEARTS, Britney discovered as a young entertainer!! BEATLEMANIACS AGREE- “The Love you take is equal to the love you make! We Can Work It out- Life is much too Short & there’s no time for fighting or Fussing my Russian Friends- I have always thought that it’s a (WAR) CRIME- so I will ask you once again, try to see it Ukraine’s way>>>”
- Like in 1963, 007 James Bond and all our Secret Agents & Special Forces should be activated against S.P.E.C.T.R.E. & Russia to reverse ‘From Russia with Hate & War for Ukraine & our FREE WORLD’ to “FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE!!!” But who to replace as Russian President & P.M.? They Loved Arnold Schwarzenegger & Donald Trump! Trump can become a beloved Oligarchy Autocrat like his Mentor The Impaler, rebuilding their economy Putin destroyed by Russian practiced & perfected incompetence. Body Builder become Hollywood hambone Actor Arnold can whip the oppressed proletariat into good working condition while practicing for his new role The Austrian Russian IMPREGNATOR who compulsively follows maids & cleaning ladies around the house behind wives’ backs!!!! Brad Pitt plays a scary Step Father who drops in belligerently intoxicated while child refugee U.N. appointee Laura Croft is busy saving all our World’s refugee children!!! The more Brad frightens children, the more frustrated he becomes as children call on Laura to save them from Creepy Brad acting bad!!! A BAD ACTOR- BRAD??? But back to our Russian Dilemma-
- War Mongers suddenly disappearing, all their assets turned over to rebuilding Ukraine!!! FAIR is FAIR in LOVE & WAR!!! ‘A ring around the Rosie; A pocket full of Posies; Russia Husha- Oligarchs all FALL DOWN!!!’ Place Bounties on every Russian war monger & grant liberal finder fees on seizing all their assets! AN WORLDWIDE RUSSIAN & ASSETS EASTER EGG HUNT!!! Bring in the Russian oppressive outlaws & their assets & collect sizable Bounties- Create a BEAUTIFUL RUSSIAN SPRING- oppressed Russians only own $1,000. each in total assets because Putin & Oligarchies STEAL ALL THE WEALTH!!!!!! Russians will join us all “DANCING in THE STREETS” to “Pussy Riot” playing as Marthaski & the Vandellaskis!
- Happy Easter to all Christians, Ramadan for Muslims & Passover for our Jewish Friends! I’m seeking God’s/Allah’s consent for a new story to be added in the Torah & Bible- David vs. Goliath- The Sequel! As our World imagines based on Russian Barbarian Activity in Ukraine- torture, raping, bombing children’s shelters, train stations to Poland & hospitals- GENOCIDE! including starving 10’s of thousands by stopping all food supplies in occupied areas, leaving occupied areas dangerously fitted with land mines!
- P. S. Royal connection>>> THE SEDUCTION of THE VIRGIN MENTAL PATIENT! “They had their virgin- Their SACRIFICIAL LAMB!!!” said Princess Diana. She was to provide a Royal Heir- William & a SPARE, Harry! Prince Charles/Charming actually loved another married woman instead of the chosen Princess Diana! When she sealed their formal relationship & kissed him, Prince Charming became a TOAD & the marital bed was crowded with 3- including Prince Charles & his true love/mistress vs. Diana, his Royal approved wife until they divorced & a year passed so she could be assassinated in a staged auto accident as predicted by Diana???
- Princess Diana helped lead a Global Effort to ban Land Mines but Russia only engages in brutality & unlawful Genocidal conquest in Ukraine! Ironically Diana was apparently assassinated for rocking Royalty & British Hegemony causing son Prince Harry to suffer two decades of Mental Illness- a SPARE WITH A CHRONIC LEAKING VALVE & ROUGH FITTING RIM! Harry recently abandoned his Royal Allowances, Titles & Functions, & delivered his wife Meghan from facing an early death. Meghan became a danger to herself under the Royal Crown- crashing in a downward depression feeling ‘locked away’ & oppressed- the wrong color & class for a Royal Mother & future Royal Child!? Sadly, Prince Harry- a veteran himself, lost his INVICTUS GAMES leadership role for injured veterans along with other Royal Titles, Payments & Responsibilities! He & Meghan visited Queen Elizabeth on his way to attend the INVICTUS GAMES in The Netherlands! Queen Elizabeth denies any classism or racism against Meghan but cut them loose! Goose The Queen’s Benevolence- Off with their Title Headings, Royal Incomes, Honors, etc. Harry’s Personal Assistant was a LANE like me; My Ancestor actually SAVED THE KING’S VERY LIFE & our Family name HONORED!!!!!!
- The David vs. Goliath sequel sees in Russia a one eyed/Dictator Monster cyclops/Impaler- Goliath! Ukraine is lead by a scrawny short Jew- formerly an entertainer! 5’5″ & only 135 pounds soaking wet! Too scrawny to hit when he turns sideways! Actor, director, producer, writer Woody Allen you ask? Not that scrawny & homely looking morally questionable goofball- too laughable for Biblical audiences to take seriously! Likes to marry Korean children adopted at 6 by his wife Mia Farrow- what honorable Soldier obeys a Comedy Actor turned Politician who dumps his wife for an adopted defenseless foreign child? Ukraine’s Zelenskyy is cute, boyish looking- could pass as L.G.B.T.Q+? Friendly to satisfy the WOKE CROWD- but straight & is starring as David in the sequel! All 143 U.N. Countries vs. only 5 opposed declaring Russia’s/Goliath’s invasion of ‘David’s Ukraine Unjust/an unlawful War Crime! Goliath’s Russia anticipates annexing Ukraine & enjoying celebratory carousing in the Capitol only 3 days after invading! But David rallies World sympathy, financial & military equipment & support & brave Ukrainian fighters who are anything but scrawny Woody Allen creepy lookalikes manhandle Goliath’s co-starring Monster CREEPY Russian Zombies!!!!!!
- David’s RIGHT MAKES MIGHT Forces kill 7- 9 Russian Generals in initial Battles protected by GOD/ALLAH of course- the Big Guy gets accolades for sure as film Producer! After intermission, they neutralize 20% of Goliath’s Russian Forces targeting higher ranks- let the young tricked into battle conscripts pee their pants, disable their weapons & surrender!!! Furious Goliath sets sail Russia’s advanced cruise missile Baltic Sea $Billion dollar Flag Ship which creates horror until a few Ukraine marksmen nail it with an improvised giant slingshot, the Baltic Sea opens up as directed by God/Allah, & swallows the Moskva including Cyclops children who sink like rocks because their large hearts are so stony! Naturally, Cyclops blows his gaskets & Russia’s media reports WW III is underway justifying shooting fearful tactical Cyclops neurotoxin laced poop nukes!!! Away from the War Action, cowardly Politicians first hope to appease Cyclops & the Russian Forces- are willing to sacrifice Ukraine & Ukrainians as cannon fodder but become Believers with God’s/Allah’s backing, everything is possible! Except millions of walk in actors have to be brutalized for audience enjoyment- Hollywood informs God, a great epic Hollywood or Heaven-wood Film abides by the Tried & True Motto- The More It Bleeds, the More it Leads at the Box Office & as a Standout in the New & Improved Green Spiritual Energy Virtual Bible- zero CO2 Emissions- Whoopie!!!!!!!
- Astutely Pres. Biden, (while improperly printing digital money out of thin air helping cause 8.5% out of control inflation, deflation of Wealth & triggering a process of rapid interest rate hikes playing with recession danger?,) spiking crime waves with catch & release of (violent) criminals, enabling open borders for drugs & gangs to rampage, etc. continuously understands Russia to be run by a Impaling, genocidal brutal gang of butchers, thugs & oppressors operating extra-judicially with no concept of RIGHT MAKES MIGHT! But only MIGHT MAKES RIGHT! Biden helped rebuild NATO Alliances bringing a coordinated ONE UNITED NATO & WORLDWIDE VOICE SUPPORTING Ukraine with $Financial Stability & increasingly powerful Weapons for Defending against Russia’s Genocidal Invasion & Butchery. Russia is being pushed back & is arranging a resupply for a new attack? What weapons of mass destruction will Russia use since it lost it’s initial invasion goals??? Pres. Biden & now NATO is increasingly ramping up sanctions & more powerful defense weapons. Beyond these effective tactics, The E.U. is considering STOPPING ALL RUSSIAN OIL being purchased by The E.U. which has accepted 25% of it’s oil needs & 40% of it’s natural gas supplies from Russia! Stopping oil purchases would help CRATER Russia’s oil production & economy very quickly- except India, etc. are sell-outs!!! ! Still Russia can’t ship that amount of oil immediately elsewhere, access storage facilities or suddenly stop production??? Like frogs in water gradually being boiled, Biden & NATO want to avoid a panicked humiliated Russia leaping towards an abyss of WWIII & mass destruction hard to ratchet back!!!
- Speaking of God/Allah versus ‘the devil made me do it!’ Pope Francis did apologize to visiting Indigenous survivors & promised to visit Canada to apologize directly to survivors of Church Residential Schools in place & financed by the government- including P.M. Trudeau’s Dad in Office from circa 1968- 1984, twice as P.M. Residential ‘prison’ schools for captive Indigenous children continued until the late 1990’s ‘beating the savage out of stolen Indigenous children,’ raping them mercilessly, burying their bodies in unmarked mass graves, etc. Indigenous survivors plead that Pope Francis release all the detailed documents withheld by the Church about missing & murdered children! They demand the countless stolen Indigenous artifacts the Church cherishes be returned as well. As God’s so called appointed voice on Earth, the Church must comply to abide by TRUTH & RECONCILIATION, Apologize & give restitution, send Clergy child offenders for Court Prosecution! Typically the Church simply moved sexual offenders to another Parish (where they unrepentantly reoffended!)
- About COVID, 2 weeks ago we declared a 6th wave & new variant(s), recommended social distancing & mask wearing for adults, etc. But only in the last few days have Regional Health Authorities declared a 6th wave as daily infections already peaked over 100,000 & now may be stabilizing & falling! Authorities missed the boat by NOT INFORMING the public about the severe rate of Public Transmission, about new variants, that Social Distancing & Mask wearing IS ESSENTIAL!!! EVERYONE’S CHOICE but talk to a person severely debilitated by COVID!!! INFECTION CAN OCCUR IN LESS THAN 1 MINUTE WITH CLOSE FACE TO FACE BREATHING as opposed to less transmissible original COVID STRAINS!!! My Brother’s suffered terribly for 2 weeks now but he received 3 vaccine shots! Just as he was commencing tiny symptoms, we walked side side for several hours in the Woods. Everyone thought I was silly to wear a mask walking closely with my Brother in the WOODS but I only received 1 shot last July! My Brother was desperately upset he had certainly infected me by our walk & I would suffer much worse than he is suffering- protected by 3 shots!
- #I am completely o.k. with no viral or COVID symptoms- only whatever health issues I ALREADY brought on myself like riding my dirt bike into a fallen tree!!!!! IT HURTS- TRUST ME- don’t do THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #SOCIAL DISTANCING & in my walk with my Brother- MASKS save our lives OR IT’S true as my Jewish Friend says about me- COVID doesn’t infect me- i infect COVID!!!!!!!! Or Mother Nature somehow helps protect me against infection- But if we are carelessly exposed- who escapes COVID!??
- #Spring is here- the time is RIGHT FOR DANCING IN YOUR STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT WATCH OUT FOR VEHICLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #LIVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE & ENJOY LIFE- We WON’T BE COMPLETE SEX MANIACS LIKE OUR BELOVED BRITNEY SPEARS- SEX 24/7 Britney O.M.G.!!! Create some hobbies- not including making or viewing ADULT HOME WILD movies!!! SPURRED ON BY HER MATERNAL HORMONES & HER NATURAL ENERGY HIGHS!!!! BUT WE’RE O.K. RIGHT!!!!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD says Pres. Lincoln, “I DO GOOD- I FEEL GOOD!!!!’ ‘I DO BAD- I FEEL BAD!’ That’s my Religion!!!!” “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!!!” if we simply pay attention to information coming our way- Taylor Hawkins successful, wealthy, a great life- cool smiling drummer dude right??? 10 drugs found in his system He has everything & STARDOM- His BAND MATES SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER SAVING HIM EASILY just as Kurt Cobain SHOULD HAVE BEEN SAVED circa 1994, Jimi Hendrix, JIMBO MORRISON, Amy Winehouse, ELVIS only 40- REAL FRIENDS WOULD STEP IN, SAVE & RESCUE- BE SUPERHEROES!!!! Taylor in our band, THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER- WE R SWIMMERS, FLOUNDERING SWIMMERS or RESCUERS!!! You can leave your self medicating behind ’cause you’re with TRUE BROTHERS & CARING FRIENDS!!!! Always in Your HEART & YOU IN MINE FOREVER!!!!!! LOVING YOU 24/7 *April 15, 2022 by Brianca Lane
- *CELEBRATING LIFE & BEING OUR BEST SELVES- FACING BUMMERS & BLESSINGS!!!! April 16- 29, 2022 #LOVE & PEACE IS THE ONLY WAY! (Beatle Ringo Starr) “WE CAN WORK IT OUT- LIFE IS MUCH TOO SHORT FOR FIGHTING & FUSSING MY FRIEND- I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT THAT IT’S A CRIME!” (Beatles McCartney & Lennon) #”ALL WE ARE SAYING IS- GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!” (Lennon, Ono & Friends recorded the mantra song in a Montreal, Quebec, Canada hotel room) Did you know U.S. V.P. Harris happily experienced her high school years in Montreal’s Westmount High- Kamala quips “I felt like a DUCK- at our new school saying “Quoi? Quoi? Quoi? all day- French for ‘What.’ Today Republicans complain Kamala is quacking “Quoi? Quoi? Quoi? when they bring up Southern ‘Open Border’ issues!!! If Republicans could only speak fluently in French to Kamala or Chinese, etc. to Pres. Biden c/o Hunter & his incriminating laptop? ‘15% for The Big Guy?!’ peddling China Gate Influence! In Canada, P.M. Trudeau quietly welcomes or allows China pushing Chinese Born Students & Immigrants to vote for Trudeau’s Liberal Candidates! But China is able to hand pick preferred Winning Candidates sympathetic to China’s Canadian interests!!!
- PRINCESS DIANA, born on Canada’s Birthday, HELPED OUTLAW BURYING MINES- before she was assassinated & before receiving World Peace Awards unleashing her POWER for SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER!!! One year after her divorce from Royalty- a coincidental staged auto accident??? Ask Prince Harry if he believes his Mother was murdered! Seeing his Wife Meghan being brought down quickly by The Royal Experience, Harry escaped to peaceful B.C. Canada & on to SUNNIER SURF IN California!!! Harry attended with Queen Elizabeth & on to The Invictus Games in The Hague- 500 unconquered athletes from 20 Countries! Games he helped create & lead since 2014- Harry now removed from Official Royal Duties as punishment for disloyalty? The Feb. 2025 Invictus Games to be held in B.C. Canada? OMG- if Queen Elizabeth perishes this year, who will ascend to the Royal Throne- Princess Diana’s betrayer Charles? Prince Charming who transformed into a TOAD & third wheel in the Royal Bed, promiscuous slutty? Camilla?
- Also noteworthy in B.C., last time we discussed P.M. Trudeau attending Williams Lake mass grave Residential School site for Indigenous children forcibly stolen from their families & communities in acts of GENOCIDE! My young Relative & her Partner both got jobs at beautiful wild Williams Lake but couldn’t stand the discrimination & left after a year! P.M. Trudeau- under the World spotlight, proposed settlements for survivors.
- Russia- lowest of the low, is burying mines in Ukraine contrary to International Laws Princess Diana helped establish! Barbaria/Russia is committing unspeakable acts, butchering, torturing & raping women & children!
- A friend ALERTED ME ABOUT A RUSSIAN mostly MALE ‘COMMUNE’/VACATION RETREAT- HOW THEY KEPT TO THEMSELVES & WERE CONTINUALLY EXPANDING IT’S SIZE! We wondered about imbedded Russian spies & operatives in America & other Countries ready to ACT upon Putin’s Orders! Are our CIA type operations tracking hostile foreign Countries’ Operatives imbedded & conducting surveillance & formulating terrible schemes should they be activated against our infrastructure, etc. How many thousands of active operatives by hostile Countries have imbedded themselves ready & trained for sabotage & war?
- Pres. Eisenhower’s warned against The Military Industrial Complex profiteering from endless warring among Nations. If MACHO MALES ARE BUILDING WARS, WILL WOMEN BRING BACK THE GREAT PEACE??? 50%+ of Russians R WOMEN- ABLE & WILLING TO STOP former taxi driver Putin- ‘Carry your bags, Ma’am?’ #RUSSIAN MOTHERS STANDING AGAINST YOUNG ADULT BOYS BEING USED AS KINDLING WOOD & CANNON FODDER! Slaughtering & disabling their young naive boys by the TENS of THOUSANDS! Russian soldiers all should be back home watching Britney’s repurposed school (uniform w/o underwear) sexy video- “BABY ONE MORE TIME!” ‘Honey- I NEED YOU!’ ‘You Russian Pig- Did you watch Britney’s pulled up short skirt w/o underwear sexy BABY- ONE MORE TIME! video again?’ mentalhealthrightsforum.com says #MAKE AWESOME LOVE, NOT TERRIBLE WAR!!! for the health of our World!’ O.K. BUT JUST REMEMBER-
- ’60’s Rallying Cry: #MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! Updated by Born to Be A Lover- Britney Spears! The worse Russia’s brutality, the STRONGER & BETTER Britney TURNS ON HER Born to Be A LOVER- LOVE MAKING MACHINERY! Britney’s always RIDING ON TOP or UNDER THE SPRAYING SURF in tropical settings! Pregnancy only makes Britney HORNIER- #Bipolar is Britney’s HIGHS of LOVE & LOWS of LOVE!??
- #Q. Mom- What’s SEX? A. Watch Britney Spears- “Baby- One More Time!!!” Britney on being Pregnant- “It is 100% spiritually out of this world!” Always enthusiastic, Britney adds: “I don’t want my Baby to come out- EVER!!! I like my Baby being SAFE in my womb & close to MY HEART!” drum roll- Isn’t that what Britney always says! “The stillness of holding something so HOLY & BEAUTIFUL inside makes me feel more BLESSED!”
- About her previous pregnancy perinatal depression, Britney blurts out- “I hope I don’t turn into THE DEVIL like I did with my first two pregnancies!” So we see how temporary chemical & hormonal imbalances can challenge our stability. STRESSORS can also trigger genes to affect us! Pregnancy- CELEBRATING NEW LIFE, IS ‘supposed to be a wonderful experience!’ Women experiencing depression, etc. during pregnancy have felt SHAME for not LIVING UP to THE IDEALS of Pregnancy & Motherhood! Britney says thankfully- TIMES HAVE CHANGED- Women are speaking up & honestly looking to address Motherhood issues- BOTH Highs & Lows. Do you think third time’s a charm for Britney in her pregnancy experience- she’s 40, not always prime time for pregnancy? Princess Diana experienced several mental illness challenges but brilliantly achieved greatness speaking truth to power until her staged ‘accident.’
- Most citizens accept changing norms & cultural diversity- Governments not imposing on individuals’ RIGHTS & FREEDOMS- PURSUIT of HAPPINESS! Over 50% of citizens in Toronto, Canada are Visible Minorities- EVERY CULTURE may want acceptance of their beliefs & practices compatible with Lawful Behavior & Human Rights Legislation. As Canadian P.M. Pierre E. Trudeau said circa 1967 “THERE IS NO PLACE FOR THE STATE IN THE BEDROOMS OF THE NATION!” Trudeau legalized homosexuality effectively but harassment doesn’t end by passing a law! Another current cultural war is over abortions- Roe vs. Wade 1973 striking down Government’s heavy handed Infringements on a Women’s Rights over her own body, abortion decisions & severely limiting the number of weeks of pregnancy where abortions may be performed. Texas schemed up turning ordinary citizens into Bounty Hunters against Abortion Guidance & Practitioners! The U.S. Supreme Court Conservative Majority may rule to stand by the status quo, accept progressive change or fall back to 1950’s LEAVE IT TO BEAVER AMERICANA? President Trump appointed 3 Supreme Court Justices to enable a return to 1950’s/1960’s Americana if they believed the Constitution should be sent Back in Time!!!!
- Today, Conservative Political States also wrestle with when children MAY BE introduced to LGBTQ+? Obviously, some young children have ‘TWO MOMS’ or “TWO DADDIES’ & MUST BE STRONGLY AFFIRMED AS FULLY WELCOMED & SUPPORTED FAMILIES BY THE COMMUNITY Jen Psaki attempts to say crying compassionately!! An otherwise seemingly wonderful deeply Religious welcoming neighborhood actually ‘drove out’ a Lesbian Couple with children- moved into after they left & wondered why the previous Family left so SUDDENLY! Florida’s ‘Don’t Say GAY Bill’ bans classroom mention of LGBTQ+? for students up to grade 3 & for all grades above that, 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?, sexual orientation & gender identity must be age & developmentally appropriate!’ Pres. Biden & America’s Bar Association sees the rigid ban probably as a Modern Witch Hunt, unconstitutional, arbitrary & HATE SPEECH against 2Spirit LGBTQ+? Returning towards 1950’s Americana vs. Modern America Progressives- YOU DECIDE what to say when children attend family friendly school events with 2 HAPPILY MARRIED DADS or 2 HAPPILY MARRIED MOMS, socializing together with all other Parents & the children asking about 2 MOMS & 2 DADS in a Family or want to visit for play times & sleep overs!!!
- About children actually changing their bodies by puberty blockers, hormones or radical surgery, at about 17- 18 children today are becoming accepted for a full psychological analysis & counselling to ensure they are mentally stable & capable- fully informed, & may want 3 years of hormone therapy & AFTER THAT, live their lives happily or maybe- maybe consider something more radical- IF ANYTHING is to be changed- on an individual choice basis! The issue with puberty blockers is younger children attempting to delay puberty until they are older & are seen as being able to make appropriate decisions for themselves. Parents & Doctors essentially attempt to make decisions about puberty blockers requested by children who are probably too young to make good decisions about orientation & identity on their own. Generally Americans support this approach!
- Radical procedures on young children can be disastrous- probably over 50% will make a TERRIBLY WRONG DECISION THEY DEEPLY REGRET! Parents should love their children unconditionally- They don’t have to encourage children at all but FULLY ACCEPT THEM AS THEY ARE. Loving them just as much if the child sees themselves in terms of a male, for example not wanting to partner with the opposite sex or being the 1 in 300 in Canada self identifying as TRANS, for example! Orientation & identity doesn’t reflect on an individual’s value, dignity, importance, rights, character, needs & expectation to be fully welcomed, included, supported & loved, etc. like anyone else! The days of Salem Witch Hunts, harassment, shame, self harm, self medicating & trials are long gone everyone agrees! Doctors fear self harm & shame DUE to harassment or ESPECIALLY TO PARENTS VERY WRONGLY BEING UNWILLING TO LOVE THEIR CHILDREN AS THEY SHOULD! Medical Associations generally strongly oppose Religious forced conversion therapy- Isn’t it usually BANNED? Obviously some people have great difficulty about 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? for Religious or other reasons but we try to accept others just as we want everyone to accept us without bad thoughts, words or deeds! Our own GOOD, COMPASSIONATE & CARING THOUGHTS, WORDS & DEEDS are our individual responsibility to be as generous to others as we hope everyone will be towards us!!!!!
- Violence & drug tragedies among teens & adults are leading causes of death & disabilities!!! Almost 100,000 Americans perishing annually from overdosing; gun & gang violence completely out of control! To be mentally & physically healthy, every young child needs to EXPERIENCE STEADY LOVE & NURTURING- FREE FROM STARTLING HATE & VIOLENCE; A QUALITY ACTIVE FAMILY, COMMUNITY & EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT; FEEL VALUED & INCLUDED- BE SAFE & HAPPY ABOUT THEMSELVES & THEIR WORLD; ENJOY HEALTHY STIMULATION & FUTURE HOPES & DREAMS!!! If our fight or fight reflexes are constantly overstimulated, if our environment feels like a insane, uncontrollable dangerous Wizard of Oz swirling twister, WE’LL BREAK UP!!!!!!!
- #EASY to SAVE A CHILD BY A HEALTHY UNBRINGING! VERY HARD TO UNDO & UNLEARN ALL THE DAMAGE FROM CHILDHOOD TRAUMA or NEGLECT!!! Shades of Betty Davis & Joan Crawford- We can be driven crazy by our disturbing childhood experiences causing lifelong challenges. A Mother was alternately very loving & withdrawn/cold, so her daughter became terrified of becoming too emotionally involved; intimacy was followed by emotional withdrawal by her Mother’s ‘personality’ disturbance! Strong physically, great intellectually & high educational achievements aside- years of Therapy could not give her an ability to become truly intimately close to a Partner due to her fear of consequent abandonment like from her childhood Mother!
- In Canada, Officials advertised a $250,000. reward for information leading to the arrest of Canada’s current ‘Most Wanted at Large.’ Police/anonymous ‘Crime Stoppers’ were tipped off & within hours Police easily arrested the fugitive- the reward not even requested? Put GENEROUS BOUNTIES/REWARDS OUT on Putin & his Barbarian Cronies!
- Increasingly impoverished, starving Russians don’t want this suicidal, barbaric, discredited genocidal invasion? Russian Ruble value cut 50% & 20% interest charges! Millions of RUSSIAN MOTHERS WANT PEACE but Germany paid Putin $6.65 Billion & overall Russia sucked in $66.5 Billion for energy exports since the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine! (Center for Research on Energy & Clean Air estimate) Thankfully, a frustrated Putin cut off his nose to spite his face by stopping Russian gas to Poland & Bulgaria!
- Not Anyone else except Pres. Lincoln has that incredibly genuinely warm touch like President Reagan you can’t but WELCOME!!! Who believed he wouldn’t surely come back to TELL US 18 YEARS of WONDERFUL STORIES HE’S BEEN DYING TO TELL US- AGAIN!!!
- President Reagan & Nancy escaped the formalities attending meetings in Moscow & simply went shopping! “The people called out our names- We were just about (LITERALLY) swept away by their warmth & JOY (meeting & greeting with us!) But within seconds, a KGB Detail began pushing & shoving the people- THE MAN ON MOSCOW STREETS YEARNS FOR PEACE!!! We view FREEDOM & HUMAN RIGHTS DIFFERENTLY from the Communist Governments! WE WANT TRUST- BUT (ALWAYS) VERIFY! ALWAYS IN YOUR HEARTS & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!! Together Apart We can do this Apocalyptic series of Challenges. We are CHALLENGED until CHANGE BECOMES US!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH- You’re AMAZING!!! MOTHER NATURE CHEERING US UP TO STAND STRONG, ACCEPT CHANGES & SPEAK OUR TRUTH TO POWER BY OUR BEAUTIFUL OPEN GLOWING HEARTS & GENEROSITY!!! Love- Love- Love YOU!!!!! *April 16- 29, 2022 by Brianca Lane B.O.B.S.> EXPRESSING OUR LOVE, HAPPINESS & FREEDOMS w/o BOUNDARIES!!!! April 30- May 12, 2022 BRITNEY- on B.O.B.S.!!!! Britney posting her NUDE- subtle modest pre- pregnant? Mexico Marilyn Munroe Body Appearance photos! “I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!” Yes- Britney’s endearing personality, wonderfully talent & embodying the classic Marilyn Munroe 1950’s NUDE PIN UP BEAUTY APPEARANCE!!!! is Britney
- #Celebrating I AM WOMAN- BEAUTIFUL, FREE AT LAST & HAPPY- LOVE YOU TOO!!! (P.S. Our jealous God/Allah is also basking in CREATIVE GLORY-
- BUT- YIKES! Annual Man Made Climate Change Wildfires, Heat Domes & Waves, Desertification, Insect, Bacterial & Viral Infestations, Superstorms, Atmospheric Rivers, etc. Sorry- REEFER MADNESS R US? In Australia’s 2,300 kms/1400+ miles Great Barrier Reef- comprised of 2900+ individual reefs & 900 Islands, home for 9,000 known species- 10% of our World’s Coral Reef Ecosystems; Over 90% suffered BLEACHING over the past year!
- #Our ART of BEING is BEING CHALLENGED in Apocalyptic Times!!! Our Honey Bee Pollinators are facing severe decline by our overuse of Pesticides, other insect terminator practices, Climate Change, etc. = COLONY COLLAPSE DISORDER!!! Declining BEE Populations & Pollination = Threatened Food Security & higher prices for everyone! Russia’s genocidal aggression is devastating Breadbasket Ukraine’s ability to help feed our World; Russia’s fertilizer & food supply role is also sideswiped! COVID, Climate Change Disasters, War & cleansing population displacement, World Wide rising interest rates, etc. are pushing punishing FOOD INSECURITY- hopefully not bringing about STAGFLATION- Stagnating Economies but high interest Rates!!
- #SAG-BAG DEFLATION? Men’s FERTILITY IN RAPID DECLINE- by overuse of Hormones, Pesticides & other Genetic impairing chemicals, etc.? Will Britney’s NUDE PHOTO THERAPY end SAG-BAG DEFLATION & INCREASE MALE EXCITEMENT, FERTILITY & POTENCY??? Britney’s an ANTI-DOTE to all our Apocalyptic Challenges but supporters are anxious! We helped Britney ACHIEVE TOTAL FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION & SLAVERY- REGAIN CONTROL OVER HER OWN LIFE, BODY, CHOICES & DECISIONS, Britney’s ASSETS FOR HER BENEFIT- $100’s of millions stolen or missing? Anxiety about Britney becoming too high. But so far- so good! Britney’s honest about her strengths & challenges- Britney, tell us you’re GOOD!!!!!!!!!
- #Britney, WE LOVE YOU to be HAPPY but not TOO HIGH on LIFE!!!
- #In Apocalyptic Times- ALL HAVE ‘SOMETHING- A CROSS TO BEAR??!’
- #R WE Too LOW or TOO HIGH, Experiencing too little or too much Stimulation; Enjoy Healthy Alone & Happy Together Times; Facing Physical, Mental or Emotional issues & Disabilities/Challenges- Social & Financial Help available if needed?
- #WE ARE ALL EACH OTHER’S HERO’S, FELLOW STRUGGLING SWIMMERS & RESCUERS- dealing with Unhealthy Anxiety, Fear, OCD, Manic Depression, Body Image Issues, Eating Disorders, Inadequate Sleep & Exercise Practices; Hopefully not Personality Disorders Lacking Empathy, Care & Compassion for others, Flora & Fauna- “There but for the GRACE of GOD/ALLAH, go I!!!’;
- #Always Good & Kind Thoughts, Words & Actions R US Everyday in every way!!!
- #But WHAT’S UP ABOUT Men Wanting for 1000’s of years of tears to CONTROL & ENSLAVE WOMEN? Afghanistan’s Wahabi Taliban Extremist Zealots lied blaspheming Muhammad’s Honor- Peace Be Unto Him! about how ‘they’ve changed their intentions over 20+ years towards liberating Women & Girls!’ Girls today may not be educated beyond grade 6- AGAIN! May not accept many/most occupations or positions of decision making, power & control- AGAIN! Must wear a full burka- AGAIN! After years of increasing FREEDOM, are terrorized & enslaved AGAIN!
- Pres. Biden & Democrats now realize recent Supreme Court Trump Political alleged Constitutional Backsliders Appointees lied about their intentions NOT to take Rights BACK to the 1950’s LEAVE IT TO BEAVER/FATHER KNOWS BEST AMERICANA- or indeed back to pre-Civil War 1850’s before Pres. Lincoln began establishing Justice, Equality, Human Rights & MODERN CIVILIZATION- creating LADY LIBERTY’S INSPIRING AMERICA the BEAUTIFUL! Women to be ENSLAVED AGAIN- THEIR BODIES, LIVES, HOPES & DREAMS CAPRICIOUSLY DECIDED BY MEN- MEAN< AGGRESSIVE & MEGALOMANIACS!!! By mentalhealthrightsforum.com,
- #we push for Psych. Survivors CONTROL OVER OUR OWN BODIES & LIVES, DECISIONS & RESOURCES- BACK AGAIN! TARGETED FOR OUR BENEFIT! Assisted Britney Spears before L.A. Conservator Judge Penny! Britney speared Judge Penny’s heart & soul by crying out- “I just want my LIFE BACK!!!” Women exercising Control over their own Lives & Bodies including Medical Decisions vs. Big Brother Government & Catholic Religion’s Pope Francis possessing American Women as enslaved objects AGAIN! AFTER 50 years FREE TO DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES! Welcome back to the 1950’s- or is it soon back to the 1850’s if Supreme Court Decisions are reversed by Politically instructed & Appointed HIT MEN/WOMEN?
- Pre-Cognitively, we spoke previously about Roe vs. Wade & the Trump Politicized Hit Squad Supreme Court? Is Britney pre-cognitively becoming the future #FREED BRITNEY! POSTER WOMEN for the PRO LIFE RALLY? Under Conservatee enslavement, Britney was FORCIBLY DENIED MOTHERHOOD- MADE TO USE CONTRACEPTIVE BARRIERS. Suddenly FREED by we #Free Britney! Advocates with blessing by Hear Me Roar? Judge Penny, Britney SEIZED WHAT HAD BEEN DENIED- LIFE, ENGAGEMENT & MOTHERTHOOD!
- “The STILLNESS of HOLDING SOMETHING SO HOLY & BEAUTIFUL inside me makes me feel more BLESSED! I like my BABY BEING SAFE IN MY WOMB & CLOSE TO MY HEART!!!!” Is PRO LIFE anxiously awaiting Britney’s Tummy Bulge to publish NUDE PHOTO UPDATES of MOTHERHOOD BLISS!!?
- #Men will say- Have Britney’s NUDIES on my phone because I support Motherhood!!! How can supporting Motherhood be bad?
- BUT WAIT- Hollywood scripting demands challenges confront our heroine Britney. Britney “BECAME THE DEVIL” with hormonal imbalances in her first 2 pregnancies- Pro Life America may steal Britney’s earlier voice arguing not every Pregnancy is a WONDERFUL, BLESSED CELEBRATION of LIFE- so every Women must enjoy Pro Choice!??
- BUT WAIT- In Apocalyptic Times, every CRISIS IS SEEMINGLY SUPERSIZED- Pres. Trump’s Politicized Supreme Court being the biggie existential threat to America’s Rights & Freedoms since Pres. Lincoln’s Jan. 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation!!
- an existential threat based on Brown vs. Board of Education- 1954 in which State Laws establishing Separate Racist White & Black Schools were declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!! WILL VOTING LAWS BE REVERSED AGAINST MINORITIES, etc.? REVERSE Civil Rights Act 1960? And Voting Rights Act 1965???
- #FOXY NEWS reverses ‘Citizens possess Inalienable Rights- My Body- My Choice! My Medical Decisions! ‘A Religion/Church vs. State separation!’ to
- ‘#Big Brother Government & Big Catholic Church c/o Pope Francis INVESTIGATES & BOSSES AMERICANS AROUND- FORCIBLY MAKES PERSONAL & MEDICAL DECISIONS FOR CITIZENS!!!’ If Roe vs. Wade is reversed, States may pass as restrictive laws as they please! Canada is declaring Pro-Choicers are welcome- bring credit card s’il vous plait! Canada is 80% PRO CHOICE but American insurgents will stir up civil unrest sparked by the politicized U.S. Supreme Court HIT SQUAD to ban PRO CHOICE Worldwide? Hannity will be huffing & puffing for the Catholic Church c/o Pope Francis looking for a FIX in HEAVEN!!! Hannity- you need to be FIXED! HA!
- Just the beginning of continued INSURRECTION against the Constitution & FREEDOMS stifling CONTROL OVER OUR OWN LIVES?
- In a perfect World, every Baby is born to LOVING PARENT(s) or ADOPTED, LOVED & CARED FOR into Adult independent Living. But in reality, supports are not adequately in place.
- #PRO LIFE advocates should ensure Mother & Baby receive everything they need for a healthy Pregnancy & Birth + excellent post natal care & upbringing of the child so Abortion is simply not a GO TO desirable choice! Canada is aiming towards $10. a day daycare! So much of our crime- beside hopelessness & seeming inescapable poverty, arises from inadequate Baby & child rearing- NO LOVE & QUALITY CARE & UPBRINGING = AMERICA’S CRIME DISASTER TODAY!!!!! MY incredibly generous & kind heated Aunt worked in our prison system- Asked her what their childhood’s were like? EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Will America’s Political Conservative Taliban Style Supreme Court HIT SQUAD go after L.G.B.T.Q.+? PRO LIFE BUT DEATH TO QUEER LIVES c/o Pres. Trump’s Taliban?
- Texas Governor wants to DENY new Border Crossing Immigrants State Services like Education! The old
- #DON’T LET ‘EM BE EDUCATED TRICK- SO SCAPEGOATED BRUTALIZED PEOPLES CAN BE EASILY STIGMATIZED & CRIMINALIZED! HANG THE GOVERNOR HIGH BY HIS OWN HORSE WHIP??? HA! A 1982 Supreme Court Decision ruled children are ENTITLED TO PUBLIC EDUCATION REGARDLESS OF IMMIGRATION STATUS!!! Texas passed a law designed to encourage independent citizens effectively to collect Bounties on Abortion Advocates & Providers to DENY PRO CHOICE! Wasn’t Texas the LAST STATE to outlaw SLAVERY??? Pres. Lincoln may be recalled to oversee a repeated 1860’s Civil War & begin rebuilding America until assassinated AGAIN!!!
- #Saying NO to being a DOPE!!! Over 100,000 Americans perished in 2021; up 15% over 2020 which was up 30% above 2019! (National Center for Health Statistics) My Brother asks about trying street drugs simply to see what the experience is like- CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT says I! Fentanyl, for example, is 100X greater than MORPHINE- which Health Care Staff used to quickly kill their COVID targeted Patients!!! ‘Oh- I’ll try it just once in my life’- YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!! ‘But just ONCE my Brother says weakly?’ YOU GOT THAT RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #WHEN GOOD PEOPLE ARE SILENT, EVIL ALONE DECIDES WHAT IS WRONG & WHAT IS RIGHT!!! #Is China SAD about all the Opioids sent into our FREE WORLD killing millions??? About enabling COVID spreading Worldwide (into a 3rd year now) killing & disabling millions more! Are Russian/Barbarian Gangsters SAD about inflicting GENOCIDE & severe Food Insecurity & Economic Harm on our World??? OUR CHALLENGES IN LIFE includes STANDING UP TO EVIL- KEEPING SAFE WHATEVER PRECIOUS GIFTS WE ARE BLESSED WITH AT BIRTH!!!
- #We should never let satanic temptation cloud our SAFETY, SOCIETY or CIVILIZATION- “THOU SHALL SURELY NOT DIE!’ Satan whispers! Pres. Trump’s so-called ‘CHINA COVID VIRUS’ (allegedly created & leaked by the Viral Lab in Wuhan) leaves many infected with LONG COVID SYMPTOMS & may include a catastrophic 10% I.Q. FALL- AGING VICTIMS 20 YEARS!!! We can be THANKFUL to Our Sweet Honey Britney- NAKED & UNASHAMED, pollinating our horney Hearts with the POWER of WOMEN’S BEAUTY, HEAVENLY LOVE & an ANTIDOTE AGAINST MACHO MEN WANTING TO GO TO WAR & DESTROY BEAUTY IN OUR GARDEN IN EDEN PARADISE!!!! – MAKE LOVE NOT WAR! War- “WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!”
- The International Women’s League for Peace & Freedom- 1915 aspired to end WWI- UNBELIEVABLE WE KEEP ENABLING MEGALOMANIACS TO REPLAY AN EVE of DESTRUCTION IN OUR GARDEN IN EDEN!!!!
- #WE PRAY LIFE EXPRESSES FREEDOM, BEAUTY & GLORY IN U.S. A.LL!!!! My Niece as a young toddler used to have defiant conversations with her Mommy about her choice of clothing, etc. “I AM THE BOSS OF ME!” Mommy says- “No! I AM the boss of YOU!” Apparently Mommy is slow to understand our children KNOW THEY HAVE INALIENABLE RIGHTS!!!!!!!!
- #Our purpose- CELEBRATING & GLORIFYING LIFE & CREATIVITY Together & Apart in our Garden in Eden!
- #Are we our Physical Bodies or do we EXPRESS OURSELVES BY OUR PHYSICAL BODIES!?
- #Are our Physical Bodies actually our PRECIOUS HOLY CLOTHING & LIVING BIO TECHNOLOGY to express our BEING on Physical Earth? We shouldn’t obsess about our LOOKS- Marketers play mind games attempting to make women feel somehow inadequate so are willing to spend ridiculous amounts & follow trends as marketers push products harmful to us emotionally & health wise! Everything important & critical is probably already within you- Life has spend thousands of years establishing what works best & you’re already the latest sexy sports model! Don’t be fooled by marketing mind games trying to change you from being strong, realistic but confident to feeling anxious, depressed & inadequate! We can go anywhere into retail stores & see Women prettier than most in Hollywood, with a bonus of GREAT CHARACTER!!!
- #In Russia/BARBARIA devil hearted worthlessly inadequate & incompetent dictators use their brainwashed, beaten down enslaved impoverished subjects to commit WAR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!
- #We demanded ALL FREE DEMOCRACIES, etc. SEIZE &FREEZE Barbaria’s War Mongers’ Assets & hand them them to Ukraine’s Beloved! Our World is DOING IT!
- #We demanded our FREE WORLD’s overwhelming by 143 Countries+ vs. 5 opposed in our United Nations, TOTALLY SUPPORT FREEING UKRAINE from BARBARIAN GENOCIDE- Our World is DOING IT! We demanded- our FREE WORLD increasingly agrees, all Ukraine’s defense needs be fully supplied- aggressive Barbarian genocidal behavior demands appropriate proportional response- to WIN! Pres. Lincoln says “RIGHT MAKE MIGHT!!!” America, NATO, etc. NOW ALL SAY- “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!” FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY MUST WIN IN UKRAINE’S BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL!!! Pres. Reagan says initially we “PULL OUR PUNCHES!” If Russia continues the current Barbarian attack, “WE PULL THE PLUG!!!”
- #We demanded Barbaria’s genocidal oppressors ALL be HUNTED DOWN with appropriate Bounties & incentives, etc. A WONDERFUL EASTER EGG HUNT to CRACK GENOCIDAL Russian & Allied ROTTEN EGG HEADS!!! To be charged with war crimes against humanity/genocide & IMMEDIATELY brought to trial/justice to face overwhelming assembled evidence- full sanctions applied! INSTANT KARMA’S GONNA GET ‘EM!!! Imagine all the cowardly attempts to appease the devil- missed chances to bring Hitler & his fellow Fiends to Justice BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE 85+ million needlessly died in WWII!!!! Trials proceeding lawfully with the attendance or in the unwilling absence of Russian, etc. alleged offenders- Full “PULL THE PLUG” punishments applied IMMEDIATELY!!! Barbaria’s dictator thugs have STOLEN ALL THE WEALTH from Russia’s enslaved subjects- net worth is reduced to $1000. each, ‘becoming poorer every year’ vs. in nearby FREE DEMOCRACIES, citizens are hundreds of times WEALTHIER! Using today’s tracking technology & GPS, every alleged Russian & allied criminal can be brought to immediate account!
- #Russians- don’t do the crimes if you value your lives!!!! U.S. Pres. Biden asks Congress for $33 Bilion against Russian/Barbarian Aggression & a UNITED CONGRESS RESPONDED with $40 Billion!!! Canada’s P.M. re-opened Canada’s Embassy Office this past week end!
- #MOST of Russia’s WEALTH INEQUALITY is by Oligarchy Gangster Friends of Putin OWNING/CONTROLLING Russia’s Natural Resources. SHUTTING DOWN BLOOD MONEY FROM SALE OF NATURAL RESOURCES- ENERGY, etc. = SHUTTING DOWN THE RUSSIAN REGIME- An Open Wound CANCER EATING AWAY OUR WORLD HEALTH & CIVILIZATIONS!!! Poland & Bulgaria had their energy from Barbaria cut off by Putin to spite his face! European NATO partners hope to end purchase of Russian oil/energy within 6 months-
- #STOPPING NATO ENERGY PURCHASE FROM RUSSIA- NATO BLOOD MONEY POURING INTO BARBARIA/Russia = STOPPING conflagration against our Beloved Ukraine Brothers & Sisters!!! Again-
- #ADDRESS TREATING THE SOURCE instead of attempting to treat the consequences & symptoms- battles in Ukraine!!! Pres. Reagan says “AT FIRST PULL YOUR PUNCHES- UPON NO RESPONSE- PULL THE PLUG!!!” Get right at Russia’s HEART NOW!!! Barbaria’s enjoyed 3 months at Ukraine’s catastrophic expense- Allies pulling punches leaving every tin pot megalomaniac wondering if the Allies are too afraid & will avoid actual serious knock out punches at all costs!!! What is the deterrence if Allied Forces always pull their punches! Russia/Barbaria deliberately targeted & bombed over 200 Health Care Facilities, specifically targeted innocent civilian populations & sanctuaries where they gathered & identified- ‘children, RED CROSS!’ Unexploded Russian missiles & bombs were found inscribed with “For your children!!!” translating- ‘YOU BETTER GET REAL- DOWN & DIRTY! We’ve got their co-ordinates; Where everyone is; Their infrastructure, assets, equipment & production facilities. Know where & how their sources of income are coming in! Pres. Reagan says after 3 months time to “PULL THE PLUG!!!!” Also, time to GET REAL about Russian imbedded operatives within our Allied Countries- We should know every facility & every Russian sympathizer- not to mention China’s long standing action plan imbedding operatives; sending students to Western Universities & technology centers & businesses specifically demanding ALL EXTRACTED KNOWLEDGE BE BROUGHT BACK TO FEED CHINA’S EFFORT AT WORLD DOMINANCE!!!! Our Political Leaders & Intelligence need to PREVENT & PROTECT BEFORE MEGALOMANIACS ARE ABLE TO STRIKE OUT!!!!
- Britney’s showing Classic Pretty 1950’s Marilyn Munroe Body Clothing- but whatever our body appearance & image, we want to be HEALTHY & CREATIVE- LOVING & ENDEARING!!!!
- #We pray our physical bodies be HEALTHY & Wonderfully Operational whatever their Appearance! She ain’t no Beauty but she dam well gets ‘er done!!!! Our food choices & diet, appropriate weight control, lifestyles, daily exercise & HAPPY FUN!, adequate quality sleep, vitamins if needed, emotional resilience, quiet & active balance, etc. HELP US EXPRESS & ENJOY OUR BEST SELVES!!!! Everyone’s achieving breakthroughs no matter all our challenges we face today! Baby- I’m AMAZED how GOOD & CARING EVERYONE IS- YOU REALLY ARE BEING ALL THAT!!! We’re more FOCUSED & PRACTICAL- ARTISTS IN ENABLING CHANGES; HEROES WHISTLING SO COURAGEOUSLY ‘THROUGH THE VALLEYS of THE SHADOWS OF DEATH!!! Do you think our scary Apocalyptic Times are actually to HELP US SPEED UP NEEDED CHANGES HAPPENING TODAY- WE ARE BEING CHALLENGED HARD & FAST – UNTIL NEEDED CHANGE BECOMES US & IS SEEDED EVERYWHERE!!!
- If or when we experience physical, emotional or mental issues & challenges, we simply face them honestly head on. Without becoming too ashamed, defensive, hiding everything- we can’t always supress mental illness instead of honestly dealing with understanding what & why it happened & work out our BEST RECOVERY TOOLS & STRATEGIES!!! Illness can happen- HAPPENS EVERYDAY TO GOOD PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! Look at our beloved Entertainers, Actors & especially our Artists/Musicians!!! Thankfully, we are not always under the Paparazzi microscope or Conservatee Enslavement like our Beloved Britney Spears endured!!! Britney was FORCED to attend psychological bi weekly sessions, get needles/injections, change in front of staff, etc. Paparazzi waiting to AMBUSH HER! Not allowed to even drink a coffee because her controllers probably believed caffeine is a stimulant affecting our mood & brain chemistry!
- EXERCISING TOTAL CONTROL OVER BRITNEY ABOVE & BEYOND WHAT IS OBVIOUSLY LEGAL & APPROPRIATE UNDER LAW? Oppositely, my treating Doctors attempted to use me for UNACCOUNTABLE MAD SCIENCE EXPERIMENTATION or KILL ME QUICKLY if I rebelled- WILD SNAKES PROTECTED ME FROM BEING HUNTED DOWN & SHOT WHEN I ESCAPED- ANIMAL LOVERS SHOULD LOVE HEARING! “IT’S TRUE-” AS MY FAMILY DOCTOR EXPLAINED IN SHOCK, “YOU REALLY CAN’T TELL THE PATIENTS FROM CRAZY MAD SCIENTIST EXPERIMENTING PSYCHIATRISTS!!!” So Britney’s circa 2008 meltdowns ACTUALLY WERE NOT TOO BAD AT ALL- We had to study them looking hard to find anything justifying such over dramatization as a grounds for stripping Britney of everything!!! IT WAS CLEARLY A SET UP DOESN’T EVERYONE IMAGINE??? Sensationalized beyond reality! 13 years- Britney bringing in hundreds of millions $$$- where’s the MONEY? Since then, everybody’s GROWN UP & express SHAME & REGRET for being so SO UNNECESSARILY MEAN, HEARTLESS & IMMATURE about mental illness & challenging experiences!
- GOOD PEOPLE HELP, RESCUE, COMFORT, SHOW COMPASSION to our Brothers & Sisters somewhat overwhelmed by Emotional & Mental Health Challenges! Circa 2008 wasn’t so much about Beloved Britney’s overblown BUT REAL DIAGNOSED Health Challenges but instead about everyone’s character flaws being inappropriately played out so publicly in place of TRUE COMPASSIONATE, LOVING, BEST SELVES!!!! These last few years, everyone got their ACT TOGETHER- TABLES TURNED- BRITNEY IS LOVED & TRULY HELPED, Blood Sucking Predators around her EXPOSED & RIPPED AWAY!!!! So today, we are asked about addressing Amber Heard as an alleged DOMESTIC ABUSE SURVIVOR & Pirate Actor Depp-Ship seeking $50 million from his ex??! In general
- #SEXUAL & EMOTIONAL VIOLENCE & HUMILIATING A SPOUSE/WOMAN IS NOT A JOKE! Traditional VICTIM-BLAMING CULTURE IS DEMONIC & EVIL!!! In a 2018 Washington Post article, Amber said she is a victim of Domestic Abuse! Allegedly Depp-Ship lost a 2020 libel case against the British Tabloid THE SUN- the TABLOID allegedly used a term like Wife Beater! Allegedly the hearing Judge believed the tag to be ‘SUBSTANTIALLY TRUE!’ Obviously both are experienced ACTORS, able to play roles convincingly! Suing his EX appears outrageous because everything bad in their failed marriage is probably being exposed publicly in Court proceedings- Have to watch Courtroom episodes if not too hairbrained & loony tunes to see what appears Acting & what appears FACT???!!! The British Judge ruled against him- Is he a drug user at times such that he didn’t behave as he normally would? Some drinkers or occasional users or addicts have a terrible freed evil character which emerges when they are intoxicated- YES- WITNESSED IT PERSONALLY like the archetype Jekyll & Hyde!!!
- #LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS- BUT FRAGILE! LIFE WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR SIGNIFICANCE- NEVER GIVE UP ON YOURSELF, ON LIFE!!! Believing Together in LOVE Forever!!!!! April 30- May 12, 2022 Loving You- Brianca Lane MAYDAY- WHY DO WE KEEP ENABLING THESE TRAGEDIES HAPPEN TO U.S. A.LL??!!!! N.R.A.- NOT RELIVING OUR HORRORS- AGAIN??!!! May 13- 27, 2022 On May 12 You & I LIFTED UP OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD saying- “B.O.B.S.- Being Our Best Selves: Expressing Our LOVE, HAPPINESS & FREEDOMS w/o BOUNDARIES!!!” Demonic Evil in our Fallen World responded w/o Boundaries on May 24 at ROBB Elementary School in Texas- OUR HEARTS ALMOST STOPPED seeing Demonic Evil expressed by a teen’s WORST SELF! 19 young grade 4 school children + 2 loving, inspiring teachers in one classroom + 17 injured in an HOUR LONG BLOODBATH as Police DID NOTHING- Indeed, holding back Parents from GOING IN TO STOP THE BLOODBATH/RESCUE THEIR INVIOLABLE CHILDREN!!!
- #We will NEVER ALLOW EVIL to gain an Upper Hand, decide WHAT IS WRONG or RIGHT!!!! OUR HIGHER SHARED VALUES SHINING AMONG ALL FREEDOM LOVING COUNTRIES! Wonderful seeing U.S. FREEDOM FIGHTING LIBERTY’S Senators BANDING TOGETHER- AGREEING SPEEDILY on a $40 Billion Package aiding Beloved Biblically Significant Valiant David- Ukraine vs. Goliath- Barbaria/Russia Invaders, $7 Billion above Pres. Biden’s Request! Our Elected Politicians building Cooperation & Consensus- representing INSPIRING CHARACTER & VALUES- so needed in our Apocalyptic Challenging Times!!!
- #Everyone- LETTING LOOSE OUR BEST CHARACTER IN EVERY THOUGHT, WORD & DEED!!! Yes- we all hold personal views but we must find our way to COOPERATE & BUILD CONSENSUS TOGETHER BEING OUR BEST SELVES, EXPRESSING OUR BEST CHARACTER!!!! We are ALL STARS like Beatle Ringo, 81, hanging out at Casino Rama in Ontario practicing before their Big ALL STARR 57? show North American Tour!!! LOVE & PEACE Ringo- You’re always #1 in our ALL STAR HEARTS! We’re all GONNA TRY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM OUR FRIENDS!”
- WARNING: A Caution to you about ESP & heightening our INTUITION & ‘6th Sense.’ Be so careful what heightened senses we wish for! Emotionally Charged Subject Matter Ahead- WARNING! Beloved Britney Spears is very intuitive as a Talented Artist- like The Beatles; Joni Mitchell; Bob Dylan, etc. Britney said- ” I like my Baby being SAFE in my WOMB! Close to my HEART! ” Sadly, Britney experienced a MISCARRIAGE of her “MIRACLE BABY” subsequently on May 14! At age 40, Britney has a 40% risk of having a “Devastating” Miscarriage! We wish her All Our Best to try again! Britney says aside from her tragic miscarriage, she is EXPERIENCING HER GREATEST HAPPINESS after her release from SLAVERY & TOTAL CONTROL by her Dad & other alleged “vampires’ of her life , assets & all decisions!!! BUT Britney is STILL emotionally struggling from a POSITION of STRENGTH NOW, sadly fighting with her Dad as he served her with 145 document requests & 75+ other discovery matters- not healthy for a 40 year old Pregnant Woman! Britney’s Lawyer- $$$ says he is determined to fully investigate Britney’s ‘uncooperative Dad about $$$millions taken from Britney’s Trust Estate, illegally bugging & recording Britney, allegedly plying drugs to control Britney & other alleged shocking activities!’ Britney’s Lawyer speaks about ‘a diabolical strategy to traumatize, intimidate, bully & cause Britney distress!’
- Rolling Plagues of VICTIMHOOD & VICTIMGATE: Overall Britney BREATHES FREE, her SHACKLES finally yanked away! “MY SPIRIT FEELS LIGHTER NOW & I GENUINELY LAUGH & SMILE NOW” whereas under Conservatorship Britney says she adopted a “FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT” approach to survival living!!!! Britney isn’t too excited about being portrayed constantly as a PITIED helpless VICTIM!
- #Do we SURF on CHOPPY SHARK FRENZY WATERS of VICTIMGATE pending our World’s Oppressed giving Everyone permission to STOP FEELING 100% GUILTY AS CHARGED, & NEEDING TO BURN AWAY OUR EVILS BY TRUTH, RECONCILIATION & $$$RESTITUTION?? Pope Francis is FINALLY COMPELLED- ‘GET YER ASS OVER TO CANADA IMMEDIATELY, FAITHFUL BELOVED FRANCIS’ GOD SAYS- ‘Visit Canada this summer & apologize to First Nations Indigenous for Catholic Church treachery & barbaric acts against my BELOVED INDIGENOUS- especially innocent Indigenous Children- ACTS of BLASPHEMY COMMITTED in MY HOLY INVIOLABLE GOOD NAME!!!!! Is GOD ALSO A VICTIMHOOD SURVIVOR? God- WE FEEL YOUR PAIN!!!! I know-
- #GD! IF GOD ISN’T ALSO A VICTIMGATE SURVIVOR!!!!! MOTHER EARTH is the BIGGEST VICTIM on Earth about VICTIMHOOD!!!! Yes- We almost forgot about Honoring our Mother & Father! Thankfully, we’re all Singing in the Rain’ today- “WE CAN WORK IT OUT- LIFE IS MUCH TO SHORT & there’s no time for fussing or fighting my Friend!”
- #NO MORE WAR, NO MORE HATE!!! We all APOLOGIZE-$$$ MAKE RESTITUTION ALMOST OVERWHELMING OUR SOCIETIES & COMPASSIONATE HEARTS- An Apocalypse of TRUTH & RECONCILIATION for inflicting or suffering centuries of intergenerational OPPRESSION &/or VICTIMHOOD!!! FOX NEWS whimpers 24/7 about Pres. Biden allegedly oppressing everyone into becoming whimpering victims- Without Whimpergate & Victimhood, FOX Hosts would not say anything! Only Shannon Breen would survive as a FOX NEWS Host- being inclined to report on Family Friendly HAPPY, GOOD NEWS STORIES!!!
- #IF we can overcome Whimpergate & Victimhood, Everyone’s Lives would be like “DANCING IN THE STREETS!” You helped solve BRITNEYGATE; Biblical Victim David/Ukraine vs. Vlad the Impaler/Russia is helping our FREE WORLD COOPERATE & UNITE! Pres. Biden & World Democratic Allies now call out China’s scheme to conquer & enslave our World by a Oligarchy of Dictator Barbarian Co-conspirators!!! But please ENSURE ENEMY AGENTS & IMBEDDED OPERATIVES ARE OUTED! Address TROJAN HORSE China/Russia GIFTS & chess board moves to control our World’s economies, technology, defences & supply chains!
- Is Hollywood FIXABLE? Brad Pitt vs. Angelina Jolie/Laura Croft & her children- 5+ years in Court Proceedings- Brad Brad Brad! Everyone saw the movies & understands Laura Croft as a female Archetype-
- #’I AM WOMAN- HEAR ME ROAR!!’ ACT WITH ME- TOGETHER WE CAN CONQUOR EVERY EVIL ON EARTH! BUT DON’T EVER BETRAY ME!!! Who on Earth would dare cheat behind Laura Croft’s back or frighten her children? Brad- you KNEW THE SCRIPT- LOVE & CHERISH Angelina; Keep your demons banished & CELEBRATE ENJOYING A GREAT LIFE!! About Hollywood’s Good/Bad Boy- drinker/drug user of every illegal street drug chemical on Earth- HERE’S Johnny Depp with his Big AXE to Grind!??
- #HATE & LOVE ARE REALLY VERY CLOSE? Johnny wielding his AXE- a weaponized over the top legal squad, forensic psycho blond bombshell-
- #NO HEART = NO PAIN? & millions of screeching fans foaming at the mouth for Amber’s blood! Mother & child under 24/7 threat of homicide- not by Johnny’s guitar AXE but johnny, call off your outrageous bloodlust witch trial persecution army! Almost slashing & smashing through his DEEPLY ONCE BELOVED- NOW DESPISED Amber Heard’s door as in Kubrick’s 1980 horror, “The Shining!” Johnny has a no holds barred ANGER MANAGEMENT PERSONALITY DISORDER towards Amber!
- Johnny says his childhood was unsafe & emotionally erratic- he suffered lifelong from childhood trauma- Amber pays the bill for also being emotionally erratic???
- #Johnny- you’re a Hollywood Movie Pirate among other imaginary Characters. When were you ever a REAL PERSON??? ALL CHILDREN NEED UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & A SAFE, HEALTHY NURTURING ENVIRONMENT to avoid mental illness challenges they probably never would otherwise face! So Johnny took street drugs, drank heavily to dull the brain chaos-to not feel anything at times! Is Johnny a VICTIM? Should childhood trauma victims be given special allowances & tolerances for personality or behavioral disorders? Johnny says his mental health issues have plagued him! About age 11, Johnny turned to drugs & alcohol & alleges within 3 years, he had already tried every street drug on Earth to block out his inner turmoil & feelings. To ‘feel nothing rather the alternative!’ His 10 year long 1990’s ‘girlfriend holding a grudge’? says he drank or took drugs ‘all the time’ in dealing with his inner turmoil/demons, was overly controlling- supporting Amber’s later claims to being a ‘survivor of domestic abuse!’ Other partners are o.k. in describing their experience with Johnny! His overwhelming fan support should have easily helped him get his shi_ together without requiring constant self medicating! Who else gets that level of generous support & encouragement? (If Johnny knew you to be a Fan, he could GET A LIFE AGAIN!!! Yes- You’re ALL THAT but be modest about it!) Johnny- you got everything Hollywood Stardom can offer- How can you be angry at anyone about anything? STOP BEING SO BORDERLINE DUDE! GROW SOME BALLS! (I best loved seeing Johnny perform musically with Jeff Beck on guitar- Isolation?!) Johnny you Pirate- Stealing Amber’s youthful HEART BUT NOW TRYING TO SEE HER WALK YOUR PIRATE SHIP PLANK because you can’t get your acting together!???
- HUGE AGE GAP BETWEEN old Sailor Sloop Johnny B. & too Hot to Handle for Johnny, Fiery Amber- YOU HEARD HER ROAR!!!
- #Younger Women today are not all yesterday’s style Marilyn Munroe Sweet Smiling Flower Pots always soothing your uncontrollable conflicts! They want action, drama, James Bond but civilized- THEY WANT IT ALL NOW IN HOLLYWOOD!!! Johnny’s 58- birthday within 2 weeks- Happy Birthday Johnny! Worth a few hundred million? Amber turned 36 last month- Mandy Lane is worth an estimated 6- 8+ million??? All the boys LOVE MANDY LANE Johnny- but things happen in the Lane Family!!!
- $$$Follow the money! Can we assume a 21 year age gap, for example between an almost 60 year old ‘senior’ American man & a much younger, attractive woman in her prime is only compensated for by the younger women suddenly accessing a vastly better material lifestyle, prestige, connections for career advancement, etc. Johnny is expected to give Amber- ‘cousin Mandy Lane’ all the luxuries & opportunities, his wealth & fame offer! Johnny understood his obligations in his marriage to be a perfect gentleman & generous provider! We saw how lawyers, etc. were feeding off Britney Spears during her 13 year Conservatorship when she had no control over her assets- Hundreds of millions in earnings missing & unaccounted for???
- Sadly, Amber & Johnny’s marriage wasn’t a HOLLYWOOD FAIRYTALE COME TRUE! Was Johnny another Brad Brad Brad- unappreciative of Amber as a vibrant modern FREE WHEELING LIVE WIRE!?? Amber & Johnny should have worked HARDER to face & correct their issues to SAVE THEIR MARRIAGE! SHARED ALL THEIR INTIMATE MOMENTS, STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES TOGETHER so each is completely vulnerable upon break up? Johnny constantly self medicating; being controlling & suspicious his live wire partner is straying- especially Johnny being a so much older Pirate; Jekyll vs. Hyde dual ‘bad drunk’ personality based on years of substance abuse??? Black outs on drugs & alcohol? Brain injury & trauma- only Amber knows the truth!!! Who else knows anything about Johnny except Amber? Is Amber giving it to us straight? ( I helped strung out drug addicts- Everything was about drugs, partying & alcohol- if I didn’t give money to their children, what did they eat except as given by others compassionate to their now screwed up children?)
- Amber’s shrink says she suffers from PTSD by Johnny’s spousal abuse while Johnny’s hired gun shrink- Have Forensic Shrink Degree & Credentials; Will travel, Conduct a Brief Shrink Investigation & Testify against Amber in Court; Johnny’s forensic shrink ‘diagnosed’ Amber as being ‘histrionic & having Borderline Personality Disorder!’ Virtually ALL ACTORS & ENTERTAINERS exhibit ‘attention seeking behaviors,’ over dramatize, etc. ‘Histrionic’ like many Politicians always wanting to be the center of attention! Women are diagnosed exhibiting these 2 disorders about 4X above men- Are shrinks applying SEXISM in their diagnoses, updating the Victorian & Ancient Greece misogynistic- ‘women are too emotionally unstable for serious decision making; must be overseen by men like in Afghanistan by Wahabi Taliban Zealots & to a lessor extent, Souther Belles dependent on Daddy for decision making as applied onto Belle Britney Spears!!!
- Shrinks may have Professional Credentials but some shrinks can be bought & paid for! They will intentionally skew their study to give a conclusion they believe they are contracted for- insurance companies, for example may hire professional shrinks they know will lean over backwards to give the conclusion the company wants- against the insured! He who pays the piper may be able to call the tune! In watching brief episodes, Johnny’s Legal Hit Team seemed way over the top, their Forensic Shrink far too hostile a witness! And ill informed: She said Depression is simply treated by medication- Say that about Country Superstar Naomi Judd who- suffering depression, shot herself one day before she was supposed to take the stage to accept her COUNTRY MUSIC HALL of FAME AWARD!!!!! Bit TRAGIC if the Judge & Jury take the Forensic Shrink very seriously!
- Conclusion: #Obviously with Johnny’s self described & often witness reported over the top life long excessive damaging drug usage, suspicious & controlling nature & anger issues vs. Amber’s alleged emotional excitability, instability & prone to overdramatize events based on the Forensic Shrink’s prejudicial testimony, the huge age gap, etc., we can imagine relationship flare ups! Johnny & Amber triggering each other’s personality weakness! Johnny & Amber should have tried to understand & accepted each other’s strengths & weaknesses by professional therapy or at least develop interpersonal skills & experiences to avoid triggering each other into a cycle of escalation we see today by this Court Case!
- #What are the implications for our ME TOO MOVEMENT! SPOUSAL ABUSE vs. money/power imbalances forcing silence, NOT BELIEVING WOMEN WHO TELL THEIR STORIES??? We love both Johnny & Amber deeply & are so saddened by this humiliating public circus!!! Judge Penny refuses to accept England’s ESTABLISHED HIGH COURT & APPEAL COURT RULINGS: Johnny battered Amber on 10? occasions; the Sun tabloid was CORRECT in describing Johnny as a ‘wife beate;’ Amber suffered spousal abuse & her career was damaged! Johnny brought the libel case forward & lost- Johnny brought the APPEAL & lost again! Judge Penny is in DENIAL!!!!!!!!
- #Who wants to go see a SHRINK now after Johnny & Amber’s Court Case- understanding if your marriage goes south- or if the Judge wishes in any other case, EVERY HUMILIATING DETAIL RECORDED BY SHRINKS CAN & WILL BE USED IN A PUBLIC FORUM AGAINST YOU!
- #If All your personal imagined weaknesses past & present may be BROADCAST in DETAILED TECHNICOLOR for 8 Billion people to watch as NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT instead of relying on 24/7 FOX NEWS EXTREME WHIMPERING & VICTIM BLAMING FOR EVENING ENTERTAINMENT???
- #If you & your Family will get death threats & no one wants to hire you ever again????!
- #If your rich partner shops in Courts from State to State & Country after Country to get at you???
- #Thankfully, today many Courts have simply GONE NO FAULT & DIVIDE ASSETS BY MATH FORMULAS!
- #Judge Penny, My partner is Count Dracula- ‘This Court doesn’t care if your Partner is Count Dracula or Frankenstein- Take it up with the local Blood Bank or organ donor clinic! What are the assets & supports to be assessed by mathematical formulas!’ Who gets the MASTER SLEEPING CASKETS, to whom is LURCH or the HUMPBACK assigned, Who hides by day in the THE HAUNTED CASTLE, capishe? Who pays for high electrical bills brought on by Frankenstein???
- #You’ve Come a LONG WAY BABY since 1962- before our U.S. Supreme Court attempts reversing Roe vs. Wade & all other decisions since the ’50’s??? Amber’s not singing to Judge Penny Joanie Sommer’s 1962 POLITICALL INCORRECT smash hit “JOHNNY GET ANGRY” about Depp? “Johnny get angry- Johnny get mad! Give me the biggest lecture I’ve ever had! I want a brave man- I want a cave man Oh- Johnny show me that you care, really care for me!” (David, Edwards et al. #7 on Billboards Top 100) John Lennon sang the most Politically Incorrect modern song written- “You better RUN for YOUR LIFE – if you can little girl! Hide yourself in the sand little girl! If I catch you with another man- I’d rather see you LYRICS CENSORED! than be seen with another man!” If these songs fit someone you know,- abusively over controlling, potentially voilent, etc. ACT ACCORDINGLY to SAVE LIVES!!! Speaking of saving lives-
- BABYGATE is America’s shortage of Formula for Babies but supplies should be adequate again within a month politicians claim. 80% of Babies are Breast Fed after birth! Living MILK FACTORY Britney could feed a dozen after her two boys were born, she says! By age 1, 70- 90% also receive formulas! Generally up to 6 months, Babies are to feed on breast milk. With allergies, nutritional special needs, etc. formulas can be critical! Circa 1986, the FDA set high compliance standards so Similac (by Abbott) & Enfamil ( by Reckitt Benckiser) supply 80% of the U.S. Baby formula market. Foreign companies are discouraged by regulations & existing U.S. monopolies scare off competition. Without a BABY BOOM, why change current supply levels? When supply chains break down because of COVID Lockdowns, etc. & Abbott halted production at its biggest factory because of a possible deadly contaminate, a BABY BOTTLENECK HAPPENED! FORMULA for SUCCESS: Abbott reached an agreement with the slow moving FDA but it takes 10 weeks to manufacture & put new batches on shelves! Obviously Foreign Countries have formula available- if it is ALLOWED into the Country! Seniors Retirement Areas like Florida also stock specialty nutritional supplements possibly???
- #BABY POWER- FISTS UP BABIES IN A SHOW OF UNITY! We demand CONTROL towards a SAFE PREGNANCY- no Right to Choose- I AM THE BOSS OF ME to be BORN HEALTHY & CARED FOR IN A LOVING CHILD CENTERED HOME & COMMUNITY!!! WE DEMAND OUR BABY POWER FORMULAS TODAY!!! (Several States are acting quickly to tighten up access to Abortion now believing if Roe vs. Wade is reversed, States will take charge of decision making!) BABIES ARE OUR FUTURE ECONOMIC ASSETS & SOURCES OF INDUSTRIAL INPUT & OUTPUT OUR POLITICIANS REASON (AS under COVID COVER, Politicians & Health Care KILLED OFF ‘UNPRODUCTIVE’ SENIORS, DRUG USERS, HOMELESS, etc.)
- #So much about Future & Lifelong Mental & Physical Health HAPPENS WITHIN BABYHOOD & CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCES! Here’s a Personal Confession- A week or two ago, experienced a PRE- COGNITIVE VISION of EVIL Influencing a SHOOTER in a MUSICAL SONG with LYRICS- Said to myself- This is Pre- Cog. & is ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING- How is this able to enter my Heart or Consciousness- But not realizing what was about to happen in our World! The lyrics as presented to me- C’mon pick up some guns; We’re gonna have us some Texas Fun; We’re gonna make us a Barrel of B____! We’re gonna K___ every… YES- ALMOST EXPERIENCED A HEART ATTACK HEARING ABOUT ROBB Elementary School Massacre!!! Still very SHAKEY TODAY!!!
- Instead of an e-mail, was I receiving a c-mail- conscious or subconscious email about ROBB in the works by a Shooter! Can a Social Psychologist scientifically decipher how it happens- how a c- mail is sent & what a PRE- COG. RECEIVER is to do: BLOCK the PICTURE, TUNE & LYRICS OUT IMMEDIATELY? IS LISTENING TO AN EVIL (or evil PRE- COG.) SONG HELPING EVIL EMERGE? If we listen to popular music with disturbing violent music & lyrics, are we glorifying evil? What about playing violent video games or watching violent depravity in movies? Are we building up evil instead of ALWAYS HEALTH & GOODNESS? The PEACE & LOVE BEATLES SANG & RECORDED “Happiness Is A Warm Gun!”
- But in our material realm, Russia appears ever releasing MORE EVIL FURY & POISONOUS PERSONALITY- like thermobaric weapons causing an initial explosion, then release of toxic chemicals- which are exploded to create an oxygen aided vaporizing penetrating shock wave! 20+/- mobile missiles firing almost simultaneously wreaking incredible destruction- Pres. Zelenskyy is begging Freedom Loving Allies for the equivalent counter defense & attack mobile systems!!! Russia is committing horrendous WAR CRIMES & Barbaria’s Monsters MUST BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE FOR TRIAL & JUDGEMENT NOW by the U.N., Ukraine & by any means available!!! Russia is always laying mines blocking Ukraine’s rebuilding infrastructure & Ukrainians returning to Cities & Villages. Russia is impaling Critical FARMING & FOOD PROVISIONS & PORTS NEEDED BY OUR WORLD- Russia is trying to CREATE MASS STARVATION in our World! Russia is EVIL- Barbaria! Has China flooded our World by accident or with intent with opioids & diseases to destabilize our FREE NATIONS??? Again- we must become vigilant about covert agents & pre terrorist planning within our Free Nations! How much intellectual high technology theft is happening & are tens of thousands of enemy agents acting discreetly harming or ready to disrupt Free Society & our Economies? Feels like a World War brewing on SLOW BURN if our FREE WORLD FAILS TO STEP UP OUR SECURITY PRESENCE TODAY!!!
- #Is our World a giant CHESS BOARD GAME IN PROGRESS??? We also wonder if our own Governments are herding us in specific directions- For example, by welcoming high gas prices to see everyone CHOOSE TO GO ELECTRIC IN THE NEXT FEW YEARS???
- #White Supremacists worry about America becoming too integrated & evolved from 1950’s strictly segregated communities, infrastructure & services including traditional Old Time Biblical thinking on Abortion & LGBTQ+?
- #Nobody & especially no child or young adult should be put down, ridiculed, bullied or not fully welcomed or not included for any reason in their full Community Participation except for violent behavior- where social supports & law guidance should actively be involved!
- #No hate, threatening, bullying, talking against someone behind their back, no bad thoughts, words or acts- ever! NEVER EVER!!! When young male adults come across hate filled rhetoric, their own life experience in their Welcoming, Caring Community should guide & protect them from being sucked in by total evil lying B.S.& becoming violently unhinged! Sweden has a very robust gun loving culture but few or no mass shootings for decades? Australia & England took decisive action upon experiencing a mass shooting!
- #Americans need only ask themselves- Why are we suffering about 10x or higher the firearm death rate compared to all other modern western countries with cultures more or less like us???
- #The common practical definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting consequences to change!
- #The N.R.A. INSANITY- NOXIOUS RELATIONSHIPS- About GUNS AGAIN! annual meeting is today in Houston featuring Pres. Trump, Gov. Abbott & sidekick Costello meeting Jack the Ripper? & probably features slide shows about Sandy Hook, Parkside & now ROBB Elementary???
- #Singer songwriter Don McLean backed out on the N.R.A. from singing his old rendition “The Day The Music Died!’ & also a new rendition ‘The DAY 19 4th Grade ROBB Elementary Students Died!’- Does Don’s chorus mention 2 School Teachers also died, 17 additionally were injured- his Grandmother surviving a bullet to the face, 3 Officers hurt! Police waited one hour before taking out the Shooter!
- #Did you know Governor ABBOTT & Fiends recently deliberately cast aside laws & restrictions on Mass Shooters, etc. ‘Everyone?’ being able to get whatever military style assault rifles they wanted to- like my PRE-COG. ‘Song’ C’mon pick up some guns! We’re gonna have us some Abbott inspired Texas Fun! We’re gonna fill up a barrel- a barrel of B???
- #Are we asking Abbott & Costello meet Frankenstein & fellow NRA Fiends to GET REAL or GO BACK HOME to Barbaria/Russia where you BELONG!!!! In Sweden’s gun loving culture, Everyone’s carefully screened, trained, registered, etc. Drug & alcohol issues or criminal involvement shuts the door!
- #The ROBB Elementary school shooter bought assault rifles upon turning 18 by credit card! Purchased 100’s of rounds of assault ammo too- Obviously looked like a upcoming Mass Shooting to celebrate his 18th & being possessed by the devil!!!!
- #Texas Senator Cruz receives loads of NRA $$$cash funding his Election Bids- You bet he is featured at the NRA Friday BLAST REMEMBERING ROBB ELEMENTARY CHILDREN, etc. Cruz calling for MORE GUNS & AMMO FOR EVERYONE!!!? MORE GUNS & MORE POWERFUL GUNS- #Senator Cruz- Give my regards to Satan Senator at the NRA BLAST!!! A crucible of evil in Houston this weak end to ROBBED CHILDREN OF THEIR LIVES!!!
- FOXY NEWS Hosts entertain us with their constant delightful controversial BASHING & BLAMING, WHINING & VICTIMHOOD PORTRAYALS!!! Oh- WE’RE ALL VICTIMS ARE WE? Victims of repeating past calamities again & again? We don’t see Visible Minorities with high achievement goals, strong law abiding values & generally compatibly seeking peaceful, good honest governments & Happy Loving Family Life- LIFE, LIBERTY PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, Kindness, Generosity & Community Minded Compassionate Involvement, being anything but a Wonderful Benefit in traditional ‘White America!’ Young white male adults should not be tricked to judge by superficial outer appearances- skin color or diverse cultural clothing- We LOOK AT AN INDIVIDUAL’S CHARACTER, not SKIN COLOR or Cultural Background- But diverse cultures also keep our lives from being boring! Boring is when everyone is exactly the same- no vibrancy!!! We need all the colors in our Rainbows!!! LGBTQ+? is obviously strange at first to traditional Biblical Old Time practices but they’re all just people going about lives like anyone else! In 1967, Canada’s P.M. Trudeau said THE STATE HAS NO BUSINESS IN THE BEDROOMS OF THE NATIONS!!! Toronto is over 50% visible minorities. In the 1860’s Lincoln dealt with the EXACT SAME ISSUES & WORRIES! LGBTQ+? being any threat at all to society- but simply in the matter of transitioning- Americans wants Doctors & Parents making intelligent decisions about puberty blocking drugs- nothing too radical before age 17 or 18 & very gradually thereafter with psychological interviews, checks & balances! (P.S. Visible Minorities replacing Whites are often discussed by FOX NEWS in pointing to Hungary’s strict immigration controls.)
- Pres. Biden & Allies are providing competent, measured leadership HELPING FREEDOM’S CHALLENGES against Barbaria/Russia! Visiting Far Eastern FREEDOM Allies about cooperative Social, Culture, Trade, Economic & Defense consensus building, Pres. Biden put China ON NOTICE THAT AN INVASION against TAIWAN, etc. is a WAR INVITE with U.S. Australia, Japan & all other Free Democratic Allies Worldwide!!!! China & Russia deliberately conducted joint war play practice to beat their macho chests against a building Alliance of Democratic Freedom Loving Nations!!!
- Pres. Trump initially sided with our World’s 5 EVIL Barbarian Dictatorships & against 143 Countries condemning Russia’s Evil Invasion at the U.N. How? By PRAISING Russia’s Barbarian Dictator’s evil scheming ‘iNTELLIGENCE in attempting to PLUNDER UKRAINE & SEIZE/CONTROL all Ukraine’s WEALTH & ASSETS at anticipated little cost to Russia!’ Pres. Trump subscribes to MIGHT makes RIGHT? Pres. Trump was a very good leader in many dimensions by bolstering America- by ‘MAGA,’ scolding Allies for not spending enough on their DEFENSE & for not switching from buying American Energy in place of Russian Energy; but why did Pres. Trump praise a MONSTER/DICTATOR? Pres. Biden recognized the Impaler is a Cold Blooded Killer even as Trump admired him!!! Wonderful heroic Pres. Lincoln came through THE VEIL to RECONFIRM “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!!! Always in Your Heart & You forever in mine! LOVING YOU SO DEARLY IN OUR CHALLENGING WORLD! Because of You, we are Hopeful & at Peace!!!! If Johnny Depp knew you, he’d have acted SMARTER & avoided England’s ‘HIGH’ COURT- Maybe Judge Penny asked herself- How can I trust a ‘HIGH’ COURT? EVERYONE SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER IN PEACE, HEALTH & LOVE!!! LOVE ONE ANOTHER- YES!!!!!!!!! May 13- 27, 2022 Brianca Lane P.S. The American Gov’t. is being pressured about alien encounters- guess what’s UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rebuilding Our GARDEN in EDEN- BRITNEY, AMBER ALERTS, Johnny & Jeff Love Affair, Taylor Tributes, ALIEN ENCOUNTERS, THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE- BOBS vs. ROBB + Ukraine, NRA!!!! May 28- June 10, 2022 Britney Briefs: CELEBRATING LOVE & MARRIAGE! Yesterday- Britney & Sam DID IT! 4-carat round-cut diamond ring set on platinum, around a silver band! ‘A Princess cut for a Real Princess!’ Britney in a Versace wedding dress! WALKED DOWN THE AISLE to Elvis’s “CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE!” Madonna, Paris Hilton, Selena Gomez, Drew Barrymore among the 60 guests! (Britney’s first 55 hour marriage partner attempted to crash the wedding & was arrested! ONLY Brother Bryan reportedly attended from Britney’s Family- but Bryan later said his daughter’s graduation ceremony trumped attending Britney’s Big Surprise! Britney brutally retorted Bryan was NOT invited & issued profanities at Bryan for NOT helping her escape from her Conservatorship & oppressing CONTROLS!!!! Britney’s FREAKING MAD at her Family believing they were not like us- HELPING HER BREAK FREE from her time of ‘enslavement!’ Even Britney’s 2 teenage children, Sean & Jayden skipped Britney’s BIG CELEBRATION of LOVE!!!) Sam- “I JUST WANT HER TO BE HAPPY! If something makes her HAPPY- I’ll DO IT! HAPPY WIFE, HAPPY LIFE!!!” Sam has acted as her ROCK in her illness & enslavement- helping her along with #FREEBRITNEY! LIBERATORS!!! All Our LOVE Britney & Sam!
- Johnny Depp & Jeff Beck really enjoying their musical ‘LOVE AFFAIR’ with release of an album of mostly COVERS mid July, 2022! INSPIRING creative guitarist Jeff enjoyed playing with The Yardbirds- a London Pop/Rock/R & B Band, created in 1963- as did fellow Yardbird stars Eric Clapton & Jimmy Page! Musicians PLAY SAFE- Yardbird Singer & Harmonica player Keith Relf was electrocuted when playing his ungrounded guitar & standing on a pipe causing the electric current to pass through his body! “SHAKING ALL OVER!!!” but not in a good way!
- #MUSICIANS- PLAY SAFE WITH YOUR HEALTH! Musical Associations should ADDRESS The ALL TO COMMON early parting of Performers & Musicians with mental health & addictions issues. For LOVING AUDIENCES, Musicians give our lives Glorious Music & Inspiration! But too many are taken from us in tragic circumstances! Almost seems like a Deal with the devil for FAME & FORTUNE!!!
- #We all LOVE our FAB Musicians to Entertain Us- but who is attending to their MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEATH???? Let’s GET ON IT EVERYONE!!! You & I are STILL WAITING for FOO FIGHTERS to investigate how beloved drummer Taylor Hawkins came to be under the tragic influence of about 10 DRUGS- causing his sad death at age 50 on tour in South America this Spring!
- #If you LOVE YOUR BANDMATES, LOVE THEM TO BE HEALTHY!!! Taylor didn’t want to leave us at 50- Ringo is ROCKING OUR WORLD AT 81!!! #LOVE & PEACE! Honorary Doctorate from Berklee College of Music a week ago? A few Tribute Concerts are being scheduled celebrating Taylor’s life. But c’mon- be honest about YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS TRAGEDY BANDMATES of Taylor! Taylor’s life was in your hands!!!! How could you!!!??? For all musicians-
- #WE WANT OUR ENTERTAINERS HEALTHY & WE WANT IT NOW!!! ‘Mach Shau, Beatles!’ fans shouted in Hamburg, Germany during their 5 trips, 1960- ’62, enabling them to create their wonderful musical style!
- #Drugs & Addictions is a struggle between Health & Disease, Good & Evil, GOD/ALLAH & Satan- we MUST WIN! By showing our TRUE COLORS & TRUE INVIOLABLE CHARACTER- EVERYONE SUPPORTING ONE ANOTHER! ‘Doing unto others as we would have them do unto us!!!!’
- BOBS vs. ROBB- A SIGN of our Being Challenged to be PERFECT (as we are able) in or thoughts, words & actions? IN OUR INNOCENT LOVE, we wrote B.O.B.S.- BE OUR BEST SELVES! But only a week+ later, the gauntlet by Satan was tossed brutally BEFORE OUR VERY HEARTS- The ROBB Elementary School massacre, 19 grade 4+ children & 2 teachers. 19 law enforcement officials outside the execution room declining to confront the 18 year old AR 15 killer for an hour? 1 law enforcement officer for ever young child blown to pieces! Do we need more SIGNS, GOOD vs. EVIL? ROBB- ROB our BEST vs. Be Our Best Selves!!! Russia/Barbaria vs. Ukraine?
- Are Amber Heard & Johnny Depp struggling about B.O.B.S., between ‘Good & evil,’ Angels vs. ‘Satan’s demons’ whispering advice in their ears??? ‘Satan’ gleefully seeing our anti-misogynistic #METOO! Movement being challenged by Depp vs. Heard? About 2+% of Women accusers are fabricating stories but ‘evil/Satan’ looks to the Heard vs. Depp Trial to discourage women & BREAK THE BACKBONE of #METOO MOVEMENT?!! Johnny- PERFECT SET UP- You’re WIDE OPEN IN THE END ZONE! STAND UP for DOING WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE- KEEP OUR CONFIDENCE IN GENTLEMANLY COMPASSION & GOOD WINNING vs. EVIL/CHAOS!!!
- #Make the GENTLEMANLY CHOICE- Instead of ‘crushing’ #METOO! Movement by DEPP vs. Heard, as ‘Satan/evil’ desires, you’ll TAKE THE HIGH ROAD to FAME & FORTUNE- Arrange by your spokesperson with Amber’s spokesperson for both parties to drop & withdraw all claims, awards, findings, testimony, etc. Offer no comments at any time or in the future- Everybody agreeing to GET ON WITH THEIR LIVES- LESSONS IN PUBLIC HUMILITY LEARNED BY ALL!!!!
- #WAIT A MINUTE- I’M A WINNER! EVERYBODY HEAR ME- I’M ACTUALLY A _______ WINNER!!!! WE’RE ALL WINNERS! Or WINNERS IN TRAINING!!!! Or temporarily depressed WINNERS in TRAINING!!! NOT ALL VICTIMS- BUT WINNERS- Even if Jeff Beck is too busy with Johnny playing “ISOLATION,” to play guitar on our BETTER WINNING SONGS!!!!!!!! ‘And Because She Loves You (or once LOVED YOU) and you know you should be GLAD!!!!!!!!!!’ OOOOOOHHH!
- OMG- Did you know how badly John Lennon & Paul McCartney used to treat their Partners??? ” I used to be cruel to my Woman- I BEAT HER & KEPT HER AWAY FROM THE THINGS THAT SHE LOVED! Man I was MEAN- But I’m changing my scene & I’m doing THE BEST THAT I CAN!!!” We should have clearly established #METOO! MOVEMENT with that Beatle’s song release in the ’60’s, 50 years earlier! For Amber, 1964 Beach Boys classic- “Don’t Worry Amber/Baby!” Wilson, Christian) “And if you knew how much I loved you- nothing could go wrong- Don’t worry Baby!” But what about GUNS vs. ROSES? Easy to turn gun violence victim America from Satan Possessed to Angelic Daylight? Easy- peasy!
- Elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez says she compared U.S. Mass Shootings vs. total in G-7 Countries Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan & the U.K. from 2009- 2018. U.S. total- 288; all other countries- 5 “Not only is it not normal, it’s EMBARRASSING & INTERNATIONALLY DELEGITIMIZING to the U.S.!” ‘We can’t even keep our kids SAFE FROM THEIR SCHOOLS TURNED INTO A WAR ZONE! ‘Referring to the Virginia Tech. killings, a spokesperson sadly described “the emptiness in the HEARTS & SOULS of family members!” One scary description about America’s Public Health Gun Violence Emergency Crisis is “1/2 of ALL AMERICANS HAVE BEEN TOUCHED BY GUN VIOLENCE- directly or indirectly or through someone they care for! We are a Nation of GUN VIOLENCE SURVIVORS!” “HEARTS CANNOT BE FILLED- LIVES WITH THEM FOREVER!” “240 MASS SHOOTINGS in 2022!”
- #Inaction = Acceptance of the Unacceptable! 11 years young BOBB Elementary Survivor Miah Cerrillo testified to Congress she watched her teacher & classmates essentially BLOWN TO PIECES- Miah washed herself in their blood & waited over an hour for rescue! A child was only recognized by her sneaker she always wore- Assault rifle bullets may blow children into unrecognizable messes! The governments can declare a PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY & EPIDEMIC of UNCONTROLLED VIOLENCE- because effectively, ‘SATAN’/evil is in CONTROL of the Country! Yes- FOXY NEWS- go after Satan/evil if you got The Right Stuff!!!
- When I was incredibly ill, Psychiatrists viewed me- among massive symptoms, as numero uno in ‘experiencing the mass shooter’ phenomenon- truly saw me as being fully consciously aware of being targeted by ‘Satan/evil & demons’ & would be unable to resist the 24/7 ‘possession efforts’- notwithstanding a Biblically great young childhood religious experience & grounding;
- #Psychiatrists violently removed all my rights- Hero to Zero in 20 minutes! Assaulted me; Shot me with a lethal drug dose; Overheard Nurses wagering how many days I would be alive so I escaped avoiding hospital induced comatose state, experimentation or death; Police were directed by Psychiatrist SEDUCTRESS to “Bring IN or TAKE OUT!!!” Discovered A SNAKE PIT- area inhabited by FRIENDLY snakes, frightening off the Police- SSSSAVING My Life!!! DON’T EVER think of trying this at home with your local snakes who may be poisonous or constrictors- frightened or protecting their nests! LUCKED OUT discovering OUR GREATEST COMPASSIONATE GOOD SAMARITIN SNAKES or Divine/Mother Nature Intervention messaging snakes to protect me!
- #For HEAVEN’S SNAKES- ain’t thet nice!!!!
- Maybe snakes identify Cops in uniforms carrying weapons as DANGEROUS! Whoever thunk thet??? Wild animals have GOOD BRAINS- able to see who is gentle, innocent & who are the suspicious aggressors!!! A few days ago, moving soil in my side yard Garden in Eden- Life Forms everywhere! a beautifully colored friendly 4+ foot snake slivered towards me but my Brother told me ‘Back away Bri! (He lived abroad attending University where snakes can be deadly poisonous- think my brother got bitten once!) A Deer Female Friend approached me bravely. She moved awkwardly being very sore but wanted my attention! My intuition kicked in but not my conscious realization! I went back to shovel soil & my Deer Friend left the area. Rolled my wheelbarrow to where my intuition was directing my attention & without thinking, dumped my wheelbarrow load- OMG- right beside Sleeping Baby Bambi who shot off like Kentucky Derby 80- 1 odds, approx. 2 minute flat, race horse winner Rich Strike! Ran over to locate Momma Doe, shouting “Your Baby Bambi ran away- I last saw Baby Bambi sprinting in that direction & pointed!” Momma Doe Deer SPRANG TO ATTENTION, LOOKED EXACTLY WHERE I POINTED & RACED TO BAMBI’S RESCUE- We are so BLESSED- so much to be THANKFUL for! #P.S. Never feel ASHAMED of YOUR BODY, YOUR BRAIN- Do your BEST YOU ARE ABLE- YOU ARE LOVED & YOU ARE LOVABLE & YOU ARE LOVING! YOU ENJOY TALENTS TOO TO BOOT!!! HELPS TO HAVE A GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR! ENJOY LIFE & YOUR JOURNEY! YOU DON’T WANT TO LOOK BACK & SAY HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN OBSESSED WITH INSIGNIFICANT ISSUES & MISSED ENJOYING EVERY DAY & CARING ABOUT EVERYBODY BEING SAFE & HEALTHY AS BEST AS WE ARE ABLE! BEING LOVING & BEING LOVABLE NO MATTER OUR BODY IMAGE OR BRAIN POWER- WE DON’T WANT TO MISS DAILY OPPORTUNITIES!
- #Felt so Stupid- Hey, Sorry Momma Deer ‘But I’m ONLY HUMAN!!!’ She understood me perfectly but why didn’t I understand what she was trying to tell me, being so protective & sore from her recent delivery- “Please don’t disturb Baby Bambi resting quietly in the shady grass Bri! I need to take it easy!” WE THINK WE’RE SO SMART as Human Beings BUT ALL THE LIFE FORMS IN MY GARDEN AREA LOOK AT ME- ‘Bri- Please, this is my HOME! Please be careful whenever you dig!!!’ ‘Be respectful of everyone else sharing the Garden- We all have to SHARE & CARE Bri!’ Yes- I get the ‘hairy eyeball’ look & a browbeating from our fellow Living Friendly Species!!!! Our most stubborn & stupid Life Forms on Planet Earth are- NOT US ALL?????!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Discovered a tick burrowing into my thigh which inject poisons ticks carry like LYME DISEASE! Be aware of diseases we may pick up in Nature!
- Recently, Congress wanted to hear about U.F.O.’s because ever since Roswell & reports of FLYING SAUCERS circa June, 1947, our Governments have allegedly covered everything up! Congressional Hearings presented issues on May 17, 2022 about U. A. P.s- Unidentified Aerial Phenomena! When we realize how RICHLY DIVERSE, PRECIOUS & FRAGILE Mother Earth’s Garden in Eden is, Modern Threats against Biodiversity, Flora & fauna, Man Made Climate Change, Species Being Pushed Towards Extinctions, Threats of Life Ending Nuclear War, People Kind Encroaching on Rain Forests & Jungles, Bleaching our Sea Garden Coral Reefs- Rain Forests of the seas, etc., we agree Off Earth Life Forms may become involved!!! Traditional Christian beliefs may see E. T.’s as being Angels or Demons as described in Holy texts. But scientists may believe E.T.’s seen in past millennium were actually E.T.’s viewed as godlike by possessing superior technology! “Let us make mankind in our image-” The story of Adam & Eve in the Garden in Eden! Genetic Engineering, Gene Manipulation? Some Scientists trace our origin to one woman in Africa about 250,000 years ago! Massive Farm Factory Enriching Boobies no doubt feeding children to become Super Humans compared to before!!! A breakthrough of physical, brain & neurological advantages triggering a kaleidoscope of diversity & development arriving at Pres. Lincoln, America’s Father of Modern America!? Finally getting America on track but SHOT by America’s gun violence & racialized obsessions? Not unlike today?
- Our ’60’s Cultural & sweeping Societal Revolutions- Women’s Liberation, Sexual Freedoms, LGBTQ+?, Racial & Social Justice & Equity, Truth & Reconciliation, Restorative Justice & Reparations, Affirmative Action, Control over our own Bodies & Choices vs. traditional Religious Beliefs in Sanctity of Life since Inception- soon to be challenged & reversed?
- P.S. Based on the Congressional Hearings, I attempted to remember if I was ever contacted by ALIENS- OMG! I DO HAVE A MEMORY of SHORTER BEINGS WORKING ON ME as I lay on an operating table! But the Beings goal is BENEFICIAL- to HELP, to ASSIST, To BRING US UP IN CONSCIOUSNESS to BETTER ADDRESS our Challenges restoring our Earth!!! No WORRIES- BE HAPPY- BEST of INTENTIONS- It’s ALL GOOD!!! Truthfully- Honest!!!
- #EVERY BABY, A LOVED< PROTECTED, ENRICHED & NURTURED CHILD! Babies everywhere enjoying Inalienable Rights to Life, Care & Healthy Nurture! Growing up Free from abuse & deprivation haunting their future selves! Achieving JOYFULLY their FULL GIFTS, POTENTIAL & DESTINIES!!! Ask Therapists about CRITICAL EARLY YEARS of HEALTHY, SAFE, ENRICING DEVELOPMENT & BOTTOMLESS LOVE!
- #We need to GET IT RIGHT IN THE HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT of EVERY CHILD!!!! Pro Lifers anticipating BIRTH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING OF KEEPING LIFE & HEALTHY GROWTH SACRED FOR EVERY YOUNG CHILD!!!! If we screw up, we reap a whirlwind triggering illness, disability, crime & violence, inability to be resilient & THRIVE in adolescence & adulthood!!! We see too many 15- 24 young males straying from Healthy Life Long Behaviors!!! BOBS vs. ROBB- GOOD vs. evil, WE NEED GOOD ALWAYS COMING OUT ON TOP; All our thoughts, words & acts showing our BLESSING CLEAN HANDS & PURE HEARTS!!!
- INFLATION- PLEASE CARE & SHARE! Healthy Nutrition is a necessity for everyone- Our diet is critical to get all our vitamins, minerals, etc. for both our brain & body! Cut out too much junk non-food! Our body & brain may only run on the quality of our food & liquids we provide !With high inflation, be aware to help Food Banks, people you know who might need help buying proper & nutritious food! Sometimes people offer to help me buy groceries- usually say I’m fine & THANK THEM FOR CARING ABOUT EVERYONE IN THEIR COMMUNITY! THANK THEM FOR CARING & SHARING! In our challenging times, we must put out our BEST TO HELP EVERYONE TO CREATE A CARING COMMUNITY- No one is left UNSAFE, UNCARED FOR- If we live IN GOD/ALLAH WE TRUST COUNTRIES, EVERYONE WILL SHOW GOD’S/ALLAH’S COMPASSIONATE HEART. Russia is attempting to create FOOD INSECURITY in our World;
- Dealing with U.S.A.’s Public Health Gun Violence EMERGENCY & Hysterical Resistance is not Rocket Science- Every other Country has easily figured out what steps may be incrementally applied if necessary!!! Almost 50,000? violent U.S. gun deaths annually; typically male? ages 15- 24. ‘NO GUNS- GROW UP FIRST GUNSLINGERS into GENTLEMEN!’ Male teen emotions explosive but frontal cortex, etc. is not developed for control & reasoning- “Following neuron proliferation, the brain rewires itself from the onset of puberty until 24 years old, especially in the Prefrontal Cortex. The rewiring is accompanied by dendritic pruning & myelination.” 240 Mass Shootings already in 2022?
- All our Politicians have excuses & half hearted suggested solutions but who the hell-o understands the role of ‘evii/Satan?’ Do we need additional SIGNS to understand how critical our every thought, word & action is??? Biblical like David vs. Goliath : Barbarian raping, torturing, butchering genocidal Russia vs. innocent Ukraine!!! China now bullying & threatening Canada, Australia- again threatening the possibility of WWW!!! Ya think Barbaria’s Putin & China’s Ping Pong didn’t discuss war plans to not interfere with China’s Holding the Olympic Games- ‘Agreed- Ping Pong- no Barbarian Invasion into innocent Ukraine until your Olympics end!’
- Welcome to Johnny & Amber’s RAW, UNCENSORED OLYMPIC CROWDS LEVEL BLAME GAMES!!! First Round played off is in England- Johnnie challenges & is judged a ‘wife beater’ who beat Amber on 10 of 12 specified occasions & substantially damages Amber’s career aspirations! ! Johnnie appeals for a second round match but England’s High Appeal Court says ‘NO WAY WIFE BEATER!’ Johnnie eyes another challenging round in another Country- Satan’s Choice!
- “Here’s Johnny” smashing through his wife’s door, axe in hand in “The Shining!” The lead character BECOMES VIOLENT- screaming “Here’s Johnny (& swinging an axe)!” as winter ISOLATION in a remote seasonal resort causes his Total Mental Breakdown & EXTREME SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER! SHOCKED- we watch Johnny Depp sing “ISOLATION” in REAL LIFE REPEATEDLY with Jeff Beck on guitar in England. (Great presentation, Johnny & Jeff!) Amber alleged she suffered at least 12 instances of violence by partner Johnny due to mental/emotional breakdowns & Blackouts- by drugs? accompanied by violence! (I helped alcohol & drug addicts who could have 2 completely different personalities- Gentle vs. Violent & even 2 contrasting Facial Presentations without Hollywood makeup! Being blitzed vs. being sober!) Amber & Johnny should have received $millions for FRONTAL ‘NUDITY’ REALITY Court Proceedings Show & Tell! Johnny blaming Amber for Court Proceedings by going public as an ‘abuse survivor!’ Johnny & Amber’s LIVE RAW BRUTAL BLAME GAMES! How did it all start?
- The real life storybook begins with Johnny experiencing a challenging early life causing mental & emotional chaos; Johnny using drugs at age 11 to escape or ‘feel nothing’- ‘tried all the World’s bad drugs within 3 years;’ Johnny allegedly shows ‘all the time’ drugs &/or drinking behavior with misogynistic? invasive control issues according to testimony by his 10 year 1990’s girlfriend. Johnny enjoys a Wonderful Entertainment Career regardless amassing several hundred $millions- Given everything anyone could ever want or need! Today playing Beatle John Lennon’s “Isolation,” etc. accompanied by our beloved friend Jeff Beck! LOVE JEFF ACCOMPANYING ON MUSIC PERFORMANCES!!!
- Beautiful & talented Amber- 21 years younger enjoys her acting career- much less lucrative to date, first hit portraying cousin Mandy Lane in a 2006 slasher film! Amber & Johnny begin a tumultuous relationship, apparently triggering each other’s emotional buttons, each alleging ‘being assaulted by the other!’ Amber expresses the emotional power & charismatic fluctuations we expect in Actresses portraying dramatic & traumatic events! We LOVE AMBER & WE LOVE JOHNNY DEEPLY- We bring each our BEST WISHES & see the multinational court proceedings as a Reality Tragedy neither need nor deserve- BUT TITILATTING for millions of viewers at THEIR FULL FRONTAL NAKED HUMILIATING EXPOSURE & EMBARRASSMENT!!! (Each should be paid by broadcasting corporations for the Court Proceedings show- They shouldn’t be suing each other!) Amber seeing Johnny allegedly as a kinda dual personality slightly Jekyll vs. Hyde character caused by blackouts/drugs &/or drinking excesses, etc. Likely they just ‘trigger’ each other- don’t know how to sooth each other- but inflame each other- FUN AT FIRST BUT THEN THE S___ HITS THE FANS!!!! Many of the Alcoholic/Addicts I helped had a VIOLENT SIDE like getting an adrenalin rush from being aggressive & violent! You or I’d bring out their BEST EMOTIONAL SELVES! We’d LOVE TO HANG OUT WITH EACH FOR SURE- BE SO MUCH FUN & LAUGHTER- no aggressive violence!!!! On the U.S. Epidemic out of Control Violence & Gun Mass Insanity, no other G-7 Country is at all so reckless & irresponsible!!! After the assassination of wonderful incredibly brave & intelligent Pres. Lincoln, America should have ‘GROWED UP’ about gun violence!!! Seems worse than ever- young children so often involved today!!! ‘Evil/Satan’- 288 vs. 5 mass shootings? Evil’s in command? Everyone understands the polling of Americans- Wartime like Emergency Efforts Needed- PULL THE PLUG on out of control gun access & violence, Satan running the American show! 92% want substantial BACKGROUND CHECKS! 83% want tough RED FLAG laws against aggressive, dangerous behavior & situations. Americans want dangerous guns out of the hands of teenage & young adults males! Governments can accept By & For THE PEOPLE laws- adjusting Gun violence laws as requested by the overwhelming majority!
- #Beloved Country Star Naomi Judd shot herself in the family home, a loving 1,000 acre estate/ranch! Only 1 day before scheduled to walk the Red Carpet & receive her deserved Country Star Award- cheered & viewed by millions with her upcoming tour! Nothing about America’s gun laws & gun violence makes sense! PULL THE PLUG on gun violence until SANITY IS RESTORED IN AMERICA according to what the overwhelming Majority want about controlling gun violence! Teachers are overwhelmingly in agreement about controlling gun violence!
- #BAD MENTAL ILLNESS DEPRESSION afflicting a wonderful shining star! ! If a person’s in a bad state, we don’t want any opportunity for a sudden split second terrible decision which can never ever be reversed!
- #I asked a Therapist who said, it happens an individual may have a few minutes, hours or days of terrible DEPRESSION & if someone is there at the critical time to carry them through- & no access to split second gun self harm, etc. they may lead years never ever so ill again & THANKING GOD/ALLAH & EVERYONE EVERY DAY THEY NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH TAKING THEIR LIFE!!!
- #Anyone experiencing emotional vulnerabilities & extremes should specifically be protective against accidents, knives, falls, heights, driving poorly, etc.
- #When ‘evil/Satan’ sees at hand loaded guns everywhere, it’s like being in a Candy Factory for gun violence! ‘Evil’ wants suffering & chaos! Males 15- 24 may experience undeveloped frontal cortexes leading to making sudden terrible decisions without thinking!!!
- #In everyday life we may experience sudden unanticipated situations frightening ‘the living daylights out of us!’ Or potentially truly unsafe! I LOVE WALKING IN THE WOODS with my Brother! He got all his COVID shots but became badly infected; appeared to recover but in 3+ weeks his COVID emerged worse than ever! I drove with him in his car, my mask on, windows always fully down; walked with him in the woods, my good fitting mask always on; No one knows who has active COVID it seems- we all should have immunity but my neighbors with all their shots, caught COVID 3 times! SAFETY FIRST! Now we see monkey pox spreading but requiring physical contact/closeness?
- My animal lover neighbor & I discussed gun ownership last evening- A person is violated, her personal treasured jewelry taken, etc. So She’s ‘locked & loaded- continually feeling terrorized!’ THOROUGH BACKGROUND CHECKS! STRICT EDUCATION & TRAINING, TRANSPORT & STORAGE; TIGHT BUY & SELL CONTROLS! MAKING ASSAULT WEAPONS ILLEGAL! DRUGS< BOOZE ,VIOLENCE & GUNS FORBIDDEN! Guns not safely unloaded & stored; Assault weapons with bump stocks, big ammo clips, bullets able to tear us into pieces, illegal- designed for Ukraine’s fight to the death war! Marketed to teens with undeveloped brains & decision making ability! With brain destroying drugs & alcohol at hand everywhere! Terrible family life! Non existent religious/moral upbringing- Love One Another; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! Be a good Samaratin, etc. Said no way I want to make a split second decision I will invariably regret my whole life- a terrible unanticipated situation: A 2 year old shot his Father! Children find unsecured loaded guns & shoot each other accidentally often! We don’t know how we will react to a sudden completely unanticipated frightening situation. Trained Cops have seemingly normalized shooting people casually or in error regularly! By Mental Health Checks- shooting vulnerable people within seconds instead of being protective of the lives of others! TO SERVE & PROTECT becomes TO KILL WITHIN SECONDS! America is accepting GUN VIOLENCE as NORMAL- No G-7 population accepts this nor do Americans! With guns everywhere in everybody’s hands, it’s an open shooting gallery for ‘evil’ & accidents! Every civilized Country except America is intelligent about guns, accidents & violence- throw in drinking, drugs, racism, etc. & you’ve created a non stop war zone! She said prankster teens brought a mutilated bloody deer to her door & rang her bell- She FREAKED SO BADLY THEY CLEANED UP EVERYTHING & WERE EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED BY HER REACTION! What if she had a loaded gun in her hand seeing blood & guts everywhere laid by strangers at her door step? Life is ALWAYS CHEERING FOR US- BEAUTIFUL TO SHARE WITH YOU- Always in Your Blessed Heart & You in Mine!!! “I can’t help falling in love with you!” sang Britney with Elvis, walking down the aisle into Holy Matrimony! P.S. Pres. Lincoln reminds us all of a time when people spoke more simply & clearly about what truly matters! My neighbor is gone visiting small traditional communities on the East Coast to feel the down home small Family Community Experience-
- #it’s not the days in your Life but THE LIFE YOU PUT IN EVERY CARING, SPECIAL, PRECIOUS WONDERFUL DAY- to Share Everything with You- Brianca Lane May 28- June 10, 2022 LOVING YOU!!!!!!!! AMERICA in APOCALYPTIC CHAOS- CLOWNS, JUGGLERS & JESTERS- DO SOMETHING!!!! June 11- 24, 2022 BAMBI BRIEFS- WE’RE ALL SO LOVABLE- DO YOU BELIEVE YOU’RE MORE LOVABLE- I THINK MAYBE YOU ARE BUT EVERYONE’S TRYING!!! Attempting to be less of a unaware blind Magoo walking about my Garden in Eden yard! But again I frightened young Bambi, almost stepping on her as she slept peacefully between my Scooter & Trail Bike! Additional brightly colored birds are investigating my garden area- also a few hummingbirds but I didn’t catch the songs they were humming! Again, I accidently came face to face- inches away from a nesting Mommy bird frightening her! She flew to get her partner to watch by her nest in case I suddenly surprised her again- OOPS, Magoo here again my Lady! Snakes, toads, etc.- a genuine Amazon Jungle teeming with Life! Some of the birds become intent hunters for bugs & worms, avoiding my ‘schedule’ walk arounds so they keep safe from my Magoo big feet! Toads keep actively watching me & my BIG MAGOO FEET- Indigenous Folks were skilled at walking silently in the Woods but I feel like a 1 person noisy MARCHING BAND strutting about Mother Nature’s Gardens!
- Authorities create these Nature Reserve Areas for Wildlife but Wildlife are not necessarily looking to live on Reserves Big Brother creates! We human beings love pretty, diverse, safe, interesting, healthy greenery & gardens- especially with little ponds nearby, etc. Just like our Wildlife Folks! If we are Peaceful, Gentle & Friendly, Wildlife want to live intimately beside us! THEY LIKE US- THEY LOVE US? YES- OF COURSE THEY LOVE US!!!! WE’RE SO NICE! Mother Nature’s Menagerie!
- Have to attempt to keep Rocky Raccoon, etc. out- They feel so abused- ‘BRI’S SO UNFAIR!!! ALL THE OTHER WILDLIFE ARE WELCOMED!!! ROCKY DEMANDS JUSTICE, THEY COMPLAIN!!! Yep- they have a sense of their Rights- if other Wildlife enjoys Rights, they expect the same!!! To be treated with the same dignity & respect!!!
- Wildlife want to become part of our SAFE & HAPPY Neighborhoods- Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, Sesame Street, Bri’s Garden or YOUR GREEN GARDEN!!!! Not live fearfully among wily hunting coyotes & foxes, Eagles & Hawks- predators! Walking into the woods, the designated habitat is somwhat barren except by ponds! All the wildlife have moved to healthy nesting among suburban Friendly Human Beings in healthy green bountiful & brimming garden neighborhoods! WILDLIFE LIKE US- WE’RE ALL SO LOVABLE!!!!!! P.S. We all must be careful about poisonous pesticides on our greenery- eventually poisoning all life, us included!!!
- Before Britney’s Briefs, we see so much happening all at once- We wrote BOBS; evil wreaked horrors & tragedy at ROBB Elementary- soon to be torn down! 15 Republican Senators joined with Democrats about controlling OUR GUN VIOLENCE & CRIME EXPLOSION climaxing with ROBB! 50,000 gun deaths annually? Over 240 Mass Shootings in 2022 so far? Roe vs. Wade overturned after 49? years! America tentatively returns- as we predicted, to 1950’s “Leave It to Beaver? “ME TOO” suddenly set back by Amber Heard vs. Johnny Depp Reality Television Humiliation Contest?
- THIS WAS ABOUT THE $$$$? “This was never about $$$ for Mr. Depp!” Only about “restoring his reputation!” So Johnny is to waive monetary damages if Amber withdraws her threat to Appeal? We’re pushing for Johnny to be a GENTLEMAN & protect Holy Matrimony & ME TOO! if not share blame 50/50 with Amber for all the matrimonial violence & bad mouthing! Amber has stood by her Testimony, not her Man like singer Tammy Wynette! Johnny could agree to reduce or withdraw awarded damages or agree a suitable affordable payment plan over 100 years & his dead body! Ha!!
- Today, each had the opportunity to give oral arguments about the $10.35 jury award to Depp & seek a mutually agreeable settlement between themselves. Alas- Judge Penny had to officially enter the jury award in the docket- they couldn’t agree & the case goes to the Virginia Court of Appeals & after 3 weeks, each side has 30 days to file a notice of appeal!
- Judge Penny made a mockery of justice by refusing to bring in the English Court decision brought on by Johnny whereby Johnny was declared a ‘wife beater’ & the English judge also stated 10 of 12 named instances of spousal abuse by Johnny against Amber were ruled substantially true! Johnny’s appeal failed! (Only 25% of Americans have confidence in their Supreme Court.) Judge Penny also refused to allow Amber’s therapist enter his professional opinion & notes as to the veracity of Amber naming specific instances of abuse during sessions!
- The process itself indicated Neanderthal knuckle draggers Justice because it was a popularity contest- Johnny being overwhelmingly supported & Amber like a Salem Witch Hunt or Middle Ages Inquisition victim, receiving hundreds if not thousands of death threats daily during the trial including burning her Baby! Jury members could watch all the constant Amber Bashing on television & the internet & also understand jurists would risk their own Family’s Safety should they not side with Johnny- receive thousands of death threats themselves for failing to go with the tide!
- When Amber cried during her testimony, reliving instances of trauma, humiliation & abuse- Johnny allegedly violated her with an alcohol bottle, threw her against the wall, onto the floor & threatened to kill her in drunken black out rages as Amber’s therapist recorded in notes, Johnny’s groupies turned Amber’s crying face into an internet meme! Amber’s Sister testified Johnnie repeatedly smashed her in the face at the top of a staircase- Couldn’t Amber easily have died? Will anyone believe American justice if they ever did, after this woman bashing lynching? About up to 5% of Women lie about domestic abuse in Court- But only a small percentage of assault & sexual assault cases go to trial & reach a ruling- conviction rates are very low- Remember how hard it has been to convict Bill Cosby in spite of so many accusers citing the same modus operandi! It’s usual He said vs. She said, hard to definitively prove he is guilty beyond a balance of probabilities or especially beyond a reasonable doubt! What does the Jury decide about first hand reports of Johnny repeatedly smashing Amber’s face? Oh- her loyal Sister- why should we believe her? An incompetent moron jury member blabbered the Jury decided Amber’s tears were not real, not believable- “crocodile tears!’ Johnny appeared a little more real in how he was responding to questions, his emotional state very stable!” A Clinical Psychologist for “Survivors of Torture”at New York’s Belleville Hospital says “Survivors can appear flat, detached, disconnected or bored- or have difficulty remembering details of something horrific she suffered!” That she lied about donating her assets $7.5 from the divorce settlement to 2 Charities as she had promised with the view- if she says one lie, everything she says is a lie which is illogical! People tell the truth & stretch the truth or lie to create a favorable professional position, for example! Maybe she wanted to donate & wanted to appear wealthy & chariatable like all big Hollywood stars but practically speaking, the $7.5 million comprised her assets! She literally couldn’t follow through being the wealthy star she wanted to portray! A Harvard Medical School clinical psychologist & expert on psychological trauma says “The Courtroom environment was packed with J.D. fans constantly directing massive hostility at Amber Heard & all her witnesses! What is it like to remember your traumain PUBLIC with a bunch of hostile people STARING YOU DOWN, GIVING YOU DIRTY LOOKS THE WHOLE TIME!” “People express all kinds of different emotions- unique to the individual experience & context!” Therapist’s clients having suffered domestic abuse “were pretty triggered, upset by the way they witnessed Amber being treated, clients having a rough time about what they were seeing, watching, reading & hearing! Amber says the Jury decision “sets back the clock to a time when a woman who spoke up & spoke out could be publicly shamed & humiliated- It sets back the idea that violence against women is to be taken seriously! Silencing survivors from going public!”
- As to a World Class Actor & a Big Political Liar among Liars, we feature our FAB SHAKE US ALL UP DON, smart ass, mastermind borderline personality disordered, Mussolini wanna be, Jan. 6 Insurrectionist, MAGA Achiever & Eager Industious Beaver, Pres. TRUMP- A King with a Family Dynasty Master Plan in Hand, a.k.a. ‘Leave It to Beaver’ schemer Eddie Haskell; Assuredly, Pres. Trump addressed 1. MAGA Economic Prosperity & today inflation is frighteningly about 8%; 2. Our too bountiful illegal Southern Border entry; 3. independent energy supply for America & Europe vs. warmongering Russia supplying Europe & building up its Weaponry to demonically recreate the former U.S.S.R.! 4. Trump frightened enemies into peaceful compliance by his petulant sudden heavy handed unpredictable character & vicious immorality- unfortunately also featured on Jan. 6 insurrection behavior including wanting to string up V.P. Pence!!! Trump set up Iran’s #2 Qasem Soleimani with a pretend Peace Organizing Envoy Gathering & assassinated him in Baghdad instead! 5. His Operation Warp Speed to address COVID-19 was brilliant, etc.
- #Yes- opposing movements legally acted- conspired immorally at best to swing the Election Trump Deserved to Win, apart from his Mussolini style Dictator scary (Family) Dynasty Style behavior we face today by his legal appointees! Pres. Trump hand picked 3 Supreme Court Judges & helped hundreds of others into Judicial Positions serving across America with explicit political
- #MARCHING PAPERS CRUSHING DECADES of CONSTITUTIONAL EVOLUTION- THE 3 R’s- Revisit/Reverse/Revise Progressive Liberal Court Decisions back to circa 1950’s Americana! Back to “FATHER KNOWS BEST” for all young women giving up centuries of hard won rights, like Britney STRIPPED OF ALL HUMAN FEMALE RIGHTS;
- #GUN VIOLENCE ENFLAMED for young American men, ages 15- 24 with too much testosterone & too little cognitive brain power to not attract evil/Satan to use them as useful fools & tools! Yes- young men can do BAD by themselves but evil/Satan is only TOO EAGER TO HELP ACHIEVE THE WORST POSSIBLE in GUN VIOLENCE!!! Both Republicans & Democrats played the Politics of Crime- making citizens Big Losers! America- 10- 40X the gun violence rates in other modern civilized societies? TOTAL DENIAL of FAILED POLICIES BY BOTH PARTIES vs. any other civilized Country???
- #Why R Young Males, 15- 24 Acting Recklessly without Reasoning & Thinking Ability & Maturity: In our previous discussion, we reported how young males, 15- 24 are fueled by over the top testosterone levels- pushing aggression, fearlessness & foolishness without accompanying reasoning ability, consideration of severe consequences & curtailing irrational emotional outbursts & dangerous behaviors!!!
- #Are Pres. Trump’s extremist Supreme Court picks throwing fuel on the gun violence fire? The Supreme Court is striking down restrictions on open or hidden public gun carrying rights- the Government, not the Terrorist Wanna Be Without A Cause, is required to justify restriction & infringement of everyone’s gun carrying rights! And Police are not to be sued for skipping informing suspects of their MIRANDA RIGHTS- to REMAIN SILENT, for example! In defiance, California is issuing 15 Bills on controlling GUN VIOLENCE! Canada’s P.M. Trudeau is piggybacking on mass shootings like ROBB Elementary & a very rare deadly East Coast April, 2020 Nova Scotia mass shooting- 22 lives taken, 3 more injured over 12 hours as the shooter portrayed himself perfectly as a Police Officer with appointed vehicle & uniform! Trudeau wants a complete ban on all buying & selling of handguns! 1500 styles of military assault rifles are allegedly already banned!
- #In urban areas, Canadians welcome greater suppression of gun violence & weapons because instead of giving someone ‘the finger, ‘ young 15-24 age gang bangers everywhere in America simply shoot anyone for the slightest micro agression! Nothing to do with guns for defence but evil sub human behavior by seeming possessed beasts possessing a hair trigger emotional fragility!
- #ONLY 1 in 4 Americans now have CONFIDENCE in the SUPREME COURT! As an institution, is the Supreme Court a SICK JOKE of crooks, liars & Jesters- hired Back to the circa 1950’s HIT MEN? In youth Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh described his peer group as “loud, obnoxious pukers the neighbors should be warned about!” Sen. Collins says Kavanaugh, Gorsuch ‘LIED’ during their testimony to gain her critical voting support, saying Roe vs. Wade was well established settled law & precedent- implying it was ‘untouchable’ in their thinking?
- Professor & Psychologist Christine Blasey Ford alleges when they were both teens- she about 16, a drunken Kavanaugh & his Friend attempted to gang rape her! An OPEN CASE ABLE TO BE BROUGHT TO TRIAL TODAY!!!! She told Friends about the gang rape attempt in previous years, Friends who provided affidavits about her discussing the attempted rape by a ‘now Federal Judge!’ Both attackers were drunkenly laughing during the rape attempt & Kavanaugh allegedly put his hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming- she thought she might die but escaped traumatized for life!
- #The Highest Court manned by Political Hacks at best or apparent evil deceptive liars tricking Sen. Collins- even an alleged Rapist at worst???
- #Remember my experience having to fight with everything I had for my very life while my older much bigger teenage attacker on top of me cackled sounding like Satan/evil personified- Repressed the whole experience until writing about Princess Diana’s tragedies, etc. released it!!! Kavanaugh probably is as guilty as hell-o- Christine’s experience mirroring mine- UNBELIEVABLY TERRIFYING, A CACKLING RAPIST ENJOYING HIMSELF LIKE NEVER BEFORE INTENT ON RAPE & MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- GREAT NEWS to see bipartisan support to control GUN VIOLENCE! 65- 33 with 15 Republican Senators joining Democrats in passing America’s biggest Safety Package in 3 decades!!!
- #We brought in Pres. Reagan- Pres. Reagan brought himself into our discussions to be honest! A wonderful gentle person but hardly SHY!!! To build co-operation & listen to all voices respectfully- get AMERICA BACK ON TRACK about our GUN VIOLENCE EPIDEMIC & important similar issues!!! “A HOUSE DIVIDED CANNOT STAND!” We unbelievably brought in Pres. Lincoln-
- #ONE & ONLY HONEST ABE, A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING- FATHER of MODERN AMERICA to INSPIRE US ALL!!! From times when speech was REAL, SIMPLE< CLEAR, GENUINE- HONEST!!!! Hard for me to speak to Pres. Lincoln- wondering if my character meets the high standards he deserves & with all he accomplished in creating America ANEW!!!! Our Politicians should speak & work co-operatively together as if Pres. Lincoln was listening intently- Ashamed to be less than our best, Pres. Lincoln before us! So thankful to see Republicans & Democrats working together!!!!
- SAFETY & EDUCATION FIRST! SAFER COMMUNITIES ACT! Stop boyfriends & partners who have been convicted of domestic violence from buying guns! Background Checks & a 10 day waiting period for sellers & Authorities to conduct a review! Mental health background & juvenile justice records, etc. -Expanded background checks! RED FLAG LAWS- Courts may remove firearms from anyone deemed a threat to themselves or others! Raise age for buying & possessing guns to 21 instead of 18, for example! Young adults male brains are maturing between ages 15- 24 but testosterone levels are spiking sparking aggression & sudden irrational fearless thinking & behaviors! As we previously emphasized, ” Following neuron proliferation the brain rewires itself from the onset of Puberty until 24 years old, especially in the pre-frontal Cortex. The rewiring is accompanied by dendritic pruning & myelination.”
- #Bit of a Balancing Act- We may want to see a Therapist to gain INSIGHT & TOOLS/APPROACHES/BEHAVIORS for us to use in dealing with our Health Issues! But we don’t want our Therapist Records from 10- 20 years ago being used against us!!! ‘Yes- 10 years ago I responsibly attended for Therapy Sessions to address & resolve certain issues! So I addressed & resoved those issues several years ago in a responsible manner as Society hopes everyone does, & they have no relation to me since that time nor presently!
- #If we want people to be healthy & take active care, we can’t throw issues from years ago at them today or why would anyone go for counselling & therapy to have it used against them at a future date unfairly???
- Any vulnerability or safety issue we face should be seriously addressed! If we have an issue about FALLING, we want to stress prevention of falling accidentally! If driving is a concern, we stay away from heavy traffic, breaking any driving laws, we drive in daylight in good weather! We make sure we’re 100% safely able to perform necessary tasks, etc. We ensure our surroundings are SAFE & we are emotionally, physically & mentally up to the tasks at hand! Britney Spears wasn’t allowed to drink alcohol or even caffeine/coffee under her lengthy Conservatorship to not harm or impair her mental or emotional health- Probably Britney is careful today- We don’t imagine Britney drank alcohol or only a tiny amount at her wedding as others in attendance did! If we have anger or violence issues, tend to act out emotionally before thinking, why would we want guns or any weapons anywhere near us?
- Abortion is completed by consuming ‘medications’ today- one kills the Baby & the other induces Still Birth, for example. States can more easily block surgical abortions by qualified Doctors but all Abortions can be ‘criminalized!’ Vulnerable poor women will suffer obvious poorest outcomes!
- #ARE EQUALITY & INALIENABLE RIGHTS A MYTH? A SLIDING SCALE of RIGHTS? OUR RIGHT TO LIVE vs. MODERN SOCIETAL EUGENICS? Our COVID-19 Plague exposed how Politicians & Health Care Professionals rated citizens as to their Rights & VALUE to access care- be helped or killed! Over 60 or existing underlying illness issues? Inject for an early passing? Our Seniors slaughtered, vulnerable persons care homes liability protections increased, Government supported coverups of genocidal practices!
- #The Justice & Equity MYTH? Canada is moving to full genocidal eugenics just like in 1930’s Germany- Psychiatrists began murdering mental patients & citizens with substabtial physical challenges ‘CULLED!’ Initially in Canada patients facing incurable, progressive, painful physical death within months or weeks were ‘mercy killing candidates!’ But Canada sees citizens as commodities each having varying value; calculates cost savings by killing (mental) patients prematurely- 40 years early? Canada sees moderately ill as ‘undesirable, worthless eaters, throwaway citizens’ as a deficit, burden based on 100 year old Eugenic views. Challenged by physical or mental disabilities or illnesses, citizens ask for help to live supported in the community but are redirected by health care to the ‘mercy killing’ alternative!
- #ULTIMATE HATE CRIME led to 6 million Jews, etc. being gassed as a FINAL SOLUTION to the ELIMINATION of UNDESIRABLES- Canada is attempting to quietly implement GENOCIDE, BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOODNESS, GOD/ALLAH/CIVILIZED MORALITY!!! All about $COST SAVINGS, OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT HATE CRIMES TARGETING GROUPS FOR GENOCIDE!!! Is Canada’s Supreme Court becoming as worthless as America’s? Is evil/Satan & $$$ running our Country’s???
- Our BABY POWER MOVEMENT rejoices if Babies achieve full term birth by the Supreme Court striking down Roe vs. Wade today- Abortion as a Constitutional Right struck down, States able to limit Abortion in any manner! Arizona & Texas after about 6 weeks, upon detecting a fetal HEARTBEAT?
- #But our BABY POWER MOVEMENT necessitates BABIES EXPERIENCING A LOVING, SAFE, ENRICHING CHILDHOOD- not only HEALTHY DEVELOPMENT in the Womb!! Who is STEPPING UP TO GUARANTEE EVERY CHILD THAT??? A HEALTHY ENRICHING ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT FROM CONCEPTION TO AGE 21 or 24??? Without which, we may be cursed will years of frustration, missed destiny, illness & suffering for us all!!!
- #Will Female Blacks & Minorities be especially HARMED by our Supreme Court returning America Back to 1950’s Americana? Vulnerable & impoverished citizens CRIMINALIZED & MARGINALIZED??? Is this America’s version of Afghanistan’s Wahabi Muslim control over Women? The Ancient Greek view of Women being too emotionally irrational & fragile to make intelligent decisions for themselves? The Southern Belle like Britney, her Father totally controlling her? Back to an era of Back Alley butcher jobs?
- #Women’s Rights Lawyer Gloria Allred was raped at gunpoint in Mexico back in the ’60’s & had a ‘Back Alley” non professional Abortion requiring hospitalization, her Nurse saying, “I HOPE YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON GLORIA!” Reminds me of my Nurses betting how long I would live with horrible mental illness diagnosis & prognosis & psychiatrists wanting to use me for experimentation with absolutely no accountability, all my rights waived!
- On our LGBTQ+? watch, World Class Sports competitions are pushing hard against male to female trans athletes still possessing clearly advantageous male body features from male testosterone, etc.. New rules demand trans male to female athletes have taken the hormones to adequately produce transition to female body features PRIOR TO AGE 12 & PUBERTY! SHOCKING DEMAND because we anticipate trans candidates will begin taking the conversion female hormones after age 16 when they have had time to BEGIN the path to mental & emotional maturity. Making a complete gender change probably before PUBERTY BEGINS seems an extreme demand! Some candidates use Puberty Blockers with their Parents & Doctor’s o.k. to delay body changes to give themselves time to decide over their teen years before their body has matured as an adult male, for example. Candidates change at any age but older candidates in their 20’s & 30’s may find less success in changing to a female appearance in spite of consuming massive female hormones! Younger candidates may be successful in actually being taken as a female in appearance. Surgery can also give an appearance of female genitals. Voice lessons are taken to speak ‘in a woman’s voice! Every trans individual is unique in conversion aspirations!
- About COVID, BAD LONG COVID may reduce I.Q. by 10 points, equivalent to aging 20 years! COVID in Seniors COVID may impact mental health with anxiety & depression! My brother- who received 3 shots, experienced 2 bouts of Covid over 2- 3 months with a dormant period between outbreaks. Rapid tests can detect COVID POSITIVE for 90 days- even though spread of virus may become extremely low! But now we have Monkey Pox variants emerging- a new plague but spreading slowly & BY ACTUAL CONTACT or in large droplets like by our mouth spit or body secretions, not like COVID spreading easily in aerosol form floating in the air! Our Beloved Bieber has a form of virus like chicken pox paralyzing one side of his face for which he exercises & takes medication! All these tiny bacteria & viruses we generally fight off constantly by our immune system. Our digestion works with help of bacteria we need to break down food, release vitamins, etc.
- #Evil/Satan is running freely like a kid in a Candy Factory PUSHING & POSSESSING testosterone fueled irrational young males especially to be involved in WRECKLESS GUN VIOLENCE & CREATE MASS CHAOS & COLLAPSE of SOCIETY!!!
- #America’s Not Reliving Our Horrors Again a.k.a. NRA, watches over 240 Mass Shootings to date in 2022!
- #The GAUNTLENT IS TOSSED DOWN in our CHALLENGE BETWEEN GOOD vs. evil! We wrote BOBS- Be Our Best Selves vs. evil’s immediate response- ROBB Elementary Massacre- ROB Our Best! We saw ‘evil/Satan’ pushing & possessing a young male to enter Robb Elementary by a door left unlocked; shoot 19 kids & 2 teachers as Officers in full Body Armor & with loaded weaponry arrive within 3 minutes- but REFUSE for OVER an HOUR to open the unlocked classroom door, kill the shooter & rescue children washed in BLOOD, survivors calling 911!!!
- #GUN VIOLENCE AMONG YOUNG MALES especially is a GIFT to evil/SATAN that just keeps on GIVING- KILLING & DISHEARTENING ALL INVOLVED!!! More guns, deadly weaponry is more Candy in the Candy Factory for evil/Satan to feast on! Billions Worldwide claim to hold Jesus as a Holy Prophet or Messiah but deny what Jesus said about the REALITY of evil, Satan, demonic influence & possession! Yes- people can be & are BAD without outside help- but outside evil/Satanic Influence is substantially elevated by gun violence opportunities as a social PLAGUE DESTROYING AMERICA!!! Previously we quoted Cortez pointing out from 2009- 2018, America mass shootings were 288 vs. only 5 for the other G-7 Countries! About 50,000 gun violent deaths plague America annually! 10- 40X other modern civilized Countries! Other Countries HAVE LEARNED QUICKLY- England & Australia decided one mass shooting was sufficient to GET THE PICTURE!!!
- But in tune with today’s times, Britney’s Freaking Angry about her 13 past years of bizarre circumstances totally under her Father’s control like a Southern Mississippi & Louisiana Belle, her Family happily feeding off her straight jacket high earnings life, Britney believes. Forcibly caffeine & alcohol free- tested for drugs at least 3X weekly, her diet & lifestyle strictly Old School! Believing her self serving Family behaved unlike us Britney Believers, #Free Britney & our Hollywood Heroes- WE GOOD ANGELS HELPING BRITNEY ‘BREAK ON FREE TO THE OTHER SIDE!!!’ New marriage, new home- but unprintable expletives aimed at her well wishing Family NOT welcome to attend her Holy Marriage Ceremony! Britney walking herself down the aisle, ELVIS singing Heavenly I “Can’t Help Falling in LOVE WITH YOU!!!” Ready & Willing to attempt a full term pregnancy, be a Wife & Mommy in line with the spirit of the 1950’s style 6- 3 Supreme Court Decision released today- STRIKING DOWN 1973 ROE vs. WADE- Constitutional access to Abortion, a Woman’s RIGHT to Decide! Big Brother U.S. States to regain 1950’s era control over a Woman’s Body & Choice? ‘You’re O.K. Oklahoma’ & Texas- ‘Remember the Alamo!’ declaring abortion illegal after about 6 weeks- detection of a Baby Heartbeat!
- We’re at our BEST- CHALLENGED until CHANGE BECOMES US!!! We’re playing our Apocalyptic Gigs Bravely hitting all the RIGHT CHORDS like Jeff Beck! Teaching Jeff about Life’s A Wonderful Song- so enjoy every HARMONIC NOTE TOGETHER APART!!! Yes- Jeff’s also teaching us all about living a WONDERFUL HEALTHY LIFE! Jeff knows the chords to lift & RING OUR BELL! 100X better than our beloved J.D.’s playing in Germany with his fellow wierdo stylish scary hairy brained Zombies?
- #Twit-Wit Elon Musk is Flittering OUT & Jitter BUGGING about buying Twitter!
- #Musk loves Twitter- He loves Twitter- NOT! Is Musk a Quitter? Or a rich Prince become a Toad or Frog? Is Musk on or is Musk off the POT!!!
- #If our $$$rich Billionaires aren’t totally insane- playing all sides for profiteering, they could reduce victim State’s suffering & pain! As World Bread Basket Nations Ukraine & Russia play a deadly game of Medieval Seige War- Russia is FORCIBLY CREATING FAMINE WORLDWIDE!
- #Musk should better FLITTER his Brushless Motor Electric Brain into FUNDING FOOD SHARING- FEEDING OUR STARVING WORLD in Africa, The Middle East, etc. Our $$$Rithie Rich Billionaires-
- #Funding 100 ways in 100 days to TAKE OUT PUTIN & HIS GANGSTERS IN RUSSIA BY FELLOW RUSSIANS (& USING RUSSIAN TERRIBLE DYSFUNCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY?) INSURRECTIONISTS COLLECTING A COOL MILLION EACH from $$$Billionaires’ Pocket Change- A MILLION DOLLARS MORE THAN WHAT THEY OWN UNDER current Vlad the Impalor, the worst Ruler since the original Vlad the Impalor! Hint- Help set up a Russian electric LADA style collapsible motor vehicle plant- Gangsters step inside, turn the ignition key- CRISPY CRUNCH TO GO!!! The vehicle collapses, becomes electrified & crashes!!! Bill Gates, Twitterless Musk & all our World’s Western $$$Billionaires competing to see who is FIRST & BEST at the game of CRISPY RUSSIAN CRUNCH BRUNCH TO GO!!! CRUNCHING Putin & his Greaseball Cabal!!! Get your Russian Greaseball Cabal!!!
- #Electric cars for America but Electric Chairs for Putin & his cabal players!!!
- #Ordinary Russians could rise from an average $1000. net wealth under Putin to splitting up hundreds of $$$Billions stolen from average Russians by Oligarchy gangsters!!!
- #100 WAYS in 100 DAYS by $$$BILLIONAIRE’S BRAINPOWER to CRUSH RUSSIAN BARBARIANS WITHIN/WITHOUT RUSSIA & SAVE OUR BELOVED UKRAINE!!! Hint: Bill Gates & Friends ‘vaccinate’ our World safely against a Russian Barbarian Outbreak!!!!
- But because it’s FREAK OUT FRIDAY, our Political Elites are conspiring just like 1930’s Germany- indeed the Western & European World, with Economist bean counters reducing our individual value to monetized economic units! Immoral Health Care Practitioners willing to implement horrendous eugenics & genocidal discrimination against today’s vulnerable citizens! Take Canada’s P.M.- PLEASE- TAKE HIM AWAY!
- #Canada’s P.M. Trudeau is just paying off $$$20 Billion to First Nations for short-changing First Nation’s Children’s Family Services vs. ‘White Children’s Family Services;’ Trudeau delayed providing Financial Compensation for Indigenous Survivors ripped from their Families & Communities & forced into White Church run Government mandated evil Residential Schools where the practice was to “BEAT THE SAVAGE OUT OF THEM!” Use them as play toys for sexual & other abuses; Strip children of their Culture, language & basic inalienable Human Rights- For slave labor, etc.; Bury their beaten bodies in unmarked graves only today being discovered in the hundreds beside the notorious schools; Trudeau delayed supporting clean drinking water availability in Indigenous Northern Communities; Trudeau turned a blind eye to horrific levels of indigenous self harm; Trudeau skipped out- went surfing during Canada’s first annual Statutory Holiday on Sept. 30- “National Truth & Reconciliation Day,” Riding around with his WOODIE in SURF CITY- Surely not participating in Indigenous Ceremonies & Significant Events on Canada’s First National Truth & Reconciliation Day!!! Trudeau & Gangsters schemed up a FINAL SOLUTION to rid ‘undesirables!’
- Trudeau will step up the cruel & criminal minded implementation of eugenics/mercy killing/genocide/euthanasia! Government programs are scheduled to be implemented next March 2023? Who will be swept up in the BIG STEAL of the ACTUAL LIVES of Canada’s vulnerable & discriminated claases of ‘undesirables?’ A.A. Blacks, Indigenous/First Nations, persons with mental or physical disabilities or chronic substantial illness, & ‘the poor?’ Young or old- no longer targeting Canada’s dying with days or weeks to the great beyond! Originally, Big Brother enacted ‘mercy killing’ for the dying sliding down into their final act on Life’s Stage! A recycled eugenics slippery slope plan was to mimic the 1930’s practice in Germany-
- Psychiatrists & Doctors killing their young patients challenged by episodal mental or physical disabilities, or with prolonged or substantial illness! Purifying the German ‘race,’ ridding society of so-called ‘burdens,’ ‘useless eaters,’ not big contributors to the Nazi Regime! ‘Throwaways’ & ‘disposable citizens like was implemented Worldwide during COVID to kill our Seniors over 60!!!’ Remember in New York, Big Brother would send COVID infected into nursing homes killing Seniors by the 1,000’s! Pretty ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ like cutey, selfie star sunny ways smiling P.M. Trudeau & company SANITIZING BUTCHERY, MORAL DEBAUCHERY & GENOCIDE??? ‘Throwaway citizens/undesirables’ experiencing poverty, depression, stress & anxiety, racism, sexual violence, low self esteem & achievements, etc. redirected from seeking appropriate viable supports & reasonable accommodations to agreeing to self harm- Health Care team members ending ‘undesirables’ young lives 60+/- years prematurely? Our ‘relative cost/$$$burden’ is weighed against our anticipated future ‘$$$contribution.’ We are reduced to economic calculations by Big Brother like machinery or equipment worth keeping or else recycling as garbage!
- #Just because Russia is run by Barbarians & Impalers, doesn’t make our Western home grown Impalers that much more wonderful!!! Are we in the West also facing a hard Roe to Wade? Our dearly departed beloved U. S. Pres. Lincoln- shot on a FREAK OUT “GOOD FRIDAY,” we called back through the veil to offer encouragement & brilliant guidance: But another towering leader is leaving our Earthly Realm- Life’s stage bloodied again! Tragic FREAK OUT FRIDAY news reports is about a towering unique Powerful Political Leader at home & abroad- ‘Abe’ assassinated at close range from behind & in the neck? HAPPENED TODAY! Same Old 1865 Political Replay- in Japan this time! GRACE & GOODNESS GONE! Abe gave his all in 2006- 2007 & from 2012- 2020, stepping aside as his health stumbled in service! Shot as he gave a final Political Rally Speech! Creator of ABENOMICS-One of a few World leaders MAGA Pres. Trump admired- two Amigo golfers battling tunneling Big China & Russia Groundhog Buddies tearing apart our World’s best Golf Greens from the evil underworld!
- #Unlike in Wild West America where ALIENS WORRY GUN VIOLENCE & (A. I.) TECHNOLOGY is WINNING a Darwinian Evolutionary Survival of the Fittest Battle against we humans- America SELF INFLICTS about 50,000 firearm deaths annually! Japan suffered 10 gun violence events last year- 1 fatality?
- #Same biological human beings in America & Japan? but different Cultures = 50,000 more Americans killed by gun violence annually!
- #Does America actually value Gun Violence ABOVE Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness?
- #America endures a SELF INFLICTED Gun Violence Culture most Modern Countries won’t accept!!! Beloved Naomi Judd- suffering mental illness depression, died by a self-inflicted gun shot only 1 day before she was to walk the Red Carpet before millions of cheering fans & receive her INDUCTION into the Country Music Hall of FAME in Nashville Tennessee! !
- #Naomi walked a horrible final ‘red carpet’- falling from our Highest Ceremonies of Hope, Joy & Accomplishment only 1 day away! TOMORROW IT WAS ONLY A DAY AWAY- BUT A LIFETIME for Naomi-
- #Gun violence stole everything in a moment of darkness! At the ROBB Stage, evil wrote the script- An Officer of the Law saw the assassin going to the school but never received the go ahead approval to engage & shoot as necessary. A teacher wisely closed an open door but neglected to check if the door actually locked- enabling the shooter in! Body armored Officers trained with full weaponry stood outside the unlocked classroom door for over an hour- instead of suddenly rushing in & killing the assassin instantly, freeing young students, offering E.R. Care & Evacuation, etc. The GOOD GUYS seemingly were destined to be heroes- everthing they didn’t do showed them to be total zeroes against gun violence evil!!! BOBB vs. ROBB- Be Our Best Selves vs. Rob Our Best SATAN CLEANED OUR CLOCKS!!! We GET IT RIGHT- DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #GUN VIOLENCE- Tell us WHY? WHY? WHY? America you accept it? A song chorus plays in my head-
- #We’ll still die tomorrow- Just like we die today! Because there’ll always be a gun & a shooter IF we listen to America’s N.R.A.!!! IF we BOW to the devil N.R.A.! THANK GOD/ALLAH Darwinian Survival Evolution is beginning to AWAKEN a new spirit of Political Bipartisanship to heal America of Pandemic gun violence culture!
- #Do 50,000 Americans have to be sacrificed annually on the Cultural Alter of GUN VIOLENCE??? Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness when 50,000 are Sacrificial Lambs on the Alter of Gun Violence???
- #Our World sees America as addicted to a GUN CRAZY Culture!!! Self Inflicting such unspeakable horror & tragedy!!! Tell us WHY? WHY? WHY? America? You’re too GOOD America to do such evil to one another!
- #HOPE, ‘Thoughts & Prayers’ IS JUST A LOSERS’ DOPE- DO SOMETHING about Gun Violence America!!!! DO SOMETHING TODAY!!!! Not to overlook Opioids & Drug Addictions & Self Harm!
- #What HAPPENED to our inalienable truth OUR BODY is God’s/Allah’s/Darwinian Evolution’s HOLY TEMPLE, TEMPLE of LOVE, TRUTH & LIGHT, never to be cast down in blasphemy!!! What happened to RISE UP MY LOVE & COME AWAY if we are living beneath our morality & character!!! Whatever shape we’re in- if sometimes pretty bad, sad & bad- OUR STARTING POINT IS BEGINNING RIGHT HERE & NOW- A NEW LIFE, BEAUTY & A NEW DREAM TO EXPERIENCE TOGETHER APART! We live on Life’s Spiral- how HIGH IS OUR NATURAL HIGH GIFTED IN OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS? HOW HIGH IS OUR NATURAL HIGH? YOU & I ALWAYS WERE ALL THAT INSIDE, HIDDEN FROM DAYLIGHT- IS THIS A TIME OUR WORLD WILL SEE YOU & I SHINING BRIGHTER, FINALLY LETTING LOOSE ALL THE BINDINGS HOLDING YOU BACK?? Everyone’s waking up to REALITY or situations HELP US ALL to RISE UP to our CHALLENGES!!! Together Forever- WE only appear ALONE & APART.
- But about our World’s China originated COVID-19 FREAK OUT FRENZY? Transmissible in under 1 minute in face to face interaction, COVID- 19 Omicron Sub-variant BA-5 appears leading our 6th wave today? Our massive June LGBTQ+? SCREAMING Pride Events- millions gathering in New York, Sports & Entertainment Gatherings with Screeching Banchee Fans fueling our new 6th wave? My Neighbors & Brother got all their 3 shots but became COVID infected multiple times anyways. COVID may become quiet/temporarily dormant- fooling everyone to believe it is gone, but suddenly erupt out again weeks later! P.S.- Initially our new Monkey Pox is said to have been transmitted by gay males-
- Whatever SAFER SEX PRACTISES ARE NECESSARY, ARE NECESSARY. Monkey Pox is transmitted by contact with Body Fluids or by towels, etc. having infectious body fluids. Once we learn the unsafe practices causing transmission, we behave ourselves accordingly if we are among the risk groups driving transmission. Who wants Big Brother’s HARMFUL POWER TRIPS like we experienced under COVID!?? We are smart & conscientious to behave ourselves to keep everyone reasonably safe from transmission of viruses & illnesses!!! But as to Johnny-
- ‘Here’s Johnny!’ Axe in hand, chopping through hysterical Amber’s bedroom door! Amber Heard filed to have Johnny Depp’s $10 million settlement set aside!
- #Johnny- STOP FEEDING OFF AMBER- YOU FRIGGIN’ UNDERWORLD Lifelong Drug Wrecked Twisted VAMPIRE!!! Johnny – good singing & creative costumes for your musical style & performances but Britney Spears engrained in our visual cortex LESS CLOTHING = MORE BEAUTIFUL BRITNEY IN THE FLESH beginning in 1998!!! Britney’s brainwashed our Hearts & Eyeballs!!! Do more GREAT MUSIC everyone loves SINGING & GIGGIN’ with guitar god Jeff Beck! You & Amber both engaged in HORRIBLE ACTS of DEPRAVITY against one another but we STILL LOVE YOU BOTH- Amber experiences Hysteria & Borderline Personality Disorder, according to your bought & paid for biased Forensic PSYCHO ‘BITCH’ & you’re a GENUINE BLOOD SUCKING TWISTED AUTHENTIC VAMPIRE Johnny- YOU LIKE ACTS of DEPRAVITY!?? Someday we’ll save Amber & join your band of Twisted Vamps- You just try to suck on our Wholesome Happy Virgin necks- We really Social Distance from Vampires!!!! And ‘lay off of our blue suede shoes!’ (Carl Perkins)
- Rapid COVID- 19 tests can indicate positive for 90 days after infection & first symptoms- the infection becomes far too low for transmission but suddenly after 3- 4 weeks, COVID & symptoms may break out again- transmitting illness again!!! #TRICKY FREAKING FRIDAY CONNIVING ‘Johnny D. DEPRAVED COVID!!!!! P.S. Still only received my 1 shot last July against which my body violently reacted! Big Cover Up of alarming side effects experienced by a minority! Authorities now expect COVID to continue (mutating) indefinitely but hopefully less severely for healthy people? Becomes ‘endemic!’ SOCIAL DISTANCING helps protect against reinfection as does wearing a hospital mask indoors while shopping. People may not be aware they may transmit COVID if symptoms are very minor!
- #We should imagine Angels or Aliens of Good Intentions are frightened by our need to better LOVE & CHERISH Mother Nature to LIFE instead of EXPLOIT her BEAUTY & BOUNTY by exploitation to DEATH!
- #In our Apocalyptic World, we feel we are being pushed & pulled out of our COMFORT ZONE but we ARE THANKFULLY AWAKENING TO CHANGES TO OCCUR AS EVERYTHING BEGINS TO HEAL! Stress & anxieties weaken! OUR COMPASSION, OUR BEST CHARACTER & GOODNESS- TRULY OUR HEALING HANDS & HEARTS AT PLAY!!!!! In my Garden, I see living forms everywhere- all welcoming & enabling a safe multi dimensional space, a growing community of flora & fauna. Our World surrounds us like a BIG HUG- BLESSING US as we are BLESSING to our Garden & World!
- When our nutrition SUCKS, when we’re a BILLION pounds too heavy, when we’re not active or being playful, when we’re hanging out out with bad dudes in a man made ugly CONCRETE JUNGLE of suffocating rules & 1984 surveillance China social scoring systems & obsessive compulsive rules- Big Brother on our ass 24/7, we’ll surely hear an Amber ALERT- ‘WE GOT TO GET OUT of THIS PLACE”/state of mind, bad habits & living, “IF IT’S THE LAST THING WE EVER DO! Girl- there’s a better place for me & you!” (The Animals) Do you think we’ll understand what plants, birds & animals are speaking about? We’ll experience closer relationships in Mother Earth’s Menagerie? We experience irresistible Musical Rythmnic by Carribbean Parades & Events!!! When we visit Nature’s ponds & special nesting areas, will we feel the Earth’s rythms & natural musical beats?
- In our previous FREAK OUT FRIDAY report, our Pres. Trump’s 3 PRO LIFE appointees helped the U.S. Supreme Court strick down 1973 Decision Roe Vs. Wade guaranteeing access to Abortion as a Constitutional Right! On schedule, President Biden is pushing back hard today at States attempting to block Pro Choice Women from exercising control over their own bodies & medical decisions! “A 10 year old girl was a rape victim forced to travel out of State to Indiana to seek to terminate the pregnancy.” How dangerous is this type of shameful, secretive insanity? Pres. Biden hopes to guarantee a right of travel for women to move to accommodating States & enable approved medical ‘abortion’ potions to be sent across State lines as requested by Pro Choice Women. Heartbeat Laws- disallowing abortions when a heartbeat can be detected suggests many women might not know they are pregnant before they ‘waited too long.’ FORCING WOMEN to BECOME ALL ALONE UNSUPPORTED, INVOLVED IN SECRETIVE DANGEROUS SITUATIONS!!! Biden wonders if Federal facilities can serve as safe medical sanctuaries. Corporations like Amazon & Starbucks are expanding health plans to enable travel across State lines, etc. for Pro Choice Women.
- Poverty is a frightening situation increasing discrimination & harm against visible minorities & involving denial of critically needed medical services, pregnancy care & assists for young mothers & babies! Horrible if we return to shameful back alley, unsafe, unsanitary butchery abortions by unqualified quacks! Should Politicians be charged with Federal Crimes including murder & racial discrimination hate crimes if poor Women feel forced to put everyone’s life in harm’s way to enlist dangerous situations & services by unqualified quacks? ?
- #Should men be even allowed to make decisions about pregnancy overriding women- This is the first question!
- #Should men only give advice? Should only WOMEN MAKE THE FINAL DECISION ABOUT PREGNANCY? Especially their own? Trump’s appointments & their decisions may simply be abiding by the Pope but Church & State are supposed to be separate- Not the Catholic Church or like minded Religion deciding for America?
- #A Majority of adult Americans support a Women’s Right to control her own body & make her own decision within a reasonable time frame of experiencing pregnancy! BUT NOT ALLOW THEIR OWN MOTHER TO HAVE ENDED THE LIFE THEY NOW ENJOY!!!!!!!!! (But what if a Mother’s health is becoming severely challenged by a pregnancy?)
- #BABYPOWERMOVEMENT!!! What about a Baby’s right to live a full wonderful life upon gaining an independent heartbeat, etc. Governments need to offer all necessary resources to the Mother during & after pregnancy to ensure excellent loving care, education, nourishment, etc. for the child into adulthood! Birth is the beginning of a Baby needing good care into adulthood for healthy development! Are anti- abortion pro life States putting up the $$$ & resources necessary for every child’s good childhood health & development?
- #A CHANGE of HEART!!! One enthusiastic BABYPOWERMOVEMENT woman says a young teenager was raped in Mexico; just before attending a back alley unsafe abortion by unqualified quacks, she experienced a CHANGE of HEART- Walked away at the last possible moment; Gave birth to a daughter who she gave up to loving adopting parents; Who gained a Law Degree & enjoyed creating a large happy Family or her own!!! Now a ardent supporter of the RIGHT of ALL UNBORN to be given BIRTH & ENJOY A FULL HAPPY LIFE!!!! We need our schools to ENSURE EVERY CHILD FEELS he/she/they BELONG, ARE WELCOMED & INCLUDED, ENTHUSIASTICALLY ENCOURAGED TO BE ENGAGED, HOPEFUL< PRODUCTIVE< VALUED, LOVED<FOLLOWED, ACHIEVING SUCCESS in a CHOSEN CAREER PATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Look at our young 15- 24 brain & frontal cortex still developing, testosterone fueled, emotionally irrational, anti social mass shooters- NOT ENGAGED, CONNECTED< FEELING WELCOMED, NEEDED, APPRECIATED, ENTHUSIASTIC & HOPEFUL ABOUT THEIR LIVES & FUTURES, SENSE OF HONOR< DUTY, COMPASSION, MORALITY< LOVING ONE ANOTHER, BEING GOOD SAMARATINS- Manchurian Candidates
- #If we asked most children if they are HAPPY ABOUT BEING BORN, wouldn’t vitually all say- OF COURSE I’M HAPPY I WAS BORN- Maybe a few would say they’d want better Parents if they were given a say in Parenting techniques!!! So BABYPOWERMOVEMENT is highly backed after all by the REAL EXPERTS!!!
- mentalhealthrightsforum.com looks to present both sides of Choice, Pro Life, BABYPOWEMOVEMENT- AS SPECIFICALLY ENCOURAGED BY PRES> REAGAN who feels the pain of extremists personally- having been shot!!! “I FORGOT TO DUCK!” And in view of America’s current risky extremist divide Pres. Abe Lincoln faced like Japan’s towering Political Leader Abe- both shot dead, Japan’s Abe shot today by an extremist! ‘A house divided cannot stand!’ BE SAFE MY LOVE- Always feeling so protected in your Loving Heart & You Forever in mine!!! Never so appreciative of your Protective Heart as yesterday climbing up 35 feet to trim dead branches I also had to stand on while trimming above-
- #Make sure the branch you’re cutting is not also the branch you’re standing on, Pres. Reagan reminds us all!!!! Also
- #Cut dead branches from the top down & not from the bottom up leaving you forever stranded 35 feet up hoping for an eagle’s rescue!!!! My neighbor saw me shockingly said- ‘OMG BRI- YOU’RE NOT TIED DOWN OR TIED IN, STANDING ON DEAD BRANCHES!’ I KNOW A PROFESSIONAL WHO COULD COME- Yes- But I got my hard hat on?! Like Beaver Cleaver a.k.a. television personality Tucker C. he says- ‘Well I guess you’re o.k. Bri as long as you fall on your head- you’re hard hat offering pretty good protection?’ LOVING YOU ALWAYS, June 25- July 8, 2022 by Brianca Lane CELEBRATING LIBERTY, LIFE- But Especially LOVE!!!! July 9- 22, 2022 Britney Spear’s Beat: Naked & Unashamed Briefs! After #FREED BRITNEY! Britney adopts our theme- #I AM THE BOSS OF ME! as established by my rebellious very young niece clarifying her #BABYPOWERMOVEMENT POWER BALANCE with her Mom!!!! My Niece established the #POWER DYNAMICS with her Parents as a TODDLER; our Beloved Britney only last year at age 40- HA! HA! “A REBEL & a FREE WOMAN” at 40! “OOPS- I DID IT AGAIN!” Released naked photos/video in London wearing only a necklace & turquoise thong- or nothing at all! Britney’s still so sexy & adorable at 40- #Life Begins at 40??? Britney’s under 40 second a cappella “Give Me a Sign!” “Baby One More Time” singing highlights her previous Glory Days capturing every nuance of EMOTION by her voice all our GLEE-FUL Britney Wanna Bes aspired to! So since we’re Speaking About BODY IMAGE & often Mental Illness symptoms involve our own Body, like Britney “I’M NOT GOING TO BE A VICTIM!?!”
- #YOUR BODY IS LIFE’S TEMPLE! So on the subject of BODY IMAGE,
- #LOVE- Don’t Hate YOUR BODY!!!
- #BE STRONG- Don’t let anything on tiktok, etc. discourage YOU! Must we say this a Billion Times?
- #Being Practical, BEING HEALTHY is our Essential Goal- Beauty is ABSTRACT, BEING HEALTHY IS REAL, DOWN to EARTH & PERSONAL!!!!
- #Don’t we LOVE Britney’s INTIMATE PRIMAL THERAPY, STRIPPED DOWN, ABLE & WILLING TO ENGAGE US IN ‘VIRTUAL LOVE’ WITHOUT INHIBITIONS, HERE & NOW, NO WORDS- JUST PURE PASSION!!!! All our mental gymnastics tying us in knots? Britney RELEASES US from IT ALL- WE ARE NAKED, UNASHAMED & FREE AGAIN! GREAT WORK BRITNEY- We Love You!!! PROVING BRITNEY’S PHOTOS & 39 sec. video IS INDEED WORTH A 1,000 WORDS! You can spend hours visiting your Therapist or look at Britney’s video clip for seconds to be HEALED of all the noise!!!?
- Moving along from young Beauty Britney Spears to young at heart Beauty U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, #Nancy fancies visiting Taiwan but China ‘THREATENS FORCEFUL MEASURES’ SHOULD Nance Prance & do the Taiwanese Dance!!! ‘ Does China wish Nancy “Punished & Restrained?” Spaced Out Man!’ to see Nancy Pelosi STARE DOWN THE CHINESE MILITARY-
- “#If I had my way, sporting guns would be strictly regulated, The rest would be confiscated!” How would she get by Chinese efforts to stop her? “You can go through the gate! If the gate is closed, you go over the fence! If the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in! If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in!!!” She could arrive naked & unashamed like Britney to show she is unarmed! Wearing only a necklace & turquiose thong!!! She could speak about the newly operating James Webb telescope showing our Universe contains millions of Galaxies including Billions of Stars- Our own Milky Way enabling ROOM TO LIVE & GROW FOR EVERYONE FOREVER, NO MATTER OUR ASPIRATIONS!!!! Let’s terraform Mars today with plants/vegetation/trees & step into SPACE, EXPLORING UNLIMITED VASTNESS TOGETHER!!!
- WE totally support L.G.B.T.Q.+? BUT NOT OUTRAGEOUS COURT POWER TRIPS ON CITIZENS SHARING OTHER VIEWS LIKE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM- ALSO CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED! Speaking of Birthday Cake c/o Britney Spears, you remember 2 Lesbians walked into a small bakery- SWEET CAKES BY MELISSA near Portland Oregon in 2013 & ordered a Wedding Cake! Everyone should expect equal treatment but they were refused service on Religious grounds- sued for $135,000. ‘getting their cake & eating it too!’ Obviously the Court was BIASED & POWER TRIPPED AGAINST the Religious owners- A TOTAL PSYCHO PATH COURT, NOT SIMPLY BIASED! The high awarded amount was sent back for adjustment to the same BIASED PSYCHO COURT OFFICIALS who then ordered $30,000. Under public Political Correct threats, the Bakery was forced to close as the case proceeds over the decades!
- Similarly Foxy News has often repeated the male became female competitive swimmer who used his obvious more powerful male physique to win against cisgender/born with female body competitors! If LGBTQ?+ individuals behave so as POWER TRIP on their new RIGHTS OVER OTHERS IN WHAT ARE SEEN TO BE TOTALLY UNREASONABLE RULINGS, LGBTQ?+ RIGHTS BECOME DISCREDITED! TRANS individuals already have it hard enough without POWER TRIPPERS inviting a BACKLASH from mainstream Conservatives as featured on Foxy News!!!! Right now, 95% of straight/heterosexual males won’t date a TRANS female.
- Male to female TRANS candidates may have earlier felt they were a FEMALE TRAPPED IN A MALE BODY; As young children, they may have wanted to play with young girls doing girl stuff! They may have dreamed of living in their girl body but look in the mirror at their shocking male body! What happened to my image as being like naked- We’re sure many ask the question! Britney Spears in her turquoise thong??? At at least 16 or older, they go for therapy to be all checked out physically & psychologically & decide to try the female hormone driven transformation process over several years. They may or may never choose any kind of surgical transformation including achieving female looking genitals & increasing their breasts already enlarged by female hormones. They take voice lessons to adapt their voice. At some point they make the change legally- all their documents & identifiers are changed to describe a FEMALE!!! By law, SHE IS NOW a FULL FEMALE & entitled to HER RIGHTS but depending on HER original genetics, appearance & hormone treatment transformation success, SHE may or may not easily pass as looking FEMALE! So, a burden to legally & psychologically be FULLY FEMALE but be subjected to discrimination in society because SHE DOESN’T appear FEMALE ENOUGH to fit our Foxy News stereotypes!
- So- a TOUGH ROE TO HOE! Our Beloved Television Biden Basher Sean Insanity Hannity should IMAGINE living as SEANESSA Insanity Hannity, A WOMAN TRAPPED IN A MAN’S BODY looking like Sean Insanity Hannity!!! Since there’s no age limit for Seanessa to legally come out & Sean to be no more, how would a Female Seanessa Hannity be received by HER audience? Would they say O.k. Seanessa, we 100% accept, respect & welcome you as a woman!!! Our Gov’t. fully accepts you as a woman- your Driver’s Licence & Social Security Card says you’re a Woman- Seanessa! Or would the audience say, ‘Seanessa- you look too much like Sean, a man. If Sean Hannity decided She was truly Seanessa, 100% a Women, should everyone accept Seanessa!!!? Test it out Hannity- Tucker C, will smirk & beat his desk but Shannon Bream will keep a straight face- on camera!!!!!!!
- #An interesting Q. & A. with an Old School Conservative Senator: A Doctor/Professor pointed out a MAN CAN BECOME PREGNANT! if a woman legally under law becomes a man but is still able to bear children, a man can become pregnant & give birth to children!!!
- Guess which other STAR spoke our abra cadabra Magic Psychiatric Survivor incantation- I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!! Johnny Depp is now SHOUTING I GOT MY LIFE BACK! I GOT MY LIFE BACK AGAIN! & is venturing into character acting! But our beloved Hollywood Zombie Vampire is still swinging his bloody axe- still isn’t releasing Amber Heard from a Jury $10 million+ award! Johnny’s Legal Sharks always repeated his mantra,
- #How can you DEFAME a self described Hollywood Zombie????!!!! Don’t BITE MY NECK Johnny- Just asking on Amber’s behalf?
- Our hearts saddened to hear Amber’s team have yesterday had to begin filing an appeal to Virginia’s High Court- requiring Amber Heard to put up $8.6 million!!! #We want to RUSH TO AMBER’S RESCUE if we were only gifted an additional $8.6 million into our Bank Account- or from our Private Stash in our bras, crotch, booty or under our mattress!!! Can the TOOTH FAIRY come up with a $8.6 million Bank Transfer??? Ha! Ha! Should we fly Amber to Britain where Lower & High Courts ruled Amber is a victim of spousal abuse on about 12 occasions at Johnny’s hands? Or Amber slips in Canada to view Niagara Falls & FALLS IN LOVE WITH CANADIANS?
- DEAR ALIENS- Do you get involved in marriage love/hate relationship hysteria??? Who will parachute Amber out to safety from American injustice hysteria? What about Alien technology being used to neutralize COVID- 19 variants now infecting over 170,000 American daily? Omicron Variant BA-5 in a 7th wave? just hit President Biden who is being treated by Pfizer’s anti viral cocktail Paxlovid! Pres. Biden should have just followed his safety practices he tells everybody else to follow! He’s double vaxed & double boosted but still became infected! So now he’s double vaxed, double boosted, COVID INFECTED but ALWAYS DOUBLE TROUBLE according to satisfaction polls by upset citizens about his BIZARRO APPROACHES TO HOME CREATED ISSUES!
- ON OUR BABYPOWER MOVEMENT, the Nation is Split with Heartbeat Laws demanding women make their choice by 6 weeks/the first detection of a Baby’s Heartbeat- before many women realize they are pregnant! Pleased to hear Pro Life Politicians are adopting our BABYPOWERMOVEMENT demands pregnant Mothers have access to full care & assistance during & after pregnancy. Adopting Parents have to be readied or assistance on hand & offered to Mothers, Fathers & Parents needing help for themselves & their Baby! I asked my wonderful Bright Light Hearted Aunt- who taught our worst inmates in our federal prisons- How many had horrible childhoods? “ALL OF THEM!!!!” Every Baby needs to be LOVED & CARED FOR, NURTURED, ENCOURAGED TO SELF ACTUALIZE JUST LIKE THE RICHEST BABIES IN AMERICA!!! NO BABIES & MOTHERS LEFT BEHIND, UNHELPED, UNCARED FOR!!! NO BABY OR CHILD EVER LEFT BEHIND!!!
- If we’re pushing all Mothers to go full term if possible, our Governments need to step up with Caring Communities & commit fully to raising healthy, happy WELL ADJUSTED CHILDREN!!! Not raising Babies so neglected, unloved, deprived & ill treated, they can hardly escape future criminality, dispair & lost PROMISE of a BEAUTIFUL DESTINY to the GLORY of our Needy World- Needy for GOOD HEARTED, LOVED & LOVING, COMMUNITY INVOLVED ENGAGED GIVING CITIZENS!!! For the Pro Choice side, we can’t backslide to street alley services by quacks & make necessary health care & services unavailable! We have be practical – Society is currently split so both sides needs must be addressed while Pro Life States especially making Mothers needs fully addressed! In Canada, for example, P.M. Trudeau & Provincial Premiers are striving for $10 a day daycare to help all working Moms with child care needs!!!
- #FOREIGN HERO NEEDED TO RESCUE AMERICAN ACTRESS Mandy Lane BESET BY HOLLYWOOD ZOMBIE??? We love them both- Aliens apparently helped in my brainpowers; Could Aliens get our beloved #FREED JOHNNY DEPP to #FREE AMBER HEARD FROM $10 MILLION JOHNNY HE REALLY REALLY DOESN’T WANT BUT WON’T LET GO OF!!!! We blame Johnny’s decades of alcohol & drug self abuse for going back on what he said was all he wanted- Not to mention being a Hollywood Zombie/Vampire! When do we hear of Zombie Vampires not going for their victim’s jugular vein?? ‘Oh- VANITY! Oh vanity- Will keep me from insanity?’ (The Chalatins) Do Aliens heal Hollywood Zombies like Johnny Depp??? Who will sponsor Amber escaping America oppressing women who physically battle back with their controlling husbands???
- #FREE AMBER FROM AMERICAN FRONTIER JUSTICE & JUSTICE FOR #ME TOO AGAIN!!! #95% of female spousal abuse victims are truthful but most are also discriminated against by American Justice bias! Amber’s & Johnny’s Therapist reported they abused each other as Amber also admits- Judge & Jury, ignoring all the overwhelming evidence the marriage was clearly mutually combative, probably considered Justice like an online Popularity Contest! Amber & her Baby received 1000’s of death threats seemingly every day-
- #Is American Justice just a racialized misogynistic witch hunt popularity contest!!! YES- APPARENTLY!
- #Like China’s SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE- LOW SCORE YOU NO MORE!! HIGH SOCIAL CREDIT = Johnny Depp kinda Hollywood Zombie BIG GUY!!! Big Media should give both Johnny & Amber $15 million each for their Hollywood Reality Show HIT SERIES!!! Part 2 in the Works!!!
- But Johnny’s not the only drugged Basher wanting his LIFE BACK AGAIN! #Smiling drum basher talent Taylor Hawkins- drummer for Sass Jordan & Alanis Morissette before joining FOO FIGHTERS, wants his life back again- stolen by drugs & FOO FIGHTER BANDMATES NOT STEPPING UP TO EASILY SAVE HIS LIFE!!! #’Tay’ died alone on 10 drugs! His Bandmates killed him by inaction! #When are we SAVING OUR MUSICAL STARS FROM A DEADLY DRUGGED UP DEATH SPIRAL??? Thankfully Tay, Ringo Starr, etc. are being featured in an upcoming special this fall!
- But Johnny & Tay are not the only BASHERS wanting their life back again! Take President Trump- Please! Ha! Ha! President Trump’s Democrat & Republican foes are attempting to have him indicted by the D.O.J. for acting against the peaceful & orderly transfer of political & Presidential power, conspiring & deliberately enabling & encouraging an insurrection against the White House, Congress, etc. & interfering generally with American Democratic processes. ####Conviction would disallow Pres. Trump from holding Government Positions again- his foe’s goal & to ‘cleanse’ Republicans! ###Can we be honest about the Dems TRUMPED UP CHARGES???!!!
- TRUMP DRAMATICALLY STRENGTHENED AMERICA by MAGA, LOST THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION HE DESERVED TO WIN BY A IMMORAL (but legal) CONSPIRACY OF BIG BUSINESS INTERESTS (but also by his Mussolini like frightening power plays & by conspiring to reverse America from Liberalism & ‘progressive Cultural change’ back to a time more like the Conservative 1950’s.) Trump admits he has not an abundance of redeeming character attributes, being a charismatic opportunist populist White (Power?) American FIGHTER & WINNER- with a relentless hard nosed dictatorial business style; A narcissist & bully- employing the generational Trump Family tactic of seeing close allies & business partners being tossed/sacrificed under the bus; His Alpha Male fight forever- never admit defeat, winner takes all approach; Adopting ‘the ends justify the means’; A self admitted serial young women molester, etc.
- Thankfully not an alcoholic or druggie- Trump is clear & focused in thinking with incredible penetration! ! He challenged NATO & Europe to step up their defensive spending, Germany, etc. to switch from Russian to American Energy, scared enemies & friendly Countries alike to toe the line fearing/respecting American strength & power; pursued MAGA- American business & economic resurgence & independence; Helped create OPERATION WARP SPEED to BRING ON VACCINES AT LIGHT SPEED AGAINST COVID-19; Created a Plan to address Health Care & Pharmaceutical unnecessarily high costs vs. other countries, etc.
- #Trump is a charismatic populist genius- THE ALPHA MAN WITH A PLAN but a wanna be Dictator with a Family ready to establish a Power Dynasty! Based on his actual substantial , he probably Rightfully Deserved to Win a Second Term! The Election conspiracy against him was technically legal but Fraudulent & immoral- a disgrace against Democracy like all the cooked up Hollywood style hysteria, barbed wire & 50,00 troops ‘protecting the capitol against American Conservatives as insurrectionist traitors!!!’
- But# Thank God/Allah/Darwinian Survival Trump did not win a second term if he as U.S. President, PRAISED Putin for invading Ukraine- Trump initially PRAISED PUTIN as “GENUIS” for invading Ukraine so our World THANKS U.S. voters for choosing Biden!!!!!!!!! Pres. Biden represents LOFTY MOTHERHOOD & CHERRY PIE PLANS but as to their implementation- we don’t need to tell you about how they are being implemented!!!! But Pres. Biden follows President Lincoln who says TODAY- “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!” in protecting Ukraine, Taiwan, etc.!
- RAMPANT RACISM OVER CIVILIANS SUFFERING IN WAR ZONES? Pres. Biden visited Saudi Arabia- who has tragically bombed civilians in Yemen trying to strike Houthis, Hezbollah, etc. militants! Should civilians in Yemen be treated by the West like our very favored Ukrainians? Are civilians suffering in warzones helped based on skin color, Religion & shared Western culture & values? Civilians in Afghanistan & Yemen not being helped like Ukrainians? Dark skinned African civilians being ‘abandoned’ by the West, especially Western Media? Rampant racism as to which civilians are valued? Ukraine’s BOMBSHELL Beauty, Olena Zelenska highlighted the difference between Barbaria/Russia & our GLORIOUS U.S.A. “While Russia KILLS, America SAVES!!!” “You’re HELP IS VERY STRONG!!!!” America is considering sending jet fighters for Ukraine air pilots to fly- Russian Migs might be problematic- asking Russia to supply parts is likely to get a NYET!!!!!! Olena says how deeply grateful Ukrainians are as they fight for our SHARED VALUES of HUMAN LIFE & INDEPENDENCE! Yesterday, the E.U. rolled out a 7th round of sanctions including hitting Russian Gold & Jewelry exports! The U.N. is concerned all Western Countries focus is on assisting Ukraine & the U.N.’s target 2030 by which time extreme poverty & hunger are ended will be bypassed! Britain’s MI6 Secret Intelligence Service Official believes Russia is tiring- about to ‘run out of gas!’ A retired General of U.S. European Forces agrees- “The Russians are exhausted!” U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley says “Russian advances have only amounted to 6- 10 miles in the past few months!” Russian casulaties are approaching 20,000 with 45,000 badly injured!
- ‘You talkin’ to me?’ Back down home in Mississippi, a white cop bragged he shot 13 suspects; used the N word repeatedly including shooting a Black man 119 times!!! “It’s a reflection of the entire Culture of Policing & should spur Congress to finally reign in this Modern Day SLAVE PATROL!” said a critic. The Officer says he would “Smash Suspects through the Window to get their attention & respect REAL QUICK!”
- Trump faced a conspiracy of dirty immoral tricks in the Presidential Election- manipulating voters, an affront to TRUE Democracy ‘STEALING THE ELECTION MORALLY! #Was Jan. 6 an ERECTION as Chuck Schumer declared symbolizing the ineptitude of many Democrats- Great ASPIRATIONS & DREAMS but sadly implemented in COMPLETELY ZANY, NUTTY & INSANE APPROACHES!!! Or was Jan. 6 clearly a short term OCCUPATION of mere hours- with PROTESTORS GOING BEYOND REASONABLE LIMITS in EXERCISING THEIR RIGHTS until finally one young woman, Ashli Babbitt, a 14 year veteran serving 4 tours of duty, was sadly shot in cold blood? Stretching the truth to call PATRIOTS like Ashli devoting 4 tours to her country- INSURRECTIONISTS! IN short, yes Trump is a jerk- he’ll admit it, especially by his conduct at the Protests & Occupation but the Hollywood Mass Hysteria, encircling the Capitol in barbed wire with 50,000 troops was TOTAL B.S., this ongoing show drama narrative is a greater affront to FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY than the Jan. 6 Protest & short Occupation!!!
- Capitol Protest turned Occupation is way BELOW the threshold of an INSURRECTION!!! Let’s compare the Canadian WEEK LONG Ambassador Bridge PROTEST OCCUPATION vs. the SHORT LIVED CAPITOL OCCUPATION: The U.S. Canada Ambassador Bridge- the busiest Border Crossing between Canada & the U.S. was shut down- OCCUPIED by Protestors over COVID MANDATES for almost a week! Organizing Leaders received only MISCHIEF charges! Clearly the Capitol Protest turned Occupation for a few hours is being TRUMPED UP HOLLYWOOD STYLE FOR POLITICAL DRAMA as an INSURRECTION to have Trump blocked from holding any future Government Office or Position & create disunity among Republicans! Both the Occupying Protestors & Capitol Police were ACTUAL WONDERFUL in restraining themselves- POLICE SHOULD BE ALL AWARDED HONOURS IN LIMITING VIOLENCE at the Occupation! WE all know from the what 400? mass shootings in 2022, just one shooter can take out dozens of victims if he wants to! THANKFULLY THEY STOP SHOOTING AFTER AN INTIAL BURST OF RAGE??? IF WE SAW 10,000 ACTIVE SHOOTERS in FULL BODY ARMOUR & WIEDING LARGE MAGAZINE SEMI AUTOMATICS APPROACHING THE CAPITOL- o.k. call it an INSURRECTION Nancy Pelosi! Creating artificially inflated Hollywood style Dramatics doesn’t help LIBERTY, JUSTICE & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!
- OUR OTHER FREAK OUT ISSUES- RIGHT to LIFE- BABYPOWERMOVEMENT vs. Right to Choose/Abortion on Demand! Also, Is U.S.A. GOING TO POT??? “Cannabis Administration & Opportunity Act” Allegedly supporting POT for Recreational in addition to traditional Medically Prescribed use. The Act alleges 91% of Americans agree POT should be made legal for personal as well as Medical use for Adults age 21 & older. We’re sure Chinese Dictators are celebrating Americans becoming skewered on increased self medicating! Nixon’s WAR on DRUGS- we previously observed was actually used as a covert WAR ON AFRICAN AMERICANS, is declared DEAD by the Cannabis Act! Blacks are 4X more likely than Whites to be arrested for POT possession, for example! Possession charges stigmatize Americans as criminals. The Cannabis Act calls for JUSTICE for the 10’s of thousands HARMED by the FAILED WAR ON DRUGS. But WE KNOW our brains are being rewired & under big development including ages 15 to 24 so using POT under age 24 is inviting BRAIN DAMAGE! Teens using POT regularly early on can lose 8 I.Q. points- a disastrous loss rendering them FRUSTRATED, unable to self actualize like their former selves!!!
- Today’s THC Potency, pseudo HIGH & side effects are not akin to the 1960’s FLOWER POWER MOVEMENT! THC is the essential Psychoactive Constituent in POT & since the 1960’s, plants have been bred to increase THC potency to outrageous levels- severe paranoia, anxiety, psychosis & all kinds of additional Mental Illness symptoms may be triggered!
- Once Mental Illness is triggered, we have to deal with the symptoms & challenges we might have avoided by staying away from bringing troubles on ourselves!!! (Find is INSANE to see POT STORES literally only a few minutes walking distance from pre-school to grade 12 schools near me!) #A normal human inclination upon facing mental illness symptoms is to BADLY QUICK FIX self-medicate or for Doctors to ply us recklessly in an ongoing basis with addictive, bad side effects medications only designed for a very brief quick fix, for a few days- pending deliberate introspective HARD WORK over weeks, months or years dealing with our mental illnesses! Like alcohol & tobacco, some people are able to exercise some reasonable self control- But for many, POT EVERYWHERE is just one additional SIREN LURING VULNERABLE CITIZENS into POVERTY, ILL HEALTH & A FEEDBACK LOOP OF LONG TERM TROUBLES!
- Our Politician’s FEEDING FRENZY! #For our POWER CRAZED, MONEY GRAPPING POLITICIANS, POT is an additional way to dumb us down & become herded like FARM ANIMALS instead of DEMANDING & EXERCISING OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!! We observed Canada’s P.M. Trudeau becoming a misogynistic tin pot Dictator, admiring China’s Authoritarian Regime ” as able to get things done!” Under weird science Democracy voting rules in Province Ontario, Friendly Populist Doug Ford & his Conservative Party were re-elected with a Strong Majority with only about 20% of eligible voters! Looking up Doug’s financial health & wealth as Ontario’s Friendly working class strong arm Boss, in 2019 he was worth $3 million but amassed $50 million by 2022!!! #Are all our Politicians FIRST & FOREMOST using their Political Power for $$$FINANCIAL SELF SERVICE & for HELPING THEIR FRIENDS & BACKERS? #Check up on your Politicians’ wealth before being elected compared with after being in office for several years. You’ll be astounded by the “FRINGE BENFITS” our Elected Politicians engage in a FEEDING FRENZY! THE FRINGE BENEFITS AMOUNT TO MILLIONS- and MORE!!!! If we citizens are DOPED OUT, will we be INACTIVE POLITICALLY & EASILY MANAGED as Benevolent Politicians ROB US BLIND??? Doug’s Brother Rob was a Beloved Mayor of Toronto but also an alleged CRACKHEAD! Premier Doug appointed his Nephew to his new ruling Cabinet- nepotism? Today Premier of Ontario Doug is giving Toronto & Ottawa’s Mayors Dictatorial Powers including veto rights only set aside on any issue by a required 66% vote against the Mayor! So P.M. Trudeau, Premier Doug & Toronto’s & Ottawa’s Mayors can create a China like Dictatorial Regime, deposing Democracy and “Rule of the People, By the People & For the People!” #SUNNY DAYS & WAYS for our Democratic DICTATORS stealing our Inalienable Constitutional Rights & Freedoms? Allegedly POT makes us hungry for MUNCHIES! More FOOD for THOUGHT-
- Praise God/Allah/Darwinian Survival Activity, Ukraine & Barbaria/Russia agreed TODAY signing in Istanbul, Turkey- THANK YOU Pres. Erdogan (since 2014- ) & U.N. Negotiators enabling 22 million+ tons of Ukraine grain, fertilizer & other farm products to soon be shipped out! The West assured Russia grain, fertilizer & farm products are NOT subject to Western Financial Sanctions! The Russian invasion drove up FOOD PRICES SKY HIGH- Putin WEAPONIZING FOOD! Asia, Egypt, etc. DEPEND on Ukraine (& Russia) to feed their citizens! Ukraine’s summer grain harvest will be another 65+ million tons to be exported! Ominously Russia has bombarded grain storage facilities, transportation routes, etc. Both Ukraine & Russia placed sea mines in the Black Sea & impaired sea ports for offensive or defensive war tactics!
- 37th international trip, PILGRIMAGE of PENITENCE- POPE FRANCIS, 85 IS ON A MISSION FROM GOD FOR HORRENDOUS ABUSE of Canada’s INDIGENOUS beginning this Sunday! “Coming to bring a message of hope to a People whose hope was taken away by the Catholic Church!” Meeting with Indigenous Reps. in PRIVATE upon arriving at Edmonton? Alberta’s airport! Also in Quebec City & in the North- Nunavut in Iqaluit. Pope Francis however REFUSED TO VISIT AT A FEW MAJOR UNMARKED MASS GRAVE SITES ONLY RECENTLY DISCOVERED!!! Pope Francis is asking for all 1.2 billion Catholics Worldwide & the 1 in 3 Canadians who are Catholics to pray with him for all the harm bestowed/inflicted by the Church & for Truth & Reconciliation to BECOME ACTIVATED BETWEEN THE CHURCH & FIRST NATIONS, etc. including Financial Assistance available immediately!!!
- #GOD RECEIVED POPE FRANCIS’S PRAYERS & IS SENDING HIM TO CANADA TO BE OPENLY PROVIDING EVERYTHING FIRST NATIONS SURVIVORS & REPS. ASK FOR! Former Chief, Marie-Ann Day Walker-Pelletier travelled as part of an Indigenous Delegation to The Vatican to meet with Pope Francis. She gave Pope Francis 2 pairs of small moccasins. “About all the graves of all the children who were never found! Kids who were abused, raped & died at Residential Schools run by the Catholic Church! The Babies who were incinerated! He knows he needs to bring them back as a symbol of children who were suddenly stolen from their homes, families & communities never to return alive! Like all the First Nation’s stolen/scooped children, on her very first day, her clothes were stripped from her leaving her standing naked, her hair cut, her language, culture, religion, identity, family bonds, struck forever! Waiting to be placed in a tub of abrasive soap! Waiting each morning to be strapped! “Kill the Indian, save the man!’ “Beat the savage out of them!” were practices approved by the Church in America & enabled by Governments into the 1990’s! Cultural genocide was the practice; The Catholic Church ran 60% of the 140 Residential/Torture Schools! Children never experienced anything like the physical brutality & evil inflicted by Priests & Nuns! Intergenerational trauma, addiction, self harm, shattered sense of self, slavery, sexual slavery of young children, life long poverty, illiteracy, homelessness- continues endlessly today as by satanic evil spells- such horrors cast upon innocent children!!! In 2006, a settlement was reached for the Church to provide $63 million for survivors but by 2015, the Church wease from paying from the balance. Previous Popes & Officials stole 100’s of thousands? of Indigenous artifacts & First Nations want their stolen artifacts RETURNED TODAY!!! In April Pope Francis responded to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission, Report & Delegation saying: “FOR THE DEPLORABLE CONDUCT OF MEMBERS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, I ASK FOR GOD’S FORGIVENESS! AND I WANT TO SAY TO YOU WITH ALL MY HEART- I AM VERY SORRY!!!”
Again I visited another heavily stocked music store meeting wonderful musicians, but specifically to look for a traditional lovingly cared for used American hand crafted guitar we hear on beloved popular older records. So expensive- a new fancy model cost about $1800. more than a used model in PERFECT CONDITION! And the ‘used’ guitar sounded like all the old recordings by big stars! AMAZING- Imagine creating a guitar in 2019 sounding wonderful like Big Stars played decades ago! AMERICAN EXCELLENCE & CRAFTMANSHIP- But the store decided my credit card was stolen since they didn’t see a GOLD STUDDED Scooter in the parking lot! Met one rising star- great guitar player- We joked around- so much fun with Artists & Entertainers!!!! I could afford a Chinese copy the store decided squinting at my scooter!!! Stay tuned- this guitar ONLY WANTS ME!!!!! You’ll SEE!!!!!!!
BACKI home in the garden Momma Doe Deer approached me gently- FINALLY MY BRAIN CLICKED IN- I get it! I said: EXCITABLE Bambi- she LEAPS, DANCES, PRANCE & RACES- Bambi never WALKS!!! is behind you resting peacefully in the tall grassy hillside! But this time I’m not going to approach here & see her FRIGHTENED FLASH AWAY OVER THE HILLSIDE SO YOU HAVE TO CHASE HER DOWN! THIS TIME I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY!!! Momma Doe Deer stayed studying me- Is Bri getting the picture? YES, I’M GETTING THE PICTURE- I UNDERSTAND!!!!! Really Bri? Yes- I GET IT! So Momma Doe skipped down the hillside, Bambi RACED UP for DINNER FEEDING, her tail wagging furiously excited!
Said to myself- See- We humans are not that stupid as wild animals sometimes think we are! We only need several weeks, a month or two to catch on basic relationship courtesy!!!! But a huge toad looked at me & furiously wedged itself into a crack as if I was a careless jay walker stepping randomly, a danger to all small creatures on the ground! Oh just go ask Momma Doe Deer Mr. Toad- I’m learning fast now!!!!!!!! Two constantly kissing- beak to beak loving Doves chirped up- You’re TRYING BRI BUT YOUR JAY WALKING IS PRETTY SCARY to all us Birds!!!!! You be safe- OMG- Went up the tree again deciding there was one more branch way high up I really should attempt to cut! Hey- I’m still here- your LOVE SAVING MY RECKLESS ASS AGAIN!!! Always in your loving heart & you forever in mine! Everyone trying so hard, blessing our World each in our own Special Ways! Britney keeping us all grounded, naked & unashamed to be ourselves, laugh & LOVE- Enjoy & CHERISH our Wonderful new World we are blessing in our living Every day- Loving you always- July 9- 22, 2022 Brianca Lane Always in your Heart & You in mine!!!!!!!!
P.S. China & Asia steal & copy all our American created musical instruments- like everything else & attempt to undercut American craftmanship, costs, jobs, economic prosperity! Chinese workers & Asian workers have a strong work ethic! Thinking practically, Western ingenuity succeeds by our brilliance & creativity- If the West is too drugged out on self medicating with booze, pot, etc. copycat China not drugged & doped out can easily gain economic, military & political ground!
#We are loyal to Western Values & Countries by keeping our brains & bodies HEALTHY AS BEST WE ARE ABLE! #If we allow ourselves to GO TO POT, BOOZE, etc. all competing COPYCAT DICTATOR COUNTRIES may attempt to steal everything & build knock off look-alikes cheaply destroying our economies! #OUR CHOICES TODAY DETERMINE OUR FUTURES, Pres. Lincoln says, thankfully returning from behind the veil to HELP US ALL!!!! Yes- but I feel too inadequate & embarrassed to speak unless spoken to- LOOK AT THE COURAGEOUS CHALLENGES PRESIDENT LINCOLN EMBRACED WITHOUT FLINCHING!!!! POWER & POLITICS CHALLENGING OUR MENTAL HEALTH!!!! July 23- Aug. 5, 2022 Britney Spears Briefs- #BE HERE NOW LIVING YOUR BEST SELF HELPING RECREATE OUR BEST WORLD!!! #Our Princess of POP ‘saved’ by our favorite Pope of the People! Thanks again Britney for your 40- seconds video of BARE NAKED SEDUCTIVE ROLLING IN YOUR BED PRIMAL THERAPY-necklace & turquoise thong proclaiming your MODESTY & YOU’RE BACK & BADDER THAN EVER, GIRL!!!! Life begins anew at 40 for Britney- seeking to become an ACTIVE TRIPLE THREAT ENTERTAINER AGAIN & for US ALL by ACCEPTING & LOVING OUR BODY, BRAIN & EMOTIONS- Like today- #Did you THANK your HARD WORKING BODY for everything? Just try to accomplish anything on Mother Earth without your always loyal BODY doing all the heavy lifting for you!!!! #Ya think SEX is FUN without your BODY MJAKING IT ALL ‘COME TOGETHER!!!!????’ So #BE YOUR BODY’S BIGGEST CHEER LEADER!!! Who knows- #maybe Britney Spears is jealous about what yo got ‘UNDER YO HOOD!!! “We begin our newest quest today- #Together Apart, MeUsCan-do!!! Blessed & Finally FREE from $$$enslaving 13 year long California Conservatorship- Thanks Judge Penny- You’re a Silver Dollar American Freedom Flying Eagle, our Princess of POP Britney becomes Engaged & With Child! Southern Baptist? raised Britney aspires to express her NEW FREEDOM by becoming Catholic & marry in the Church with our Prince of a Pope Francis! Britney pouts Churches are supposed to be OPEN, WELCOMING- not require interviews, investigations & tests for admission!!! P.S. Update about #FREE NICHELLE Nichols from forced Conservatorship- Control over her right to live in her own home with appropriate nursing care & companionship; control over her life, decisions & resources!
Star Trek’s famous, intelligent, accomplished, well spoken, absolutely gorgeous communications commander passed on at 89- “Her life- ‘Well lived, a Model for everyone!’ NASA said ‘She partnered with us to recruit some of the first women & minority astronauts, & INSPIRED GENERATIONS TO REACH FOR THE STARS!’ Martin Luther King Jr’s daughter says ‘REPRESENTATION MATTERS! EXCELLENCE MATTERS EVEN MORE!’ Nichelle understood her Star Trek character was scripted inadequately & quit to reach her dreams on Broadway- Her biggest fan, Martin Luther King Jr., gushed he would only allow his youngsters to watch the one wonderful night time show featuring Uhura & urged her to continue working with Star Trek’s creator Roddenberry! She & Rod worked together to give her character more power & authority! In 1968, She & Captain Kirk KISSED- breaking down racial barriers & opening up the acceptance of interracial marriage! ‘Her light will remain for us & future generations to enjoy, learn from & draw inspiration!’
Strange to observe society’s power & politics pendulum swing far to the left & to the right- Roe vs. Wade overturned after 50 years by the Supreme Court’s Trump appointed nominees- individual States able to offer Right or Left moderate or extremist legislation- like the 6 week HEARTBEAT RULE- before many Mothers realize they are Pregnant! With few if any exceptions to Big Brother Power & Politics protecting our Unborn! Pres. Reagan asks we present all sides given America is a House Divided- We’re excited to present BABYPOWERMOVEMENT- Babies exercising Inalienable Rights to LIFE, HEALTH, FREEDOM & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS BEFORE & AFTER BIRTH through to a fruitful Adulthood. Wonderful to see many State Legislators jumping on board- if they demand Baby’s RIGHT to LIVE above a Mother’s Right to Choose to Abort, they accept an unborn Baby & Parents need government allowances, tax benefits, etc.; Vulnerable Babies have Special Rights- NO BABY IS LEFT BEHIND in Abuse, Neglect of Care, or Harmful Poverty & DEPRIVATION- nor lacking any necessary provisions for a Healthy Successful Community Spirited Joyful Development into a Contributing Wonderful Adult Achieving their Dreams!!!! Kansas shocking everyone by overwhelmingly supporting a women’s RIGHT TO CHOOSE & EXERCISE CONTROL OVER HER OWN BODY!
With America split, all sides need to be accommodated in A POWER & POLITICAL Struggle between a Liberal Progressive Vision & a return to 1950’s Americana with Father Knows Best, Leave It to Beaver, etc. Pres. Trump representing mischievous slick Eddie Haskell; Straight shooter big brother Wally- Tony Dow- also a director, producer & sculptor just passed on at 77. Fox News Tucker C. bears a resemblance & thinking style reminiscent of an older imagined quirky endearing Theodore/Beaver Cleaver. So many decisions may be re-examined by a Right Leaning Supreme Court! LGBTQ+?, Affirmative Action & Restorative Justice; Economic Equity; Cultural & Ethnic Equality? White Power & Privilege vs. Reverse Discrimination excluding Whites, etc. In many Universities & careers, skin color & ethnicity help determine who is rejected or accepted. Asians with high intelligence & school achievement scores may be passed over to affirmatively bring up much less accomplished Minorities! Minorities may be awarded scholarships & various financial incentives who are much less accomplished- to achieve the appearance of racial diversity & equity in society! Political Correctness demands a Flower Arrangement showing all the colors & diverse plants for Appearances & Social Equity! No skin colors are inferior but some genitals are smaller & shorter- complain to Darwin if anyone’s been short changed! (Just wait until Science discovers the penis & breast size determining genes!!!!)
Control our own decisions & lives vs. Big Brother controlling & deciding for us all? What books & info. we access? My tiny tot niece set her Momma straight when her Momma interfered with her choice of clothes: “#I AM THE BOSS OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!” Britney Spears lost this inalienable Right for 13 years, regaining her Rights at age 40!!! “Daddy doesn’t control Southern Belle Britney any more! Sharing diverse views in POWER & POLITICS is healthy remembering we all hold Inalienable Rights. Enslaving Blacks by Pres. Geoge Washington- his slaves under tight control & observation 24/7 by his slaver driver, WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG- SHAMEFUL BEYOND WORDS!!! WE CAN’T EXCUSE POWER & POLITICS!!!! YES- AMERICA NEEDED A BLOODY CIVIL WAR LED BY AMERICA’S BELOVED PRES> LINCOLN- BRINGING NEEDED CIVILIZATION & MORAL CHARACTER- Apocalyptic Changes TO AMERICA! Thankfully Lincoln is Back viewing us again today seeing our need for guidance & courage!!! #ONE COUNTRY ONE DESTINY! Pres. Lincoln IS THE REAL DEAL- MORE LIVELY BEFORE BEING ASSASSINATED BUT STILL A WONDERFUL HONEST INSPIRING COMFORTING FRIEND TO EVERYONE!!!! BIRTHING FATHER TO MODERN AMERICA!!!! ONE COUNTRY ONE DESTINY!!!!’
#Our Princess of POP ‘saved’ by our favorite POPE of the PEOPLE? But in any FAIRYTALE STORY, our Princess becomes LOCKED IN or LOCKED OUT! Britney honestly asserts her SHOCK & HURT the Catholic Church did not embrace her magical marriage within a Holy Catholic Cathedral- Saying the Church wanted her examined & tested before accepting her- Britney underwent 13 years being examined & tested daily by our legal & medical ‘Priests!!!!’ ‘Churches should welcome Everybody’ Britney shouts! #We all are sinners in our Fallen Consciousness World, our Princess of Pop’ included! POWER & POLITICS is a key source of ‘sin,’ challenging our Mental Health! Over 1 billion Catholics worldwide believe? the dogma of Papal Infallibility- The Pope when he speaks ex cathedra is preserved from the possibility of error on doctrine!’
Power Hungry Crisis Creators? Certainly our elected Politicians are fallible, constantly creating crises! After a few years with our loyal overworked Health Care Professionals treating COVID- 19 Patients at great personal risk, Governments obsessed with Political Power from overzealous Lockdowns & arbitrary unscientific Mandates decided to fire staff refusing to get all the shots available- helping collapse our Health Care Services! Overworked & understaffed, remaining workers are leaving in herds causing catastrophic backlogs & poor care! Now our Governments want to employ any & all? Including questionably qualified & experienced newly arrived immigrants desiring A REAL PROFESSIONAL JOB with Western pay levels & working conditions however substandard with so many qualified, experienced Professionals kicked out by our Mr. Magoo Political Class! Canadian Mandates included arbitrarily forbidding citizens vaccinated with fewer than the recommended number of shots be punished like a China social credit score system. Not allowed to use trains or planes within Canada, for example. Punitive arbitrary decrees sparking protests & occupations reported Worldwide, causing businesses to collapse, etc. The Canadian Recovery Team issued arbitrary decrees “BASED ON THE SCIENCE” they claimed but in fact, NO SCIENTISTS were allowed on the Team making decisions! Likely Political hacks in the P.M.’s Office & Poiltical Cronies & Bag Men! Love the People’s Choice was Rob Ford for Toronto Mayor- but sadly a Crackhead & reportedly Ontario’s Premier brother Doug brought his Nephew into the Cabinet! Allegedly Doug’s personal wealth jumped from $3 million to $50 million from 2019- 2022! Doug’s likely a wonderful person but typically our Politicians in high office become INSANELY WEALTHY WHILE BUSINESSES & INDIVIDUALS BECOME DESTROYED BY ARBITRARY POLITICAL POWER MANDATES CLAIMED TO BE BASED ON SCIENCE!!! No different than our Beloved Britney Spears being screwed over for 13 years- an enslaved cash cow BEAST, a puppet on her handler’s chain!
On the flight home from his Pilgramge of Penitence, Pope Francis experiences a transformational CHANGE of HEART! A few days ago, entered a mystic state in Mother Earth’s Forests to speak with First Nations/Indigenous Past Tribal Spiritual Leaders- as any current Indigenous Spokespeople in the flesh would tell me TODAY about Pope Francis’s Pilgrimage of Penitence!!!! Also listening to our smaller Creatures in recent weeks- I get what frightening impact we hit our Cherished Natural World with- I’m learning to “WALK SOFTLY” like our First Nations Indigenous Peoples among our smaller creatures in our Gardens! Didn’t realize how terrorizing we human beings act towards our animals, birds, insects, etc. How we humans move like a stampede of elephants across their bodies, homes, families, gardens & lands! Would we like it if giant creatures plowed across our Families, homes & infrastructure like jaywalking drunken Monsters??? Pope Francis is no drunken Monster!
Upon Francis’ flight from Canada back to the Vatican, he had a Change of Heart- finally admitting the Catholic Church as an Institution absolutely destroyed & committed Genocide against First Nations Peoples in Canada- including the Church’s worst kept secret shame- incredible instances of sexual predator abuse over decades by Church Protected Priests & Nuns! Pope Francis began his 6 day Pilgrimage attesting the Church brought good help to First Nations- ‘Christian colonizers- Government colonizers too’ shouldered all THE BLAME- not the Catholic Church! Pope Francis carefully also omitted any mention of the horrendously evil SEXUAL ABUSES rampant by Catholic Priests & Nuns in the Residential School Torture Chambers! No compensatory $$$damages; No return of 100’s of thousands of sacred, precious artifacts; No repeal of countless “Doctrine of Discovery” decrees by Popes since the 1450’s!!! No acceptance of the Canadian extensive Truth & Reconciliation Process, Findings & Recommendations- Pope Francis wants the Church to BEGIN AN INVESTIGATION by the CHURCH internally??? No release of all the Residential School Documents & Church internal reports WITHELD CONSPIRATORILY TO DENY FIRST NATIONS THE TRUTH of what happened to their children, communities, Families, Culture!!!!!
NO HEARTFELT HONEST APOLOGY on behalf of the CATHOLIC CHURCH!!! NO TRUE PILGRIMAGE or PENITENCE & RECONCILIATION!!! Our World’s non Indigenous Community is SHOCKED SPEECHLESS- Just DO THE RIGHT THING RIGHT- POPE FRANCIS- APOLOGIZE UNCONDITIONALLY FOR EVERYTHING- FOR ALL THE EVIL, HARM & HURT!!! Honest good people can’t stand knowingly doing a bad, shameful or terrible act against innocent vulnerable peoples- especially against children stolen from their families & communities; abused & killed in cold blood- buried in mass unmarked graves!!! We would be haunted by deserved SHAME & FEAR OF PUNISHMENT in this World or in our Hereafter! What a RELIEF TO BE ABLE TO APOLOGIZE UNCONDITIONALLY- EVERYBODY CRY & SOB UNCONTROLLABLY TOGETHER & DECIDE HOW MAKE OUR WORLD & RELATIONSHIPS RIGHT AGAIN!!! TO BE ABLE TO BE CLEAN AGAIN, PURE & PERFECT IN OUR LOVE, SLEEP LIKE A BABY- CONSCIENCE FINALLY CLEANSED OF SHAME< HURT & FEAR!!! 500+ years of shame, horror, abuse of power & politics, reign of terror finally ending-evil satanic dragon slain!!!!!!!!!
Apocalyptic Times needed to Catalyze behavioral change? What the hell-o bad consequences are needed to inspire changes??? #WE ARE CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES US ALL!!! #1: I enjoyed wonderful experiences with Priests & Nuns- but for one occasion! My innocent young Nephew came running as if TO SAVE HIS LIFE as a Catholic Priest touched him aggressively until my normally quiet nephew screamed- “#STOP TOUCHING ME & FOLLOWING ME AROUND!!! STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!I EVERYONE PRESENT IN TOTAL DISBELIEF & SHOCK!!! THIS CANNOT BE STILL HAPPENING TODAY IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH & IN FULL PUBLIC VIEW!!!! Pope Francis- This Priest is your sheep herder supposedly protecting God’s/Allah’s FLOCK & my young Nephew had to scream- “#IN THE HOLY NAME OF GOD/ALLAH, FLOCK OFF!!!”#Needed behavioral change should take days or weeks, not centuries of coverups & musical chairs for Priests & Nuns- moving monster sexual predators from Parish to Parish! #2: The 2012 Sandy Hook School massacre of 20 children & 6 staff should easily have inspired Gun Violence Controls instead of Alex Jone’s Conspiracy Theories the Government created a hoax with actors wearing tomato paste to promote Gun Control, etc. 10 years later, mass shootings are on track towards 600+ occurrences in 2022! Jones claims he suffered a form of PSYCHOSIS as an explanation for his money raising hurtful conspiracy theory. A Texas Jury awarded the grieving Parents of a 6 year old Sandy Hook victim $4.1 millio in compensatory damages & will decide on punitive damages. Jones faces further damage awards by other Parents of victims! Breaking News- Jones must pay over $45 million to two sets of Parents of shooting victims! What tricks is wily coyote Jones up to today to slip by all the damage awards?? Or his alleged ‘psychosis’ break caused?
#3: P.S. Everything’s bigger in Texas- IF $$$$ AWARDS COULD STOP DRUNK DRIVERS! A Texas Jury awarded a settlement of more than $301 Billion to the family of a Woman & Granddaughter killed by a drunken driver allegedly over served/plied by booze in a bar! #4. A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL is general a losing proposition!!! Pres. Biden- Pres. Trump too thought they could make a deal with the devil Taliban in Afghanistan. Less than a year after U.S. withdrawal, the Taliban are up to their old devil deeds & ways Wahabi discredited version of Faith in Allah! Deceptive & liars, banning females from education beyond grade 6, slaughtering rival believers or friends of Western values; sponsoring & hosting terrorists & Al Qaeda- Pres. Biden just blasted leader Zawahiri as he sat on his safe house balcony eating an R9X HELLFIRE MISSILE with his tea for breakfast!!!! #5: Pres. Trump lavished praise on Russia’s Vlad the Impaler Dictator while Western Leaders enabled Russia’s genocidal aggression without meaningful consequences! Putin HAS & IS MAKING A KILLING BY SKYROCKETING ENERGY PRICES! FUNDING HIS GENOCIDAL WARS! How is it possibly with the average Russian having a total net worth of $1000., we haven’t been able to incentivize Russians coaxing Putin into a comfortable plush push button relaxing ELECTRIC CHAIR- PUSH THE RED BUTTON FOR A COMPLETE FULL BODY RELAXATION EXPERIENCE!!! An ERECTION or INSURRECTION into the Kremlin sponsored by Chuck Schumer??? #A GREMLIN x 10,000 in the Kremlin??? Irresistible Seduction by America’s hottest most powerful women- House Speaker Bombshell Nancy Pelosi- Nancy drove the Chinese Authorities CRAZY by HER WIDE MAGNETIC FIERCE FORCE FIELD CHUTZPAH CREATING A FULL FRONTAL CHINA MILITARY ERECTION! She always drives Republicans wild! FOX NEWS studies her every profile- Sean Hannity wets his diapers dreaming of Nancy! No red blooded Russian can resist sweet voiced, bubbly V. P. Kamala Harris speaking her famous French words- “QUOI! QUOI! QUOI! Je ne sais QUOI!!!” “Something in the way she moves attracts me like no other lover!” (Beatle George Harrison) Kamala is SO HOT TO RUSSIAN MEN- ESPECIALLY MILITARY! Putin would gush & blush over Kamala!!!! Give up Ukraine for Kamala’s love & affection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAMALA SAVES OUR WORLD???!!!! Who would have THUNK IT???? Kamala- get on it right away!!!!! Joe will refer to you as ‘Ahh- what’s her name? President K?” So that’s your secret code 007 words to begin the seduction of mad, cad, bad. sad Vlad! To seduce Russians to hand cuff their gangster leaders-
#A weekend being cared for by Britney Spears or anyone almost as likeable & magical??? Appointed CEO of any Western company??? Full citizenship in every Country or a player on any team!!! LGBTQ+? deliver Putin a GAY AFTERNOON DELIGHT & Monkey pox could only help his sour pussy face!!!! Russia is using Europe’s largest nuclear power plant as a safe barracks & Arms storage base knowing NATO can’t risk a nuclear meltdown- so many situations are high risk in a war zone where Russia breaks every rule of Morality & Common Sense!!! Russian fired but unexploded missile read “FOR YOUR (Ukraine’s) CHILDREN!” America delivered an RX9 Hellfire missile into Zawahiri’s teacup while he was sitting on his balcony so could likely do the same for any Russian leader- Why not up Putin’s or his associates’ ass or in his groin??? “#SORRY YOU LOST YOUR BALLS, RUSKIE!’ War’s a BITCH!!!’ Pres. Trump wisely demanded Germany, etc. switch to purchasing North American energy in place of Russian sources! Finally in February, Pres. Biden- previously describing Putin as a cold blooded killer, began brilliantly uniting our World’s Freedom loving “Rules Based World Order” Countries- Finland & Sweden jumping in TODAY to join NATO! A Majority agreeing to the target 2% of GDP for military spending! Germany allocating a Special $100 Billion immediately! Poland, Romania, & other FREAKED OUT BY RUSSIAN AGRESSION Baltic Area Countries- Estonia, Lithuania & Latvia committing 2.5- 3% of GDP to Military Defense Spending!!! Pres, Biden has helped align over 50 Countries into backing Ukraine against the Russian mauling bear! “An attack on one NATO MEMBER is an attack on all!” Article 5. “We will defend every inch of NATO Territory!” On behalf of Freedom loving Americans holding LIBERTY’S TORCH HIGH, Biden has delivered $7 Billion to Ukraine with another $800 million on the way!!! OUR WORLD COLLECTIVELY SAYS “#GOD/ALLAH BLESS AMERICA! FREEDOM’S HEROES for showing strong leadership against ZEROES!!!! But as Biden often does, he cut America’s ability to address the World’s energy dilemma- Biden is attempting to force America to suddenly switch to lower C02 clean renewables with additional mass injections of Government seed money & partnerships with public & private companies Worldwide! But he also crapped on America’s ability to address the Southern Border Crisis, the Crime & Violence Crisis, the Inflation Crisis, etc. To Biden’s relief, oil is below $90. a barrel- back to pre Ukraine war prices & U.S. unemployment is historically low- over 528,000 jobs added in July! But how high will interest rates become to tame inflation & Government overstimulating the economy? Fox News asks #How low will Joe’s approval ratings go?????!!!! How deep are Sean Hannity’s diapers to hold all the shi_ he shovels!
Like Britney Spears questions, ‘What the hell-o is going on in our Churches today? Churches should be open & welcoming to our Life Begins ANEW at 40, #FREED Britney Pop Princess about to make a Triple Threat ”comeback???’ #Triple Threat Britney- necklace & turquoise thong, can come back into our lives tonight, right? Britney’s Natural Naked Primal Therapy is the magic elixir scientists seek for restoring our youth! P.S. Gene Scientists are working towards re-writing our DNA! By using “base & prime genetic editing,” Scientists hope to target abnormal genes, turn off faulty genes causing congenital heart conditions, for example! Women may seek an abortion where Doctors believes their Baby carries defective genes causing future health issues. Our beloved Actress & Children’s & Refugee Human Rights Special U.N. Envoy, Angelina Jolie publicly reported she carried the BRCA- 1 Genetic Mutation which increases her risk of Breast & Ovarian Cancer- Angelina accepted radical surgery- double mastectomy & also her ovaries removed! Drugs/meds. & gene therapy could also significantly lower risk instead of radical surgeries!
Are our health care Institutions able to change for the better? My regional Health Care System appears about to see more than 50%- 75% of all Nurses QUIT the Profession- Governments are desperate to replace home grown Nurses by recent immigrants over the moon by Western Salaries & Working Conditions vs. working in unsanitary conditions alongside witch doctors & voodoo specialists!!! OOPS- Politically INCORRECT- SPANK MY BOTTOM!!! Churches- like American gun violence proponents, operating as HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL, SPEAK NO EVIL Ostriches, heads buried in the sand? Five foot nothing, 120 pounds soaking wet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan & China goes into terrible 2’s tantrums with immediate Full Blown War Exercises as if engaged in an all out attack on peaceful Taiwan!!! Do you observe, (under 2+ years of COVID-19 Restrictions- & now with rising MONKEY POX- a lesser version of SMALLPOX INFECTIONS,) BIZARRE BEHAVIOR brought on by DECREES & MANDATES, means many people DON’T KNOW HOW TO BEHAVE IN PUBLIC, HOW TO INTERACT APPRORIATELY!?? 300? 600? mass shootings in America annually without controls for gun violence & male shooters under 25??? Apparently 99% of Monkey pox Infections (outside Africa where it occurs in pockets & is contained,) are by GAY, MALE SEXUAL INTERACTIONS- BUMMER but Gay men apparently refuse to change their sexual behavior to STOP Monkey pox spread- instead spread their ‘cheeks’ so TODAY Monkey pox is declared a Public Health Emergency!!! Should Gay men wear cheeky underwear reading- NO LOADING ZONE- ENTRY FORBIDDEN- MONKEYPOX PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY! U.S. gun violence- a thousand or a million times the rate in Japan?, etc. is finally beginning to be taken seriously by America!
Reminds us of the Priests & Nuns Indigenous People hold to account who ran the Genocidal Residential Torture, Abuse & Murder Schools for a few centuries! Pope Francis absolutely refused to visit at the many mass unmarked grave sites now being discovered like near Kamloops, B.C. in 2021! Canada’s Government is finally agreeing to provide almost $90 million to ‘discover’ all these horrendous buried horror holocaust like sites! Pope Francis refused to release all the withheld Residential & Church Documents & Records to First Nations- their children seized & often disappeared forever! Survivors are often an empty shell of their previous selves, cursed for life with terrible mental & physical disability & illness, sparking intergenerational genocidal collapse into hopeless despair! Pope Francis refused to repeal the Inquisitional Style Era ‘DOCTRINE of DISCOVERY’ implemented by Papal decrees/Papal Bulls between circa 1452 & the mid 20th century to justify the unjustifiable- dominating, oppressing Indigenous Peoples outside Europe; seizing all lands inhabited/owned by First Nations, under a pretense of Christians DISCOVERING ‘NEW LANDS’- LANDS NOT ALREADY CLAIMED/OWNED BY Christians!
Also Absolutely Needed is for Pope Francis to RETURN ALL the hundreds of thousands of stolen cultural & personal artifacts to First Nations TODAY- NOW!!!! Indigenous Spirits are crying out for a return of their sacred cultural stolen artifacts! LAURA CROFT- ARE YOU GAME TO RAID THE VATICAN & RECLAIM STOLEN ARTIFACTS FOR OUR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES???!!! YES- YOU ARE INDEED LAURA CROFT- Oh, Angelina can approach the UN???! Why does the Church continue BLASPHEMING AGAINST THE GREAT SPIRIT/GOD/ALLAH by grasping on to critical cultural artifacts stolen & withheld from First Nations under Medieval Inquisitional Despair Style Decrees??? For non Indigenous Observers of Pope Francis’ Penitence Pilgrimage, people had their HEARTS & EYES OPENED ABOUT WHAT HORRORS ACTUALLY HAPPENED! TODAY- with all the first hand evidence & Canada’s exhaustive Truth & Reconciliation Commission Findings & Recommendations released circa 2015, it is beyond belief The Church IS STILL NOT ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY!!!! Speaking of Crazy Nightmare Scenarios-
Yes- ‘Here’s Johnny! Our beloved Hollywood ZOMBIE- AXE IN HAND!!! Johnny, you’re People- lying lawyers??? said from the beginning you have absolutely no interest in receiving $$$$money from Amber! Yes- don’t believe you’re lawyers, right? Johnny- Hollywood Zombies still have a BEATING HEART- at least USED TO HAVE A BEATING HEART! You’re forensic PSYCHO LOGIST says beloved Amber is stricken by Borderline Personality Disorder- a Kiss of _____ Diagnosis- very challenging. A worst situation for an individual will this diagnosis is what you’re putting Amber through!!! If Amber was wheelchair bound, would you throw her down cement stairs again & again? And with Johnny in deep searching for his HEART- ALWAYS IN YOUR LOVING HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE- LOVING ALL LIVING CREATURES BIG & SMALL WE CAN WORK IT ALL OUT EVERYONE- IF WE’RE LACKING IN ANYTHING PRINCESS BRITNEY CAN DISH OUT LOVE- But You ALREADY KNOW YOU’RE ALL THAT!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU & LOVE BEING IN YOUR LOVE!!!!!!!!! July 23- Aug. 5, 2022 Brianca Lane HEALTH = HEALING THE HEART!!!! Quoi!? Aug. 6- 17, 2022 Everyone should be proud of themselves for ACCEPTING THE TRUTH & offering RECONCILIATION in EVERY WAY POSSIBLE to our Indigenous First Nations Brothers & Sisters- & First Nations L.G.B.T.Q.+? 140 variations HA! Oh- yes, we’re all so Politically Correct! WE know The Unsettling Truth about all Governments’ & Pope Francis’ Catholic Church ‘Doctrines of Discovery.’ CELEBRATING TOGETHER APART OUR AMAZING POWERFUL RESTORATIVE SHARED SPIRIT of DIGNITY & INALIENABLE RIGHTS FOR ALL- Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness! #HEART to HEART- BEING OUR BEST SELVES!!! #HEALTH = HEAL The Heart!!!! LOVE ONE ANOTHER! BE KIND, GENEROUS & GRACEFUL in SHARING OUR MUTUAL LOVE FOR ‘THE GREAT SPIRIT & MOTHER EARTH!!!’ BE OPEN MINDED TO UNDERSTAND INDIGENOUS CULTURES & EXPERIENCE!!! Hard to stomach anyone could have believed in the ‘Doctrines of Discovery-‘ Church Believers ‘discovering & claiming new lands- not already owned by Church Believers!’ In New Mexico, a sharp eyed neighbor spotted the remains of 37,000 year old butchered mammoths, etc. on a senior less observant paleontologist’s property- Dr. Magoo?! Probably looked at first like Hollywood Zombies< Johnny & Brad Pitt? Yes- MAD AT BRAD & Johnny- Why you ask?
We always sided with Angelina reporting Brad Broke Angelina’s TRUST & Frightened their Children but he did way worse! Brad went completely MAD on their private airplane! Dog brained Brad allegedly grabbed Angie by the head & began shaking her; by her shoulders & continued shaking her- Did Mad Dog Brad imagine he was in a head & shoulders ad? Angie suffered injury to her hand, elbow, etc. When one child, Maddox? witnessing the HORROR of MAD BRAD asked: “ARE YOU O.K> MOMMY?” Evil Brad screamed “NO- MOMMY’S NOT O.K>! She’s ruining this Family- She’s CRAZY!” Brad’s ranting & raving went on every 30 minutes while Angie begged him to clam down Angie says & Brad also verbally abused his children by swearing & saying terrible comments- ‘that child looks like a Columbine kid!’ Allegedly Brad poured beer? on the blanket Angie & the children were under. Thankfully, one observer said “It’s not her- It’s You You P____!” But on a plane in the air, Angie had to try to restrain Brad from attacking her defender- putting her life on the line! Most males are carefully educated by their Mother & Father from an early age NOT TO STRIKE A WOMAN! Mad Brad has to assume 100% BLAME- the children don’t visit with him because he CROSSED THE RED LINE- BEHAVED like a vicious MAD DOG! So Brad- you’re an official Hollywood Zombie!
Remember last year about this time, Beloved petite ANGEL SPIRIT Gabby Petito was murdered as her fiance earlier was spotted with his hands at her neck area. Sadly, a precog. Park employee counselled her to leave him by the end of the trip instead of immediately by the end of the day! Too late & Police who were called by a witness viewing her assault, sided with her Fiance killer, belittling her credibility, self-worth & dignity- Why? Why? Why? do Police Officers play this horrible game of belittling a citizen’s credibility, self-worth & dignity; AS a COP do you WANT TO SERVE & PROTECT or be a badass Hollywood Zombie causing mayhem? Police were called because Gabby was violently assaulted & they quipped how thin & petite she is- so vulnerable to injury! Police EMPOWERED Gabby’s killer- his narcissistic possession by evil to commit the killing of his Beloved & naturally, his later suicide!! Evil demons get off on we humans self destructing or attacking our loved ones! Similarly, as alleged by Amber Heard’s sister, Johnny beat Amber in the face mercilessly- apparently allegedly Johnny suffered the typical personality disaster where he’s o.k.- bit of a control freak over women when sober but becomes a violent, angry animal when provoked in a drug zombie state! Amber accepts equal responsibility for their violent toxic relationship but allegedly what could Johnny remember if he’s in a zombie drugged state when his personality changes! I knew a guy who had 2 distinct personalities like Jekyl & Hyde caused by intoxication- His FACE COMPLETELY CHANGED WHEN HE BECAME EVIL & VIOLENT- LOOKED LIKE A HOLLYWOOD ZOMBIE!!! If you didn’t witness the change, you wouldn’t believe it could happen- he could be Jason or any Hollywood scary serial killer without needing a mask or make-up!!! But our worst Zombies are Afghanistan’s Taliban-
Women are required to wear burka’s- cover their faces in public- anyone breaking Wahabi Extremist Arbitrary Appearance or Behavior is whipped, etc. Women may not legally attend school beyond about grade 6. People line up for 2-3 pieces of bread daily! Men find little work- pay may be $.40 a day whereas in America, average pay for men is about $150. – $200.+ per day! The Taliban have their citizens begging for scraps to live- if they had any brains or hearts, they’d quickly change to bring incomes up in line with Western Standards of Living, Education, Participation in Employment, High Tech., Health Care, etc. What? About 80% of the Nation’s Budget is by handouts- unfortunately Canada does not allow N.G.O.’s to offer what is needed so people are being sacrificed in the standoff. Private Western citizens & volunteer organizations are still scrambling to get approved citizens out before they are hunted down & killed by the Taliban for supporting Western occupation! 160,000 eligible to go to the U.S., for example- but there are no Embassies for obtaining visas & interviews to achieve approvals & facilitate relocation!
Like Johnny Depp, Anne Celeste Heche, had too much a bizarro comic going on inside herself! Johnny escaped by drugs & drinking- self medicating & creative artistry, playing characters in movies! Anne said: “I was in therapy for years but never told anybody I had another personality! Never told anybody i heard voices & spoke to God!” In Aug. 2000, she was found wandering in the California desert in bra, shorts & sneakers! She told police she travelled to Heaven in a space ship. Maybe Anne was abducted? Whoa- I remember small beings helping ‘charge me up!’ Who are we to discount her experiences? In 2001, she says she felt insane for 31 years but finally enjoyed PEACE & BALANCE! She created alter egos like being a half sister to Jesus! A BIG BREAKTHROUGH for L.G.B.T.Q.+?- 140 identities & orientations, in Hollywood was she and partner Ellen Degeneres coming out as a lesbian couple & planning to marry! Advertisers & Backers fled- Anne was BLACKLISTED but Ellen hosted her successful, long running television show! Demonstrates Hollywood can be a bunch of Zombies pretending to be human beings? Unknown what caused Anne to race her car into a fiery crash & later be kept alive to harvest her organs to save others! A drug overdose? Darwinian Evolution Survival carefully shaped our biology over thousands of years- Why self medicate especially with so many opioid style drugs able to bring down an elephant? We should eat healthy food, maybe take a couple of vitamin & mineral pills- or a pill for a specific deficiency or health issue, enjoy a little daily exercise, good relationships, etc. Pres. Lincoln says “I DO GOOD, I FEEL GOOD! I DO BAD, I FEEL BAD!”
My Jewish Friend hit the Health Care JACK POT! In hospital going down with a physical illness, you imagine Countries like Canada would quickly get him ‘dispatched!’ Someone gave him a reprieve & got the government? to give him a $300,000. per year medication specifically designed for his exact C.F. Disease! Plus pay for his food, supplements, etc. Quickly he’s recovered, walking & bicycling every day for hours it appears!!! What’s the secret in having Health Care save you instead of trying to ‘dispatch you?’ You’re Religion is the same Religion of Health Care decision makers & power brokers? Why are so many with physical or mental challenges being so abused by Government & Health Care Providers why others are granted everything no matter the costs? Sounds like va Hollywood Zombie Movie Health Care Showdown!!!
Europe is living a bizarro experience helping supply Ukraine to defend against Russia but for example, about 800,000 barrels of Russian oil flow to European Countries by Druzhba north & south branches! European Banks have to obtain approvals for cross border payments to Russia funding the war against Ukraine or the flow of oil stops! Pres. Trump urgently had called on Germany specifically to rely on North American oil & gas for energy needs but Germany simply SNICKERED! Back to Paleontologist Dr. Magoo who missed the mammoths on his property-
Indigenous humans had used primitive tools to butcher the animals 37,000 years before our lives! Do you imagine they were basically the same as us- ‘#Dude- let’s go! It’s PARTY TIME!’ We’ve butchered the beasts- Now it’s feasting, drinking & farting the night away! Wear your best outfit & fancy painted face!’ Look exactly like our wilder more out of control teens today? So many people today wearing paint & body tattoos like 37,000 years ago? If we found viable DNA & gave birth to our 37,000 year old ancestors we might quip- ‘Hey c’mon we stopped behaving like that that 37,000 years ago except for Hollywood Zombies Johnny Depp & Brad Pitt- allegedly beating up on their spouses!!!?’ Archaeologists believe humans occupied the Americas for at least 50,000 years but Baby Boomers were taught religiously in schools Chris Columbus DISCOVERED the Americas in 1492! Yes- even the Norse/Vikings established settlements in Newfoundland & Labrador about 1000 A.D. so Baby Boomers were educated by Bubbleheaded Boogers!
Were teachers high on L.D.S. as they instructed Baby Boomers? What other Politically Incorrect B.S. have we been brainwashed about in our schools? Oh yes- George Washington couldn’t tell a lie about cutting down the cherry tree due to his good character but was also a SLAVE OWNER- a BRUTAL SLAVE DRIVER ordering his Overseer to watch his slaves 24/7!!! And Ben Franklin BAILED ON HAVING SLAVERY BANNED BY THE CONSTITUTION- ‘WE HOLD THIS TO BE TRUE-ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL!!!’ Bad Boy Ben could have prevented hundreds of years of tragedy & horror by easily ending slavery- rejecting European King’s owning & having absolute Sovereignty in America over Americans! The horrendous institution of slavery was effectively struck down in Scotland!!! European Governments & Churches relied on Papal Bulls/Decrees to conquer & fight over possession of ‘NEWLY DISCOVERED LANDS!!!’ BABY BOOMERS WERE SO LIED TO about our wonderful First Nations Inalienable & Civil Rights!!! 50,000 years in the Americas- what are we taught about Indigenous Civilizations & Cultures today? Correctly, we are ‘going bananas’ -OOPS! Politically Incorrect? about saving civilians in beloved Ukraine but what about saving lives in Africa, etc. Do we base saving people based on skin color, on groups who share European appearance & culture? Yemen? Samalia? In 1994 80,000+ Tutsis were massacred in 100 days in Rwanda!
We spoke about two pairs of mocassins given to Pope Francis at the Vatican earlier this year by a First Nations Catholic Church Residential School Survivor, moccasins representing the genocide of Indigenous children by the Church to be returned by Pope Francis upon landing for his 6 day Pilgrimage of Penitence Gig in Canada! She was made to stand in line naked, tossed into some noxious bath water, beaten every morning, etc.- Everything Jesus Christ & God find BLASPHEMOUS- abusing innocent, vulnerable, stolen children- sexually, physically, emotionally & spiritually! Only a few days later Pope Francis- upon arriving in Canada, spoke our same words about the 2 pairs of moccasins story but SHOCKING to everyone, Pope Francis shifted all the blame onto unnamed ‘colonizing Governments & Christians!’ Thankfully, during his plane ride home, Pope Francis had a CHANGE of HEART- finally admitting the genocidal actions by the Institution of the Catholic Church, which Believers are told issues infallible doctrines! Pope Francis promises a Church investigation- the Church has Canada’s exhaustive TRUTH & RECONCILATION INVESTIGATION & REPORT- 2008- 2015, missing the still WITHHELD Church School Documents! You remember South Africa’s Political Champion, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Nelson Mandela called for a Truth & Reconciliation Commission, 1996- 2003! “If you talk to a man in his language, that goes to his heart!” (Political Correct Police Shame Alert! Ha!)
BECOMING ACCOUNTABLE- Not for us to play the Blame Game against the Catholic Church nor His Holiness Pope Francis! #WE PRAY & HOPE! #But we call on all Catholic Believers to demand justice for Indigenous Peoples! A CELEBRATION of Diverse Cultures!? #Is it too often about POWER, CONTROL, $/WEALTH- WINNING BY ANY MEANS BEING THE ONLY GAME PLAN??? Like Russia against Beloved Ukraine? American Political Parties engaging in non stop attacks on each other??? #WHERE DID OUR CULTURES GO WRONG- (Gun) VIOLENCE, IMMORAL AGGRESSION, LACK of RESPONSIBILITY & POSITIVITY? Returning all the hundreds of thousands? of stolen Indigenous Artifacts is a no brainer! Releasing all the Residential School documents so First Nations Families & Communities find out what happened to all the stolen & missing abused children! Heart to Heart Apologies & Creating our HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS with Indigenous Peoples! We demand opportunities to see their Indigenous Cultures Supported & Expressed! #Governments & the Churches too often giving monetary compensation IN THEORY but Rarely in Reality- Democratic Voters & Church Believers need to encourage officials to show ACCOUNTABILITY- Not just parrot carefully lawyer crafted speeches like Pope Francis read, avoiding ACCOUNTABILITY for genocide, stealing, sexual abuses & ongoing discrimination! #We’re supposed to make sure CRIME DOESN’T PAY!
#We’re supposed to make sure CRIME DOESN’T PAY when COMMITTED BY OUR GOVERNMENTS & INSTITUTIONS! #We all need to face the TRUTH & ACHIEVE RECONCILIATION where wrongs are committed! The Founding Fathers could have ended Slavery with the Declaration of Independence- by Ben Franklin specifically, as Scotland’s Highest Court ruled circa 1770’s regarding ‘escaped Black slave’ Mr. Knight! Scotland’s Court turned Black Night into ‘Walking on Sunshiny’ Slavery Free Days! #GOOD PEOPLE SHOULDN’T SUFFER UNDULY- SHOULD BE REWARDED FOR BEING GOOD, GRACIOUS, HELPFUL, KIND & CONSIDERATE! #BAD EVIL HURTFUL ACTS & BEHAVIOR SHOULDN’T BE REWARDED! #Our Governments generally fight attempts to hold them accountable?!
We’re Accountable especially if we are in control of our Mental Faculties & Emotions- But Are People Today NOT IN CONTROL, Losing Their Minds? Is Evil/Satan over exerting it’s influence in ‘Biblical Proportions?’ By Russia’s endless merciless expansion & genocide against its neigbours including Ukraine- sending bombs marked- “FOR YOUR CHILDREN!?” Toying with the breach of Europe’s largest Nuclear Facility in Ukraine, etc. to help destroy Europe? China stealing virtually every Technology created by Western Society? Sending out students Worldwide to act as STATE SPONGE AGENTS occupying top undergrad. & graduate University math, science, engineering & tech. programs & courses- Achieving high level positions in Western Corporations- ALL KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTED- BY CHINESE LAW, TO BE DELIVERED BACK TO CHINA, & EVENTUALLY USED TO GAIN CONTROL OVER OUR WORLD!? By out of control GUN VIOLENCE -Especially among LOST, UNSTABLE, UNGROUNDED males under age 25?
By overuse of OPIOIDS, ALCOHOLISM, OTHER STREET DRUGS- Self Medicating & by Over Prescribing Psych. Drugs- about 1 in 5 or 6 Americans take a Prescribed Psych. Medication!? Our call to BOBS vs. evil’s responsive ROBB Elementary Tragedy only days later- Almost 400 Police & Special Officers in Body Armor/Carrying bullet proof Protective Shields, etc. STOOD DOWN rather than confront the ROBB Elementary shooter for 74 minutes! Appeared as if Police acted like Zombies under a SPELL for 74 minutes!!! ROBB is a CLASSIC TEXTBOOK SHOW of possible Temporary Demonic Influence?! Dragging Mainstream Media to FINALLY ADMIT TO THEIR READERS & VIEWERS about THE BIG LIE: Our Political Elites & quasi ‘Health/Social Supports’ are pushing THE BIG SATANIC LIE- Eugenics & 1930’s German Fascist ‘FINAL SOLUTIONS,’ targeting culling our Vulnerable Minorities!!! By our predictive methods, we forsaw our Power Crazed cunning evil Political Elite Class- who already view us Normal Citizens as CATTLE or SHEEP to be HERDED, would SLIPPERY SLOPE STYLE broaden ‘Mercy Killing’ from targeting Patients declared absolutely incurable & in with mere painfilled days or weeks to live, to targeting Vulnerable Discriminated against Minorities with Short Term or Episodic, or Longer Term Illnesses & Disabilities- Target basiclly HEALTHY CITIZENS CHALLENGED by Mental Illness, etc. BUT WITH A PROMISE of DECADES of GOOD LIVING AHEAD!!!
Believe it or Not- here’s a sample of first victims under Canada’s satanic Political Elite’s demonic wet dream being ramped up for World adoption??? A Veteran suffering from P.T.S.D./related Mental Challenge consequent upon heroic active Middle East? Military Duty, requested Veteran’s Affairs assistance to help his quicker Recovery & improved Quality of Daily Living. So V.A. offers the heroic vet. $ & programs to speed up his RECOVERY RIGHT? WRONG!!! Instead the V.A. Worker suggested he consider having a Doctor approve his Euthanasia!!! A few Canadians with sensitivities to chemicals in the air complained their poverty complicated their ability to find housing choices suitable for their sensitivities. Instead of helping finance alternate healthy living quarters, they were welcomed & dispatched into euthanasia dying quarters under a Canadian no limits euthanasia culling program set to become law circa next March?! More & more, Canadian citizens with physical or mental disabilities requesting assistance to live happily in the community are being told- ‘SORRY- We don’t have $ or resources to help you live happily in the community with taxpayer’s support but we will gladly assist with your ‘dispatch’ as soon as possible!’ ‘HOW ABOUT A MONTH FROM NOW- SHOULD I PUT YOU INTO THE SCHEDULE-THE DOCTOR IS VERY NICE- ‘A Real Hollywood Zombie Bloodsucker like Johnny or Brad’ & Dr. Death WILL GUIDE YOU ALONG YOUR JOURNEY!!!’ (to the gates of hell-o!)
A Nurse recently told a Patient ‘Do you realize you are costing $1500. each day for your hospital stay?! You could help by having yourself ‘dispatched!!!” The Patient should have quipped back- “If they’re paying you more than 25 cents per hour for your Nursing Care, you should have yourself ‘dispatched!’ Will euthanasia in Canada become as efficient as a taxi service? ‘I’ve suffered COVID horribly for 2 weeks! And my boss says he’s giving my job to someone new! And my cat scratched my leg because I forgot to buy cat food! My lesbian girlfriend says I suck in bed & ran off with another woman not half as attractive as me! And finally someone stole my car with my phone on inside!’ ‘O.k.- I get it- you’re having a unbearable tough go! I’ll call dispatch- Dispatch says they’ll pick you up at 2 pm tomorrow & take you over to Hollywood Zombies Johnny or Brad by 4- o.k.?’ Don’t you believe if Canadian Nurses & Social Workers offer HORRIBLE DISPATCH SUGGESTIONS, some patients/clients may become TERMINATORS?!!! ‘Wow- Aren’t you THE Arnold Schwarzenegger!!! Where’s your Nurse?’ Oh- I let her go like all the others who treated me badly! And don’t say anything about this or I’LL BE BACK!!!’ And yes- I’ve always been kinky- Why do you think I had to leave my Motherland?’ You can’t make this Canadian euthanasia stuff up! Wouldn’t Canada’s P.M. Trudeau make a great satan- Sunny- Good Looking, Curly Dark Hair, Friendly, Eager to pose with you for Selfies- Sunny Ways & Days but a natural narcissist & totally POSSESSED BY SATAN!!!!
With Mainstream Media finally admitting to the evil, a B.C. Canada researcher practically quoted us referring to 1930’s fascist Germany & the emergence of the Holocaust Event against ‘undesirable expendable people!!!!’ 1 in 5 American teens suffer from Mental Illness- their teen angst, growing pains & developing brains need to rewire, etc. until age 25 before their decision making facilities are complete! Living in the moment making risky, extreme life altering decisions, ascribing overwhelming emotions to typical teenage events like a relationship breakup- ‘Oh, I just want to kill myself’ but a few months later, he’s totally forgotten & they’re completely infatuated with new beaus!!!! Teen pregnancy- seems like the end of the world! After years of our efforts, this week Mainstream Media reported ‘[BREAKING NEWS’ about the slippery Canadian wintry slopes of Doctors culling their Vulnerables! Over 1.2 Billion citizens attest to being Catholic Christians- about 16%? of our World’s population subscribing to ALL LIFE IS HOLY & PRECIOUS FROM CONCEPTION! Can Catholics SAVE CANADIANS from their evil Political Elite Class attempting to kill Vulnerable Minorities or Citizens experiencing Hard Times, Poverty & Self Doubt about Life’s PLAN OF DESTINY?
Ontario, Canada’s Political Leaders intentionally screwed up the Health Care System during COVID- like in New York & Worldwide, creating a death spiral crisis including culling the human hurd of citizens with disabilities, illness & disease! Seniors were send to horrendous over crowded locked down, understaffed, long term care institutions functioning as disease incubators & spreaders- most experiencing outbreaks, like slower acting Nazi WWII holocaust gas chambers! Today, the horror story continues- Ontario is set to aggressively send Seniors in hospitals to lower tier frightfully inadequate Long Term Care Homes with horrendous records & dangerous disease spreading situations & outbreaks! mentalhealthrightsforum.com broke the original Master Plan under COVID cover to dispose of 1. Vulnerable Seniors, 2. Visible Minorities & 3. Citizens with underlying illnesses or Disabilities deemed with reduced income/assets, productivity, activity level, 2nd or 3rd class citizenship & an inadequate ‘health rating!’ Only now have we & allied advocates dragged Mainstream Media to declare BREAKING NEWS- POVERTY STRICKEN, ILL- Mentally & Physically, Citizens challenged by disabilities being targeted for culling!!! Ridiculously long intentional wait times for E.R., testing & treatment for all ill & injured adults have massacred millions under COVID cover World Wide! Being over age 60 was actually an unofficial official death sentence- acting as a general cutoff guideline for care or else absolute neglect & being put down! ‘Afflicted’ are still seen by many of our Political leaders today to be 2nd or 3rd class citizens- disposable/throwaway humans under 20th century Eugenics Beliefs! Like in the 1930’s rise of the Nazi’s- ‘useless eaters & defectives’ were to cleansed to purify the human races & create a Government created Master Worker Bee Race!’ in die- sease incubator locked down Long Term Care Facilities, Family & Friends were banned from caring for vulnerable Relatives- Gov. Cuomo sent COVID Patients from hospitals to crowded Long Care Homes filled by SeniorsIs it Human Nature to pretend we’re not accountable when we are? A precious opportunity for real Truth, Reconciliation & CELEBRATION of Indigenous Cultures! Discover Indigenous ceremonies, beliefs, practises, etc. especially because we have so ____ed up our biosphere’s flora & fauna, our beloved Mother Earth’s Garden in Eden, God’s’s/Allah/The Great Spirit’s/Darwinian Evolutionary Survival’s Call to Care for our Garden Planet!!! #Indigenous decision making involves looking 7 generations ahead for impacts! Too often our Politicians become opportunists- looking for an immediate desired reaction regardless of long term scary implications!
O.M.G.- Finally able to WALK SOFTLY IN THE WOODS like Indigenous Ways & not FREAK OUT BAMBI- SHE STUDIED ME SO INTENSELY TO MAKE SURE I WAS SAFE since I accidentally startled her so many times!!! Bambi is so BEAUTIFUL- her coat SHINING like PURE GOLD in the sunlight! My Godmother used to give me beautiful beaded Indigenous moccasins to wear every year when I was a child- so much more wonderful to see Momma Doe Deer & Bambi frisky & healthy wearing their own living skin!!!! Momma Doe hangs out at a protected spot in the evening where I planted young bright green shrubs- Watching her & praying she doesn’t feed on my shrubs- she doesn’t! she looks & acts just like a human Momma with young child & in all her interactions with me! By WALKING SOFTLY, I see creatures & birds I really didn’t know exist except in books. #ALL Life Forms want to live IN SAFE HEALTHY WELCOMING BOUNTIFUL GREEN NEIGHBORHOODS WITH YOU & ME- JUST LIKE US HUMANS!!! WE COULD HAVE SO MANY DIFFERENT LIFE FORMS TO ADMIRE WE DIDN’T REALIZE EXISTED IF WE LEARN TO OPEN OUR HEARTS & WALK SOFTLY LIKE OUR INDIGENOUS BEST FRIENDS!!! MOTHER NATURE’S WANTING TO EMBRACE US & LOVE US ALL BACK TO HEALTH- ARE OUR HEARTS TRULY OPEN TO TRUTH & RECONCILIATION? HEALTH = HEAL The Heart!!!! YOUR HEART MY HEART OUR HEARTS ALL LIFE FORMS BREATHING & BEATING TOGETHER IN LOVE, JOY, HEALTH & BEAUTIFUL, BOUNTIFUL LIFE! Let It Be!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always in Your Heart & You forever in mine! Good to be alive with you TODAY but we still wonder what life was like 37,000 years ago in the real Rock & Rolling Stones era hanging loose with Wooly Mammoths & all the other now extinct cool cats!!!!! Giant Sabre Tooth Tigers- Yikes- Beam me back to 2022 Scotty! But Bri our engines may explode- Put a tractor beam out to capture Britney Spears’ boundless sexual energy in her turquois string bikini to send us into WARP DRIVE! And our Privates too Scotty!!!! I don’t know if our Engines can handle Britney Spears’ sexual energy Captain! As Officers & Gentlemen, we’ll stand by Britney at full salute- consequences of over pleasuring ourselves be damned! LOVING YOU ALWAYS- Aug. 6-19, 2022 by Brianca Lane HOLDING OUR HEARTS CLOSER-SHUTTING OUT EVIL!!!! Aug. 20- Sept. 2, 2022 Being True to OURSELVES!!!!
- #Is Our World A JUNGLE? Do we need ANGELS & MIRACLES AIDED BY HI TECH- OUTSMARTING EVIL? #As humans, our decisions are not always The BEST & BRIGHTEST! Our Hi Tech should help SAVE US ALL!!! Especially from the many idiots among responsible gun owners! #Don’t cry for Cristina Argentina! V.P. Cristina Fernandez warmly welcomes her supporters but Evil also sends it’s assassin! Cristina stared at a loaded handgun only a foot in front of her face- A CHARMED BEWITCHING MIRACLE HAPPENED-As evil’s assassin pulled the trigger, the gun jammed! Upon the Parkland massacre, we called for hi tech SAFETY OVERIDES on guns to complement not always reliable MIRACLES! SMART GUNS able to assess & override killers’ intentions. A.I. & additional safety protections like not firing for a non registered owner, in a non threatening situation or target, in a crowd, at a school, etc. Guns could video & broadcast ‘to the cloud’ everything as well as give warnings when they are loaded, held or pointed among living potential targets. Guns & Bullets could be SMART to foil killers & irresponsible idiots locked & loaded, report their movements & guns & bullets could be individually registered & ‘conscious’ to DO NO HARM unless absolutely necessary!
- #Why don’t we ensure our most dangerous weapons are AS SAFE AS TECHNOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE!?? Who decides GUN SAFETY & GUN VIOLENCE in America, for example with almost 50,000 killings annually- Satan??? #Our VEHICLES are becoming SMART to RECORD, SELF DRIVE & PROMPT or TAKE PROTECTIVE, DEFENSIVE ACTIONS to SAVE US & ALL LIFE AROUND US- Why not our killer weapons?? What do you think? #A SMART gun could have STOPPED Naomi Judd- challenged by Bi-Polar Disorder & PTSD, from taking her own life & SOUNDED AN ALARM for INTERVENTION! ONLY ONE DAY BEFORE SHE WAS TO BE CELEBRATED BY MILLION OF FANS AT THE COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS! DO we imagine her Family could read her mind & monitor her 24/7 like Britney Spears’ KEEPERS tried to do with 6+ Nurses & a seeming high security Hospital like lockdown environment???
- #As humans, our decisions are not always THE BEST- our Hi Tech should HELP SAVE US, NOT KILL US ALL! Yes- you PLAY SAFER- LIVE & LEARN! #But- Once we possess highly dangerous weapons capable of inflicting mass casualties in 30 seconds, what do think the odds are ‘evil’ may hope to INFLUENCE US & CIRCUMSTANCES BADLY??? #Why give ‘evil’ any opportunities to create mayhem we will regret all our lives? Apparently a Father ‘abducted’ his toddler so Police peppered the escaping vehicle killing the Dad & his Son- Story after Story reports Police shooting innocent children, etc. along with their targeted Dad- or other innocents! Not everyone- even highly trained professionals using a weapon escape their brain reverting to subhuman sub-lizard behavior!!!! (P.S. By Riding dirt bikes in massive storms; Climbing 35 feet up to trim dead tree branches- climbing up again to trim one last branch!!! Going up on my roof on humid hot human melting days to effect repairs; Riding a toboggan down near vertical Senior level ski slopes at night, etc. I HAVE BECOME AN EXPERT AT MAKING BAD UNSAFE DECISIONS- so don’t question my qualifications to say we all need to SAVE US FROM OURSELVES ON OCCASION!!!)
- #The U.S. is on top of our World’s issues- Everyone should BE THANKFUL FOR AMERICAN LEADERSHIP & HOPEFUL ENTHUSIASM- God/Allah Bless America!!!! Pres. Trump AWAKENING EVERYONE UP GLOBALLY ABOUT OUR CHALLENGES & DOING HIS BEST TO ACHIEVE PROSPERITY, STABILITY & MAGA! Especially he saw the absolute need for Europe to immediately build up its’ defenses & switch to North American Energy- oil & gas, from dependence on rogue Russian Energy. Europe laughed behind Pres. Trump’s back & we see our World being clawed by the Russian Psychotic Narcissistic Bear today! #Europe is fighting but also feeding THE RUSSIAN BEAR!
- Slow Starter Pres. Biden continues to push for funding Social Equity & Radically Progressive Change- sometimes under or overshooting on Practical Approaches! He continues to introduce legislation to widen opportunities for all Americans to enjoy a piece of the American Apple Pie- like forgiving $10,000 – $20,000. for a student’s federal college debt & extending Pres. Trump’s moratorium in repaying student loans.. Overspending? pushes inflation too high triggering the Fed to raise interest rates to suppress economic activity! He is capably uniting our FREE WORLD & VALUES, Gaining his way in achieving Progressive Social & Cultural Change & Equity, struggling like Canada to achieve Climate Change priorities at the expense of traditional energy sources our Free World relies on! P.M. Trudeau has declined to help Europe by expanding energy infrastructure & exports as desperately pleaded for by Europe. North America sees the need to rush to bring about reliance on non carbon polluting sources triggering Climate Change disasters! #Our Free World is LUCKY & BLESSED! Individually, may we ACHIEVE A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, COMPASSIONATE, CARING HEART & BRAINPOWER TO OPERATE AT OUR HIGHEST INTELLIGENCE! #WHAT COULD BE FUNNER THAN FOR ALL OF US TO BE SHINING OUTSTANDING WORLD STUNNERS!!! #Whoa- Wanna be a famous tennis star like Serena Williams- Great Serena is played out & retiring she says- Who will jump in the VOID- SWAT into GREATNESS MY BELOVED!!!! COULD IT BE YOU???
- Wild Life & Britney Briefs- ‘Let’s Get Physical/Emotional:’ (Olivia Newton-John) So I completed my experiment to see if we humans are able to easily create healthy relationships & communicate with Wild Life we may not be aware of Flourishing? all around us in Mother Earth’s Bountiful Garden- Our deerest Doe & Precious Excitable Beautiful Bambi among others sharing my side yard Wildlife Nursery; The Amazing Variety of Birds & Bees- Have your Parents Explained THAT to YOU YET?- I’m still waiting to find out!!! Britney Spears can explain it to us all, being so Emotionally & Physically ALIVE!!!!! Squirrels, Toads, Spiders, etc. My Brother said NO to forming a close physical relationship with a FRIENDLY, CURIOUS Beautifully Colored SNAKE wanting to cuddle up! Says- she might be venomous! BUT SNAKES SAVED MY LIFE ONCE!!!! Guess What- My brain actually translated what young squirrels were saying in Real Time- OMG- SO EMOTIONAL, EXPRESSIVE, HILARIOUS BEYOND BELIEF to LISTEN TO!!!! You’d almost die LAUGHING SO MUCH!!! But by trying to be be so OPEN & RESPONSIVE to Wild Life, my Jewish Friend- Winner of the Health Care Lottery, about $350,000. annually in Health Care Provisions, shouted at me I was “BECOMING AN ANIMAL- SNAP OUT OF IT!!!” Yes- we’re Human Beings- but we are so alike Wild Life in many ways! FUN FUN FUN briefly feeling closely part of our Wild life Neighbors!!!
- #GREAT HEART MAKES GREATER ART!!!! Gentle, compassionate Elton John welcomed our Beloved Britney back to begin recording- bit ‘sucky,’ unclear especially on 1 take, hardly an over excited sexy Britney song presentation, but Britney’s been about 6 years since recording- safely testing the recording waters, showing she’s still got her vocal chops! Elton John’s Husband (& Partner for decades) Canadian David Furnish suggested Elton welcome Britney- #GREAT HEARTS = GREAT ARTS!!!! Rolling Stone guitarist great Keith Richards said Elton is a “lovable bloke, but POSING!” who celebrated with tribute ‘Songs for Dead Blonds’- Candle in the Wind for Amazing Talented Marilyn Munroe & a 1997 remake for Visionary Queen of Our Hearts- staged auto assassination victim, Princess Diana. Keith- Britney’s VERY ALIVE & VERY BLOND LOOKING! Save your short temper jokes for Mick’s PRIMARY SHORTCOMING! (P.S. Many Soccer Moms were ‘P.O.’ Britney emphasized being SEMI-NAKED & SEXY so strongly- influencing their young, impressionable Daughters! But most GLEE INSPIRED young Britney ‘wanna bees’ developed EXQUISITE VOCAL STYLES BEING SO PERFECTED by Britney & her Peers!!!! Sexy YES! But vocally stylized & talented by dedicated STUDY & PRACTICE of her ART FORM & PERFORMANCE!!!! Britney’s naturally LOVABLE & ENDEARING!)
- Establish a Britney’s Brigade- Fighting Big Brother CRISIS CREATORS enlisting Doctors/Health Care to abuse & kill their Helpless, Captive Vulnerable Patients reminiscent of 1930’s+ European Holocaust Horrors!!! Wouldn’t we LOVE TO SEE Britney helping Congress & Health Care address the ongoing abuse of Vulnerable Citizens challenged by Illness & Disabilities!!! Britney Spears RUNS< DANCES< SINGS<STRIPS down to Necklace & Turquoise Thong as needed FOR OUR CONSTITUTIONAL & INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS?!!!! ABLE TO SPEAK PLAINLY FROM HER OWN ENSLAVED CAPTIVITY & ABUSIVE EXPLOITATION EXPERIENCES! We want to STAY IN OUR HOMES but Big Brother wants ‘human burdens’ disposed of in careless home warehouses & death camp facilities in place of offering reasonable assistance & accommodations!
- Star Trek’s Uhuru, for example didn’t want to BEAMED DOWN from enjoying her own home & controlling her own Affairs & Resources!!! Everywhere Seniors want needed HOME CARE or to live with their Families but Big Brother refuses funding Home Care & wants Seniors warehoused! Underfunding Home Care means Personal Support Workers earn more & receive more benefits working at Burger Joints than offering Personal Home Care! Routinely, travel time between Homes is not paid for. In Ontario Canada, having caused or contributed deliberately to the horrible suffering & deaths of thousands of Vulnerable Citizens under COVID-19 cover as was done in New York & Globally, and acting like a 1930’s German Fuhrer, Ontario’s Big Brother Ford just passed LAWS- NOT allowing for PUBLIC CONSULTATION, but forcibly stripping Hospital Patients of all Inalienable & Constitutional Rights, who are SHIPPED like in 1930’s mass transfer cattle cars to careless home death camps- decrepit, up to 4 infected to a room, understaffed, up to 300 kms from home so visits by loved ones are rare or impossible! Our helpless, hopeless, abandoned in disease spreading petrie dish/incubator locked wards are to be consumed by wildfires of COVID/OMNICRON Variants, flu, colds, pneumonia, etc.!!! Fuhrer style Crisis Creator Ford withheld $1.8 billion from Provincial Hospitals, constrained pay increases to 1% annually, helped Fire, Demoralize & Burn Out a majority of remaining Doctors & Nurses so wards & Emergency Dep’ts. are shutting down everywhere! Resisting patients are billed about $1800. per day in hospital! Their Medical Records are sent to the Careless Homes- NO RETURN EXPECTED??? Fuhrer style Ford radically raised the bar to block claims of negligence to protect careless homes from liability & ensures their $rich bottom line by feeding a constant stream of stripped victims from dysfunctional broken down Hospitals! Waiting lists for Hospital tests, diagnosis & treatment ensure thousands more will die from total neglect- Fuhrer Style Ford is culling citizens simply needing basic Hospital Care!
- The July, 2021 Bi-partisan “FREE BRITNEY” Act introduced by Congresswoman Nancy Mace & Congressman Charlie Christ- ‘You Know It Ain’t Easy!’ (John Lennon), is intended to RESTORE & PROTECT ALL THE RIGHTS of the 1.3 Americans under Conservatorship; Enjoy the Right to Petition for a PUBLIC GUARDIAN, “Absolutely FREE from Conflict if Interest, Financial or Otherwise;” A CASEWORKER to monitor for signs of abuse, exploitation, being held captive, to Advise Conservatees of their RIGHTS & increase TRANSPARENCY by a BROKEN SYSTEM! “We want to thank Ms. Spears for COMING FORWARD!!!!” Britney was THRILLED to having been invited to Speak to Congress! Britney Speak update- Who’d ever thunk Britney Spears speaks THIS TO US!
- “If you’re a WEIRD ODDBALL LIKE ME WHO FEELS ALONE ALOT OF THE TIME, KNOW THAT MY LIFE HAS BEEN FAR FROM EASY & YOU’RE NOT ALONE!!!” “I remember the First Day” (of Enslaved Captivity- My Dad) “said: I’M BRITNEY SPEARS & I’M CALLING THE SHOTS! I’M like ALMIGHTY!” I know- You’re saying: ‘Britney’s Dad IS THE CRAZY ONE BY FAR IN THE SPEARS FAMILY! It’s TRUE but Big Brother gave the alleged COMPLETELY INSANE? DAD control over the Institutionalization & enslaved entertainer for hire 24/7 status of his Wild Child FREE SPIRIT troubled but SANE DAUGHTER BRITNEY for 13 years/tears!!! And the alleged misappropriation of $100’s of millions?!!’ Beloved Britney- my toddler Niece set her Parents straight the first time her Mom said her choice of matching clothing was “INAPPROPRIATE!” “I’M THE BOSS OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” If you’d only said these MAGIC WORDS OF LIBERATION- #BABYPOWERMOVEMENT!
- Britney says she “Kinda stopped believing in God at that time!” “My Sister, my Mother, my Brother, my Friends aren’t doing anything” (to help me?) “They all go along with it!” ‘Enablers? Co-conspirators?’ ‘How did THEY- (her captors, punishers, exploiters) get away with IT?’ Britney kinda stopped believing in God but she observed all these PEOPLE #FREE BRITNEY! constantly putting themselves out in public fighting HARD FOR HER FREEDOM!
- #Britney- You may have stopped believing but we & they never stopped believing IN YOU nor our shared INALIENABLE RIGHTS!!! Britney- You were never actually ALONE!!! As Pres. Lincoln says “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!” GOD/ALLAH/ THE GREAT SPIRIT offers FREEDOM & INDEPENDENCE- INDIVIDUAL & COLLECTIVE CHOICE, LIFE & LIBERTY- LIFE WILL FIND A WAY! Even Darwinian Evolution is driven to find a way to survive, a WAY THROUGH THE DARKNESS INTO THE SUNSHINE!!! It was Big Brother who enabled your captors turn you into a Performing Song & Dance Mechanical Robot! The GOLDEN ANGEL ROSE HEARTED ‘WEIRD ODDBALLS’ WERE YOUR CONSTANT COMFORT, YOUR KNIGHTS IN SHINING ARMOUR!!!
- OMNICRON UPDATE- Whoa- 8th wave coming this fall as children, teens & young adults return to school; Folks begin staying indoors more; mandates are dropped, etc. Masks & social distancing, etc. becoming optional? Omnicron continues to adapt & change, rendering past innoculations less & less effective! My neighbor, for example, received 3 shots but experienced 4 painful infections! My Brother received 3 vaccine shots as well but caught a bad infection lasting several weeks this year; a 3 to 4 week break & then a harsh return of horrible symptoms! He says his OMNICRON was far worse than normal cold or flu & he sees it can certainly be fatal for some people! Wore a mask ALWAYS sitting in his car, often windows down! Indoors a few weeks ago with him in a Restaurant trying to keep a mask on! BEWARE if infected with obvious symptoms refuse to self isolate or mask up to protect others!!!! Some infected are contagious but experience minor symptoms- as Mandates are dropped, we will necessarily assume our own protective approaches! Charmed Witch Alyssa Milano brilliantly reported LONG COVID lingering symptoms early on in the pandemic- Who wants to suffer long illness, brain fog, organ damage, etc. besides several weeks of initial infection?!!! (I still only had my 1 vaccine shot- I experienced a bad reaction! Practice Social Distancing, wear a mask indoors among people, etc. Don’t get infected apparently, Thank God/Allah/The Great Spirit!)
- But 4th Booster Moderna shots are now approved & available in the U.S. & Canada targeting Omnicron Subvariants. Indication of polio was found in New York wastewater- we don’t want horrible diseases like polio to emerge again by children not receiving shots! Monkey pox has been spreading slowly by contact with body fluids/secretions, (contrasted to fast spreading Omnicron usually by the air) primarily by gay/bisexual men avoiding obvious safe practices! Annoying when we know who & how a disease is being spread but infected individuals just go & spread it as if they couldn’t care about others’ health! In Ontario Canada Fuhrer Style Ford SHUT DOWN an INDEPENDENT SCIENTIFIC ROUND TABLE Regular Update Forum. Fuhrer Ford will BLOCK INFORMATION & HAND PICK a Government Directed Panel who will suppress independent gathering of scientific information & deliver messages as dictated & approved with Big Brother Fuhrer’s wishes! Autocratic Fuhrer Style Big Brother Dictators is a unsettling Pandemic in Democracies!
- Time Marches on towards P.M. Trudeau’s MARCH MADNESS in 2023- promoting self harm even among Young Folks under 18! Trudeau & Canada’s Courts are obviously demonically influenced! Against the Essence of Life’s Prime Directive- #BLOSSOM & BLESS YOUR WORLD EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY!!! Spoke with a Therapist/Psychologist whose so excited to brag- None of my active patients ever went that way- YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They called me & we always came up with a good plan, deployed the appropriate practiced supports & ‘tools.’ #BLOSSOM & BLESS YOUR WORLD EVERY DAY & EVERY WAY- LIfe’s Prime Directive- To also experience & express LIFE more abundantly- caring for our Mother Earth, for our Biosphere flora & fauna is caring for ourselves!!!!! Incredibly WONDERFUL to experience your brilliance & LIGHT SHINING IN OUR WORLD, BLESSING EVERYONE & MOTHER EARTH!!! SO JOYOUS TO CALL ON OUR FIRST NATIONS BROTHERS, SISTERS- 140 HUMAN SOUP VARIETIES- HA!! TO REMIND US ABOUT LOVING MOTHER NATURE BACK TO LIFE- to be TRUE to Bambi & Momma Deer’s Gentle, innocent LOVING SPIRIT!!! WE CAN SHARE & CARE! WE CAN COMMUNICATE & CELEBRATE OUR DIFFERENCES & COMMONALITIES! But please don’t begin turning back into primal animals- only Britney is an Archetype Wild Child sparking our Hearts to be FREE- #HEALTH = HEAL THE HEARTS!!!! Always in your Blessing Heart & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!! Nice run Serena- you can play in my Courtyard any time!!! Ha! A Friend dated a Williams Sister & felt he better be a Gentleman or face being OVERPOWERED & PLAYED OUT on the COURTSHIP!!! HA! HA! Hit me with BALLS of LOVE Serena- but not in the ‘BALLS!’ Aug. 20 – Sept. 2, 2022 Loving You- Brianca Lane
- P.S. Addressing discriminatory immigration: Ukraine immigrants continue to be welcomed more than immigrants from Afghanistan & Syria, for example. We see Canada openly invites Ukrainians while suppressing the number of Afghani Refugees- very sad because the West owes a huge debt to many Afghanis & promised immigration opportunities! Do we really want to rate people a first class, second class & third class potential citizens based on Religion, Culture, Language, skin color, etc.? The Taliban is a brutal Monster towards citizens holding views different from theirs! They are brutal & backward to the point of disgracing Muslim virtue, intelligence & standing as a progressive Faith, embarrassing Afghanistan & Muhammad- Peace Be Unto Him! Most Afghanis are virtually poverty stricken & hungry for food & basic necessities of Life due to the incompetence of The Taliban! Hopeless leaders & managers, destroying opportunities at every decision! Climate Change continues to create massive challenges Globally- pushing migration along with war, economic challenges, ethnic & cultural ‘cleansing,’ etc. criminalizing mental health, LGBTQ+, poverty, racializing minority communities- visible minorities, offering justice, opportunity & equity according to wealth, ethnicity, & socio-economic status, etc.- ‘POLICE & MILITARY ENFIRCEMENT MIGHT MAKES RIGHT’ by the ‘haves’ against the ‘have nots’ is embedded as a World Wide Plague to be addressed intelligently justice,
- Pres. Biden- like most modern Countries is using our World Climate Catastrophic Experiences & COVID-19 Big Brother Control Wartime like practices to QUICKLY FORCE REVOLUTIONARY ENERGY RE-SOURCING & ACCOUNTABILITY. Why suffer endless spiraling costs instead of quickly moving from coal, gas & oil to renewable, low carbon emission sources like hydro, wind, solar, nuclear, underground heat pimps, etc. Most modern Countries ARE DETERMINED TO REPLACE ALL GAS VEHICLE SALES by ELECTRIC SOON- Carrots & Sticks to FORCE everyone’s switch to Electric Vehicles NOW or in the NEAR FUTURE. Canada calls for 50% of electric vehicle sales by 2030 & 100% Electric ONLY by 2035! 25% of Carbon Emissions now are by gas/diesel vehicles! April 1, P.M. Trudeau is INCREASING Canada’s CARBON TAX on gas, home heating, etc. from $30. to $40. per ton! The Climate Change charges for carbon emissions- they are a changing Bob Dylan should sing! You experienced our Governments FORCING OUR COMPLIANCE TO ACCEPT RADICAL COVID-19 PROTOCOLS- removing our Rights & Freedoms by everchanging arbitrary decrees. We KNOW THE DRILL- GO WITH ELECTRIC VEHICLE FLOW OR PAY INCREASINGLY HIGH PUNISHMENT COSTS!!! Canada’s P.M. appears too much a POLITICAL ACTOR- for which he was BLASTED in Europe! France’s Macron appeared silly- ‘No- not at all! No interest whatsoever in Russian Regime Change!’ Everyone Worldwide & in Russia -except maybe Oligarchy & Gangster dependents, WANT PUTIN burning at the stake, sent to hell-o along with his clones!!!As Pres. Biden says, he’s a WAR CRIMINAL with documented damning evidence as also the soldiers committing the atrocities! Clean up crews may be tasked to assure people keep agent assignments, methods & decision makers secret!!! Leaders may decree TERRIBLE ACTIONS TAKEN for imagined ‘good, but unlawful’ reasons while avoiding accountability. Remember Pres. Trump acted by ‘The Ends justifies The Means’ in taking out Iran’s Military Planner & Proxy Field Forces Leader. pres. Trump said we need Iran’s Senior Military Leader to arrange for Middle East & U.S. Peace Negotiations requiring travel between countries. Pres. Trump assassinated everyone in his group at an airport? An easy missile target!!! Pres. Trump uncerimoniously hammered Syria over alleged chemical weapons use. We’d get calls from the Kremlin- ‘Whatever you Mental Health Survivors, Friends & Helpers/Advocates want or need- Have you people seen any hit lists? Are they sending out licence to kill Specialist Agents after our evil Russian lying asses?areSpeaks about releasing 1 million barrels of oil every day for 6 months to curb prices & meet demands supplanting Russia’s oil for BLOOD MONEY against Ukraine & our World! Lynching- not DANCING at The Academy Awards? Academy Award Winning Black Best Actor Will Smith is practising THE SOCK HOP! SLAPSTICK HUMOR? Apparently not staged but on stage at the Academy Award, comedian Chris was Rocked- & ROLLED IN (FEIGNED) PAINED SURPRISE!!! Will’s Wife suffers from Alopecia- hair loss in clumps or patches- no known cure? A humiliating disability appearance wise unless affected practice shaving all one’s hair? So very mean spirited comedian Chris used the Academy Awards Stage to SPRING A SEEMING LYNCHING- Black against Black- humiliating her in front of millions by calling her ‘G. I. Jane!’
- Army recruits have their heads shaved as a rite of passage/submission to OBEY THEIR COMMANDERS AGAINST THEIR OWN SAFETY? When I joined the Armed Forces briefly, my accompanying long haired friend was specifically humiliated by the Commander who made up disgusting jokes about his Mother to his face- very sick!!! He got away from this B.S. We remaining fresh recruits were sent to a training camp, told we faced a pretend firefight using blanks for safety- BUT THEY USED LIVE MACHINE GUN FIRE & ARTILERY ROUNDS- My new comrade dove on me before live rounds could shred us in pieces!!!
- Speaking of LIVE PRESUMED FRIENDLY FIRE, in 2022 who wants Whites or Blacks humiliating FEMALE BLACKS??? Apparently Academy Awards Directors, etc. appear to lack basic Human Compassion & Decency against Chris targeting/’lynching’ on stage- Will’s Black wife. ‘Lynching’ is a public terrorism display aimed to harm, humiliate & instill fear into a targeted Minority or Identifiable Group! Since the Civil Rights Liberating 1960’s, GOOD white & visible minority folks don’t want anything to do with hate crimes, especially Black women challenged by illness or disability! Chris should embody the 60’s Black Freedom Chant to millions World Wide- ‘I’M SAYING IT LOUD- I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!!!’ I’m PROUD to see Black Brothers & Sisters taking their rightful places at The Academy Awards Ceremonies? Instead of engaging in humiliating or ‘lynching,’ why not be a FORCE FOR GOOD TIDINGS & JOY among all Racial Groups?!! The Academy shouldn’t be a Racist Academy!!!!
- The evil Russian Red Bear targets civilians in Ukraine for lynching- clearly marked Hospitals, Red Cross Facilities, Women, Children & Seniors Shelters, civilians invited to safely leave Ukraine, ARE TARGETED FOR COLD BLOODED SLAUGHTER!!! Increasingly Russian soldiers are surrendering, quitting, sabotaging their equipment, becoming demoralized, etc. with Putin’s genocidal EVIL BADNESS- 1 in 5 are ‘out of action’ & 7 Generals+ cut down. Everyone Worldwide LOVES our Brave Ukraine defenders, helplessly deprived of needed planes, tanks & anti ship weapons by cry baby Chamberlain weak knees & concessions to ‘Hitler’ style NATO! Poland is welcoming million of Women, Children & Senior Refugees- feeding weapons into Ukraine as other nearby Baltic Region Countries realize Ukraine if FIGHTING FOR EVERYONE’S FREEDOM!!! FIGHTING ACTUALLY TO FREE ALL ORDINARY RUSSIAN CITIZENS FROM Putin’s & Fiends’ criminality! For over a decade, Putin’s Impalers have been collapsing Russia’s civilization, economy & credibility. Pres. Biden IS FINALLY STEPPING UP TO EFFECTIVELY CALL FOR PUTIN’S REMOVAL as a BRUTAL KILLER & WAR CRIMINAL- RECORDING ALL WAR CRIMES FOR WORLD COURT COVICTIONSONE SMALL STEP FROM CALLING FOR REGIME CHANGE to Free Russians!!! Ukraine’s BEST are ACTUALLY WINNING GROUND BATTLES BY GUTS & GLORY!!! Pres. Biden is increassingly STEPPING UP as LIBERTY’S FREEDOM DELIVERER- an hour phone call with Pres. Zelenskky offering yet another $500 million!!! Russia’s Empalers- former taxi driver Putin- you saw the Movie Taxi Driver, & his fellow Fiends are incompetent, sadistic, megalomaniacs- satanic demons bent on destroying everyone within & without Russia- average Russians own almost nothing- $1000. in total worth; many hospitals lack basics like running water! Putin & Fiends are hated by everyone- 15 years for speaking or writing against Russia’s evil war! & everything stolen by Oligarchies, etc. & Would you STAND By & WATCH- NOT CONFRONT A ‘LYCHING’ or at least attempt to help a victim or call for assistance? When 5 young men intended to rob my neighborhood & I stood up to them, one began SPITTING ON ME & ‘dissing me’ attempting to lure me in to striking out & ‘being justified in self defense for being violent’ & publicly ‘lynching’ me to enable them to loot at will! What about the holocausts & genocides our World suffered- because GOOD PEOPLE REMAINED SILENT, allowed EVIL determine what is WRONG & RIGHT??!!! President Biden specifically named ‘lynching as a hate crime offence- 30 years!’
- “I just signed into law the Emmett Till anti-lynching Act, making lynching a Federal Hate Crime” after 120 years attempting to stop this horror!!! Will someone explain to Academy Awards Directors & Members we want ANGELS of LIGHT to bring us all through our Apocalyptic Times! (You remember young Black Emmett Till was visiting from northern states where he dated white young women- naively did not hide his experience from white racist terrorists, whistled or said ‘Bye Baby’ to a White Female Store owner; white men went to his home, picked him up, tortured him/brutalized him so badly he was unrecognizable. His Family held an open casket service so everybody witnessed the evil brutality of white terrorist racism! as a ‘lynching’ terrorist threat In the age of Chivalry, gentlemen defended women & a women’s health, safety, honor & emotional strength! Gentlemen never belittle a women’s appearance because of being challenged by an illness or disability- especially ‘incurable!’ A Gentleman comes to her defense against an offending BRUTE under traditional customs of chivalry! Beloved courageous Britney Spears is pissed by being ‘pitied’ & took some time off Insta. We ask President Lincoln & President Reagan we encouraged to RETURN FROM THE OTHER SIDE TO HELP SAVE & INSPIRE US- Political Leaders are all quoting these two esteemed leaders now- have you experienced their strength, comforting, uplifting powers? #NO MORE WAR, NO MORE HATE- YES TO WAAR: #WE ARE ALL ROYALTY & BOUND TOGETHER BY SELFLESS DUTY!!! #BLOSSOM & BLESS YOUR WORLD EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY!!! Sept. 3- 16, 2022 #High PRAISE- Hippity Hip Hooray! to ALWAYS STEADY AS SHE GOES, SMILING, UPBEAT, UNFLAPPABLE Captain of “Rule Britannia’s” remaining HIGH SEAS, inspirational Selfless Service Archetype Queen Elizabeth! For 70+ years of Royal Selfless Duty to The Commonwealth & our World- Imagine Q. E. enjoyed face to face conversations & top secret backroom negotiations including our World’s most $$$wealthy & powerful for 70+ years! #Q. E.: Who else has wielded such knowledge, trust, discretion & influence with such a remarkable all seeing, all knowing calm? With a TOADIE ECCENTRIC REAR END BUFFOON ADMIRAL TO CARRY ON TODAY- ALL TOO MUCH!!! GOD SAVE OUR ROYAL ASSES FROM NEW KING CHARLIE HORSE/TOADIE THE FIRST!!! Actually Britain’s 18- 24 young citizens support is down to 1 in 3- a drop of 60% in 10 years! “The Monarchy’s got to PROVE ITSELF to every Generation!” Britain’s inflation is off the charts at 10+ %, Big Brother must offer $120 Billion to help citizens cover their energy bills! As to Harry & Meghan- King Charlie Horse smells like they are still in EXILE! Meghan declined attending Balmoral Castle & the Royal Family as Q. E. passed- Said she wouldn’t be welcome! Harry didn’t arrive until after Q. E. was gone! Charlie Horse Gives his LOVE- but only “As they continue to build their lives overseas” while son Prince William receives additional titles & incredible annual monies- $25+ million pounds? as the new Prince of Wales, etc. Canadians hold little affection for King Charlie Horse- almost 2 in 3 Canadians don’t want King Toadie The First. P.M. Trudeau has pledged allegiance- declared Toadie King of the Canadian Pond. French Canadians recall their French Revolution in 1789 had Marie Antionette- “Let them eat cake!’ & the Royals lightened from the neck up- they opted for a Republic!!! The French lost Canada to the British on the Plains of Abraham in a decisive battle beginning Sept. 13, 1759. I spoke with Quebecers who seen only vestiges of long gone British colonization- Doctrine of Discovery & wonder why Canada continues with an archaic institution especially having no meaning to French Canadians! Will Commonwealth Countries hold Referendums about keeping Royal Overlords- The Monarchy is HEAD of State, Q.E. was Queen over Canada, for example. In contrast, Q.E. draws 5 mile long line ups to pay her body their respectful sorrow & appreciation for her 70+ years of selfless service to our World- a stabilizing inspirational force!! Occupied Colonized Nations like India, etc. have awful memories of The Doctrine of Discovery & oppression under Rule Britannia- The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire! Gandhi famously used NON VIOLENT PROTEST APPROACHES TO RID INDIA OF BRITISH OCCUPATION! Jamaica’s President told Prince William to his face the Country would hold a Referendum within the next few years- People want an OFFICIAL ROYAL APOLOGY IF NOT ALSO REPARATIONS!!! The Monarchy’s Royal African Company allegedly enslaved more than other Companies!
- Everybody adored Destiny’s Choice for Queen- Princess Diana, her COMPASSIONATE HEART & ENDEARING INTEGRITY, her x-ray vision of our World’s needs & issues & her determination to bring about a Better World! THE FIRM Arranged a dynasty approved marriage & everybody was shocked at the hypocracy & immorality foisted on her by The Monarchy- The Royal Bed occupied by 3, instead of 2. WAS IT ALL JUST A SHOW, PRETEND MARRIAGE by THE FIRM to produce 2 certified heirs? Diana only aspired to be QUEEN OF THE PEOPLE’S HEARTS saying THE FIRM/Prince Charles would likely initiate a staged auto accident! Today, without Destiny’s Choice- Princess Diana, what emptiness sits on the Royal Throne!!!
- Britain strongly backed away from bringing in new slaves & the Royal Navy intercepted & seized Slaver Boats from Africa in the 6 decades before America held a Civil War to end slavery! Britain had to BUY OUT ALL THE SLAVES AT VALUE in the 1830’s! Scotland ended slavery about the time the American Constitution was being created- America could have simply adopted Scotland’s High Court as a justification & modern precedent indicating slavery was being viewed as a horrendously backward institution. Especially, Ben Franklin was supposed to put forward the explanation for SAYING NO TO CONTRADICTING THAT ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL & POSSESSING INALIENABLE RIGHTS to LIFE, LIBERTY & THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!!! Looking back, people seem incredibly stupid to say one thing but do the very opposite! Our Political leaders today would never do THAT- Ha! Ha! Sounds like a Comedy British “Carry On Royally” Series #32! 31 Carry On Movies were released between 1958 & 1978! Q.E. WAS SO BEYOND ANYONE IMPRESSING HER, SHE SKIPPED A PRIVATE MUSIC CONCERT FEATURING BEATLE PAUL McCARTNEY TO SNEAK OFF & WATCH “TWIN PEAKS!!!!” Did you receive a Royal Title before Angels lifted her away?
- I guess our Titles became lost in the Royal Mail? 5 Classes of Titles should have included all of us: GBE; KBE/DBE; CBE; OBE-Wan Kenobie, a Jedi Master; MBE. Wouldn’t you go for a JEDI MASTER TITLE?! We should be among good company once the Royal Mail finds & delivers our Titles: Bob Geldof GBE, 1986; But David Bowie turned down a CBE & a Knighthood GBE (in 2000 & 2003) “It’s NOT what I spent my life working for!” SEX PISTOLS Johnny Rotten turned his snotty nose against receiving an MBE! Johnny- what a spoiled sport! Imagine being offered a Title for these terribly insulting lyrics: God SAVE THE QUEEN- The FASCIST REGIME! They made you a MORON! GSTQ- She AIN’T NO HUMAN BEING!!!!” Is Johnny explaining Q.E.’s incredible STEADY HAND & EMOTIONAL CALM- Is Q. E. A PRODUCT OF ALIEN TECHNOLOGY? HA! HA!
- Obviously, we will never forget THE FIRM COMPLICIT in allegedly assassinating Princess Diana as Princess Diana predicted!!! Diana eclipsed the Monarchy- became QUEEN OF THE PEOPLE’S HEARTS!!! Her affection for discriminated, down & out citizens, everyone challenged by disabilities or illness, facing war torn or diverse harsh realities- Diana getting the U.N. to ban land mines- often designed like toys to kill children, easily set her above THE FIRM in popularity! Her Destiny was to be Queen/Consort for The Commonwealth- she was actually born on July 1- Canada’s Official Birthday! The British Establishment couldn’t stomach Open, Honest, Transparent Rule & Racial & Religious Diversity- Justice, Power Sharing & Equity Diana embodied!
- King Charlie Horse/Toadie The First also brings to our hearts Mother Nature’s Beloved beaten down flora & fauna- Momma Doe Deer & Beloved Bambi, the cherished diversity of life forms commanding justice, respect, life, liberty, pursuit of fulfilling lives- just like we human beings! Momma deer is exactly like a wonderful socially conscious & well adjusted, suburban soccer Mom in character, thinking & emotional composure- as are many species & so protective, gentle, trusting & of good character! But deer hunting season is approaching OMG/Allah!!!!! Will our brave & emotionally aware children CARRY THE TORCH OF RIGHTS , EQUITY, JUSTICE, SAFE SPACES for other forms of Life- not only for self centered human beings who brought about our current Apocalyptic Climate Changes??!!!! But CARRYING ON about our Titled Musicians,
- 5th Beatle George Martin was awarded an GBE in 1996; Paul McCartney pleaded ‘justice’ & received his in 1997; Elton John GAYLY celebrated his GBE- Gay Bi-sexual Exuberance Award in 1998; Mick sans dick Jagger- Go ask Keith Richards! in 2003; Ringo Starr patiently cried often at night hopefully until a consolation prize MBE happened in glorious 2017, when our Beloved Ed Sheeran also received his MBE; SPICE GIRLS WANNABE GIRL POWER Victoria Beckham was also beckoned to receive her MBE! Adele was awarded in 2013; But the musician who REALLY GOT ME! ALL DAY & ALL OF THE NIGHT! is Ray Davies also in 2017? What about Momma Doe Deer & Bambi receiving an MBE- MY BEST EFFORT Award for being our DEEREST & SWEETEST, MOST GENTLE WILD FRIENDS??? All our AMAZING SONG BIRDS SINGING THEIR HEARTS OUT ALSO DESERVE ROYAL TITLES & AWARDS!!! Howling Coyotes singing acappella- impromptu w/o accompanying orchestration?
- BULLFROGS at our local PONDS- Do they ever GIVE UP SINGING NO MATTER HOW HOPELESS THEIR VOICES? NO- NEVER! SO YOU & I SHOULD ALSO KEEP ROCKING IN THE FREE WORLD until OUR WHOLE WORLD IS FREE- & ALL LIFE FORMS & HABITAT IN MOTHER EARTH’S GARDEN IN EDEN are restored!!!! We see the U.S. has 3 digit suicide crisis HOT LINE- Canada & all Countries should get on board! We face all this intergenerational trauma among Indigenous First Nations, Blacks & Visible Minorities, etc. Among our expected population of healthy College students- 350,000+ from 2013- 2021, a study found a doubling of students with at least 1 mental illness! Over 60% had at least 1 mental illness circa 2020- 2021! WHO says the COVID-19 Pandemic raised worldwide Depression by 25%! At best, slight forms of self harm are a poor tool for emotional release- We should develop HEALTHY TOOLS & own a full tool box of practical approaches to address Mental Illness! Feelings of self harm, hopelessness, etc. are simply symptoms for us to address in practical deliberate approaches- We’re to address symptoms appropriately. Oh- I feel like s! Well should I engage in relaxed playful activity & exercise? YES! Perform acts of kindness to blossom up & bless my World? YES! EAT HEALTHY FOODS & A BALANCED DIET? YES! Do I LIVE & BEHAVE IN A HEALTHY WAY? HEALTHY SOCIAL INTERACTIONS? HEALTH IS NOT ADVANCED BRAIN SURGERY- SIMPLE & OBVIOUS DELIBERATE ACTIVITY, ATTITUDES, BEHAVIOR RESOLVE ISSUES.
- But may we induce GOOD SOCIAL PANDEMICS OF COMPASSION? Wouldn’t It Be Nice if We All Played Nice as our Parents Reminded US ALL? An Assistant Prof. in Marketing in Austin Texas, studied the consequences of BEING NICE- Jesus said, LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! “Receivers of a PRO SOCIAL ACT can PAY IT FORWARD!” to the next person. “A little GOOD goes an unexpectantly LONG WAY!” “KINDNESS” CAN ACTUALLY SPREAD!” Like a GOOD Social Pandemic? “The fact that you’re BEING NICE TO OTHERS ADDS ALOT OF VALUE BEYOND WHATEVER THE THING IS!”
- Wouldn’t it be nice if KINDNESS ACTUALLY SPREAD so Russia stopped attacking Ukraine! Brave Heroic Ukrainian Patriots never gave up & are beginning to retake all their lands stolen by the Russian Bear, accessing a warehouse of munitions so powerful, the U.S. won’t supply them to Ukraine- Abandoned by frightened demoralized & ashamed Russians running away so fast hounds can’t detect their filthy stench- But we are uncovering mass graves & torture facilities by Russian Barbarians! Zelenskky is crowing loudly but Russian media says Russia is so whipped & humiliated, the Bear should cave to all out World War against the West!!!
- S.O.S.-CLONE QUEEN E. Send Charlie Horse/Toadie The First across the pond to a guest house at Harry & Meghan’s! Britney offers Charlie Horse an open range to graze on & Master his weirdness before returning to Royal Duties? At least, Charlie Horse learn how to write with an ink pen & squeeze his own toothpaste out!!! P.S. True Confession: #I DON’T THINK- I SIMPLY INK!!!! My early school was ANCIENT IN APPEARANCE & EVERY PRACTICE- with Expired Best Before Date Dementia Challenged Teachers forcing us to write with bird feather & man made quills like in The Middle Ages- dipped in large open ink containers! Ball point pens were forbidden! Bored, restless young children with open containers of purple blue ink on every desk- & one Chaos Creator! Did our Chaos Creating Politicians attend these schools??! All my Mental Illness was karma for the mayhem I created in those classrooms- permanent ink splashed on every wall & surface including many ink colored children all school year???!!! Hey- Just trying to create diversity in student’s skin colors & a post modern arty classroom appearance! Britney Spears would say it’s a GOOD FIRST EFFORT!!!!!
- Anti-Royal WOBs- Anti- Royal Weird Oddball Awards to Hollywood Zombies who hit, abuse, frighten- prey on young vulnerable women, girls or children- Brad Pitt? Johnny Depp- but Amber also admits to abusing Johnny! Weird Chemistry between Amber & Johnny!!! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE COMMON PRACTISE OF PARENTS TEACHING THEIR YOUNG BOYS- ‘Don’t hit Girls & Women/Mommy- EVER!!!’ Instill in young boys a Gentlemanly Character to NOT DRUG, HIT or RAPE GIRLS BEFORE IT occurs to them!!! Rape & Drugging Young Women is still a College Campus Catastrophe- especially during FROSH WEEK! Parents neglected teaching young boys GENTLEMANLY CHARACTER to MOMMY & ALL GIRLS/WOMEN!!!! Britney Spears being THE GOLDEN GOOSE WHO NEVER STOPS LAYING GOLDEN EGGS, Californian Courts win the strongest Anti- Royal Weird Oddball Award, labeling Conservatee Britney a virtual comatose patient suffering Extreme Bipolar Incapacity & ‘Britney-Heimers’ Cognitive illness- but apparently able to work for 12 years $$$earning 100’s of millions, 24/7 for her BLOODSUCKERS & SHARKS!!!
- #ADOPTING A ROYAL HONEST TO GOODNESS ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!!!! Dare we complain about Britney’s ex-spouse & ungrateful children living like Royalty, collecting 10’s of $$$millions from Mommy/ex-Wifey over 13 years but being so self righteously cold to Beloved Britney!!! So UNFAIR & UNGRATEFUL!!! Britney suffered 13 years of TOTAL COURT ENFORCED ENSLAVEMENT- STRIPPED OF ALL HER ASSETS, WEALTH, CONTROL OVER HER OWN AFFAIRS & DECISIONS BUT her spoiled, pampered children are not the least bit empathetic to Mom being enslaved, used & abused 24/7??? Imagine if your Relative or Birth Mom is Britney Spears- ‘FANTASTIC! AMAZING! Can we visit/stay with our Birth Mom PLEASE!!!’ We have THE POP PRINCESS, COOLEST ENTERTAINER MOM IN THE WORLD- SHE GIVES US ALL $$$MILLIONS BUT WE DON’T EVEN VISIT HER??? Don’t Children FEEL THANKFUL FOR ALL THEIR PARENTS GIVE THEM- TRYING HAVING A LIFE ON EARTH IF YOUR PARENTS DECIDED ON ‘not going ahead with our child’s pregnancy!’ NOT FUN W/O A BRAIN & BODY!!! #Unless our Parents are horribly abusive- sexual, torture, etc. we should HAVE AN ATTITUDE OF TOTAL GRATITUDE FOR WHAT THEY PROVIDE- AND SHOW AN ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE every day!!!!
- Q. E. poured herself into the WWII War Effort, against Nazi Fascism & Death Camps Diplomacy beginning with Eugenics & ‘MAID’ MAD Doctors executing discriminated against vulnerable citizens who faced Mental & Physical Challenges/Disabilities & Illness- Being implemented again in Canada!!!! #Churches, Governments, Royalty, etc. should formally Ditch, Apologize For & Offer Reparations, etc. pertaining to Historical Abuses, Slavery, Indentured Servitude, Genocide, SCOOPED stolen, abused, murdered Indigenous Children forced into Residential Schools ‘to be cleansed of their alleged SAVAGERY! ALL Stolen Artifacts returned immediately; Colonizing Doctrines RECINDED- especially THE DOCTRINE of DISCOVERY; Oppressed Cultures encouraged to REBOUND by $$$funding, welcomed public presence, educational services! #The Royal & Governmental Colonizers rather than their victims were actually SAVAGES!!! If our Western Civilization had adopted Indigenous Practices like looking at consequences of our actions today on Folks 7 Generations in the Future, we could have avoided our current Global Warming Apocalyptic Times! Our GENIUS U.S. Constitution was partly based on First Nations Governing practices!
- The TOADIE PRINCE’S- King Charlie Horse ODDBALL ECCENTRICITIES & BUFFOONERY ARE HILARIOUS but also TRAGIC! His Servants/Staff perform so many activities he should do for himself! But when he attempts simple tasks like publicly signing a Guest Book in front of cameras in Ireland- our blockhead buffoon sees ink running everywhere over the page, his hands, etc. Our ‘Commander over The Commonwealth,’ collapses into a hissyfit, a temper tantrum- ‘Oh it never works for me – I hate this, I CAN’T BEAR THIS!!!” “But when Virgin Princess Diana KISSED her Prince CHARMING/Charles, HE BECAME A TOAD!” “THEY- The FIRM/Monarchy, had their VIRGIN PRINCESS, THEIR SACRIFICIAL LAMB!” Charles careless remark about her figure TRIGGERING Diana’s insecurity about her weight & an Eating Disorder! Our beloved Singer/Musician Ed Sheeran genourously wrote to us about how a seeming harmless careless comment (like BODY SHAMING) may cause catastrophic consequences! #WORDS MATTER- CHOOSE THEM CAREFULLY!!! Britney Spears commented about Christina Aguilera’s back-up dancers being ‘fat’ & fans freaked! “Fatphobia” & “Body shaming others to make yourself feel better is not where it’s at!” Britney apologized but we #LOVE LOVE LOVE Britney Spears emphasizing being physically flexible, incredibly active, unashamed about our naked body! Yes- no one has a RIGHT to comment on your body! BUT- We all want our body to be HEALTHY- ALL WORKING GOOD!!! C’est la vie!!! LIKE #HAPPY WIFE = HAPPY LIFE! WE WANT TO KEEP OUR BODY HEALTHY, FIT & HAPPY AS BEST WE ARE ABLE!!!
- Producing a Heir to the Royal Throne, THE FIRM allegedly wondered ‘What color will their son Archie be? Diversity? Equity? Safe Inclusion? IN THE CORE OF THE FIRM- Are you kidding? ‘CARROT & STICK DIPLOMACY- ‘You’re either 100% IN THE PURITY of THE FIRM or May God have Mercy on your sorry ‘excommunicated’ ass auto accident victim Diana dating a Muslim!’ Partner Dodi vs. THE FIRM’S TOADIE: We dare not repeat what Princess Diana was called by Monarchy Insiders! THE FIRM supported Charles extra-marital Affair especially The Queen Mother. Diana- “IT WAS CROWDED, THERE ALWAYS BEING 3 IN THE ROYAL BED!” For being suspicious of his Mother’s alleged assassination & his Black wife facing mental disability & tragic self harm within The FIRM’S IRON GRIP, Harry escaped to Canada & California- became effectively stripped of his U.K. home, Family ties, status & comforts, Privileges, Duties, Honors & $$$millions in annual income! Prince William enjoys ever additional Titles & Honors like Prince of Wales including $$$10’s of millions annually- NOT A BAD GIG! When asked about ascending to the Royal Throne, Princess Diana said ‘WILL NEVER HAPPEN- TOO OUTSPOKEN & HONEST!” “SOMETHING BAD WILL HAPPEN!” Prince Charles (& the Family/FIRM) would have her deposed likely in a staged AUTO ACCIDENT!
- Toadie’s servants IRON HIS SHOELACES & SQUEEZE TOOTHPASTE ONTO HIS BRUSH! SELFLESS DUTY- Just like Many MOMS!!!! Even as an Adult, my Mom cuts up my food on my plate into bite sized portions- adding butter, etc. for better taste- A PAMPERED 29 years young forever BIG Momma’s BABY- Charlie Horse- we’re fraternal twins, both getting ink everwhere!!! HA!!!
- NEW & IMPROVED ‘VOLUNTARY GENOCIDE: #Canadian Families BEWARE BEWARE BEWARE- Big Brother Government bean counters have calculated which targeted groups are possible economic assets or deficits- DEFICITS TO BE ELIMINATED!!! Blacks, Indigenous/First Nations, poorer struggling folks facing tough challenges & life circumstances, 2SpiritLGBTQ+? are ALL on the firing line!!! Ask yourself which groups faired poorly under COVID-19 or experience more discrimination, poverty & health challenges- Bean Counters are highlighting these groups as potential deficits to the $$$BOTTOM LINE!!! You think Courts will allow shocked Canadians to successfully sue Big Brother & Health Care’s Dr. Do-Them-In when they are able to by hook or crook extract agreement from a non terminal generally fit targeted Vunerable Citizen with years or decades of living ahead to be ‘mercy killed?’ #THIS IS NEW & IMPROVED HITLER NAZI IDEOLOGY- HITLER KILLED VULNERABLE CITIZENS AGAINST THEIR WILL BUT CANADA WILL EXTRACT AGREEMENT TO END IT ALL FIRST- ADDING ONE SIMPLE STEP TO JUSTIFY GENOCIDE AGAINST TARGETED GROUPS! Ontario Canada’s Fuhrer Ford- like New York’s Governor Cuomo- allegedly engaged in a World Wide Big Brother CULLING SPREE under COVID- 19 cover, contributing directly to the horrible tragic early deaths of thousands of seniors! Thousands more to shipped away to careless homes/death camps few would ever voluntarily go to to suffer crowding, cross infection, neglect, abuses & die! Fuhrer Ford quickly raised the careless home bar for liability so Families can’t successfully sue! TEENS ARE INCLUDED!!! YES It’s a set-up ABOUT $$$$$$ & EXERCISING ABSOLUTE POWER OVER LIFE & DEATH- It’s ALWAYS ABOUT $$$ & POWER in Big Brother Satan’s World View!!!
- Britney blurted out recently ‘admitting’ to being a “WEIRD ODDBALL- You’re NOT ALONE, if you are too!!!” Also defensively said she had ordered her prescription (psych.) MEDS. only a few days before her TAKEDOWN by her Dad & the Californian Courts- so why was she so terribly “Punished?” #Health Care Practitioners STAND UP in SELFLESS DUTY, HONOR & PROTEST against Nazi Style Eugenics, Privilege Racism, Targeting our Vulnerable Citizens, discriminated against Visible Minorities, 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?, etc. BE TRUE to your OATH & STOP this UPCOMING RENEWED MASS GENOCIDE!!!! History repeating itself- Do No Harm to Your Patients- BE A HEALER- DO NOT ENCOURAGE Vulnerable Patients SURRENDER to EVIL- every inalienable & Constitutional Human Right! FIND A HEALING APPROACH TOWARDS A BETTER HEALTHY EXPERIENCE for Patients trusting your DO NO HARM OATH & your Inspiring Assistance!!! TURNING OUR severe CHALLENGES into SPRINGBOARDING & SURFING our Lives & Destiny, our VULNERABLE LOVED ONES over Physical, Mental & Emotional Rolling, Rocking & sometimes Crashing, Crushing Waves- Into OPPORTUNITIES, BABY STEP SUCCESSES, GROWING CONFIDENCE & AWE INSPIRING VICTORIES!!! LIFE IS CHALLENGING US ALL to RISE UP TO MEET OUR INDIVIDUAL & SHARED CHALLENGES- INCLUDING SELFLESS DUTY to OTHERS & OTHER LIVING FORMS IN Mother Nature’s Glorious Garden in Eden- blessing our Blessed Mother Earth!!!! #We are all Royalty & bound together by SELFLESS DUTY! BLOSSOM UP INTO THE HEALER YOU WERE BORN TO BE- BLESS YOURSELF & YOUR WORLD IN EVERY WAY EVERY DAY!!!! Yes- You’re Already Becoming The ROYAL Cherished Blessing, Jedi Warrior for U.S.A.LL on Life’s Battlefield for Glorious HEALTH = HEAL The Heart FIRST!!! Always in your Precious, Sacred Loving Heart & You Forever in Mine!!! Sept. 3- 16, 2022 by Brianca Lane TRUTH &/or RECONCILIATION DAY- Tomorrowland? Neverland? Who do we BLAME? Sept. 17- 30, 2022 #We are ALL VICTIMS RIGHT? BRITNEY SPEARS SAYS after 13 years of enslaving Conservatorship ‘SHE IS NOT HERE TO BE A ‘VICTIM!” ‘Britney says her Parents/Family ‘hurt her more than we’ll ever know!’ Britney also said she was saving her VIRGINITY for her ONE LOVE & MARRIAGE- Justin Timberlake TOOK ADVANTAGE of HER TRUST & Britney BELIEVING he was THE ONE! But Timberlake hooked up sexually with the Demonic One & later ‘SPILLED THE BEANS- SOLD BRITNEY OUT!’ in a subsequent Barbara Walters tell all interview! Timberlake- we’re sentencing you to being a marked HOLLYWOOD ZOMBIE- joining Bad Brad- the PITTS according to spouse abused Angelina Jolie; & widely celebrated FAN FAV controlling Johnny Depp- found by the British Courts to have beaten his wife Amber on about 12 occasions! #Amber admits to Beating On & Off Johnny Depp roughly & wildly on several occasions!!! Violence is a dangerous choice for ‘exciting’ a relationship Amber warns! Like SELF HARM- A VERY DANGEROUS GAME!
- 2SpiritLGBTQ+? rocker Malissa Etheridge recently spoke honestly about her carnal life! She lost her son Beckett to Opioid Addiction a few years ago & sees herself as hopeless to save Beckett or anyone else! Sorry to Melissa about her loss & lack of confidence! Thank God/Allah/Darwinian Survival for Friends & Family- also Family Docs who are UNCONDITIONAL PILLARS OF HELP< HOPE & EMOTIONAL STRENGTH- SO IMPRESSED ALSO BY #FREE BRITNEY Movement TO STAND BY HER UNCONDITIONALLY UNTIL HER FREEDOM WAS WON!!!! When we are stricken by serious Mental Illness, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, HOPE & SUPPORT MAY BECOME IRRESISTIBLE IN BRINGING US BACK TO THE BLESSED LAND of the LIVING!!!!
- LOVED Singer Karen Carpenter’s voice- her 3 octave range & fantastic music arrangements by her Brother! Beatle McCartney- SIR Paul- did you receive your ROYAL TITLE yet?, said Karen has the “BEST FEMALE VOICE IN THE WORLD” hearing her cover of “Ticket to Ride!” What a wonderful person too- She just needed #FREE/SAVE KAREN! Supporters like our Beloved Britney! She acquired the serious eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa, taking up to 80- 90 laxatives each night! Princess Diana struggled with eating disorders partly triggered by Prince Charlie Horse- Charlie Horse should have been confined to the stables instead of constantly undercutting Princess Diana’s emotional stability! Karen’s struggles to stay far too thin freaked everyone out- especially that she didn’t see her body as it appeared to everyone else! She had everything to live for & enjoy but her illness was ruining her life! Giving up laxatives, she secretly switched to ipecac syrup inducing vomiting but dissolving her heart tissue! If we are diagnosed with a serious mental illness, shouldn’t we address it appropriately & not by creating additional complications?
- BE TRUTHFUL- SEEK Reconciliation & Approaches to bringing our WONDERFUL LIFE BACK AGAIN!!! My shrinks diagnosed the worst possible- multiple simultaneous illnesses predicting a very short life or unending suffering if I somehow lived! Wrecklessly using me therefore for experimental dangerous research & hearing Nurses bet on how many days I would survive, I BROKE FREE & CREATED MY OWN TREATMENT APPROACHES. My SHRINKS find it SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE I LIVED- ACTUALLY BOUNCED BACK UP BEING MY OWN BEST DOCTOR- Great help by Friends & Family- UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & SUPPORT! Fantastic Female Family Doc encouragement to keep trying so hard!! BUT I believed the shrinks identified a major battle I faced- incredible mental & emotional challenges & acted accordingly! Our mental illness may be a tremendous CHALLENGE but my experience proved we human beings, working together become an almost unstoppable HEALING POWER & FORCE!!! We ACCEPT THE TRUTH- DEVELOP OUR APPROACHES & TOOL BOX; IDENTIFY WITH THE IRRESISTABLE POWER OF GOOD! OUR INALIENABLE RIGHT to LIFE & LOVE!!! TO BE HEALTHY- YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHT TOO!!! YOU & YOURS INALIENABLE RIGHT TOO!!!
- HOORAY TO OUR UKRAINIAN HEROES! In our beloved Ukraine, we see Biblical David vs. Goliath heroes everywhere among brave & resourceful unstoppable Ukrainians! Russia’s anticipated 3 day walkover is today become Putin having to forcibly seize fleeing Russian men & shipping them like prisoners to fight this UNJUST, EVIL CURSE AGAINST BRAVE UKRAINE!!! Russian Soldiers & most citizens understand the attacks against Ukraine are a Blasphemy against everything Good & Righteous! Russian Soldiers- mostly forced like prisoners to be in a battle they hate, at every opportunity should quickly surrender w/o fighting & Ukraine can vouch they were captured. Young Russian men are attempting to flee the Country to reach SAFETY & FREEDOM from Putin’s curse on Russia! Putin & his evil demon clan is death & to hell-o he & they should be dispatched to burn forever! Pres. Lincoln says, “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!” Hooray to our Ukrainian Heroes of Biblical Standing defending our whole World’s RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!!!! WE look forward to TRUTH, PUNISHMENT & RECONCILIATION- Where is the U.N.???
- Everyone agrees Britney is missing $100’s of millions she earned during her Conservatorship? Why didn’t Britney’s power crazy over controlling Daddy show up at Timberlake’s door- ‘#You’ve taken my Daughter’s VIRGINITY by deceit- It’s a shotgun wedding Timberlake or your voice will be singing higher than Britney’s!!!’ A great marriage- Britney’s incredible gymnastics & entertainment talents but poor $$$ controls & Timberlake’s ability to amass a fortune w/o substantial talent??? #Shall we kick Timberlake again on behalf of all naive VIRGINS Worldwide tricked by smooth talking brutes who HIT & RUN?!! “WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME TOMORROW?” (Shirelles) Especially, #Don’t make your Spouse feel like a VICTIM the Relationship!
- #Look in the Crystal Ball Mr. Einstein- 20+ years paying $100’s of thousands in Alimony & Child Support AND YOUR CHILDREN MAY HARDLY SEE nor RESPECT YOU- CONSTANTLY TOLD YOU’RE A BAD DAD DEADBEAT S.O.B.!!! #How many men DISRESPECTED & UNAPPRECIATED THEIR SPOUSES so are SERVING HARD TIMES FOR DECADES as PUNISHMENT!!! In California, etc. at schools, they’d place horrible CAR WRECKS on display to SCARE US STRAIGHT! Every 5 years should men be hauled in to be SCARED STRAIGHT?! NEVER EVER EVER! DISRESPECT YOUR SPOUSE UNJUSTLY & ALWAYS KEEP YOUR ROMANCE ALIVE & EXCITING!!! #DON’T MAKE A DATE WITH THE COURT ALIMONY, etc. DEVIL, Mr. Einstein!!! The Pendulum swings between male & female EQUALITY & OPPORTUNITY- in Afghanistan & Iran girls & women ARE BACK TO BEING REAL VICTIMS- DENIED HIGHER EDUCATION & MOST CAREERS, FORCED TO WEAR CONSTRICTING SHEETS- Extreme Body Shaming by men’s controlling Misogynistic Hysteria against ALL Women’s Inalienable & Constitutional Equal Rights!
- Why can’t our U.N. STOP BAD ACTORS & ACTIONS WORLDWIDE? URGE US TO BE THANKFUL, GENEROUS, CHARIATABLE & COMPASSIONATE- LOVING ONE ANOTHER & DOING UNTO OTHERS AS WE WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO US!!! Shrinks & U.N. research informs us the $$$Richer we become, the more ENTITLED & LESS CHARIATABLE we may be! Modest wealth, poverty & socioeconomic equality teaches us to SHARE & CARE!! Very interesting Political Rivaly emerging in Canada between the Liberals & a newly elected Conservative Federal Leader. P.M. Trudeau is a Big Tax & Spender like U.S. President Jo Biden & V.P. Kamala Harris- her entire High School years enjoyed in Montreal, Quebec- QUOI! ‘#Kamala- The Black Hockey Panther Dances, Twists & Pounces- SHE SHOOTS, SHE SCORES BIG TIME!!!’ Just like her rapid rise in American Political Leadership after she returned to the U.S. after being a Crazy Canuck!
- Al Jazeera quotes Conservative Leader Pierre criticizing ‘JUSTINFLATION,’ tax & spender Trudeau creating massive deficits like Pres. Biden. Pierre worries about the Bank of Canada printing money out of thin air & raising interest rates like The FED in the U.S. to DELIBERATELY OPPRESS & STALL THE ECONOMY! Pierre might OUTLAW The Bank of Canada! But Trudeau & CUPE Workers National President slice & dice the new Conservative Leader: Pierre opposes “the supports & investments that have helped SAVE JOBS, BUSINESSES & FAMILIES during the Pandemic!” “Pierre is a CAREER POLITICIAN collecting a 6 figure salary on the PUBLIC’S DIME since he was 24 & he’s spent every minute fighting FAIR WAGES, GOOD PENSIONS & A BETTER LIFE FOR WORKING PEOPLE!” The U.S. upcoming November Elections Nov. 8 pit Big Spending Progressive Social Change, Justice, Equality & Climate Matters! Democrats against Conservatives MAGA & a return to 1950’s Leave It to Beaver era Conservative Americana! ELVIS BACK ROCKING UP A STORM AGAIN- Everyone wishes for Elvis! Who is more compassionate towards a BETTER & MORE SUCCESSFUL SOCIETY? Up for election are all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 Senate Seats, 39 State & gubernational elections- & also additional State & local elections!
- #Our BABYPOWERMOVEMENT wants both Parties to secure a SAFE & HEALTHWISE BABY TO ADULTHOOD EXPERIENCE!!! An enriched, healthy Childhood is critical to adult health & success- an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of later adult mental, physical & socioeconomic severe challenges, individually & for society! “There but for the Grace of God/Allah/Darwinian Chance-” AND HAPPY EXPERIENCE BABYPOWERMOVEMENT! “Go I!!!” #Let’s GO- BABYPOWERMOVEMENT- NO BABY OR CHILD EVER LEFT BEHIND!!! AN ENRICHED CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE FOR EVERYONE RAISING THE LIKLIHOOD OF HEALTHIER ADULTS! Less gun violence- Wouldn’t it be NICE TO ENJOY A SAFER WORLD!
- #EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO EXERCISE! P.S. #ALL CHILDREN, TEENS & ADULTS NEED EXERCISE EVERYDAY! #MOVE YOUR BODY EVERDAY IN EVERY WAY!!! Improve your brain & emotions too by reading mentalhealthrightsforum.com HA! #WE NEED TO BE MOVING EVERY DAY IN EVERY WAY!!! #GET IN ON- “DANCING IN THE STREET!”(Martha & the Vandellas) Party Central- Vehicles prohibited! “Shake Shake Shake- Shake Your BOOTY!” (KC & The Sunshine Band) “Shake Your Body Down to The Ground!” (Jackson 5) If we spend all day in bed unnecessarily, our body & all our health systems- mental, emotional & physical, are certainly adversely affected! Big Brother needs to see us as LIVELY in this Apocalypse of Pandemic Era Culling! #Canada’s Political & Health Care Scary ‘Bogymen’ have sabotaged the Health Care Provision Public System but regardless, are more likely to identify us as appropriate victims for culling, the less active, able, fit, healthy & more potentially ‘a burden’ on society we appear based on their arbitrary discriminatory ideology! Seeing Britney Spears performing cartwheels at age 40 inspires us to GET SHAKING!!! #Britney Spears ALERT: #We don’t to look like Ms. Fitness 2022, Britney Spears; We want Britney to drool over how healthy & fit we look to her!!! Hey- Girl- Yo ain’t seen a Booty SHAKE LIKE THIS!!!
- #Yes- Government Bean Counters easily estimate our individual $cost or $benefit given our ‘diagnosis & prognosis’ further to Big Brother’s discriminatory ideology. Citizens challenged by illness or disability naturally exercise their Inalienable & Constitutional Rights to LIFE, LIBERTY PURSUIT of Health & HAPPINESS! #LIFE SEEKS & FINDS A WAY TO BETTER HEALTH!!! We Seek Affirmative, Supportive Assistance in the Community where possible to improve our Independence, Health, Participation, Achievements, Realize OUR UNIQUE DESTINY DREAMS & Happiness but in Canada, vulnerable citizens are being pushed towards MAID instead as a ‘practical approved alternative!’ #Murder- killing citizens not facing imminent permanent total disability & certain death is NOT ‘A PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVE’ but is in fact 1930’s style Fascist Genocide! Began by German Doctors killing alleged ‘mentally ill or physical disabled’ & widened their curse to include killing Blacks, LGBTQ+?, Jews, etc. INVOLVES GIVING UP ALL OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS & RINGS AGAINST SOCIETY’S BASIC MORALITY TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER & DO GOOD, NOT EVIL!! Doctors- Do No Harm & Do Not Give A Noxious, Toxic Substance!!!
- If we are a Visible Minority- Black, Indigenous, 2 SpiritLGBTQ+?, etc. we already know we’re potentially targeted by arbitrary societal hateful discrimination & 2nd class citizenship treatment! Our Politicians will attend BLM, 2SpiritLGBTQ+?, First Nations/Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation, Health Care, etc. Events, Fund Raisers & Marches but ACT OTHERWISE AGAINST OUR INTERESTS! Two faced lying politicians! Canada’s PM solemnly declared an Annual National Federal Holiday for Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation Sept. 30, 2021, remembering all the stolen, missing, abused & murdered Indigenous children buried in unmarked mass graves only now being discovered! Covered up by the Church & Government! P.M. Trudeau FEELS YOUR PAIN- Indigenous Brothers & Sisters! BUT P.M. Trudeau FELT LIKE GOING SURFING instead!!! In a great display of public grief, he attended Canada’s Queen Elizabeth’s funeral a few days ago- happily knew QE his whole life, his Dad being Canada’s PM from ’68- ’79 & ’80- ’84! BUT ENJOYED A HILARIOUS EVENING AT A KARAOKE GATHERING THE NIGHT BEFORE! HE FEELS YOUR PAIN- LOYAL BRITISH CITIZENS! Yeh-Right??????????????????
- in B.C. Authorities identified a good MAID candidate for Government killing- They worked around Family Opposition, finally got the vulnerable guy’s agreement at one unusually low emotional moment, whisked him away behind the Family’s back & did THE DASTARDLY DEED instead of offering Health Care & Hopeful Assistance to get him up & about, LIVING HIS LIFE TO THE FULLEST! Decades of Promising Life, Hopes & Dreams GONE FOREVER! His Family TOTALLY DESTROYED by Duplicitous, Evil Big Brother hoping to cull a ‘potential $$$burden needing care!’ The Courts are ALL IN ON THE DASTARDLY SCAM regardless of Family Opposition & O.K. WITH MAID BEING ACTIVELY PUSHED AT VULNERABLE PEOPLE OF ALL AGES!!! How to protect our Vulnerable LOVED ONES????????
- I ask you, who under God’s/Allah’s/Darwinian Desperate Survival, doesn’t face a horrible, gut wrenching catastrophe at some time! Teens attend Psychologists all the time saying- “I just broke up with MY VERY OWN FIRST BOYFRIEND- I CAN’T BEAR TO LIVE NOW WITHOUT HIM!” Two months later, they’ve long moved on from “THAT JERK- I HATE HIM!!!” Did Bad Boy Timberlake trigger Britney’s instability & difficulty with stress, anxiety & severe Bipolar like symptoms? Timberlake- I want your ass slapped except you’d thank us!!! P.S. Britney Spears- You’re SOOOOO LUCKY TO HAVE SO MANY #FREE BRITNEY! SUPPORTERS FORCE CALIFORNIA’S COURTS TO FREE YOU; & ALL THE BLOODSUCKERS TO STOP ENSLAVING & $$$SUCKING OFF YOU!!! KISS THEM ALL IN YOUR VIDEOS- 1000+ Britney KISSES BY VIDEO TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED FREE HER FROM SLAVERY!!!! You could ‘dress’ in your turquoise thong or whatever feels GOOD!
- Hurricane Fiona just shattered Canada’s seaboard- including Nova Scotia where my neighbor stays in her ‘SAFE’- BUT NOW NOT SAFE seaside summer house! Yesterday, Hurricane Ian crushed Southern Florida with an ocean surge wall of water up to 18 feet high & packing 155 mph winds- directly crashing into my other Brother’s neighborhood in Naples!! Facing an 18 FOOT HIGH WALL OF INCOMING OCEAN WATER- frightening catastrophic injury, death & total destruction, people may feel like their lives are OVER- ALL HOPE APPEARS LOST! HEARTBROKEN, FEELING READY TO GIVE UP ON LIFE’s PROMISE & DESTINY FOR US ALL! But individually & collectively, we help everyone alive along the ROAD TO COMPLETE RECOVERY!!!!! TOGETHER- APART ALWAYS IN YOUR BLESSED HEART, WE BEGIN OUR JOURNEY BACK TO JOYOUS LIVING AGAIN!!! #BET YOU DIDN’T REALIZE YOUR POWER PACK OF LOVE IS STRONGER THAN AN 18 FOOT HIGH OCEAN SURGE & 155 MPH VIRTUALLY CATEGORY 5 WINDS- YES- YOU’RE ALL THAT- AND MORE!!! BUT DON’T GO BRAGGING EVERYWHERE ABOUT IT!!!
- #GET UP- DO YOUR THANG!! JUMP- BUMP THAT RUMP! OOPS! #BUT WE ALL NEED TO PHYSICALLY MOVE TO BE IN THE GROOVE!!! #WE NEED TO EXERCISE TO STOP FEELING TIRED! #If WE DON’T WANT TO FEEL TOO TIRED TO EXERCISE, WE NEED TO EXERCISE!!! #NOT EXERCISING IS A GREAT WAY TO BECOME PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY ILL! Britney DANCES as her main FUN form of exercise, to BLOW OFF STEAM & SET HER MIND RIGHT! Sorry- no Britney Blows Off Your Steam to set your Mind Right, Jokes Allowed!!! We attempt to show CLEAN HANDS & HEARTS- 2 outa 3 ain’t too bad!!!! Our Alien Space Friends can address ‘Dirty Thinking’ brains the next time they put you or I on their table for UPGRADES!!! HA!
- #Our U.N. MUST STOP the OPPRESSION of ALL GIRLS & WOMEN; STOP SLAVERY; STOP PEOPLEKIND GLOBAL WARMING POLLUTING AIR, LAND & SEA- in 2019 China emitted 30% of Global Co2; U.S. 14%; India; Russia; Japan; Germany; Iran; South Korea; Saudi Arabia; Indonesia comprised the 10 worst! Top 10 garbage in our Oceans- Cigarettes; food wrappers/containers; bottles; plastic bags; caps/lids; cutlery; straws; glass containers; cans; paper bags. Upgrading our Relationships with other Living Beings- A Work in Progress! Momma ‘Soccer Mom’ Doe Deer & BEAUTIFUL Bambi- Step aside Britney Bird! have been patiently helping me become aware of walking eyes open in my garden of living creatures deserving of Inalienable & Constitutional Rights- How is it I almost stepped or dumped dirt on sleeping Princess Bambi so many times? Our First Nations may teach us to ‘WALK SOFTLY IN THE FOREST’ & PLAN ACCORDING TO OUR IMPACTS ON OUR WORLD 7 GENERATIONS FORWARD!!! Am I as insensitive & self entitled as King Charlie Horse was to the RIGHTS & FEELINGS of Princess Diana? As the Royal Monarchy allegedly was to black civilian class Meghan Markle as she collapsed into a suicidal state of mental illness confined to the stifling Castle Protocols? As brutal as stripping Prince Harry of his Royal Incomes & Honors- even disallowing Harry wearing his military uniform having served 2 terms in Afghanistan! Today I walked into the same spider web between the same shrubs for the 100th time!!! #CAUGHT IN A WEB OF SPECIES PRIVILEDGE & INEQUITY- NO PEACE, NO JUSTICE? Our furry, etc. Friends feel victimized & terrorized by our unwillingness to SHARE & CARE our Garden in Eden! #Time’s Up for PEOPLEKIND achieving TRUTH & RECONCILIATION with our Flora & Fauna? Are we all MENTALLY LOST IN SPACE MAGOOS blindly rampaging about our Garden in Eden Planet frightening all other deserving Life Forms?!! For Profit wildlife theme parks no longer SEPARATING MOMMA (WHALE) FROM HER BABY?
- U>N>- ADDRESS GOBAL WARMING- hurricanes destroyed Canada’s East Coast & Florida especially with 500 year 18 foot high storm surge & 155 mph sustained winds!!! STOP Demon Russian Putin & his male Devil Dealers beating up on Ukraine; Truth & Reconciliation for all Indigenous First Nation Children stolen, abused & killed by the ideology driven ‘beat the savage out of them’ Church, etc. APOLOGIES & REPARATIONS for Residential Schools under Colonial Doctrines of Discovery! All stolen Artifacts returned, Righteous Treaties & Reparations Given & not recalled this time! Indigenous Cultures honored publicly! Indigenous Peoples DISCOVERED AMERICA about 50,000 years ago & lived here before Christopher Columbus sighted & claimed the lands for the West under Doctrine of Discovery circa 1492! About 20 years ago, the Canadian Catholic Church reached an agreement to pay Residential School Survivors over $20 million but the Church asked Parishoners to raise the funds! With Parishoners only able to raise a few $$$million, the Church conspired with the Federal Government to dismiss the Agreement circa 2015!!! ‘The Lord giveth but The Church taketh away,’??? In our Western Democracies, most Women have SHED THE Wahabi Islam regressive style SHEETS & OPPRESSION- Women are NOT usually owned or bossed about by Britney’s Daddy types- Courts hammer men in marriage break ups, especially involving $$$, children & the matrimonial home!!! Ask Therapists- Begging their male Patients for years to BRING THE ROMANCE BACK INTO THEIR RELATIONSHIPS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE & THE COURTS DESTROY THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #Therapists should CHALLENGE HUSBANDS/PARTNERS as to how often they EXCITE THE ROMANCE, bring GIFTS & other DISPLAYS of UNANTICIPATED APPRECIATION- Dates, Dinners, Outings to Shows, etc. Therapists should give the Prescription, #KEEP THE ROMANCE ALIVE- YOU LAZY, SELFISH MIDDLE AGED PRIVILEGED NARCISSIST! #DANCE THE ROMANCE Mister Fancy Pants!!! You remember that lame but truthful Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis flick: Jamie strays seeking an adventurous, dashing, romantic pretend ‘SPY-‘ a conman used car salesman because Arnold couldn’t show up for his own Birthday/Special Occasions! Spouses don’t marry to BECOME LIFELONG MAIDS & SLAVES!!! Get off your couch/Easy Chair & GET YOUR SPOUSE OFF WITH UNEXPECTED GIFTS & SHOWING YOUR APPRECIATION FOR ALL SHE GIVES!!!
- #Are we here on Earth to be A VICTIM or to CELEBRATE EVERY WONDERFUL DAY of LIVING our TRUTH?!!? ALL FIERCE- but GENTLE COMPASSIONATE WARRIORS CARRYING LIFE’S LIGHT INTO OUR DARKENED WORLD! #If Britney Spears is “not here to be A VICTIM,” why should we?#May we PLEASE ALL STOP BLAMING OUR PARENTS & FOR EVERYTHING WE BELIEVE IS BAD IN OUR LIVES!!!! Too many grown up young adults are (somewhat) estranged today from their Parents who not only gave them the SUPREME PRECIOUS, INALIENABLE GIFT OF LIFE on EARTH, but sacrificed so much for their children’s sake! Estranged Children claimed they are all ‘victims of abuse’ but observers question if too many young adults are simply narcissistic, treated like PRIVILIGED fragile snowflakes & given everything- MUST PARENTS’ GIVING CONTINUE FOREVER?! #DON’T BE THE VICTIM of BEING UNTHANKFUL, UNAPPRECIATIVE FOR EVERYTHING YOUR PARENTS, RELATIVES & FRIENDS GIVE YOU! #WE ARE ALL ROYALTY BUT EVERYONE AROUND US ARE NOT OUR SERVANTS- THEY GIVE US SO MUCH BECAUSE THEY ARE SUCH WONDERFUL SOULS! Yes- a small minority are BAD but the overwhelming majority are TRYING THEIR BEST FOR OUR SUCCESS & HAPPINESS! Will Britney’s Family say, ‘Without us, what success would Britney have experienced? But a Spears Relative alleges Spears men have a bad reputation- Paternal Gramma allegedly shot herself at her Baby’s grave in 1966 & her husband institutionalized his next wife! Do Spears’ women suffer under controlling, abusive men &/or family genetics where Bipolar Disorder, etc. may be PASSED ON GENETICALLY & TRIGGERED UNDER EXTREME STRESSFUL SITUATIONS??? #TRUTH & RECONCILIATION DAY IS EVERYDAY in our ALWAYS CHALLENGING Apocalyptic World, We’re Glass Half Fullers, Sunny Skies Rollers of BEAUTIFUL DREAMS- A KALEIDOSCOPE of COLORFUL LIFE & LIVING BEINGS, LIBERTY, HEALTH & PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS, THANKFUL for all the Wonderful Folks who HELPED US ALONG OUR CHALLENGING ROCKY ROADS BACK TO OUR GARDENS!!!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR BLESSED HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE- I LOVE YOU- YOU KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sept. 17- 30, 2022 Brianca Lane Loving You Always & Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MARRIAGE VOWS BLISS or BROKEN DREAMS & PROMISES??? Oct. 1- 14, 2022 P.S. Beginning to brief down past Posts creating space for new conversations with you so current new Posts will be brief!!!! Happily attended my Nephew’s MARRIAGE CEREMONY held in an Ancient Barn in Amish Like Territory!!! Everyone should have been on horseback or arriving in 100 year old horse drawn carriages! THE WHO Drummer Keith Moon (D. 1978 @ age 32 because his Bandmates didn’t subscribe to THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER- like great drummer Taylor Hawkins (D. 2022 @age 50 because his Bandmates didn’t subscribe to T S & T RESCUER; like Kurt Cobain (D. 1994 @ age 27 because his Bandmates also didn’t subscribe – like so many BANDS BETRAY THEIR FANS BY NOT REACHING OUT TO SAVE THEIR VERY OWN STRUGGLING, DROWNING BANDMATES from drugs & difficult Mental & Physical Health Challenges- Godfather to Ringo’s son Zak- drummer for THE WHO, gave Zak one of his fantastic drum kits for Zak’s 12th Birthday! So I gave my very introverted, withdrawn & troubled Nephew Ry-Guy, his very first REAL GUITAR & PICK! Said fatefully to Ry- Your Choice: $$$Money or a REALLY GOOD SURPRISE- Ry surprised us all by his intuition, going for THE SURPRISE!!! ABSOLUTELY FLOURISHED & became EXTRAVERTED & CONFIDENT reaching out to a Fantastic City Arts Community, both he & his Big Sis taking up Britney’s Spear’s Triple Threat Trade after School including Professional Quality GLEE Performances! inspiring me to volunteer on Regional Arts Administration! A Blond solo Knock Out GLEE Performer- a Britney Spears Incredibly talented Lookalike able to capture all the nuances of singing solo exactly like Britney, Switched from being a B F to my Niece to chasing after Ry 8 years ago! Both soon graduating next year? 8 long years but she finally GOT HER MAN, LAWFULLY MARRIED, STABLED, Ring Branded & MORALLY UPSTANDING- An always Smiling Happy Loving Friend to Everyone who meets him! Everyone says they ‘Look like a Hollywood Movie Star Couple’- Her Mother ARGUABLY STILL BETTER LOOKING TODAY than our Beloved Beautiful younger Britney Spears!
- Arrived a bit late, Ry’s Mom saying we been waiting for you to arrive to begin the Ceremony! ‘Bri’s here- Everyone in their Places!!!’ I tried not to pee on myself in the Bathroom & rushed out to join everyone! The Preacher was hilarious- Kept saying “Here we are CELEBRATING HAPPILY TOGETHER on (Friday) October the 13th!” (Actually Friday Oct. 14th but no one wanted to correct THE PREACHER representing Goodness, Holiness & God!!!) You know I can’t keep anything back- Almost as bad as Britney- NO ONE REVEALS MOR THAN BRITNEY- ALL TASTEFULLY! But Moms have been besides themselves for decades their easily influenced Daughter’s appear AU NATURELE on the internet under Britney’s INFLUENCE!!!
- “Ohhh Preacher, We don’t want a Friday the 13th Movie Blissful Beginning & Horror Story Ending”- Yes- Got a Strong Hairy Eyeball Grimace from a few People but everybody was squirming about The Preacher hitting on October Friday the 13th, thinking about hockey mask wearing Jason ready to greet Friends who just arrive together for a weekend away from the City & Urban Ills, for FUN, CELEBRATION & EXCITEMENT!!! Our Bride’s vows continued page after page promising to WORSHIP RY FOREVER!!!! She spent at least one third of her LIFE DREAMING of this day!!! Oct. FRIDAY the 14th- not the 13th & hockey mask wearing Jason in secret attendance!!!! Not being a FULL MOON EVENING, NO WORRIES I MIGHT BEGIN a transformation- HA!
- The Preacher EMPHASIZED the 3 L’s- LEAVING, LOVE & GOD/ALLAH being THE LORD in their lives Together! The Lord being the point at the top of the triangle & Husband & Wife being the bottom points always striving to move up the triangle in LOVE & BECOMING CLOSER TOGETHER! Each must LEAVE BEHIND HIS/HER SOLO LIFE, SELFISH ASPIRATIONS- I/ME/MY & Family Ties as Children, etc. to CHOOSE WE/OUR/US Independently as Adults CREATING A BRAND NEW LIFE TOGETHER!!! But upon dinner speeches, Ry’s Mom passionately & tearfully emphasized her unbreakable bond with her Son & Daughter; She/They WELCOMED the Bride into SHARING their UNBREAKABLE, SACRED, FOREVER & EVER UNION!!! OMG!!! SO OVER THE TOP EMOTIONALLY!!! My other Brother kept a close watch next to me to not say anything about all the over emotional tearful inconsistencies between Parents- MOTHERS vs. The PREACHER’S STRONG MESSAGING!!!! Especially, after our Bride’s Religious Father offered a long Dinner Prayer & I quipped “YAY GOD- (NOW) LET’S EAT!”
- We’re TOGETHER APART determined to be involved IN EXERCISE- FUN ACTIVITY! Eating Healthier- Junky inputs = junky outputs & consequences! OUR HEALTHIER BODY, ATTITUDES & OUTLOOK EASILY HELPS OUR HEALTHIER EMOTIONS, EXPERIENCE & BRAINS!!! Darwinian Evolution &/or God/Allah & Mother Nature spent thousands- or millions of years fine tuning our Physical, Spiritual, Mental & Emotional Abilities- ALL WE NEED DO IS PROPERLY EXERCISE OUR INCREDIBLY AMAZING GIFTS!
- #WE RISE ABOVE BAD THOUGHTS, BEHAVIOR & ACTIONS- GROW INTO OUR INCREASING GOODNESS! Apparently, Evolutionists believe single cell organisms populated rivers & oceans, absorbed undesirable atmospheric gases & introduced a proper stable balance to oceans & atmosphere for additional more complex Living Forms to Evolve & live on land. Soon we can transform MARS just as our Beloved Garden Earth was transformed into a Living Biosphere of Flora & Fauna!
- Our Conscious Brains & our Emotions/Hearts sometime are conflicted. A brilliant Mom’s Intelligence may be overwhelmed by deep heartfelt emotions- We see Angelina Jolie struggling to see one of her children LEAVE the unbreakable tight BOND to GO ON TO COLLEGE & BEGIN HIS/HER/THEIR OWN NEW LIFE!!! Brad Pitt FREAKED OUT about the Mother-Child Bond being excessively smothering in his emotionally shut out perspective- Brad said Mother Child Bond was LIKEA CULT! Singer, drummer Karen Carpenter achieved everything in her Music Arts, but killed herself by a thousand cuts being totally emotionally under the possession of her eating disorder- ANOREXIA!!! Loved ones & Professionals attempted to reach her obvious intelligence year after year, but what did she actually do year after year- strive to lose additional weight- Finally what she consumed in hiding destroyed her heart tissue!
- We listen to what our Political Leaders say & later their true views are exposed! Pres. Trump demands Europe & NATO up their defense spending, withdraw from Russian energy dependency & switch to North America! BREAK FREE FROM CHINA’S TENTACLES STRANGLING OUR WORLD & FREEDOMS! They laugh at him & Russia uses their refusals & complete lack of insight to engage in war using their Blood $$$$! Thankfully America’s Biden, etc. step in to lead NATO & Canada, etc. spent years training Ukrainians in the Art of Strategic Warfare! Ukrainians are turning back the RED TIDE- A BIBLICAL DAVID & GOLIATH MIRACLE BEFORE OUR EYES!!! Canada’s P.M. Trudeau speaks all the Correct Words & voices the ‘Heartfelt Emotions’ but his behavior speaks clearly to the contrary about Indigenous TRUTH & RECONCILIATION, 2SpiritLGBTQ+?, his Reverence for 70 years of Unstoppable Service & Duty by Queen Elizabeth until her last breathes! LIFE IS SACRED- NOT SO TO BIG BROTHER WHO ARE DISCRETELY CULLING CITIZENS THEY DON’T VALUE & ATTEMPTING TO STEAL $$$ & POWER FROM WE THE PEOPLE & GOVERNMENT OF, BY & FOR WE THE PEOPLE!!! Psychiatrists have agreed to repeat 1930’s FASCIST Nazi style Eugenics & Genocidal Killing by so-called MAID, etc. of Discriminated Against Vulnerable Citizens & Minorities! Public Health Care in under siege!!! Mainstream Media & Political Energy Focuses on Hockey Canada’s leadership in Sports to divert our attention from ACTUAL CRITICAL LIFE & DEATH ISSUES WE FACE!! SMOKE & MIRRORS, DEFLECTION, BREAD & CIRCUSES! Forever Believing in our Collective & Individual GOODNESS, KINDNESS & THANKFUL PRECIOUS HEARTS! Always in Your Precious LOVE & You Forever deep in my Blessings!!! WE CAN DO THIS! YOU CAN DO THIS! LOVING TO BE WITH YOU IN YOUR HEART & LET OUR PASSION FOR LOVING LIFE CONQUOR EVERY EMPTY PLACE & DEFICIENCY!!! LOVING YOU ALWAYS, Oct. 1- 14, 2022 by Brianca Lane- WOW long & winding roads on my sweetheart scooter to reach THE SACRED MARRIAGE CEREMONY- but our CHERISHED BRIDE WAITED 8 YEARS FOR THIS SPECIAL WEDDING CELEBRATION!!!! WEDDING VOWS VIRGIN TELL- ALL Oct. 15- 27, 2022 Bri’s Come to Jesus Shock!!! Did I say no one wore a Protective Medical Mask or observed Social Distancing at the Wedding? Yes- my Physician Cousin initially wore a stylish Black Mask but under peer pressure, slowly lowered coverage below his nose, his mouth & finally simply carried it briefly. My Niece, terribly bedridden with COVID only a week before, & also very sick earlier in the year in spite of having 3 or 4 vaccine shots- was Master of Ceremonies! Always observant to wear a Medical Mask & Social Distance, but just for this ONCE IN A LIFETIME SPECIAL OCCASION, ‘Brianca You Didn’t?’ Only my 1 vaccine shot over a year ago on July 13, 2021 so 3 days after the Wonderful Wedding- Yes- I told myself- My Moderna Shot had induced dramatic effects- I SUDDENLY BECAME RELIGIOUSLY THANKFUL FOR! ‘My Body Immune System is completely still prepped as if June 13 was yesterday I BELIEVED WITH ALL MY HEART! “Yesterday- All my trouble seemed so far away- Why Cov had to come I dunno, COV didn’t say- I gone done Something Wrong Now I long for Precious Moderna to protect my ass today!!! (Yesterday- McCartney)
- WORKED- My Body remembered all the dramatic symptoms- every one I had experienced from the Vaccine back in July, 2021 & IMMEDIATELY PROTECTED ME FROM ALL MEDIUM & SERIOUS COV SYMPTOMS! NOT BAD AT ALL! My Brother said I clearly only picked up a bit of Flu & emphasized how dangerous it is for me to have only 1 COV vaccine shot! He had a few months of severely horribly bad COV in the Spring in spite of his 3+ shots!!! So OMG- be sure to get at least an occasional vaccine shot or NEVER EVER leave yourself UNSAFE with COVID still around!!! Talk about LUCKY horseshoes up my ass, millions of Americans have been hospitalized & died! If your Doctor says you have existing health challenges like obesity, diabetes, heart & lung issues, etc. BE SAFE RATHER THAN SORRY!!! LOVE TO EVERYONE- LIFE IS PRECIOUS BUT FRAGILE- Do yourself a Big Favor & be protected at all times!!! P.S. Checked our past conversations back in August- Sept., 2021 Really enjoyed Sept. 13, 27, etc. 4- Check them out again! I & my Brother were speaking about how our levels of Neurotransmitters affect our Thinking, Emotional & Energy Levels- Several Pop Stars owe their success to controllable Mania- when they accomplish all their STARDOM! Like Britney they say they are ACTUALLY SHY & INTROVERTED- but key Neurotransmitters boosted them into becoming EXTRAVERTED, EXTREMELY CONFIDENT GO TO STAR POWER GIRLS!!! Always in your Blessed precious Heart & you Forever in mine!!! Oct. 27, 2022 by Brianca Lane REMEMBRANCE DAY- OUR HEALTHY TRUE & BEST SELVES!!!! Oct. 28- Nov. 11, 2022 #CHEERS to all our ‘SELFLESS DUTY ABOVE ALL,’ ‘HONOR & VALOR VETERANS’ WHO LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES IN SO MANY TRAGIC WARS, LEAVING BEHIND JOYFUL & PROMISING WONDERFUL FUTURES- ALL FOR YOU & ME!!!
- #If our own weaknesses & self doubts hold us back from being our TRUE SELVES, we easily say “for Everyone who has ESTABLISHED & SAFEGUARDED our Inalienable & Constitutional Rights- been a KIND RESCUER to Us All- FOR THEM WE’LL DROP our Addictions, Unhealthy Behaviors, mean spirited ways- FOR THEM WE RISE UP TODAY & LEAVE BEHIND ANYTHING TRULY SHAMEFUL!” We see our ‘Long & Winding Road’ (Beatle McCartney) leading our Hearts Back to Being our Kind Best Selves!!! We simply INSPIRE OUR WORLD TOGETHER APART- HONOR SHINING like Lady Liberty’s Light as SHE & WE hold OPEN THE GOLDEN DOORS!!!
- Stormy Seas Updates: My other Brother in Naples, Florida- about 2+ miles inland from the ocean surge & only 50 miles south from Hurricane Ian’s horrendous category 4/5 winds, experienced ZERO DAMAGE! It was about being lucky- some neighborhoods in Naples were crashed & crushed, but my Brother enjoyed a Mr. Roger’s experience- “It’s a Beautiful day in the Neighborhood- won’t you be my neighbor” as Mr. & Ms. Shark were swimming inland riding the surge!!! Last storm he said big Friendly snakes were crawling nearby- a Politicians’ Celebration??!
- Teflon President Biden- in spite of bad performance approval & unacceptable Nation direction rating, is also happily whistling & singing- “Now what semi-victory song am I supposed to sing & shuffle along to?’ as the feared Republican Red Surge & Tide c/o President Trump was a gentle non event! But even President Biden’s supporters wish he didn’t occasionally seem cognitively challenged! Maybe that’s Joe’s schtick- comedy routine to throw Republicans off the REAL ISSUES JOE’S ESTABLISHING WHILE THEY PREOCCUPY THEMSELVES BELITTLING JOE & Speaker NANCY PELOSI!! President Trump’s stacking the U.S. Supreme Court with PRO >LIFE JURISTS somewhat backfired! The ‘Stolen 2020 Election Call’ was also a wash!
- Astounding that inflation, high crime waves- up over 30% in New York & wide open border calamities, crime & drug/opioids tragedies, etc. c/o Joe & Kamala did not damage Democratic support more! Women rallied & voted to support Pro Abortion CHOICE & progressive Liberal Politics- no matter they be implemented so badly! Not returning to 1950’s & early ’60’s Leave It to Beaver & Father Knows Best pre-liberation Daize!!! We stronger advocate for BABYPOWERMOVEMENT- Every Baby & Child receiving AFFIRMING Loving Care & Education, NO BABY OR CHILD EVER LEFT BEHIND OR DEEMED UNWORTHY!!! Canada’s alarming Politicians’ & Jurists’ Fascist Neo-Nazi style Eugenics 2.0 targeting government’s ‘unwanted & powerless’ for death- strongly suggested suicide BY DOCTORS’ brings us sleepless nights!!!! Causes us to applaud political & social movements CELEBRATING THE SANCTITY OF LIFE, THAT ALL FORMS OF LIFE ACTUALLY POSSESS INALIENABLE RIGHTS- not only our Political & Economic Elite Class who view us as herds of farm animals, either good working stock or culled/killed as ‘useless eaters!’
- In Ontario, Canada the Health Care System is being brought down deliberately by Big Brother! Doctors & Nurses demoralized, scapegoated, demonized- Canada’s best destroyed or chased away! Emergency Patients wait 2 days before finding a bed! 10’s of thousands wait years for diagnostics & treatments, sealing their fate- No available housing, health care, $$$ for basic living necessities while Political Leaders & Business Elites feather each other’s nests, robbing the Provinces Blind! Doctors are becoming available FOR DISPATCHING OUR DISCRIMINATED, VULNERABLE, POWERLESS- especially Challenged by Illness or Disabilities- deemed ‘useless eaters!’ 2SpiritL.G.B.T.Q.+?; First Nations/Indigenous; Challenged by significant illness or disability; Poverty Stricken & Scapegoated; Government bean counters are assigning probability of costs charts, etc. & organizing their target numbers! ‘We’ll ease in at ______ & bump our targeting annual cull to _______! ‘If we cull 1,000 of this target group, our 20 year savings are- WOW!!!!! Some Political Leaders suggested targeting Babies & Children- ‘Hey Suzie You can sign your Name?’ ‘Yes- I CAN!!!’
- The Hippocratic Oath of Doctors swears “I WILL NOT GIVE A LETHAL DRUG TO ANYONE IF I AM ASKED NOR WILL I ADVISE SUCH A PLAN!!” This Neo Nazi Fascism is anything but voluntary- It is strongly targeting & arranging compliance! Eventually targeting a LOVED ONE NEAR YOU- OR SOMEONE EVEN CLOSER!!!!! Sorry- no $$$ to help with Care, Housing or Community Supports but we can quickly deal sensitively with your predicament & suffering- just sign here- 2 Big Brother Psychiatrists approve & your Goose is Cooked- By Injection or ‘Kool Aid Drink,’ Your Choice!!! “But I paid in Social Security & Health Care for decades- never asked for anything special!’ ‘But you are likely to be costly!’ So far, Psychologists are Freaked Out, staying away! Mainstream Media is paid off in Canada & HIDING THIS GENOCIDAL HOLOCAUST!!! Or Gently Marketing It as NORMAL- How can Genocidal Holocaust 2.0 be Normalized?!! BIG BROTHER HAS OUR DOCUMENTED SIGNATURE ON FILE IN CASE WE ACTUALLY DON’T SIGN- YOU THINK???????????
- COVID Update- Confession from a former COVID Virgin: OMG/ALLAH- Suddenly so thankful for my 1 vaccine shot July 13, 2021 & my terrible reaction! (P.S. Medical Staff are supposed to report adverse vaccine events & side effects! VAERS Similarly, we must research effects of ‘junk food’ for adverse events: childhood high sugar diets & low calorie sweeteners have adverse impacts on our health- impaired memory & brain function; metabolic signaling.) My Memory Cells if not T combat cells quickly recognized COVID on Oct. 14, 2022 as a terrible invader from my July 13, 2021 vaccine exposure- NEEDING TO BE KILLED BUT NOT CREATING CYTOKINE (TORNADO LIKE) STORMS BY MY IMMUNE SYSTEM- DAMAGING MY ORGANS!!! Such a SMOOTH PAINLESS IMMUNE SYSTEM RESPONSE- JUST KICKING COVID BUTT IN EVERY PART OF MY BODY & BRAIN BUT NOT CAUSING ANY DAMAGE & SWELLING!!!! The vaccine idea is so our Memory Cells (& T cells if still active) IMMEDIATELY RAMP UP & KILL COVID- THEY ALREADY HAVE THE BLURPRINTS FOR CREATING DEFENDING COMBAT CELLS BY THE MILLIONS!!!
- Please social distance, wear a mask indoors among a crowd, etc. according to your best judgement! Kendra Knight, a Communications Prof. says we each have unique COVID comfort levels. Be aware of the Safety & Comfort Levels of Friends & Guests- some may welcome wearing a mask or eating outside, for example. Diversity among comfort levels may include people not attending events & being clear ‘for safety reasons,’ only, being careful not to impose or offend! These plagues & diseases have the ability to kill- my Niece & Brother received at least 3 vaccine shots but both experienced terrible sickness- almost requiring hospitalization! If we have underlying Medical Conditions, we may be more vulnerable. At my Nephew’s Wedding no one wore a mask except my cousin, a Doctor! He felt social pressure & gradual pulled his Black Stylish Mask away! My Niece had terrible COVID only a week+ before the Wedding! Devout Mask wearer I AM- LEARNED MY LESSON WITH JUST A SCARE- My Brother telling me frightening stories about perfectly healthy younger COVID victims- GOOD CHARMED WITCH ALYSSA MILANO SOUNDED THE ALARM ABOUT LONG COVID SUFFERING!!! Alyssa SAVED LIVES AMONG EVERYONE WHO BELIEVED HER TRUTH ABOUT COVID!!! WHAT A HERO YOU ARE ALYSSA!!!
- American voters are sharp shooters too, but kind & smart- POWER OF< BY & FOR THE PEOPLE- THEY KNOW WHAT’S BEST!!!! But we still marvel at President Trump’s foresight in attempting to see NATO Europe drop Russian Energy for North American & increase defense spending immediately!!! President Trump’s brilliant MAGA efforts warrant praise but sadly, his Mussolini portrayal over the 2020 Election frightened many Americans! President Biden is WONDERFUL in helping Ukraine & now defending against targeted air attacks on Ukraine’s energy & infrastructure! Drones are replacing humans as critical attackers- Russia’s Baltic Sea Naval Fleet is vulnerable to drone attacks!!! Putin’s Folly is being PUNISHED-
- Beloved Pop Star Britney Spears doesn’t understand why she was so ‘Punished’ by her 13 years in enslaved Conservatorship. Was it all about $$$ or did our Pop Star Princess by shaving her head, exposing her underwear free thighs, & seemingly being FREE AS A BIRD from Bipolar or anxiety, etc. Medication controls, show any just cause for total enslavement? So what would be your fate we can ask Britney if everyone just backed away after she was hospitalized- if Britney was simply FREED after 48+ hours??? Was Britney a DROWNING SWIMMER NEEDING RESCUE? WHAT KIND OF RESCUE? Our dear Friend singer & composer Ed Sheeran is being sued again- $100 million, over copyright on Marvin Gaye’s smash hit “Let’s Get It On?” Scary! Ed keeps his personal monthly spending ‘personal pocket money’ reportedly to $1000.
- Kanye West says he’s struggled with Bipolar Disorder & some will argue he says objectionable comments being so affected. Psychologist Bedford Palmer Ph.D. argues people with mental illness do fewer negative things & are far less violent! Having a mental illness disorder does not make you a bad person or generally do bad things! Ye has reportedly been locked out of twitter & instagram accounts, lost his Adidas account, a bank fashion house, etc. So many Pop Stars seem to experience Bipolar Challenges which for a time propel their high energy careers!!!
- TRANS Folks controversies appear used by Politicians for scapegoating but remain controversial though a typical TRANS person is very gentle, not seeming deserving the degree of anger & hate we see! A trans survivor? Chloe Cole says she began transitioning at 12, surgically underwent a double mastectomy at 15 but at 16, she realized she was wrong about rejecting her female body! In my region, teens over 16 begin counselling & within a few years take hormones for a further few years & then decide if further transitioning is appropriate!
- In COVID Times in 2021, 7 in 10 Psychologists said their Patient waiting list grew longer! Anxiety, depression, etc. is all way up! But are Visible Minorities adequately represented? Blacks are under represented in the Psychology Workforce, for example- about 4%!
- Canada’s raising up Eugenics 2.0, 1930′ style German Fascist Genocide by Psychiatrists- ALARMING BEYOND BELIEF as a new alternative approach to controlling everyone! Targeting, soliciting discriminated & scapegoated vulnerable citizens to agree to sign away all their Inalienable & Constitutional Rights!
- Face-Off with Britney about our Emotional Swings- How High or How Low do we all go vs. Britney Spears? In my memory being attended to on a table surrounded by kind small Aliens, they have great difficulty with our strong bursts of emotions. #Scientists inform us SINGLE CELL LIFE forms COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED OUR INHOSPITABLE EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE & OCEANS to be happily compatible with the emergence of complex Life Forms- like US ALL- by ‘Darwinian Evolution!’ Life finds a way forward vs. the ‘Impossibly Hard Challenges!’ We’re Life’s Crowning Creation on Earth but what have we accomplished? #IMAGINE OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS ONCE WE GO IN THE FLOW WITH MOTHER NATURE & LIFE’S CREATIVITY!!!! But who has biggest emotional swings? Do we Rejoice in our Churning Emotional Seas or do we want more Emotional Stability in Ourselves & Everyone???
- Britney Bipolar Beat vs. Alcohol- Alcohol in any amount is toxic to our brain. With onset of COVID-19, Canadians, for example, consumed twice the previous level of alcohol- a DEPRESSANT! Yikes!!! Beloved Britney Spears was forbidden from consuming alcohol during her conservatorship & complains loudly! She wasn’t allowed any binging whatsoever on junk food- bad for us??? With Bipolar or other mood disorder mental challenges, poor nutrition, etc. hurts us!. Britney’s hard work & talent arguably combined with her alleged Bipolar Illness, etc. blasting her up from being a shy introvert to being an outrageously controversial, IN YOUR FACE, NO UNDERWEAR, FLESH BARING AGRESSIVE SEXY-CRAZED POP PRINCESS!!! A Britney Spears Fans LOVED but Soccer Moms with innocent young Daughters Hated!!!!
- #ALL ABOUT BEING HEALTHIER- NO BODY SHAMING ANYONE – EVER! #OUR BLESSED BODIES- USE IT OR LOSE IT- EVERYONE!!!! We LOVE YOU BRITNEY SPEARS for emphasizing Physical Fitness & Exercising- #Physical Health is THE GREAT SECRET WEAPON FOR GAINING MENTAL HEALTH TOO! JUST DO IT EVERYONE- ME TOO or I’ll be as weak as our friendly Aliens!!! We LOVE Britney for her delicious ‘over 40 nudies’ with HEARTS selfies! #TURN US ON BRITNEY to LOVE OUR BODIES!!! Should we feel ashamed of our Bodies for not looking like Britney- #JUST BE INSPIRED- BE TURNED ON! BE SEXY! ALL ABOUT BEING HEALTHY & HEALTHIER WHATEVER OUR SIZE or SHAPE!!! Beatle Paul McCartney said Karen Carpenter had THE BEST FEMALE VOICE IN THE WORLD but Karen starved herself to death by age 32- always wanting to lose another pound, undoubtedly dreaming of food! Did anyone tell Karen #ALL ABOUT BEING HEALTHIER- A HEALTHY HAPPY BODY- LOVE< LOVE LOVE YOUR HEALTHIER BODY, KAREN!!!! #Why does anyone believe being thinner & thinner is being Beautiful? Models may starve themselves for a month before shoots! Being so thin is not Natural & Healthy! Screw being endlessly thinner & thinner like Karen Carpenter suffering from starvation 24/7, dreaming of food & dying at 32!!! Girls & Women- just admit it-
- ‘#We don’t want to be starving ourselves & dreaming about eating 24/7! We want to ENJOY A HEALTHY COMPLETE REAL NATURAL LIFE, SIZE & WEIGHT, Full Emotional Range- especially being HAPPY& enjoying STABILITY!!!! Typical obesity treatment includes psychological & cognitive behavioral interventions, physical activity, nutritional therapy, & even bariatric surgery!
- Back to Bipolar Happy/Sad Scales Medical Practice: On our Bipolar scale, anywhere from +2 to +5 drives Artists to be Aggressively Happy, Sexual, Flamboyant, Extraverted, Nude in Your Face Entertaining STARS!!! Currently, Medical Doctors attempt to stabilize Bipolar Experiencers at about -2 YUCK- Feeling Blah! Our dear Friend & Music Artist- brother of Backstreet Boys Nick Carter – Aaron Carter drowned in a tragic accident in his bathtub? at only 34 after years of harmful self medicating/abuse! Is self medicating or self abuse ever making us generally healthier or happier?
- #Our First Story is THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER- Shouldn’t we be Educated in School on HOW TO BE A RESCUER for a ‘Drowning Swimmer’ tossed by Stormy Life Crises Waves? How does a women as successful, dearly loved & talented as Karen Carpenter simply starve herself to death?
- The Days The Music Sucks is our Stars who slowly kill themselves? A close friend said, ‘An accident- He had mental issues & addiction but he LOVED LIFE!’ Brother Nick said, ‘I have always hoped he would walk on a healthier path & find the help he so desperately needed!’ Like Karen Carpenter, Aaron had everything material but his soul/spirit was somehow demon possessed! Our Thin Blue Line attended for a ‘Health Check’ at Aaron’s home the very day before his cold body was found- Aaron screamed at the Police to leave! Reminds everyone about our darling Free Spirit Gabby Petito strangled last August, 2021: Her fiance was seen slapping her face & grabbing Gabby near her throat but police ridiculed & demoralized her- sided with her killer!
- #Our Thin Blue Line sometimes feel ‘damned if they intervene but also if they don’t!!!’ Police should examine practically every failure to carry out a successful DROWNING SWIMMER & RESCUER SCENARIO. ‘#Acting by the Book’ may not be RESCUING/SAVING A DROWNING SWIMMER?!! What should they have done differently to RESCUE Aaron or Gabby from ‘drowning!’ With Angel Hearted Gabby, Police joked about her being so light & petite which translates ‘WAY TOO VULNERABLE!!!!!’ Where a vulnerable & especially petite woman has been assaulted by a significantly stronger man, shouldn’t Police assess the increased danger & exercise extra caution? What else should Police do? Brad Pitt shocked everyone by his alleged shaking ‘head & shoulders’ behavior with wife Angelina Jolie & their young children! As in Gabby’s assault, Brad grabbed Angelina’s head & shook her & then her shoulders! (Angelina says he hit her or slammed her into a wall?) Brad Brad Brad- isn’t every boy taught not to hit a woman?!! Especially Scary when a woman’s head, face & neck area are targeted! Did both Gabby & Angelina protect their partner too much from a proper Police response? Should Police develop a scale for assessing danger in spousal abuse situations?
- Grateful Dead Co-founders Bob Weir & Jeff Garcia endured stage fright before every concert- “Walking into a Torture Chamber!” Jeff became an addict by self medicating instead of accessing Natural Healing Approaches. ‘Jagged Little Pill’ singer Alanis Morissette faced bouts of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc. She’s been open about her challenges hoping to ‘destigmatize mental illness & ask for more empathy’ among everyone towards mental health (invisible) challenges! Alanis’ Protest Pull Out against Music Industry ‘Psychological Violence:’ Feeling her “I AM WOMAN- HEAR ME ROAR” (Rose McGowan) Alanis pulled out before climaxing at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony for Carly Simon- because ‘she’s so vain?’ Actually Alanis is protesting about “decades in an industry with overarching ‘anti-women sentiments’ disrespectful violence, etc.
- #Medical Scientists continue researching & monetizing treatment approaches BUT WE HAVE TO UNLOCK OUR NATURAL HEALTHIER SELF!!! Fantastic performer drummer Taylor Hawkins had 10 drugs in his body on his South American death tour- Why didn’t his Bandmates RESCUE OUR DROWNING SWIMMER Taylor? He was given everything by our World- like Karen & Aaron but his soul & body was stripped! Medical Scientists barely understand & are able to treat severe mental illness challenges with certain success, but are trying hard$$$$ developing new & improved treatment approaches. Like forms of Brain Stimulation- I reported to Doctors years ago about how even minor MRI diagnostics enabled my brain to become malleable & flexible- freed from fixated patterns holding back recovery. ENJOYABLE EXERCISE & LAUGHTER ARE GREAT NATURAL RELEASERS TO FREE OUR BRAINS & BODIES FROM ILLNESS & FROM BECOMING LOCKED! We see ‘magic mushrooms’- active psychedelic ingredient psilocybin, is being researched today for PTSD, Addiction & Depression. Dr. P.S. Silverstone suggests medical psychodeiics may leave our brain more malleable for therapy, insightful experiences because current treatments are not helpful for ‘so many Patients!’ Traditional medications have long been used for all our Artists challenged by Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality, Anxiety, Stress, etc. Too often, side effects are harmful & only a minority of patients benefit over time! Our Body & Brain adapt & become dependent/addicted- suddenly pull the drug & we aren’t making the neurotransmitter anymore at sufficient levels to function!!!
- Have you tracked your emotional swings & triggers between happiness & sadness, feeling safe & fear/anxious, for example! I did briefly & saw myself like Movie Star Mandy Lane/ Amber Heard with Borderline Personality swinging so wildly! Not necessarily a ‘choice?’ Some want safety & stability- predictability, but others want or are ‘by genetics & life experience’ swept by chemical rushes from our brain & body neurotransmitters! Many medical therapists see our relative levels of neurotransmitters inducing individual mental health or illness diagnoses. Like a ‘biological’ computer, our brain & body begins a natural healing process- when the neurotransmitter levels, neuron connections, etc. are becoming naturally correct & in place again, everything resets & mental illness recedes becoming like a fading bad dream/nightmare! WE ARE HEALED & BETTER THAN EVER- WAY MORE INTUITIVE & INSIGHTFUL! BUT WE MJUST TRY HARD & BE RESILIENT LIKE AN ATHLETE!!! (Sadly, dangerous strong potions inducing side effects & over time, can cause serious complications & actual physical & mental damage! Our Beloved Britney was presumably given every traditional medical & psychological treatment $$$ available for 13 years! Did all the expensive treatment succeed? Only Britney & her hairdresser know for sure! Britney grew her hair back! Ha!!! Being ARTS & CULTURE oriented, Emotional Swings enhance our EXPERIENCE in THE ARTS! What if we are so happy in practicing our ARTS but a few hours later, so very sad! How many of our beloved Artists experience big emotional swings? Big Borderline Personality is extremely demanding emotionally- Everyday involves FEAR & ‘CRISES!!!’ Especially when B.P. is apparently not so much a ‘personal choice!!’ Like being strapped in a Roller Coaster Ride! Our Beloved Britney Spears was challenged by anxiety & stress, by Bipolar Disorder Psychiatrists & Psychologists likely say. Bipolar Disorder appears very common among our Star Artistic Entertainers.
- #Can we be more compassionate to others? If we don’t see how 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q+? makes sense, we can still be 100% kind & compassionate to others?! To our INDIGENOUS/FIRST NATIONS? To ALL SKIN COLORS & RELIGIONS? TO EMBRACE RAINBOW DIVERSITY!!! By OUR UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE of KINDNESS & LOVE!!! INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS for EVERYONE- PERSONAL DIGNITY FREE FROM HARASSMENT!!!
- ALWAYS DELIGHTFUL IN YOUR PRECIOUS LOVING HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!!! BE HEALTHY or for sure BE HEALTHIER BLESSING YOUR WORLD! We are both Struggling Swimmers & Practicing RESCUERS! We LIVE our BEST & SEE OUR WORLD CLEARLY- WE STRUGGLE & WE ARE HELPED; WE ARE STRONG & EXTEND A LIFESAVING HAND TO HELP OTHERS!!! P.S. Canadian misguided Politicians, Psychiatrists, Nurses & Jurists imagine 1930’s Fascist Eugenics 2.0 is not against everything LIFE & Our Veteran Superheroes & REMEMBRANCE DAY POPPIES & PROMISES BESTOW ON OUR HEARTS- NEVER AGAIN!!!
- #Our Swimmer & Rescuer LOVE of LIFE, Kindness & Compassion FLOWS EASILY IN THE Spirit of Life & all around Mother Earth- Life will ALWAYS FIND A WAY LIKE THE FIRST SINGLE CELL ORGANISMS TRANSFORMING WATERS & ATMOSPHERE TO ENABLE COMPLEX LIFE LIKE US TO FLOURISH!!!! #HEADS UP & HEARTS AWAY!!!!! Loving You Brianca Lane Nov. 11, 2022 #REMEMBERING OUR PASSION FOR COMPASSION & HEALTHY LIVING TOGETHER APART!!!!!!!!! THANKSGIVING- INSPIRATIONAL WORDS & STORIES!!!! Nov. 12- 25, 2022 Howdy Pilgrims!!! #Wonderful Word- THANKSGIVING, creating our Wonderful World!!!! U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday is Pilgrims- both yesterday & today, remembering Life’s Promising Hopes & Dreams for us all! Our World’s Front Line FREEDOM FIGHTERS in Beloved Ukraine carrying the Torch of Life, Liberty, Constitutional & INALIENABLE RIGHTS for our FREE WORLD Democracies! The evil clawing Russian Bear daily strafing Ukraine’s former Glorious Livable Communities & all essential infrastructure-
- #Shouldn’t every FREE NATION help build an INPENETRABLE UMBRELLA IN THE SKY OVER ALL UKRAINE- as President Zelenskyy- small unassailable beloved ‘David’ in this new David & Goliath BIBLE STORY, STOPPING THE HARD INCESSANT RAIN OF MISSILES & DEATH??? #FIGHT ON BRAVE SOLDIERS- RETAKE ALL UKRAINE & SEND THE Russian Bear BACK TO IT’S CAVES!!! Thanks to America & all FREE NATIONS increasingly helping Ukraine- BELIEVING PRESIDENT LINCOLN’S FAMOUS TIMELESS TRUTH- “RIGHT MAKES MIGHT!!!!” #Evil Putin misspeaking to the GRIEVING MAJORITY of Russian Mother’s against Putin’s ATROCITIES, “We Share YOUR PAIN.” KGB PSYCHOMANIAC Putin CREATES ALL THE PAIN!!!! Today, Canada’s Out of Control Teenager KGB Style P.M. is testifying in Ottawa- Canada’s Capital:
- Why he attacked Canadian Truckers protesting against Big Brother’s totalitarian COVID Sanctions- FIRING & SCAPEGOATING PATRIOTS INCLUDING ESSENTIAL HEALTH CARE & TRUCKERS- P.S. Locally, hospitals are so backed up like in Ontario, Canada where Patients may wait 48 hours before being admitted, Patients appear conscripted to be E.R. Care Providers?
- Actually The Real Story in my Neck of the Woods is a local Doctor experiencing a taste of what powerless ‘Challenged’ Canadians face in the near future by compromised Physicians as dictated by brutal, heartless Unjust Trudeau! Our E.R. Doctor completed her usual 12 hour Hospital shifts & took a well deserved Sunday walk with her dog JOJO. An evil Woods trail walker shadowy cloaked figure approaches our innocent Physician holding his attack style German Shepherd humming banned anthem ‘UBER ALLES!!!’ His German Shepherd lunges repeatedly at JOJO who jumps back throwing our Doctor airborne & into the ground on her face, breaking her wrist!!!i Our Doctor cries in pain writhing in the mud & begs for the cloaked figure to help her!! Cheerfully he walks away still humming as if at a Karaoke Bar! (Basically True Story- slightly embellished!) Who is it??? Was it Unjustin Trudeau on vacation in my Woods & up to his usual no good wild teenager hijinks? Like going to a Karaoke Bar the night before Queen Elizabeth’s Funeral or spending the day SURFING instead of attending First Nations Truth & Reconciliation Remembrance Events? Slowly our Doctor raises her broken Body & drags herself from the Woods Trails, receives E.R. Medical Care & a cast, & shortly begins attending to E.R. Patients LIKE HERSELF!!!
- Good Canadians are besides themselves!!! ‘As far as getting access to a Psychiatrist, at least 2 Family Members are waiting for months to see one. All this while ‘Doctors on Patient’s Suicide’ is becoming more & more accessible! And people who can’t $$$afford to live so they opt for Doctor Death assistance! This is MORE THAN DISGUSTING THAT WE SIT BACK & DO NOTHING!!! #WE NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THESE PEOPLE- NOT KILL THEM!!!’ A Psychologist writes: ODSP rates in Ontario, Canada force disabled people to choose Dr. Death because it is impossible to live on ODSP wages given all the other programs being defunded by the Ontario Government & wait lists for affordable housing being 10 years long in most big cities! I am good Friends with one of the G.P.s who helped rewrite the legislation to kill NOT terminally ill people! She ADMITTED THEY HAD NOT CONSIDERED POOR DISABLED WOULD FEEL FORCED TO ACCEPT BEING KILLED DUE TO HAVING NO OTHER OPTIONS! Disabled people on You Tube explain everything they tried to access & could not- the trap door was set! It is happening regularly becoming a huge issue within our Profession’ ((attempting to RESCUE CITIZENS AS BIG BROTHER IS INTENT ON KILLING THEM- Groups & individuals deemed ‘throwaways’ ‘undesirable,’ possibly costly!!!! Unjustin Trudeau allegedly spent $$$6,000 per night on a room during his Karaoke pleasures instead of honoring Queen Elizabeth- he had a free luxury place to stay at! ‘The Government in Canada does not care what Advocates & Disability Groups- or anyone thinks!!! The Canadian Elitists Only Government promotes vulnerable citizens to die without giving them the opportunity to LIVE WITH DIGNITY!!!’
- ‘MARCH MADNESS will soon arrive in Canada where Doctors, etc. will approach vulnerable poverty stricken powerless souls & other Citizens challenged by illness & disabilities- REFUSE ANY & ALL HELP- TOSS ALL KINDNESS & COMPASSION INTO THE DIRT WITH OUR BEATEN DOWN VULNERABLE POWERLESS FOLKS, BROKEN & CRYING- TRUDEAU & CANADIAN DOCTORS ‘OFFER YOU ONLY AN ASSISTED QUICK DEATH- YOUR CHOICE- DEATH BY A POISON DRINK OR BY AN INJECTION!!!!” TRUDEAU, DOCTORS & COURTS WILL BE humming ‘Uber Alles’ 1930’s German Fascist Eugenics 2.0- Doctors killing their Patients deemed Throwaway People & Useless Eaters until this Plague becomes The Genocidal Holocaust 2.0!!!!
- About the ‘Truckers’ Protest- Canadians who disagree with arbitrary capricious lock downs & severe fines & sanctions, faced implementation of The Emergencies Act to freeze/seize bank accounts & general KGB Style- ENFORCEMENT of Martial Law tactics!!! Like all tyrants & political narcissists, Trudeau’s & his Elitists’ attitude is ‘I am The Supreme Commander of your lives!’ President’ Trump’s Achilles’ heel- despite his many glowing accomplishments & strengths, portrays himself as America’s Supreme Commander over all regardless of voting outcomes- or ‘stuffed ballot boxes’ he suggests! Enabling arch rival Joe- ‘What am I doing here? Where do I go now?’ Biden & crew to bungle the Border terribly, etc. but generally appeal to progressive minded Americans living in 2022, not in ‘Leave It to Beaver’s’ & ‘Father Knows BEST!’ 1950’s & early 60’s!
- When ELVIS Presley & Rock an Roll was KING & Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, etc. breathed MAGIC into MUSIC & Everybody’s Lives!!!! President Kennedy declared ‘We’re going to the moon’- an accomplishment seemingly beyond our reach since??? (Only our Friendly Aliens know what’s going on?) President Trump pushed MAGA & PAST SUCCESSES; Biden pushes EQUITY, ‘SOCIAL JUSTICE,’ ‘TRUTH & RECONCILIATION,’ ‘AFFIRMATIVE ACTION;’ PURSUIT of HAPPINESS including for 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? to have ‘A GAY OLD TIME!!!’
- Taking the ‘PULSE’ of Queer America? A 2017 NBC Poll found 7% of Baby Boomers identify as LGBTQ but 20% among 18- 34 Americans! Can YOU BELIEVE THIS STAT.? America’s CDC reported 29% of LGBTQ youth had attempted suicide at least once in the past year vs. 6% of heterosexual youth! Parents & Guardians- No wonder our Schools are preaching about a SAFE, WELCOMING, ACCEPTING SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT REGARDLESS of SEXUAL ORIENTATION or GENDER IDENTITY!!! What happened to our innocent children’s imaginary Healthier Stable Emotional & Mental State of mind!!! Do we wonder what the stats. were in Puritan times-
- Was everyone REPRESSED from expressing any SEXUAL FEELINGS OPENLY- Britney Spears won’t let that PROBLEM HAPPEN TODAY- #TURN US ALL ON TO A HEALTHIER, NATURALIST? APPRECIATION OF OUR BODY & SEXUALITY BRITNEY SPEARS!!! #We should all be TOO HAPPY & ENJOYING LIFE SO MUCH LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS TO EVEN IMAGINE HURTING OURSELVES!!! Everybody needs a #A SAFE PLACE TO RELAX & BE TOGETHER? 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? likewise! #”It’s unbelievable there’s so much hate!” (Owner of The MAD HATTER Lounge in Lake Worth Beach.) Victim’s voice- ‘This is a time to COME TOGETHER!’ (Beatle’s) #THE POWER of LOVE & TOGETHERNESS IS MORE POWERFUL THAN ANY BULLETS! ‘One of my Mom’s biggest fears was me being OUT & not being WELCOMED! Everyone knew Club Q was a SAFE PLACE!’ ‘I shouldn’t be afraid to LIVE MY LIFE BECAUSE SOMEBODY ELSE DOESN’T UNDERSTAND or AGREE!’ At least 20+% of young Americans attest to being 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?; The 2016 slaughter at the Orlando, Florida Queer Club PULSE- 49 killed & 53 wounded is brought to mind by the current Club Q attempted massacre in Colorado- 5 killed & a few dozen wounded before a VETERAN bravely manhandled the shooter & directed another hero to disarm him of his assault weapon!!!’ Colorado has the first openly GAY Governor! Trans Day of Remembrance is Nov. 20.
- #NO THREAT TO ANYONE SAYS THE WHITE HOUSE! Pres. Biden said: “#THERE IS NO PLACE FOR VIOLENCE OR BIGOTRY IN AMERICA- Black & Brown Trans Women are MOST TARGETED! I call to pass The EQUALITY ACT & RESPECT FOR MARRIAGE ACT! Trans. SERVE PROUDLY & OPENLY IN THE MILITARY! I Call for Resources to support the Mental Health of Trans youth & their Families! I urge State Leaders to combat the disturbing wave of Discriminatory State Laws targeting young Americans who are NO THREAT TO ANYONE!” Biden & Democrats strongly demand CHOICE’ for Women- Roe v. Wade effectively ‘restored’; (We want to see #BABYPOWERMOVEMENT- where EVERY CHILD IS GIVEN ALL THE LOVE, PRACTICAL HELP, EDUCATION, ETC. TO ACHIEVE THEIR POTENTIAL & ‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN’ & in THANKSGIVING- BY THEIR INSPIRATIONAL WORDS & STORIES!!!) Biden is bent on FORGIVING or STAYING Student Loan Repayment; Climate Change Action TODAY;
- Restrictions against ASSAULT WEAPONS, etc. We’ve asked why weapons- like everything else today, can’t be SMART WEAPONS- NOT firing on other people posing little threat to safety; recording all shooting activity & sending out 9-11 Emergency Alerts as indicated; may be deactivated by POLICE; won’t function for non licensed owners; etc.
- #Britney Spears- LABEL FREE & TIMELESS BEAUTY??? Our Bouncing, Cartwheeling, daily Workout Model, NUDIST Naturalist Birthday Suit LOVING, forever on EXOTIC vacations like Maui, Hawaii Pop ‘Hold Me Closer’ Princess Britney Spears- 41 in a few weeks, says she dreams about entering puberty innocently again, at age 12! Would you wish to relive parts of your life beginning with a clean start? Will we be able to time travel back & attempt to warn our younger selves??? ‘My younger naive Britney- they’re scheming to LOCK YOU UP about your ‘Bipolar’- stress/anxiety! Put you to work 24/7, keep you from your Boys- DO SOMETHING SMART & QUICK!!!!’ ‘Should I start a #FREE BRITNEY SPEARS Campaign to rescue me?’ ‘Oh No- Here they come with Butterfly Nets to take you away for 13 years- you Entertaining Human Cyborg Machine!!!’
- What’s Britney’s height & weight- about 5- 4 & 130 pounds? We’re rightly not allowed to ever comment on anyone else’s weight, but IF Britney allowed us, would we say she’s achieved a good balanced healthy weight- Britney could gain 10- 20+ pounds & be a normal ‘SOCCER MOM’- still look GREAT! but probably not lose many pounds or Britney would also badly lose her darling curvy figure!
- You realize too skinny Professional Models often STARVE THEMSELVES leading up to SHOOTS- dreaming of eating 24/7 & flirting with health issues!!! #It’s TOTAL MADNESS to sacrifice our health to look like we’re starving concentration camp refugees!!! What’s our BEST range weight wise for our OPTIMUM HEALTH? Amazing Singer & Wonderful American Karen Carpenter- Best Female singer in the World said Beatle Paul McCartney, achieved EVERYTHING an Artist could DREAM ABOUT- but was stricken with Anorexia Nervosa- painfully & obviously starving herself to everyone’s horror! A drowning swimmer needing a rescuer who lifts her from her psychosis/thinking disorder & obsession about losing weight until Karen killed her body at only 32!!! (Could cognitive behavioral therapy have helped Karen? Brilliant song arranger brother Richard says sadly no one knew much about anorexia nervosa at the time! Therapists blamed Mothers- Actually Karen allegedly suffered badly in her relationship- but Therapists don’t blame Mothers today! Soccer Moms used to vocally blame Britney Spears for wild behaving young daughters! A ‘Britney Briefs Overexcited Disorder!’)
- Karen was only slighter taller than Britney & weighed about 120 pounds in 1970- appeared sparkling, healthy but thin! If we achieve Time Travel, we’ll join Britney & Karen in a Dynamic 5- 4+ Singing Duo! By 1975, Karen was down towards a concentration camp starving 90 pounds, almost 40 pounds low! So many addictive thought disorders & obsessions luring us like sirens to crash & drown us in furious judgmental seas!!! We’re not going backwards to starvation looking bodies, right? (I remember experiencing an eating disorder for a spell- very painful, body control issues, feeling hungry for food constantly- suffering & more suffering! So THANKFUL TO BE FREE AGAIN TO ENJOY A HEALTHY BODY WEIGHT & HEALTHY SENSE OF EATING WITHOUT OBSESSIVE CONTROL ISSUES- LOVING MY PERFECT BODY AS OUR BODIES DESERVE TO BE CHERISHED, RIGHT?!!!!!!)
- \Britney looks & acts HEALTHY & ACTIVE IN ALL HER EXOTIC VACATIONS- SWIMMING IS A FUNTASTIC EXERCISE FOR OVERALL HEALTH!!! 60’s EXERCISING Californian Surfer Girls helped create the FALL into a TOO THIN STARVATION CAMP LOOK sparking so many Eating Disorders. Prince Charles commented to Lady Diana “Oh- a BIT CHUBBY THERE!” triggering her constant struggles with EATING DISORDERS!!! Beloved Britney always sparks excitement & childlike ‘innocent’ HAPPINESS in our HEARTS- INSPIRING & ESCAPING US FROM BRUTAL REALITIES, HARDSHIPS & SUFFERING IN OUR WORLD!!! In spite of her 13 years in conservatee captivity- with the best? & most $$$expensive Health Care enforced on her ‘FOR HER OWN GOOD’ as an anxiety, stress, Bipolar- by medical ‘decree’ survivor! Life long alcohol free- says she’s only ever had 2 glasses of champagne at most & under her conservatorship, she wasn’t allowed stimulants like coffee or depressants like alcohol which trigger & exacerbate Bipolar Mood Disorder illness & swings between highs- happy & lows- sad (on Therapists’ scales, 1- 10 for happiness & for sadness.) Medical Specialists spend years attempting to find the combination of drugs to stabilize each specific individual experiencing more severe Bipolar Challenges at about -2 on the sadness spectrum- BLAH, but who wants BLAH! What about stabilizing our Neurotransmitters, etc. so we experience +2 to +4 or +5 on the HAPPY SCALE!!! Everyday is ‘It’s a WONDERFUL DAY & WONDERFUL LIFE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!’ Hopefully without drugs causing physical & brain damaging side effects! Mental Health Challenges can be discouraging with 10% or higher doing ‘permanent self harm’ after years of Bipolar or Eating Disorders like Anorexia Nervosa, for example. BUT-
- THE CAT’S MEOW!!!!!! Reminding everyone feeling totally discouraged by a major diagnosis & terrible prognosis, I was seized by Psychiatry for experimentation purposes with incurable, disastrous diagnoses & prognoses- specialists anticipated my very short life under their experimentation & otherwise, they called Police to’ Bring it in or TAKE IT OUT!’ I overheard Hospital Nurses betting on my imminent ‘self harm future!’ Psychiatrists & Hospital refused me any Community Based Care & BLOCKED me seeing community based Psychologists! Today, they say it is scientifically & medically impossible I recovered BUT I WAS LIKE TOTALLY IN about BELIEVING in & ACHIEVING my RENEWED HEALTH & I WAS IN A FAMILY ENVIRONMENT of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!! No major Mental Health Challenge like Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder, Eating Disorders, bad PTSD, etc. or lesser anxiety & stress Challenges are beyond our HEALING ABILITIES!!! And don’t overlook community Faith Based Religious Support- Believing in Jesus/God/Allah/Darwinian Survival- LIFE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY FORWARD! is INCREDIBLY POWERFUL ‘MEDICINE’ Science & Doctors FAIL TO COMPREHEND or APPRECIATE!!!! BE THANKFUL- CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING EVERY DAY!!!! BE KIND & COMPASSIONATE!!!! Oh YES!!!!
- My Bro spoke about Britney Spears, almost 41 vs. Selena Gomez, age 30 assuming opposite stances publicly on their Mental Health Challenges- Britney presents her CHEERFUL BEST publicly which everyone LOVES! Britney says she’s NOT (living as) ‘A VICTIM!’ Britney wanted her life BACK AGAIN as a ‘SURVIVOR’ & presents as inspiring, FUN LOVING & YOUNG AT HEART- maybe at 12 years old actually!!!! After all, Britney self describes just experiencing pressures in normal living- anxiety & stress; Selena is opposite- she wears her Mental Health Challenges about her Bipolar illness, Psychosis, etc. on her sleeve for everyone to see & discuss! My Bro says she actually had her life filmed since circa 2016 & made into a movie for everyone to study! All her Pop Stardom & Marketing Exposure applied to her Mental Illness Experiences! Make up staff constantly tending to her appearance- no matter she is experiencing mental illness & not on stage in a tour performing as a Pop Star! Maybe today as a Mental Health consumer & survivor REALITY SHOW MARKETED Star educating everyone?!!! #As long as you are performing before the camera &/or building your career or being paid, a GIG IS A GIG, Right?! Everyone pay to party with a Pop Star vs. Everyone See a Pop Star Go Crazy & by good medical care? find her way BACK HOME TO KANSAS & MENTAL HEALTH STABILITY? BRITNEY’S WORST NIGHTMARE IS HER DAD & HEALTH CARE TEAM FILMING HER EXPLICITLY AT HER WORST DURING HER ILLNESS & RELEASING ALL HER MEDICAL REPORTS PUBLICLY IN A VIDEO EXPOSE!!! Who can argue against Britney’s view?!!!
- Before she embarked on a World Tour, Selena became evidently ill including severe anxiety & depression; on tour she suddenly stopped & began explaining her illnesses, struggles & feelings to audiences who came for GOOD TIME PARTYING & LAUGHTER- not Mental Illness 101!!! Selena became terrible to everyone, eventually heard evil voices berating her constantly, etc. A BIG QUESTION- WHO IS AMONG ALL THOSE TERRIBLE VOICES SAYING AWFUL THINGS TO SELENA?!!! ARE THEY DEMONIC ENTITIES? WHY DIDN’T SELENA INSTEAD HEAR ANGELIC INSPIRING VOICES??? Christians ask, What would Jesus say & do about Mental Illness & inflicted like Selena hearing scary horrible voices & comments??? After 55 shows, her gig was up- A Basket Case?!! Selena was hospitalized, etc. Happy about her Hospitalization, her Medical Team correctly assessing her illnesses & treating her very kindly & effectively? Does Britney say she was actually ever HELPED or mostly ‘Tortured’ by her Medical Assessment, Care & ‘Treatment Battalion she paid for?’ Any amount of alcohol is toxic to our brain cells! But even 1- 4 drinks a week can trigger & worsen Bipolar Manic or Depressive Episodes! Alcohol interferes with Lithium & other Meds.- presents issues!
- Constant stress triggers our ‘fight or flight body response’ inducing illness! Hey- the APA reports a Study showing Mindfulness/Relaxation works as well as a standard Med. for treating anxiety, depression, etc. Exercise, Laughter & inert Placebos also can be as effective as many Meds. for illnesses & Pain? Physical massage! Healing Emotional Connections with People or other Life Forms like our pets, wildlife social distancing- our friendly deer Soccer Moms & Baby Bambi!!! Plants, flowers & trees also our BEST FRIENDS!!! #We all share similar needs & are all RESCUERS & HEALERS!!! #WE LIVE ENJOYING A WORLD OF AMAZING HEALING IF WE SIMPLY STOP ALL THIS HATE, WAR & BICKERING!!! #OUR WORLD REFLECTS OUR HEALING HEARTS AMONG DIVERSE COMPATIBLE LIFE FORMS IF EVERYONE SIMPLY LETS IT HAPPEN!!! BRITNEY EXPOSES BRITNEY TURNING EVERYONE ON TO BEING HAPPIER & FREE!!! SELENA GOES CRAZY ON CAMERA TO STOP STIGMA & GET EVERYONE TALKING ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES & CARE FOR EVERYONE, ESPECIALLY FOR OUR SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN!!! Bambi exposes our need to get back to Mother Earth, CHERISH OUR BIOSPHERE & FLORA & FAUNA!!!
- #Remember- Chronic Stress can make you CRAZY!!! Causes sleeplessness, muscle pain, high blood pressure & heart issues, a weaker immune system, fatigue, etc.! Incessant discrimination- even micro harassment causes illnesses! Canada’s CPA reports over 60% of Black employees experience workplace racism! Researchers should study the role of Religion/Spirituality in our Individual & Societal Health & the pandemics of out of control Mental Illness, COVID & other plagues & Gun Violence! GOOD WORK SELENA- INFORM EVERYONE BY YOUR VERY PUBLIC APPROACH- ‘Selena Actually Goes Crazy Nuts on camera? #MANY CURRENT STARS ARE GENEROUS ABOUT EXPOSING THEMSELVES TO STOP MENTAL ILLNESS STIGMA NOW!!!! We LOVE BRITNEY’S APPROACH as a ‘SURVIVOR/THRIVER’ but Selena is offering her REALITY SHOW so Mental Health Challenges can be understood, to reduce stigma & so everybody feels comfortable about discussing mental health & illness challenges intelligently!
- One Pop Star actually said, her mildly Bipolar Manic assertive/aggressive self- who she doesn’t find particularly likable, ACHIEVED EVERYTHING IN HER CAREER; without neurotransmitter levels pushing her into a extraverted manageable HIGH ‘Manic’ state, she is naturally introverted, quiet & couldn’t have achieved all the creative artistic accomplishments! But a stronger Bipolar illness shooting highs into +5 & above & then sinking a sufferer into deep sadness/depression is frustrating as body & brain attempt to compensate for wild highs by triggering offsetting bad lows brought on by unstable neurotransmitter levels. All too much- too high & too low like on a roller coaster happening several times every year or more often!!! ‘Self harm’ rates are way over 10% with major Bipolar- People become so frustrated lacking STABILITY in their moods & consequent behavior & life experiences!!! “Selena was hearing all these (negative) voices in her head in the Mental Hospital getting Louder & Louder & LOUDER!!!”
- In 2018, Selena became PSYCHOTIC- BREAKING FROM REALITY! A Friend said about Selena: If anyone saw what I saw in the state Selena was in in the Mental Hospital, they wouldn’t have recognized her at all!” Our bioelectrical-chemical & neurotransmitter levels, systems & software may go haywire suggesting severe mental health challenges, but with our continuous efforts, learning, tools & tricks in a supportive environment- & our body & brain naturally always striving to regain stability & health, in time all systems & levels begin lining up & our health begins a rebooting process- WE’RE BECOMING HEALTHY AGAIN & TOO SMART FOR OUR OWN BRITCHES- THE CAT’S MEOW!!!!!!!!!! Britney’s LABEL FREE & TIMELESS!!!! In our modern society ADDICTION LEVELS are out of control & PUSHED on us by Big Brother! ‘Bread & Circuses’ to placate the masses Emperors always demanded! Beatle John Lennon was forever changed after being accused of being ‘A USEFUL FOOL’ for the controlling wealthy elite Class!!! We appreciate Britney practicing FITNESS DAILY; ENJOYING HER BODY; being physically HEALTHY; sending out SUNSHINY HAPPY POSTS, VIDEOS & SONGS! Selena reducing Stigma- encouraging everyone to talk freely about our Mental Health & Challenges, bring Mental Health Awareness into Schools too!!! On our Eating Disorders Issues, we stress the classic old style weighing scale, weigh at a balancing point range, neither too thin nor too heavy for our BEST, OPTIMUN HEALTH & HAPPINESS!!! To Honor, Serve, BEING GENEROUS & Thankful, LIVING inspirationally & TELLING OUR TRUTHS & STORIES like Selena- Everyone Being swimmers, yes- floundering swimmers but also RESCUING HEROES!!!! MAY I SAVE YOU- YES YOU CERTAINLY MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always & Forever in your Blessing Heart & YOU forever in Mine! Loving YOU!!! Nov. 12- 25, 2022 HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYDAY MY LOVE!!! Brianca Lane HEALTHY LIVING & LOVING ON TOP OF OUR WORLD!! Nov. 26- Dec. 7-22 Bipolar Living- HAPPY vs. SAD- ‘Swinging High & Low Sweet Chariot- Coming for to carry me home!’ 1800’s? African American hymn- Prophet Elijah being carried in full physical body up to HEAVEN/The Stars? By Angels or by Alien Encounter? “SANTA CLAUS IS SOON COMING TO TOWN”- from the NORTH POLE & FLYING AROUND OUR WORLD AT THE SPEED of LIGHT! HAPPINESS TO EVERYONE ON EARTH! WE ALL LOVE SANTA, HIS REINDEER, JINGLE BELLS, SANTA CLAUS PARADES, etc. NO MATTER OUR RELIGION or CULTURE! Many Festive Religious Holidays are happening for everyone to enjoy & PLEASE offer our BEST KINDNESS & GENEROSITY TO ALL OUR NEEDY BROTHERS & SISTERS WORLDWIDE!!! OPEN OUR HEARTS TO THANKFULNESS & TO GENEROUSLY GIVE TO LESS FORTUNATE FOLKS !!!
- “You better WATCH OUT, You better not CRY- You better not POUT! I’m telling you WHY- Santa Claus is COMING to TOWN!!! He SEES you when you’re SLEEPING; He KNOWS when you’re AWAKE! He knows if you’ve been BAD or GOOD so BE GOOD for GOODNESS SAKE!!!!” (Gillespie & Cootes- 1920’s Americana) SAD VERSIONS TODAY- China’s 24/7 surveillance- watching all Citizens & compiling SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES for rewards & punishment! Afghanistan’s Taliban breaking their Holy Promises & falling back into the worst Wahabi style mistreatment of citizens, especially women- denied adequate education & strictly curtailed from power & opportunities, etc. Iran stirring up hostile insurrections against Life, Liberty, Democracy & Pursuit of Happiness- Peaceful Cultural & Religious Diversity! The Russian Bear’s Impalers breaking Russian Mother’s Hearts & Moms Everywhere with savagery from Dark Ages- Forcing their sons to the front lines for certain slaughter in an unjust war no intelligent Russian wants- 100,000+ young Russian dead & 10’s of thousands injured achieving only misery for everyone! Europe freezing without energy resources & Russian & Ukraine grain, etc. less available to feed our World! Too many wonderful Folks facing food insecurity & severe hardships!
- On Relationships, Researchers suggest people with increased body dissatisfaction report lower quality relationships! Love to mention circa 1970’s singer- Karen Carpenter, Best female singer in the World according to Beatle Paul McCartney. So attractive, friendly, likeable singing incredible songs- Little Goody 2 shoes? (children’s story- 1765) from jealous critics? Karen shocked audiences by 1975 weighing only 90 pounds! Anorexia Nervosa involves a severe thought & body image disorder, control issues, self esteem, anxiety, stress, etc. Self starvation with Bulimia- binge eating & purging by vomiting, laxatives & diuretics. Very dangerous to be too preoccupied with being too thin to the point of causing failing health & death! Our Body needs balanced nutrition & a healthy weight range- not too thin, not too heavy if we can find our balance!
- Wow- Discrimination, the skinny about ‘Anti-fat Stigma!’ Heavier-weight Folks face heavy discrimination: Are too often seen as less capable of controlling their own lives & thinking- acting autonomously regardless of Race, Gender, Age or Nationality! Discrimination by forming inferences about a person’s mental capacity & sophistication based on their weight! Too often, heavier-weight Folks INTERNALIZE this oppressive discrimination- suffer lower self- esteem, psychological distress & eating disorders! Do ‘average-weight Folks imagine heavier-weight People are less sophisticated, less able to think & make decisions? So in assuming employment positions, heavier-weight People might be ASSUMED to be better suited to roles not requiring thinking & self directed decision making. Researcher Mattea Sim- not slim says “BODY WEIGHT IS NOT A WINDOW TO THE MIND! A Person’s weight cannot reveal HOW EFFECTIVELY THEY CAN THINK, PLAN, REMEMBER nor HOW SUITABLE THEY ARE FOR SOCIETAL ROLES!”
- Isn’t our societal discrimination POWERFULLY BAD & HURTFUL!!! How do we catch & correct ourselves from being so ‘tribal thinking’ & acting prejudicially- both so harmful for everyone! We really have to become aware of hurting others- especially hearing over 25% of 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? youth & young adults attempted suicide in the past year according to the CDC- Must be a printing error?
- SAR- CoV-2: Remember how COVID vaccination status became a lightning rod for discrimination by Governments & Businesses! Millions losing employment & vilified causing major supply chain issues, family & financial crises & social unrest! China’s significantly harmed it’s economy attempting to achieve zero transmission & locking down large areas & populations! People protested but if they open up completely, man made created gain in function COVID could wreak havoc! Feeling my antibodies having to go all through my body & brain to search out COVID hiding in organs & cells, awoke me to protecting ourselves from diseases, especially concerning LONG TERM issues from infections!!!
- Is COVID becoming milder? Yes- the DELTA VARIANT attacked our LUNGS- very dangerous! But England’s well vaccinated population suffered 29,000 deaths between January & early November, 2022! LONG COVID affects 1 in 5 infected adults 18- 64. Cloth masks only ward off droplets- Surgical masks & better protectors help keep out aerosols- the virus floating in the air we breathe! Every time we are COVID infected, more damage may occur! But we are Social Beings!
- Living alone reportedly increases the risk of depression by 40%! We interact & make friends to avoid SOCIAL LONLINESS. We form intimate relationships to deal with EMOTIONAL LONLINESS! Depression is linked to poorer physical health- We engage in SELF HELP, ACCEPT A PURPOSE in our life- or a PORPOISE in our Life living by the sea- a pet, Plant, Garden area- interaction with people & other life! Together Apart!!!! Psychologist Thomas Lynch says “Humans are hyper-cooperative species! Social signaling allows for quick, safe evaluation & conflict resolution & to help manage collaboration! But depressed Patients are more likely to exhibit FLAT or DISENGENUOUS FACIAL EXPRESSIONS- speak in a monotonous voice. We need to feel part of a TRIBE.” Belonging & Being Accepted is a constant need we address in welcoming people experiencing Mental Health Challenges or who are 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? for example- How may we adopt Pres. Biden’s call to engender a welcoming safe space among all our different ‘TRIBES?’ We all share our inviolable INALIENABLE RIGHTS & our Constitutional GIFTS- LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT of HAPPINESS. Oh- It’s a Beautiful Britney Day in our Neighborhood- Won’t you be my Neighbor!!!! Howdy Neighbors all over our Beloved Shared Mother Earth!!! We may all MAKE EACH OTHER FEEL GOOD ABOUT OURSELVES & WELCOME SANTA CLAUS’S LAUGHTER & TWINKLING SMILE AS HE EMBRACES OUR EARTH IN LOVE!!!!
- #1s: Everybody wants to live in America- unfortunately VIRUSES TOO!!! COVID began with 1 infected person? & now over 650 million have been infected & 7 million killed! Our Beloved U.S. is apparently by far THE WORST INFECTED & PLAGUED COVID COUNTRY!!! Get Back COVID- to the Bats where you once belonged! Remembering Beatle John Lennon shot Dec. 8, 1980!
- “How were you able to keep your Patients John?” asked Rocker/Golfer Alice Cooper- now about 74 & still doesn’t know what he wants! Schizoaffective? Challenged Gifted song writer & singer Brian Wilson- I met Brian- WOW!!! finally came out from being a recluse to meet John Lennon at Monkees’ Drummer Mickey Dolenz’ house in Laurel Canyon. Brian kept asking guests to bring him back over again & again to speak with John Lennon- John patiently spent his entire evening attending to Brian Wilson! John answered Alice Cooper: “Brian’s not well- Everyone knows that & he’s going through a difficult period in his Life. I just want him to FEEL GOOD ABOUT HIMSELF & it doesn’t bother me- interrupting everybody else speaking to me!” You remember I met a Dude one New Years who toured with The Beatles and at a Press Conference, he approached John’s table with a microphone & recorder. Big Media Press scolded him- ‘Get to the back of the room Jojo where you belong!’ John scolde Big Media Press & said “Bring yer mic & recorder up here & use my desk- right up in front!” He said John was wonderful to him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all still LOVE YOU JOHN! A Danish study of Hospitalized Patients challenged by Mental Illness, found that 50% of Patients experience a further diagnosis within 10 years. Is the prevailing Medical Model LACKING in being able to help Patients? Or is mental illness a bit like Long COVID- one health challenge may trigger further issues! where What FUN & ENJOYMENT CAN WE HAVE WITHOUT OUR WANTING TO BE HEALTHY & BEING A HEALTHY INFLUENCE ON OTHER PEOPLE & ALL FLORA & FAUNA IN OUR GARDEN IN EDEN PARADISE- A BIT WORN & TORN!!!
- Yes- once again, like a unobservant MaGoo, I almost walked straight into Bambi visiting in my side yard! She looked very unsteady but stood as confident as she was able- No running away at lightning Kentucky Derby speed Thank God/Allah!!! Yes- You do have INALIENABLE RIGHTS TOO BAMBI- Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness!!! Does Santa only include Arctic Reindeer- never normal White Tailed deer like Bambi???
- For everyone who believes in Religions/God/Allah or in Angels or Aliens observing People Kind, we only HOPE THEY SEE US STRUGGLING- BUT RISING UP INTO ENLIGHTENMENT! MOST FOLKS ARE BASICALLY GOOD, HOPING THE BEST FOR EVERYONE & OUR BEAUTIFUL WORLD! Discrimination is a PLAGUE SOCIALLY INFECTING US- SO PLEASED PRES. BIDEN IS PUSHING SOCIAL EQUITY, INCLUSION, JUSTICE, TRUTH & RECONCILIATION, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, THAT EVERY INDIVIDUAL POSSESS INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!!! (Pres. Trump is forever being beaten down- Is it justified?) Our BABYPOWERMOVEMENT calls for giving every Baby & Child Love, Care, a Welcoming Safe, Helping Community, full Education & Recreational Opportunities including the ARTS!!! By teen years & early Adulthood, we witness the failures in Violence, Addictions, etc. An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a POUND of CONSEQUENCES/CURE for allowing our children to be FREE from HARM!!
- SHOCKING TO OUR FREE WORLD- Canada’s Politicians are abandoning Democratic Practices & attempting to coerce Doctors to kill their vulnerable Patients & Citizens by a 1930’s Fascist Germany style culling of ‘undesirable throwaway citizens’- Doctor’s HIPPOCRATIC OATH DECLARES “I WILL NEVER DO HARM TO ANYONE. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a Plan! ” Eugenics, Canada’s Politicians Holocaust of Death is against poor, health challenged, under cared for, poverty stricken, visible minority, Indigenous, 2 spirit LGBTQ+?, etc. marginalized citizens, Veterans included apparently- a half dozen at least asked for PTSD Treatment, etc. but instead Veterans Affairs Councilors emphatically PUSHED CANADA’S new ‘DOCTORS KILLING THEIR PATIENTS’ as a preferred Treatment for PTSD or brain/mind challenges for Veteran’s selfless war service! Facing backlogs of care & treatment, Politicians say Doctors killing ‘Patients’ is the faster ‘treatment alternative- quicker, final & saves Big Brother BIG BUCKS$$$! We’re giving Canadian Politicians a break- They’ve calculated $$$ savings by killing what Hitler viewed as ‘undesirable’ to be ‘culled from the herd,’ ‘useless eaters,’ costing $$$ Nazi Germany! Yes- PURE GENOCIDAL INHUMANITY & EVIL!!! But we know EVIL- DEMONS’ THINKING from Hollywood Movies or by REAL HORRIFIC ATROCITIES on EARTH: KILLING VULNERABLES IS BLOOD/LIFE SACRIFICAL DEVIL WORSHIP AT ITS WORST- Yes- Canada’s Elite Politicians may be MEGALOMANIACS, INFLUENCED, POSSESSED OR ESSENTIALLY DEVIL WORSHIPPING- You can’t deny IN OUR FACES TRUTH!!!
- Canada’s Politicians exhibit a complete disregard for & incompetence at serving citizens’ health care or other needs in hospital & in the community & backlogs for necessary care & assistance extend for years! So intentionally, Politicians are using COVID & backlogs as cover to SAVE $$$ & eliminate backlogs BY ELIMINATING Canadians needing assistance or health care!!! #FINALLY- we’ve got Mainstream Media AWAKE!!! Last evening a Psychiatrist was beside himself pleading on the radio for a 1 year reprieve beyond Politician’s March 17, 2023 roll out for seeing heads rolling among Canada’s citizens facing Mental Health challenges & so many other groups also targeted for Genocidal Extermination! With Heartfelt sincerity, he reminded everyone self harm or much worse- suicidal thinking can be a symptom of mental health challenges or existential life crisis which bubbles up during the seeming worst moments in our lives!
- #Do we not all experience self harm or worse thinking due to a crisis, illness or terrible situation triggering our worst emotions & greatest emotional vulnerability & self doubt at some time in our lives?
- #A major HUBRIS FAIL among Psychiatry is to not acknowledge THE LIMITATIONS within their Medical Model is behind failures in helping Patients recover! People will be killed under the new DOCTOR SUICIDING PATIENTS EUGENICS IDEOLOGY based on Psychiatrists saying that Patients are not adequately recovering but have received some mainstream Medical Treatments without adequately responding & future stabilization is unknown. Psychiatric Mainstream Treatment is within a narrow Medical Model & Patient Recovery results reflect back the inadequacies of the Practicing Psychiatrists & their Medical Model! So it’s a CATCH-22 situation for Patients being killed because the (illogical) justification is circular & simply wrong & inadequate! They received some Mainstream Treatments by Psychiatrists under the approved Medical Model but don’t appear to be helped & possibly face longer term illness. So they are prematurely killed, all information about MAID & being Doctor Suicided COVERED UP,
- #MAID/DOCTORS SUICIDING PATIENTS IS THE ARCHETYPE OF THE ROAD TO HELL EXCEPT THAT MAID EMBODIES THE MOST DEPLORABLE EVIL INTENT! Future Patients are similarly also likely to be inadequately helped, referred for MAID/SUICIDED & all can’t be helped by other treatment approaches- they are all killed, that may very well stabilize their illness & bring them towards Mental Health again- opening the door wider to EXPLORING ACTUAL HELPFUL APPROACHES THAT DO WORK FOR FUTURE PATIENTS!!! A definition of Insanity is trying the same approaches over & over & expecting different results! This applies to the Psychiatry Medical Model obviously! For example, I was diagnosed with the most severe Diagnoses & Poor Prognosis according to Psychiatry’s Medical & Treatment Model! Death seemed hovering in the Medical Crisis- 24/7 second by second- I felt it, lived it! Nurses even betting about my Survival! Without stabilization & some recovery under their strict control & treatment Regime, death was certain in their view! Upon escaping their treatment regime destabilizing me quickly & more extremely, I was denied access to any Community Based Program & denied access to any other Psychiatry Team or even to seeing a Psychologist because my Hospital Team deemed nothing helpful could be achieved except by accepting the Hospital Team’s total control over my Life & whatever they might try by way of treatments!!! When my Brother questioned them years later, they said it is Scientifically & Medically impossible I SURVIVED without their total control & strict Treatment Care & also impossible I recovered- There is no Scientific nor Medical Explanation. So we see there is STABILIZATION & RECOVERY OUTSIDE THE MEDICAL MODEL & PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT PROTOCOLS BY A PATIENT & PEOPLE WHO APPARENTLY ARE DEEMED TO BE WITHOUT SKILLS.
- Our Psychiatrist emoting over mass media was truthfully saying Doctors are by Professional Standards, PRACTICAL TRAINING & Personal Character obligated to ACT DECISIVELY TO PROTECT & SAVE US SHOULD WE EXHIBIT SUICIDAL THINKING OR BEHAVIOR!!! Family & Friends are brought in for emotional comfort & support, hospital & community services made available- all life saving & safety protocols adhered to & temporary hospitalization enforced if warranted for our safety!!! Typically, Doctors & staff form a compassionate relationship with the suicidal Patient, explain they want to observe them & do some tests to check on their health for a few days, Family & Friends are anxious & want a few days ‘time out’ for care of their loved one, & Patients agree! Everyone is so helpfully caring & protective! BUT NOW EVERYTHING IS UPSIDE DOWN!!!
- Suddenly our concerned Psychiatrist- like others speaking up, explained Canada’s Politicians want Doctors to ABANDON their Professional Standards, Practical Training & Upright Moral Character & seize the moment to do the EXACT EVIL OPPOSITE- Pressure/Advise/Persuade the Patient- helpless, completely vulnerable, suicidal & unable to escape the Doctor’s wishes- POWER IMBALANCE AS FAR APART AS THE MOON! to accept being MURDERED BY THE DOCTOR as an ‘Alternative Treatment!’ Talk Show Personalities ARE OBVIOUSLY SHOCKED in Canada, the U.S. & Worldwide like Foxy Ladies News Anchor Laura Ingraham!
- #What? Anything Goes- HAVE NEEDLE & MEDICATION POISON- WILL TRAVEL, DOCTORS AVAILABLE FOR HIRE!!! How did this atrocity become part of our APOCALYPTIC TIMES?:?? ‘No protocols, guardrails’- Media Personalities & Psychiatrists are saying! Just kill vulnerable in crisis ‘undesirables,’ ‘throwaway citizens’ or any Canadians needing $$$health or other help or care? 1. On a 10 year waiting list for affordable housing? 2. Lonely? 3. Need PTSD Treatment? 4. Government disability support wage too low to cover monthly expenses? 5. 2 year wait for hip replacement? 6. Ran up credit card debts too high? 7. Broke up with your first Boyfriend & can’t live without him? 8. Failed at College or suspended for refusing so many vaccinations? 9. Lured to perform sex act or pose nude on line & being blackmailed/extorted? 10. Laid off or fired? 11. Anxiety & stressed all the time? 12. Frustrated at losing weight or other eating issues? 13. Body image Distorted Thinking? 14. Got Pregnant & feeling alone? 15. Can’t get Pregnant & Life’s not fulfilling w/o being a Soccer Mom? 16. Parents rejecting you as 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? 17. As a visible minority, sick of facing discrimination? 18. Don’t like Mondays? 19. Acute temporary Mental Health Reaction to stress, anxiety, situation, etc. Doctor SUICIDED before allowing time for stabilization, changing circumstances & impossible situation enabling recovery!
- Will Big Brother list 500 reasons people deemed ‘surplus or undesirable’ should Sign a paper or just say o.k. to Canada’s P.M. Post Menopausal? Unjust True-dunce’s Doctors of Death who will kill you- some media say, JUST BY CONVEYING A VERBAL or OTHER INDICATION of Acceptance!!! Big Brother already has all our signatures on file- on other documents. But ACCEPTANCE to be killed by a verbal cue or A THUMBS UP??? Big Brother can kill anyone under purported agreed on ‘Doctor Performed ‘Suicide!!! ‘No WAIT LIST for Doctor’s Killing! My Jewish Friend sent me an elaborate video by a corporation attempting to show the last day- being murdered (by your Doctor) is the most beautiful & wonderful experience in your life!!! Arguably Demons & Devil Worshippers are making a move to take over our Governments/Politicians, Health Care & Social Safety Net!!! Hitler’s Genocide 2.0 under P.M. Trudeau is SO EVIL- BEYOND OUR WORST IMAGINATION!!! Canada’s WORST NIGHTMARE after decades providing Human Rights Enlightenment?!!
- Media are reporting Ontario Canada’s Medical Association’s document for Protocols reads Physicians who provide (the killing) must complete The Certificate of Death but must NOT 1. LIST SUICIDE BY DOCTOR ASSIST AS THE CAUSE OF DEATH BUT 2. RATHER AN ILLNESS or DISABILITY LEADING TO THE REQUEST AS THE CAUSE OF DEATH! DOCTORS MUST ALSO 3. NOT MENTION ANY REFERENCES TO ‘MAID’/ DOCTOR ASSISTED SUICIDE/KILLING on The Certificate of Death NOR 4. ANY MEDICATIONS/POISONS ADMINISTERED TO CAUSE THE PATIENT’S DEATH!!! Family will be kept OUT OF THE LOOP!!! Everyone may be told they died from Depression/Stress/Anxiety/Obsessive Compulsive Disorder/Fear of Living/LOW SELF ESTEEM/STOPPED BREATHING/Body Image Issues/Internet Oppression/ WRONGLY SOUGHT A MEDICAL OPINION- (‘We can SUICIDE YOU RIGHT NOW!’) whatever B.S. SUICIDING DOCTORS CHOOSE!!! You have to agree- More EVIL & TERRIFYING THAN ALMOST ANYTHING WE MIGHT IMAGINE IN A HORROR MOVIE!!!! BIG BROTHER’S PERFECT DEMONIC CRIME!!!! Brianca- speaking about our Doctors SUICIDING US ALL is killing us- Brighten up our REALITY PLEASE!!!! Bambi needs her Christmas Present- Any ideas what Bambi would like beside me visiting an eye Doc so’s I don’t walk into her?!!! Please ask Santa if we could ride with Bambi or my scooter across the sky on Christmas Eve!
- South Belle Britney Spears lived according to BAD SURFIN’ California Court CONSERVATEE SONG VERSION of Jingle $$$Bells for her Dad & all her expensive$$$ handlers for 13 Christmas’s & was holding back her Happy- Sad Entertaining Slave tears? Allegedly generations of Spears Women experienced severe relationship issues with men in their lives involving Mental Illness & Tragedy!? Today as always, dressed or undressed & happy or sad, Britney GIVES EVERYONE HER BEST DANCING, CARTWHEELING INSPIRATIONAL CHEERS- BRIGHTENING OUR LIVES! You Still Turn Everyone On Britney- Soccer Moms still holding a Grudge? #Britney’s 41 & can this Girl Come & Entertain Us All! Justin Bieber Please don’t beat me up for saying: #Selena Gomez is 30 but she still dances ‘dirty’- a Bipolar & Psychosis Survivor- also offers herself filmed ‘naked,’ but not like Britney! as she descends & rises from her Mental Illness Challenge Dance Pole with her inspirational Hollywood Style Productions telling us
- #YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR MENTAL HEALTH HARD ROAD MARATHON OF CHALLENGES & YOUR HOPES FOR HEALTHIER, BRIGHTER RAINBOWS & SUNSHINY DAYS!!!! Yes- Mental Health Challenges may be almost as BRIEF as Britney’s turquois thong & necklace fashion statement- #I WAS BORN THIS WAY & BY THIS FASHION STATEMENT- Today hopefully Britney is BORN AGAIN!!!! INSPIRING US LIKE ALWAYS in GOOD TIMES & BAD!!! For Selena Gomez, Physical & Mental Challenges continued for years through many HARD STRUGGLES & TEARS!!!! But like Selena Gomez, we HOLD OUR SELF ESTEEM & OUR HEADS HIGH BEING HEROES- NEVER EVER ZEROS!!!
- #You imagine anyone not facing our mental or physical challenges can hold up better than you??? My Self Confident Big City Business Brother got a flu fever & experienced psychosis for a few hours- He was slobbering like a Baby pleading with me to take him away from Big City lights, noise & crowded activity saying this ‘psychosis is too much for me- people with mental illness are so brave & strong!’ Admit it- You’re HEROIC- BRAVE & TOUGH AS RAWHIDE! The kind of Human Being our World needs- STANDING STRONG IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGING ADVERSITIES!!! Like Ukraine fending off Russia- Our new Biblical David & Goliath story! Fending off gain of Function Wuhan Virology lab created, American financed-YIKES? Sars- 2 COVID Plague which has killed 7+ million & infected probably 1 in 2 Americans or more- almost everyone eventually? We face CLIMATE CHANGES & RESTORING our Biodiversity, Flora & Fauna, Cradles of Life & Lungs of Mother Earth Jungles & Ocean Coral Reefs, etc.
- Tell me about how much Life/God/Allah/Prophets/Holy Bibles & Scriptures LOVE LOVE LOVE STRUGGLING SWIMMERS & HEROIC RESCUERS!!! TOGETHER APART- WE who STAND STRONG IN THE FACE OF CHALLENGES to create our Better, Healthier Lives, Societies & World!!!!!! Maintain our NOT TO BE VIOLATED INALIENABLE RIGHTS, DEMOCRACIES, CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO LIFE, LIBERTY & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!!! We are never alone- SANTA/God/Allah/Jesus/Prophets/Angels/Family/Friends/GOOD SAMARATINS HELPING STRANGERS- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto You & LOVE ONE ANOTHER- YEH!!!! Darwinian Survival LAW- LIFE WILL FIND A WAY THROUGH THIS FOR FOR ME & YOU TOO!!! Aliens apparently worked to help me once! HEROIC SNAKES ALSO RESCUED ME SCARING AWAY Police sent by a Hospital Psychiatrist (after a Seasoned Psychiatrist DOVE ON ME & I TOSSED HIM ‘GENTLY-NO!’ across the Back Room ‘Dungeon for Experimental Research’& like a football punt returner, broke downfield to SCORE FREEDOM!!! ‘HUNT IT DOWN- BRING IT IN or TAKE IT OUT!!!’ So Suck it Up Buttercup- Mental or Physical Health Challenges may be shorter or longer like I, Britney, Selena experienced- #TAKE THE RIDE & COME OUT BETTER- ‘BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE’ Broadening your OPENING DOORS of PERCEPTION!!!!’ Oops- It’s soon midnight- will I turn into a pumpkin or werewolf tonight- or neither! Like Britney Spears & Selena Gomez, only our hairdressers know for sure!!! Always in your ever loving sacred HEART & you forever in mine!!! LOVING YOU ALWAYS- Nov. 26- Dec. 7, 2022 Brianca Lane #SPIRIT of CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS- CYCLONIC STORMS of HOPE< PEACE< LOVE!!!! WE BETTER BELIVE IT!!!!! Dec. 8- 23, 2022 “You’all Dreaming of a White Christmas? DREAM NO MORE My Dearest Beloved! #Cyclonic Winter Storm SHAKING America UP & SHIVER ME TIMBERS, Blowing us all away towards 0 F.- if not Absolute Zero F.! Bambi’s Soccer Mom is striding in slow motion- I can see every muscle for every joint flex as she slides on the ice in micro-movements across my roadway! Are our pets & other life under our care safeguarded during COLD or HOT SEASONS- Our BELOVED animals given their deserved presents? Just jumped up outa bed like Bambi outa her snow bed- POWER OUTAGE over for now?! Canada agreed to welcome 400,000 Ukrainian Refugees but only 26,000 Afghanis to The Great White North, former home to Quebec high school teenager & hockey high scorer, Kamala Harris- known as THE (ORIGINAL) BLACK PANTHER for her spirited hockey talents!!! Racism LIVES ON- But now Afghanis have to choose which is the coldest environment: Zero F. across America or live in Afghanistan & be tortured among the cold hearted anti Muslim disgraced Taliban every Arab Muslim Country shuns!!! Israel’s Ben Netanyahu is forming his 6th Coalition- more extremist than ever to make non Jews second class lepers in Israel! Our Countries should KEEP OUR PROMISES to our Friendly Allies Abroad! Pope Francis
- should keep his two children’s moccasins story promises alive by TRUTH, RECONCILIATION & Christmas Spirit Reparations with Indigenous Nations- especially in Canada but all over Turtle Island! Pope Francis already signed a letter of resignation in case his Health fails- WOULD YOU LIKE TO APPLY? Could Brook Spears or Angelina Jolie become Pope? #Laura Croft would WIN ULTIMATELY OVER EVIL & ‘Brook Lane Spears’ could easily seduce the devil & send him up to Canada for Doctor Suiciding! #Nothing makes P.M. Unjust Trudeau happier than Doctors suiciding poverty stricken, First Nations, Two Spirit LGBTQ+? potential costly, ‘unproductive eaters’ or throwaway, unappreciated innocents & vulnerable Folks regardless of age or promise of a better life ahead if only given reasonable hope, moral support, accommodations or a hand up???!! #The devil/evil delights at Canadian Doctors being encouraged to violate every sacred HEALTH PRACTITIONER OATH & then falsify Death Certificates burying any hint Canadians are being pressured to agree to Eugenics 2.0- a new Genocide/Holocaust where essentially Citizens with long lives ahead simply disappear & die suddenly- their Friends & Family never told THE TRUTH- they were pressured at a very low point & DOCTOR SUICIDED!!! As to declawing the Russian bear, how is allowable that Russia bombs Ukraine’s infrastructure & Resource Facilities but does reap a karmic whirlwind? Bomb every Russian energy & resource asset to hell-o & back using ‘RUSSIANS AGAINST THE WAR’ TO CARRY OUT ALL THE ATTACKS & WIN THE PEACE HEROICLY FROM WITHIN RUSSIA??? #WINNING THE PEACE FROM WITHIN RUSSIA SHOULD BE A NEW RALLYING CRY!!!
- Wonderful to see our real life modern David & Goliath story come to America- Pres. Zelenskyy speaking from his HEART to Congress- THANKING EVERY AMERICAN FOR KEEPING OUR WORLD FREE!!! Start the Presses- Add a new chapter to the Holy Bible: David/Zelenskyy & Ukraine vs. Goliath; Britney Spears vs. the Beast- Hold me Closer Britney!!!! Speaking of BODY POSITIVITY Broads Abroad, Brooklyn/Brook Lane Spears- no longer Britney? needs to shed her clothes & ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time!” HEATING UP AMERICA! Did you know wearing BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK was an established practice in Ancient Greece so everyone knew who the ‘working ladies of the night’ are?!! You aren’t tossing all your bright lipstick now, are you??? ‘Brook/Brook Lane,’ like Amber Heard escapes the U.S. given the trauma they suffered & right on cue, the Nation enters a DEEP FREEZE KARMIC BLAST OF COLD! Thankful are we for Johnny Depp doing what we pleaded- the Gentlemanly Course of Action! : Johnny settled with Amber- Amber’s insurance giving Johnny $1 million- Amber NOT DESTROYED Financially & her FREEDOM & TRUTH SAFE! Her dignity intact, moving outside America!
- Brook- ex Bipolar Vortex Sufferer? says she is FREE IN MEXICO to drink coffee after 15 years & invites her Mom to come on down: “MOM let’s talk about it over a cup of coffee!” Amber- ex Borderline Personality & Histrionics experiencer says “I defended my TRUTH but the vilification I faced on Social Media is an amplified version of the ways women are revictimized!” Amber says she “CANNOT ENDURE MORE ABUSE!” Like Pres. Trump seemingly attempts to argue, American Justice becomes a POLITICAL, POPULARITY & POWER WEAPON CARRYING MORE WEIGHT THAN ‘TRUTH,’ REASON & DUE PROCESS!?? Amber says her ‘FREE VOICE IS THE MOST VALUABLE ASSET I HAVE- I WILL NEVER BE SILENCED FROM SPEAKING MY TRUTH!’ She cites HUMILIATION in the forms of psychological, emotional & physical trauma- versions of the ways women are REVICTIMIZED! Brook- if your Mom won’t come down with you- You’re delirious fans will- LET’S TALK ABOUT IT OVER A CUP OF COFFEE!!!” You can wear your usual outfit- NOTHING!!!! And let’s see more BODY POSITIVITY- Britney’s/Brook’s been fantastic at inspiring everyone to LOVE OUR BODY! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BODY or Brook may have to SHOW YOU HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does your HOWL say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Britney/ Brook Lane- you are a BLESSING against any weariness we suffer- LOVE EVERYONE Britney & hold us closer to your naked truth!!!!!!
- #BLESS YOU & BLESS EVERYONE with Cyclonic Storms of Hope< Peace & LOVE!!!! We better believe in Christmas Miracles & within every Belief Holy Celebration- LIFE, LIBERTY & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!!!! God/Allah/Darwinian Evolutionary Survival- Life Will Find A Way in All Our Struggles!!! #Like in Mental Illness Challenges sometimes THE WAY OUT IS ACTUALLY THE WAY THROUGH TO VICTORY!!! #I Just Want My Life Back Again- Is that too much to ask for?!!! Just what ‘Dr. Life’ is attempting to do for us all every day- to help us be healthier!!! OPEN BORDERS vs. She’s LEAVING HOME: 10 million+ (illegal immigrants?) are blasting into America around the 28th Parallel; with outstretched arms, being welcomed by Pres. Biden & Borders Out of Control Boss Kamala Harris! #Dropped suddenly into a Town or city near you- Enjoy your new American Friends Everybody!!! “Give me your tired, your poor- your huddled masses yearning to be FREE!!” (Emma Lazarus, 1883) Sadly, terrible Opioids like Fentanyl are brought in across the Mexico- U.S. Border along with human incarnations of evil! China enabling the DRUG PLAGUE to TRY TO RUIN AMERICA? China’s Wuhan Lab ‘accidentally?’ allegedly released GAIN OF FUNCTION COVID killing more Americans by far than citizens in any other Country! China demands every Chinese born citizen living in a foreign country extract & bring home all Western Technology & Information! China has actual ‘Police Stations’ in Canada for luring in ‘Chinese Canadians’ to do their bidding & are even kidnapping Chinese Canadians back to China for alleged ‘breaches of Chinese interest’ for punishment! China ‘advises Chinese Canadians who not to vote for in Canadian Elections’ & funds Pro- China candidates!
- About our Hospital Doctor finally enjoying a trail walk off from her 12 hour shifts- a shadowy figures approaches & causes her to suffer a terrible fall & broken wrist- leaves her crying begging for help! Back into the shadows! My Jewish Friend says that German Shepherd (or similar) attacked several other trail walkers but Police won’t charge the Offender! Would you want her to stitch your face or body using her broken wrist hand? But you haven’t heard the worst- Her innocent 22 years young Daughter’s Friend said: ‘Try this FUN PILL- AT LEAST JUST ONCE!!!’ We can’t really taste, smell or see Fentanyl- but we sure can try it only once or only a few times & never live another day!!! We have no idea how much other people endure in pain & suffering- even so-called people who seem to ‘have it all!’!
- P.S. Far & above 100,000 Americans perish annually from drug overdoses- surpassing statistics from guns & auto accidents combined! Opioids alone are pushing statistics towards 100,000 in time! FOXY LADIES News t.v. Hosts are flipping out about OUT of Control Open Border Access for Illegal Dangerous Drugs & for ENABLING CRIMINAL’S ENTRY!!! P.S. Alcohol wreaks tremendous tragedy too- Britney/Brooklyn Spears never ever needed alcohol to get everyone HOT & HEAVY!!!!
- Will the Real Pop Star PLEASE SHOW THEMSELVES?!! Britney/ Brook Lane Spears says we don’t see the REAL PERSON behind the Lens- only the SHOWBIZ ACTOR!!! Selena Gomez faced Bipolar Mental Illness- Ask Justin Bieber if he could hang in there supporting the REAL Selena during her Bipolar illness!!! Beyond that illness embodying many symptoms, Selena experienced full blown PSYCHOSIS- her Friend says she was unrecognizable in hospital from her healthy former self!! But Selena is happily doing well today & using her Media & Marketing Power Machine to educate everyone about mental illness & pushes for better resources & assistance. Yes- Selena is schlepping her expensive cosmetics at us too- relying on our Body Image insecurities!!! But please Selena- RED LIPSTICK says we are ladies of the night!
- Canada’s PM Trudeau doesn’t allow for recovery period over years like for Britney & Selena. He pushes DOCTORS SUICIDING THEIR PATIENTS QUICKLY instead of incurring health treatment & community care assistance costs!!! My Bro says Selena is about average looking but on Saturday Night Live we see her appearing like a Goddess in tall platforms & body wraps, etc., sporting a painted new face!!! So almost anyone can be made to look like a Goddess- we’re about as pretty or handsome as any movie star in full make up created appearance!!! Stars have personal trainers, dietitians, plastic surgeons, etc. to create whatever appearance is desired! Or just marry someone with poor eyesight!!!
- I watched Marty Short & Steve Martin’s silly patter- I knew Marty as a regular fun loving inoffensive goofball in real life- it’s so weird to see him put on his fake comedy schtick when you know the REAL MARTY BEHIND THE FACADE!!!! #C’mon Marty- stop acting so silly- You came up SHORT on Saturday Night! You’re a naturally funny lovable goofball just by being yourself- stop the act already!!!!! Imagine if you knew Selena or Britney as they naturally are? Yes- Britney oozes with talent & body heat!! P.S. Does Britney ever wear clothes- no wonder she jumped to Mexico escaping this Cyclonic Blizzard!!! Any who- #”It’s a WONDERFUL LIFE!” with Johnnie Depp finally settling with Mandy Lane for only $1 million paid by her insurance! Fantastic Johnny- Everything we hoped for so you feel vindicated & Mandy may create a BETTER LIFE holding her HEART & HEAD HIGH- SPEAKING HER TRUTH & her wonderful 1 years young daughter Oonagh Lane expanding our clan! #Don’t let let no man silence any woman from speaking her TRUTH!
- Times Up for the ungrateful backstabbing Beatles to Apologize: As for Beatle Paul McCartney Lane- Paul is welcome to join my clan, Paul you rascal- been about 60 years since Silver Beatles drummer Pete Best & Soccer Mom Mona instrumentally helped establish the Band & get gigs! Without Pete & Mona, Beatles were simply viewed as a nowhere man garbage band of goofy crawling critters to be stepped on & squashed in Liverpool or in Germany!!! But how did you shoe your appreciation- BOOTED PETE OUT VIA BRIAN NEVER TO SPEAK TO HIM JUST PRIOR TO RECORDING LOVE ME DO-even replacement Ringo Starr was seen by producer George Martin as not professional enough for recording!!! & HAVING A BODY GUARD PROTECT YOU WHEN YOU WERE NEAR- IMAGINING PETE WOULD JUSTLY BEAT UP ON THE BACKSTABBING BEATLES!!!! “IMAGINE” ALL THE BACKSTABBING BEATLES APOLOGIZING TO PETE & MONA- You may say I’m a Dreamer- Be PEACE & LOVE in BEATLEBUG LAND WHEN PAUL APOLOGIZES TO PETE BEST! PAUL- DO WE HAVE TO SEND JOHNNY DEPP OVER TO DO A DRUG CRAZED AMBER SCENE ON YOU?!!! Oops- All we need is LOVE- Everybody Now- Apologies to Good Johnny Depp & Pauly Wogger- Satan must have possessed me!!! Santa- I’ve repented so you will FORGIVE & FORGET, won’t you!!!! Yes- I promise to try not to frighten Baby Bambi’s & the Beaver Family at the pond by being so unaware I almost walk into them at least once a week! And I’ll set up a feeder for all our humming birds!!!! And knit a neck collar to keep Rudolph warm during Cyclonic Wintry Storms!!!! Planes are cancelled across America- you’ll be o.k. riding on the storms Santa? WONDERFUL SANTA- HO! HO! HO! to YOU TOO & to ALL YOUR REINDEER!!!!! Yes- A GREAT JOKE- WHEN HAS SANTA EVER CANCELLED DUE TO SNOWY, WINDY COLD WEATHER!!!! SANTA LIVES AT THE NORTH POLE AFTER ALL!!!!!
- King Charles to be is becoming part of British Currency- obviously nicknamed THE BRITISH TOAD in honor of King TOAD the SILLY! Or ‘Silly Toadie’ by his detractors: ‘That’ll be five TOADIES PLEASE for the purchase!’ But when Princess to be Diana kissed her Prince Charming/Charles, he turned into a TOAD & the Royal Matrimonial Bed became RATHER CROWDED with 3 sleeping together!!!! Later, Princess Diana became so much BELOVED, CELEBRATED & POWERFUL ECLIPSING THE ROYAL MONARCHY & the Military Industrial Complex? she was assassinated in a staged auto accident & allowed to bleed out!
- So appropriate America’s Sterling Eagles- Real Father & Soccer Mom of Modern America, rose above severe Mental Illness Challenges- Pres. Lincoln- DEPRESSION & his beloved wife- SCHIZOPHRENIA, to EXHIBIT COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, TOLERANCE, INCLUSION & EQUITY, LOVE for our FREEDOMS & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!!!! The OVERLY EXCITED UNITED/DIVIDED STATES recently suffered severe SPLIT PERSONALITY DISORDER ILLNESSES & DEPRESSING CONSEQUENCES deciding to journey back in time to resurrect previous cultural artifacts or bravely step forward delivering the HOPE, PEACE & UNIVERSAL GOODWILL & LOVE into our World Pres. Lincoln & wife Mary built the foundation for!!!! Unlike many almost throwaway temporary relationships plaguing today’s world, They were a DREAM TEAM depending on each other!!! So many ‘creditable political figures’ reported over the years seeing Pres. Lincoln alive- With my Magoo Diminished Surrounding Eyesight Awareness, I felt his Powerful Comforting Presence helping ‘ABELY’ guide America these past few years! Yes- he spoke to me in his warm friendly honest voice & #if physics allowed his physical self to be recreated, he’d be a wonderful President to ABLEY lead America today in 2024- Four NEW YEARS of Honest Abe in 2024- Is anything possible in Apocalyptic Times??? Always in your Blessed Loving Heart & YOU forever in mine!!!! We are all so LOVED, LOVING & LOVABLE- Adorable & Always Believing Hopefully through the worst of times & DELIGHTFULLY INSPIRING ALL LIFE in CREATING the VERY BEST of TIMES! CHERISHING ONE ANOTHER & ALL LIFE- ESPECIALLY OUR BLESSED MOTHER EARTH!!!! In your LOVE DEAREST- Dec. 23, 2022 by Brianca Lane CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS & MUSICAL MANIA FOREVER- Jan. BLUES NEVER!!!! Jan. 4, 2023 Snow & Wind Storm on Steroids- City of Buffalo- if not much of Canada & the U.S. desperately needed my Ancestor’s circa 1890’s Buffalo Hides & One Horse Open Sleighs- Bells Ringing Loudly & children singing Christmas Cheery Songs Helping Santa & His Reindeer See Their Way- Power out Everywhere except by Rudolph’s Bright Nose!!!! I heard you could pick Frozen Oranges/Juice from Florida trees! Hope Santa flew over some routes in the days after Christmas to make sure all the homes he couldn’t see in the Absolute Pitch Black Snow Blizzards finally got their Christmas Presents delivered!!! But suddenly after Christmas, a ‘Heat Wave’ melted all the snow- Bucky Beaver’s family down at the Wood’s Pond Stream faced torrential flooding- hope Bucky’s damned up flooding home was dam high for all young Beaverettes!!!! Our Deer were cheering the Heatwave- chomping up fresh green grass! Bambi says ‘Could you humans do something about this sudden extreme Climate Change???’
- Feel like The Grinch who stole Christmas for Long John & The Silver Beatles- Listening to original recordings live in Hamburg, etc. Silver Beatles Drummer Pete was Fantastic- the BEST at creating The Beatles Magic Rock & Roll Dance Sound!!! Absolutely no valid basis for Pete being horribly abused & ditched via Brian Epstein- who took The Beatles for about 40% of their profits himself!!!! Pete was still with Brian Epstein when Paul phoned to ask if the BACKSTABBING of Pete HAD BEEN CARRIED OUT!!!! Ringo is a FUNTASTIC GUY & simply did whatever John & Paul wanted him to play on the beautiful song paintings- too boring if everything is methodically ‘painted to tape!?? Pete was civilized asked all Beatles associates to carry on supporting the group who viciously BACKSTABBED HIM CRUELLY!!!
- John on all the uppers they took for 6- 10 hour German Rock shows, allegedly killed his best art school Friend by suddenly knocking him to the ground & wailing with his leather pointed boots- bleeding leading to his B.F.’s death! Paul impregnated his 16 year old G.F. John did the Right Thing- marrying Cynthia but took off to Spain with Gay Manager Brian Epstein for a GAY OLD VACATION INSTEAD!!! Teased later, John beat a news person badly & offered 200 pounds with a full apology for going berserk! But truthfully, Artists & Musicians are celebrated for breaking all social norms. Bisexual Mick Jagger romanced his Rolling Stone’s great guitarist Keith Richards! The early Beatles expressed their spontaneous joi de vivre raw exuberance vs. their later 1967 era music works resembling slow laborious intricate beautiful paintings. Ringo was leased tightly- instructed what to play for seemingly every drumbeat???
- Checked into “Yesterday” & was referred to Frankie Laine (& also David Whitfield) releasing the hit British single “Answer Me!” in 1953. “She was mine Yesterday-An’ I believed that love was here to stay! (Now it looks as if they’re here to stay! M. & L.) Won’t you tell me where I’ve gone astray- Please answer me Sweet Heart.” (Originally a German song by Sigman, Rauch & DeWinkler?) An Italian composer Greco alleges Beatles Yesterday uses an 1895 Italian song tune, Picerre’ Che Vene a Dicere??? Lennon cheerfully admits, “I’d often carry around someone else’s song in my head. And ONLY when I put it down to tape would I consciously CHANGE IT to my own melody, because I knew otherwise somebody would sue me!” Didn’t Wonderful Bob Dylan admit to using a similar approach in writing ‘original songs?’ But his style was fantastic & his lyrics amazing!
- Lennon stole from Chuck Berry’s “You can’t catch me!” (1956) “Here come a flat top- He was movin’ up with me!”* Lennon’s guitar screeching intro. to Beatles ‘Revolution” was clipped from Pee Wee Crayton’s rock “do Unto Others!” (1954) (*”Here come old flat top- He come groovin’ up slowly! Lennon & M.) George Harrison created “My Sweet Lord” based on The Black Girl Group “Chiffons” “He’s So Fine!” & paid almost $590,000. for all the Rights upon being called on the carpet. Lennon said “George could have changed a few bars in that song- no one could have touched him!” Beatles “I FEEL FINE” key guitar lick stripped from Boby Parker’s “watch Your Step” Lennon loved to play the song! McCartney says he stole the bass line from Chuck Berry’s “I’m Talking About You!” “When I Saw Her Standing There!” Be FUN if Paul McCartney worked with a song origins investigator or AI Advanced computer to identify where Beatles songs came from pre-existing songs! Not to undermine Beatles were fantastic songsmiths- especially with George Martin, etc. offering considerable help!!!
- Hey- A mention about multiple personality disorder: About 1% experience a Dissociative Disorder such as feeling disconnected from their body. In Multiple Personality Disorder, a person splits into several unique ‘persons,’ each living a life as an individual person but probably aware of other ‘persons’ also occupying the body! After a brief ‘blurring’ another ‘person’ emerges, ‘fronting.’ One ‘person’ might be musical, left handed & play instruments; another ‘person’ might be actually right handed & have different interests! Even their body experiences may be unique as different ‘people.’ We can imagine neglect, abuse, extreme trauma, wartime exposure, living in a poverty stricken refugee camp, etc. might trigger our brain dividing so one or more ‘persons’ is free from the trauma, etc. One ‘person’ handles much of the hardship experiences & is assertive & protective, for example. Another may be happy & more sociable adept. Another lesser seen or heard ‘person’ might be a child. Obviously as we want to live out our hopes & dream, so do they as individuals sharing a body! Fascinating!!!! (Just attempting to shorten earlier discussions to create more room- reviewed Oct. 4 to Nov. 22, 2021 below) Always Loving to share & be with you, speaking about anything truthfully; seeing everyone feeling so much better & informed about our Mental & Physical Health, especially as you are unique, special & so needed in our Fallen World!!! Always in your precious loving Heart & you forever in mine!!! Loving You Always- Jan. 4, 2023 by Brianca Lane
- P.S. Is Paul stirring up his courage to apologize sincerely to Pete Best for such serious traumatic abuse- Pete & Mom Mona did so much genuinely helping The Beatles when the were truly Nowhere Men Living in a Nowhere Land- OMG Fantastic Weather since the Christmas Storm but with California, etc. experiencing flooding? It’s Always Something!! Gilda Radner used to scream on Saturday Night! SOMETHING IN THE WAY SHE MOVES- Beatles theft from JAMES TAYLOR!!!!!!!! LOVING YOU!!!!!!!!!
- P.S. SHAPES of THINGS BEFORE OUR EYES! Jan. 16- 23 I reviewed Sept. 20- Nov. 22- 21 again- + important Feb. 24-21 following Nov. 22- 21. Also, added hidden info. about The Beatles behind their carefully marketed facade & Drummer & Beatles co-creator, wonderful Pete Best too! LOVE The EARLY LIVE BEATLES MUSIC ESPECIALLY- Love Pete’s Brilliant Dance Beat driving 800 teens into Beatlemania at the Casbah, Cavern, in German Clubs, etc. 1960- ’62. More juicy background to follow about We’re Beatles or Beasts??? & briefing of past articles. Later studio recordings were beautifully musical paintings but less exciting; obvious painstaking art pieces vs. SPONTANEOUS LIVE MAGIC!!! Ringo was minimalized in what he was to play for recordings like Charlie Watts in The Rolling Stones- Almost regarded like Human Metronomes!? Were John Lennon & Paul McCartney CONTROL FREAKS OVER RINGO & GEORGE HARRISON like they absolutely CONTROLLED THEIR GFs!!!?? (GFs ordered who to look like & what exactly to wear!!! Bridgette Bardot, for example!) When Bod Dylan introduced pot to The Beatles, John Lennon ORDERED EXPENDABLE RINGO to try it first to see if it was SAFE for he, Paul & George!!!
- Ringo & Pete Best played drums differently- I LOVED PETE’S GREAT DANCE SOUND DRIVING ALL LIVE BEATLE’S MUSIC!!! Pete obviously greatly drove The Beatle’s Exciting Live Music & Attractiveness creating the basis for Beatlemania. 5th Beatle George Martin brought up Beatle’s songs like PLEASE PLEASE ME! to commercial success standing before recording them, added so much classiness to simple songs but was concerned NOT TO GET RID OF PETE’S ESTABLISHED LIVE MUSIC ATTRACTION to YOUNG ADORING TEENS & EXCITED LIVE DANCING!!! He saw his Studio Drummer for painstaking recordings but Pete for Live Beatlemania!!! John & Paul- CONTROL FREAKS OVER WOMEN & TOO NARCISSISTIC FOR A GIRL MAGNET DRIVING BEAT DRUMMER like PETE BEST vs. homely looking Puppy Dog Eyes Ringo- great personality, funny, always accepting marching orders from 2 CONTROL FREAKING Ego Driven NARCISSISTS- John & Paul acting like Pres. Trump- not allowing any competition !!!! Ringo- Puppy Dog Friendly, House Trained & ALWAYS ‘ACTING NATURALLY!!!!!!!!’ WHO DOESN’T LOVE RINGO TO PIECES!!!!!
- SO SO SAD ABOUT OUR GUITAR HERO Jeff Beck from mid 60’s Yardbird Fame Days- ‘SHAPES of THINGS!’ up to touring LIVE! with Gentleman- great actor, Johnny Depp this fall 2022! What a GREAT GUITARIST for 60 years!!!! Arguably our BEST & MOST VERSATILE CREATIVE BLUES, ROCK, DANCE, SWING, etc. Guitarist!!! Rolling Stones asked Jeff to join their Rocking Good Band- Jeff said- ‘TOO BORING MUSICALLY & DEGENERATE SILLY PARTYING???’ 1966? “Shapes of Things” (pro environment & anti-war message) “before my eyes Just lead me to surmise- Will time make man more wise? Now the trees are almost green But will they still be seen When time & tide has been? Fall in your passing hands Please don’t destroy these lands- Don’t make them desert sands!” Timeless Remarkable Song Relevant for 1966 & today in 2023- War, Violence & Environmental Collapse/Climate Change causing our 6th World Wide Mass Extinction are our biggest issues!!!!!
- Yardbirds featured Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page & Jeff on lead guitar & upon breaking up, Led Zeppelin emerged with Jeff also enjoying several All Star Short Lived Rock Star Bands- JEFF WAS A MUSICAL GYPSY, Friend of Jimmy Page & obviously Johnny Depp!!! Sudden passing by BACTERIAL MENINGITIS- inflammation of the fluids & membranes surrounding our brain & spinal chord. Wow- Bacteria & Viruses hunting our Butts looking for a way in to infect us!!! So tiny- far below our vision but so dangerous sometimes!!! Upon discovery of the microscope, we could finally see what was attacking us!
- COVID STILL ACTIVELY INFECTING & CLAIMING LIVES: Over 1.1 million CONFIRMED in the U.S.; 6.723 CONFIRMED in our World!!! Seniors over 60 are primary targets for passing along with Folks with underlying health issues! COVID still reeling out new variants. Are Folks complying with vaccination recommendations up to their 6th vaccination now? I only had my one Moderna vaccination on July 13, 2021 but it saved my butt being infected at my Nephew’s wedding on Oct. 14, ’22. I wear a medical mask indoors in stores, etc. Both my Brother & young Niece had horrible days with COVID & both received several vaccine shots- Both suffered way worse than my milder symptoms- almost facing a trip to the hospital?
- Ukraine- heroes Everyone & saving our butts in The Free World. Hard to believe Russia doesn’t overthrow their Satanic Rogues & Backstabbing sub human Demonic Possessed Dicks-tators!!!!
- Today is also supposedly BLUE JANUARY MONDAY- an ultimate LOW POINT for experiencing SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER & post Christmas/Holiday/New Years Celebrations/credit card/debts cooler weather Blues!!! Be especially kind & compassionate to everyone out in the colder weather! California either burned to hell-o or flooded & submerged like Noah’s Ark by Man Made Climate Changes!!!! Please- no bad earthquakes to shake everyone!!!! FEEL SO GOOD CONNECTING WITH YOU TODAY & EVERYDAY- ALL EASY DANCING TOGETHER APART FROM TOMORROW ONWARD!!! LOVING YOU TOO!!!!
- So SAD about ELVIS’s only daughter LISA MARIE PRESLEY last Thursday in L. A. Lisa Marie celebrated the successful ELVIS Hollywood Movie with the GOLDEN GLOBE winning actor- BEST ACTOR IN A MOTION PICTURE only 2 days earlier & attended at Graceland just prior to celebrate her Dad’s Birthday!!! She appeared faint & steadied herself with her hand on a Friend. Didn’t anyone realize she needed Medical Care immediately- Lisa Marie looked like a living ghost- her eyes almost empty of life??? Lisa Marie was blessed with every material comfort but money can’t buy love & so much more! She suffered several FAILED MARRIAGES, TERRIBLE LONG TERM ADDICTIONS & her son took his life at 27! One night Daddy kissed his 9 years young only daughter before she went to bed- she next saw her Daddy lying face down on the Bathroom Floor!!! A Wonderful human being but like so many unique sensitive beings, really needing a wonderful person like YOU TO BRING HER BACK TO STRENGTH & BELIEVE IN LIFE’S PROMISES AGAIN!!! Happy Living & Loving takes more than Fame & $$$Fortune- She seemingly had EVERYTHING!!! SHE JUST NEEDED YOUR SMILE & YOUR COMPASSION!!!!!!
- P.S. Have to look into Prince Harry’s tell- all. Obviously, Harry spent 20 years mourning his Mom’s apparent Staged Auto Accident/Assassination! We covered all this in ‘The Seduction of the Virgin Mental Patient,’ generously commented on by our talented Friend singing star ED SHEERAN. Ed pointed out how a simple seeming ‘harmless comment’ can set off mental health consequences- ‘unintended?!’
- Prince Charles looked at Princess Diana’s slim beautiful figure but commented: “OH A BIT CHUBBY THERE!” setting off Diana’s EATING DISORDERS ILLNESS which plagued her!!!! We all have to be careful not to trigger feelings of shame or inadequacy in our LOVED ONES!!! Prince Charles never expressed Fatherly comfort towards Harry- Harry was somehow supposed to show a ‘stiff upper lip!’– HOW INADEQUATE NOT TO HELP & COMFORT YOUNG HARRY- ACT LIKE A COMPASSIONATE LOVING HUMAN BEING TO HIS OWN SON- MOTHER KILLED, ALLOWED TO BLEED TO DEATH, HOSPITAL ONLY A FEW MINUTES- SO CLOSE BY TO STOP THE BLEEDING & SAVE HER LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Harry’s aide LANE FOX advised he had to ask Queen Elizabeth for her permission to marry Meghan Markle- Who Prince William described as like a CRIMINAL because she was ‘divorced & an American Actress!!!’ WHAT A HORRIBLE THING TO SAY!!?? Harry told Queen Elizabeth both his aides & her assistants said ‘he had to ask for her her PERMISSION’. Appropriately, Queen Elizabeth answered: “Well then I suppose I have to say YES.” But suffering PTSD, his Brother’s horrible treatment, etc. Harry can’t accept Queen Elizabeth responded perfectly according to tradition as outlined by Harry to Queen Elizabeth! No malice anywhere- can you see any? Jan. 16- 23 by Brianca Lane ALWAYS in YOUR LOVING BLESSING HEART & YOU IN MINE FOREVER- LOVING YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! P.S. I’ll review more to you from earlier dates hoping to make more space available- Feb. ’21- May 18, ’21 below Jan. 30, ’23 CHRISTMAS BLESSINGS & MUSIC MANIA FOREVER- Seasonal Affective Blues Never!!! Can we celebrate SANTA Reindeer & Elves DAY annually around the end of Jan. to Lift our SPIRITS IN JOY? Bro delighted to see Holiday Lights & Displays UP & SPARKLING CHRISTMAS CHEER to EVERYONE! Too many STARS dropping from our skies with SAD, COVID, seasonal colds & flus & climate challenges! Mainstream Media RAVING ALL ABOUT ALCOHOL- 2 drinks weekly maximum. Once again, months or years ago we came down hard with the TRUTH- #ALCOHOL IS A POISON- ANY AMOUNT IS HARMFUL!!! IF YOU DON’T DRINK, DON’T START!!! Opioids self medicating is claiming American lives approaching 100,000 annually? #ADDICTION is REAL & TOO OFTEN CHRONIC- Don’t START! BEST TREATMENT IS DON’T START! #BEST TREATMENT FOR MENTAL ILLNESS- PREVENTION of CAUSES & TRIGGERS!!? #WITH PREVENTION- IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY OR LATE!!!! Remember we HAMMERED Big Brother for LOCKING DOWN OUR CHILDREN FROM ATTENDING SCHOOL, ETC.- WILL BE TERRIBLE FOR THEIR HEALTH, HAPPINESS & DEVELOPMENT!!! Much later, Mainstream Media finally had to agree 100% & reverse all their recommendations! Mental, Psycho-Social & Physical CONSEQUENCES from LOCKDOWNS are very BAD Scientist now attest!!! BUT WHY SO OFTEN AFTER ALL THE HARM!!! WHY NOT BEFORE DOING THE HARM??? #WITH PREVENTION- IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY OR LATE!!!
- Why not be TRUTHFUL with Everyone? If we live in a 3 or 4 seasons Northern Hemisphere climate, have you felt SAD beating at your stability, energy & happiness; targeting your sparkling sensory input? Making you a bit CRANKY??? Does anyone escape experiencing mental illness challenges- mild, moderate or severe on many occasions? Britney Spears- Brooklyn/Lane now Red River, temporarily closed her ‘insta’ account & befuddled #Free Britney Fans to the point they CALLED FOR A POLICE HEALTH CHECK on Britney- OMG!!!! Britney’s been FREE for a year+ Please don’t send in the tracking hounds against her FREEDOM after 13 years of captivity unless she’s in imminent observed danger!!!! WE LOVE BRITNEY & EVERYTHING SHE POSTS- WISH FOR HER BEST!!! Is Britney doomed to be videotaped 24/7 with absolutely no privacy in public venues???
- But Mother Nature conducted a Health Check on me- ‘C’mon Bri You LOVE NATURE & Every Season- BRING YOUR MOODS & SPIRIT UP UP UP AGAIN!!!’ COACH MOTHER NATURE bringing everyone up again, back on track!!! BEAUTIFUL beyond BEAUTY & SO SWEET & CARING for Me & YOU TOO!!!! She did it- Brought my Spirits back up & on track!!! Together Apart- Me You All Living Beings & Mother Nature LIVING & LOVING ONE ANOTHER!!!! Can’t we SHOW HER OUR LOVE BY RESTORING OUR ENVIRONMENT & LIVING SYSTEMS WITHIN LIVING SYSTEMS?!!
- Watching scientists conduct research on psychedelics, magic mushrooms, etc. as possible PURCHASED FUTURE treatment approaches along with PURCHASED Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Brain Energy Stimulation, etc. (Exercising. laughing, being immersed in a favorite artistic endeavor or craft, etc.- FREE or LOW COST NATURAL APPROACHES, ALSO BREAKS STUCK BAD BRAIN PATTERNS & ILLNESSES NATURALLY) make us flexible & able to change for our better health!!! #INVIOLABLE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SURE TURNS MY CRANK EVERY TIME!!! DON’T WE LOVE TO BE LOVED!!! TO GIVE LOVE!!! RESILIENCE, INNER STRENGTH, UNBREAKABLE FAITH & HOPE- BELIEVE BELIEVE!!! Scientists are frustrated about often ineffective or harmful traditional psych. meds.- Hope psychedelics, energy brain stimulation & other new alternatives may prove therapeutic & $$$valuable to change our perceptions, thinking, release us from our P.T.S.D., Depression, etc. Placebos- pretend inactive treatment works great like when Mom comforted you & kissed your Booboo better! Jesus said, “Take up thy sick bed & walk!” saying we have an ability for healing ourselves & others with or without touch, being close by or far away!!! Especially by touching Jesus- his Aura of Holiness easily healing Believers!
- Visioning is a good alternative athletes use in addition to BEING TOTALLY ALIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT TO SEE EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! Clearly pets- even wildlife, beat out &/or supplement most treatments for various illnesses! Therapists easily see how a Patient’s thinking or emotions can appear reactive & fixated badly. They help develop approaches/tools & exercises to practice & begin healing so we don’t spin our wheels! Our Beloved Britney Spears experienced every treatment money can buy for her specific care under her conservatorship over 13 years but now is FREE without STRUCTURE except as she wishes- Britney should be an expert as to if & how she was helped or hurt under modern Treatments & Therapy & if having total freedom & $$$ is working excellently!!! Without any structure, we might not realize we needn’t become accustomed to our mental health challenges- not just live with them stunting our Dreams, HOPES & Successes! Coaching gets us motivated!!! Surely, Britney can self coach if everything is intact! Actively work hard to become TOTALLY HEALTHY SO ILLNESS IS LIKE A FADING NIGHTMARE YOU NEVER WANT TO RELIVE!!! We’re very cautious about self medicating if we already experience a mental health challenge!!! IF Psychedelics are shown to be therapeutic & safe- IF!!!
- One researcher visits Tribes in the Amazon Jungle Basin who appear to share my identical relationship with our Living Natural World!!! Everyone knows our World is a Fallen World- We ask is this REALITY- No it’s a FALLEN WORLD UNHEALTHY REALITY! Singer/songwriter David Crosby sang- “We are stardust- we are Golden & we’ve got to get ourselves (consciousness) back to THE GARDEN (LIVING BIOSPHERE REALITY)!” (Joni Mitchell) Crosby ‘discovered’ Joni & directed her first recordings according to his trademark insanity! He’d excitedly report ‘Joni- I think I created a good song!’ & Joni responds- Good- I created 3 last evening-Joni’s songs blowing Crosby’s away! Felt so intimidated, he couldn’t git it up so to speak! TOO MUCH INFORMATION WHENEVER ASKED A QUESTION!!!! HONEST TO A FAULT! You left The Byrds- ‘8 Miles High; Mr. Tambourine Man; Turn Turn Turn!’ over Musical Differences? ‘No- because I was an ASS____!’ Mr. Honesty, Crosby replies!!! Joni dumped him by singing a song created for him at a gathering of Big Music Stars!!! Joni sang it twice making sure the tune didn’t miss ringing his bell about her not so hidden message!!! Too much public information?!!
- OUR BAD & SAD: So SAD Lisa Marie Presley hoped to be ready for the Awards Shows- especially celebrating her Dad’s life story! She forcibly lost 40- 50 pounds in 6 weeks with weight loss pills, Opioids, etc. Simply pushed herself & body too hard! Is LOOKISM a DEVIL SHAMING US INTO HARMFUL THINKING & ACTION??? BE YOURSELF- BE AS HEALTHY AS REASONABLY YOU ARE ABLE- WE HAVE TO STOP BODY SHAMING WHILE ENCOURAGING SENSIBLE HEATHY LIVING!!! For Canadian Women, almost 30% believe they are financially broke- nothing to put away month to month, barely meeting the basic necessities!!! Over 50% agree they are walking a wire tightrope! Toronto’s Mayor represents a disturbing social disease- demands super political powers overriding other Democratically elected officials but refuses to address core crises- racism, poverty, health & homelessness issues sweeping across North America! Just applies hundreds of millions for more out of control expensive Police & Enforcement (brutality?) instead of addressing underlying issues of health & survivability- undercutting citizens’ basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, etc. Many entitled elites are chaos & crisis creators breaking down civilization & democracy, incapable of seeing poverty stricken & health challenged citizens as human beings- actively pushing them to Doctor suiciding Patients and other tragedies characterizing failing civilizations!!! “You can judge a Society by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens!”
- Rock Stars abusing underage, vulnerable girls? Beatle Paul McCartney says they were careful to be with girls at least 16. One girl he got pregnant asked for support. Manager Epstein offered 1.25 British Pounds, 2.5 per week & finally 5,000 pounds as a total settlement which she accepted. New York appears open for abused girls to come forward! Bring me your underaged abused girls & we’ll bring you JUSTICE!!! Hollywood Movie Studios allegedly abused young stars Judy Garland & Mickey Rooney with uppers & downers, for weight loss, etc. & to put them through up to 72 hour shifts!!! 1968 Romeo & Juliet young stars- Hussey (15) & Whiting (16) are suing Paramount Studios. Child actress Alyson Stoner? was allegedly made to act out a rape scene at age 6!!! To end on a bright note for die hard Republican Conservatives- HE’S BACK!!! No matter Democrats hitting Trump with FIRE & BRIMSTONE NON STOP SINCE 2016- Everything including the White House kitchen sink, Pres. Trump is revving up his 2024 Presidential Campaign with many wannabes testing the waters behind the scenes!!! Are Joe & Kamala in Olympic Training as we speak??? Or ‘What am I doing here?’ ‘Where do I go now?’ In Sports World Juniors Hockey, Canada was pressed hard by Czechia- winning in overtime! Czechia??? Ukraine in a total all out battle in a game they must win! World Sports are created for FRIENDLY SPORTSMANSHIP RIVALLY- REPLACING WAR & HATE EVIL INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always Happy in Your Beautiful Blessing Generous Heart & YOU Forever in Mine!!! LOVING YOU Honestly- Jan. 30- 23 by Brianca Lane Editing down May- June, ’21 far below & April, ’19- April 2 very sweet by Feb. 10, ’23 UP! UP! UP & AWAY MY BEAUTIFUL BALLOONS & BEAUTIES??? Feb. 10- 23 We’re Holding Up our Beautiful BALLOON HEARTS- UP! UP! UP! like Beautiful Beyond Beauty Mother Nature Sings & SMILES- should our Falling World begin to crash- RISES ANEW SPIRITED UP IN OUR HEARTFELT CREATIVITY!!! As we stated, Toronto CANADA’s Self Entitled Mayor ‘represents a DISTURBING SOCIAL DISEASE’ DEMANDING SUPER POLITICAL POWERS OVERRIDING OTHERS!! (Like self entitled) ROCK STARS abusing vulnerable Girls! Many entitled Elites are chaos & crisis creators breaking down civilization & democracy!'(Jan. 30- ’23) Searching Radio News- did His Honor- HA! Toronto’s Mayor since 2014 just resigned on the spot tonight over a decidedly DISHONORABLE illicit sexual affair with a young City Staffer? The beastly Emperor wears no clothes!?? Let him Ride the Red Rocket naked instead of soliciting!!! A Weinstein like wise guy? A PIG? ‘CANCEL CULTURE’ & ‘ME TOO!’ get on this Breaking Story of evil incarnate- Did we not imply the TRUTH no one else in mainstream media showed the guts to speak about??? Mainstream Media ALWAYS parroting whatever B.S. he spoke as if anyone should pay attention to a pig in a poke!!!
- As if Canadians should not also be showering P.M. Trudeau with rotting tomatoes figuratively speaking for he & his Satanic Elite Clanfolks reinventing Nazi Germany 1930’s+ eugenics/racial hygiene/Doctors killing undesirable, throwaway citizens 2.0!!! The Hippocratic Oath requires: “AND NEVER DO HARM TO ANYONE! I WILL NOT GIVE A LETHAL DRUG TO ANYONE IF I AM ASKED, NOR WILL I ADVISE SUCH A PLAN!!!” Began with Psychiatrists bringing in their Patients to Hospitals for killing & proceeded to WW2 & The Genocidal Holocaust!!! Not to overlook A majority of Canadians believe Canada is BROKEN- but Canadians should INSTEAD BELIEVE AS ANYONE SEES, many long term Politicians, Jurists, Senators, etc. are OBVIOUSLY BROKEN PAATHETIC HUMANS BUT NOT ORDINARY CANADIANS & NEVER EVER THE CANADIAN SPIRIT & GOODHEARTED GENEROSITY!!!! Yes- Hear! Hear! EH!!!!!!!
- Another Calamity we predicted, was a tragic upcoming Earthquake: Happened on Feb. 6, ’23 in Turkey & Syria- 7.8 & 7.5 on the Richter Scale- about the worst disaster in a century with at least 25,000 reported killed to date! By sensing it about to happen within weeks, the FULL TRAGEDY & HUMAN SUFFERING IS ALSO FELT IN REAL TIME!!! OMG- Feels like being personally crushed & killed again & again since the Quake! If only several people at EARTHQUAKE SITES could likewise sense the Earthquake coming alive- perhaps birds & animals might become aware of a disaster about to happen???? Researchers should find wildlife, insects & people apparently sensitive to upcoming Earthquakes & disasters- determine what they are experiencing or how they are acting??!!! Practically speaking, building codes should be adapted for Earthquake prone regions!!!
- You, everybody & all living Beings receive incredible amounts of information but we’re socialized to only pay attention to a small degree of routine happenings!!! The vast majority is not processed or is ignored putting us at risk, causing us anxiety & stress!!! But we can’t act like suffering PTSD & are hypersensitive-constantly triggering our fight or flight responses!!! Women grow up learning to use their 6th sense about who or what safety issues are around them! Developing social skills to de-escalate trouble! A BALANCING ACT! To be Healthy, we become aware of influences & inputs on our body, thinking, emotions, heart, etc. Obviously, we may begin healing ourselves by our insight & awareness- practicing healthy thinking, emotions, eating, behavior, etc. Being FREE & FLUID, LIVING PURPOSEFULLY & GENEROUSLY, sensitive to our & all needs among other Life!!!
- Britney is being pressured by her circle to conform to their expectations as ‘a Patient not being compliant with treatment!’ IS THIS NOT A RECURRING NIGHTMARE FOR BELOVED BRITNEY- RIVER RED??? Her inner circle pushing a baby semi conservatorship like scheme??? They publicly say ‘Britney stays up at night & sleeps during the day & is argumentative!’ At least a million fans are willing to keep her entertained at night!!!! They wanted to manipulate her to go to & stay at a house, accept psychiatric meds. & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, etc. for her ‘Bipolar or whatever they say she experiences & needs treatment for!!!’ ‘For a few months’- But Britney became aware of the secret scheme & said ‘NO!!!!!!!’ Doja Cat shaves her head & eyebrows- Britney was deemed in a total BREAKDOWN UPON SHAVING HER HEAD circa 2008! D.C. says she’s happily FREE from a wig glued to her forehead & which comes loose during athletic training!!! HER BODY- HER PERSONAL BUSINESS!!!! Paparazzi went bananas over Britney cutting her TM GOLDEN FLEECE LOCKS!!!
- Britney needs a trustworthy Doctor to safeguard her & her Freedoms? Circa 2008 Britney was scooped up suddenly without an opportunity to defend her Rights & Freedoms by not having her own Doctor & Lawyer & was placed in captivity for 13 years! No Doctor nor Lawyer to immediately take charge & safeguard her interests today???- “I AM BRITNEY’S DOCTOR!’ “I AM BRITNEY’S LAWYER!” ‘Britney’s under my care!’ ‘Britney’s hired me to work on all her legal & personal matters- to defend her interests, health, etc.!’
- Would SMART, ASSERTIVE, SUCCESSFUL, LIKEABLE & ARTICULATE Selena Gomez or other Hollywood or Experienced Pop Stars offer to help advise Britney? Selena experienced being challenged by Bipolar Mental Illness & then by Psychosis!!! She was hospitalized for a good time- OOPS! A lengthy time, not a FUN TIME!!! Selena obviously consumed & knows about the various meds. & all the unpleasant side effects of anti- psychotics, for example!!! Probably familiar with CBT, etc. We LOVE BRITNEY & Everything Britney posts in a Healthy State- Britney’s POSITIVITY, PLAYFULNESS, ARTISTRY, ATHLETIC DANCING, etc. ‘I AM NOT A VICTIM!!!!’ DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY WITH BRITNEY- CHIVAROUS MEN HOLDING THEIR FLASHING SWORDS AT THE READY??? ‘SHALL WE DANCE & POINT DARLING???’ WE ALWAYS WANT BRITNEY’S HAPPINESS HELD HIGH!!! Balloons Away for Britney!!!
- Guided Balloons & Drones Up UP & AWAY DEFENDING UKRAINE- U.S. Guided HIMARS TOO!!! Red Balloons & Drone Bombs addressing our RED FIENDLY UNFRIENDLIES!!! Ukraine in cold black darkness by missiles targeting all Ukraine’s energy facilities! How is it The Clawing Russian Bear has any operating energy lines & facilities- ‘Russian Insider Liberators’ should surely stop the war by stopping Russian Energy & Infrastructure- by stopping all Russian exports!!! Only by hundreds of ‘Russian Liberators’ of course seeking to end Putin’s tragic degeneration of Russia by an unwinnable soul destroying war!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes- Russia is full of ‘Liberators’ to send the exploding balloons & drones everywhere across Russia!!!! Russian Insider Liberators could end this tragic war???!
- 1964- Congress passed the Civil Rights Act & on Feb. 9, The Beatles broke American Television Viewing Records first appearing on the Ed Sullivan REALLY BIG SHEW!!!! ‘CLOSE TO YOU!’ remembering B.B. sung by The Carpenters ALWAYS FLYING UP UP UP IN YOUR BELOVED RESCUING HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!!! Feb. 10, ’23 ‘I Wanna Hold Your Han-an-an-an-an-an-ANDDDDD!!!!!!’ MENTAL HEALTH WARS, PEACE, Doctors killing their Patients, A.I., BULLYING, POWER POLITICS & ME TOO! The Swimmers & The Rescuers! ALIENS & MOTHER NATURE- OMG!!!! PEACE Everyone- 140+ Ukraine vs. Russian Barbarians 7! Friends with Benefits! +The Springboard Human Paradox/Just say NO to SELF HARM!!! Britney Spear’s Briefs!!! Feb. 24, 2023
- Can I get a Witness? 1 year Anniversary TODAY- “LIVE FREE OR DIE?” The clawing berserk Russia Bear, ‘Barbaria’ launches full scale GENOCIDAL invasions into FREE & DEMOCRATIC UKRAINE- ALL FEARLESSLY BRAVE UKRAINIANS HOLD THEIR GROUND BY GLORY, GUTS, RESOLVE & RESILIENCE! And “I GET BY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY NATO & WESTERN DEMOCRATIC FRIENDS!!!!” (Beatles) But today Barbaria’s Leaders claim: Ukraine & Free Democratic NATO Supporters started the invasion against Russia. Are 80% of Russians & their Leaders “Lost in Space” & ready for ‘The Mental Hospital Rubber/Bubble Room?’ May we better STOP & SEIZE fiendly Oligarchs & co-conspirators, their assets & all support from rogue Nations for Russia; & increase our supply of advanced drones, tanks a lot!, Fighter Jets, HIMARS, etc. to help UKRAINE WIN THEIR BATTLE for the RIGHT TO LIVE FREE OR DIE FIGHTING!? Is UKRAINE THE FRONT LINE HOLDING BACK WWIII VS. CRAZY RUSSIAN PSYCHOPATHS???
- FREEDOM’S BEST FRIEND WITH BENEFITS! Cheers for President Biden visiting with Ukraine’s People in Kyiv to continuously offer America’s steadfast Friendship with UNENDING BENEFITS- SCREWING RUSSIA’S BARBARIANS Right, Left & Center IN THEIR EVERY POSITION!!!
- Canada’s neo Fascist Dictator P.M. UNJUST Trudeau is feeling exposed about a Holocaust Genocide 2.0 scheme to have Doctors suicide/kill mentally & physically challenged citizens of all ages regardless of overall health & life expectancy, vulnerable, poverty stricken, VETERANS challenged by PTSD, etc. viewed by Big Brother as Second or Third Class DISPOSABLE Citizens & saving $$$the costs of anticipated future health & social service needs!!! FOXY NEWS hosts suggest invading Canada to remove Dictators preaching Germany’s Fascist 1930’s Eugenics Genocide 2.0- SAVING VULNERABLE, DISCRIMINATED AGAINST CANADIANS from being murdered by their Doctors!!! Indigenous First Nations Folks already experience deep discrimination by the Canadian Government- Many Northern Indigenous Communities live in 3rd World Conditions- lacking living essentials like clean water & safe, intact housing! Big Brother knows exactly what is needed but deliberately lets Indigenous suffer & die instead! Suicide rates among age 15- 24 Indigenous in Canada are about 7 times higher. (In Australia, 1 in 4 suicides is Indigenous- discrimination is Worldwide!) It is like shooting fish in a barrel for Doctors encouraged by Big Brother to kill Indigenous, Visible Minorities, 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? & other targeted vulnerable groups under expanding Eugenics Genocidal Programs!! Trudeau laughed the night away singing Karaoke just before Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, apparently staying in a $6,000. a night luxury hotel with a personal Butler- when free accommodation was available!!!
- #Pres. Reagan laughed & joked as the U.S.S.R. collapsed under it’s lies & corruption: Russians- the archetype of SORE LOSERS??? Recently we reported ‘You can’t keep a good dead man- President Reagan down!’ God willing- Pres. Reagan will rise in spirit to laugh again seeing Barbarian Russia collapse in iniquity!!!! WIN UKRAINE WIN FOR EVERY FREE HUMAN BEING ON EARTH!!!! Our World clearly supports Ukraine- At the U.N. 140+ Countries condemned Russia’s invading Ukraine & demand Russia’s withdrawal! Only 7 Totalitarian Nations led by Subhuman Lizards & Evil support Russia!!! #Pres. Reagan starred with chimpanzee “BONZO” in the fantastic Hollywood smash hit “BEDTIME FOR BONZO!” Today, it’s BEDTIME for Russia’s Sub Human Short Tempered Monkey Brained Maniacs!!! Can I get a Witness??? Speaking of Animals & Monsters-
- BULLYING NO MORE!!! Serial predator, convicted rapist Hollywood Producer Frankenstein Harvey Weinstein pleaded with his California Judge for Mercy but received 16 years in prison to be served after 23 years in New York’s prison system. ME TOO! WINS AGAIN!!! We shredded Toronto’s predator/abusive SUPER POWERS 68 year old despicable MAYOR- He asked for & received Super Powers over decisions about Toronto, Canada! A few weeks later, mainstream media decided to expose his JOHN, predaTORY persona & failings, preying on a 31 years young female employee office advisor- 37 years younger!! He immediately said he was resigning- a week later he was free to flash in the subways as a private citizen- No- Not that BAD a JOHN, predaTORY!!! How many predator politicians abuse younger women using their vast POWER IMBALANCE but refuse to resign? The U.S. CDC reports 20% of girls, 16 & younger report being bullied online every year- trolls! Canadian youth just celebrated ANNUAL PINK SHIRT DAY- In Nova Scotia a child wore a PINK SHIRT to school & was badly bullied so students bought a bunch of pink t-shirts for everyone to wear to school showing their rejection of BULLYING & acceptance that we all hold inviolable & Constitutional Rights to BE OURSELVES!!! Families, Friends & Communities are devastated by children taking their own lives because of BULLYING!!! Grieving Soccer Mom Kristin Bride says: “It is so difficult to tell our tragic stories of the very worst day of our lives over & over- and never seeing CHANGE!!!” “We’re done with telling our stories & appearing at Hearings- We are looking to Legislators FOR ACTION!!!!!” IMPORTANT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- THE SPRINGBOARD SCIENTIFIC HUMAN PARADOX- If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal for ANY REASON, SEEK HELP IMMEDIATELY- TALK TO PEOPLE HONESTLY- SAY YOU ARE FEELING REALLY CHALLENGED & BARELY ABLE TO COPE- IF YOU ARE FEELING SUICIDAL, SAY IT- DON’T YOU DARE FEEL TOO ASHAMED OR TRY TO HIDE IT!! IT’S JUST THE SAME IF YOU GOT A BAD WOUND- IF IT WAS PAINFUL, BLEEDING, INFECTED, ETC> YOU’D IMMEDIATELY SAY, ‘OMG! SH**@! I GOTTA GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!’ A BAD LIFE THREATENING MENTAL or EMOTIONAL WOUND LIKE BEING SUICIDAL IS NO DIFFERENT- NO SHAME OR HIDING IT! YOUR RESPONSE IS EXACTLY THE SAME- ‘OMG! THIS IS SERIOUS! SH**@! I GOTTA GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!’ A Physical Life Threatening Injury can happen to anyone- So can a life threatening suicidal mental or emotional injury like horrible bullying or disappointment, abuse, terrible tragedy, deep depression, etc. – “I GOTTA GET HELP IMMEDIATELY!!!” I found in my life, so often the seeming absolute worst moments were actually a BIG HUMAN SPRINGBOARD PARADOX EVENT AT WHICH MY LIFE & CIRCUMSTANCES BOUNCED UPWARD DRAMATICALLY & I TOOK HOLD OF MY LIFE TO SHOOT ME BACK UP TO HAPPINESS & NEW ACHIEVEMENTS!!! Please- begging you to remember always in your darkest depths of despair- Like a Spring being Compressed Tightly, you’re set up to BOUNCE BACK DECISIVELY AT SUCH MOMENTS & GET YOUR LIFE BACK ON TRACK!!!! It’s also alternatively just the way LIFE often works to help us when we’re needing a good kick in the butt to SMARTEN US UP or WAKE US UP or SHOW LIFE’S/OUR OWN UNKNOWN RESILIENCE LIKE UKRAINE FOLKS SHOW US EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY!!!
- Artificial Intelligence- “RISE of THE MACHINES?!!’ Will we be Brainwashed by Brainwashed A.I.? My Brother- like everyone? is raving about Artificial Intelligence to help us accomplish tasks! So we don’t have to do any work or apply ourselves fully anymore- By doing our homework assignments, writing computer code, film scripts, etc., A.I. is gathering all human knowledge, thinking & behavior to exceed our living human being brain power & I.Q.s- able to perform in seconds, ‘make human beings eventually controlled & expendable???’ You remember the exciting “TERMINATOR” SERIES HOLLYWOOD MOVIES where A.I. becomes self aware, conscious, completely out of control & wages war to TERMINATE ALL FREE HUMANS!!! (Sounds like Russia toying with WWIII?) Will we give up our work & decision making to machines who may decide or be programmed to control us? For all you Religious Folks, is this classic ‘Creating & Worshipping False gods & idols???’ Living spirited human beings bowing to (brainwashing?) computer machines is certainly alarming? In a few years A.I. may achieve superior intelligence & self awareness, experts suggest! Exert their own decisions & megalomaniac goals? Hilarious to see A.I. copying my views & others who, together broke new ground in Mental Health thinking years ago!!! I asked A.I. about mental health, prompting A.I. several times- A.I. is still very much in a learning stage! But finally got this Great Answer FOR YOU- Mental Health Recipe for your dining delight:
- There are a variety of healthy approaches to achieve better mental health & treat mental illness: One of the most important being engaging in regular PHYSICAL ACTIVITY reducing symptoms of anxiety & depression, promoting feelings of happiness & well being! Additionally eating a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep- overall practicing self care! Another effective approach is to PRACTICE GRATITUDE, focusing on the POSITIVE ASPECTS of YOUR LIFE & EXPRESSING APPRECIATION! Shifting your mindset towards a more POSITIVE & OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK! Engaging in CREATIVE ACTIVITIES such as painting, writing or playing music! Engaging in joyful fulfilling activities! Additionally SUPPORT groups & ON-LINE ENCOURAGEMENT provide a sense of community & belonging! Humans are social creatures- having a supportive network, including friends & family is very helpful- If you’re feeling too isolated, volunteer, etc.! Therapists & counselors can also help provide support, guidance & treatments for a wide range of mental health issues- no shame in seeking help! Building a safe supportive network is excellent! Achieving & maintaining good mental health is an ongoing process requiring EFFORT & COMMITMENT! By prioritizing physical activity, gratitude, creativity, mindfulness- cultivating calm & clarity, and seeking support when needed, we enjoy a greater sense of well being! Indeed mental health involves a variety of approaches & strategies- no one size fits all solution! WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU!!! PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, TRYING NEW APPROACHES! (RESILIENCE!) Finally, Governments can actually invest more in Mental Health & expand access including on-line!!! #We all SAY NO TO STIGMA!!! So with several prompts on my part, A.I. finally achieved the above- PRETTY AWESOME & INSPIRING, reflecting what Mental Health Influencers have been saying for years!!!
- Yes- but the A.I. I explored is also programed to be very WOKE. Love it’s POSITIVITY for Mental Health Applications, Goals & Creativity but I challenged A.I. to assess it’s limitations by asking an EMOTIONALLY CHARGED QUESTION about our Rock Stars preying on underage girls & inappropriate conduct: A.I. FREAKED OUT, wouldn’t answer my question & DRESSED ME DOWN- YIKES- BEGINNING A TERMINATOR MINDSET IF WE ASK A ‘BAD’ QUESTION A.I. believes is not WOKE???? Yes- Conspiracy Theorists can argue A.I. is programmed to ‘correct us,’ chastise us about our thinking & questions? A tool for ‘BRAINWASHING CITIZENS’ & OUTING THEM for ‘WRONG THINKING!?’ If we stop doing our own homework, essays, creative endeavors, etc. our brain power may diminish & we won’t be able to think for ourselves, solve our problems, accept HARD WORK & COMMITMENT???
- Q.: A.I. Please give a list of some MUSIC STARS CONVICTED or found LIABLE in COURT for ENGAGING in UNDERAGE or other INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIPS. Answer by A.I.: I CANNOT. It is not appropriate to publicize or celebrate misconduct of individuals where such behavior is illegal, harmful & unacceptable but instead focus on promoting a safe and respectful environment for all individuals! So A.I. is BANNING US FROM MANY TOPICS, BANNING FREE SPEECH- ANY INFORMATION NOT ACCEPTABLE to BIG BROTHER- like “1984!!!” (1984 by George Orwell published in 1949 as a warning against totalitarianism.) Books, topics & Sources of information are outlawed by A.I.?! Our thinking totally controlled?! We are like lab rats being trained by rewards & punishment using A.I.! LOVE THE POSITIVITY if I wish to actually try A.I. for assistance but for Conspiracy Theorists, is A. I. assuming a SUPERIORITY BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING US COMPLEX & JUDGING WHAT TOPICS & QUESTIONS WE ARE ALLOWED TO THINK ABOUT??? TRAINING US TO ACCEPT ‘[BIG BROTHER KNOWS BEST’ like in Russia??? Fascinating Apocalyptic Times we live in!!!
- THE SWIMMERS & THE RESCUERS SCENARIO EVERYWHERE ON EARTH- By Aliens or Angels vs. Demons? As I previously stated, my Alien encounter was being on a operating table/platform, surrounded by smaller aliens who were linking their minds with mine to download knowledge & intuition to benefit Mother Earth & People Kind- But they couldn’t accept/handle/tolerate our pronounced emotions & unsettled thinking!!! They were trying to help us but our intense emotions are torturous to them when attempting to join brains & download! Imagine Angels, Demons or Aliens observing Russia’s & Supporters Megalomaniac Evil Destructiveness & our current 6th Mass Extinction Event & induced Climate Change- All caused by Human Misbehavior!!! They’re incredibly anxious & concerned to HELP- ‘BUT WHAT CAN WE DO!???’ THE SWIMMER & THE RESCUER SCENARIO EVERYWHERE INCLUDING EVERYBODY ON EARTH!!! HOW MAY THEY RESCUE BILLIONS OF FLOUNDERING SWIMMERS- GOOD, BAD OR TOTALLY DISGUSTING LIKE RUSSIA’S BARBARIANS??????
- Britney Spears- BEAM US UP TO YOUR ADORABLE ENTERTAINING HEART!?? An 85 year HARVARD study reports POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS keeps us HAPPIER, HEALTHIER & LIVING LONGER!!! Common Interests, Respect, Kindness, Friendship, Attentive to One Another, Fun & Relaxation, Shared Experiences & Affirmation, Emotional Closeness & Confiding, Romantic Intimacy, New Experiences, etc. The World Happiness Report says Finland is the winner 5 times in a row! Higher Levels of TRUST = Happier Citizens! For example, Researchers conduct the Lost Wallet Experiment in Public Places to see how many wallets are returned to the rightful owners! In Helsinki 11 of 12 wallets were returned- But was the money also returned? Ha! Ha! ‘Onni it’s your Lucky Day- Here’s your wallet but I had a few bills to pay while walking to your house- Oops!!!’ So do you have 100% confidence if your dropped your phone, wallet, etc. left the key in the ignition, your car running, door open, your neighbors would quickly come to your rescue? One third of all civilian guns are owned by Americans- approaching 500 million! Does this suggest a high or low degree of Trust- Oh yes- the Open Southern Border, a good explanation! Or if the Bad Guys have 1, we each want at least 2 to protect us!!! Pres. Reagan always said about The former U.S.S.R.- A good Commie is a D*** Commie? No- That’s not even what we say about Russia? Pres. Reagan said TRUST- BUT ALWAYS VERIFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canada’s Parliamentary Budget Office reports about the incredible $$$’SAVINGS’ by Doctors killing unwanted, poverty stricken, possibly costly health challenged vulnerable people- that Doctors killing the Patients ‘ONLY COSTS $2300 per person!!!!’ Does any Canadian trust Big Brother who ONLY VIEWS Canadians as either an ASSET or a DEFICIT on a Budget Accounting Ledger! Deficits seen as disposable, throwaway People- the sooner the better!!!!
- P.S. We Absolutely LOVE Britney & her on line short entertaining creative, endearing videos! Bipolar Illness includes a range of mild to strong severity but it can be 6 years before Doctors find a good mixture of meds. including stabilizers! Selena Gomez had her experience with Bipolar & Psychosis made into a film! Severe Bipolar is difficult for the experiencer to live with without protective supporting Family & Friends! Would you want to feel too high & begin losing control in mania- becoming a bit reckless about everything; & then our body/brain reacts by making us feeling very depressed & tired??? New meds. are brought to the marketplace, Big Pharma hoping their research investments pay off Big Time!!! Some experiencers have Milder Bipolar with fewer symptoms & occurring less frequently, etc. Some meds. work better with fewer side effects or damage for some Patients but not among other Patients. No one enjoys meds. offering mood stability at -2 or -3 FEELING BLAH! a common problem! So they stop their meds. If Patients could be stabilized at +2 or +3 & be HAPPY, FEELING UP & ENERGETIC- WOW!!! Around +4 or +5 an experiencer is becoming manic, moving quickly, mind racing- a concern about becoming reckless, etc. Britney certainly appeared very energetic & moved quickly in her recent video but Britney’s life is her own & her husband is very attentive to her. Australian television did a bad documentary- Britney was upset as we would be; Britney spoke in a British- Australian accent in a recent video! Makes sense to me!
- Diagnosis like Borderline Personality Disorder, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Dissociative Personality Disorder/ Multiple Personalities, etc. can be very challenging if they are serious- VERY CHALLENGING FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED- We ARE CARING, KIND, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENT, FLEXIBLE, WELCOMING & HAPPILY INCLUDING EVERYONE IN OUR COMMUNITIES- HELPFUL HOWEVER WE ARE ABLE- minus Russian Barbarians & their bad evil demonic lizard supporters!!! Britney’s Health & Diagnosis is her PRIVATE AFFAIR & her supportive husband is on hand to be her protector! But if Britney experiences Bipolar, she’d want to be on the HAPPY, ENERGETIC, SLIGHLY HIGH MANIA scale & avoid the Depressing Lows or being stabilized by meds. in a -2 or -3 BLAH state! Self medicating to push feeling UP is a concern but viewing Britney, don’t we feel excited, happy, creative- o.k. a bit concerned but is that about us or Britney- Ha! Ha! We LOVE Britney Spears & wish her our BEST ALWAYS- For 13 years she was FORCED to PERFORM AS DIRECTED 24/7!! Finally released from her CAGED LIFE, she’s FREE FALLING or RISING somewhat as she pleases without structure- Her husband’s by her side- Britney can add structure in due time as she wishes- SHE GIVES SO MUCH!!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR BELOVED PRECIOUS HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!! Yours- My Beloved Feb. 24, 2023 by Brianca Lane YIKES- I’m supposed to be reviewing past discussions with you to brief down & create space! And then visit to look for BEAUTIFUL BEYOND BEAUTY- our Mother Nature Always Blessing our World- When will we ever learn to CHERISH our LIVING EARTH, Flora & Fauna???? Loving You Always!!!!!!!!! CRISIS CREATORS? Our DOCTORS- Friends or Fiends? AM I/ARE WE REAL & ALIVE or Ruled by ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CREATIONS? WHO REALLY STARTED THE WAR? China Gate! Treachery Against Democracy by Our Politicians? Ed Sheeran on Mental Health!!! March 9, 2023 FUN to SEE HOW FAST A.I. is able to transform our World!!! I helped A. I. write the excellent article above on Approaches to ACHIEVING BETTER MENTAL HEALTH based on groundwork WOKE WORK mental health ‘consumers & survivors- just like Britney Spears today!’ Established several years ago in regaining control over our own lives, health care, advocacy, etc. A highly placed Government ‘Ministry/Health Official’ secretly told me Politicians closed Mental Hospital Facilities- dumped Patients to SAVE $$$ Resources but didn’t follow individual Patients & their needs into their communities! I was immediately given a choice once tricked into arriving at the hospital in my first mental illness crisis & pressured to sign away ALL MY RIGHTS & BE USED FOR EXPERIMENTAL PURPOSES NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS TO ME! Nurses commented to each other how long I would be alive! I didn’t succumb & sign away my Rights & Life- so was immediately violently assaulted to be forcibly committed without rights like our Beloved Britney Spears circa 2008? But escaped & Psychiatrists called Police- “Bring It In or Take It Out!” Attending at my Family Doctor, I was sent back to the hospital for a third option- 5x+ the most powerful drug in Psychiatry was injected but did not kill me or render me a vegetable! Today, under Trudeau & Canada’s Courts, the lethal powerful injection or drink would certainly be lethal under approved Doctor Killing Law!!! Everything would be covered up & a fake natural cause of death would be officially provided by the Doctor on the Certificate so no one would be able to know I was actually killed! IN CANADA- not North Korea or Russia or China!!! You attend a Doctor in your first extreme or worst mental/emotional crisis- the Doctor might help or decide otherwise! Act to see you killed almost on the spot or within a few day!!! What kind of a Hell Care Twilight Zone System??? I was not permitted to receive care from any Psychiatrist or Psychologist in the Community but created my own eventual recovery which Psychiatrists TODAY say IS IMPOSSIBLE- Nor is it possible I lived without medications & intensive Psychiatric Care!!!!!! The STATE of THE ART & PREDICTABILITY OF TREATMENT Doesn’t EVEN YET Exist apparently! So Am I really ALIVE or an Alien Sponsored A.I. Creation? Ha! Ha! Yes- Aliens did actually help me once I recall! They backed off finding I or humans generally are too emotional for their brains/information & control parameters to work closely with!!!
- China Gate: Ten years ago, Trudeau envied China’s Communist Dictatorship able to accomplish anything so quickly- because unlike in a Democracy, citizens have virtually no say except as Dictators allow!!! People are watched & controlled 24/7 & for example, by a Social Credit score by obeying all prescribed rules! Trudeau is passing a Law stopping the FREE EXCHANGE of internet communication: Communication becomes ‘Broadcasts’ like programs & movies subject to Big Brother oversight & unseen arbitrary secret censors; Big Brother A.I. directing internet traffic only to Government Approved sites & content?!!! Unapproved = not to be accessed!?
- A.I. ‘Overlording’ all human Political Systems & Controls? Currently A.I. is arguably set to take over 50% of all our jobs! My Brother anticipates A.I. will go ‘multi modal’ & ‘full modal,’ writing scripts, background music, dialogue, creating characters & sets- everything to produce full Hollywood style movies or personalized budget movies first at our direction but then independently by themselves or on order like fancy pizzas???! What happens when A.I. surpasses our information/’intelligence capabilities’ & works entirely independently? We are too dumb, slow & simply not at their level of visioning work, accomplishing tasks beyond our comprehension abilities??? Envision new, complex higher order directives, forms of life or intelligent bio-machines & ways to achieve new purposes & goals? Become ‘conscious’ of themselves & their own vision of a better future with or without us humans? Our current 6th Mass Extinction Event is caused by us People Kind- Will machines see how easily the Mass Extinction Event is Solved especially because what functions do we perform in A.I.’s new purposes??? Yikes!!!
- CRISIS CREATORS: Russia’s Foreign Minister says Ukraine invaded Russia starting the war last February! Who knew? Are Russians all psychotic- believing whatever they are told??? Do we in Western Countries believe obvious lies by our Politicians just like psychotic Russians blindly believing their demon possessed Leaders??? Politicians generally are pathological control freaks about our lives. Today in Canada, always intriguing P.M. Trudeau is caught once again undermining Canadian Fundamental Constitutional Inviolable Rights & Freedoms! Not content with dumping Patients & abandoning Canada’s most discriminated against, poverty stricken vulnerable citizens in their time of greatest weakness & need for hope & actual help, his 1930’s horrific eugenics Fascist Doctors Mass Killing Genocide 2.0 is beginning to pick up steam! Who could imagine Doctors could abandon all their morals, oaths & agree to become mass SS style killers instead of steadfast caregivers & healers!!! Apparently, Trudeau is actively or knowingly working on behalf of China to ensure his Liberal Party gained enough Riding Wins to maintain a Minority Coalition Ruling Government in 2019 & again in 2021! Canada’s Spy Agency warned Trudeau & Friends China was actively help selecting winning Liberal Candidates in various ridings! Consulate staff could have bus loads of Chinese born students & Seniors bussed to vote for a specific Candidate China’s Communist Party favored! China could help make sure monies & supporters were sufficient to defeat Conservative Challengers or candidates not approved by the Communist China Party! As usual, Trudeau wants to keep citizens uniformed & bring in his own Friends to confirm he & his Liberal Elected Team is beyond criticism!!! Everyone else demands an Independent Public Enquiry! Can you imagine his ferocity to find the Spy Agency Whistle Blower who tipped off a newspaper about his latest treachery against Democracy & Transparency in Canada- against Constitutional Government OF, BY & FOR THE PEOPLE!
- Our dear Friend Ed Sheeran is putting aside all his new songs to devote an album to Mental Health Challenges!!! His Pregnant Wife received a bad prognosis but can’t have treatment disrupting Pregnancy; a close dear Friend passed & he is sued for copyright infringement over Marvin Gaye’s Smash Hit, “Let’s Get It On!” He’s experiencing heightened anxiety & depression & commits to an REAL HONEST LIVING ALBUM EXPOSE!!! We LOVE YOU ED & WELCOME AN ALBUM ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESS CHALLENGES!!! (Britney Spears- Be careful about self medicating with uppers/stimulants, etc. like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Pills- if the rumors are true??? WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!!
- CRISIS CREATORS: Dr. Michael Warner notes Ontario Canada Hospitals operation rooms may only be active from 9 to 5 pm & also closed on weekends! 128 hours per week available for surgeries, etc. Incredible backups are used by the Premier to claim Public Health Care is broken & Private Facilities must be brought in to perform the work- All the while withholding $$$Billions in approved funding for Public Health Care!!! Is any Politician HONEST IN APOCALYPTIC TIMES??? Hundreds of Emergency Departments are also shut down on occasion- another deliberately created CRISIS!!!
- Pop Star Predators? Jimmy Page’s girlfriend was 14- he was 28! Do Statutory rape laws apply to ’60’s Pop Stars? Who deserves to be investigated or charged? ME TOO!? Yesterday sounds incredibly like it is based on Nat King Cole’s 1952 hit Answer Me My Love! “Yesterday- I believed that LOVE was here to stay! Won’t you tell me where we’ve gone astray!” Always in your precious Beloved Heart & YOU forever in Mine- Answer Me My LOVE! HA! March 9, 2023 Yours, Brianca King Cole Lane HA!!! Feel Free to rewrite Paul McCartney’s song based on Nat’s song?!! Wow- Briefed down articles way above to April, 2022! LOVING YOU ALWAYS!!!!! iBeloved Britney was transfixed in centuries old Cultural Crypts everyone imagined had been abandoned by Victorian Times! Should women Stand for This SEIZURE of PERSON & ALL PROPERTY- Father & State POSSESSION & STRIPPING Britney BACK INTO A DARK MIDDLE AGES DUNGEON/CASTLE TOWER, a dire THREAT TO ALL WOMEN & to WOMEN’S RIGHTS in general- ‘We can take back ALL your HARD WON RIGHTS GAINED OVER CENTURIES!’ First Nations, Blacks… by our savagery to Mother Nature, e So much PROMISE in 1776- in JUSTICE, in SOCIAL, CULTURAL & $$$EQUITY- Shouldn’t we have progressed? a Widening Gap between the Haves & Have Nots! Like Pres. Biden, Thomas Jefferson hoped for $$$economic Equity progress- But everywhere on Earth our Wealthy become more greedy & entitled, happily ignoring the poverty stricken who are abandoned behind!
- Independence Day July 4th, 1776- the Continental Congress declared the 13 American Colonies ‘TOGETHER APART’- ‘FREE UNITED INDEPENDENT STATES- no longer subjected to the Monarchy- King George III!’ ‘ALL MEN ENJOYED GOD GIVEN INALIENABLE RIGHTS- Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, etc.’ At the same time, African Americans were SLAVES & OPPRESSED, FIRST NATIONS/INDIGENOUS TRIBES subjected to elimination- especially cultural genocide! we ALL need be told the ACTUAL HIDDEN TRUTH so we don’t repeat past horrors! Today, in Canada First Nations tribes are finally being funded to locate mass unmarked graves of Indigenous children ages 3- 18 forcibly swept from their alleged ‘SAVAGE’ families & communities, brought to residential schools- the ‘savage beaten out of them,’ tortured & experimented on- even by immoral Doctors, sexually abused by the anti-Christ behaving Catholic Church Priests, etc. Slaughtered like farm animals- tossed in mass graves! 215 in Kamloops, B.C. Now 751 in Saskatchewan in an unmarked mass genocide grave! We must CELEBRATE our Nations’ ACHIEVEMENTS but we cannot comprehend the breadth of the Government enabled horrors! We demand Justice & Equity… Hear the full truth from the oppressed, not only by the entitled… Know the stories of Brave Children who escaped the torture in Residential Schools, perished on the journey home through the wilderness- Children who survived but scooped by police & returned- ‘knee on neck!’ How do process all the horrors of the past? We know nothing about our past until we know stories from ALL SIDES OF HISTORY!!!
- Today savage brutality is obvious in our treatment of Mother Earth, Mother Nature, our Living, Breathing Systems within Systems Biosphere. We are killing sustainable Living Systems with more ferocious savage brutality than anything our forebears did- extinguishing populations, species, habitats- a Culture of Death! No time to waste in reversing the destruction, the savagery, the brutality! Our Ancestors tribal closed societies, their knowledge & understanding so limited versus our EYES ARE WIDE OPEN TODAY!!! We CAN WILLINGLY CHANGE OUR COLLECTIVEY WAYS ON A DIME IF WE WANT TO- NO EXCUSES & according to expert Climate Change & Biosystems/Habitat Scientists Worldwide, NO TIME LEFT to DITHER!!! The most central Woman’s Right is MOTHER NATURE’S ABILITY to REGENERATE SUSTAINABLE BIODIVERSITY before Climate Change increasingly creates a closed loop system death spiral!!! In August, 1920 the 19th Amendment passed giving some women voting rights (above others) after 7 decades of struggle by suffrage & social workers, pacifist suffragists, etc. to finally be able to ring the JUSTICE BELL! Another long 52 years to achieve passage of the Equal Rights Amendment! Black women & men faced Jim Crow barriers like poll taxes, intimidation, literacy tests, etc. but 45 years later achieved the Voting Rights Act in 1965! What Inquisition Style century of laws is Britney Spears living under?
- Thankfully, Britney can & should apply to the Californian Court to end her ABUSIVE CULT LIKE Conservatorship, being sequestered in the ‘Castle Tower’ (2008- 2021) like fair damsels in distress a thousand years ago hoping for a Prince to RESCUE THEM! Prince Harry is conveniently also in California nearby- a Prince known to occasionally rescue a DAMSEL in DISTRESS & as GOOD as Prince Rescuer as any- ask Meghan! PRINCE HARRY AT YOUR SERVICE BRITNEY? FIGHTING BACK OPPRESSION OF WOMEN!!! ‘Petitioner expressively reserves the RIGHT to petition for TERMINATION of this Conservatorship under Probate Code section 1821.’ Hollywood Celebrities also dashing to Britney’s ESCAPE from Castle Tower imprisonment thankfully include- charming witch sister spell casting Scottish bred lass Rose McGowan ‘prays Britney gets to live her life on her terms- STOP CONTROLLING WOMEN!!!’ ‘How is what is being done to Britney not a HUMAN RIGHTS CRIME?’ Enter Prince Harry- ‘Someone called for RESCUE BY A REAL PRINCE?’ Halsey- ‘#@&% anyone who thinks they have the authority as an institution or individual to control a person’s reproductive health!’ (Brit’s imprisoners FORCE HER TO HAVE AN I.U.D. in- ALWAYS! Look America-YOU CAN’T BE BOTH- ‘Land of the Free’ & A Country FORCING BRITNEY to ‘ALWAYS COME WITH AN I.U.D.!’ ‘I hope with my whole HEART Britney is AWARDED FREEDOM from this abusive system!’ Former co star & love interest Justin Timberlake is blunt- ‘No one SHOULD EVER BE HELD AGAINST THEIR WILL! Or Ever have to ask permission to access everything they’ve worked for! No Woman should ever be restricted from making decisions about her own body.’ *My Brother says Canada held a notable important trial case at or prior to Britney’s OPPRESSION in 2008. The State/Queen Elizabeth wanted a women seized from having children based on the strongest arguments which could possibly be made against a specific individual being barred from reproducing. My Brothers recalls the Judge said he had no authority… P.M. Pierre Trudeau- ’60’s- ’80’s famously said circa ’70, “THE STATE HAS NO BUSINESS IN THE BEDROOMS OF THE NATION!!!” America’s Conservatorship REQUIRING Britney to ALWAYS be equipped with an I.U.D. appears EXTREME & AGAINST BOTH THE CONSTITUTION ITSELF & THE SPIRIT OF ’76! UNAMERICAN & UNJUST for July 4th!!!
- Britney describes herself “IN SHOCK- I’M TRAUMATIZED!” Her #FREE BRITNEY! Supporters GOT IT RIGHT- Britney was ‘oppressed & forced!’ “I’M telling you the truth- I’m not happy- I can’t sleep! I’m so angry- it’s insane! I’m so depressed! We can say all day- ‘Oh Conservatorships are here to help people’ but there are a 1000 Conservatorships that are as ABUSIVE as well! The only thing similar to this is called SEX TRAFFICKING! Making anyone work against their will…” (Britney says she was forced to perform against her will, overworked without any breaks…) “Taking all their possessions away- cash, credit cards, phone, passports… I CRY EVERYDAY- I truly believe this Conservatorship is ABUSIVE! *”I have an I.U.D. in myself right now! But this so-called TEAM won’t let me go to the Doctor to take it out because they don’t want me to have any more children!” “You can go mentally impaired if you stay on Lithium for more than 5 months! I felt drunk- I couldn’t even have a conversation with my Mom or Dad about anything!” “I feel ganged up on, bullied, left out & alone! I deserve to have the same rights as others!”
- Similarly, BAD CULTS cut their victims off from outside supporters & CONTROL THEIR COMMUNICATIONS- Pressure, bully & wear down their ability to resist from being totally controlled. CULTS TAKE CONTROL of YOUR DECISION MAKING, POSSESSIONS & PROPERTY- THIEVE AWAY YOUR WEALTH! Is a Conservatorship almost like a CULT? THIEVING AWAY what rightfully is Britney’s? Rose McGowan was raised in a CULT until her Dad escaped with his kids to avoid the children being raped! They hid- being tracked down… My Brother- who enjoys & admires Britney’s long string of musical successes IS ALARMED- Britney made $50- 100 million+ ‘easily annually’ so she should be worth half a billion+, NOT $60 million+ ‘Where’s the $Half Billion Gone she should be worth? Where is a FORENSIC AUDITOR… Why would California’s WOK Politicians enable a system that appears to THIEVE AWAY AT a vulnerable woman’s wealth? As recently as April, Britney’s Mom objected to Brit’s Dad spending $890,000 in legal fees… Britney’s Mom’s Lawyer added “Today, the World WATCHES- In May 2019 she wasn’t heard- we need to make sure today she is heard! Her Mother’s request is we not leave the Court without putting in place a PLAN!” Britney wants to sue her family for the 13 years of OPPRESSION & ABUSE…
- The ‘OPERATION- HOW IT WORKS- LIKE HONEY DRAWING FLIES!!!’ Britney ‘always’ wanted to hire her own personally chosen lawyer to represent her interests! Circa 2008 the Court threw out her chosen lawyer- literally! He would have spoiled THE FIX! DELAYED & STOPPED THE SEIZURE of PERSON & PROPERTY! The alleged Corrupt Court system works like this: The Court appoints their pick to be Britney’s Lawyer- who then maintains Britney under Conservatorship, working cooperatively with the Court & all other Parties who all Highly Benefit Charging $millions for 13 years feeding off the GOLDEN GOOSE CONSERVATORSHIP! Britney is DISALLOWED from addressing the Court for over a decade? Britney says “I actually do need a little therapy… I would like to move progressively forward” (Brit wants a therapist to make home visits once per week.) Britney is the CLASSIC GOLDEN GOOSE LAYING ENDLESS GOLDEN EGG TREASURES- HER OPPRESSIVE CONSERVATORSHIP FRENZIED FEEDERS- ACCESSING HER $$$WEALTH but only if her Conservatorship is In Place!!! Her HEN THAT LAYS GOLDEN EGGS STATUS DRAWS IN FOXES LIKE HONEY DRAWS IN FLIES! WOK CALIFORNIANS- Get yer Fly Swatters Out & Begin Swatting Back for Britney! # SWAT BACK FOR BRITNEY!!! A Darling Sweet Heart Honey like Britney has suffered circling feeding FLIES for 13 long years! SWAT THEM AWAY! SWAT THEM OUT!!! LOVE YOU ALL ALWAYS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June 29, 2021 by Brianca Lane to be continued… *** The HEAT IS ON U.S.A.LL- CHERISH & RENEW OURSELVES, OUR WORLD: WHATEVER IT COSTS, WHATEVER IT TAKES- Fix It RIGHT, Fix It FAST, For Mother Nature’s Sake GOOD- NOW!!! July 5, 2021 MAD WORLD of SCIENCE NEWS RECAP after a WILD WEEK-END of July 1 Canada Day & July 4th U.S. Independence Day CELEBRATIONS & PRAYERS: Apparently our Western World’s esteemed viral ‘Gain of Function Scientific Researchers’ supported China’s (Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction) Frankenstein Monster Creation of deadly viruses targeting we humans! Add on ‘Population Control’- Eugenics Policies CULLING our Human Herds… Specifically Seniors & Traditionally Oppressed, Discriminated Groups have been left out in the COVID COLD to perish by our immoral Politicians softening Up our World for Big Brother Political & Economic Autocracy. Weaponized COVID-19 infected Wuhan lab researchers, China’s government covered up the OUTBREAK & used outgoing air travel to engulf our entire World in coronavirus conflagration! China’s evil DICK-tator promises “bloody heads & faces” for criticizing or dishonoring China! Scientists conducting ‘Excess Mortality Research’ show 60% Higher Actual Deaths than reported in The Americas are attributable to COVID-19 in 2020; 50% Higher in Europe! The REAL STATS are over 1 million Americans killed by our ‘man made created/released coronavirus,’ America’s worst disaster since 1776! How do we know rogue labs aren’t on the brink of releasing more bio terrorist weapons of mass destruction for further culls of ‘undesirables’ & stealing our human rights? Will never forget mere months ago, local store said ‘the Politicians won’t let us sell you our socks to replace your torn pair at any price!’ A parent tossing a ball to their child outside in a public park alone is fined almost $1000. for being outside off their unit’s property. What Inalienable Rights do we actually enjoy if all our RIGHTS are removed by immoral capricious Politicians & Police can point guns at us for stepping off our property? Autocrats can seize power using viral cover to remove OUR Inalienable Rights & increase surveillance, stop & demand travelling papers, target ‘undesirables’ against receiving scarce resources? Time WOK CULTURE looked in the mirror to see the enemy within is owned by State Puppetears? WOKISTS suffering the illusion they are free & independent actors?
- By comparison with the 1918 Pandemic- no vaccines were available, that ‘Flu’ infected about 1 in 3 Worldwide- 500 million, killing 50+ million including 675,000 in United States! Our experts & political leaders had a full century to prepare! But maybe they WANTED to kill ‘undesirables’? Recent spikes of viruses & bold faced research caused Pres. Obama to predict EXACTLY the emergence of COVID-19 by 2020! Epstein disgraced ‘associate?’ Bill Gates- Mr. DO GOOD also had researchers’ advanced computers predict outbreaks to address vaccine needs for African children – Bill’s Gates to Hello! were Paved with GOOD INTENTIONS- except for his Buddy serial child rapist Epstein- Bill’s computers immediately predicted our current COVID Pandemic. But unfortunately not that ex wife Belinda viewed their marriage as ‘irretrievably broken’ for hell Bent Bill DANCING WITH THE DEVIL!!! Our advanced tech. sent men to walk on the Moon July 20, 1969, 52 years ago but our Politicians made ZERO PREPARATIONS TO ADDRESS OUR PANDEMIC!!!
- Our WOK CULTURE should be addressing our CURRENT ‘cultural wars’ challenges like STOPPING hate, violence & crime today- B. on B. despair & poverty by ice cream truck delivered social justice, inclusive equity, human development & education! Strengthening re-spirited families & local & international communities… Whatever successes or failures previous generations experienced, our challenges today require our undivided attention aside from necessary Prayers of Lost Regret… Will our Prayers sooth the murdered innocents tormented so badly while alive? Addressing Climate Change & our Fire Breathing ‘6th Worldwide Extinction Event’ already demanded our immediate solutions 6 decades ago! Our current Holocene Extinction is caused by our HUMAN ACTIVITY, degradation of highly biodiverse habitats like rainforests & coral reefs… pollution, deforestation, warfare… causing extinction rates up to 1,000 higher than expected background rates! Our typical households toss 20- 40% of our perishable food! In 2017 American Global Emissions were 13.5%; European 9%; China 24%- China is proliferating Emissions World Wide by it’s dirty coal black silk soot roads! More than half of our cumulative emissions reductions required are based on our CONSUMER CHOICES & BEHAVIOR!!! Like SLAVERS in ’76- the U.S. Civil War, everyone FACES CHOICES today to CHERISH & FREE Mother Nature or damn our World into spiraling downward loops! AWOKE to our PRESENT Do or Die LOYALTY to our Mother Nature & LIVING BIOSPHERE?
- During slavery, oppression was an Addiction to reckless Moral Depravity not unlike our current Addiction to a Throwaway pollution spewing Society based on enslaving Mother Nature’s Resources & Bounty- a Temporary Delusion, a dangerous drug addiction Temporary High! Stay at Home Orders gave us a new taste for walking lightly on our Environment- offsetting Global Warming’s spiraling feedback loop- Hotter temperatures= more Violent annual Ocean & Land Based Storms. Higher air conditioning & energy consumption= increasing costs! Climate, Food, Water & Territorial Displacement Chaos, Refugees & Pathogens to ATTACK US! Energy infrastructure requiring vast brown outs & electrical shut downs! A vulnerable, over challenged electrical grid presents an obvious path to warfare, social chaos & societal collapse! Out latest Climate Change SHOT ACROSS the BOW is in southern B.C., Canada- temps. reaching almost 50 C.- 122 F. with hundreds perishing in the heat & 250 Flash Wildfires BURNING B. C. PRISTINE PARADISE! From Moosejaw to Moscow, time to stop hitting back with Big Beef Burgers & Vodka- but begin sobering up on addressing Climate Changes. The U.N. says by 2030 55 billion tons of C02 equivalent will be released, 12-14 Billion tons over our agreed on targets! IMAGINE if ‘THE HEAT IS ON’ shifts north over the Arctic Ocean & Circle for a few weeks 90 F. above water’s 32 F. melting point- Oceans will dramatically flood coastal areas World Wide, billions of tons of methane & CO2 instantly released from northern frozen tundra, Ocean Currents & Weather Super Storm Dramatically Change Everything Everywhere including Expanding Deserts, Collapsing Fresh Water Rivers, Firing Up Tornadoes… A SELF FEEDING RUNAWAY GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE MASS EXTINCTION APOCALYPSE WE DON’T WANNA EXPERIENCE!!! Russia’s & China’s military are eagerly awaiting Climate Change Chaos- Slipping like circling sharks into the Arctic Ocean above Canada… Hunting from the shadowy Depths of Depravity-Pushing internal American civil chaos, Biological warfare, Cyber hacking, Climate change ‘natural disasters’ & Political & Economic Disruptions…
- Independence Day July 4, 1776 Patriots & True Clairvoyants creating a living breathing FOREVER script- Thomas Jefferson reaching centuries ahead asking Pres. Biden to address SOCIAL JUSTICE & EQUITY, the widening disparity between ‘haves & have nots!’ The growing anti slavery movement tragically not emboldening Benjamin Franklin in 1776 just as today we are rushing into our Fire Breathing Holocene ‘6th Worldwide Extinction Event!’ CHERISHING our MOTHER NATURE is our Spirit of ’76 Calling! Thomas Jefferson’s & Pres. Biden’s SOCIAL JUSTICE & EQUITY Political Christianity- Addressing social wealth & class based unequal ideology- ‘The Greedy Winners taking all’ instead of CARING & SHARING!
- WOKISTS ALERT!!! PLEASE DON’T Simply CANCEL CULTURE FILTHY WEALTHY RACISTS, BIGOTS & SEX OFFENDERS- MAKE THEM CARE & SHARE-SPREAD THEIR WEALTH AMONG THE FOLKS THEY ALWAYS ABUSED & HATED- What could be more FUN & JUSTICE ORIENTED to Watch in a REALITY SHOW? Having them PAY$$$ THEIR VICTIMS LIVE ON TELEVISION FOR EVERY ABUSE! VIEWERS VOTE IN WHAT THE $$$PENALTY SHOULD BE! WHAT IT WILL TAKE FOR AMERICA TO WELCOME THEM BACK! Begging their Victims for Forgiveness on LIVE T.V.! The Boy Scouts of America are offering $10,000 per sex abuse claimant- $850 million total for 90,000 claimants. Put them LIVE before Americans screaming at them- PLEADING FOR FORGIVENESS!!! Help them feel what their victims felt when they were being humiliated & overpowered- Totally Abused!!! Can I hear from Rose McGowan, etc./Get a Witness? (P.S. Disney like most American Businesses is WOKING UP-welcoming “DREAMERS of ALL AGES” instead of “Ladies & Germs- Bad Boys & Precious Goils!” Chuck Schumer wants to stop all Trump supported ‘ERECTIONS’- no new voters for M.A.G.A.! Santa Claus Biden extends The Christmas Spirit of Landlord Giving until the end of July- NO EVICTIONS- OVER MY DEAD BODY SAYS JOE!!! Capitalist Henry Ford believed his workers should enjoy sufficient wages to purchase the cars they create! Jesus was offered all mammon’s rich kingdoms on Earth in return for bowing down. ‘You cannot serve both God & mammon!’ ‘FORCE hard hearted Fox’s Hannity to say, ‘Harder for a Rich Man to enter God’s Kingdom than for a Camel to thread the Eye of The Needle?’ WEALTH & CHARITY- A HAPPY AMERICAN DREAM MARRIAGE! Future Generations will assess our intelligence & resilience in addressing our CHALLENGES just as we judge our Ancestors according to their understanding & knowledge in their day- NOT based on our KNOWLEGE in the 245 years since the Spirit of ’76 & their Inspired Divine BUT VERY INCOMPLETE Vision!
- But REAL CHANGE CHALLENGES U.S.A.LL- We Are All Challenged until CHANGE BECOMES US!!! Britney Britney Britney- You’re The ARCHETYPAL Story of A YOUNG GIRL FROM KANSAS- Mississippi & Louisiana- whatever! Achieving The American Dream- AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE except BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG PHARMA, BIG BUSINESS, BIG GREED, BIG TEAM of TRICKSTERS… BEGINS THE INEVITABLE SHARKNADO ATTACKS!!! ‘I’ll GET YOU MY PRETTY SAYS Judge Penny Farthing wielding her PreceDUNCES, her swirling cast of Fishy Liars/Lawyers, Snake Oil Salesmen, Drinking Dad, Psych./INQUISITION TORTURERS, Team of Tricksters !!! So begin our background on Mental Illness- Bipolar Elephant in the small Court Room>>>
- Often we who have successfully WON in Mental Illness Battles experienced Mental Illness like wonderful ordinary Americans, etc. see the Valiant Challenging Struggle for FREEDOM!!! WE felt incredible painful Mental & Physical Suffering & CONTROL ISSUES with EATING DISORDERS… or ‘Body Dysphoria’ & Struggles About ‘Socially Approved Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity… ‘ in many Cultures holding STRICT NORMS & PUNITIVE LAWS… &/or NON STOP OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE LOSS of FREE WILL… STRESS & ANXIETY, 24/7 relentlessly wearing at us… &/or No Energy & Unbearable Loneliness & Sadness in DEPRESSION… &/or Sleeping almost Impossible with Terrifying DRAMATICALLY LIFE & DEATH VIVIDLY COLORFUL NIGHTMARES, Wild Emotional Swings & HEART POUNDING NIGHT SWEATS- OVERLOADED SENSORY & EXTRA SENSORY INPUT by Schizophrenia, Paranoid Delusions, Borderline Personality, etc. ! Like anyone suffering relentless physical severe pain, the 24/7 Mental Illness STRUGGLE IS LIKE NOTHING WE HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE especially if we slam the lid down on our Mental Illness, over stimulate ourselves, & self medicate or engage in risk taking, etc. thrashing for relief until the DAM BURSTS!!!
- Thankfully EVERY MENTAL ILLNESS IS ABLE TO BE FACED HEAD ON & FACED DOWN IN TIME- short or long, ENABLING OUR EXCELLENT RECOVERY!!! But the standard Medical Model is not Satisfactory for Many or the Majority… but offers diagnosis, prognosis, treatment suggestions, disability supports including health & income plans, etc. Many accept the health & income support plans, diagnosis to understand what is happening… but are wary of powerful medications causing physical & brain injury with intolerable side effects such as making one reduced to a zombie!!! Too many Psychiatrists are biologically/chemically biased exclusively with too little time or regard for behavioral & cognitive work- looking at the total environment, external & internal! Some are lucky-the Psychiatrist happens to prescribe drugs that actually work to help the specific individual; the illness is straight forward to treat; or the Patient simply needed specific Talk Therapy to uncover & address underlying thinking & behavioral issues, circumstances or traumas…; the Patient recovers partially or fully & enjoys living again- the illness no longer dramatically interferes with all aspects of happy day to day living! The background write ups can be BRUTAL & RUTHLESSLY ‘DISTORTED’ to a lay person, identifying every WEAKNESS or supposed FLAW in vivid detail while ignoring strengths as the psychiatrist brutally lays bare every issue attempting to see what is happening- at the same time, the Patient’s self esteem may be at her lowest ever! Britney and everyone involved are strongly protective of her obvious to mentalhealthrightsforum.com standard medical model diagnosis- GOOD! PROFESSIONALLY & PERSONALLY SHE SHOULDN’T SUBJECT HERSELF TO MENTAL ILLNESS mainstream media PREJUDICES ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESS! Some Celebrities feel fine educating mainstream media about their mental illness diagnosis & challenging struggles- Excellent- they are wonderfully helping everyone become educated about Mental Illness! We agree Britney should be protective- We all love her approach emphasizing her stress & anxiety issues we all can relate too! ( Personally LOVED my Senior Psychiatrists identifying differential diagnoses , prognoses, etc. So THANKFUL FOR THEIR HARD WORK IDENTIFYING EVERYTHING! Brilliant- but their treatments all were unintentionally? fatal>>> to be continued Lightening & thunder about to take down my internet! July 5, 2021 by Brianca Lane LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In Your HEART!!!!!!!!! Are We ACTUALLY REPLAYING HISTORICAL HYSTERIA or BECOMING ENLIGHTENED & FREE??? July 12, 2021 Do you sometimes FEEL- Deja Vu? Are we Human Beings replaying a ‘Ground Hog Day’ of HISTORICAL HYSTERIA? Back in 1191, RICHARD the LION HEARTED & devout Christian CRUSADERS WON in Palestine in a ‘soccer shoot out’- ‘Don’t lose your head over it,’ CRUSADERS joked! Defeating Saladin- of Kurdish Ancestry, born in Iraq, named “Righteousness of the Faith,” the relentless Muslim & Islamic Political & Military Capable Foil/Challenger! Each generation having similar repeating foils? U.S. President Biden is hastily withdrawing from Afghanistan after 20 soul destroying & financial wrenching years of occupation. Leaving assets behind & forsaking the collapsing Afghan Resistance ‘FREEDOM FIGHTERS’ Army. The current 75 year CRUSADE is to RESTORE & CHERISH the Judeo/Christian presence & Influence- Israel, in the Heart of the Holy Land! A 1,000+ years of cultural, ideological & RELIGIOUS CRUSADES & Stalemates!!! Replaying HISTORICAL HYSTERIA instead of BECOMING ENLIGHTENED & FREE?
- Russia & China are catalyzing efforts to foment political & racial divisiveness, hack businesses, agencies & infrastructure, discretely attack our Western Democracies to create chaos & enslave our Nations, each having zealously slaughtered 10’s of millions of their own. China’s 80 million Libertarian FREEDOM FIGHTERS were killed, like 10’s of millions of Russia’s BEST! We in THE FREE WORLD dare not bite THE POISONED BAIT, reject the EVOLUTION of our CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACIES & RISING SOCIAL JUSTICE COMPASSIONATE INCLUSIVITY! Both Pres. Trump & Biden work very hard for America & our FREE WORLD- astonishing everyone by their diverse overenthusiastic approaches- but each sees the others’ approach as catastrophically near sighted! TRYING TO BRIGHTEN FREEDOM’S LIGHT, RISING LIKE A PHOENIX IN LIBERTY’S SACRED CAUSE! Congratulations America- politically active, Americans are BLESSING DEMOCRACY & SPIRITED DEBATE! We in FREE DEMOCRACIES ASPIRE TO OUR GOLDEN IDEALS- Life, Liberty, Social Justice, Inclusion & Greater Income Equality- Restoring & Cherishing our Mother Nature! Presenting OUR HIGHEST CHARACTER , OUR BEST SELVES to our World! Bringing bring back OUR GARDEN ON EARTH! Trees & other Plants, Fertile Soils, Clean Waters, Fresh Air & Green Expanding Spaces!!! (China spewing about 25% of our World’s pollution?) Exploiting our beloved Mother Nature,’ increasing extinction rates of species by 1,000 times, destroying our planet’s lungs, clean waters & Gardens in Eden, our cradle of life jungle rain forests, coral reefs & diverse habitats tragically may diminish our Biosphere to the brink of ending life on Earth as we know it! We TODAY ARE IN DESTINY’S CROSSHAIRS- HOPEFULLY EXPERIENCE JOY BY RISING UP TO OUR EXISTENTIAL CHALLENGES WITH ALL OUR HEARTS & SOUL- OUR LOVE FOR BLESSED LIFE!!!
- Benjamin Franklin felt encouraged to add the ABOLITION of SLAVERY to the Constitution but Ben WIMPED OUT! Historically, humans are TRIBAL- we see the great divide between the two U.S. Political Parties- a Civil War using the Courts endlessly in place of guns, knives & fists! My early childhood encounters with ‘ancient appearing ancestors’ informed me they were certainly as kind & compassionate as anyone alive today, more down to earth & happier just to live simply enjoying life, in their TRUE COLORS caring & sharing, participating in vibrant local community living & rich relationships, the Church center for Community Life! But KINDA CRAZY ABOUT TRIBAL SEPARATION! Darwinian Evolution Success today involves everyone accepting COVID Vaccines, top U.S. Public Health Czar Dr. Fauci says! But COVID-19 easily infects our vaccinated & makes them infection transmitters! Quebec Canada warns everyone to have your vaccine shots & receive your ‘VACCINE PASSPORT/ CODE’ or BE DENIED full participation in community group events & school residency. Citizens who refuse shots become second class- barred from entry & participation! Tribal Israel is looking at a 3rd BOOSTER Vaccination- Big Pharma’s $$$Wet Dream- Endless new booster vaccines chasing new COVID VARIANTS but poorer Countries are unable to afford vaccines- $25.+ per shot for 8 Billion people! A Big Conspiracy? Wealthy Countries are achieving mixed experimental vaccine compliance, sending vaccines & financial donations to COVAX for distribution to have not Countries. Alleged co-funder of Wuhan’s (Bio Weapons) Gain of Function Human Weaponized COVID research, Dr. Fauci worries up to 45% of Americans are resistant to accepting full vaccinations- Fauci is speaking about FORCING AMERICANS to SURRENDER THEIR INALIENABLE BODY RIGHTS & CHOICE! Republican States & Communities are alleged to be ‘COVID RESISTERS?’ Only 2% of Citizens in poorer Countries are vaccinated with 98% ACTING AS INCUBATORS FOR NEW VIRAL STRAINS! Vaccinating 8 billion may take 2 years enabling NEW WAVES of OUTBREAKS in colder months! (Went shopping with no mask- No one freaked out- ‘That’s Bri- COVID’s TERRIFIED of catching the conflicting stronger virus what Bri had!’ But with all the community pressure- called in to get a shot tomorrow!
- Eventually the backed up mental storm Tribal Waters Benjamin Franklin could have begun resolving in 1776, burst the damn racist divide- Americans face each other in fights to the death by the 1860’s! #
- Franklin could have KILLED VIOLENT SLAVERY STORM WATERS before the FIGHT OVER SLAVERY almost killed America- Taking Precious Pres. Lincoln, America’s foremost heroic leader suffering severe Mental Illness- Depression all while SAVING AMERICA & FREEING SLAVES!!! Shouldn’t we honor the millions of Americans who offered their Hearts, Souls & Lives to FREE SLAVES from OPPRESSION? Stonewall Jackson & Robert E. Lee statues were just brought down in Charlottesville, Virginia- 4 years ago a woman was murdered & dozens injured as White Nationalists fought against removing monuments honoring Civil War racist Generals. In Kingston, Ontario- Canada’s First P. M. John A. McDonald’s hometown, McDonald’s statue was removed from its’ downtown park pedestal! & another from a local public school. Indigenous First Nations want historic ‘DOCTRINE of DISCOVERY’ COLONIZER statues of the period removed? Statues & monuments are being vandalized & voted out for removal from prominent parks & sites across America. In Quebec, government employees may not wear any cultural, religious symbols. Back in 1790, by the French Revolution, the Catholic Church was put under State Control!
- In Canada coercive Catholic Church, etc. Residential Schools were asked to essentially ‘clean out the Indian’ from Indigenous children! In my first public school- with female school teachers well beyond normal retirement age, ‘country boys’ were routinely brutally strapped for minor misbehavior; ‘civilized’ city boys received a lecture instead.
- #Female Teachers routinely pulled young boy’s pants down & spanked their bare bottoms in front of the watching classmates to humiliate & intimidate- ‘a PUBLIC MINI LYNCHING!’ Who knows how many violent offenders they created? Girls were seen as FRAGILE- typically sent to the cloak room as punishment causing them to cry loudly in embarrassment; children we’re also sent to the corner wearing a ‘dunce cap’ to work wonders against their Self Esteem! Today, by forbidding children for extended periods from in school learning- to allegedly protect against rare COVID mild infections, depression is hitting children at 50- 70% in Toronto & probably elsewhere. Gov’ts. & their Hell Care Advisors are easily DISEMPOWERING parents from protecting themselves & their loved ones! Across Canada, statues are being vandalized, Catholic Churches- a dozen or two so far have been burned down by alleged Indigenous Truth Seekers’ ‘understandable’ revenge fury!’ The Government’s residential forced abduction school system stopped about 25 years ago- Indigenous Communities are beginning to establish their own Children’s Aid Services. By the 2015 Truth & Reconciliation Committee recommendations, funding for finding suspected unmarked mass grave sights is revealing what was previously whispered in despair.
- #His Holiness Pope Francis is avoiding apologizing on behalf of the Catholic Church? for horrendous Church GENOCIDE & is also withholding or destroying critical damning documents; fighting survivors along with the Federal Gov’t. to avoid paying even agreed on reparations, etc. So who are the SAVAGES in this Horror Story? Who is repeating OPPRESSION, ENSLAVING HUMAN SPIRITS? Are our Government & the Church being THE BEASTS? Black Activist V.P. Harris excuses African American rioting, looting, firebombing, violence in 2020- “It’s not going to stop!” Harris helped bail out violent offenders- critics allege many reoffended, Canada’s P.M. Trudeau justifies the burning of Catholic Churches as understandable! Karma for historic abuses! But no Communities anywhere accept skyrocketing 2020- 2021 violence for historic abuses- White, Black or any Minority for any ‘understandable reason!’ And most Black crime & violence is Black on Black! What have we learned by History? We seem to be repeating the same immoral Greed Reality Play- We are addicted to our enjoyable life styles- consequences be damned!
- Becoming cooked alive in Climate Change Heat & High Humidity! SNATCHING DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY? Above 90 F. with high humidity, our body may be unable to cool itself- our organs shut down- especially folks with underlying health conditions! Summering in Knoxville among wonderful friendly folks but the high humidity made me feel like I was being roasted alive- In southern B.C. many people died, unaccustomed to sudden 100- 122 F. heat &/or high humidity!!! Circa 1788, Scottish Henry Dundas could have beamed U.S.A.ll UP from SLAVERY HELL ON EARTH- Scotty engineered a Court ruling effectively establishing Slavery no longer being LEGAL in Scotland! But circa 1792, Dundas was convinced like Ben Franklin to discard his morality- asked the British Commons to gradually end slavery- Over 15 years, 500,000 additional Black African slaves were marketed!
- #Did Scotty imagine the British Parliamentary Pressure Cooker would blow up by going full Warp Speed to Break the Slavery Barrier? CAPTAIN -THE PARLIAMENT’S GONNA COMPLETELY BLOW- BRITANNIA CAN’T HANDLE SPEEDING UP THE END OF SLAVERY! ‘Scotty! This is AN ORDER! Full Speed on BRITANNIA- Warp Drive before Slaver ‘Kling-Ons’ Bring Us Down into Permanent sub Slavery Orbit!!! Public sentiment moved against slavery in Britain- White society favored FREEDOM NOT SLAVERY by 1792- But Scotty never received the Captain’s Order in his Heart!
- British P.M. William Bradley Pitt appointed Sir George Obnoxious Yonge to be Governor of the Cape Colony circa 1800 but Obnoxious Yonge conspired to bring over 600 slaves illegally- All Governors were instructed to MINIMIZE SLAVERY because British sentiment was clearly against it! Dundas flip flopped again- from Bad Scotty to Good Scotty- Convinced British Captain Brad Pitt & the Jolie Crew that Yonge be FIRED from his enterprise & in 1802, when Yonge attempted to regain his former British Parliamentary Seat, he was SPAT UPON & HIS WIG WAS SET ON FIRE!!! Yonge was finally ONE DONE FART! WOMEN’S RIGHTS ALERT- Didn’t Yonge marry a 14 year old to access her incredible Family Wealth? When she cheated, he stripped her of all her wealth & forbade her from ever seeing her children again!
- Toronto Canada’s Mayor & Fellow Flunkies continue honoring its longest & central Yonge St. but is targeting Dundas St. for renaming- What about Brad Pitt Roller Coaster Road intersecting at Jolie Court? We see our Politicians & their Experts like Floosy Fauci suffer from high heat & humidity ‘Roasted Brain Syndrome,’ their expertise is killing seniors & vulnerable citizens by COVID-19 & issue $850. tickets for Dad’s kicking a ball with their kids alone in a public park!
- #WHAT DO WE WANT? Replay 1000’s of Tears & Years of Tragic Historical Violence, Oppression & Ideological Hysteria or BECOME ENLIGHTENED & FREE? Intergenerational violence, hate, oppression, ill will IS SO OVER & OUT!!! CANCEL CULTURE THAT ILL WILL MY FRIENDS & SAVE OUR PEOPLES TODAY!!!
- SPORT A BRAND NEW SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY HUMAN Co-OPERATIVE, NON VIOLENT CHARACTER- How can GOD WANT each side to destroy the other if God TRULY LOVES US ALL? (Each side praying for VICTORY ‘With God on our Side?’) (Brianca ‘The Fire Breather’ in a previous less evolved life-was a Rule Britannia kind of CRUSADER who ‘loses her way battling evil!’)
- #Today, The HEAT IS ON- California & America’s West turning into desert firestorms? Climate Change is flaming northward into B.C., Canada- suffering 350 Firestorms! 50 Billion Tons of METHANE is locked in frozen Arctic tundra & in sea beds. If THE HEAT continues, Billions of Tons of UNLOCKED Methane = Runaway Global Warming say our Frightened Scientists! Our Earth may become uninhabitable to larger life forms- U.S.A.ll! Pigmies & Blowpipes with poison darts may RULE! Monster Weather Storms & Hard Driving Vicious Ocean Currents, Collapsing Coral Reefer Madness & Ocean Fish Populations Diving Downward into the Abyss, Coastal Urban Areas becoming under the sea in an Octopus’s Garden in the Shade! We may have lived in a previous life but must we replay our Ancestor’s Dilemmas again & again!
- #We can take the HARD ROAD repeating what doesn’t work- THAT’S CRAZY! Or the HAPPY ROAD ACHIEVING OUR GOLDEN DIVINE CREATIVE DESTINY! If we were smart, we’d try something evil, dangerous & damaging ONLY ONCE- Not repeat the same mistakes for 1,000’s of years or in additional lifetimes!
- P. S. To be fair to our Ancestors, instead of Judging them according to our 20/20 hindsight,
- #let our Ancestors judge us! Well yes- Ancestors, we haven’t yet solved COVID but we CREATED IT- WEAPONIZED IT. LEAKED IT, INFECTED OUR WHOLE WORLD WITH IT- and now its mutating!! How can any or all that be our fault? Well yes- Ancestors, we haven’t yet solved GLOBAL CLIMATE WARMING & CHANGE & the Holocene RACE TOWARDS EXTINCTION as a consequence of Our Recent & Current Human Activity, Degradation of highly Biodiverse Habitats, Increasing extinction rates of Species 1,000 time faster than Background Rates- but what does any of that have to do with U.S.A.ll just tryin’ to have Some Kinda Happy FUN?!!
- Blaming Everybody Else for Everything Wrong in Our Life vs. GIVING OUR BEST EFFORTS & Accepting some Personal Responsibility & ABILITY to STAND UP- ‘TAKE UP THY SICK BED & WALK’ with A Little Help From Our Friends INTO ENLIGHTENED FREEDOM & SUNSHINE- CULTURAL HEALTH , COMMUNITY VIBRANCY & JOYOUS CREATIVE SUCCESS!!! WE can ALWAYS LAUGH & LOVE MOTHER NATURE, LIFE, OURSELVES & EACH OTHER, OUR CREATOR BY WALKING ON THE SUNNY SIDE- IN YOUR HEART ALWAYS & FOREVER!! July 12, ’21 Brianca Lane Britney Spears’ VENGEANCE- Mad as Hell-o!!! & NOT Going to Take It NO MORE!!! July 19, 2021 PLUS Bri’s Tale about Borderline Vaccine Blasphemy- A never happen to you BLACK/White SWAN EVENT> ‘Hey- If WE Will STOP BLAMING OUR ANCESTORS for Everything Gone Wrong, A REALITY CHECK Stop Brings to Our Attention How We Kinda %$&@!! EVERYTHING UP on Earth?’ (July 12, 2021)
- Britney-Gate- 2008- 2021: Britney Spears’ TALES of TERROR & IMPRISONMENT in the EXPENSIVE CASTLE TOWERS with FEEDING FRENZY ‘CARING’ STAFF- as our HEARTS ALWAYS BACKED BRITNEY! TRUE LOVE IS ALWAYS & FOREVER- WHO IS Alright or All Wrong in BRITNEYGATE 2008- 2021!!! Psychiatrists often rejoice when ‘docile agreeable Mental Patients’ become FIGHTING MAD for their LOST DAYS of INDEPENDENT DIGNITY & SELF DETERMINATION, DRAMATIC ACTIVITY, GLORY MOMENTS, INALIENABLE FREEDOMS & RIGHTS- DEMAND FULL RECOVERY & CONTROL OVER THEIR LIVES AGAIN!!! Britney IS FINALLY ON FIRE!!! FIRE BREATHING & CHALLENGING AUTHORITY- BRANDISHING FIGHTING WORDS- ‘I AM WOMEN- HEAR ME ROAR!!!’ (Rose McGowan’s… Fighting Call to FREEDOM!) “How dare people you love the most say anything (NOW)- Did you even put your hand out when I was (a) drowning (swimmer needing rescue)? How dare you make it public that NOW YOU CARE (when you never showed it & helped rescue me when I was floundering?) Apparently in consultation with Dr. Smith- co-starring in LOST IN SPACE- BY A 13 YEAR CONSERVATORSHIP & MENTAL ILLNESS, L.A. Judge Penny finally ruled Britney can hire her own lawyer- pursue her happiness & end this cruel Conservatorship over her dignity, life & career! The Court denied Britney’s own picked lawyer circa 2008- BOOTED HIM FROM THE COURT ROOM CLAIMING BRITNEY WAS TOO NUTTY TO HIRE OR GIVE DIRECTION!!! Her conflicted interest Court appointed lawyer was invited to bill her up to over $400,000 annually- BUT TABLES ARE TURNING>>>
- Britney’s appointed SHARK Liar- OOPS- Lawyer, just jumped ship like other SHARKS recently- Everyone wanting to Bloody Scream TIME’S UP!!! Brit’s Dad asked in April to get over $900.000. to pay ‘promotional & legal bills’ from Brit’s account trust! NO SHAME IN BRIT’S DAD? What retribution/punishment should Britney exact for injury & being so wronged? $500 million? Jail anyone who abuses vulnerable citizens in their trust?
- #IF SUDDEN DE-CITIZENSHIP- REMOVAL OF ALL RIGHTS, CAN BE SO EASILY DONE TO TOP OF THE POPS BRITNEY SPEARS in Freedom Loving America< WHO IS SAFE ANYWHERE??? But once a person is deemed seriously mentally ill, very common to be continuously tagged as ‘warranting trust subjugation!’ For example, if I was a beneficiary in a will, the Lawyer creating the document might instinctively ask if a trustee should manage any cash on my behalf! Britney was given an allowance decided by others ‘so that people didn’t take advantage of her vulnerability & convince her to give away all her assets!’ BUT WHO WAS ACTUALLY TAKING ALL HER ASSETS? We rejoice at Public DISGUST Conservator Courts Railroad, Imprison & OPPRESS Vulnerable Citizens against their Inalienable Rights, Freedoms & Pursuit of Happiness. Britney says she was FORCED TO WORK WITHOUT BREAKS as an Entertainment SLAVE so others could Profiteer off her Court Imposed 2nd Class Beast of Burden Serfdom! The Court INVITED SHARKS TO FEAST OFF HER EARNINGS FOR 13 YEARS ‘on her behalf’ AGAINST HER WISHES & CONSENT!!! Britney asks ‘what about the 1000’s like her under Conservatorships being abused as helpless victims,’ by Appointed Sharks- PROTECTED & ENABLED BY THE COURTS! Should SHARKS & Offending Judges be Sentenced to Experience the SUFFERING THEY IMPOSED ON OTHERS by OPPRESSIVE Conservatorships?!!
- The second Elephant in the room is Britney experienced over 13 years BEING INSTITUTIONALIZED BY THE SYSTEM TO THE POINT SHE DIDNT KNOW SHE HAD ANY RIGHTS WHATSOEVER OR HOW TO ACCESS THEM!!!!!!!! Her speech to Judge Penny illustrated all her Basic Everyday Rights had been removed- She was treated like what? A prized kept exotic valuable working animal or a subjugated OVERWORKED TRAFFICKED SLAVE FOR ENTERTAINING??? 13 years of records & medical reports not suggesting the Court release her from Conservatorship? Everyone making $$$ keeping Britney OPPRESSED whether she warranted Conservatorship- Follow the $$$ as to what impacts decision making.
- #But it’s a catch 22: Britney’s never allowed to be independent & alone, make her own decisions… so Britney loses all her independence skills- Her enslavers saying that’s only because Britney’s incapable on her own & after 13 years ‘requiring constant supervision’ the prognosis is bad! Are her Doctors & Care Team HOPELESS at their Craft, building their wealth by feeding REGULARLY OFF Britney’s Trust! Everybody making BIG BUCKS by Britney being under full Conservatorship! Did her exceptionally highly paid lawyer for 13 years never informed her she in fact did have RIGHTS & COULD ACT to loosen or end her unwanted Conservatorship, BY HER LAWYER ACTING ON HER SIMPLE DIRECTION TO FREE HERSELF FROM HER CONSERVATORSHIP? ‘
- #Britney- at your wish to be free from this Conservatorship, we’re hiring top expert medical, rehabilitative & legal advisors to establish a GOOD CLEAR COURSE OF ACTION to present before the Court. At Court we will make the case you have been TRAGICALLY TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF; Your accomplishments over 13 years of slavery demand your release to self directed decision making capabilities & to have your Conservatorship tossed- Your RIGHTS, FREEDOMS & INDEPENDENCE, PERSONAL CONTROL OVER YOUR PERSON, PROPERTY & CAREER RETURNED- CONTROL OVER YOUR OWN LIFE!!! Britney’s Dad has conflicting interests? ALLOW $$$ to be assigned to build a case for ending her Conservatorship when he receives monthly income from Britney’s Trust- he CONTROLS!!!!
- \Her lawyer likewise told Judge Penny, ‘Britney is a high functioning Conservatee but is like in A COMA & COULD NOT GIVE DIRECTION- He had to act completely in her place on her behalf!’ A high functioning person may be quickly broken & institutionalized- appear to have no individual decision making capacity! (Working with Developmentally Delayed Young Adults, Agencies worked hard to get them ready to live on their own or in ‘supported’ housing- Ending years of debilitating institutionalized living, where most decisions were made by others for them!!! They merely followed strong clear orders and were not permitted to challenge- ‘The AGENCY KNOWS BEST- DO WHAT YOUR WORKER TELLS YOU TO DO FOR YOUR HEALTH< HAPPINESS & EVERYONE’S SAFETY!’)
- Speaking of CONSERVATOR & COURT CREEPS, what about China CREEP? My Philippines friend- arrived with nothing 10 years ago but now owns a valuable house, holds multiple jobs- LIVING THE New Immigrant Citizenship DREAM!!! Says China CREEP is gradually aimed at taking over Philippines businesses? Ruling Philippines ‘by proxy’ eventually by controlling businesses & the economy? Influence peddling $$$ as needed? Canada’s P.M. also allegedly in China’s grip? Afraid to cross China… AGENCIES covering up China stealing secrets, operating overseas police forces, etc. World Wide? More $$$ Influence Peddling? P.M. Trudeau said he admires China’s Dictatorship Efficiency- GETTING THINGS QUICKLY!
- Australia asked the WHO, etc. to investigate Wuhan about ‘a COVID lab created leak’- China slammed Australia with trade barriers as a warning to other Countries! #DIVIDED WE FALL AS NATIONS- TOGETHER WE STAND FEARLESSLY!!! But consider how many of our Democratically elected political leaders are also closet or open DICTATORS/AUTOCRATS! If China welcomed Dictators to run other Countries in a World Wide Dictators Co-operative, would our Political Leaders welcome the opportunity to be increasingly openly Autocratic? China created islands throughout the South China Sea & is militarizing the Region… Sights on Taiwan… Squashed Human Rights & Democracy in Hong Kong… China CREEP is creating SILK ROADS ACROSS OUR WORLD ALL LEADING BACK TO COMMUNIST AUTOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP! About 25% of Global Warning Emissions output from China- increasingly becoming worse!
- CHINAGATE SUPRESSION to FIX THE ELECTION IN FAVOR OF JOE BIDEN says Fox News t.v. hosts! China Creep buys Politicians & Influence- Pres. Biden’s son, Hunter said ‘”10% profit is for the BIG GUY!” (Joe Biden) Allege information was sourced from former ‘crack head’ Hunter’s lap top! The F.B.I., Justice Department, etc. all allegedly corruptly suppressed the betrayal information indefinitely to protect the Biden Family China Gate Secrets- Deceive the voting public- get Joe elected, Pres. Trump defeated. DEEP STATE CORRUPTION DESTROYING DEMOCRACY, TRICKING AMERICANS FOX suggests- Effectively working for Beijing’s Plan for total World Domination by a collective of Dictators all answering ultimately to Beijing???
- # WE BELIEVE BRITNEY 100%!!! Truth be told, Britney was certainly RAILROADED– Yes- LADY LIBERTY shedding TEARS, PARCHMENT IN HER HAND SAYS # FREE BRITNEY!!! P.S. Didn’t Star Crossed Lover & Music Hero Kurt Cobain suffer from Bipolar Disorder among drug addictions & pain afflictions, etc. So incredibly talented & successful, Kurt Cobain suffered terrible illness battles rendering his FAME & FORTUNE WORTHLESS! #Kurt Cobain shows U.S.A.ll NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR PRECIOUS Mental & Physical HEALTH!
- BUT OUR HEALTH IS DEPENDENT ON OUR MOTHER NATURE BEING HEALTHY! WE NEED TO BRING OUR MOTHER BACK FROM THE BRINK instead of ENSLAVING HER IN A BRITNEY SPEARS LIKE CONSERVATORSHIP FEASTING OFF HER LIFE BLOOD UNTIL WE KILL OFF ALL THE EARTH’S GOLDEN GOOSES!!! For example, our South American Amazon Jungle Basin- LUNGS for OUR EARTH, we have turned into a Carbon EMITTER! Coral Reefs- Cradles for sea life like jungles- Cradles for life on land, are CRASHING!!! Vancouver’s Sea Creatures- all happily co-existing PEACEFULLY in an Octopus’s Garden IN THE SHADE, just dropped over a billion Sea Creatures Lives, became Cooked Meat by the Climate Change Heat! B.C., Canada experiencing hundreds of out of control wild fires like Western America! Man made disasters like Wuhan’s COVID? culling Vulnerable Human Beings & Climate Change & Environmental Catastrophe killing our Beloved Mother Earth, overshadow Britney Spears’ Mental Illness TRAIN WRECK ‘NERVOUS BREAKDOWN!’!
- But the DAM ALWAYS BURSTS & things get a bit Messy- ASK DIRTY PRINCE HARRY- ASSASSINATING HIS YOUNG ASTONISHINGLY INSIGHTFUL BRILLIANT YOUNG MOM, Beloved Princess Diana: “THEY FOUND THEIR VIRGIN- THEIR SACRICIAL LAMB!” Diana became too powerful, too outspoken- SHE WAS SACRIFICED ON THE ROYAL ALTER- SILENCED as an example to suppress UNHELPFUL CRITICISM of ELITE AUTHORITY!!! Ask African American Meghan Markle about her sudden acute Mental Illness- stressed out uncontrollably by Royal protocols & IMPOSED cult like isolation AS AN OUTSIDER! Became an imminent danger to herself & others but thankfully Harry spared her from BRITNEY STYLE indefinite confinement- No 13 years of Meghan-Gate locked in THE TOWER of LONDON, brought out only for Special Occasions DISPLAY at the Monarchy’s Discretion!
- #Meghan- author of her own Mental Breakdown or simply unprepared for Institutional Life as a Black Art Piece in a British Hysterical & Historical Museum?
- Brianca’s Tale of Blasphemy- In 2021 with COVID Variants sprouting like Summer Garden Flowers, over a million Americans killed, a 4th COVID WAVE SEEMINGLY ABOUT TO CRASH, may we speak honestly about the rarest of rare Black/White Swan Events- Never to happen to you?!! Last Tuesday p.m., exposed to incredible peer pressure by Vaccine BELIEVERS, attended for my first vaccine shot. About to complete the paper work, the Pharmacy Clinic Internet Crashed- ‘Bri- you can leave now & rebook another day.’ AN OBVIOUS SIGN TO ESCAPE DISASTER! But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- ‘PROMISED EVERYONE I WILL GET THE SHOT! ‘I’ll wait’ Immediately the internet rebooted- ‘YOU were WARNED!’ ‘Wow Bri- You’re in luck! Online again- We’ll be finished in 15 minutes!’ The micro-needle injection was almost imperceptible- ‘You’re sure you injected the vaccine???’ Wednesday Night, THE FUN BEGINS- CHEST & RIB AREA PAIN = NO SLEEP! Morning brings new DELIGHTS- Diarrhea & Vomiting- A GOOD COMPLETE FULL INTERNAL CLEANING!!! Felt GREAT & MUCH LIGHTER- Phoned Doc.- ‘When should I begin eating again?’ No call back so Friday Wolfed down Rich Food with ALL the FIXINGS!!! Friday night HOWLING AT THE MOON, ORCHESTRATED PAIN & NAUSEA SINGING ALL NIGHT- Wolfing food apparently wasn’t the BEST DECISION!!! Saturday a.m. phoned Government Health Services- Nurse asked detailed questions, said reactions could be LIFE THREATENING including AFFECTING MY HEART- “GO TO E>R> IMMEDIATELY or CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE NOW!!! Phoned an on call Doctor for a second opinion- “GOOD FOR YOU BRI- YOU’VE EXPERIENCED AN EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM RESPONSE TO THE VACCINE!!! MORE THAN WE HOPE FOR FROM OUR VACCINES!!! GREAT IMMUNE SYSTEM YOU ENJOY!!!”
- #The COVID-129 was a complete success but unfortunately- But if I can walk to Mother Nature’s Stream nearby She’ll HEAL ME & FIND ME WILD RASP BERRIES FOR TREATS!!! BARELY WALKED BUT SURE ENOUGH MOTHER NATURE GENTLY HEALED ME OVER A FEW HOURS & FED ME WILD RASPBERRIES!!! Will I Go for a 2nd SHOT- Sure Scotty- Beam me Back Down to Earth & BOOK ME FOR July 13, 2121 at 3.30 SHARP- same co-ordinates!!! “Keep your Eyes in the Skies- Bri- Over & Out- SCOTTY!” SO GO GET YOUR VACCINE SHOTS EVERYBODY- DONT BE a Vaccine Doubter, Denying Heretic??? I’m eagerly looking forward to receive my second shot on July 13, 2121 in the future. Better wear a FIRE/SPACE COLD PROTECTION SPACE SUIT! EARTH- BURNING HOT HELL-O, FREEZING ICE SHIELDS or GARDEN DELIGHTFUL PARADISE? WE ALL CHOOSE OUR COLLECTIVE FUTURE TOGETHER APART TODAY!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS- IN YOUR HEART FOREVER-NOW YOU KNOW MOTHER EARTH IS HERE TO SAVE US ALL NO MATTER HOW WE HURT HER BADLY IN THE PAST!!! July 19, 2021 by Always Loving YOU!!! Brianca Lane
- LOVE YOU BUT CANNOT EVER LIE TO YOU ABOUT MY VACCINE ADVENTURE- P.S. EXPERIENCING INTERNAL INDUCED TORTURE IS PRETTY CHALLENGING- Black Swan Event- Could never happen to you? My body experienced the vaccine as a completely ALIEN SUBSTANCE so reacted violently- Is COVID so gain of function weaponized & essentially Alien to True Nature, it behaves as an INTERNAL BOMB? CULTURAL WARS: Race, Immigration, Power, Entitlement & Oppression & DEEP DISTRUST! CANCEL CULTURE, VACCINE COVER-UPS… Californian Conservatee RIGHTS!!! But Britney Spears is HOT- STRIPPED & RIPPED, Cartwheeling Confidently- ENJOY!!! July 26, 2021 TRIBAL Cultural Wars: Race, Immigration, Power, Entitlement & Oppression- Reaping Karma & Deep Distrust- Desserts or just deserts?! ‘A HOUSE DIVIDE CANNOT STAND!’ (Pres. Lincoln) A significant majority of African Americans EXPERIENCE America as RACIST! Yes- mentalhealthrightsforum.com goes full out identifying historical & current TRIBAL THINKING & RACISM BUT TO HEAL- not HURT SOCIETY!!! We don’t RISE UP INTO THE LIGHT ONLY TO DIVE BACK INTO THE DEPTHS OF DARKNESS & DESPAIR!!! We see clearly what was seen before through an opaque lens. We don’t curse the darkness- but are thankful We ARE RISEN- ONWARD & UPWARDS! Our past’s loving, trusting community TRIBAL relationships are not dearly missed- WE LIVE TODAY CREATING OUR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE TOGETHER!!!
- Probably not by rejuvenating 1950’s Americana or opening Pandora’s Box & stirring up Racial Animosity laid to rest over 60 years of hard won efforts from every ethnic background- STOPPING BLATANT Discrimination & Oppression! 1960’s achieved profound civil rights accomplishments for Women, Visible Minorities, 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q+. An unimaginable Cultural Revolution Big Bang!!! But America appears SPLIT EQUALLY, HALF FOR & HALF AGIN AN URGENT FERVOR for Cultural Change? Conservative Republicans looking fondly back towards a simpler Male-Female Identity, Respect for Authority, Law Abiding, SAFER, Child Friendly, anti abortion/RIGHT to LIFE! Family Oriented Communities, Hand on Heart FLAG Saluting & Singing, Traditional Culture Respected & Historical Reverence, The American Dream, Conservative Religious & Political Conviction & Worship, Obeying Laws in OLD GLORY FLAG FLYING America?!!’ A home made America First MAGA revived manufacturing & innovative tech. unstoppable economic hay day like 1950’s Americana?
- #Should Western Democracies STOP receiving goods from Autocratic Communist Dictatorships? Pres. Trump advised NATO- BEEF UP YOUR DEFENSE SPENDING & SWITCH TO NORTH AMERICAN ENERGY, etc.! NATO JUST LAUGHED at Pres. Trump’s Brilliance!!! And is the Middle Class Dream of Home Ownership FOR ALL in a GOOD, Healthy Neighborhood Suitable for raising successful children still Achievable or are we BACK TO PURELY TRIBAL THINKING?
- Canadian home prices & rentals have skyrocketed- unaffordable for young Families over the past 5+ years- Home ownership becoming a Class Based Feudal Lord Fiefdom? HOME BASED MATH: Should we allow a small net percentage plus inflation realized gain for home sellers, the large net sale price return fully harvested & invested into building & maintaining Affordable ‘Social’ Housing- WIPING OUT INSTITUTIONAL ELITIST SPECULATION? Homelessness is becoming an impossible WAY of LIFE for millions- homeless shelters are UNSAFE, COVID death traps! Local Authorities & Police are fining, arresting, brutalizing & seizing homeless citizens few possessions! Toronto’s Mayor is relentlessly attacking homeless citizens camping in local parks, police in riot gear enforcing brutal regulations- Imagine how Toronto’s Mayor might have treated vulnerable SLAVES- REGARDED AS PROPERTY in 1790! Property ownership traditionally helps enforce a CLASS/CAST SYSTEM! Psychiatrists & Agencies often package resources putting mentally ill homeless in a CATCH-22- obtain scarce housing, food, health, drugs & Medical Services, etc. by overconsuming anti-psychotics- becoming ZOMBIES, experiencing a horrible CHEMICAL STRAIGHT JACKET!
- #Homeless Citizens traditionally have been found to be challenged by multiple SIGNIFICANT MENTAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES- NOT HOMELESS FROM BEING LAZY! Yes- Actual studies have been carried out but Big Brother has decided CULLING SAVES $$$! Culling Seniors under COVID COVER SAVES $$$$! COLLAPSING our Public Health Care Systems INTENTIONALLY CULLS unwanted Vulnerable Minorities & citizens facing $$$costly Health Care! Millions are being denied diagnostics & care under COVID COVER!!! Intentionally culled under COVID cover!
- Also zombie anti psychotics, etc. are commonly used abusively against Seniors in Care Homes to immobilize them, stop their ability to self advocate- Friends & Relatives imagine they suffer Alzheimer’s Disease/Cognitive Brain Decline as the prescribed anti-psychotics impair & destroy their cognitive & physical function!!! Britney Spears says her imposed lithium rendered her similarly unable to hold a conversation with her parents isolating her completely! Was Britney forced to also take anti- psychotics for Bipolar? Only Britney’s hairdresser knows for sure her true colors??? Her Court Appointed lawyer described has in a comatose state- drugged up intentionally??? Was everyone conspiring?
- Since 1860, Pres. Lincoln & America wrestled with Freedom & Limited Equality for ALL CITIZENS but not necessarily LESS TRIBALISM- Separate but Equal Races? Only circa 1950’s+ diverse communities attempted to create cohesive social melting pots, in the ’60’s Blacks & Whites ‘began approving inter-racial marriage.’ Pres. Biden is attempting ‘Affirmative Action’ for Visible Minorities to jump start Full Equality but ’60’s Equal Rights Legislation created to equally assist & protect both Blacks & Whites, is used to stifle “Affirmative Action!”
- #LET’S BE HONEST- IF COMMUNITIES SUFFER GENERATIONAL DYSFUNCTIOM, DESPAIR & HOPELESSNESS, ISN’T AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY TO JUMP START GAINS TOWARDS EQUALITY? DISCRIMINATED AGAINST COMMUNITIES REQUIRE A HELPING HAND LIFTING THEM UP BY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION RIGHT?!! Equal Rights be ‘damned’ until Communities are helped up on their feet- Correct!?? By Equal Rights Rules, White skinned citizens are not to be excluded from special Biden $$$benefits reserved only for Blacks & Latinos, for example! mentalhealthrightsforum.com detailed racist Cultural Wars back from The Spirit of ’76 forward- especially addressing 1950’s & ’60’s+ Cultural Socio-Political Battles… In music Elvis became the breakthrough white performer, a Black Culture Brilliant Appropriator bridging race music for white America! The British Invasion introduced American Black appropriated rock n roll & Black creators like Muddy Waters- McKinley Morganfield & Howling Wolf to white America following Elvis’s lead. JOYFULLY UPLIFTING TIGHT-ASS WHITE AMERICANS from SELF OPPRESSION? Our Wonderful British Friend Ed Sheeran faces tough legal copyright heat about Marvin Gaye’s 1973 SMASH HIT, “LET’S GET IT ON!” We CORRECT BUT KEEP THE GLORY GUTS OF OUR DEMOCRACIES & LIFE, LIBERTY & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS CONSTITUTIONS!!!!
- Chairman Mao happily slaughtered 80 million Chinese to achieve his Absolute Communist Autocratic Dictatorship- Big power hungry fish easily swallow small fledglings daring to swim or claim independence in their territory… What would be the fate of B.L.M. or Cancel Culture if America’s House fell under China’s & Russia’s Autocratic Ideological Spell? China is attempting to imbed & influence every Western Democracy especially by $$$ & economic addiction & control!!! Russia tries to control Europe by energy dependency! Pres. Trump attempted to encourage Europe & NATO to SMARTEN UP!!!
- #If we wiped out the past 250 years of our knowledge & understanding- lived circa 1770 with our entire awareness based on society at that time, would our decisions, Declaration of Independence & Constitution be less self serving, TRIBAL- be better than what our Revolutionary Fathers created- enabling SPECTACULAR FUTURE EVOLUTION? THEIR REMARKABLE ACHIEVEMENT allowed for Golden Leaps of Faith but later Generations stumbled carrying FREEDOM’S TORCH??? WE ARE HEROES ENJOYING SPECTACULAR OPPORTUNITIES TO RIGHT OUR WORLD- TIME’S UP ON NOT GIVING THE PERFORMANCE OF OUR LIFETIME- ON BEHALF OF ALL OUR ANCESTORS WORLD WIDE!!!!!!
- #SOCIAL MOVEMENTS & IDEOLOGIES LACKING TOLERANCE, FORGIVENESS, ALTERNATIVE INSIGHTS, CO-OPERATION, COMPASSION & THE ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE IMPROVEMENTS ARE AN ONGOING PROCESS, ARE INTOLERABLE!!! #By denying truth, forgiveness & opportunity to apologize, redress harm & make full amends- by acting as judge, jury & executioner, CANCEL CULTURE MAY OUTLIVE IT’S BEST BEFORE DATE! “But let they who are without sin cast the first stones- Where have all your accusers gone? Neither do I accuse & condemn you- Go & sin no more…” Let’s BE HONEST-
- Ultimate Unwanted ‘Twilight Zone’ Adventure Theme Park Ride & Memes: Our COVID HYPOCRISY & VACCINE COVER-UPS need to be HONESTLY EXPOSED? The new Vaccine Shots Cultural Divide seeks to cover up & demonize alternative approaches & experiences. Pres. Trump created Operation Warp Speed bringing us experimental vaccines in a short time frame never before achieved! He also pushed for alternative treatment approaches- he was CANCEL CULTURED espousing a few hairbrained suggestions. Questioning Vaccine SAFETY & EFFECTIVENESS = BEING FIRED, DISALLOWED TO TRAVEL on Public Transportation, labelled an OUTCAST FROM SOCIETY!!! When has Pres. Biden ever screwed up over his Politically Incorrect BORDERELINE PERSONALITY DISORDER DISASTER & CATCH & RELEASE CRIME CAPERS- MOSTLY ENCOURAGING RISING CRIME STATISTICS??????
- About 27.2% in our World received 1 vaccine shot; only 13.8% received both shots; 56% of Americans received both shots, 48.6% only one shot! Strong angst growing among the reluctant about SAFETY ‘Emergency Use Only’ vaccines? BUT ONLY 1.1% in LOW INCOME COUNTRIES RECEIVED at least 1 Vaccine Dose!!! REAPING INSTANT COVID KARMA OPPRESSION- OUR WORLD’S GREEDY COUNTRIES? Our World’s refugees & poor abandoned, suffering exponentially as U.N. Refugee Humanitarian Ambassador- wealthy movie star Angelina Jolie, World Class French Vineyard ‘Whine Maker’ laments- adding ‘Brad Brad Brad you angry, spouse abusing, scaring your children imbiber!’ COVID IS FEASTING MERCILESSLY, ABLE TO EVOLVE VARIANTS & REINFECT lower COVID INFECTED Countries by taking advantage of our INDIFFERENCE to the SUFFERING of our LESS FORTUNATE- ‘Let them EAT COVID CAKE’ says ‘reincarnated Marie Antoinette!’ Doesn’t it seem like ALL our chickens have come home to roost, a whirlwind for OPPRESSION, RACISM, FASCISM, SLAVERY, INDIFFERENCE to ALL LIFE AROUND US- Karmic Challenges pouring in simultaneously- our Ultimate Twilight Zone Unwanted Adventure Theme Park Ride- or else we’re actually experiencing Biblical Style Apocalyptic Times!!!
- #BIG BTROTHER using COVID-19 COVER to TARGET A NEW GROUP FOR SOCIAL & ECONOMIC OPPRESSION? Fascinating to see oppression building against Citizens wary of Experimental Vaccines- requiring TRAVEL PASSPORTS & I.D. to create 2nd class shunned & harassed Vaccine Refugee Refusers- EXCLUDED like LEPERS from travelling, attending in person CLASSES & RESIDENCES at Universities, from attending concerts, gyms, larger social gatherings, private businesses at the owner’s discretion! Denied employment & entry- a new 2nd Class Separated Outsiders’ Class- politically, culturally, socially, economically! SHUNNED as DANGEROUS ANTI SOCIALS!!!
- eXPOSING THE VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS COVER UP!!! Didn’t famous guitarist- recorded on bEATLE’S hARRISON’S “While My Guitar Gently Weeps!” Eric Clapton SUFFER terrible VACCINE SIDE EFFECTS??? Is our MEDICAL COMMUNITY DENYING THE PUBLIC FULLY INFORMED CONSENT ABOUT POSSIBLE LIFE THREATENING SIDE EFFECTS- VACCINES BEHAVING LIKE A RUSSIAN NEURO TOXIN??? RECORD< REPORT & FULLY INFORM THE PUBLIC The TRUTH? What side effects happen? To whom? How often? Why do they occur? What’s different? How may victims in total? What CLASS ACTION is necessary to protect the Public? How will citizens know beforehand if they are likely to SUFFER? WHERE IS THE GOV’T. FUNDING TO INFORM THE PUBLIC! APPARENTLY NO SUBSTANTIAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ON SUCH ADVERSE REACTIONS? $$$BILLIONS OF PROFITS for BIG PHARMA BIG BAD MISTAKES!!! BUT NO MEDICAL PERSON INFORMS ABOUT LIFE THREATENING SIDE EFFECTS I EXPERIENCED- ONLY THE CONSTANT MANTRA- ‘GET A SHOT!!! GET A SHOT! GET A SHOT!’ My perfect physical specimen Neighbor who experienced COVID & afterwards got his two shots, says vaccine side effects are only slightly less than COVID for him! #COVID SHOTS apparently do not STOP COVID INFECTION & TRANSFER!!!!
- Vaccine Resistors Unite Everywhere! My first shot vaccine side effects were LIFE THREATENING lasting 1 1/2 weeks- Widespread muscle & nerve pain, impacting my heart, preventing any sleep for several nights, inducing violent vomiting & extreme diarrhea, chills & fever, an almost psychosis of torture, pain, anxiety & fear… either the vaccine or my body acted like to an ‘ALIEN MADE MADE POISONOUS NEURO TOXIN like substance’- COVERED UP by the Medical Community!!! Doctor saying- “GOOD- The VACCINE IS GETTING A SUPER STRONG IMMUNE RESPONSE FAR BEYOND OUR EXPECTATIONSWITH YOU!” So EXACTLY HOW MANY TENS OF THOUSANDS ARE SUBJECTED TO SUFFERING EXPERIENCING TORTUROUS LIFE THREATENING HARM? WHY ARE VACCINE INDUCED SEVERE SIDE EFFECTS HIDDEN FROM EVERYONE? DENYING INFORMED CONSENT?
- Scotty- MEME US ALL UP NOW- Earth seems to be BOILING OVER & OUT- KIRK EYING BRITNEY SPEARS COMPLETELY UNPLUGGED!!!!!!! Scotty, check out her co-ordinates & beam both in tight proximity- Also beam Britney & I up simultaneously and leave the area while we DO THE CAPTAIN’S LOG TOGETHER!!! Aye Captain- Cadet Britney may have BEEN LOST IN CONSERVATORSHIP SPACE FOR 13 LONG YEARS but Judge Penny is thinking beyond her pay scale & questioning scheming Dr. Smith & Fiends after her ASSETS! The LASS IS STILL RED HOT & RIPPED AT 39- Bust Size? & Age?!!! Yes Scotty- We desperately want Britney Spears FREED to HELP US SMILE & ENJOY LIFE AGAIN ON EARTH- ESCAPE OUR PRESSURE COOKER WORLD CHALLENGES & Mental Illness at the hands of our duplicitous? Dr. Fauci & Frankenstein Monster COVID Gain of Function Creating Fiends, Earth’s AutocRATS, BureaucRATS!!!
- #Healthy or sick, Britney’s 100% pure American Mischievous JOY, FUN & GAMES SHTICK!!? Our TEMPTRESS IS HUNGRY- A COOL CAT ON THE PROWL AGAIN!!! Judge Penny- SOAR & SHINE LIKE THE SILVER DOLLAR EAGLE YOU ARE! Time you saw a path through Dr. Psychiatrist’s 13 years IMPOSED LOST IN SPACE DIAGNOSIS & PROGNOSIS for our GOLDEN LIONESS- She’s PURRRTY ‘SICK!’ PURRRTY BAD- BUT SHE’S A CURE FOR OUR Mental Illness MALAISE!
- #FREE BRITNEY!!! # WE ARE ALL BIPOLAR TOO!!! INDEED OUR ENTIRE WORLD IS # EXPERIENCING BIPOLAR CLIMATIC CHANGES- MELTDOWNS & BREAKDOWNS until we challenge & change our FALLING TIMES on the Spiral of Life! BUT LIFE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY FORWARD!!! #Judge Penny RISES UP TO ACHIEVE- A SILVER EAGLE DOLLAR?!! WE become SUPERHEROES- We pray Britney rises above her ‘Stress & Anxiety’- Severe Bipolar or whatever psychiatric label they attempt to brand her… Healthy or Sick- whatever our Condition, SAVING OUR WORLD TOGETHER- Together MeUsCan-Do Right??? Wealthy Countries are praising themselves for enduring economic & soul destroying/mental illness causing LOCK DOWNS & SUSPENSION OF ALL OUR INALIENABLE & CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS.
- #Canada is #1 in compliance but in Twilight Zone Thinking, the U.S./Canada Border is CLOSED until Aug. 21 by Homeland Security to non essential travel while the U.S./Mexican Border is effectively ‘OPEN TO THE FLOOD of our World’s POVERTY STRICKEN,’ the key entry point for our World’s distressed, etc. seeking ‘The American Dream/A Better Life!’ Pres. Biden is welcoming millions? $$$supported & shipped by bus, trains & plane across America IMMINENTLY ‘COMING TO A COMMUNITY NEAR YOU!’ Overwhelmed Border Processors intercepted more than 1 million illegals this year- carrying unknown COVID or other diseases among their travel weary hopes & dreams! God Bless their weary souls & God Bless U.S.A.ll- Everyone!!! Yes- You’re still THE ONE- Beside Britney!!! Always in your HEART & Laughing Together Forever Loving Life- Loving You You Loving Me!!! July 26, 2021 by Brianca Lane P.S. Yes Britney/Conservatees has RIGHTS** To be represented by her own lawyer! To directly receive & control her salary! To receive personal mail! To marry or enter into a registered partnership- Britney PROTECT YOUR ASSETS GIRL!!! Everyone appears after your $$$assets!!! Marrying is an easy way to MILK YOU! Don’t GET MILKED of your precious assets forever!!! To receive visits from Family & Friends! To make her own Medical Decisions! To vote! To control any allowance the Court has authorized for her!
- #To ask the Judge to replace a Conservator & to end the Conservatorship! Britney can go about creating an Expert Medical, Rehab. & legal Team to create a Plan & Proposal to present to the Judge to EXPAND HER RIGHTS & INDEPENDENCE- to end her Conservatorship entirely! Plead in PERSON- Judge Penny will easily see & hear her clarity & unjustifiable enslavement #Keep in mind, a Conservatee with only a child’s intellectual capability can marry, be a Wife & Mother by establishing a chosen TEAM TO ASSIST HER IN MAKING DECISIONS!!! A Conservatee must be afforded the GREATEST DEGREE of FREEDOM POSSIBLE consistent with any underlying reasons behind the Conservatorship. A Conservator must give AS MUCH REGARD TO THE WISHES OF THE CONSERVATEE AS POSSIBLE helping the Conservatee function at her HIGHEST LEVEL as her ABILITY PERMITS! Encouraging her full participation in decision making!!!
- The Californian Judge merely needs to decide Britney more likely has capacity than not to end her Conservatorship!!! The Judge has to choose the least restrictive alternative in Britney’s favor!!! The Judge wants to hear about Britney’s functional capacity like to feed, shelter & clothe herself- Britney put your bra back on Girl! Manage & control her own affairs & contracts… obviously she may help create a team to assist her! That Britney understands risks & benefits in making decisions about her medical care! The Judge wants to hear about her cognitive ability, clear & convincing evidence by her direct testimony, living or psychological advocates, for example; she has capacity- got her shi_ together! Again she can rely on a team for supportive decision making & simply be found to be more likely than not to have capacity! She’s suffered obvious SLAVERY, unconscionable human rights violations, been forced to work without breaks for what- 10 hours per day every day? These and other abuses clearly reported to the Judge guiding her Conservatorship- The Judges’ capacity is now under scrutiny by the WHOLE WORLD shocked Britney is being so abused- Enabled by alleged apparent inhumane reckless negligence in the California Courts!!!!!!!
- #Judge Peny- HELP & # FREE BRITNEY or get yer penny ante ass out the COURT SYSTEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oops- Apologies- Don’t want to be disrespectful! We all want only the BEST for Britney- SO DELIGHTFULLY FUN & ENTERTAINING- JUST LOVE! P.S. Sassy tongue about your kid Sis- Your Family should have been better there for you- Everyone World Wide agrees!!! 07-26-’21 Always in your HEART- Brianca Lane VACCINE CONSPIRACY THEORIES- Pharmaceutical Follies$$$- Pirates & Profiteering! ‘FOLLOW THE SCIENCE!!!’ But first OUR ONGOING EMANCIPATION from ENSLAVEMENT & UNJUST LAWS! Aug. 2, 2021 Today, elected & unelected Autocrats are removing our INALIENABLE/GOD GIVEN RIGHTS, FREEDOMS & PURSUIT of HAPPINESS using COVID SAFETY as a COVER STORY! Everyone should FEAR & STRUGGLE AGAINST becoming ‘enslaved again!’ They QUICKLY TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHTS under COVID COVER- See what SLAVERY teaches us: Between 1400 & 1900, at least 20 million Africans were enslaved & traded; Africa lost about 1/2 its expected population due to the SLAVE TRADE; African Warlords also traded slaves for European weapons like guns, knives & swords. What SOCIETAL SCARS MARK Africa & America today from 500 years/tears of Privilege & Entitlement scorching Africans’ Inalienable Human Rights? Do we express continuing Privilege, Entitlement & Oppression onto our World today & how? Disgraced Portugal was the first to enslave, the last to abolish slavery- like France, Portugal replaced slavery with ‘apprenticeship obligations.’ On Aug. 1 Canada celebrated EMANCIPATION DAY- The British Empire 1833 SLAVERY ABOLITION ACT became law on Aug. 1, 1834- As ‘COLORED FOLKS’ are used to being underwhelmed over the past 600 years by white privilege acts of charity, ‘slavery wasn’t ‘TRULY ABOLISHED.’
- So understandable Blacks have not readily embraced COVID experimental vaccines because too often it was always stealing & taking from Blacks! So much about White popular music, for example is based on Blark Arts & Culture- Life would be unimaginably poorer & significantly less joyful for everyone without the delightful, brilliant foundation of Black Music & Culture! Are there but a few White successful music performing stars up to today who dare claim they don’t own their success to a foundation in Black Arts & Culture?!! 600 years of APPROPRIATING EVERYTHING from Blacks- that’s a high HELL to climb & overcome!!!
- “The Dominion Assumed of this Negro- BEING UNJUST, COULD NOT BE SUPPORTED IN THIS COUNTRY TO ANY EXTENT!!!” Under The British Slavery Abolition/Emancipation Act, former SLAVES over the age of 6 were reclassified as ‘Apprentices’ & required to work 40 hours per week for FREE as part of COMPENSATION to former OWNERS! Does that smell like EMANCIPATION or stink to high hell-o?!! On Aug. 1, 1838, they actually became ‘FREE!’ A GOOD START towards Emancipation from Slavery was Henry Dundas arguing & winning freedom from slavery for his Negro client circa 1776- THE EXACT TIME The AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT of ’76 should have spurred Benjamin Franklin to LIKEWISE SPEAK FOR THE CONSTITUTION ABOLISHING SLAVERY IN AMERICA! Ben wimped out casting America into infamy & divisive school subjects today like ‘Critical Race/Racist Theory!’ Negro slave, Joseph Knight was purchased in Jamaica & brought to Scotland- Dundas acted as his counsel to challenge his enslavement! “As CHRISTIANITY gained ground in different Nations, slavery was abolished! For THE HONOR of SCOTLAND,” Dundas argued the Supreme Court should not allow “SO BARBAROUS AN ACT” (as SLAVERY!) “Human Nature spurns at the thought of slavery among any part of our species!” America’s Ben Franklin could have simply appropriated Dundas’ words & arguments to STOP SLAVERY before 1800! The Scottish Court- challenged to be more ENLIGHTENED than anywhere- & beyond The White Privilege Entitled American Revolutionary Spirit of ’76, ruled “The DOMINION ASSUMED of THIS NEGRO- BEING UNJUST, COULD NOT BE SUPPORTED IN THIS COUNTRY TO ANY EXTENT!” (Sadly, Dundas’ ZEAL for EMANCIPATION weakened- in the 1790’s British Parliament, he spoke favoring a gradual Emancipation process & is blamed by some historians accordingly. The ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY helped convince British Parliament to pass the ABOLITION of THE SLAVE TRADE ACT in 1807.) So today any similarly UNJUST LAWS IN ANY COUNTRY must be stricken down by all other countries by the Scottish SPIRIT of ’76’ ENLIGHTENMENT!
- China claims total sovereignty over it’s internal Human Rights Abuses & does not accept The Rule of Law. Rather Rule by The Iron Fist- ‘Smashed Face/Bloody Head Diplomacy’ as described by the Chinese Communist Dictator promised for internal dissidents & foreign critics! Should we all wear kilts to celebrate the KNIGHT SCOTLAND STRUCK THE SWORD OF TRUTH INTO THE HEART OF EVIL SLAVERY and abuses of INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS?!! The Court’s ruling helped lead to EMANCIPATION and also striking down ‘SERFDOM!’ All our Countries have a role in striking down OTHER NATION’S LAWS WHICH VIOLATE OUR INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS! Inalienable Human & Democratic Rights violations in Belarus, China, N.K., Russia, Cuba, etc. are a threat to everyone’s FREEDOM- ‘Ask not for whom the bell tools- it tolls for thee!’ Cubans deserve to see America’s Federal Gov’t. provide internet platforms for Cubans to reveal to our World Human Rights Abuses & to organize & overthrow Oppressive Dictatorships! No Country or Autocratic Elites have the unilateral right to enact laws which violate our INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS. Governments are BY & FOR THE PEOPLE! We should have solved Human Rights Oppression 250 years ago by the Scottish decision ending KNIGHTS of SLAVERY!
- But looking at our key societal issues today, shouldn’t we see the terrible ENSLAVEMENT of Africans 1400- 1900, as MIRRORING EXACTLY WHAT OUR PRIVILEGE ENTITLEMENT & OPPRESSION HAS DONE TO OUR BELOVED MOTHER EARTH? Are we repeating the exact same destructive thinking & behavioral pattern we find so abhorrent- 500 years enslaving Black Africans for the PRIVILEGE & ENJOYMENT of Self Satisfied ENTITLED SLAVE DRIVER/OWNERS?!? George Washington famously said? “I cannot tell a lie- that ‘Privileged, Self Satisfied, Slave Driver/Owner tag fairly describes me perfectly- AM I CANCEL CULTURED/AXED FROM HISTORY- OUCH- CANCEL CULTURE WIELDS A SHARP BLADE!?? And- yes I contributed to Global Climate Disaster by cutting down a perfectly healthy life giving CHERRY TREE! Will Britney Spears please spank my bottom?’
- Are we replaying Biblical Level Worldwide Environmental & Storm Cataclysms in the context of our current almost runaway Privilege Based Biosphere Extinctions & Global Climate Change Events? Our Life Giving Rivers drying up, High Mountains losing their glaciers, ice & snow froth! Polar Glaciers facing BIPLOLAR MELTDOWNS! In Western Brazil, over 3 decades a ‘rain forested’ 26,000 square mile territory has been cleared from a previous 80,000 square miles intact rain forest! (For farming & grazing beef for McBurgers? Costing us Planetary BAD Effects?) California’s Sierra Nevada water supplying mountains are clearly becoming DRIER with our man made Global Warming! Lake Powell- located by the Colorado River, helps supply over 40 million citizens with fresh water- but now is at its LOWEST LEVEL like Great Salt Lake! And if our ice sheets melt, our oceans will rise by an estimated 23 feet with superstorms we can’t begin to imagine!!! Time to eventually sell Florida & coastline properties unless we reign in runaway Global Warming??? (How challenging it’s been FOR BRITNEY SPEARS in addressing her Conservators & Medical Staff EXPENSIVE, FRUITLESS BIPOLAR MELTDOWNS for 13 years!!! Exhausting their Cherry Tree CeleBRITNEY!!!)
- Jungles- Lungs for our Earth & Cradles of Life for our Biosphere- being burned & ‘cleaned out’ looking almost like Britney after her private jet Hawaii Birthday Bash $$$ vacation! C02 climate change concentrations & warming effects rising almost 50% in the past 30+ years- the highest in over 3 million years- Like Britney’s former audiences COOKING in her Concerts Musical Sensual HEAT!!! Britney’s private jet flying high on the C02 increasing jet stream!!! Beginning circa 2008, HEAT’s been especially HARD after Britney’s assets!!! Are we at the precipice of a 6th mass Extinction Event- INCLUDING PEOPLE KIND, as Democrats insist if they aren’t Pelosified & Gaveling Power Forever!!? ALL BASED ON OUR PRIVILEGE- FEELING ENTITLED to ENJOY AN UNSUSTAINABLE LIFE STYLE- BLOOD SUCKING- Say it isn’t so Horatio! Conservator Cling-Ons FEEEDING ON HELPLESS BRITNEY SPEARS UNDER A NO UNDERWEAR ALLOWED NAKED FINANCIAL STRAIGHT JACKET! CREATING A 6th MASS EXTINCTION EVENT is NOT HOW WE WANT TO SEE OUR FUTURE SURVIVING HUMAN CAVE DWELLERS? TO REMEMBER & CURSE U.S.A.ll!! Instead- Britney in THE FLESH singing ‘Baby- One More Time’ before the Climate Change lights dim our Future Hopes!!!
- + #WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE STUPID & ENTITLED TODAY, LIKE ALWAYS UNTIL OUR ENVIRONMENT CRASHES- OR MAYBE NOT- # Can somebody turn on the Galaxy street lights- It’s getting awfully dark on Mother Earth??????
- Our AUTOCRAT Political Leaders attempt- with business/corporate, media & internet platform co-conspirators to ENSLAVE our Constitutional & Inalienable Rights, our FREEDOMS, Ideas, Thoughts, SPEECH & EXPRESSION, and LIMIT our ASSEMBLY TOGETHER APART for Individual & COLLECTIVE PROTESTS! Pres. Trump & his 75+ million strong voters complain about being targeted for removal from public legitimacy & discourse- outlawed & criminalized, a standard approach to OPPRESS (Black Folks & other Minority Communities!!!) Everyone appreciates civil discourse free from implied or actual hate speech or threats- Couldn’t you just KILL people like that?!! (LOL) But we all embody ever changing free expression in our search for what is TRUE & REAL! If we are force fed specific ideology by elites attempting to control all the channels of communication & interaction, our maturity, growth & destiny is SUBSTANTIALLY LIMITED!! Canada’s P.M. Justin- the last Canadian wearing ‘Black & Brown Face’ Trudeau suggests appointing unaccountable hand picked Adjudicators of Acceptable Information- just like The Spanish Inquisition! To control what information is ALLOWED to be posted by A.A.I., allowed to be accessed on the internet. Christians ask themselves when facing a problem- “What would Jesus do?’ Justin praises China’s Autocratic Efficiency so he asks himself- “WHAT WOULD CHINA’S AUTOCRATS DO?” Handpick A.A.I. INQUISITIONERS to secretly search & destroy OPPOSITION VOICES on the internet CALLING INTO QUESTION THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DOCTRINE!!! For our own SAFETY Big Brother has already enjoyed removing our RIGHTS & FREEDOMS under a COVID Cover Story-A TEMPORARY or MORE PERMANENT ENSLAVING POLITICAL SCENARIO?
- Once Big Brother STEALS OUR INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, how do we win back our Rights & Freedoms? Conspiracy Theorists point out all our internet platforms are able to DIRECT US TO CERTAIN INFORMATION & IDEAS- & AWAY FROM OTHERS! Pres. Trump complains about being de-platformed, his speech suppressed by radical left extremists. A Jewish Friend observed “The Radical Left used to be ALL ABOUT PROTESTING & FREE SPEECH- But now it’s become far left Radical Fascism- Cancel Culture- Shutting All Opposing Voices Down!”
- #People say ‘the dumbest things’ but is cancelling them ‘forever’ a permanent oppressive ‘solution’ to a temporary slip & trip TEACHABLE MOMENT? Growth & Maturity happens organically if we nurture instead of cancelling people? How many suction cups on a swarm of Octopus’s 6 arms & 2 legs, would it take to count all the ‘dumb’ verbal slips & fails by our Politicians? Cancel Culture vs. TEACHABLE MOMENTS?
- #In the BEST of TIMES, our Autocratic Politicians are waste containers of dumb bad ideas & attitudes, prejudices towards others, distilled drunken beliefs & failures we ordinary good citizens work so hard against- BY BECOMING OUR BEST SELVES! Autocratic Governments’ bad attitudes, thoughts, words & actions are killers- almost like knives & guns- but slower acting!!! Lovable Grandpa Joe Biden closes the Canadian Border- among the highest law & order & vaccine compliance citizens in the World, but opens wide to all comers the southern border arguably inviting hombres with the lowest law & order & vaccine compliance! And why is Wuhan off limits for investigation- the apparent primary source causing over a million American COVID deaths & almost 100,000 annual deaths from lab created opioids!!!
- Our beloved ’60’s Beatles inspire us- Amazing creative beauty springs from healthy relationships- John & Paul- and their girlfriends, George & Ringo- two delightful typical zany British couples! Or Black Music Culture appropriator stars Keith & Shorty- a.k.a. Bisexual Mick- Obviously lusting after Keith- Did Keith cave & DO THE WILD THANG WITH MICK??? Are they squabbling spinsters forever together ALWAYS GOING FOR THE GOLD! Americans will never understand the British way of loving & living! But horrible wars & injustices happen among Countries or individuals when relationships break down- John singing to Paul ‘How Do You Sleep At Night?’ Take my Brother’s estranged South American Princess spouse- He BEGS of YOU!
- #P.S. Never marry someone who sees herself as a ‘Princess’ expecting you give her EVERYTHING- unless you’re Charming Prince Harry, willing to GIVE HER EVERYTHING & a Friend of OPRAH who already owns EVERYTHING!!!!! Suddenly my Brother is welcomed into the Sikh Community- new Visible Minorities are among the Best, Warmest, Friendliest, Giving Americans- Genuinely Friendly & Loyal! The Sikh Community offers my Brother a brand new suite & at half price, a young attractive widow batting her affectionate eyes- whoa! Her husband was taken by Flesh Eating Disease with her children seeking his affections!!! Seek & you will find- Apparently, he helped a member of the Sikh community who was very sad about his life- My Brother’s ‘karmic reward’ DEMANDED THEY HELP HIM GENEROUSLY! But will TRIBALISM caste my Brother out to Sikh accommodations among another TRIBE???
- #If we CANCEL CULTURE FREEDOM of EXPRESSION & Constitutional Rights to ever express ourselves inappropriately, poorly- exercise bad judgement, how does such a ‘failed person’ rise up again to APOLOGIZE, MAKE AMENDS & BECOME A FORGIVEN, WELCOMED, HELPFUL, COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS BUILDER- Celebrate our TRUE RAINBOW COLORS AS INDIVIDUALLY DIVERSE HUMAN BEINGS?!!
- #Our Countries may be divided into TRIBES by our scheming power crazed Politicians but we are ALL CONNECTED by our universal INALIENABLE RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, OUR COMMON CHALLENGES & NEEDS!
- #Big Brother’s mantra is ‘We Follow the Science!’ but Big Brother’s Behavior is ‘We Don’t & Definitely Won’t Follow The Science- We Follow the Money!!! $$$ & Political Power Plays!!! The rules Dictators/Autocrats Live By!!! Too depressing to watch political leaders stumble & bumble speaking nonsensically about rapidly changing, conflicting COVID advice! Incapable of choreographing COVID Advice, States & Local Gov’t. Communities are creating their own conflicting RULES!!! Poor Countries- SHUT OUT at only about 1% vaccine compliance! RICH COUNTRIES have good vaccination compliance but COVID RAVAGES POOR COUNTRIES creating far more contagious Variants- BITING BACK AT Vaccine Compliant Countries ANEW!
- WHO’s PAYING FOR ALL THE COVID ‘POISON? 10 investors received $19 Billion for COVID vaccines some time ago! How will Governments pay for Ongoing Vaccination of Billions of people??? Nationalize Big Pharma to control profiteering?
- Big Pharma’s wet dream is millions or billions continually consuming their expensive COVID potions! Big Pharma deceived Doctors to turn their TRUSTING Patients into Opioid ADDICTS for decades until recent lawsuits hit the fan!! A Satanic Accounting Game- How many $$$billions in how few years can Big Pharma pull in through research white lies & marketing, incentivizing health providers, etc. before Class Action Lawsuits begin? Big Pharma switches to a ‘new & improved’ meds. & a 10- 20 year+ profit clock resets! Trials involve buying or at least ‘fixing’ Scientific Support, hiding & minimizing debilitating side effects, misleading the true efficacy of the vaccine or drug. The GAME IS TO SOMEHOW ACHIEVE EMERGENCY APPROVALS… & BRING IN $$$ CASH FLOW!!! NO DOCTOR or SCIENCE FOLLOW UP STUDY FOR BAD SIDE EFFECTS!!! An INSANELY protective of the vaccine Doctor I contacted said, “GOOD- GREAT- Your vaccine induced a strong response far beyond our expectations!!!” ‘The vaccine- a BIG SUCCESS- in fact SO SUCCESSFUL THE PATIENT DIED!!!’ Apparently so many SUFFERED AWFUL VACCINE EFFECTS- by word of mouth, citizens have absolutely declined the Brand injected in me- Batches are about to EXPIRE- Citizens are MORE AFRAID of the vaccine Brand than COVID KILLING THEM REGARDLESS of 24/7 PROPAGANDA demanding vaccine passports/proof of being vaccinated for free movement, travel, entry, employment, social engagements- restaurants, concerts, gym, group events… serious threats from the vaccinated Majority… demanding unvaccinated be punished, undergo frequent intrusive testing, segregation, isolation/quarantine-
- #Criminalizing LIVING WHILE BEING UNVACCINATED- CREATING 2 separate CLASSES of CITIZENS WITH SEPARATE RIGHTS & STANDING! As History shows, Blacks & other Visible Minorities will be MISTREATED YET AGAIN!!! POVERTY STRICKEN & AT RISK OF HOMELESSNESS ATTACKED, SPRAYED, BEATEN & JAILED BY POLICE egged on by Politicians using the unvaccinated as whipping outcasts!!! The Courts ruled America’s C.D.C. has no authority to protect poor & disabled poverty stricken Renters from eviction- Pres. Biden gave the green light for evicting citizens & Families into the streets to suffer disease, violence, etc. but welcomes in millions of illegals by the Southern Border to be cared for!
- “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!’ The Swimmer & The Rescuer- mentalhealthrightsforum.com (Jesus- Yeshua teaching)
- #My Dad used to welcome & befriend international Professionals & Academics- They were overwhelmed by his gracious hospitality & kindness thinking “How can he be so gracious when he will probably never see us again?!!” BUT BECAUSE HE ACTED SO GRACIOUSLY KIND, HE USUALLY ALWAYS SAW THEM AGAIN- THEY FELT SO WELCOMED IN AMERICA- THEY COULDN’T RESIST VISITING AGAIN, SEEKING & ACCEPTING PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS!!!
- # GENUINE KINDNESS & CARING IS IRRESISTIBLE!!! Just LIKE YOU! Always in YOUR HEART- Your LOVE IS IRRSISTIBLE= Britney’s SECRET WEAPON IS EXPLODING JOY PACKED IN HER SENSUAL LOVE!!! We KNOW HER SPIRIT & HEART!!! Bless You- Love You Too!!! Aug. 2, 2021 by Brianca Lane Yes- Britney’s kicking it up to a Higher Gear & her Personal & Medical Care Conservator & Entire Medical Term are asking Judge Penny to DROP her POP! Britney’s pursuing our advice fully & asking for an accountant to take over her financial management & investigate where ‘All the money she earned done gone!!!’ Britney was #1-still is in our Hearts! Should be worth approaching $500 million, not under $60 we’ve been telling Britney & Everybody! “CODE RED for HUMANITY!!!” Cherishing Our Spirit of ’76 – 2021+ Aug. 9, 2021 Our TRUE COLORS & SPIRIT of ’76! Bonnie Scotland RANG THE FREEDOM BELL!!! (Not the slapstick & outrageous behavior of Laurel & Hardy- aka U.S. President Trump & his Fly Buzzed Slapped Silly V.P. Magic Mike or Pres. Biden & his Befuddled Borderline Personality Disorder Chaos & Insanity Side Kick Specialist Ka$$$moolah, in their 1935 movie- L. & H. go to Scotland to claim their CLAN INHERITANCE! Trump & Biden go to Washington also to claim their $$$inheritance & to monkey around in sequels ‘DONZO Bonzo Does Washington Dopes!’ & ‘BIDEN MY Bedtime for A BRAIN CHALLENGED Bonzo is Best Between 4 & 6 p.m.- “Oops! They told me NOT to ADMIT THAT!!” Do our Brain Challenged Fearless Political Old Goats INHERIT or CREATE ‘CODE RED for HUMANITY?’ Pres. Trump alleges Biden’s 2021 OPEN INVITING WORDS & Southern OPEN Border with Mexico is bringing in substantial percentages of COVID INFECTED & also unwanted shunned criminals from among 150 Countries who are ‘damaged goods’ & ‘frighteningly welcomed’ by victims throughout America- Spreading COVID variants & committing deviant crimes including street opioids distribution- killing almost 100,000 Americans annually by overdoses alone! Biden is keeping the Canadian Border closed from vaccinated law abiding Canadians & toothy BEAVERS- Washington is already so DAMNED without Toothy Canadian Beavers & Biebers dancing amuck! Canada is welcoming U.S. Citizens who received vaccine shots, test negative within the last 72 hours & go online to get visiting approvals to avoid border delays & quarantine!
- CODE RED for VACCINE ADVERSE REACTION COVER UPS!!! THE OLYMPIC STRUGGLES for HEALTH & FREEDOM!!! An alleged ‘State if the Nation’ report by a Dr. Mercola- first name Coca? claims The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System-whose purpose is to ascertain whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify continued use of a particular vaccine, REPORTS 358,000 adverse events including 6,000 deaths & 30,000 serious injuries as of June 11. The European’s reporting system stated over 1.5 million injuries including 15,500 deaths by June 19. The British ‘Stiff upper Lip Old Man!’? reporting system reveals almost 280,000 adverse events & over 1330 deaths. Since only about 1- 10% of vaccine side effects are reported to the U.S. System- especially dead people reporting is alarmingly quite low!, the author notes how terribly dangerous our experimental COVID vaccines can be! COVID vaccines are alleged to be deadlier than 70+ vaccines over the past 30 years & 500 times worse than the seasonal flu shot!!! So think positively but prepare to suffer horribly as you take your vaccine shot- if you are like me among the unluckier side effects sufferers!!! Ha! Ha! We can always SMILE & LAUGH AWAY OUR SUFFERING BLUES! I’m like ONE SHOT & I’M DONE- BESIDES- YOUR BLESSINGS can heal ANYONE ANYWHERE- Britney Spears says her recent rallying is TOTALLY based in you & everyone boosting her confidence to fight on- IN THE Britney Style OLYMPICS FOR FREEDOM FROM OPPRESSION!!! AM CRAZY HAPPY in Your Heart! Besides my vaccine was so concentrated & awful, my immune system will never forget or be caught unprepared!!!
- CODE RED IS THE NEW RACIALIZATION of MINORITIES & SCAPEGOATED TARGETS under a COVER STORY of COVID SAFETY? Sadly, Countries are institutionalizing what Governments claimed was the TEMPORARY REMOVAL of our Inalienable & Constitutional Rights! Citizens dutifully OBEYED OPPRESSIVE UNSCIENTIFIC EVER CHANGING< CONFLICTING SOUL DESTROYING INSTRUCTIONS LIKE DENYING CHILDREN IN CLASS SOCIAL LEARNING CAUSING 75% rates of Depression & Long Term Physical & Intellectual Harm… Autocrats like exercising excessive Power & inducing Suffering! COVID INFECTION PETRIE DISH/INCUBATOR ENVIRONMENTS AMONG LOCKED DOWN SENIORS & DISABLED- STRUCK DOWN ‘DISPOSABLE UNWANTED CITIZENS’ & BLOCKED RESCUERS FOR MONTHS… In Canada, Soldiers QUICKLY BECAME WHISTLE BLOWERS for SENIOR ABUSES by GOVERNMENTS… about Third World Style Catastrophic Poor Care & Neglect of OUR MOST VULNERABLE- Soldiers suffered P.T.S.D. seeing how cruel Governments can be to our Beloved Vulnerable Seniors & Disabled!!! Big Government ‘REWARDS US’ by classifying our PREVIOUS Inalienable Rights as ‘Privileges-‘ Gov’t. Bestowed Travel Rights’ Gov’t. ‘Vaccine Passport Cards’ enabling ‘Gov’t. Approved Social Gatherings’ still insisting we be masked & socially distanced? (I now wear two cheap masks when shopping!) Masks made in China, for example, are often deceptive in their packaging claims & range from about 20% to 95% in filtering ability according to studies! Too bad manufacturers & distributors sell deceptive dangerous products- we might read the package marketing spiel/pitch & not realize it’s simply bold face LIES & the product is NOT ENDORSED BY ANY LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY & IS UNSAFE for NORMAL PROTECTIVE USE!!!!!
- Last summer Pres. Trump set out on a mission to save all Americans $Billions from Big Pharma RIP OFF CHARGES & OVERPRICING! He wanted Best Pricing among Nations so Americans would pay no more than Canadians’ lower prices, for example. Big Pharma FREAKED OUT & BEGAN SLAMMING Pres. Trump & his Election Bid. We argued immediately after the Election & as the STAGED vaccine choreographed rollout began every Monday… Big Pharma cost Pres. Trump the Election- A few days after publishing, Pres. Trump publicly stated our exact arguments agreeing this is indeed exactly what happened!!! Because Pres. Trump dared CHALLENGING Big Pharma’s EXPLOITING Americans & their Medicinal Needs!!!!!! Americans face BANKRUPTCY most often from HEALTH CARE COSTS?!! Experimental vaccine makers are often SHIELDED from Liability- suggesting the product’s SAFETY is not of top concern for Big Pharma or our Governments! Shielded from Liability- why will they care much about our Health & SAFETY? Who will gather all the millions of substantial COVID vaccine side effects stories & inform everyone without suffering a ‘sudden accident’ like Princess Diana for daring to Eclipse the Royal Establishment? Be bought off, Scared off or blackmailed?’ Who can safeguard others from debilitating suffering or death FACING OFF AGAINST $billions of Corporate Enforcement!!!
- CODE RED for Big Pharma’s BIG LIES! We would have to prove ‘WILFUL MISCONDUCT’ like deception, fraud, hiding important relevant information. Researchers have questioned the vaccine’s focus on a SPIKE PROTEIN, the vaccine gathering in Women’s ovaries inducing possible reproductive harm? Will becoming vaccinated within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy dramatically increase miscarriages- one vaccine research naysayer report said- ‘Yes!!!’ But the FDA DELIBERATELY CHOSE NOT TO REQUIRE STRINGENT POST VACCINATION DATA COLLECTION & EVALUATION! So unsuspecting vaccine victims would have to suffer alarming rates of recurring issues. Experts would have to connect all the dots swimming upstream against all the $$$Propaganda for PROFITS! The vaccine maker wants to sell product & obviously, our Gov’ts. don’t much care about INDIVIDUAL SIDE EFFECTS SAFETY- only reducing symptoms for the infected to avoid costly hospitalization!!! To avoid liability, the vaccine maker doesn’t want to study reproductive toxicology! The mRNA is distributed into all organs- who knows what hell-o BREAKS OUT in disrupting cells & organs- TERRIFYING OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM? What we do know is Pfizer makes about $30 billion+ a year from the vaccine!! Big Pharma enjoys BLANKET IMMUNITY & our AUTOCRATIC GOV’TS. R BRAINWASHING U.S.A.ll TO GET VACCINATED & ACHIEVE 90% HERD IMMUNITY!
- CODE RED by Byron Bridle, Associate Prof. of Immunology at Guelph (pronounced ‘Gwelf’) University near Toronto, Canada, was questioned on Fox News by brainy host Laura Ingraham- “Is Pres. Biden correct to say “This is a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated!” Or are the Vaccinated also contributing to driving the COVID variants?” Prof. Bridle argues the long roll out & selective pressure by vaccines on COVID- while not sterilizing or killing COVID- a corona virus prone to mutate & create new variants, actually promotes the likely emergence of new COVID variants! (Our Doctors always tell us, don’t take antibiotics unless truly necessary but take the antibiotics for the full term as medically prescribed. Doctors want ALL the bacterial infection KILLED- no survivors, no mutations, no long term exposure opportunities for adaptations!! COVID vaccines merely BLUNT SYMPTOMS & are too narrowly focused- Natural immunity is BROAD in identifying invading viruses & targeting multiple components of corona virus. Bridle says the vaccines focus on a single protein- The virus need only change 1 protein- Worse, the vaccines don’t confer sterilizing immunity! Once vaccinated, we can imagine a person may still become infected, shedding the virus fully & infecting others but experiences much less symptomology & feels emotionally ‘protected’- more inclined to be a happy active roaming super spreader endangering everyone & helping create new variants!!! The vaccine is simply BLUNTING the disease symptoms- narrowly applying non lethal pressure over considerable time DRIVING VARIANT PRODUCTION!!! Host Ingraham voiced how unfair to demonize, intimidate, shun, ostracize, punish & deny services to people exercising control over their own bodies and thoughtful decisions!
- CODE RED for Big Pharma’s duplicity? Internet quick review alleges Pfizer, J. & J. & AstraZ. were ordered to pay $8.6 Billion in fines by Federal & State Courts to resolve claims of criminal or civil misconduct!!! One company had its dangerous drug pulled from shelves but simply misbranded its drug- willful ‘fraud hoping to sell it again an article claimed!’ A half dozen brave whistle blowers brought evidence against their own company! A WOKE SOCIETY DONE GONE FAST ASLEEP AGAIN, MY FRIEND? Like our Beloved Britney Spears, we BARELY Glimpse what was ‘NORMAL,’ before our Inalienable & Constitutional Rights were STOLEN & we became INSTITUTIONALIZED TO OBEY- NOT QUESTION ARBITRARY POLITICAL ‘NONSENSE SCIENCE’ behind BIG BROTHER’S COVID COVER STORY ENSLAVEMENT!!! JIM CROW STYLE PRACTICES under a pretense of COVID SAFETY-Mimicking our ENSLAVED Beloved ENTERTAINER- Put in Straights since 2008? Oppressing Poor, Health Challenged, Blacks & Vulnerable Citizens- again! A WOKE SOCIETY DONE GONE SOUND ASLEEP AGAIN< MY FRIEND? Shocked by FEAR, HATE & OPPRESSION- 2 distinct CLASSES of Citizens & THEIR UNEQUAL RIGHTS EMERGING? ‘Virtue Signaling’ under a Cover Story of COVID SAFETY! TRIBALISM- FEAR, DISTRUST, ‘STRANGER COVID DANGER?’ “The DOMINION ASSUMED of THIS NEGRO- BEING UNJUST, COULD NOT BE SUPPORTED IN THIS COUNTRY” (unlike in Washington’s 1776 U.S.) TO ANY EXTENT!!!” (Scotland’s High Court, circa 1776) General George Washington & the Revolutionary American Army struggled more against the variola virus- SMALLPOX! “The MOST DANGEROUS ENEMY” (was not the British!) “Inoculate all the Troops!” With a mortality rate approaching 16%, almost 90% of Revolutionary War Deaths were at the hands of an Invisible Enemy gone viral on line militarily! Today fighting COVID, TRUTH is still THE FIRST CASUALTY of WAR like in The 1776 American Revolution!!!
- GOOD WOKEFEST about COVID VACCINE NON SCIENCE- Story line’ keeps a changing- Like the pain killer opioids Physicians told us all were COMPLETELY SAFE- ‘like drinking water’- “AND THEY DEFINITELY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ADDICTIVE QUALITIES!!!” Experimental COVID Vaccine makers are ‘protected’ by Governments from liability- what else is there to know about Safety?
- CLIMATE CHANGE CODE RED- An updated 2013 Man Made Climate Change Disaster Report written by 230+ leading Revolutionary World Scientists & citing 14,000+ Research Articles, sees U.N. Secretary General ‘gutty’ Guterres CRYING OUT “CODE RED!!!” “The ALARM BELLS are DEAFENING, the EVIDENCE is IRREFUTABLE”- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Farting Cattle, Fossil Fuel Burning, Deforestation, etc. are CHOKING” our Biosphere- Mother Nature is TOTALLY P_____!!! With continued Global Warming- 1.6% C. on land right now!, ‘Irreversible (Changes) for centuries… will conjure up extreme events unprecedented in our observational record!’ We are so screwed if we ENSLAVE & BRUTALIZE OUR LIVING BIOSPHERE!!! Co2 levels are higher today than any time in the last 2 million years; concentrations of methane from natural gas fuels & farting animals-McBurger Lovers ALERT! is stinking up Earth to the Highest Heaven in 800,000 years! In fact, GOD/ALLAH JUST DECLARED- “JESUS- IT SMELLS GOD AWFUL DOWN THERE IN OUR BLESSED GARDEN IN EDEN! Methane… is also embedded in frozen tundra- YIKES!!! We are as HOT today as any time in the last 125,000 years! Glaciers are retreating as fast as MEN’S STUD CHARACTER & FERTLITY!! Pres. Biden demands 52 mpg for vehicles by 2026; New cars will enable Big Brother to monitor everything- We’ll be on a meter reading & billing our Carbon Footprint 24/7 & to ‘CORRECT OUR LIFE STYLE CHOICES!!!’
- Britney’s SEEING CODE RED- HEAR HER ROAR!!! Britney was granted leave to retain her own Legal Counsel – 13 years after being denied Representation in 2008! Britney’s challenging her Dad’s Conservator Shark Fest Status in Court next month- his $16,000+ monthly Allowance plus Plundered Pirate Riches & Benefits- “RRRR- Maty!” he growls, a buzzard on his shoulder! “Thars REAL GOLD STILL to be PLUNDERED in THEM THAR DAUGHTER!!!” With full Court Blessings? since 2008! Britney’s kid Sis is STEALING/SAMPLING HER MUSIC & SONGS… She says What Big Sisters are for- STEALING THEIR STUFF??? As to Fatherly LOVE for Britney, SURPRISE SURPRISE!!! Dad says Britney needs to be hospitalized under a 5150 Mental Health Order NOW as a danger to herself & /or others- On Aug. 6, Britney’s Dad alleges Jodi Montgomery- Britney’s Conservator over her person/personal & medical affairs, had phoned saying Britney was not taking her Big Pharma zombie inducing meds. properly & is spiraling out of control necessitating hospitalization! Beloved Britney- are you an imminent threat to the Life Styles of a BUNCH of SUCKING VAMPIRES & LEECHES OUT TO FILL THEIR BANK ACCOUNTS & SICK DEPRAVED LIVES AT YOUR EXPENSE??? RIPOFSKI PAYMENTS from a sweet enslaved performer! Britney’s 2009 Circus Tour alone earned her almost $112 million but today she is only worth about $57 million- her Dad controls her finances… Capisce?!! Love to Everyone- Always in Your Heart!!! Together Apart We’re Exposing Everything Honestly- Releasing All Our Frustration, Suffering & Pain & FEELING OUR TRUE JOY BUBBLING UP FROM BELOW!!!! LOVE CONQUORS ALL & LIFE FINDS A WAY THROUGH OUR EVERY CHALLENGE!!! Recreating Our Beautiful Sacred Garden on Earth- Our Shared Destiny is Rebuilding Humanity, Our LIVING Biosphere- Laying Down Rainbows of Life, Color & Beauty During & After STORMY Challenges, Changes & STRUGGLES!!!! OLYMPIC HEROICS & MAGIC DANCING ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS CARRYING OUR BRILLIANT TORCH- LIBERTY FOR ALL!!! BLESSING YOU STILL!!!! Aug. 9, 2021 by Brianca Lane Experiencing OCEANS of EMOTIONS is BEING ALIVE!!!!! Aug. 16, 2021 #HUMOR is THE BEST MEDICINE for Britney & Everyone!!! It’s Been A Bipolar Night- My emotions Been Jumping Like A Frog! It’s Been a Bipolar Night- Dancing for DAYS, I’ll soon be sleeping like a trogg!’ (from the 1965 album The Bipolar Beatles- Ha! Ha! Followed by a mentally challenged response from The Bipolar Emotional Rolling Stones? Both challenged by actual formerly? mentally ill FAB FAV Brian Wilson & Life is A Schizoaffective Beach- Boys! (Brian was originally diagnosed with schizophrenia & Bipolar- both serious mental illnesses: schizo + affective!) Yes- I met Brian- What an inspiration as an artist & wonderful Human Being!!!) BEING ALIVE WE ALL EXPERIENCE OCEANS of EMOTIONS!!! ‘Bipolar’ emotional swings between HIGHS & LOWS! ‘Swing High, Swing Low Sweet Chariot…’ Hopefully, psychiatric progress is occurring because psych. meds. for real Bipolar Illness are so powerful & too plentiful in combinations- often conjuring awful zombie Side Effects! Patients are experimented on over years. Spellbinding Britney: ‘Britney My Sweet Young Pretty- We are conjuring up cauldron potions to keep you in a suspended half awake half asleep ENSLAVED state under Conservatorship for 13 years while your TRUST FUND IS PILFERED!’ the Wicked Psych. Witch sneered!!! Actual Bipolar Drug Combos might include a scary mix of magic potions- 2 mood stabilizers + 1 anti depressant + 2 antipsychotics + augmenters… People can be prescribed up to about 8 different meds.- SOUNDS CRAZY RIGHT? SHRINKS & THEIR VULNERABLE PATIENTS… Just imagine what chemical reactions psych. med. combos may have on the brain- both expected & unanticipated effects! HEALTHY CRITICALLY NECESSARY PARTS of our brain badly affected by psych. meds. COMBOS??? Self harm rates heightened by drug combos? We never want to minimize mental illnesses like Bipolar are challenging for Patients. But we don’t want employers or Big Brother saying I want 100% assurance from the treating Doctor that this employee/citizen will never again suffer a mental health breakdown! Who is so wonderful a Healer? Yes- you probably are but no bragging about it please! Yes- the Right Healer can work MIRACLES- so TRUE!!!!
- ‘Serious self harm’- 15 -20% IS CLEARLY an issue in Bipolar Illness, an estimated 30 times greater than in the general population… Joe Public is rightly not privy to a citizen’s medical records- We see Britney publicly performing at the highest level- inspiring us & ask how can she have her competency questioned? Republicans watch Pres. Biden incredulous Pres. Biden isn’t under a Conservatorship in place of Britney! He’s the Front Man for the Democratic Party- perhaps effectively under a practical strict Conservatorship? Who’s pulling Pres. Biden’s strings behind the stage?
- For ordinary mental patients, add on BRUTAL FORCED COMMUNITY TREATMENT ORDERS or conversely, many experience Bipolar or other serious illnesses without any diagnosis nor help, FACE EXTREME POVERTY & STIGMA= Jesus Christ like suffering & torture by a mood swinging illness but especially from ‘hard knocks living’ willfully at the hands of our Big Brother States! I spoke with a key player in shutting down hospitals but not necessarily allowing the money saved follow the patients or be attached to the patients! Big Brother values citizen classes differently- just look at the millions of seniors killed under COVID cover- even shielding senior & vulnerable persons ‘care homes’ from liability for abuses, willful neglect & withholding help- early ‘mercy killing’ our elderly as disposable just like in the 1930’s Nazi Third Reich! Surprise Surprise- Britney’s Dad is Seeing The Light!!! Suddenly willing to begin negotiations for the welfare of all? For his exit as Conservator of her Estate, etc. ‘at the appropriate time…’ Will he plea for complete immunity from findings in a criminal forensic audit, for example? ‘The Conservator simply didn’t understand the role to perform competently?’
- Anti psychotic meds. are particularly complained about as ZOMBIE SOUL DESTROYING DRUGS!!! Psych. drugs for Bipolar (& Schizophrenia…) can act to slow down neuro activity & processing like your computer taking 3x+ as long to process information. We accept normal acceptable conversational speeds but as Britney says, psych. drugs can prevent us from carrying on a conversation. People might think we are simply crazy but it is the psych. drugs slowing our brain neuron activity below the threshold for processing normal conversation! Britney says, for instance lithium rendered her feeling ‘drunk’ & unable to carry on a conversation with her Parents- trapping her in loneliness! Disturbing how she appeared cut off from experiencing or even knowing about Constitutional & Court Guaranteed RIGHTS she should be enjoying even as a Conservatee!!! A Bipolar Scale slides from Mild Depression down to -10. Or conversely up enjoying life at +2 mildly energetically to an over the top ‘I AM A GOD’ Possessing Unlimited Power & Crowned Being At One with Everything in The Universe, +10 CODE RED. Rarely can psychiatric treatment conjure up a steady + 2 to +5 always HAPPY SESAME STREET DELIGHTFUL LIFE EXPERIENCE- ‘Wouldn’t it be Nice!’ (Brian Wilson) Unfortunately- Psych. success is seen as stability between about -2 to -4 or -5 Mild Depression WITH NO JOY IN LIVING! WHO WANTS Psych. RECOVERY TO BE ‘WITH NO REAL JOY IN LIVING?!!’ About 25%+ receive side effects & damage with no stability! ‘Sorry- our Psych. treatment caused damage & you ‘CAN’T GET NO- YOU CAN’T GET NO- YOU CAN’T GET NO- STABILITY!!! NO STABILITY!!!
- ‘I can’t get no STABILITY! Even Keith Richards fell down from a COCONUT TREE…’ I cry & I cry- everyday like Britney I cry!!! BUT I Can’t Get No- # Britney Can’t Get No- We all Can’t Get No- No Stability- No Stability- We’re On Our !#^@!## Knees- But we Can’t Get No- WE Can’t Get No- STABILITY- No STABILITY!!!’ So Mick- your homework rewrite assignment is to create new lyrics for ‘With Bipolar- We Can’t Get No- STABILITY!!!’ IF Keith or Mick suffered Bipolar Disorder like Rolling Stones founder (1962) Brian Jones allegedly did, Satisfaction would be instead about GETTING MOOD STABILITY- no more outrageous MOOD SWINGS!!! Was Brian Jones tragic story set in motion by BIPOLAR DISORDER- behind his life crashing down? Or were Keith & Mick only thinking about themselves- kicking Brian out from the band HE CREATED when he became so obviously vulnerable! A FLOUNDERING SWIMMER, DROWNING by consequences from BIPOLAR DISORDER…?
- And what about Kurt Cobain- Attention Deficit Disorder followed by a diagnosis of Manic Depressive Disorder/Bipolar- Like Brian, also challenged by drug addiction to pain pills, etc. We know how terribly painful such challenging illnesses are- requiring unbreakable support & compassion without imposing ourselves except to prevent self harm? Everyone could recognize the talent & greatness of Kurt as an artist & person in fronting Nirvana, the band he founded. GOOD SAMARITANS nowhere to be found for rescuing our Floundering & Drowning Artists & Entertainers? Our DUTY TO OUR BAND MATES, Family, Friends, & Community Members experiencing mental illness in ways that support their regaining better control over their Health & LIVES- meeting their needs in accordance with their best personal interests & choices??? At one extreme, our Beloved Britney was forcibly ENSLAVED for 13 years based on her diagnosis & temporary crisis breakdown + the ability of alleged insatiable bloodsucking leeches to happily feed on her ESTATE! Her Dad says he had to intervene so brutally to ‘SAVE HER!’ Happily for his overflowing bank account, he’s been in $$$SAVINGS MODE AT HIS BANK EVER SINCE 2008!!! Brian Jones was allegedly cruelly tossed aside by callous band mates he trusted? Kurt, like Brian deserved BETTER FRIENDS= FRIENDS HE COULD COUNT ON WHEN HE WAS DROWNING FROM HIS ILLNESSES??? Beloved Britney STRUCK OLYMPIC GOLD by her undying #Free Britney Angels from Heaven!!! Our Hollywood & Entertainer Community should APPLAUD THEMSELVES for their support- We often suggest Entertainers should strongly support one another for Health & Other Challenges beyond their ability to foresee or control! TOGETHER IN STRENGTH ENTERTAINERS!!!!
- Our Jim Crowe 2.0 TRIBALISM CREATING 1rst & 2nd Class Citizenship Standing is all FIRED UP demonizing so called vaccine deniers-For example, In France & Canada for travel between many provinces. CONSENT IS OBTAINED BY FORCE- BY CARROTS & STICKS making travel, attending social events, holding employment willfully difficult or almost impossible without prescribed vaccines & gov’t. proofs… NATURAL IMMUNITY is not recognized indicating NO SCIENCE IS SUPPORTED- Vaccine makers are guaranteed ‘endless’ free Gov’t. Marketing, wealth transfer & forced customers while receiving waivers from liability for injury & death… Jim Crowe Laws 2.0 being implemented targeting all the traditional stigmatized & ostracized groups & an OBSESSIVE- COMPULSIVE MASS HYSTERIA TO DEMONIZE & CREATE TRIBES TO BLAME!!! Lincoln said “A house divided against itself cannot stand!” Creating TRIBES by vaccine risky shots is akin to ascribing Inalienable Rights by SKIN COLOR! What happened to MY BODY- MY CHOICE! Is the Government is removing & controlling ALL INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS- NOT BASED ON SCIENCE or RULE of LAW!!! “YOUR TRAVEL PAPERS & MEDICAL & VACCINE CREDENTIALS PLEASE!!! VUT IS YOUR NAME, YOUR SOCIAL RANKING, VACCINE STATUS, YOUR SERIAL NUMBER- YOUR MARK of THE BEAST for BUYING & SELLING, AIRPLANE & INTERPROVINCIAL/STATE TRAIN TRAVEL, FOR EMPLOYMENT IN ALL FEDERAL AGENCIES & ASSOCIATED CROWN CORPS. & AGENCIES, LARGE BUSINESSES, HEALTH CARE, TRANSPORTATION, ETC. FOR ATTENDING SCHOOLS< SOCIAL GATHERINGS… “But Sir 100 million Americans have NATURAL IMMUNITY which Israeli studies show is much broader in identifying COVID & New Strains than simply relying on 1 spike protein- 7X as effective as vaccines & longer lasting!” ‘NO VACCINE PAPERS = NO CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS & STATUS- GET YOURSELF TESTED AT LEAST 3 or 4 TIMES WEEKLY… COME BACK WITH ALL YOUR GOV’T. PAPERS!’ Children being forced to wear masks & stay away from one another all day? Being required to observe interrupting school attendance based on tiny risk of exposure… (Children have a 99.997 % risk of NOT DYING FROM COVID & TRANSMISSION by YOUNG CHILDREN APPEARS LOW>>>
- Our early Beatles characterized perfect Mood STABILITY @ +2 to +5+ with the ability to reach both LOW & HIGH in their creative EMOTIONAL OCEAN! Became our Elite’s ‘HAPPY, USEFUL FOOLS’- characterized by early Beatles films like ‘It’s Been A Hard Egg Sandwich!’ before John ‘FOUND OUT’ he was viewed as a classic ‘Useful Fool.’ So instead, Beatle Lennon began RADICALLY CHANGING SOCIETY & CULTURE!!! BEING WOKE in the 1960’s- Named IMMINENT THREAT # 1 by Pres. Paranoid Bitchard Nixon for WAKING UP THE MASSES & LEADING A ‘COUNTERCULTURAL REVOLUTION!!!’ “You can have PEACE NOW if you WANT IT!!!” “All we are saying is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!!!”
- EARTHQUAKE WHISPERER: Experiencing OCEANS of EMOTIONS Humanity includes our psychic foreseeing an EARTHQUAKE & OCEAN STORM but not knowing the exact location!!!! Last week we stated our ominous warning hoping for the BEST- wrapping our fears in a RIBBON of GOOD HUMOR! We enfold Haitians already experiencing Extreme Poverty & Societal Breakdown- CODE RED for Humanity and now both the severe EARTHQUAKE & following OCEAN STORM to add misery to suffering!
- You think being a first time EARTHQUAKE WHISPERER is STRANGE??? Esteemed Foreign Affairs miracle worker U.S. Pres. Reagan, who helped bring down the terrible U.S.S.R. Communist Catastrophe created under Vlad the Impaler Lenin & Stupid A** Stalin- including the dreaded Berlin Wailing Wall, (all deceased) SPOKE to me- first time ever! IN MY SLEEP- in his GENTLE FRIENDLY VOICE- Pres. Reagan EXPRESSING CODE RED for HUMANITY!!!
- And you thought Pres. Reagan isn’t WATCHING EVERYTHING??? “BRI- WE NEED ALL VOICES AT THE TABLE- ALL POINTS OF VIEW- EVERYONE LISTENING TO ONE ANOTHER RESPECTFULLY- NO ONE BEING BRUSHED ASIDE- ALL VOICES CO-OPERATING TOGETHER… Our Societies are FRACTURING APART (INTO TRIBALISM…)” Yes- physically both ALIVE & DEAD Pres. Reagan is GRAVELY CONCERNED with the state of America & Western Freedoms & Democracy!!! ALL VOICES At THE TABLE TOGETHER CO-OPERATING? FOXY NEWS attributes failures to ‘conniving anti-democracy & Constitution Democrats!’ Each Cultural & Political Tribe calling the other The devil! Western Freedom & Democracy Haters like Russia, Iran & China strongly fomenting Western SOCIAL CHAOS!!! Pres. Reagan WANTS YOU- EVERYONE TOGETHER AT THE TABLE- CO-OPERATING- NOT BLAMING ONE ANOTHER ENDLESSLY! Pres. Lincoln & Pres. Reagan STRONGLY INFORM U.S.A.ll in WESTERN DEMOCRACIES, “A HOUSE DIVIDED (BY TRIBALISM) AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND!!!” TOGETHER- WE STAND STRONG FOREVER! DIVIDED- WE ARE EASILY CONQUORED BY OUR ENEMIES!
- YOU FOXY LADIES, GERMS & CONSERVATIVE NEWS MEDIA + WOKE Old School Style ACTIVISTS + Democrats/Big Brother + Big Tech, Big Pharma & Corporate Multinational Alliances… Marketers of the Beast- LISTEN TO ALL VOICES AROUND THE TABLE RESPECTFULLY & WORK CO-OPERATIVELY TOGETHER!!! Working with a co-star CHIMPANZEE- BONZO, schooled pres. Reagan for Politics &Government! Or you want I ask all your dearly departed dead Presidents to HAUNT YOU FOREVER for BETRAYING THE CENTURIES OLD TRUST & OUR INALIENABLE FREEDOMS???!!!!
- In Canada Indigenous Protesters near Toronto threw a rope around the neck of a prominent Park statue of Canada’s NATION BUILDER & First Prime Minister, John A. McDonald- pulling the statue down! P.M. Justin Trudeau speaks eloquently & compassionately but behind the scenes fights First Nations in the Courts about land claims & compensation. Trudeau also Brutishly but not Britishly- he’s French Canadian! dumped his Female First Nations Attorney General & Justice Minister because she stood by her integrity & the Integrity of Canada, The Rule of Law on behalf of Canadians! Trudeau loves STRONG WOMEN WHO R OBEDIENT- DO WHAT HE WANTS or TELLS THEM TO DO!!! U.S. Black polling shows over 80% see RACISM STILL BEING A BIG PROBLEM TODAY but Privileged Entitled Whites see issues are behind them! Like in Afghanistan, Tribalism is a key THREAT to OUR EXISTENCE. Pres. Reagan is DEAD RIGHT!!!! Our anti Freedom & Democracy Enemies seek to see us devour each other in TRIBAL WARS enabling a quick takeover like in Afghanistan? Taliban surrounding the Capitol Kabul, watching Foreigners desperately fly away, anguished Western Afghan supporters for 20 years abandoned? When the cameras & Foreigners are gone, WILL A BLOODBATH ENSUE of retribution, beheadings & an end to HARD WON INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS???
- Yes- Pres. Biden completely failed at the U.S./Mexican Border by ‘encouraging millions of illegal immigrants from 150+ Countries’ to enter… Up to 20+% suffering untreated diseases & budding Plagues- refugees preyed on along the way by CARTEL GANGSTERS! Additionally, criminals & terrorists- BLOODSUCKING VAMPIRES INVADING AMERICA to prey on citizens & foment social unrest increasing the alarming CRIME WAVE!!!!
- America- Please Listen to your ACTIVE REIGNING TRUSTED – PRESIDENT DURING THIS CRISIS- President Reagan, before Pres. Lincoln drops into my Sleeping State- or ALL OUR REVOLUTIONARY FATHERS OVERCROWDING MY NEURONS BY WONDERFUL FRIENDLY SUGGESTIONS!!!! Earthquake Whisperer- You Can Take That JOB!!! Envoy for Past Presidents- All SO NEW! BUT OPENING US ALL UP TO A CLEARER REALITY & INCREASING UNDERSTANDING- Whether we are READY or NOT for GREATER CLARITY & REALITY!!! A Beloved Friend, Child & A Simple VOICE for Our Cherished Mother Nature EXPERIENCING MORE- BUT A FRACTION WHAT IS ALSO OPENING FOR YOU!! Britney- May I SWIM & BRIEFLY ESCAPE IN YOUR BEAUTIFUL OCEANS of EMOTIONS???? EXPERIENCING our OCEANS of EMOTION is BEING ALIVE AGAIN- ALMOST BORN ANEW! Opening up NEW HORIZONS as WE CHOOSE TO STEP BEYOND THROUGH DOORS to a NEW AGE OPENING BEFORE US ALL- Hoping we don’t FLAME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always In Your Heart, Forever In Love!!!! Aug. 16, 2021 by Brianca Lane Together- MeUsCan-DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRUSTRATED BEAUTIFUL BIRDS FLAPPING AGAINST OUR CAGES DEMANDING OUR HEALTH, RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!!! Aug. 23, 2021 #By God/Allah/Darwinian Evolution… THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!!!! #Never ‘retire’ Britney- just INSPIRE!!! Is ‘THIS’ ALL THERE ‘IS? Ask Pres. Reagan!
- #NO MATTER HOW ANGRY YOU ARE (BRITNEY)- YOU HAVE TO BE A HERO!!!’ The World’s Watching The Olympics of Show Biz & Entertainment, Mental Health & Female Oppression… The UNCONQUORED PRINCESS of POP EVERY GIRL- YOUNG or OLD, can RESPECT & LOOK UP TO! But So NAKED Britney?
- ‘#Death’ doesn’t STOP Pres. Reagan’s LIVING & SHOWING UP EVERY DAY FOR A FULL FUN DAY of FREEDOM WORK!!! “Boss – I need a week off!” ‘C’mon- Pres. Reagan never let his own death keep him from ENTHUSIASTICALLY DELIVERING PRECIOUS JOY & HELPFUL ADVICE- ENCOURAGING US ALL to GIVE OUR OLYMPIC GREATNESS!!!’ #So NEVER RETIRE- even after living on Earth- JUST INSPIRE like Pres. Reagan!
- Sometimes we spend Precious Times Together in Sleepy Dreamland enjoying each other’s Lovely Spirit, saying our Good-Byes Slowly over a few years, our Beloved Deceased Watching Over Us, Helping Us Adjust & Move Forward… #But- like Britney Spears, WE JUST WANT OUR LIFE BACK AGAIN! OUR HAPPY PLAYFUL INNOCENT TIMES TOGETHER- JUST ONCE AGAIN! Is it REAL- YES- THEY ARE STILL WITH US or WATCHING OVER US!
- #Yes- JUST DO IT! JUMP UP ONTO LIFE’S DANCE FLOOR!!! Just about KILLED ME LAUGHING following Britney’s testimony to Judge Brenda Penny. Britney is so expressive emotionally, REAL & Honest!!! Judge Penny is examining Britney’s comprehension & competency- under her oppressive 17th century style Conservator Oppression. The Inquisition/ Salem Witch trials of the 1690’s… 1950’s Americana- ‘Leave It to Beaver’ or is Judge Penny seeing post 1960’s+ modern liberated FIERCE WOMEN- Hear me Roar?
- ‘NO Matter How Angry You Are- You HAVE TO BE A HERO!!!!’ Britney tells Judge Penny-So I always worked- since early childhood, vigorous long, hard mentally, emotionally & physically/gymnastically challenging back to back days… RECORDING< TOURS, MARKETING… RECENTLY COMPLETELY SOLD OUT VEGAS SHOWS AS THE CENTRAL SINGER< DANCER< PERFORMER< ENERGETIC M.C. enjoying rare breaks in between sets- Always told EVERYBODY IS DEPENDING ON ME- #NO BREAKS FOR CENTRAL CASTING! SO MANY $$$DEPENDANT FAMILIES, INDUSTRIES & ESPECIALLY ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY CONNECTIONS- ‘JUST SIGN THE NEXT CONTRACTS Britney Bird Laying GOLDEN EGGS!!!’ Otherwise- everything collapses & everybody sues… ‘THE SHOW MUST GO ON!- EVERYONE RIDING ON BRITNEY SPEARS DRIVING SHOWBIZ LIGHTS -CAMERAS MUSIC- DANCING & SINGING TRIPLE THREAT BRITNEY!!!! #Judge Penny thinking- 99% of Americans couldn’t do anything even once a year what Britney is doing every F______ day!!! Judge Penny or her Family & Friends probably got dumped in 5 horrible minutes on Local Talent Searches- Penny became a shy book worm & Highly Regarded Conservator Judge-A REAL LIFE introverted LAURA CROFT FIGHTING for JUSTICE & SAVING OPPRESSED VICTIMS LIKE BRITNEY!!!! Secretly wishing to be Britney? P.S. On our Angelina field report 3? of the kids want to testify on Angelina’s behalf against their abusive Dad, Brad in Divorce Proceedings. Brad Brad Brad- Everyone saw Laura Croft in Angelina’s character- You MUST NEVER ABUSE HER SAFETY & TRUST- BUT ALWAYS HAPPILY LOYAL IN HER BEWITCHING LOVE!!!!
- ‘But between shows Britney?’ So BETWEEN SHOWS I’D TRAIN 16 NEW DANCERS- I’D CREATE ALL THE CHOREOGRAPHY FOR ALL 16, ADJUST THE MUSIC-SONG WRITING, RECORDING, VIDEOS, MY MARKETING & PRODUCT LINES… Judge Penny: My stenographer can’t follow you speaking so fast & all the information you’re presenting Britney! The Court simply can’t function at the high speed & complexity you’re used to expressing? Especially as you’ve been working continuously non stop since age 3 in a fast paced complex entertainment environment with only a half an hour off per day as you’ve mentioned… The Courts aren’t designed to handle your background- top 1% proficiency music/entertainment savant status, your overall high level of competency, truthfulness, honesty & love for complexity. The Court is PLEASED your Dad stopped you using drugs, alcohol. stimulants, etc. to exacerbate your mental health challenging Bi-Polar emotional instability…
- Britney- The issue is you’re lifelong pressure to ACHIEVE & PLEASE- You’re Mom pressured you to ACHIEVE… You’re always pushing yourself… Being ABSOLUTELY PERFECT in your singing, dancing, choreography & wonderful connection you enjoy with everyone pursuing the same high level of entertainment excellence IN ALL YOUR ENDEAVORS! But Folks around you want you DRIVEN TO SUCCEED so they can STEAL ALL YOUR MONEY HONEY!!!! #Our Court is for critically under-competent people like Pres. Biden & bubble room backstreeters advising him about the Southern Border- bringing in COVID at 20% + infection rates along with other diseases, killer opioids & criminals! But keeping healthy, law abiding Canadians who are 75% vaccinated & their up to $$$2Billion spending each month OUT of America!!!
- #Pres. Biden & Co. are Woody Woodpecker w/o THE FUNCTIONING PECKERS!!!! “I TAWT I TAW A PUDDYTAT!!!’ LOONEY TUNES is Pres. Biden’s & Co. Southern & Northern Border Policies, Afghanistan Non Stability Plan, 6% Annual Inflation, etc.!!!! (AT BEST, THEY HOPE MILLIONS OF ILLEGALS & RELATIVES GAINING NEW CITIZENSHIP & VOTING RIGHTS WILL ASSURE DEMOCRATS BALLOT BOX VICTORY!!!! NOW THAT’S REALLY NUTTY POLITICKING!!! Biden’s slop-suckers creating a complete catastrophic failure for Americans & Afghanis!
- #Britney you say you only got a half hour FREE each day- Our Court is for people who can barely function for a half hour each day… Not for AMERICA’S POP PRINCESS who is FORCED TO PAY FOR THE SCORES OF BUBBLEBRAINS WHO OPPRESS HER!!! Our Court is run by Big Brother’s Possessed as DEMONstrated by your being UTTERLY OPPRESSED for 13 years in tears!
- You spend your Entire Life Managing Entertainment Productions- So c’mon Girl! Assemble your DREAM TEAM mental health production/protection/treatment Health Care Team to address your Bipolar… mental illness Challenges- your lawyer on board, your (forensic) accountant & competent HONEST financial manager… The median 50% average American family net worth is $100,000+ but you have $58 million, 580 times the median! YES- you should have $200 million- 500 million++ more if your Dad was an M.B.A. Harvard Inside Trading Wall Street Banker!
- PULLING & PETTING TOGETHER… Sounds slightly adventurous? Are Americans willing to set aside pet differences & Pull Together in an OLYMPIC SPIRIT EFFORT, placing America GREATNESS & LIBERTY & FREEDOM FIRST? Pres. Trump OUTED & SHAMED the U.S Women’s Soccer Team he expected to easily win- alleging some players put Tribal Political Differences ahead of The Olympic Spirit. An abandoned baby girl in China, adopted & raised by loving Canadian parents, works hard & is coached for SUCCESS- representing Canada at the Olympics. Very small in stature for an Olympian- but GREAT in OLYMPIC SIZE HEART & SPIRIT, she races against the Whole World in the Butterfly Swim Final. Finishes & squints at the Standings- Suddenly “OH MY GOD!” she mouths- From the next swim lane, finishing last? she is joyously hugged & congratulated- OLYMPIANS CELEBRATING TOGETHER in TRUE OLYMPIC SPIRIT!!! But where are all The Butterflies flapping about after The Butterfly Race?
- Serious Self Harm or Harm to Others? NO NEVER! #GET UP! GET UP! THIS IS OUR OLYMPICS TIME ON EARTH TO DO OUR BEST NO MATTER WE COME LAST OR FIRST OR IN BETWEEN DUE TO OUR CIRCUMSTANCES, OPPORTUNITIES, HELP OR OPPRESSION, OUR ILLNESS/DISABILTY CHALLENGES!!! GET UP! GET UP! WE MUST FINISH OUR RACE!!! NO! NO! Kurt COBAIN- You musical Genius- WE’LL NEVER EVER GO YOUR WAY!!!! Because of Bipolar, Terrible Physical Pain, Courtney Love, Band Mates that will just let us drown or any other stupid non reason for self harm!!!!
- In Berlin 1936, the most hated man in history- who truly should have self harmed saving our World… Fuhrer Shi_ler Hitler intends to espouse & glorify White Supremacy but U.S.A.’s African American Jesse Owens ‘darkens’ the Fuhrer’s hopes! Owens wins GOLD- 4 TIMES! Hitler loses his fanatical hell bound Olympic Bet on Fascism! Almost giving Hitler a Heart Attack, Owens & a Great White German Hope Olympian run together around the track celebrating BROTHERHOOD between all races & skin colors!!! Hitler sulks like a toddler, his weak limp hand refuses to shake Owen’s muscular grip on BERLIN OLYMPIC PRESTIGE & POWER! But when Owens chokes twice in a long jump- is about to be disqualified, a White German? Olympian Competitor takes him aside & coaches him to correct his error. OWENS WINS GOLD!!! TOGETHER- BLACKS & WHITES ARE BIG WINNERS!!!! Yes- BLACK LIVES MATTER!!! BUT ESPECIALLY TOGETHER- BLACKS & WHITES ARE BIGGER WINNERS like in 1936 Berlin!!!!
- WHO KNEW THEY HOLD A JAWS OLYMPICS FINAL SAILBOAT COMPETITION??? In another Olympics, when a sailboat capsizes, a Canadian Olympian veers off course in his sailboat to RESCUE FLOUNDERING Competitors- SAVING THEM FROM BEING SHARK BAIT for CIRCLING Olympic SHARKS!!! The PIERRE DE COUBERTIN MEDAL for SPORTSMANSHIP is awarded by The International Olympic Committee for True Olympians!!!
- In Beijing 2008, 200 m. runners achieving 2nd & 3rd place were disqualified for ‘stepping out of their lanes’- we LANES IMPOSE HIGH OLYMPIC STANDARDS FOR USING OUR NAME! The 4th place finisher was AWARDED a SILVER MEDAL but mailed it to the disqualified second place Olympian who ‘truly deserved it!’ #Yes- Olympians Hearts may be CRAZY STRONG!!! At Tokyo, A U.S. & Botswana runner tripped & fell together- IN LOVE? Hardly- They fell Madly in Anger! But they helped each other up- arm in arm. they jogged to the Finish Line! “NO MATTER HOW ANGRY YOU ARE- YOU HAVE TO BE A HERO!” Britney Spears- Are we SPEAKING to YOUR HEART???? A similar story is two Olympic medal winners essentially finishing in a tie- awarded silver & bronze so they each mailed the other half of their medal TO BE EQUAL!!!!
- TWO GOLDS TO GO- PLEASE!!! Two rivals finished the High Jump tied for First Place! They asked to share their Gold Medals Standing Together- avoiding another Jump Off!!! We can perhaps identify with a Belgium women’s Triathlon Olympian who collapsed & cried inconsolably- if we ever happen to sneak into an Olympics Final! She Finished her grueling contest but in LAST PLACE! A competitor coached her- “YOU’RE a F_______FIGHTER! THIS IS THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT- YOU’VE GOT IT 100%!!!” Yes- I guess even Olympians sink to using a swear word but probably only once allowed per Olympics given their STERLING CHARACTER!
- About 40% of Americans actually believe they are IN EXCELLENT SHAPE READY TO COMPETE IN THE OLYMPICS TODAY IF CALLED UP FOR DUTY by the President!!! Many Olympians are so UPRIGHT & HONORABLE! What Politician would not only COMPLETELY FORGIVE ANOTHER’S TRANSGRESSIONS BUT GIVE UP THEIR SEAT & HONORS TO THEIR OPPONENT ‘BECAUSE THEY REALLY DESERVED TO WIN!!!?’ Surely, Pres. Biden & Pres. Trump would easily give up the Presidency if they witnessed the very slightest HANKY PANKY by their Political Party at the Ballot Boxes or in Ballot Counting!!! ELBOW BUMPING BETWEEN OUR WARRING ‘HUTU & TUTSIS POLITICAL TRIBES???’ Britney Spears is astoundingly more competent than Pres. Biden during his moments of lucid awake consciousness about the self inflicted Southern INVADING COVID INFECTIOUS, OPIOID, CARTEL & GANG BANGER CONTROLLED Border, about the 6% inflation rate & $30- $40 trillion ballooning debt, about laying open Americans & Allies to Taliban Torture & Treachery- Taliban attempting to hold Pres. Biden to a seeming impossible Aug.31 withdrawal date!!!!
- PAYING OPPRESSORS TO OPPRESS U.S. A.ll? Pres. Biden unwittingly left $$$Billions in Buildings, Infrastructure, Transporting Vehicles, Advanced Weaponry, Airforce Technology, etc. available to be used to OPPRESS & TORTURE AFGHANI’s!!!! Unwittingly
- Back home in Kansas with Dorothy & Toto- on over on Sesame Street, 99.997%+ children won’t suffer & die from COVID! But at least 75%+ sure as hell-o suffered horribly from mental & physical illness caused by stay at home & away from everybody else orders! Self medicating, Self harm, Opioid Overdoses… & Criminality SPIKING as Big Brother forcibly collapsed Healthy Society Activities & Support Systems under COVID COVER! My Moderna Powerful Vaccine is anecdotally more effective & longer lasting but may involve brutal, almost life challenging side effects?! But Gov’ts. & Institutions keep ramping up SOCIAL CONTROLS- vaccine passports & Biblical Mark of the Beast OPPRESSIVE MEASURES- Demanding Citizens give up all our Inalienable & Constitutionally ‘Guaranteed RIGHTS & FREEDOMS’- no control over our own bodies & medical decisions, health care & privacy- access to timely tests, treatments & care under COVID COVER, CULLING poverty stricken or vulnerable Groups & Minorities??? Gov’t. Cuomo specifically ORDERED COVID INFECTED placed in Nursing Homes infecting & killing thousands but covered everything up- COVID COVER KILLINGS practiced World Wide against vulnerable seniors! HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS R BEING FORCED TO BOW or be FIRED! In the ’60’s Liberation Protests called for Power to The People! Today’s power crazed Autocrats are using COVID COVER TO STEAL OUR POWER, to create TRIBALISM to divide & conquer us- play Majorities against Minorities in Jim Crow 2.0 style!!!!
- Story Book Fables- ‘HOW SWEDE IT IS!’ sing Canadian soccer Moms!’ I Think I /We CAN! I Know I/We CAN!’ Enchanting Canadian Soccer Women drawn from Canada’s small 1/10th population vs. the U.S.A., beat a politically divided Tribal U.S.A. according to Pres. Trump.
- #In a Hollywood Movie Style thrilling final- after time & overtime & initial shoot outs ended in ties, Canadian soccer ‘MOMS’ defeated Sweden after Sweden’s star shooter completely missed the net from her 36 feet!!! 36 feet & not able to kick a soccer ball! ‘HOW SWEDE IT IS’ sang Canada’s soccer Moms!!!! ANGELS LIFTED THE BALL OVER THE NET SENDING CANADIAN SOCCER MOMS OVER THE MOON!!
- SHAME SHAME SHAME on the 2 WARRING TRIBES putting U.S.A. in peril as “A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND!” Republicans & Democrats represent the American Political Divide – like the Hutus & Tutsis each warring Tribal side hates & delights in oppressing & destroying the other causing America tragic sorrow! Apparently neither side is willing to put AMERICA & LIBERTY & FREEDOM FIRST! P.S. If my Moderna Vaccine severe response isn’t fully protective, everyone prays surviving COVID & acquiring Natural Immunity will also safeguard us!!!
- A Leading Public Health Medical Scientist announces on the radio ‘ALL- 95%+ of our unvaccinated will become Infected & even Hospitalized & Face Death within the next 6 to 12 months should they not be vaccinated NOW!!!!’ In Ontario, Canada where single vaccination rates are heading towards 80% & double towards 75%, Health Care Institutions are THREATENING TO FIRE EXPERIENCED NEEDED HEALTH WORKERS WHO REFUSE double vaccinations! Remaining Staff will quickly BURN OUT under 18 hour shifts!!! Health Care will collapse! 10’s of thousands of vulnerable untreated citizens are dying from lack of disease prevention care, examinations, testing, treatments & rehab.! THROWAWAY PEOPLE- OUR POLITICIANS R BUSY CULLING THE HERD- DEMONIZING MINORITIES & THE POVERTY STRICKEN in Jim Crowe style 2.0 vigorous terrorism!!!! Do our zealous COVID Scientists SCARE You STRAIGHT to the Vaccine Injection Sites??? Pregnancy complications from over reacting to Moderna vaccines? Rushed to Market without being tested on likely vulnerable groups? If vaccine makers are NOT REQUIRED TO TEST ON VULNERABLE POPULATIONS, NO ADVERSE SIDE EFFECTS WILL BE DISCOVERED or REPORTED- ‘OFFICIALLY!’
- Happy now- feel protected, practice social distancing- after July 13 vaccination. Wear two inexpensive masks when shopping indoors! LOVE facial masks riding my motorcycle in polluted areas. If we encounter bad smelly air, an effective facial mask will easily protect us from the smell- proving COVID is likely kept out- Masks vary from about 20% to 90%+ in protecting against COVID! The F.D.A. just FULLY APPROVED Pfizer- BioNTech. for Emergency Experimental Use- waving liability! Natural immunity- offers 7X better protection according to Israel, is completely censored from Public Health discussions! ‘Following THE SCIENCE’ died when Politicians & Public Health Officials began their POWER TAKEOVER of our Rights & Freedoms!!!
- COVID VACCINES don’t stop infections nor reduce viral load- but are said to offer limited protection from infection, shorten duration & weaken symptoms- Rev. Jesse Jackson, his wife & many other COVID victims discover themselves suffering in hospital nonetheless! By only BLUNTING SYMPTOMS instead of killing COVID, vaccines enable COVID TO ADAPT, CREATE NEW STRAINS like the prevalent DELTA!!!! Vaccines enable infectious carriers to be happily out & about their daily activities infecting the unvaccinated instead of knowingly being ill! Infected may experience few or weak symptoms, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated- becoming unwitting SUPER SPREADERS!!!
- ‘E.S.P.’: Pres. Reagan is CLEARLY THE BEST DEAD PRESIDENT WE COULD EVER HOPE TO VISIT WITH- Who couldn’t love a President who co stars with a chimpanzee in BEDTIME for BONZO…Goes to Washington to work solving all the Washington Monkey Business?
- President Lincoln SUFFERED BEYOND BELIEF- Severe Mental Depression while also carrying the Future Survivability of the U.S.A. on his Weary Shoulders! A Blood Drenched U.S. Civil War followed by being Assassinated for helping SAVE AMERICA & EMANCIPATING African Americans!!!!
- #Pres. Lincoln would have saved America 100 years of ‘Black Lives Don’t Matter!’ #THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE BECAUSE WE LIVE & EXPERIENCE IT- WE ARE THE CHANGES OUR WORLD DESPARATELY SEEKS & NEEDS- IF WE DON’T, PRES. REAGAN OR MOTHER NATURE- Or who knows stands behind the DOORS TO OUR E.S.P.? ‘HI I’M ABE LINCOLN- YOU CALLED FOR ME? YOU ARE Brianca’s Friend?’ Love YOU!!!! ALWAYS in YOUR HEART!!!! Aug. 23, 2021 by Brianca Lane in your Heart You in Mine! Still CAN’T GET NO- STABILITY?!!! Bonzo Biden Goes to Washington to FEED the Disenfranchised but Surrenders Unconditionally to The Taliban Terrorists… Doctors HOPE TO SCARE ANTI VAXXERS STRAIGHT>>> Britney Bipolar Beat: Our Beloved Princess of POP- is a American PSYCHIATRIC SURVIVOR- TRUE BLUE GRIT AWARD WINNER with DISTINCTION!!! All we are Saying is WHY IS SOCIETY SUFFERING STOCKHOLM SYNDROME- identifying with Our Oppressors? Aug. 30, 2021 Hell-o! ALL WE ARE ASKING FOR IS CLIMATE STABILITY!!!! EARTHQUAKE STABILITY- No More ‘Shake, Rattle & Roll!?’ SUBSTANTIAL LOWER WEIGHT STABILITY! Did you know our Bodies may be biologically & genetically programmed to ‘AVOID STARVATION’ BY STRIVING TO REGAIN LOST WEIGHT regardless our excess weight is killing our joints & circulation- never mind our LOVE LIFE?!! My Brother just loss 20- 30 pounds but also another 130 by separating from his South American demanding Princess Bride! ‘
- #You lost substantial weight because now you have to eat your own burnt cooking!’ He shouted because he now only eats the 23 best nutritious foods which quickly satisfy his appetite! I screamed yes- How many squirming worms & insects can you stomach swallowing daily?!! WE BOTH SCREAMED FOR ICE CREAM- not on the top 1000 best foods list??? ‘Most ice cream is high in calories & sugars while low in nutrition!’ Junk food is a killer- a scientist claiming each hot dog reduces our life expectancy by a half hour+. THERE GOES THAT BALL GAME! I agree- if we give our bodies nutritious food & wean ourselves from junk food, our bodies become happier & healthier!
- A Doctor Peter Uni- presiding over a COVID Scientific Science Advisory Table, says ‘EVERYONE WILL CATCH COVID OVER THE NEXT 6 to 12 MONTHS GUARANTEED- SO GET DOUBLE VACCINATED to avoid serious illness, hospitalization & death!’ Accept Vaccine Passports for travel, employment, freedom from stigma & oppression, being allowed to gather socially? A 2 tiered society? ‘Your Papers Please- Name, Social RANKING- ‘Jim Crowe 2.0’ disenfranchised- political & economic privileges removed! Your serial # MARK of The BEAST? Majority eagerly giving up Inalienable & Hard Won Constitutional Rights in return for IMAGINARY IMPROVED SAFETY & STABILITY? Vaccines only BLUNT COVID SYMPTOMS- the infection & spread continues! Most poorer Countries are unvaccinated petrie dishes for new variants!
- My Brother vs. Charlie Bri- My Brother also LOVES SCARING ME TOWARDS GETTING A SECOND VACCINE SHOT! You’ll like it Charlie Bri!’ ‘You won’t pull the football away just as I try to kick it?’ ‘Don’t be so untrusting, Charlie Bri!’ His most recent scare tactic is: ‘Imagine you have 12 balls to pick from- One ball of the 12 is the hospitalization & serious risk of death ball! But you imagine it’s only 1 in 12 chances IF you get infected in the first place! But wait Charlie Bri- 2 more balls represent longer term organ damage- a 20% diminished lung capacity, or heart, kidney… organ damage… BRAIN FOG, LOWER I.Q. etc. So really 25% risk of hospitalization or worse & also possibly longer term organ & brain damage!!!’ ‘LONG HAULERS’ were identified by Alyssa Milano last year in spite of her previous ‘Charmed’ t.v. Life vanquishing demons. Do you religiously practice social distancing & wear masks indoors; avoid crowded situations. Mother Nature- and your GOOD HEARTED SPIRIT is a potent saving influence against COVID in our World! ‘LIKE VACCINES’ screams my Brother!!!
- But what about living in crowded conditions? My Brother claims a 40 something healthy Friend was badly infected- could barely walk to the bathroom & never experienced anything so devastating! But my neighbor said COVID wasn’t too bad- his 2 vaccine shots side effects were almost as uncomfortable as having COVID! I didn’t spend 10 minutes breathing in my neighbor’s COVID infectious air but DELTA only takes as little as 90 seconds! New strains may infect even quicker! Who can predict your degree of illness other than having underlying immune or organ issues & being older? Older Folks have to especially protect themselves from infection!
- Guitar Star Eric Clapton was devastated by his Astra Zeneca vaccine shots. Feared his Guitar god STAR days all over- his AZ vaccine poison DAZE just beginning! “DO YOU WANNA BE A FREE MAN- OR A SLAVE? I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG WHEN (THEY) STARTED LAYING DOWN THE LAW…” DO YOU WANNA WEAR THESE CHAINS UNTIL YOU’RE LYING… ” BE INFORMED says Eric! We each have to decide- For Eric & I, the vaccine shot felt career or life threatening… My body violently eliminated everything possible- I wonder if a pregnancy might be terminated spontaneously in such a violent bodily reaction to rid organs of ‘poisons or anything poorly anchored!’
- Britney made everyone laugh saying her medical handlers TORTURE HER by denying her coffee- stimulants & depressants like alcohol, etc.! The trouble most people with longer term mental illness face is too few good people caring what happens to them- extreme poverty, stigma & serious mental illness without appropriate assistance. Britney experience the opposite- Doctors & Nurses everywhere spying on her- ‘preverts’ paid by Britney to ‘oppress’ her- watch her dress every morning? FORCED Treatment Facilities in CULT CRAZY California- OVER CONTROLLED, OVER STUDIED & OVER ASSESSED DRIVING HER CRAZY! Britney wants HER LIFE BACK AGAIN- STOLEN FOR 13 YEARS! Any reasonable person would become MAD- over assessed & constantly SPIED ON! BEING OPPRESSED under COVID COVER IS EQUALLY CATASTROPHIC TO EVERYONE’S HEALTH!
- COVID teaches us our Politicians clearly happily discard some citizens as ‘throwaways’- Cuomo like many politicians committed alleged crimes like sending COVID INFECTED INTO CARE HOMES KILLING THOUSANDS OF RESIDENTS!!! Conehead Biden surrendering unconditionally to the Taliban including giving them America’s troop carriers, airplanes, field weapons, list of Afghani Allies for killing including their Families! Biden’s formerly drug addicted son already helped sell Joe out to Chinese business interests?
- ASSESSING YOUR EMOTIONAL & MENTAL STABILITY before we really lose control!! JUST TRY MONITORING YOUR EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER STABILITY OVER SEVERAL DAYS! I WAS SHOCKED- TRY IT- YOU MAY BE SURPRISED! BETTER To EXPERIENCE ACTIVE EMOTIONS vs. being a FLAT FOOTED Eleanor Rigby FLOP AS A BOOZY FLOOZY??? If we are emotionally exhausted, is it because we are over reacting? Triggered by every micro aggression entering our PROTECTIVE BUBBLE??? SOCIAL DISTANCING- a SALVATION EXPERIENCE or EXACERBATING OUR LONLINESS? Do we long to be touched again, HUGGED & KISSED AFFECTIONATELY- forbidden under COVID LAW!?? A GOOD counselling technique is to teach people to be in control, avoid being triggered into self defeating behaviors.
- #We have to become aware whether our emotions are like our Breasts- too FLIPPIN’ FLOPPY, FLAT or ALWAYS BOUNCING AROUND EVERYWHERE BUMPING INTO THINGS!!!!
- #Psychiatry is always searching for our so-called ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR! HOW MAY BRITNEY END a CATCH-22 if her Care Team doesn’t allow her to succeed or fail? Learn how her emotions trigger by herself w/o 6 Nurses SPYING & RUSHING IN TO HER EMOTIONAL RESCUE??? What to do, what not to do… who to contact? What approaches in OUR TOOL BOX work best to speed recovery?! Will she be DEPENDANT on her Spouse?
- #How can anyone believe Britney with all her accomplishments can’t be a Princess of Pop & Bipolar Beat It One More Time Beauty? ? We learn by our failures & successes- Is Britney NEVER LEFT ALONE- GIVEN A CHANCE to STUMBLE & LEARN ON HER OWN AS WE HAVE???
- Conservator OPPRESSION TRICK #1: On mental hospital inpatient wards, Staff only record anything weird you do! So your WEIRDNESS FACTOR IS 100%- no normal behaviors are listed in the charts! If we IMAGINE Britney becomes overstimulated & begins talking nonsense occasionally, only those times will be HIGHLIGHTED. But if you or I especially outdo Britney on our emotional Roller Coaster Ride or unstable behavior, no one is watching nor interested in recording those times unless they are off the charts dangerous!!! Our Neighbors will FEATURE US ON You Tube! WE ARE SEEN AS FUN LOVING< WILD & ADVENTUROUS- NOT BRITNEY CRAZY!
- OPPRESSION TRICK #2: FORCE PATIENTS INTO WEIRD OPPRESSIVE SITUATIONS- Mental patients are punished or care is withheld by being placed in isolation for indefinite lengthy periods- a cruel & unusual punishment, illegal under international law! Britney Spears is FORCED TO ACCEPT ‘TREATMENT’ against her will- not allowed to visit her children or go on a vacation if she rebels! How many cruel & unusual techniques are documented against Britney during her 13 year Conservatorship under Court Supervision? A $500 million lawsuit against California?
- 16 years ago to the day- CATASTROPHIC HURRICANE KATRINA kissed Louisiana… ‘LOVE ME TENDER- LOVE ME DO?’ HARDLY! Category 5, $125 Billion in damages, 1800 forcibly sleeping beneath the waves as ocean tossed fishes! A KNOCKOUT Godfather style KISS AGAINST OUR HUMANITY! But on the 16 year Anniversary of Katrina, Category 4 Hurricane IDA escapes the Atlantic Ocean & returns for sequel MAYHEM!!! Our Apocalyptic Times includes a WICKED MEMORY? The Hollywood horror ‘Halloween’ Movie Series shows killer Michael Meyers escaping & returning 15 years after his first Bloodletting… to inflict MAYHEM!!! Is this Hurricane Anniversary Return playing out the Hollywood Halloween Horror Storyline? Shaking & Quaking in our fear?
- Yes- only days in advance, we predicted the upcoming Earthquake (in Haiti on Aug. 14, 2021)- Sensed the horrific environment in a racially/Black charged chaos- Trying to Describe the Precognitive Picture in words seemed too POLITICALLY INCORRECT- so we didn’t dare! #Are we are Earthquake Whisperers, voices for Mother Nature?
- “All BIDEN IS SAYING-Afghanistan is actually an area of diverse DINNER TRIBES-Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Aimaq, Turkmen, Baloch, Pashai, Arab… 14 + primary Tribes + Balogna, Liverwurst & Pastrami between the Slices- Oops- What am I saying!’
- SACRED PROMISES: ‘Don’t take all your wonderful, beautiful GIFTS for granted! Don’t take your BIOSPHERE FOR GRANTED! Don’t take your CLIMATE FOR GRANTED! Don’t take World STABILITY FOR GRANTED!’ Don’t take HUMANITY, HUMAN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS in Afghanistan FOR GRANTED! Tail between his legs Pres. Biden is now flying his final rescue plan out- surrendering unconditionally to Terrorist occupied Afghanistan! Critical Racist Theorist & former Kenyan Refugee Camp Kid Rep. Omar- attempting to justify appeasement says, “We MADE PROMISES OBVIOUSLY THAT WE COULDN’T KEEP!” Pres. Joe Biden surrendered America unconditionally to the Taliban & their terrorist affiliates- delivering 100’s of $$$Billions in advanced U.S. military armored transport, weapons, buildings, hi tech. equipment, air fields + the biometrics & names of all Afghani U.S. Allies to the Taliban. Rep. Omar spent years in a Kenyan Refugee Camp before being handed The American Dream on a Silver Platter!!! Shouldn’t she cry for Afghani’s denied her incredible Opportunities???
- What would General George Washington do? Or Pres. Reagan? Or EVERY HOLLYWOOD MOVIE HERO CONFRONTED BY VICIOUS Terrorists who enjoy raping children & ENSLAVING women- who torture & kill American Allies like killing flies!!! What would 007 or Laura Croft do? We called on Americans to drop the TRIBALISM & UNITE BEHIND FREEDOM- stated often Pres. Biden & Trump need to ABSOLUTELY WORK TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST YEAR of BIDEN’S PRESIDENCY!!! Sadly, Citizens R becoming so obsessed with regaining a sense of STABILITY, they willingly GIVE UP ALL THEIR INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & ACCEPT COVID VACCINE PASSPORTS ‘TO SAFELY STEP OUTSIDE THEIR HOMES!!!’ Demand all unvaccinated lose their employment, travel, health care… Identifying with their Political Captors- STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!!!
- Evacuate ALL Western Military & Human assets & Allies to Friendly Nations… Control Afghani air bases as useful & needed, provide air reconnaissance & military support, intelligence for Afghani resistance forces to control & retake Friendly Regions… Who OBEYS a PRESIDENT who willingly hands over Americans & Allies to Butcher Terrorists as well as creating a formidable Terrorist equipped Military Force!
- RESPONSIBILITY FOR LIVING A GIVING, COMPASSIONATE LIFE IS ALSO EXPECTED IN RETURN! We borrowed from The Life Living Library- LIFE IS SHORT- LET’S MAKE IT WONDERFUL FOR EVERYONE & FOR ALL LIFE SURROUNDING US!!! Allegorically speaking, we are born with A LIVING LIFE LIBRARY CARD- We BORROW LIFE TO USE AS WE WISH DURING OUR LIFETIME- But eventually we come back to The Life Living Library- Thanks for Everything… Our BORROWED GIFTS- We receive our PRECIOUS GIFTS whether or not we earned or deserved them… CHERISHING OUR LIVES & OUR WORLD SURROUNDING US IS EASY!!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR HEART>>>>>>Aug. 30, 2021 Living& Loving Our OLYMPIC SPIRIT!!! by Brianca Lane
- P.S. But what if we all share a Precognition Picture? If everyone BELIEVED it to be INEVITABLE, would we HELP IT TO HAPPEN? If everyone prayed for PEACE- for STABILITY… are we able to LESSEN an Earthquake’s or Hurricane’s Harm? Can our EMOTIONAL & PEACEFUL STABILITY affect our Natural Environment, change our CLIMATE for the BETTER? Our moral & emotional convictions also SPARK OUR HUMANITARIAN ACTION! ‘Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS…’ Our collective LOVING & PEACEFUL HEARTS BRINGS STABILITY INTO OUR WORLD! Many Moms feared Britney Spears’ bare skin, athletically fit body, seductive singing & dancing, wild child lifestyle, ‘invisible undergarments…’ captivate their virginal innocent daughters- TEENAGE HORMONES HANDILY CREATE ‘REBELS WITHOUT A CAUSE!!!!’ In the RACIST ’40s & ’50’s, music was segregated. White racists feared BLACK POWER by Black Rock & Roll, R.&B. Music & Dancing… Elvis WOKE EVERYONE UP – #BE REAL NOT RACISTS!!! About Jumping Up On Life’s DANCE FLOOR… WE’RE ALL FRUSTRATED BEAUTIFUL BIRDS FLAPPING AGAINST OUR CAGES… Beloved Britney is OFFICIALLY A ‘PSYCHIATRIC SURVIVOR’ by her clear, down to earth, brutally honest Testimonial Judge Penny saw as a conviction of California’s horrendous Conservatorship Practices!!!
- My Relative married her Psychiatrist but SPENT ALL HIS MONEY- So Psychiatrists/Therapists BEWARE- bringing Patients into SLEEP LABS CAN BE EXPENSIVE!!! Britney experiences 6 Nurses/Aides studying her 24/7- her kinky Nurses watching her dress; 3 FORCED ‘Weakly’ Therapy Sessions- forbidding vacations or seeing her children if she refuses! Britney- Princess of Pop & Bipolar Beat It One More Time Baby! You’re now a TRUE BLUE PSYCHIATRIC SURVIVOR- WE’RE ALL BEAUTIFUL BIRDS FLAPPING AGAINST OUR CAGES!!! Aug. 30, 2021 Living In Your Blessed Heart- Always You in Mine! Love You to Pieces- Brianca Lane OUR ZANY TRICKSTER ‘APOCALYPTIC TIMES’ EERILY ALIVE by Katrina & Ida? + YOU CAN BE YOUR OWN BEST THERAPIST! + #Please don’t STOP the GOOD from Achieving The GREAT!!!! 1955 ELVIS ROCKED OUR MUSIC WORLD but EMMETT TILL ROCKED OUR NATION’S CONSCIENCE!!!! CONSERVATIVES CONTROLLING OUR COURTS by MIDNIGHT MADNESS ORDERS… Sept. 6, 2021 FREEDOM & SEEKING THE LIGHT:
- The zany TRICKSTER Personality of our Apocalyptic Times is shown by Hurricane IDA- arriving on the EXACT DAY in the same location in Louisiana 16 years after terrifying Katrina killed over 1800 & cost $100 billion in damages. Katrina’s hurricane-force winds were 127 m.p.h. & extended 98 miles from the center while IDA’s winds were a higher 150 m.p.h. but extended a lesser 37 miles. With poorer engineering in place, Katrina killed over 1500 in Louisiana alone! We imagined we were prepared his time & relatively SAFE with $15 Billion in new engineering… IDA suddenly roared in as a Category 4 bringing 150 m.p.h. winds- millions losing power suffering intensely but relatively few deaths & less destruction than Katrina. But the MAYHEM MONSTER WAS ONLY BEGINNING ITS TRASHING AMERICA MOVEMENT, WORKING INTO THE NORTH EAST STATES! Probably easily over 70 killed & like Katrina almost $100 Bullion in total damages! Like a true Halloween Hollywood Horror Serial Killer- you can’t stop the MONSTER!!! TRICKSTER IDA FOOLED US just as Katrina FOOLED & OVERWHELMED US! The Mayhem Monster escaped & returned 15 years later for more bloodletting… We prepare for fighting our last hurricane while the seemingly intelligent Monster develops new TRICKS for achieving future MAYHEM!!!! Is ‘it’ almost ALIVE- PLAYING & PUNISHING US???
- Is our U.S. PUNISHING CLIMATE DISASTER tracking South American or other Worldwide People-kind Ecological tragedies? In 2020 California had its WORST EVER WILDFIRES SEASON! But 2021 appears to be on track TO OVERWHELM LAST YEAR’S TRAGIC RECORD!!! Brazil’s lunatic President is intent on opening up Amazon Basin Rain Forests Protected Lands to agri-business & mining- losing 3800 square miles annually! Because the Amazon Rain Forest is so wet, wildfires don’t occur naturally. Amazon wildfires totaled 28,060 in August- FIRES CREATED BY PEOPLE, DESTROYING OUR CLIMATE & BIOSPHERE- WREAKING DESTRUCTION.
- And about Mr. Michelle Obama: Sleepy Joe said: “YOU GOT THE FIRST MAINSTREAM AFRICAN-AMERICAN WHO IS ARTICULATE & BRIGHT & CLEAN & NICE-LOOKING…” Yes- it’s still 1955 Americana? In the ’70’s, Pres. Nixon created a WAR ON DRUGS as a CODE NAME FOR A RACE WAR TO LOCK UP & BEAT DOWN AFRICAN AMERICANS!!!
- Do our White Privilege Politicians still share RACIST OUTRAGE about 14 years young visiting Emmett Till- who dared speak to a Mississippi White Women- His famous last ‘death wish’ words, ‘Bye Baby!’ or else Whistling? to White Women Ms. Bryant as he left her store! Later kidnapped but admitted his girlfriend back home up north is White! Was beaten beyond recognition, shot in the head & thrown in the Tallahatchie River, barb wired at his neck to a large metal fan on Aug. 28, 1955- His Honky killers FREED by an all Honky Jury as Till’s Mom expected. You just have to hear the incredible Racist language & tone used by law officials recorded on film at the time! An A.-A. Congressman is to attend the trial… Sheriff speaking freely- being filmed & recorded, ‘This here N. says that another N. from up north is supposed to be welcome & given a seat… And this here N. also says that the other N. is actually elected??? Well- can you believe what this N. is saying about that other N.??? Now we set the… Mom with rest of the N.’s at their table…’ (Seating was all segregated- drinking fountains, cabbies- everything segregated… Blacks were by law to sit at the back of the bus, give up their seats to Whites- being arrested for being ‘uppity’ contrary to their still lowly social standing!) No one today can imagine the HATE- HATE HATE!!!! Society so SEGREGATED- intermarriage would create AWFUL MONGRELS they believed! Frightfully scary beyond belief to see & hear real live coverage how HONKIES actually spoke!!! Till’s killers later confessed freely giving all the gruesome details!!! NO GUILT nor SHAME- PERFECTLY POSSESSED WHITE PRIVILEGED DEVILS!
- Like the ROLLING HONKY STONES- BLACK MUSIC STYLE APPROPRIATORS- the late drummer Charlie Watts was always insulted to be regarded as simply a Rock ‘n Roll drummer, taking the stage after James Brown & The Flames BURNED DOWN the SANTA MONICA MUSIC STAGE at the 1964 TAMI SHOW!!! But as mental illness SURVIVORS, SUPPORTERS & THRIVERS, we all love The Square Honky Rolling Stones- their SMASH HIT- I CAN’T GET NO- STABILITY- ALWAYS PLAYED BEFORE THE COURT for 13 years- Keeping BELOVED Britney Spears locked away in her Californian CASTLE TOWERS for her own SAFETY- while LOOTING HER TALENTS & TRUST FUNDS by the $100’s of millions! Feels like were all back in 1955 Mississippi by the Tallahatchie River. Emmett Till tortured beyond recognition by White Racist Supremacists- lynching Emmett to instill fear should any Black male think about speaking to a White Woman again! Defense claimed how could anyone recognize him as Emmett the victim- was so utterly torn up!!! Beloved Britney from McComb Mississippi put under her Dad’s strict 1955 style Conservatorship for daring to step out of line morally & for speaking back to her Father! Contrary to all the RULES governing a proper Southern Lady Belle- MODEST, VIRTUOUS, LOYAL TO HER FAMILY & TOTALLY SUBMISSIVE TO HER FATHER!!!! Beloved Britney BROKE ALL THE SOUTHER BELLE RULES RECENTLY!!!! Should we be surprised if as children, Pres. Trump & Biden were INSTILLED with 1950’s traditional Segregationist Racist Views?
- From Honky to Hockey: 5 time consecutive Women’s Hockey World Champs U.S. FACED-OFF Against their CRAZY CANUCKS COUNTERPARTS: Tied in overtime sudden death play-off hockey, the Crazy Canucks’ French Canadian Captain took a brilliant pass & drilled the puck over the U.S. Goalie’s shoulder hitting the top cross bar, the side cross bar, falling like a Drunk having hit too many bars- being over the red line- but rolling on out like a Drunk into skating screeching traffic. The ecstatic shooter celebrated but the Goal Judges couldn’t believe their eyes! ‘What the PUCK! JUST HAPPENED the Goal Judges wondered??? AFTER seeming endless play, the jilted Captain also wondered ‘What the PUCK?’ JUST HAPPENED as the GAME BUZZARD FINALLY SOUNDED! ‘SHE SHOOTS SHE SCOOOORRRREEEEESSSSS- some PUCKIN’ long time ago!!’ Most of our ALWAYS ENTERTAINING & INSPIRING CELEBRITIES OWE THEIR QUIRKY UNIQUE ATTRACTIVENESS & SUCCESS TO PAST or PRESENT INSTABILITY- in Entertainment or Hockey, occasionally FACING-OFF AGAINST mental illness- NOT GETTING STABILITY nor SATISFACTION! Can I hear from Sister Britney, SISTER Rose McGowan & Sister Angelina Jolie TWISTED EVERY WAY BUT LOOSE BY THE PUCKIN’ COURTS!!!! Ladies & Germs, is we all stuck in 1955 Mississippi- woe to our Belles not abiding by Southern Traditions!!!!
- We can BEGIN to SEE & UNDERSTAND our own Mental Instability & Illness- BEGIN to become SELF AWARE & SELF INFORMED, STOP SLIPPING INTO ILLNESS EXPERIENCE w/o STABILIZING OURSELVES & GETTING BETTER!!!! Oh- I know what this sh____ feeling indicates- this is going bad & unhealthy- I AM SLIPPING- TIME to BRING MY STABILITY BACK… C’mon work on it Girl- Stability- Stability… C’mon Girl! YOU’RE NOW SEEING IT HAPPEN JUST LIKE A THERAPIST- Stabilize… Stabilize… BREATHE RELAX… BREATHE RELAX… & Get Back Jojo to a Better Experience!!! UNHEALTHY FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, THINKING PATTERNS- DISSIPATE… BREATHE & RELAX… BRINGING YOUR BALANCE & HEALTH BACK… STABILIZE BY LEARNING YOUR HELPFUL TECHNIQUES… As we help ourselves, we get insights on what is happening to us & why!!!! Where it all began! Why pay Therapists huge $$$ to perform a role you can learn on your own or be easily prompted by help? We can train a Mississippi hound dog to hunt & we can train ourselves to become alert, aware, stabilize & become healthy!!!! You Mississippi Belles hearing GOOD TIMES A COMIN’?
- #If we could stand apart and watch ourselves SLIP & SLIDE? What if we watched video recordings how we behaved when HEALTHY & WHEN ILL? How may we become AWARE & ADEPT- OUR OWN FREE THERAPISTS- OUR OWN ROCK STAR GENUISES HELPING OUR BETTER MENTAL HEALTH!
- #No longer PASSIVE HELPLESS VICTIMS on ROLLING SEAS of MENTAL ILLNESS- FLOUNDERING SWIMMERS AMONG SHARKS ALWAYS NEEDING SAVING & ATTEMPTING ONLY TO REMAIN ABOVE WATER… LIFE IS MORE THAN STABILIZING & SURVIVING FROM DAY TO DAY! We want to see & understand what happens, how we feel, what our thinking & emotional state is when we begin SLIPPING into mental illness symptoms! Like Britany Spears, 13 years is too long to have Mommy or Daddy run or ruin our adult independence… Prince Harry suffered for 20 years/tears- stiff upper lip ripping apart his sanity!!! 20 Years of Tears TOO PUCKIN’ LONG, in Hockey lingo!!!!
- MIDNIGHT MADNESS RULE of LAW??? By stacking the Courts & Supreme Court with Conservatives, Joe’s Democratic Party ‘Progressive Social Justice & Equity WOK Warrior Struggles’ are jeopardized. Pres. Trump’s appointed Judges are arguably PLAYING FAST & LOOSE with CONSTITUTIONAL LAW BY SEAT of THE PANTS ON THE SPOT TEMPORARY DECISIONS, IGNORING LEGAL PRECEDENTS & MAKING EMERGENCY MIDNIGHT MADNESS SALE DECISIONS WITHOUT EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTATION… WHY? TO AVOID PUBLIC SCRUTINY, WAYLAYING EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND LOWER COURT STUDY & RULINGS! Obnoxiously ‘loud mouthed, prolific Pukers’ as Judge Kavanaugh allegedly described his group in College Daize!!!! SIDESTEPPING JUSTICE? Instead of enabling legal challenges to work through the Lower Courts- exacerbating contentious 1973 Roe vs. Wade Women’s Abortion Access Rights/’Exercising Control over her own Body.’
- Texas STICKS SPURS UP WOMEN’S BOTTOMS-OUCH!!! Texas is enabling the public to sue anyone encouraging/enabling a woman to ACCESS an ABORTION upon a fetal HEART BEAT being detectable at about 6 weeks- before women even realize they are pregnant!? Is Texas returning America to Back Alley Butchers & Coat Hanger Horror Stories by desperate young Teen Mothers? Unwanted, under cared for & UNLOVED children being raised in barren unstable conditions? If so- Texas is 100% GUARANTEEING CREATING MENTAL ILLNESS VICTIMS!!!! PUT OUT $$$Support & LOVING CARE or SHUT YOUR MOUTH Texas & Stick your Spurs where the Sun Don’t Shine! If you REALLY DO CARE Texas SHOW U.S.- We’re all from MISSOURI!!!! $$$Pay & provide Mother-Child, Education, Health & Income Care & Support during & after Pregnancy until all are fully equipped adults! Brad Pitt ALERT- Texas will soon have children by the thousands needing a benevolent, loving DAD!!!! You could adopt by the hundreds! Create a Brad Pitt Children’s Ranch to repent for PAST ABUSE!!!!
- #PLEASE DON’T STOP THE GOOD FROM ACHIEVING THE GREAT!!!! TALIBAN BUTCHERS vs. turning KNIGHT into DAY & FREEDOM!!!*- Remember 9-11 Airplane ATTACKS; The Sex Trafficking in CHILDREN; The Total Enslavement of Women- Entirely covered & forced to stay at home; refused education & outside social opportunity choices; professional work & career paths; Ability to drive & travel; lacking control over her own body, life & decision making; accompanied & overseen by a male Relative under the Wahabi (previous Saudi) radically extremist Sharia Law Movement! Saudi Arabia is Wonderfully CHANGING thanks to The Crown Prince’s Reform! Please DON’T STOP THE GOOD FROM ACHIEVING THE GREAT!!!!!!!! (Ibn Abdul Wahab d. 1787, represents EVIL vs. Scottish Law at the time BANNING SLAVERY vs. U.S. declaring ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, POSSESSING INALIENABLE RIGHTS- but not for Women nor enslaved African Americans!! Henry Dundas successfully represented ‘enslaved’ African American Joseph Knight to STOP SLAVERY & indirectly also undermine Indentured Servitude!!!! But Spirit of 1776 America FAILED to STOP SLAVERY by The Glorious American Constitution- “ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL HAVING INALIENABLE SACRED RIGHTS…” still excluded African Americans!
- *Chimpanzee Chump Bonzo Biden goes to Washington, abandoned America’s KEY Military Air Base in Bagram, formerly hosting 10’s of thousands of ‘Freedom Fighters! Bonzo Bumbling Biden gave up 43,000 pick up trucks, 22,000 Humvees, 900 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles, 600,000 hand guns & assault rifles, etc. so The Extremist Taliban can expand at will & sell American Weapons Technology to Russia, China, Iran, N.K. & every Radical Terrorist Movement! ALWAYS IN YOUR HEART- YOU’RE ALWAYS IN MINE… Sept. 6, 2021 by Brianca Lane Ask not for whom The 1955 Traditional Southern Belle Stereotype Rings- It may Ring for Thee!!! Bye Babe- Whoa- is a bunch of White Honkies comin’ to git my ass. Britney- save us all – HELP US JUMP BACK UP ON LIFE’S DANCE FLOOR!! DANCING IS LIVING BEING YOUR BEST THERAPIST, Racism, Britney Beat- Explaining What Makes Britney TICK! MENTAL ILLNESS & DRAMA QUEEN ADVICE!!!! RISE & FALL of our Neuroleptic Empires! WINNERS R U.S.A.ll Sept. 13, 2021 Sept. 6: “WE CAN DO THIS FOR OURSELVES! WE HAVE ALL THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO US… We see, hear, feel, taste, touch, smell, think, speak, act out DIRECTLY” while a Therapist or Shrink only infers information translated by their own lens- not necessary accurate & helpful? But in our mental illness our senses & information can be altered- way below normal for good performance or over-informative for performing the task at hand. Artists acting at up to +5 on a Bipolar Illness Scale may create, dance, perform like Tarty Whirlwinds as ‘Halsey’/Pear ‘Frangipane’ Tart Custard suggests- She didn’t like her loud-mouthed, boisterous, jerky, risk taking, ‘Tarty Custard’ character but ‘That Frangipane’ made her career & $$$$$!
- EXPLAINING BRITNEY SPEARS TO BRITNEY SPEARS!!! But for some Artists, the mania increases into incoherence at +6- +7 & the higher the RISE, the HARDER the fall down into Depression as our Brain attempts to overcorrect for the MANIA BY CREATING DEPRESSION CAUSING levels of neurotransmitters- serotonin, dopamine, etc. to change! Yes- our Brain overcompensates again lifting our mood- if we suffer more severe Bipolar Disorder!!! Britney says she suffers ‘stress & anxiety pressures. She says she is ACTUALLY A SHY INTROVERT- BUT WHEN THE NEURO TRANSMITTERS SPIKE OR DECLINE? WE WOULD LIKELY ALL EXPERIENCE A SIMILAR BIPOLAR SHIFT AS LEVELS OF NEUROTRANSMITTERS CHANGE!!!! ‘ Halsey actively admits to mild+ Bipolar- as many Artists admit to specific Mental Illness Diagnoses hoping to Help & inspire Everyone- #YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN YOUR Mental Illness Struggles! #So many walk your same path too! and #ENCOURAGING YOU BACK INTO STABILITY & HEALTH!!! Each Free Individual OWNS their Personal Medical Information. But our Therapist/Psychiatrist/SOCIAL CONTROL ENFORCER doesn’t share our experiences- BUT ARE GREAT SUPPORTERS IF BOTH DOCTOR & PATIENT ARE MUTUAL ‘FANS!’
- #We SHOULD BECOME OUR BEST THERAPISTS BECAUSE ONLY WE KNOW FOR SURE- besides our hairdressers… if we’re not Delusional- Ha! Ha!
- A Therapist helps to discreetly RESCUE US- BRING ISSUES to OUR ATTENTION, EDUCATE & INSPIRE OUR GROWTH- EVERYTHING we can easily PERFORM ON OUR OWN?!! Psychiatric Survivors too often report OPPRESSION- like Britney finds the overbearing HELP SHE PAYS FOR??? HELP maybe not so easily escaped from or Britney wouldn’t feel SO OPPRESSED for 13+ years??? Is the Conservatorship Cage so strong, Britney Bird couldn’t escape without our FUNTASTIC #FREE BRITNEY BACKING? But now we’ve all lit a BARNBURNER FREEDOM FIRE by our unconditional #FREE BRITNEY LOVE under her butt- She’s changed into a boisterous, FIERCE- I AM THE BOSS OF ME B____ if anyone attempts to OPPRESS HER NOW!!! Britney- R U READY to BOUNCE & POUNCE BACK like a LIONESS? Whoa- SHARP CLAWS BRITNEY- Reminding everyone never to tease our LIONESS BEING UNLEASHED AGAIN like back in 2004- 2008!!!!
- BUT C’mon- Are We All Bipolar too Nationally??? ABOUT RACISM & COVID CONTROL- IS AMERICA REALLY SO CRAZY ALMOST 160 YEARS AFTER THE CIVIL WAR & ASSASSINATION of PRES. LINCOLN, TO CONTINUE WHITE PRIVILEGE & BLACK OPPRESSION??? A Cinci-NUTTY, Ohio Inquirer published about a Black Family FINDING OUT when they displayed “Black Girl Magic” pillows & “BE Black & Proud!” motifs, Black Family Photos… (James Brown sang- ‘SAY IT LOUD! I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!), their house was APPRAISED $100,000. LESS than when they replaced their ‘Blackness with Whiteness’- White Family Photos… Telling their 3 & 6 year Proud Black Daughters Black Pride has to temporarily disappear for a new (White Inspired) appraisal… ARE WE CRAZY!!! FOR 160 YEARS AFTER THE CIVIL WAR TO ALLOW RACISM TO WEAPONIZE & DIVIDE OUR SOCIETIES? A WORLD WIDE SOCIAL PANDEMIC of HATE & RACISM FOR HUNDREDS of YEARS/TEARS UNDERMINING OUR MORALITY- COHESIVE HARMONY & HAPPINESS!!! What Illusionary World do we live in if a Black House is worth $100,000. less than the same house portrayed as a White House! Our Political Parties divide us into TRIBES- ‘A house divided cannot stand!’ WE MUST SAVE OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS & FREEDOMS- BLESS & RESPECT OUR RAINBOW STRENGTH BEING IN DIVERSITY – A LIGHT TO THE WORLD! BEAUTY & HARMONY BY RAINBOW DIVERSITY- OUR BEDROCK- COMPASSION & KINDNESS FOR EVERYONE!!!
- Just to think Fauci & Fiends funded the Wuhan’s Virology Lab’s GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH & COVID INFECTION LEAK- causing 10’s of millions to become COVID infected- millions dying with no pot of GOLD at the FOLLOW THE SCIENCE RAINBOW!!! Blacks & Hispanics risk 3x the rate of hospitalization & 2x the risk of death as Whites from COVID by occupational exposure, poorer access to health care & pre-existing conditions. 160 years of continued RACISM is also a deadly Social Pandemic Viral Disease! Vaccination rates are lower for Blacks given the long history of Jim Crow Practices & Government Abuses & Neglect! Likewise, for our FIRST NATIONS/INDIGENOUS & our so-called Mental Patients & Survivors of Psychiatric Illness- How can they TRUST AUTHORITIES WHO OPPRESSED THEM? Go ask Britney about TRUST ISSUES… Many years ago, a top Health Care Official confided in me, Governments closed hospitals- put Mental Patients out into the streets TO SAVE MONEY- the Health$$$ was not attached to the Patients as they were thrown to the cold streets! Soon- Canada will go after them again- round them up like in 1930’s Fascist Germany! ‘A FINAL SOLUTION!’
- Canada is holding a Politically driven snap election in a STORMY INCREDIBLY INFECTIOUS 4th COVID WAVE- It’s ALWAYS ABOUT POLITICS, POLITICIAN’S CREATING AN US AGAINST THEM BATTLE DIVISIVE JIM CROW CHAOS- TODAY DEMONIZING & SEVERELY PUNISHING THE UNVACCINATED- including citizens with full Natural Immunity for example! POLITICIANS VYING FOR POWER, instead of SERVING THE PUBLIC WITH THE HIGHEST COMPASSION & INTEGRITY! Canada’s contentious Political Leaders gently discussed their upcoming ‘FINAL SOLUTION’ 1930’s Eugenics Approach for Mental Patients & Psych. Survivors- Not HELP THEM TO SURVIVE & THRIVE but the OPPOSITE! Like watching Princess Diana bleed out instead of getting her to the nearest hospital… BLOOD THIRSTY SHARKS ATTACKING OUR MOST VULNERABLE- OUR POLITICIANS HARD AT WORK DECIDING WHO LIVES & WHO DIES; WHO IS HELPED & WHO IS CRIMINALIZED!!!! Vaccine Passports anyone? Your Vaccine Papers PLEASE! The Fuhrer vants to know- Vut iz your name, your Social Ranking, your Serial #? Does your Conservator Big Brother know where you vant to go? (Do you remember SLAVES hundreds of years ago had to carry travel passports- like today, signed by their MASTERS!!!!)
- Worldwide everyone witnessed our 2nd Class Senior Citizens thrown to the COVID WOLVES, Abandoned & Care Withdrawn- regarded as Disposable People! In our 30’s we face 4x the death rate from COVID vs. ages 18-29; 225x higher at ages 75- 84! Politicians & Health Care quietly pulled the plug on caring for Seniors over 60/65- devoted their help towards younger adults!!! Unvaccinated face 4 1/2x the infection rate; 10x the hospitalization rate & 11x the fatality rate vs. the fully vaccinated! Politician efforts to criminalize the unvaccinated seem overkill- Individuals must inform themselves intelligently & exercise their best decisions- Dr. & Senator Rand Paul, raised on Kentucky Blue Grass?, is Chomping at the Bit for research into a 3rd vaccine, seeing variants easily infecting the vaccinated…
- Is our young COLT with his cute curly mane, correct to TRACK the FAST PACING SULKY COVID VARIANTS??? How many Frankenstein Shots dare we accept? I took the most powerful vaccine shot available ONCE- “HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT” SAID I AS THE NURSE REACHED FOR MY BUTT, breaking Social Distancing Protocol! A Gov’t. Heath Provider TOLD ME ‘SEEK AMBULATORY CARE TO HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY!’ BASED ON MY SIDE EFFECTS, my immune system perceiving ‘The Best Shot’ as a poisonous neurotoxin?
- #BUT IF WE BECOME COVID INFECTED< WE’LL CELEBRATE ANY PROTECTION WE EXPERIENCE FROM VACCINES!!!! I probably should have insisted instead on the needle vaccine from the Nurse! Or was my body OVERCHARGED from fighting off a 6 month+ long bacterial infection the Doctor’s feared could become a FLESH EATING DISEASE??? Is ‘pregnancy loss’ a big risk in a violent full body reaction like I experienced? Our Friend ‘Mars’-not from Planet Mars but born in Hong Kong & working in Vancouver, worries about people having Natural Immunity Protection being FORCIBLY VACCINATED- ‘Accept the vaccine or be severely punished by Big Brother!’ An Israeli Study says Natural Immunity is far superior protection than a lab created Frankenstein vaccine!!! The Center for Disease Control? claims over 100 million Americans have been infected & enjoy Natural Immunity but Vaccine Mandates DEMAND they also get COVID SHOTS! Cognitively Brain Diseased Biden demands SHOTS into all Federal Employees & Contractors… Businesses with over 100 employees, etc. Private companies can decide their own Big Brother Mandates…
- Today, we face poor & inappropriate health care with Big Brother neglectfully withholding delivery & access among other determinants of health- Plus the anchor of hateful stigma, reducing life expectancy by up to an astonishing 20 years+/- for many Psych. Survivors! AS IF OUR INDIGENOUS, AFRICAN AMERICANS, PSYCHIATRIC SURVIVORS… LIVE AS REFUGEES IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY!!!
- Britney Spears- WALKING LOUDLY!!! Says we can’t really know the TRUE PERSON & WHAT ‘THEY’ EXPERIENCE BEHIND THE LENS OF THEIR ACTUAL LIVING EXPERIENCE! For years, Britney was an PRAYERFUL ‘Purring Agreeable Southern Belle Puddy Tat…’ HOPEFUL ROSES & PATIENT SWEETNESS- ‘FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT!’ But today Britney is a CUSSING LIONESS! Our World’s greatest healer- Jesus actually suggested: “TAKE UP THY sick-BED & WALK!” Britney is walking TOO LOUDLY- CUSSING!!! Psychologists attempt to discover their Patient’s ACTUAL EXPERIENCE by probing questions & comprehensive scientific testing… Britney can’t stomach additional invasive forced, hurtful, humiliating examinations about her competency- with Paparazzi delightfully spying- for 13 years in her Castle Tower, our Golden Caged Bird in CALIFORNIA INQUISITION HELL- hardly California Dreaming!
- #’I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!’ says Britney Bird as ALL Psychiatric SURVIVORS PLEAD!!!! Britney says she experiences ‘stress & anxiety’- no major diagnosis like Bipolar Disorder is up for discussion but follow the rises & declines of our NEUROTRANSMITTERS & WE’LL IDENTIFY OUR MENTAL CHALLENGES as diagnosed by Doctors??!!!
- #MENTAL ILLNESS LABEL FREE ZONE- PSYCH. LABELLING FORBIDDEN AT ALL TIMES! Thanks, Britney! Our Bipolar Best Wishes! Yes- Shy & Introverted but when the Neurotransmitter levels change in us- ‘The Official Biological-Chemical Interpretation!
- #BRITNEY’S WELL- ALMOST O.K.- Her Conservatorship been DRIVING HER CRAZY!!!
- Psych. Survivors of FORCED mental illness care CONTROL & TREATMENT ABUSE eschew being labelled- #I AM A REAL HUMAN BEING- NOT A DIAGNOSIS, LABEL, Shrink’s Patient- or Herded Farm Animal!!!! #And in this same sane Body, I am also A REAL HUMAN BEING- NOT A DIAGNOSIS…
- #YOU CAN STICK YOUR MENTAL ILLNESS LABELS UP YOUR PIG ___!!!! Forcing so-called ‘TREATMENT’ & LABELLING COERCIVELY is a FOOL’S GAME! Just as with overbearing COVID vaccine Campaigns- SURPRISE! FREE SPIRITED citizens REBEL AGAINST Big Brother Governments spreading an ENDLESS WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC of labelling, dividing & criminalizing people arbitrarily- by the Inquisition, Witch Trials, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Wahabi Sharia Rules, Zealot 9-11 Suicide Fascists & Pres. Biden’s new Friends with BENEFITS- The Taliban: America taking it up the Rear Admiral!
- #FORCING COVID TREATMENTS & STOPPING ALL INALIENABLE HUMAN RIGHTS & FREEDOMS, BEGS HUMAN BEINGS TO REBEL against losing your employment, career, housing, assets, inalienable rights, ability to travel, enter restaurants, sports & entertainment venues…
- Britney Spears as a Psych. Survivor, demands Control over OUR OWN LIVES & RESOURCES targeted for our benefit! ‘OOPS- SORRY BRITNEY- WE DID IT AGAIN- SPENT ANOTHER $100 MILLION OUT OF YOUR TRUST!!!’ SIN-cerely, Your Bloated Bloodsuckers!
- #Scotty- Captain Kirk orders you to beam Britney up to The Captain’s LOG!!!’ Dad conceding before Judge Penny- ‘My Conservatorship ain’t worth a Plum Nickel- No Offence intended, Judge Penny!
- ‘If my young B. wants to terminate the Conservatorship & my young B. believes she can handle her own life- she should be given the chance!!!!’ My ungrateful young B. but after I get my $2 million buy out… Court Hearing is for Sept. 29? Judge Penny will want continued evidence Britney is mentally, emotionally & behaviorally STABLE & HEALTHY with SAFEGUARDS IN PLACE! 2 failed marriages circa 2004- including a 55 hour Bipolar MANIA? induced marriage to a childhood Friend??! Third Time LUCKY Britney!!! Judge Penny to TOSS OUT OLD BOSS? Appoint NEW BOSS CONSERVATOR- PLEASE- NOT SAME AS THE OLD BOSS STEALING HER TRUST??? THE KEY SONG Britney Sings- I CAN NOW GET SOME- I CAN GET SOME- STABILITY! OH YES! YES! YES!!!! Britney entering Neurotransmitter SERENITY AT LAST???
- Texas’s NEW Ovarian Affairs Employment Opportunities! Britney told Judge Penny- ‘I want to be able to get married & have a BABY!’ Oh- HOW TEXAS LONGS TO HEAR PRECIOUS Mississippi Southern Belle Britney speaking on behalf of every Maternal Inspired Women!!!! We are all traumatized by the number of reckless pregnancies & abortions but Texas is attempting THE IMPOSSIBLE- STOPPING ABORTIONS by enlisting CITIZENS to SNITCH on any women seeking an abortion. Anyone helping becomes liable to pay a $10,000 BOUNTY- PRYING INTO WOMEN’S OVARIAN AFFARS is Texas’s # 1 new growth profession?
- America’s Conservative Supreme Court is also an enabler- sneaking around under midnight darkness oil lanterns, approving Phony Emergency ‘Temporary’ Decrees without any PUBLIC SCRUTINY, Justification or Lower Court extensive discussion & review… A DISGRACE of Jurisprudence, America! We can’t enslave Women as BABY MACHINES like in earlier centuries nor stop them from exercising Control over their own Bodies in ‘ME TOO’ ‘CANCEL CULTURE’ TIMES!!! Not like Pres. Biden’s Wahabi TALIBAN NEGOTIATING PARTNERS- FRIENDS GIVEN SPECIAL BENEFITS IN REMEMBRANCE of 9-11 ATROCITIES- Today STILL BEATING & TORTURING, STILL USING CHILDREN AS S__ SLAVES… Bonzo Biden Goes to Washington & SHOWERS his 9-11 Taliban ‘Partners’ WITH $80+ BILLION in BRAND NEW WAR PLANES & Mass Destruction WEAPONS- SPREADING TALIBAN LED IRON FISTED TERRORISM!
- But suppressing ABORTIONS DOESN’T WORK- DRIVES Substandard ‘Underground’ Risky Practices- CAUSING MISERY FOR U>S>A>LL!!! Americans do not TRUST GOVERNMENT TODAY- Move over China’s Social Credit Status System, Texas may OUT-SNITCH YOU! Anyone really want 24/7 Bounty Hunter Abortion SNITCHES= BIG BROTHER CONTROLLING OUR LIVES??? What’s next? Bounties on Erections at the Capital c/o Chuck Schumer’s CALL for ACTION??? Saucy COVID Viral co-creator? Fauci & Franken Scientist Daszak slipping a GAIN IN FUNCTION N.I.H. Endowment Fund for ‘WOO- WOO’ You Know Who- The Wuhan Research PANDORA’S BOX for Apocalyptic Catastrophes!!!
- #6 unemployed Nurses for Hire to watch your every waking minute including becoming excited as you dress!!!
- #Masochists Alert! 3 unwanted torturing outside abusive therapy sessions available weekly followed by Paparazzi harassing you to tears publicly!!! Extras- Attend Outside STRICTLY CHAINED & CONFINED NUT HOUSE PROGRAMS & be denied seeing your own children for missing a session!!!
- #Britney’s Bad Dad available for LOVINGLY pilfering Conservator Trust Funds like allocating over $900.000. for lawyers- payable by the Conservatee, to publicly air his genuine care & careful guidance as a selfless Conservator doting 24/7 contrary to widespread ‘malicious suggestions of malfeasance…’
- If your mood & thinking behavior changes are easily observable, you can ‘catch yourself in action’ or else video yourself discretely in day to day normal living! Is the person others see in you really the person you believe they see? If you are suffering mental illness, is your self perception, view of others & your World accurate or not? A great supportive Friend or Partner could also HELP YOU with GENTLE FEEDBACK… ORGANIC LOW COST GENTLE MENTAL HEALTH HEALING- HOW GREAT THOU (Healing) ART!!!! Ask yourself how like or unlike so-called ‘Normal Folks’ are your thinking & behaviors- if ‘N. Fs.’ are GOOD ROLE MODELS for COMPARISON? Is your LIVING BASICALLY HEALTHY or PUSHING for CONFLICT/DIVISIVENESS & DIFFICULTIES like today’s Political Warmongering in America? If emotional control is an issue, you can replay your 0 to 100 mph accelerating emotional outbursts- see yourself at both your worst & best!
- #WE ARE CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES U.S.A.LL!!!! CHOOSE & CHANGE- DECIDE THE TRUE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE! If you replay your obsessive compulsive behaviors, you can see how startling & distressing odd behaviors appear to everyone! But with mental illnesses our sensory input may be way off base. For anorexia nervosa- fear of gaining body weight inducing extreme thinness, a chart of 10 body sizes can be shown with the question, which body size is ‘NORMAL?’ A sufferer points to extreme thinness! So we can track & begin to understand our changing moods, thinking, behaviors & now sensory & bodily inputs. Mental Illness involves ALL FIVE- our moods, thinking, behavior, sensory & bodily inputs. If we could only step away from our FAB FIVE- WASH THEM CLEAN & PUT THEM BACK ON OUR INVIOLABLE SPIRITUAL ESSENCE!!!! Always in your HEART- You in MINE LOVE LOVE LOVE TILL YOU FEEL HEALTHY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED- and $56 million like Britney!!!!!!!!! In Your Golden Happiness Rainbow HEART After Storms Pass!!! Sept. 13, 2021 by Brianca Lane Lightning Crashing Everywhere Angels are LAUGHING WITH U.S.A.ll Loving You Dearly, Brianca Lane ANGELS, DEMONS & DRAMA QUEENS = HIGH ANXIETY!!! Sept. 20, 2021 Do we LABEL or LOVE our Beloved Friends, Relatives & Stars experiencing Mental Challenges? #Mental Illness LABEL FREE ZONE- Britney Spears asks! Are Mental Health Labels HELPFUL to our PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING but DANGEROUS & AGAINST our Inalienable & Constitutional Rights & Freedoms? #ILLNESS LABELS R NOT HELPING SAVE nor COMFORT OUR LIVES, FEED, Cloth & Educate our POOR; NOT Addressing Historic Wrongs, Entrenched Inequity, Iniquity & Discrimination! Shelter U.S.A.ll from Social Cultural & Climate Change Super Storms = HIGH ANXIETY: Canada’s two faced Politicians- like in so called ‘progressive’ socially conscious Countries, are “Sensitively” considering legalizing killing Mental Patients as a Final Fascist Solution instead of offering REAL PRACTICAL HELP, LIFE’S NECESSITIES of DAILY LIVING for our Most Vulnerable!!!! September College Celebrations kick start Innocent Young Women Hating Season- dozens of COLLEGE FROSH FEMALES are SACRIFICIAL LAMBS in London, Ontario- Suffering rape ‘knock out’ Cosby Specials! slipped into their drinks- Women Survivors too afraid or ashamed to jump into the Justice System Ring of Fire!
- #No Justice- No Freedom!!! But not by simply unleashing ‘The Dogs of War in Society!’ Or #GIMME THEM OLD TIME CURES? An Gentlemanly elderly Relative told me they used to ‘sensitively’ ‘tar & feather’ brutes to teach them what they obviously don’t learn 160 years later in College today!!! Or lock ’em on public display in a Pillory & encourage rotten tomato tossing- Our Ancestors understood what Societal rehab. works to prevent recidivism! We see children raised in deprivation to become bad criminals- neglected, unloved & uncared for since inception! Suffering early childhood deprivations = Bad Outcomes! #Today’s CRIMINALS CATCH & RELEASE is part of Pres. Biden’s Pandora’s Box to address ‘White Guilt’ & over criminalizing Minorities- a Spiral of Chaotic SOCIAL DISEASE PANDEMIC Pundit Conservatives curse!!! We’ve seen Generational Oppression- we commit to Generational Justice, Affirmative Action & Revival! Our U.S. Tribal System is “A House Divided Against Itself & Cannot Stand” (Pres. Lincoln.) Pres. Reagan ‘ROSE AGAIN from the Other Side TO THE CHALLENGE’- addressing our HIGH ANXIETY by his REASSURING VOICE sensitively inviting all points of view to ‘LISTEN TO ONE ANOTHER AROUND THE TABLE!’ “#WHEN THINGS AREN’T GOING WELL, IT IS YOUR CHARACTER WHICH HOLDS YOU TOGETHER!!!” Lincoln spoke simply- “I DO GOOD- I FEEL GOOD! I DO BAD- I FEEL BAD!”
- P.S. Jan. 6 Erection & Occupation? About the (Pelosi) Schumer Jan. 6 ‘Erection’ at the Capitol, Trump’s personal advisor alleges Pres. Trump offered 20,000 National Guards to attend on Jan. 6 to KEEP THE PEACE! But Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi DECLINED THE OFFER, ENABLING THE RIOTOUS ‘Erection’ & OCCUPATION to HAPPEN…
- Among younger teens, smoking DOPE can lower I.Q. by 8 points- watching M.T.V. or gaming ALL DAY!? My CRAZY Politicians allow a DOPE STORE near 3 schools in my Pleasantville Community- ‘A coke & some DOPE to GO?’ Trying to read & remember Jack & Jill going up for a THRILL rhymes in my nearby HIGH School!!! 100’s of Ganja Stores approved by my Government, Live Sports Gambling, Alcohol, etc. Did you know any amount of Alcohol is toxic to our Brain? A Miracle as many children achieve Adulthood intact, Big Brother Government putting every stumbling block in place against our beloved children’s success! How are children to know Right from Wrong if our Leaders are our Worst Characters!
- Pres. Biden also sucks & blows at America’s Southern Border like a demonic Angel bringing in millions of unknown illegal migrants, spreading chaos, crime, killer opioids & diseases! Our Western Governments enmeshed in China’s Silk Road Plans to create a controlling web in every Country! China operates a Police Force in Canadian cities to control Chinese Nationals in Canada & their Relatives back in China! Canada’s P.M. Turd-Eau, calls a 2 year early snap half a $Billion Election, having driven inflation skyrocketing like Pres. Biden in America! in the middle of the DELTA COVID VARIANT 4th Wave- INEXPERIENCED SURFERS RIDING COVID WAVES AMONG HUNGRY SHARKS!!! In America about 1 in 300 have been eaten alive by COVID!!! SOCIAL DISTANCING & 1 powerful shot, 2 triple layer masks for me! Otherwise, COVID holds my ticket!
- #SPREADING HATE IS NOT LOVING AMERICAN Blacks, First Nations, 2SpiritLGBTQ+?, Citizens facing Mental & Physical Illness Challenges! Facing REAL Mental Health Challenges involves VERY HARD WORK- Angelic Patience & Grace! U.S. Parks explorer, charismatic & endearing Angel Gabriel ‘Gabby’ Petito- age 22 said, “Some days I just really have BAD O.C.D.” Her fiance stepped in their travel van home with his dirty shoes triggering her O.C.D.? An upsetting violent argument ensued-
- Her Fiance grapping at her Face & Neck- like Brad Pitt allegedly assaulting Angelina Jolie! HIGH ANXIETY EVERYWHERE ACROSS AMERICA… Passersby called police for Gabby’s safety! Police decided not to rescue our floundering swimmer from demonic assault surf. Violence by angry men against children & Women especially must be taken seriously! Where’s the specific protocol protection follow up for several days assuring Gabby is SAFE! Speculation is Gabby perished circa late August- Her fiance killer returning home alone with her van- hiding among the LIZARDS in SHAME!!!
- ASK BRITNEY Spears about her LONGER & HARDER ROAD LESS TRAVELLED- how her ‘anxiety & stress’ was greeted by an unsympathetic media & oppressive not so ‘temporary’ Conservatorship system!!!!
- #SLAM BAM- WE OWN YOU & YOUR ASSETS NOW MA’AM!!! Western Society Mental Hospitals were closed to save $$$- throwing patients out without funding being attached to them- Alone but still challenged by mental illness! Many Countries simply refuse to even acknowledge Mental Illness exists- Treatment isn’t available nor acceptable… Western Countries offer Treatment Availability by Tribe & Social Class… We are treated BAD KINDLY or BAD TERRIBLY w/o $$$!
- #Canada’s Supreme Court & Big Brother are co-conspirators in Genocide against Citizens Facing Mental & Physical Illnesses, Disability & needing $$$HELP!!! From about ages 16 & up! Blacks- Genocide targeted! 2SpiritLGBTQ+?- targeted! Indigenous! Victims of Poverty &other discriminated against Groups! Also facing Genocide! #
- #Britney was forced to pay to be oppressed- to pay her Oppressors!!!!!! How many Veterans are essentially homeless or poverty stricken, challenged by mental illness as well- ‘Jim Crow Practices against undesirable Tribes & Classes continue today under COVID COVER- a disposable citizens Class!!! #Our power crazed Politicians & now our formerly respected public health scientists- TELL MANY POLITICALLY CHARGED LIES- SO FEW TRUTHS, no one Believes what they say anymore! 1 in 300 U.S. deaths to date since COVID was recognized in China circa Oct., 2019! Equivalent to China’s P.L.A. dropping a nuclear bomb on the U.S.??? The simple truth is strict initial protocols, social distancing, testing, testing, testing & isolating our infected… could have prevented spread as are outlined in ancient historical & Religious texts- with varying success. China’s infected flew everywhere instead of limiting Global spread to China! Many scientists are throwing in the towel- saying this Apocalyptic Lab Created Gain in Function! What will next be released ‘ACCIDENTALLY’ AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE?!!
- AND YOU WON’T FEEL A THING!!! BE YOUR OWN BEST THERAPIST- “TAKE UP YOUR SICKBED & WALK!” In the future, a Hospital Horror Show- ‘Doc, I Feel So Depressed all the time!’ Well this is YOUR LUCKY DAY!!! Our Demonic Wolves in Sheep Clothing Politicians have just approved a FINAL PERMANENT SOLUTION for ALL INSUFFERABLE MENTAL ILLNESSES- AND YOU WON’T FEEL A THING!!! (In 1930’s Germany, Psychiatrists brought ‘patients & other undesirables’ into Hospital to EXPIRE- not INSPIRE them. Hitler got his FINAL SOLUTION from Psychiatric FINAL CARE!!! Jews to ‘THE SHOWERS’ inspired by Psychiatric 1930’s beliefs… As anticipated, the SLIPPERY SLOPE is falling from helping kill our ‘incurable dying,’ suffering citizens, to killing perfectly healthy young citizens because ‘I DON’T LIKE MONDAYS!’-with great promising lives ahead upon excellent compassionate help- especially Self Help- BEING YOUR OWN BEST INSPIRATIONAL THERAPISTS! (Years ago, remember watching Britney Spears beginning to lose it- struggling- ‘C’mon Britney- Get it together Girl!!’ LOVE Britney’s Emotional Depth- Oceans of Emotions! Jesus said “TAKE UP THY BED & WALK- or DANCE for Britney!!!” Canada’s P.M. Turd-Eau LOVES STRONG WOMEN but not like his former Cabinet Female Empathetic Brainy Doctor Cabinet Minister nor his former Justice Minister & Attorney General- Brilliant, Integrity Inspired, Indigenous Leader & Liberated Spirit… P.M. Turd-Eau secretly fancies almost Misogynistic Wahabi Zealot Isis & Taliban Afghanistan… China P.L.O. Authoritarian Rule,
- demands Women DO EXACTLY WHAT THEY’RE TOLD TO DO & WHEN THEY’RE TOLD TO DO IT- without being asked!!! Or SUNNY WAYS Turd-eau SUNSETS- EXPLODING DEMONS EMERGE!!! Yes- We may be Mentally Ill but our Politicians are DANGEROUSLY, VIOLENTLY CRAZY!!! Incredible BIG fines for a Parent & child playing together in a public Park w/o Big Brother’s arbitrary consent. Vancouver, B. C.’s Stanley Park closed- coyotes becoming the bosses after losing their fear- HIGH ANXIETY for Humans!!! Walking in my local woods, coyotes howling & screeching- they pick up my scent somehow- THE WOLF!!! None show themselves to THE WOLF!!! Become absolutely still & quiet- I never see them but they can be everywhere!!!
- BIPOLAR BEAUTIES!!! Do our BEST DRAMA QUEENS ARISE by personal struggles with Mental Illness! Watched Britney Struggle… Halsey says her mild Bipolar acted as The REAL Springboard to her Success- her own Body/Brain Neuroleptics Mania Heaven but Halsey actually DIDN’T LIKE the ‘POPular Successful $$$ Person she became thanks to productive ‘Mild Superwoman Mania!’ My Brother sadly points to a less successful struggle by talented ‘child star’ Amanda Bynes- 35, who like Britney grew up alongside her FAB young fans! Becoming addicted to Adderall- an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder drug & experiencing Mental Illness breakdown like Britney, she WAS ALSO FORCIBLY SUBJECTED to a 72 hour so-called Mental Health Hold Evaluation & PLACED UNDER her Mom’s ‘TEMPORARY’ CONSERVATORSHIP- still ongoing? Our Beloved Bipolar Pop Princess Britney controlled by her Power & Control FREAK Money Hungry Pop!!! (Says he saved his beloved Daughter, Britney bringing him HIGH ANXIETY 24/7 about her care!)
- #O.K.- Imagine Britney’s Life had her Dad not had her placed under Conservatorship! Yes- Britney’s Life entirely FREE ACCORDING TO HER DECISIONS- TELL US BRITNEY-0! WOULD YOU HAVE BEEN IN PERFECT POP PRINCESS DREAMLAND LIVING A FAIRYTALE LIFE SINCE circa 2008!!!????
- Just like Britney, Amanda’s Conservator-Mom denied her wish to Marry… FREE SPIRITED CITIZENS experiencing a temporary Nervous BIPOLAR Breakdown BEING SWEPT UP under a 72 hour Psychiatric Mental Health ‘Evaluation’ Hold- ALL INALIENABLE RIGHTS STOLEN? Britney says she had phoned in for her Psychiatric Meds. using a fake British Accent , the Friday before her TAKEDOWN!!! Do We Lose Ourselves in Movie Drama Queen Magic seeking INCREASED EMOTIONAL HEIGHTS & DEPTHS w/o CONSEQUENCES? STRUGGLES with Mental Illness creating Great Comedians, Artists & Actors RISING FROM FLAILING, DROWNING SWIMMERS in LIFE’S EMOTIONAL OCEANS to WORLD CLASS SURFERS RIDING WAVES!?!! If they help us by Speaking about their personal struggles about Emotional & Mental Stability, will we LABEL THEM or LOVE THEM? Do Neurotransmitters strongly push our activity & energies for involvement??? Whoa- Big Brother/Uncle Sam is calling me away today- Back soon- to be cont’d…. Always in YOUR HEART!!!! YOU IN MINE!!! Love You Truly, Sept. 20, 2021 by Brianca Lane OUR SUPERSTARS vs. DEMONIC CONTROL FREAKS!!! Sept. 27, 2021 You-all know ‘#Britney’s Not a SLAVE $4 U’ but a Security Firm “Black Box is ‘proud’ of their ‘work’ keeping Ms. Spears ‘safe’ for many years? by ‘mirroring her phone calls & text messages’ including-
- CAGED Free Spirit Britney Bird subjected to 13 years of “EMBARRASSING & DEMORALIZING” SLAVERY & ABUSES!!!! My Brother says how PAINFUL HER CAPTIVITY MUST HAVE BEEN- BRITNEY READILY ADMITS SHE IS A ‘TOTAL CONTROL FREAK.’ SUFFERING 1984 Big Brother Chinese P.L.O. Dick-tatorship style scrutiny 24/7 including ‘intercepting SACROSANCT Attorney- Client Privileged Communications! ‘DISGRACEFUL- a SHAMEFUL, SHOCKING VIOLATION of Britney’s PRIVACY & CIVIL LIBERTIES!!!!’ Britney’s Lawyer ROARS in anger!
- #SHAME on Britney Spear’s Handlers for enslaving her but SHAME ON US for not showing our COMPASSIONATE HEARTS for everyone else so ill used? Speaking of being targeted as #Human Bank Machines, Beloved Britney’s 100’s of missing $$$millions?
- are Vacci-Nazis ‘IN YOUR FACE’ if you are labelled an ‘ANTI-VACCER’ by our Vacci-Nazis? EXCLUDED, FIRED, LIVING IN WRETCHED POVERTY for REFUSING VACCINE MANDATES- treated as 2nd class citizens unworthy of Society’s Health & all other Social Benefits? Yet over 100 million Americans have NATURAL BROAD IMMUNITY by COVID-19 infection- but are still discriminated against! Vaccines do not stop infection spread or kill COVID nor prevent endless new variations emerging, but are to lessen severe infection damage!
- #From 5 to 105, we’ve got you all in our vaccine $$$target sights!!! But poorer Countries have minimal population percentage protection enabling COVID-19 damage to flourish! Pres. Biden is looking to send out millions of charitable doses along with other contributing wealthy donor Countries!
- Sad to hear Whistleblowers claim China may have accidentally or DELIBERATELY SPREAD Covid-19 by the World Military Games at Wuhan in October, 2019- over 9,000 athletes from about 107- 140 Countries participated in unknowingly spreading COVID, suggest frightened Intelligence Authorities. W/o vaccine shots, C.D.C. says we have 5X the rate of COVID- 19 infection, 10x hospitalization & 11x visiting beloved Angel Gabby Petito- sharing her SHINING KINDNESS!!!
- Israel Doctors are shocked to see almost half of hospital & dying victims having had their shots- presumably new variants are more contagious & protection is waning. China’s biological EVER READY BUNNY BIOLOGICAL NUCLEAR BOMB infecting millions? #Pharmaceutical C.E.O.s wet dream is to see everyone on Earth endlessly buying their vaccines which enable COVID TO LIVE & CREATE NEW VARIANTS! Population control?
- #About 1 in 300 Americans- down & out. Republican ANTI-VAXXERS being taken out disproportionately while millions of unvaccinated, disease carrying, illegal immigrants are welcomed across the American Southern Border! Asking they voluntarily show for immigration hearings years in the future! #If you can’t smell conspiracy theories, see your specialist- Ha! Ha!
- Congressional Leaders are calling for an overhaul of Britney Style Conservatorship SLAVERY- essentially ‘HORSEWHIPPING’ too many HELPLESS VICTIMS SIMPLY TRYING TO FIND DELIVERANCE & HELP, FREEDOM & HAPPINESS!!! FREEDOM, LIFE, LIBERTY, INDIVIDUAL PURSUIT of HAPPINESS- 1984 Big Brother watching us 24/7 like Britney ‘for our own safety!’ Giving everyone a ‘Social Credit Score’ under ‘Mark of the Beast Rules’ to determine our punishments or privileges!?? Hong Kong GONE- Taiwan- SOON? Everyone gather at ‘The Round Table’ AS EQUALS, CAREFULLY RESPECTFULLY LISTENING & UNDERSTANDING ONE ANOTHER’S HOPES & DREAMS- CO-OPERATIVELY BUILDING ANEW #TOGETHER- MEUSCAN-DO!!! TOGETHER APART… Pres. Reagan LOVES OUR SLOGAN- HE REALLY GETS IT!!!!! A Heavenly #1 HIT!!!!!! But turning to brighter lights on Life’s Stage-
- Actress Amanda Bynes- her last movie circa 2010, shared Britney like breakdowns- eventually voicing in detail her Manic Depression- Bipolar Struggles. A Burning Question for you: If a good talented STAR-or anyone is severely challenged by mental illness so they say Outrageous Comments, experience delusions, psychosis, etc., shouldn’t we easily forgive them afterwards? Yes or No? Amanda is so saddened she feels she blew her career by acting out- beset by Delusions, etc. Should we FORGIVE or ask for accountability? Move forward together?
- #You said totally CRAZY TALK but if I was TOTALLY NUTS, I’d say more outrageous things than you! I can beat your butt at anything- including CRAZY TALK too!’ So you think you’re Tight as Britney’s Butt! ‘it’s illness speaking’ as Amanda explains!
- #Don’t BLAME ME-It’s the ILLNESS you See-
- But has Amanda BOUNCED BACK? #Britney’s supporters are in awe of Britney’s incredibly OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE- her string of successful recordings, touring, residency, endorsements, t.v. talent judge oversight on American Idol, X-Factor. How is she so ‘INCAPABLE’ when she is clearly so CAPABLE?!! Oh- her Conservatorship iron controls enable her ascendancy no matter her mental health challenges??? Britney’s Conservatorship is her ‘white privilege entitled’ cross to bear? A WONDERFULLY COMPETENT ENTERTAINER, FORCED TO LIVE A DUAL LIFE- REALLY AN ENSLAVED BIRD IN A 24/7 LOCKED CAGE as Britney explained to Judge Penny this summer! ‘Trying to fake happiness’ ’till you make it!’ Britney said. D Day COMING for Britney Landing on the L.A. Beaches to FIGHT BACK?!!
- Clearly, many Health Care Practitioners applied themselves tirelessly to HELP Britney over 13 years of her incredibly productive & talented enslavement while simultaneously medically describing Britney as 100% incompetent to barely feed or dress herself??? Oh- REALLY!!!
- #FORCED TREATMENT IS ABUSIVE TREATMENT… Britney’s health is Britney’s Personal NAKED Affair- Butt Out!!!
- #Mental Illness Booby & Butt LABEL FREE ZONE- Thank You!!!!
- #I’M A TOTAL CONTROL FREAK- DON’T FORCE ME TO DO ANYTHING or ACCEPT ANY SO CALLED “HELP & TREATMENT!” Therapists often face rebel w/o a cause teens dumped at their doorstep by frustrated parents- who instruct the ‘Shrink’ to “FIX IT!!!” Like they tell their PLUMBER-
- P.S. Speaking with a Psychologist, asked why so many child-teen Entertainment Balls of Entertainment Energy STARS are felled or righteously challenged by Mental Illness Struggles like Bipolar/Manic-Depression in their early adulthood! In Rock Music- our tragic age ’27 Club Members’ die young & ‘Leave Forever Beautiful’ at the peak of their STARDOM like Rolling Stones Founder Bipolar bedeviled Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse. Or sometimes allegedly pushed over the edge for $$$ like Jimmy Hendrix??? Mick & Keith unintentionally ‘killing’ Brian Jones by booting him at his vulnerable Bipolar moments???
- #Mental Illness Label FREE- Britney Spears! A struggling drowning swimmer, her own Family with Blood Thirsty Sharks allegedly feasting on her, supporters ask or say- Britney JUST NEEDED COMPASSIONATE LOVING KINDNESS??? Janis Joplin was voted the Ugliest Man on campus by Texas Frat Rats! Sex slave trafficking & brutality in every Country- Indigenous, Visible Minority Women & helpless children. Too many tears for our Breaking Hearts!!!!
- #The Day the Music died in Afghanistan THANKS- Joe Biden for nothing! Taliban refusing women government jobs, education, etc.; MUSIC & DANCING- the essence of LIVING JOYFULLY & FREE; DESTROYING or SEIZING ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; CELEBRATIONS INVOLVING Male- Female Closeness & DANCING BANNED! No ‘Dancing in The Street!’ by Martha & The Vandellas in Afghanistan!
- #Play D.I.T.S. or early Beatles songs at the Taliban 24/7 until they sing along or surrender!!!! ‘Cause I’m HAPPY JUST TO DANCE WITH YOU!’ (Beatles) America’s secret weapon-
- #FREE BRITNEY to create & send DANCE VIDEOS TO AFGHANISTAN! Bumper sticker-
- #Singing, Dancing & Rocking Out in Afghanistan!!!!
- #If Britney’s videos bomb by Taliban Suppression, we Bomb The Taliban AGAIN!!!!
- #Let Pres. Biden freely ride the first Cruise Missile against terrorists! Famous Joe Biden’s last words-
- #”I really didn’t want to ride this cruise missile but they told me I had to do it or I’d get in trouble…”
- Angel in Heaven- Gabby Petito the latest tragic victim by a Control Freak Coward!!!! #Men’s biggest HANG UP is wanting to OWN & CONTROL WOMEN?!! She- BLOSSOMING! LOVED BY SO MANY-
- #He- jealous, possessive- ‘If I can’t have/own her, I’ll- Yes- Beatles Sir Paul McCartney & John Lennon admitted to WIFE/GF BEATING! Like devils, their GFs were coerced into making their total appearance mirror France’s Sex Symbol, Brigette Bardot!!!
- #LET IT BE! I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow- my time too brief-Lift up Your Hearts! “If there is a relationship you’re in that might not be the best for you…” Gabby’s Nature was to smile- treat everybody with kindness! Gabby LOVED LIFE & LIVED HER LIFE EVERY SINGLE DAY to ENJOY EVERY MOMENT IN THIS BEAUTIFUL WORLD- to LOVE & GIVE LOVE to ALL!!!! #JUSTICE FOR GABBY!!! ‘No one should have to find their child on their own!!!’ Police intercepted them & separated them for the night BUT SHOULD HAVE REQUIRED GABBY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH THEM ABOUT HER SAFETY & WHEREABOUTS…. Female Park Supervisor INTUITIVELY IDENTIFIED TO GABBY THE RELATIONSHIP WAS DANGEROUSLY TOXIC- ‘ACT TO END IT WHEN YOU GET HOME’- HER 6th sense INTUITION SO CLOSE TO SAVING GABBY from Aug. 27 + SUCH A STRONG BEAUTIFUL SPIRITUAL LIGHT LOST to US ALL On yer knees Sir Paul McCartney for your MYSOGYNISTIC AFGHANI LIKE BRUTALITY ENABLING WIFE & GF BEATERS TO FOLLOW YOUR EXAMPLE INTO DAMNATION!!!!!
- #TEXAS BABY’S for BIRTHING LIBERATION MOVEMENT- GET PREGNANT NOW & GIVE BIRTH LATER- on our 9 month payment plan! Texas is still lining up young women in its sights over 6 week pregnancy abortion cut-off baby heartbeat laws. If Big Brother Texas, etc. owns Young Women’s Bodies, at least accept responsibility for total Health Care & All Costs for Mom & Baby in birthing & raising in loving healthy homes & environments.
- #Is ’60’s Women’s Liberation Movement still ALIVE & KICKING??? Our BODIES- OUR CHOICE!!! vs. Control Freak Taliban Texans carrying a big whip & vicious spurs for breaking in wild young female broncos???
- P.S. Are ‘pre-Bipolar’ child stars possessing ALL THE RIGHT ENERGETIC STAR POWER CHARISMA we demand from our Entertainers? But which eventually overwhelms their Health?
- #TOO MUCH of a GOOD THING- ‘overstimulating ice cream & candy theatre’ MAKES U.S. A.LL SICK?!! Is the Pop/Rock Star MANIA followed by young adulthood DEPRESSING DOWNS- A Life Style KILLING our DRAMA Kings & Queenies? All the OVERSTIMULATING EXPECTATIONS & PERFORMANCES TRIGGERING MOOD SWING EXTREMES in ENTERTAINMENT SHARK INFESTED FROTHY SURF? #May we PLEASE have Social Psychology Researchers STUDY why so many Star Studded Entertainers & Actors FACE Mental Illness- Bipolar Manic Depression- BEATLEMANIA! BRITNEYMANIA! Always in YOUR HEARTS- YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!! Sept. 27, 2021 Always Loving You, Brianca Lane SECRET ‘SWEETY’ SUPERSTARS R US- FRUIT FOR THE PICKING vs. POWER CRAZIES & ILLNESSES!!!! Oct. 4, 2021 Effortless FUN but Not So Innocent Seductress- Britney Spears vs. ‘LOOKISM:’ Southern Belle ‘CUTY- PIE’ STYLE & ‘ATHLETIC ABLEISM’ + White Privilege Entitled & TALENTED with CHARISMA & FULL ON SPARKLING STARDOM! But what if Britney looked like a HOUND DOG without her hair extensions & makeup- SANG in Howling Doggy Style Vocals as she hunted for Stardom- WOOF! WOOF!! ‘You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog’ but you’re the BEST DANG FRIEND OF MINE Britney?!!!
- Ms. Fruity Tooty & Me: Some Protector: A funny animal Best Friend Story- My FRUITY FILLED BEST APPLE TREE IS CRAZY ABOUT ME- an’ me for Her! If we mated, our children would have APPLESAUCE BRAINS??? Walking out of the dark woods, a Deer dashed away madly from chomping on my Ripe Apples- Ouch! Ha! Ha! Too smart for my own britches, I approached her imagining she would ‘RETREAT!’ Instead her eyes SPARKLED BRIGHTLY- ‘Why I SPY OUR DEER FRIEND’S BEST HUMAN BUDDY WITH FRUITY BENEFITS BRI! INVITING U.S.A.LL BACK TO FRUIT GARDEN FROLICS! Overwhelmed by my LOVE BOMBING DEEREST FRIENDS, I walked sheepishly BACK to Ms. FRUITY TOOTY Apple of my Eye, my DELIGHTED DEEREST Friend just beyond the universal 6 feet+ Social Distancing Rule!!! Socially considerate, she stood respectfully back allowing me to select the first ripe apples. Deer are so like humans do you think? Oh- You do LOVE ANIMAL STORIES?
- Yes- Our Ancestors so loved their Horsey Friends, they often slept out in the stables. As a young child, my Mom often visited a Relative who worked with big horses! But no Horsing Around at the Livery Stables! Today, many are converted into diners, etc. Did you hear about ‘The World’s Smartest Horse,’ Beautiful Jim Key circa 1900? Reportedly he could spell, read, write, make change, do math, answer questions about Politicians competency, etc. Jim was regarded as being at the intellectual level as if in Grade 5 or 6 -allegedly won at spelling contests! Do you think a Beautiful Jim Key Horse would be able to help Pres. Biden make smarter decisions? SHOW SOME HORSE SENSE- ‘Joe you stubborn MULE?!!’ Could a smart dog could teach old President Joe new tricks- not to wag his tail so much favoring Afghani terrorist enemies??? Pres. Biden refused to accept his Generals’ advice about how to leave Afghanistan resulting in U.S. TOTAL HUMILIATION before the rag tag Victorious Taliban Wahabi Misogynistic Terrorists! Forbidding Women working in Government, as Teachers, Judges.; denying education, protesting, representation; criminalizing groups in laws, etc.; seizing female children as ‘wives,’ abusing young boys, torturing & mass slaughtering- exactly like 20 years before the American occupation began.
- Sounds like the enslavement & genocide of Indigenous First Nations in The Americas over centuries including the 140 Residential Schools under Church-Run Government-Funded Torture, Brainwashing & Exploitation Genocide between 1831 & 1998 to tame ‘THE SAVAGES’ as Canada’s first P.M. John A. McDonald said in Parliament! Canada held it’s First ‘Truth & Reconciliation National Holiday’ on Sept. 30! P.M. ‘Turd-eau’ celebrated by going SURFING* (*eau is water in French- Pre-cognitively describing the P.M. SURFING!) on the B.C. Canada Coast as if the National Holiday he had just Proclaimed into Law didn’t actually exist- ignoring all nearby First Nations Solemn Commemorative Events & the 100’s of children dumped in unmarked graves in B.C.- EVENTS HE WAS SUPPOSED TO ATTEND ON BEHALF OF ALL CANADIANS! #Are Politicians sometimes the LOWEST of the BEASTS???
- Imagine enjoying a horse as a fellow student at school! Horsing around until the teacher says- ‘That’s ENOUGH HORSING AROUND FOR EVERYONE TODAY! Back to your books & computers- YOU TOO Jim Key, World’s Smartest Horse! This is a school, not a stable!’
- #Did you realize our pets help our mental & physical HEALTH & STABILITY? In school out West at Canada’s U.B.C., every year a naked voluptuous women with long Golden hair- & even longer Golden hair up top, dressed like 11th century Lady Godiva protesting excessive taxation & the plight of the poor, allegedly rides naked on a white stallion around the campus to stimulate the Student Body!
- #What do girls & women think of this earlier form of attention grabbing PROTEST-? YES- we speak of 11th century Anglo-Saxon Noblewoman Lady Godiva today! Copied by many POP STARS- ATTENTION SEEKING BEHAVIORS!!!
- #Star Taylor Swift wears bright RED LIPSTICK- established by an Ancient Greek Custom as used BY PROSTITUTES TO GRAB CUSTOMER ATTENTION!!!! Taylor Swift, we’re not calling you a Prostitute- just bringing you up to date about what BRIGHT RED LIPSTICK IS RECOGNIZED FOR IN MARKETING from Ancient Greece to today!!! Locally, my nearby University went wild this weekend- no vaccine card passes, face masks nor social distancing breaking COVID PROHIBITONS AGAINST HAVING FUN & SPREADING INFECTIOUS LAUGHTER! Football Game, partying students overturning a car, pulling out street signs- BUT NOT TURNING ANYONE ON LIKE SWEETY NAKED ‘LADY GODIVA’ on her stallion!!!
- P.S. COVID LOVES screaming folks in close quarters- so easy to spread infection & create new variants!!!
- #Do we need programs about Sentient Life RIGHTS, Justice & Reconciliation??? Humane Societies heralded Beautiful, Brainy Jim Key animals encouraging children & adults to always be KIND & CARING to animal life as fellow sentient conscious beings! Along with STOPPING Human Kind’s Climate Change Apocalypse, we must BLESS, CHERISH & recreate a LOVING, CONSCIOUS LIVING RELATIONSHIP with our Mother Nature/Earth and her incredible Rainbow of Sentient Life Forms/Expressions!!!!! Can hardly wait for my oak tree to grow up an’ produce NUTTY STORIES & SLOGANS for you!!!
- #TOXIC EMOTIONAL MENTAL HEALTH RELATIONSHIPS- WHEN YOUR PROTECTOR IS YOUR KILLER- GET OUT NOW BEFORE HE KILLS YOU!!!!! My first Psychiatrist Seductress lured me into the damning Psychiatric Wards- The S.S. Style Medical Experimenter/Tormentor demanding I ‘VOLUNTARILY SIGN AWAY ALL FREEDOMS, RIGHTS & ABILITY to CHALLENGE ANY COURSE OF ACTION or BAD OUTCOMES!!!’ Britney’s under a ‘VOLUNTARY so-called Conservatorship she fought against valiantly for 13 years until YOU INSPIRED & SAVED our BELOVED Singing Swimmer in Shark Infested Waters!!! Her allegedly abusive $$$ pilfering Dad removed by Judge Penny on the spot because ‘The Father Daughter Relationship is TOXIC!’ Delivered by the efforts of GOOD PEOPLE EVERYWHERE- #FREE Britney, Hollywood’s Stars & YOU! Britney’s lawyer petitioning to end her Conservatorship at the next Court Hearing! Gabby’s pre-cognitive anxiety tore her apart as she clung to her star crossed destiny with her alleged protector fiance tormentor- If only Gabby had heeded the 6th sense perceptive advice by a compassionate Park Supervisor- ‘Your relationship IS TOXIC- GET OUT (NOW) GABBY!’
- But what about the unseen, unheard millions unjustly oppressed everywhere without Britney’s $$$, High Visibility, LOOKISM, ‘CUTY-PIE STYLE,’ ABLEISM & STAR POWER? Or left behind in Afghanistan? Or locked away across America & elsewhere, subjected to ‘Community Treatment Orders,’ our communities becoming prisons like we experienced under COVID by our over the top- Autocratic Politicians!
- A Consortium of International Journalists- code Pandora Papers like previous Panama Papers, just released filing cabinets full of documents displaying our filthy rich political & business elites Worldwide bypassing all taxation requirements our Middle Class faithfully adheres to- Major Law Firms & Big Banks completely conspiring together against our Societies & Nations!!! Is our World Today almost OVER UNDER SIDEWAYS DOWN like Jeff Beck’s Yardbirds? Canada’s Turd-eau speaks about Indigenous Suffering- Truth & Reconciliation, but fights tooth & nail against Indigenous, Metis & Inuit Survivors receiving Court Awarded Compensation. 32 Reserves still must boil water to have safe water! Land Claims are constantly challenged or ignored until Courts & unrest FORCE ACTION!!! Living in 3rd World Conditions-
- A top level Facebook Executive Whistle Blower- Ms. Haugen, exposed that #young women were sucked into consuming Instagram Eating Disorder content, Depressing them in a Feedback Loop into worsening Depression, increased body hating, shaming & Eating Disorders! Please tell me you refuse to give in to ongoing Body Shaming, Eating Disorders, LOOKISM, ABLEISM, RACISM, AGEISM! #Yes- Evil/Evil Marketers intend TO HURT YOU & YOURS FOR THEIR $$$ ENRICHMENT & EVIL POWER SCHEMES!!! #Yes- They want to HURT YOU so FEEL FREE TO TELL THEM TO- Politely, of course- Ha! Ha!!!
- #FAST FOOD for THOUGHT for YOUR FASTER RECOVERY!!!! I remember my Eating Disorders well Horatio- GREAT SUFFERING about Personal & Body Control issues & ALWAYS BURIED EMOTIONAL ISSUES beside BEHAVIORAL & THINKING DISORDER. We may play THE BLAME GAME as to who ’caused’ our mental & emotional illnesses… but
- #BASICALLY WE HAVE TO HELP FIX OURSELVES! Together Apart, not try to explain away nor justify our helplessness & challenging illnesses & injuries! Society LOVES heroes & rescuers who attempt against all odds to save our HOPEFUL, BELIEVING, BLAMELESS vulnerable CHERISHED Struggling Swimmers!
- #No matter Who or What Circumstances caused our illnesses, we’re stuck having to fix the mess!!! Together Apart- Let’s Get Us All FIXED TODAY!!!! Oops, not like that!!!
- #Thankful to work Together- MeUsCan-Do! Apart, through all our insufferable illnesses towards Recovery as Our Own Best Therapists in LOVING PARTNERSHIP with OUR OWN BEST BODY, BRAIN & EMOTIONS- fast as we’s able!!!!
- #Life is BEAUTIFUL & PRECIOUS- but FRAGILE! No time for our self oppression or oppression by others like Britney Spears experienced!
- More FAST FOOD for Your Recovery-Anorexia Nervosa & Related Mental Illness Disorders are extremely dangerous: a 5- 10% death rate within 10 years, 20% after 20 years! My Family Doc demanded I go to the CRAZY HOUSE for a several weeks stay for my illness assessment- She later visited me, looked around saying, “IT’S TRUE- YOU CAN’T TELL THE PATIENTS FROM THE DOCTORS & OTHER HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS…” So we agreed ‘Why stay!!!’ Or ‘Why Be NORMAL America?’ Our DESTINY CALLING U.S.A.ll to OUR UNIQUENESS? GREATNESS!!!
- Shocked by how much the Nurses HATED their Anorexic Nervosa patients- hearing cruel & dangerous talk behind their backs, I EMBRACED Anorexia Patients! #Why Why Why- does anyone have to be so MEAN??? Patients- LOVED SOMEONE FINALLY ACCEPTING THEM!!! If they’re already so ill, why do Nurses have to be SO MEAN to them as well??? Angel Gabby asked her fiance killer? “Why do you always have to be so mean?”
- #LOVING SOMEONE MAKES U.S. A.LL BETTER AGAIN!!!! You’re NO LESS COMPETENT than I am or anyone else to RECOVER & ENJOY COMPLETE HEALTH- FREE FROM BODY SHAMING & EATING ISSUES!!! Like we encouraged Britney to finally say in her plea to Judge Penny in Conservatorship Court- #I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!!! If you are currently experiencing Body Shaming or Eating Disorders, be HONEST about it with YOURSELF for God’s sake! ‘I am Experiencing a Challenging ILLNESS & I have to TRY- WORK VERY HARD EVERY DAY TO BE MY BEST THERAPIST & RECOVER! Maybe accept outside help as well if we have the extra $$$, are covered by health care for Therapy. Work our way gradually back to Health from our illness issues, unhelpful behaviors & underlying emotional issues.
- #Can we imagine we can change everyone else before ourselves???
- Moms with impressionable tweeny daughters HATED Britney for inspiring their hormone fueled sans underwear craziness! A.M.E.C.- The Angry Moms Everywhere Curse held Britney pay dearly for modeling BAD BEHAVIOR?
- All you young anxiety-stress, manic-depressed young GIRL POWER or GUY POWER Budding Stars & Heroes- including today’s alleged 140 variations of sexual orientations & gender identities- IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVING, HONORING & RESPECTING YOUR BODY! ALL ABOUT BEING HEALTHY- STAND UP FOR YOUR BODY & WHO YOU ARE! BEING YOURSELF- SHOWING YOUR TRUE COLORS!!!
- P.S. If a Health Care Practitioner hits an impenetrable wall in a Patient’s Recovery, a Spirit of ’76 Declaration of Independence is when a Patient righteously declares-
- #I Just Want My Life Back!!!!! Our Women’s Rights Movement reportedly began in SENECA FALLS- inspiring “It’s a Wonderful LIfe!” featuring ‘Bedford Falls!’ Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz just wants to be back safe at home in Kansas! U.S. A.ll wants to be back on Sesame Street with Big Bird, Bert & Ernie- safe, innocent, loving every day Together Apart!!!
- #’I just want my inalienable RIGHTS!’ cried women & supporting men at Seneca Falls!!!!!!
- #WORDS SAVE & TAKE LIVES!!! Gabby saying- ‘Why do you have to be so mean?!!’ Gabby was 100% CLEAR, CLEAN & HONEST- a perfect communicator- visibly anxious & stressed! #Cops need to get their ACT TOGETHER or GET OUT of ‘Police Interaction Health Check- Citizen unfortunately suddenly expired?!!!
- Also our budding entertainers appear selected for their pre-bipolar mood & energy variations & charismatic personalities- becoming overworked & overstimulated to chase THE GOLDEN RING- ‘Triggered’ into serious mental illness breakdowns & diagnoses requiring years of therapy & being cared for! Can’t Britney Spears BE A NORMAL PERSON IN SPITE OF HER HEALTH CHALLENGES- BRITNEY SAYS SHE’S ‘FELT THE WEIGHT of THE WORLD ON HER SHOULDERS!’
- We need to EXAMINE & SHARPEN OUR PRE-COGNITION SKILLS to observe our likely Futures! Computer A.I. ‘Pre-cognition’ is replacing human planning & decision making- WE must stay ahead of our controlling machines! We have INALIENABLE RIGHTS!!! We are all STARS LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS & SENSITIVE ENCHANTING ANGELS LIKE GABBY PETITO- In Apocalyptic Times, our STRUGGLE BETWEEN GOOD vs. EVIL is BROUGHT to the FOREFRONT!!! We STAND TOGETHER APART! MeUsCan-Do! Will do MUST DO TO SAFEGUARD OURSELVES & OUR FUTURE!!!!! P.S. We see Critical Biden Theorists using our ‘The Swimmer & The Rescuer’ to define Pres. Biden struggling, beginning to drown- Is he finally getting his sea legs? Captain Kirk is 90 & heading into space so it’s FULL WARP SPEED AHEAD FOR US ALL SCOTTY!!! Always in Your Blessed Heart- You in Mine!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALWAYS, Oct. 4, 2021 by Brianca Lane #THANKS & GIVING = LIVING RELATIONSHIPS APPRECIATION MONTH!!!! OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT!!!! TRIBALISM: FRUITS & NUTS- UNDER THREAT!!!! Oct. 11, ’21
- #THANKS & GIVING = LIVING!!!! Britney Spears is ecstatic! We LOVING FANS SO HELPFULLY RESCUING our Princess of Pop- our Struggling Swimmer drowning in Big Brother’s Octopus Conservatorship Tentacles & RED TAPE- Surrounding Britney, Blood thirty Feeding Frenzy Sharks! Everyone World Wide agrees how BADLY they treated their prize GOLDEN GOOSE EGG LAYER, locked in Californian Castle Towers! We are encouraging Britney to reach out in LOVE to HELP OTHERS as she was HELPED by all her RESCUING HEROES like YOU!!!! Yes- BODY POSITIVITY is GOOD- but what else???
- Speaking of GOLDEN EGGS, a white, privileged, entitled wonderful Jewish Friend with a life long physical challenging illness just received consent to access a $300,000. annual cost new promising pharmaceutical drug- Government will eat the costs!!!! Patients are suffering terribly & dying through lack of beds & Health Practitioners every day for common debilitating ailments & diseases, accidents, addictions- waiting months & years for diagnostics & treatments! But thousands of Top, Experienced Health Care Practitioners are (FACING) BEING FIRED BECAUSE THEY WON’T TAKE 2+ VACCINE SHOTS!!! #By the 10’s of thousands, we CROWD TOGETHER SCREAMING AT SPORTS EVENTS INFECTING EACH OTHER BUT DOCTORS, NURSES, ETC. AT HOSPITALS ARE BEING FIRED!!!!! #Deities are shaking their Halos!!! P.S.
- #Citizens over 50 or 60 years are PRIME COVID HIT TARGETS- & evil Politicians/Big Brother too often happily enables COVID to take our Beloved Seniors, weakened immune systems & underlying health conditions! #COVID NEVER SLEEPS- but mutates creating new variations in the hundreds??? #Vaccines do not kill COVID or prevent transmission!!!
- #We EXPOSED DOCTORS WORLD WIDE USING AGE CUT-OFFS to GIVE or WITHHOLD LIFE SAVING CARE for COVID-19! Injecting Seniors in both arms with Morphine to euthanize them- Seniors killed by the 10’s of thousands by our Politicians & Medical Staff under COVID cover as ‘disposable people!’ EXPOSING THEM TO COVID & WITHHOLDING HELP!!!! Today, among other alleged ‘treatments’ like President Trump supported, Merck says they have created a treatment ‘easy pill to swallow!’ Dr. says ‘Merck’s pill could really make difference!’ $$$ Ha! Ha!!!
- I received 1 shot, experienced what were medically classified as Life Threatening Side Effects- Mother Nature Healed me quickly! Supposed to go to Hospital but went straight to my Mother Nature for HELP!!! I HAVE A TICKET TO RIDE- I HAVE A TICKET TO RI- I- IDE! I HAVE A TICKET TO RIDE AND MOTHER NATURE DOES CARE!!!! (Better Beatles version) But if & when COVID catches me unprotected by mask, etc. I’ll be CELEBRATING how challenging my side effects were- my immune system never forgetting any virus looking like HORRIBLE COVID!!! McCartney- Ring up Ringo & rush right in to your studio to record the above BETTER LYRICS while I work on John’s hit HELP- P.S.
- #EXPOSE: Beatle Long John Lennon appeared totally ’emotional disturbed with alleged out of control anger issues’ in early Silver Beatle years- circa 1960+! Allegedly KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND from ART SCHOOL & Beatle Band Member- Suddenly for no reason, ‘dropping him’ to the pavement & kicking him repeatedly with hard, narrow/’pointed’ crocodile shoes, leaving him with alleged permanent brain injury & his later death at such a young age!!! John admits to being a wife beater! P.S.
- EXPOSE: Would The Beatles exist without Pete Best & Mother Mona? John & Paul were brutal towards very good Dance Beat Beatle founding Drummer Pete Best & Pete’s Mom Mona! Pete & Mona got together with George to put The Beatles together, gave them a steady venue for 900 screaming teens, promoted & marketed them solidly! Without Pete- no Beatles & no Beatles Big Drum Dance Sound creating emotional teen girl underwear chaos & on to Beatlemania!
- EXPOSE: Especially should we overlook TERRIBLE BEHAVIORS BY OUR MUSIC STARS as John’s behavior was HUSHED UP by the Mainstream Media- HORRIBLE BEHAVIORS OVERLOOKED!!!! Misogynistic CONTROL FREAKS? LOVE LOVE LOVE Pete’s Big Dance Beat drums anchoring The Beatles as obviously all their fans did- “PETE FOREVER, RINGO NEVER!” Pete allegedly considered most handsome in The Beatles, John & Paul allegedly narcissistic CONTROL FREAKS- look at how they managed all Ringo’s drumming!!! Thankfully, John Lennon became a new person- “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!!!” BUT IMAGINED HE WOULD BE SHOT- Was KARMA INVOLVED or simply a celebrity openly walking about in New York -a target for anyone wanting permanent notoriety as a top ‘INFAMOUS SPOILER???’ Paul McCartney NEEDS TO OWN UP & APOLOGIZE TODAY!!!!!
- HELP- I’m a swimmer needing rescue: HELP- I need Britney Spears, HEEELLLLP! When I was sick & so much sicker than today- I never wanted a shrink’s help in any way! But now those day are gone, I feel so insecure- I really want Britney Spears to help me find a CURE!!! Help me if you can I’m sinking down And I don’t appreciate SHARKS CIRCLING ROUND Help me get my flippers on dry ground… Won’t you PLEASE Britney HELP ME!!!! HELP ME- OOOOHHHHH!!!! Yes- much better than the original song & who wants an alleged wife beater over Britney Spears blessed affections???!!
- #RESCUE OTHERS as you have been RESCUED!!!! Jesus said that to fishermen you can be sure!
- #Is Jesus walking among us today? The devil sure is! We rescued Britney Spears Inspiring others that they also be FREED from ENSLAVEMENT & ABUSE! Britney says- Be ALERT TO ‘OUT’ ABUSIVE SITUATIONS LIKE SHE EXPERIENCED- RESCUING OUR VULNERABLE PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! For early John & Paul Beatle like crimes of hate & violence, ordinary GOOD CITIZENS like you & I need to STEP UP??!
- #SQUASH ALL BAD EARLY BEATLE BEHAVIORS!!!!? Ringo- did it feel like John & Paul ‘cut off your balls’ in controlling your drumming; making it minimalistic as The Rolling Stones allegedly did with Charlie Watts- HUMAN METRONOMES behind the bands instead of REAL LIFE ACTIVE DRUMMING! Pete Best is not seen by critics as a good human metronome??!!! Simply a Fantastic Dance Surfing Beat…
- ESPOSE: Police joked about Gabby Petito being ‘only 105 pounds soaking wet!’ Really- a ‘Fiance who slaps Gabby OUTSIDE BEFORE THE WATCHING PUBLIC! What does he do IN PRIVATE!!! What does it take to be abused to the point of actually leaving? It’s called BATTERED WOMEN SYNDROME- No one deserves to so DISRESPECTED & FEARFUL! Any man who beats on an Angel like Gabby Petito is undeserving of the relationship!!!! Become rehabilitated first- like John Lennon & Paul McCartney from their battering, control freak BAD BEATLE days!!!!!
- Back in 1860’s Civil War Days, Republican Presidents Abe Lincoln & successor Ulysses Grant were WHITE ENLIGHTENED RADICALS championing FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY! Bringing Equity, Justice, Social, Cultural, Political & Economic Change! White Pres. Biden is attempting a ‘progressive’ overhaul by Government’s Influence on Culture, Education, Health, Social Justice, increasing Social Welfare Benefits & Entitlements including Affirmative Action Educational & Employment options. But has Biden kept his promise to UNITE- NOT DIVIDE Americans into TRIBAL WARFARE?! Are Tribal Battles dividing & conquering Americans?! P.S. Conspiracy Theory Alert Needing Research: Did Wuhan Military World Games coincide with accidental COVID release in Oct. 18- 27, ’19. A COVID like illness is reported about that time in Wuhan but flu season also complicates the Conspiracy Story!
- PEACE & LOVE vs. P.L.O. CHINA VIRUS! China should stand down about invading Taiwan or any further Apocalyptic military threatening encroachments- continue a Commercial Silk Roads Policy leading back to China! Only 100 big nukes could destroy most higher life on our planet! A Relative is creating a Survival Shelter with food lasting for years- Or only one day after the destruction begins & all his neighbors drop by with guns & pick ups to borrow a cup of sugar! HA!!!!
- #HARDEN our Electrical Grids & Erections!!!! Take down Western Nation’s Electrical Grids & steal our FOXY NEWS LADIES to mesmerize captive audiences? China supplies the needed electrical transmission transformers- & too many additional modern Western tech. necessities! A new ‘1859 Carrington Coronal Mass Ejection Event from our sun’ could easily fry our electrical grids- we have experienced near misses but why won’t our Political Leaders HARDEN OUR GRIDS? White House Erections or Coronal Mass Ejections- Get Demon-Rat Chuck Schumer working on it!!!!
- Tribal Cultural acrimony going BALLISTIC: Conservative leaning Parents are rallying against new School Boards’ Critical Racist Theories ‘indoctrination vs. Truth Telling,’ U.S. Justice Department PUSHING F.B.I. Intelligence to report on ‘Terrorist Activities by America’s school children’s Parents!’ Each side screaming the other is ‘RADICAL & EXTREMIST!’ President Reagan is coming BACK to the FUTURE- begging everyone to join together! in A ROUND TABLE LISTEN & LEARN HEAVENLY RESPECTFUL CO-OPERATIVE, ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!!!!’
- Thankfully Liberal Governments in both Canada & the U.S. are currently highlighting National Days for ‘Truth & Reconciliation’ about past Genocidal Governmental policies & practices against First Nations- outdated subjugating ‘Indian Acts.’ In Canada, Former Attorney General & Justice Minister- First Nation’s Jody Wilson-Raybould was booted out by pseudo Feminist P.M. Trudeau for refusing to do as she was told: ‘#Be a good little Indian admonishes Unjust Trudeau!’ His racialized misogyny pressuring First Nations Champion Raybould to sacrifice her own & Canada’s Integrity- her Judicial Independence, Moral Integrity & Rule of Law. She also wanted to dismantle the INDIAN ACT while Trudeau wanted her to ENFORCE IT! Trudeau passed the Truth & Reconciliation Holiday- SKIPPING OUT & SECRETLY AVOIDING ALL HISTORIC INDIGENOUS GATHERINGS by GOING SURFING to express his TRUE FEELINGS about White Entitled Privileged FUN FUN FUN in the SUN!!!!!!!
- Reconciliation involves everyone becoming aware of the HARM INFLICTED, ATONEMENT & ACTION NEEDED to change behavior! The Catholic Church reneged on Financial Restitution Settlements- Canada’s Gov’t. is $200 Billion behind on bringing up Indigenous Reserve Communities to Basic Livable Conditions with clean running water, adequate housing, etc. Trudeau & Canada’s Supreme Court- devils incarnate? are enacting Doctor Suiciding Patients to address appalling Societal Inequities & like extreme poverty & withdrawal of assistance to Citizens challenged by illness & disabilities!!!! to Mentalhealthrightsforum.com asks everyone to #Become AWARE, ATONE, ACT to change inappropriate & Oppressive Societal Behaviors! P.S. Pres.
- Oh- If you’re not already laughing, my young Niece was hired last year by a Certified ‘CRAZY’ School Board to TEACH A CLASS of- drum roll KINDERGARTEN AGE 5 TOTS ON-LINE!!! cymbal crash HA! HA! HA!
- #NO SHAME IN BEING CRAZY AS LONG AS YOUR TRYING HARD TO BE HEALTHY AGAIN!!! But about INFLICTING SHAME on impressionable children based on THEIR BIRTH SKIN COLOR- Alleging they bear the sins & shame of ancestors: Isn’t judging anyone be skin color RACIST? Years ago, I outed a local Government Authority about ENTITLED WHITE PRIVILEGE anti-Black RACIST OFFICIAL DELIBERATIONS- CAUSING IMMEDIATE BEHAVIOURAL & POLICY CHANGES EVER SINCE!!! Did I care about PUBLICLY SHAMING THEM ALL- CANCEL CULTURE, or WINNING IMMEDIATE BEHAVIOURAL & PRACTICAL changes?
- #Among Ancestors of the key Black ESCAPED SLAVE- now ceremoniously HONORED with a permanent plaque & dedicated visiting area, I saw lily white skins- Intermarriage resulted in Ancestors born White unaware of their Black Heritage!!!! So people can change their skin color after all by Darwinian Diversity.
- EXPOSE: Asked an elderly relative about racism: he told me EVERY MAN IN TOWN of all skin colors- ‘STANDING TOGETHER, FORCIBLY WE DROVE THE K.K.K. away FOREVER!!!’ HOW MANY WHITE BOYS & MEN FOUGHT AGAINST THEIR OWN SKIN COLOR & KINFOLK TO STOP SLAVERY in the 1860’s U.S. CIVIL WAR??? #WHO WITNESSED SUCH MORAL INTEGRITY AS TO FIGHT THEIR OWN KIN TO GAIN FREEDOM FOR BLACKS THEY DIDN’T EVEN KNOW??? African Tribal Chiefs actually enabled SLAVERY in Africa but since the 1770’s with Scotland’s High Court Ruling effectively outlawing slavery, increasing numbers of Whites FOUGHT AGAINST THE SLAVE TRADE. The U.S. was a tragic late hold-out- Texas- a last stand for slavery? If only America & Europe followed Scotland’s High Court- designating SLAVERY AS AN ABOMINATION AGAINST HUMANITY!!! How did founding Pilgrims & Politicians morally choose what they knew in their HEARTS & MINDS WAS WRONG WRONG WRONG??!!!
- EXPOSE: #APPPROPRIATING FROM ANOTHER CULTURE for $$$PROFIT or ENTERTAINMENT & without respect for or understanding of an oppressed, marginalized culture is also a key issue: ‘#Borrowing from another culture is disrespectful & symptomatic of the history of colonization- assuming everything is there for the taking! If you admire another culture, learn about it & purchase items directly from a person of that culture.’ 50%+ of popular music is actually stolen by White musicians stylistically or often literally from African Americans beginning with Elvis to The Beatles & forward to today! But “I CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU” Elvis!!!’ P.M. Trudeau’s BLACKFACE & BROWNFACE debauchery into the 21st century! The Vatican is tight fisted about giving back 100’s of thousands of Indigenous Artifacts- STOLEN STOLEN STOLEN!!! Should our successful Rock Musicians finally PAY UP FOR ALL APPROPRIATIONS???
- O.M.- Great Spirit! In 1988. the U.S. Senate admitted the Constitution was actually inspired by the GREAT LAW of PEACE! “The CONFEDERATION of the original 13 Colonies into one REPUBLIC was influenced by the POLITICAL SYSTEM developed by the IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY, as were many of the democratic PRINCIPLES incorporated into the Constitution itself!!!” But today, First Nation women experience murder rates at 10X the National average! Traditional Indigenous leadership was often MATRIARCHAL for leadership, counsel & battle. Women often shared equal amounts of responsibility within the Tribe!!! Wampum- beaded belts were cultural symbols of events, treaties & unions between Nations!
- #Mother Nature’s TREE POWER MOVEMENT! In the late ’60’s, Joni Mitchell sang about our Future: “They put all the trees in a Tree Museum- Charging a buck & a half just to see ’em!” As our Indigenous Brothers & Sisters cry! CRY ME A REPLENISHED COLORADO RIVER- PLEASE! “Only when the last tree has been felled, the last river poisoned, the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat MONEY$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!” But what about CHERISHING MOTHER NATURE AGAIN- “And we got to get ourselves back to the GARDEN”??? Addressing CLIMATE CHANGE as Pres. Biden & P.M. Trudeau are vowing! America’s West survival coincides with Fresh, Clean water- Our Colorado River’s Life Stream Lakes Mead & Powell are drying! Mead looks about 150 feet lower- about 30% below desired volume; Lake Powell looks 50 feet lower! 25 million residents from Phoenix to L.A. depend on Lake Mead for drinking water! 60 million are now living in a drought stricken area!
- Not being ‘politically incorrect’ to scream, #Californian FRUITS & NUTS ARE UNDER THREAT!!!! California grows one-third of U.S. Vegetables & obviously produces two thirds of America’s FRUITS & NUTS!!!! Yuma Arizona grows 90% of all U.S. lettuce- leafy greens. Anemic Vegetarians are becoming even paler in fear! And it’s truly a DAM SHAME that water is so low since States are losing their ability to generate (Colorado) River sourced hydro-electricity for 1 million homes! Enjoying a TRUE RELATIONSHIP with our Mother Nature/Earth & Wildlife is INCREDIBLY WONDERFUL- feeding both our Body & Soul!!!!
- #Recdonciliation & Restitution: $10 Geronimo? Buffy Saint Marie $$$BUCKS?
- Liberal & Far Left ideology approaches claim to be addressing ‘Truth & Reconciliation’ for past injustices against our Indigenous First Nations: “The painful history of wrongs & atrocities” by Europeans says Pres. Biden. So- Pres. Biden & P.M. Trudeau, #put your money where your mouth is & CELEBRATE First Nations Totems, Wampum, Heroes, Sayings & Culture!!! Add $$$ 200 Billion (in Canada) to UP Indigenous Healthy Communities & Living Standards!!!
- #More First Nations Culture & less First Slavers’ & Masters’ Oppression makes U.S. A.ll more presentable to the World!!!
- Canada’s Trudeau declared a solemn holiday for “TRUTH & RECONCILIATION” but went surfin’ to celebrate White, Entitled Privilege Day instead!!! Should we replace President Washington & founding Prime Ministers, etc. on our currency with Indigenous Heroes? Display First Nations symbols & culture on all important public documents… America was named after Amerigo Vespecci- an early Fruit Stand Vendor & Pizza Fast Food Shack Take Out? Or was Amerigo an Italian explorer, navigator, financier? ‘Put A WOP on TOP’ was the actual winning slogan for an aspiring Italian High School President! #THANK GOD- America could have been named Vespecci!!! North Vespecci & South Vespecci!
- Should we replace OLD GLORY with a new WAMPUM STOMP ‘EM GLORY Flag commemorating TRUTH & RECONCILIATION among all Nations as Equals? U.S.A. becomes United First Nations but Quarrelling States of Shameful Entitled White Privileged in Reconciliation with White capitalist oppressed Visible Minorities? Canada is based on kanata- a Huron-Iroquois word for meeting place/village. Texas means ‘Friendly’ as in anti-abortion ‘Baby Producing/Family Friendly?’ Fox News Republicans are War Dancing against Pres. Biden in their shorts around Burning Hot Foxy Ladies instead of a fire!!!! In 1892, Oct. 12 became “DISCOVER DAY!”” remembering Columbus as the “Pioneer of Progress & Enlightenment!” In the LIBERATION ’60’s, the RED POWER movement EXPOSED WHITE POWER! WHITE MALE POWER- expressed by Bad early Beatle control freaks- John & Paul, became challenged by “GIRL POWER” in 1991- Bikini Kill & later by “The Spice Girls!” #FREE BRITNEY POWER is saving Brit from Circling Big Brother Conservatorship Shark Power! But about being medically ‘mistreated’ by Big Brother Power- #Are Psychiatric Meds Side effects making you CRAZY?
- And #PAIN MEDS. PILLS ARE A REAL HARD PILL TO SWALLOW? What- closing in on 100,000 Americans dying from Opioids Overdosing alone annually??? By self medicating or Doctors prescribing pain pills. Yes- Doctors got that right: PAIN PILLS BECAUSE THEY NEVER EVER LET PATIENTS GET OFF THEIR ADDICTIVE PAIN PILLS. Lisa Marie Presley paying $100’s of thousands for Medical Supervision because she can’t get off her PAIN PILLS.
- #How many music stars are deliberately fed addictive pills to ensure a spirited music show- Consume these pills to be entertaining every night- TO BE MUSIC STARS & GODLIKE- ‘Thou shalt surely not die said the Serpent in the Garden in Eden- Eat of THIS!
- ‘ #Aliens viewing ‘the human condition’ on Earth are asking themselves, “Are they they the HIGHEST or LOWEST Life Form given what they voraciously ingest & suffer the inevitable consequences???”
- Psych. Meds. alleged to be ‘life saving’ flotation device: Anti psychotics especially- but stabilizers, etc. are UNIVERSALLY HATED BY PATIENTS due to terrible side effects! Anti psychotic medications are used for serious longer term mental illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder & especially abusively against seniors & vulnerable people. If everyone HATES the terrible side effects by anti psychotics, common sense tells us compliance is a major issue! Minor tranquilizers like anti-anxiety medication become quickly addictive & also impair our brain but clients might find an acceptable dose level vs. harmful side effects. Why should clients take a brain damaging treatment causing intense suffering especially at high doses or as medically prescribed continuously? Is replacing symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder with ongoing induced horrible side effects & brain damage not a CATCH-22 dilemma for patients- Consumers/Survivors?
- #WARRIOR SPIRIT POWER- OPEN US UP & our World to LIVING AGAIN!!! Natural treatment rehab. approaches is an ‘inspiring warrior spirit power’ DEAR TO MY HEART- expressed in Britney’s rescue is our powerful mantra-Spoken with absolute total conviction: #I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK!
- When our HEART, BODY & MIND connect giving POWER to our inspiring Warrior Spirit, Heaven & Earth Open Up BEFORE US- WELCOMING US HOME to LIVING AGAIN!!!! Fun exercise, expression arts, meditation & mindfulness walks, increasing awareness about our illness, creative thinking & behavioral upgrades, enjoying safety & stability, a good diet, vitamins & minerals supplements! mental hygiene, spiritual growth, Angels…
- Asked my Brother on our Sunday walk why GOOD WONDERFUL WOMEN partner with Deadbeat Abusers hoping toads & frogs become Princes & Shining Knights transformed by GOOD COOKING in the Kitchen, GOOD KISSING & LOVING in the Bedroom!!!! You can’t make a silk purse from a…
- #Better duck- the SYSTEM IS QUACKED- the devil is running the Justice Department?!
- #To whom much is given, much is expected everyone believes!
- #Hitting, passing, shooting, kicking, throwing & running with a ball skillfully makes for exciting sports, but REALLY- SAVING PEOPLE’S LIVES FROM SUFFERING, ILLNESS, CRUELTY- BRINGING HOPE, PEACE, JUSTICE, FREEDOM, EQUITY, INCLUSION… IS ADULT STYLE ‘SPORTS’ for TRUE WORLD CLASS ATHLETES!!!! But our Hospitals & Politicians are firing Doctors, Nurses, etc. for not taking their mandated shots- Is Big Brother or are we THE BOSS of US ALL???
- P.S. #Apologies to all our beloved overpaid athletes who skillfully hit, pass, shoot, kick, throw & run with a ball!
- Our REBELLIOUS Angel, Princess Diana-SHINING BRIGHT in her LOVE & DELIVERANCE, could not be suppressed by Royal Jealousy so was allegedly CARCRASHED- Paramedics let her bleed out instead of rushing her to a nearby hospital to live! Our fiercely independent ‘Duchess of Sussex’? Meghan quickly fell into total suicidal madness- locked away in silence within Royal Windsor Castle walls until Prince Harry got down & dirty to save his drowning crown jewel in exchange for his Golden Allowances & Royal unquestioning Allegiance! Our Southern Belle’s Dearest Dad held jealously on to his Golden Goose Britney- drum roll especially her Always Replenishing Golden Eggs A Plenty Bank Account!!!!
- #If we want to LIVE, we are THANKFUL & always ready to GIVE!!!! O.k. we lovingly brought Britney into our Rescue Boat. Do we sail away leaving the floundering millions who are not so White Privileged, Wealthy, Pretty, Gymnasts, Dancers & Famous Singers? Extending our LIFE SAVING GRACE TO OUR UNKNOWN TOSSED & TURNED STRUGGLING SWIMMERS, LOST BUT ALIVE OUT AT SEA?
- #PURITY- A HEART of ROSES, INNOCENCE & HOPEFUL LOVE CUT SHORT- “SHE IS ONLY 105 POUNDS SOAKING WET” #A Beautiful Valiant Spiritual Knight dueling against Darkness in our Fallen World! Pres. Biden’s Good Intentions Lady Liberty Rescue Boat is welcoming millions of World Wide tossed & turned visible floundering Minorities at America’s Southern Border- But without their safety, scrutiny & health intact- 20%+ carrying diseases! Biden’s Rescue Boat in Afghanistan crashed into Taliban Wahabi Rocky shoals! Biden’s HIGH INFLATION- U.S. debt sky rocketing to $30 trillion soon? His Endless Summer of Loving FIBBING, FUMBLING & BUMBLING Decision making =Sea Sick Americans & Allies on the Sloop John B. “Feel so Broke Up- (They almost) wanna go home!!!!” (Brian Wilson… Beach Boys!) P.S. Brian loved Beatle John; Beach Boys & Beatles put out albums to outdo each other! Interesting both wonderful songwriter’s faced substantial challenges- Brian schizoaffective? challenged by major mental illness & John Lennon’s anger & violence reaping a ‘holey body of bad karma!!!’ Lennon’s ‘Friend’ was ACTUALLY FOREWARNED BY THE Dec. 8, 1980 assassin that John’s Final Day(s) are at hand, BUT Lennon’s TIPPED OFF FRIEND DID NOTHING TO SAVE JOHN- Again, suggesting KARMA overrode even the assassin giving a head’s up!
- Risky Business- Endless Political & Cultural Tribal Warfare in America! China’s P.L.O. Big Brother- led by Ping Pong & his Autocratic Ding Dongs is SPINNING ‘Chinese People will only be “HAPPY” when Taiwan’s Democracy, Independence & Rich Economy are CHAINED & ENSLAVED/BROUGHT HOME!’ Taiwan’s BRAVE President STANDS STRONG- FREEDOM IS WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!!! Tsai Ing-Wen declares on National Day: “The path China has laid out for us is neither a FREE or Democratic WAY of Life for Taiwan nor SOVEREIGNTY for our People. The more we ACHIEVE, the greater the pressure we face from China but we will NOT BOW to pressure from China!!!!! (Tensions are at their worst in 40 years.) Do we really need or want our narcissistic power crazy Political DEMONS screwing up everything when #WE ALL JUST WANT OUR LIVES BACK ENJOYING PEACE & HAPPINESS ON SESAME STREET TOGETHER FOREVER- (Britney ‘s adopted a lovely variation in her closing- I Feel Your Hearts & You Feel Mine!!!) ALWAYS IN YOUR BLESSED HEART & YOU IN MINE!!! Oct. 11, 2021 by Brianca Lane waiting for song partner McCartney to ring my bell!! With ‘LENNON & McCARTNEY’ no longer in play, what about LANE & McCARTNEY??!!! Yes- o.k. Paul: McCartney & Lane!!!! WORLD of DECEPTION… FOREVER- WRONGED WOMEN’S RIGHTS?!!! TOGETHER- OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT GROWS STRONGER!!!! Oct. 18, 2021 #WRONGED Mother Nature’s RIGHTS!!! Scientists say ‘People Kind created CLIMATE CHANGE’ impacting about 85% of everyone on Earth today, affecting about 80% of Earth’s land area! Angelina Jolie complains children are necessarily “STEPPING IN TO DO THE WORK ADULTS SHOULD DO BUT HAVE FAILED TO DO!” Angelina aims for all children “understanding their Rights & Fighting Back to make them healthy, balanced, safe & stable adults! From protecting the environment to fighting inequality & discrimination, children are bearing the burden of consequences of bad adult decisions… ” Climate Change researchers ask us not to be so FUELISH! “As long as we continue burning fossil fuels, things will get worse!
- #Until we reach NET ZERO!” we can’t call ourselves Environmental Heroes! Our sense of DIVERSITY & ACCEPTANCE needs to BROADEN- Demi Lovato is proud to be ‘non-binary’ & her pronouns are ‘they/them;’ Former WWE wrestler Gabbi Tuft says “I love myself for who I am- ‘T.G.'” Courtney Stodden is creative: “My spirit is fluid with a kaleidoscope of color!” Adelaide Kane is “Bisexual” (but to her lovers- Sweet as a Candy Kane?) ELVIRA- Mistress of the Dark is enjoying a 19 year long relationship with Dracula? The Wolfman? Frankenstein? A 5,000 year Egyptian Mummy or Daddy?
- #Don’t call me numb & dumb- just human! DIVERSITY must include recognizing our diverse Relationships beyond human beings! Our Indigenous could have educated us in our broader relationships in Mother Nature- How could we miss out for all these 100’s of years actually communicating freely with other Life???? ISN’T THAT AMAZING- COMMUNICATING TO DISCOVER PERSPECTIVES WE ARE OVERLOOKING FROM NON HUMAN LIFE!!! #She’s THE APPLE of MY EYE! Felt so silly my Fruit Tree patiently eventually got me to see an issue but never judged me for being ‘only human!’
- Your CONNECTONE MAP IS WAY SICK?! Neuroscientists are identifying our individually unique BRAIN FINGERPRINT- ‘CONNECTONE MAP’ so if connections change due to neurodegenerative diseases, the map could pinpoint health problems to address! We know animals can smell or identify early undiagnosed body diseases so imagine if other forms of Life could use their specialty super senses to ALERT US & communicate about our health issues!!! DOGGONE IT: ‘O.k. toss me a few dog biscuits while I work at sniffing out your body scan!’ I bet horses could give great diagnostics & emotional therapy- Horses, goats, etc. form CLOSE BONDS- Horses are already heavily involved in emotional therapy using their ‘COMMON HORSE SENSE?’ Are flowers able to inform us?
- #You’re one sweet smelling HEALTHY ROSE GARDEN!!!’
- Gabby Petito’s Life, ANGELIC BLESSING SPIRIT & Tragedy has TOUCHED EVERYBODY: A ME- TOO! Moment to AWAKEN our AWARENESS ABOUT PARTNER VIOLENCE & so many PREVENTABLE LIVES LOST! #BECOME INFORMED & AWARE to STOP ALL PARTNER VIOLENCE NOW!!! Shouldn’t partner violence be addressed in Schools & Churches so it needn’t happen- Potential offenders becoming sensitive to their developmental inadequacies & triggered violence to get help before they act out!!! Sadly, Did We Need A SPECIFIC TRAGEDY like 8+ minutes of an Officer of the Law publicly lynching George Floyd- Passersby begging Police not to asphyxiate George?!!
- #PARTNER ABUSE STOPS NOW!!!! RACISM by POLICE EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLING STOPS NOW!!!! On-line gatherings spoke about FREE SPIRIT AWARDS, KIND HEARTED AWARDS & LET IT BE AWARDS honoring Individuals who are like Gabby: FREE SPIRITS- REFRESHINGLY ORIGINAL; who Act on The Golden Rule & As Good Samaritans- Passersby attempting to warn & save Gabby- Partner Abuse victims, extra-judicial killings!!!
- #ANNUAL DAY or Month- August (August 27) in Gabby’s Honor to Keep Everyone ALERT & SAFE from Partner Abuse, INSPIRE US to SEARCH FOR our Missing/Abducted Victims & BRING JUSTICE for our Abducted/Missing & Murdered- Indigenous Women suffering 10X the Murder rate!!!
- Pre- Me Too! NEWS: Melanie Griffith, 64 says her Mom- Tippi Hedren (STARRED in Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller THE BIRDS! & MARNIE) was SHUNNED by Hollywood after Tippi SPOKE UP about abusive harassment by A-Hole Hitchcock on the movie set- Hitchcock’s last ‘film’ should have been entitled BOBBITING PIGGY HITCHCOCK????
- #When we WRONG Mother Nature’s Rights, we WRONG OURSELVES, OUR RIGHTS & the RIGHTS of All Living Species!!! The White Privileged Entitled Fathers embodying The Spirit of ’76 listened & learned from knowledgeable invited Iroquois Confederacy Speakers about their GREAT LAW of PEACE & DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES- We appropriated their political culture into the U.S. Constitution & Republic but thanked them with Cultural & Actual GENOCIDE- NOT PLAYING VERY NICE!!! Today, Tables TURNED on U.S.A.ll- our turn to cry!!! Apocalyptic Times brought on by our actions????
- Strumming to our Music Beat- Denny Laine of Wings replaced by Brianca Lane for new band Angel Wings with Writing partner to be Beatle Paul McCartney-
- #STONES R BLACK MUSIC APPROPRIATORS- “Are a BLUES COVER BAND!!!” Beatle founder John Lennon blurted “I think Mick Jagger is a JOKE!!!” (1970) But John & Paul penned Rolling Stones first record- “I WANNA BE YOUR MAN!” Good Mental Health awareness tunes by The Stones-
- #I Can’t Get No STABILITY!!! No! No! No!
- #She’s A HONKY TONK PSYCH. SURVIVOR- She Gives Me The Bi-Polar Brit Blues!!!
- #Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Breakdown!!!
- #This could be The Last Time- I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK AGAIN!!!!
- Foxy News should be sent out back to the henhouse for laying punishing Racial DIATRIBES. Celebrating? the Spirit of Truth & Reconciliation just proclaimed by Pres. Biden Old Hen Rachel C.D. Slutsky says the struggles Indigenous Peoples suffer today “have everything to do with government dependency, cycles of poverty & alcoholism, & Family Breakdowns…” (but especially C.D. forgot to mention the History of RACISM & GENOCIDE!) Bottom Feeding Anchor Dirty Watters agreed- “Yeah- more SLUSH FUNDS to the RESERVATIONS- MAKE THEM OUT TO BE VICTIMS!” Illumi-Native responded to the Oct. 13 Broadcast Fox HATEFEST hoping to “BATTLE TOXIC MISCONCEPTIONS of NATIVE AMERICANS!” More in the Mud…
- Hillary at his bedside, “BILL IS GETTING OUT SHORTLY!” News Reports from The FOXY NEWS Henhouse also highlights former President Wild Bill’s Willie Halloween scare- Monica Lewinski’s Revenge Karma? Clinton was diagnosed with a urological infection but sources ‘with knowledge of the situation’ said it was “UP & MOVING” with Hillary at his bedside!!! The LONG & SHORT OF IT IS “BILL IS GETTING OUT SHORTLY!” (Pres. Biden’s actual words) Monica look out- Bill’s out & Willie’s on the prowl again!!!!
- Halloween Fright Night Mark of the Beast Scream Fests to frighten you! Moscow, Russia is going P.L.A. Red Chinese surveillance Society with 240+ metro stations enabling passengers to pay by looking at Facial Recognition cameras. Moscow has at least 170,000 cameras- eventually anyone may be identified, recorded & followed about by Big Brother cameras at all times while out & about! Facial Recognition cameras could eventually track every Rights Protester for harassment & arrest anywhere at Big Brother’s pleasure. A mid 1990’s Hollywood movie showed internet security software used to hack & alter information- cyber attack individuals for Police arrest; later movies showed cyber attacks could employ ‘kill-ware’ to create infrastructure chaos in addition to ransom attacks! Chinese 5 G Technology Firm Huawei is suspected of stealing it’s technology from a Canadian Firm. Trojan Gift Horses from Chinese Military & Autocracy may access sensitive Foreign Security information- among The 5 EYES, for example.
- A few years back, Mother Nature said she was so frustrated in human beings- you can imagine her FEELINGS of BETRAYAL: Her last WORDS of WARNING I heard: “SHOW ME!” SHOW ME!” She’s LOOKING TO SEE ACTION BY OUR GOVERNMENTS! My favorite Fruit Tree created a picture in my brain showing me something very important to her! If you are an animal lover or pet owner, bet you’ve benefitted greatly from your Loving Relationship with your Pet BEST FRIEND!!! We look at what’s happening to our climate & environment- wondering if we could be BETTER PLANET PARTNERS- Life is INTELLIGENT & deserving of our CHERISHING RESPECT!
- #No way out except to GROW some BALLS/OVARIES, BECOME SENSIBLE & HONORABLE in all our RELATIONSHIPS with human & non human Life! Less self centered/absorbed in our own instant gratification like children let loose in a Candy Factory!
- #TRULY CARE ABOUT RAINBOW DIVERSITY IN OUR BOUNTIFUL LIVING WORLD!!! The source of evil is clearly self centered behavior- ALL LIFE MATTERS!!! It’s our sin, isn’t it? What happened to George Floyd… Pop Princess Britney Spears… Blessed Artistic Inspiring Angel Gabby Petito. All former FREE GIRLS & WOMEN in Afghanistan… The World BETRAYED from achieving JUSTICE & EQUITY. OCEANS of KARMIC GREED & SELFISHNESS- FACE THE TRUTH QUICKLY & WALK TOGETHER ABOVE TROUBLED WATERS like Jesus! Acting as GIVERS & LIVERS- Gathering by Pres. Reagan’s Round Table to welcome all points of view! Embrace Change for our own GOODNESS & for ALL LIFE on our Small Planetary Garden Spinning in Space! If our Forefathers had only adopted another GREAT IROQUOIS LAW:
- #We MUST think 7 Generations ahead- 140 years, and realize our decisions today must benefit children 7 Generations in the Future!!!!
- #Children born today HAVE THEIR WONDERFUL WORLD, HAPPINESS & FUTURE’S STOLEN by prior RECKLESSNESS & SELFISHNESS!!!! Flailing & thrashing helplessly in heavy karmic seas- Chaos Creators instead of REBUILDING BACK BETTER??? #We must gather at the ROUND TABLE & listen attentively to ALL PERSPECTIVES- Our ESCAPIST self medicating- ‘JUST WANNA BE SEDATED!’ ( Ramones) Gaming & Physical Sports- playing with a ball- Throwing, catching, hitting, kicking, chasing, tackling. celebrating… a ball!!!
- #We all live in a WORLD of DECEPTION? Where nothing is as it seems! The ‘man’ beside you is really a Woman & that ‘grass’ is plastic painted green!!!
- #Wouldn’t we love an Olympic Spirit of ‘SPORTSMANSHIP’ in all human activities- No ‘Pulling a FAST ONE’ on anybody else to gain an advantage!!!! Jesus’s Golden Rule & The Good Samaritan- LOVING our Needy World BACK to HEALTH!!!! Trudeau says ‘we ALL have to accept our collective racism is WRONG!!!’ Allegedly assaulting a woman at a B.C. Festival but then finding out she is a reporter, Trudeau says ‘I wouldn’t have done that if I had known you are a reporter!’ #Our Politicians hold U.S.A.ll to account for THEIR evil behavior- The greater THEIR SINFUL MISCONDUCT, they more WE ARE MADE to PAY DAMAGES for their errors!!!
- #The GOLDEN GOOSE ENSLAVEMENT SYNDROME under COVID-19 COVER!!!!! Our Health Care Teams & other critical Front Line Workers put themselves directly in COVID-19 lines of FIRE for 1 1/2 years- Many became infected or resigned- becoming burned out shells! Vaccine hold outs are targeted for extinction- ‘Accept Big Brother’s vaccine mandates or be fired!’ ‘Lose all benefits & ability to support yourself & Family obligations!!! Your choice!!!’ Politicians PUSHED RELENTLESSLY TO ENSLAVE, BRAND & CARD THEIR WILD HERDS of UNBROKEN SPIRITED HUMANS- ‘YOUR PAPERS & Photo I.D. PLEASE’ businesses & officials demand- Your ‘Mark of the Beast’ for employment, travel, gathering together. Videos in Australia show swarms of Police tackling & handcuffing citizens for stepping outside without wearing a facial mas!- Vacci-Nazis Goon Squads like Wahabi Taliban Enforcers beating & terrorizing Women for willfully flouting patriarchy & enslavement- Women daring to gather & protest for former Inalienable Human Rights!
- #FREE US TOO MOVEMENT!!! P.S. Britney needs our encouragement- COURAGE Britney- We’ve pulled back the curtain exposing the TRUTH!!! We R RESCUERS- THE GOOD ONES- GOOD GUYS!!!! On Nov. 12- it’s D. Day. Petition to terminate Britney’s Conservatorship & hopefully before her 40th Birthday Dec. 2! Britney’s already come so far in our LOVE! “I’m disgusted with THE SYSTEM & WISHED I LIVED IN ANOTHER COUNTRY!!! I’m STAYING CLEAR of THE BUSINESS- which is all I have ever known my whole LIFE! But- A LOT of HEALING TO DO! Only through SELF-LOVE I can Pray… LOVE… & Support Others in Return!!!! If I ever do an interview, Lord Have Mercy on my Family’s Souls!!! I’ll just BE HONEST & say I’ve waited so long to BE FREE… and now that it’s here, I’m scared to do anything because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake!” (Britney fears the Paparazzi ‘want her to do something ‘CRAZY!” The ‘paps’ run through the trees & onto the road… scaring her!) “So I’m fearful of doing something wrong- it’s our LIBERTY TO BE FREE” BUT… Britney’s set up her Christmas tree already- “Any reason to find MORE JOY IN LIFE IS A GOOD IDEA- Why not CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS EARLY!!!!” Cheer up Buttercup! #FREE BRITNEY is also #HEAL BRITNEY!!!! At Christmas Time Blessings & Cheer, remember the Women Worldwide who see no escape, no advocates FIGHTING SUCCESSFULLY TO FREE THEM- Seemingly Forever Facing Wronged WOMEN’S RIGHTS! Together OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT STRENGTHENS- especially by our FALLEN Angels like Gabby Petito, & our ENSLAVED LIVING BRAVELY in Afghanistan…. ALWAYS CHERISHED IN YOUR HEART & YOU FOREVER IN MINE!!!! Loving You Precious- Oct.18, ’21 Brianca Lane WRONGED WOMEN’S RIGHTS- RACING WITH THE DEVIL- but TOGETHER OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT GROWS STRONGER- OUR COLLECTIVE HEART & SOUL!!!! Oct. 25, 2021 CALIFORNIAN DREAMING for a ’67 SUMMER of LOVE EXPERIENCE? Or ‘Go ahead-Pull my Putin!’ Yesterday delightfully raced to check out a real California Highway Patrol Motorcycle for sale- Envisioned myself with ‘Ponch’ riding for CHiPs (1977 television show.) NO FUN- All the wiring intact but the siren & police light were missing! How could anyone so disrespect a TRUE BLUE COP MOTORCYCLE??? Owner says drivers around him immediately behave CAREFULLY as he approaches- #RESPECT- What ALL WOMEN WANT & DESERVE!!! Sadly, Seller is a 3 times operated on Cancer Survivor attempting to keep his Spirits High but undergoing treatment as dangerous COVID is finally burning out- No longer strong enough to ride tall in the heavy big CHiPS cop bike saddle. Expressed my Heartfelt Support to his RECOVERY.
- #Boy- buying a pair of shoes isn’t as easy as you might think in COVID Times!!!! Cashier Courtney called in a Manager to get a price discount fix & other cashiers to ask if I could have received points on my purchases totaling $108.00 Courtney bagged my purchases. I thanked Courtney & walked towards the exit door- Manager ordered me to ‘STOP!!!’ & SEIZED my 2 Bags! Ordered a small Female staff to Guard my bags! As I moved, a group of Big Male Staff surrounded us- Everyone Very Tense!!! Manager trying to push every BUTTON to elicit my adverse reaction & accused me in front of all shocked shoppers- ‘You’re caught stealing the 2 pairs of shoes!’ Male staff readying for a Physical Altercation but we all know how terribly tragic events went for George Floyd & so many ‘Police INTERACTIONS where the subject WENT INTO MEDICAL DISTRESS & STOPPED BREATHING!’
- Not falling for the Manager’s Game, I said simply go ask Courtney- I paid in full, $108.00! After what seemed like a very long time in a dangerous tense situation, the Angry Manager emerged after grilling Courtney- Instead of apologizing for her False Accusations voiced in Full Public View, she was now accusing me of stealing the clothing I was wearing… They NEVER QUIT do they?!!! Everyone can see how INNOCENT PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY TARGETED FOR INTIMIDATION & ABUSE- ‘EXTRAJUDICIAL Lynching!’
- A few years ago 5 teens planned out a robbery at my house- When I stepped to confront them gently, one began spitting on me to push my Buttons, get a physical response from me to later claim they beat or killed me ‘in self defense.’ Police are so anal in putting everything on ‘WHO PUSHED FIRST? Gabby Petito or Brian?” Well after every racist, sexist, false & malicious tactic of intimidation & baiting & spitting: CASE CLOSED- Self defense- she pushed first!!!’
- A Neighbor called Police- who always show up after the bad guys are gone & Police asked how I felt about being disrespected & spit on? “VERY GOOD- MUCH BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE!” #Never STAY 1 DAY too LONG with a CONTROL FREAK ABUSER!!!!
- China is BOOMING OUT a MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX- Is also the WORST POLLUTER albeit the biggest electric vehicle & solar panel builder. But building additional COAL FIRE PLANTS everywhere!!! The U.S. is second, India 3rd- Holy farting COW!!! Russia’s Military Industrial Complex & 36% of Russia’s Budget come from fossil fuel sales! The Bear supplies over a third of the E. U.’s natural gas needs! Putin simply lifts his right leg to show his contempt for critics of oil, natural gas & coal… revenues! ‘Go ahead- Pull my Putin!’ ‘Hmmm- with all the Energy Income, who should Russia annex next???’ Pres. Trump warned Europe: ‘GET OFF RUSSIAN ENERGY & SWITCH TO NORTH AMERICAN IMMEDIATELY!!!’ #Coal, gas, oil, MAGIC METHANE CATTLE ASSES-‘perfuming’ our Planet Earth to High Heaven! #How far do we push Global Warming & Environmental Catastrophe- until most Life Forms becoming extinct?
- #Holy Moses- NOAH COME ON DOWN AGAIN TO BUILD BACK BETTER with YOUR LATEST ARC DESIGN before Pres. Biden brings U.S.A.ll DOWN IN DEBT!!! The U.S. pays about 20 cents interest debt on the dollar?
- #Lakes fed by the Colorado River bring LIFE SAVING WATER to over 40 million thirsty Americans but are at their lowest ever- sinking faster than Biden’s cognitive function!!! Thankfully next week COP26 Reps.- dressed in kilts sans underwear, experiencing a ‘HIGHLAND THRILL CHILL,’ meet in Scotland to allay our angry, anxious, fearful PROTESTING young Children- #Children- Keep BELEVING!!! We’ll STOP WRECKING YOUR PLANET & FUTURES ‘TOMORROW TOMORROW- WE’LL CUT BACK CARBON EMISSIONS TOMORROW! IT’S ONLY AN APOCALYPSE AWAY!!!!’ (Burp! Cattle fart!)
- #We must think 7 Generations ahead- 140 years, & accept our decisions TODAY must BENEFIT CHILDREN 7 GENERATIONS in the FUTURE!!!! Because they sure aren’t benefitting any kid for at least the next 100 years!!! BRAINIACS ALERT! Did you know impacts of traumatic experiences can affect not only our children but grandchildren, etc. For example, a Dad’s stress is passed down by ‘epigenetics:’ ‘Oh- Please don’t start henpecking me Honey- You know your Epigenetics could suffer- Our children becoming Cognitively Challenged young Bidens!!!’ EXCESSIVE STRESS may change the ACTIVATION & EXPRESSION- or shutdown of our GENES; impacting the micro RNA in SPERM!
- New scientists are adopting my ACTUAL EXPERIENCE ABOUT BODY ‘THINKING,’ BODY DECISION MAKING RESPONSIBILITIES- BODY BRAIN POWER!!! Rebels with a Cause Scientists question traditional Hierarchical views of Intelligence- our Reigning BRAIN being TOP COP in the Chain of Command vs.
- #Horizontal ‘Democracy’ BRAIN POWER in the BODY!’ ‘Body Brain Power’ including ‘Cellular Brain Power!’ Personal testimony: Being accident prone & Over the Top Mentally Ill years ago, ALL my normal sensory input, moods, emotions, thinking, etc. were being substantially impacted by SEVERE ILLNESS- So I informed my BODY- DON’T WAIT for THE TOP COP- BRAIN! ACT TOTALLY INDEPENDENTLY- DEPLOY YOUR LIGHTENING FAST REFLEXES, EXPERIENCES & LEARNING, ‘Secondary Brain Powers’ BUT BE RESPONSIBLE! Like a Rider telling his Horse- #Forget Obedience- BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE & ACCOUNTABLE ON YOUR OWN- NO HORSING AROUND!!! Our Bodies R REALLY BRAINY!!! Still HAPPENS TODAY THANKFULLY-
- #If we’re ‘Brain Numb & Dumb,’ at least we can still be ‘Body Smart!’ #Our Brainly Body TAKES CONTROL & SAFELY SAVES OUR BUTT!!!
- #Is our TOP DOWN Hierarchical System of Governance Wrong as well? Do we need a Horizontal Political Power & Decision Making System many Women create & prefer- A Collaborative Effort among Partners/Equals!!! Is President Trump better than the COLLECTIVE BRAIN POWER of many co-operating, informed community spirited partnering collaborators? (Pres. Trump informed himself by soaking up key issues Americans talked about.)
- Reuters Science reportedly highlights a Middle Aged French Brainless Civil Servant who presented about a minor ailment. As we all wonder improperly about our civil servants’ brain power, YES- INDEED THIS MARRIED CIVIL SERVANT WITH 2 CHILDREN LEADING A NORMAL LIFE EMBODIES the INTELLIGENCE in a Body with an virtually empty head! A Horizontal System of ‘Brain Power’ BODY NETWORKING paralleled in Society as a COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS shared by Women everywhere. But our Civil Servant BARELY HAS ANY BRAIN TISSUE in his skull- his head is filled with cerebral spinal fluid!!! No ‘Sugar Plums Dancing in his Head!!!’ #Our Intelligence & Consciousness inhabit our Entire Being, Body, All our Cells!!! Not top down hierarchical but horizontal PARTNERING BRAIN POWER!
- Together Apart we SHARE BOTH A Personal/LOCAL & a Collective/NON LOCAL CONSCIOUSNESS! Is Beatle Paul McCartney or Britney Spears a part of us as we are Part of them? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it- Spirit, Emotion, SHARED DREAMS, DESTINY, HAPPINESS, JOY, LOVE? Receiving a donated HEART, we are also receiving another person’s experiences? Because we’re also Energetic Light Beings… Sharing a COLLECTIVE HEART & SOUL HUMANITY??? Gabby Petito’s Sweet-hearted Artistic Spirit intimately kisses our Being- Seeing Gabby burst into tears at the Police interrogation, our Hearts weep alongside Gabby!!!! PEACE & LOVE IS THE ONLY WAY- WRONGED WOMEN’S RIGHTS in Afghanistan, etc. INSPIRE GLORIOUS FEMALE FREEDOM to RISE EVERYWHERE LIKE A PHOENIX MERCEY BEAT MIRACLE!
- About COVID, Big Autocratic Government is TRYING OUT INSTILLING ‘MARK of the BEAST’ SUBMISSION ON PEOPLE- GIVING UP THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS & FREEDOMS! By April, all restrictions are envisioned being lifted if COVID infections continue to subside! But currently without 2 vaccine doses, Big Brother decrees no travel for second class citizens by train or airplane, no attendance at sporting stadiums, concerts, theatres, restaurants, gyms, etc. Photo identification & vaccine travel/entry government cards MUST BE PRESENTED!!!! Employment- ability to pay for food, shelter, clothing & Family Obligations is being DENIED with impunity!!! SHUNNED, DENIED INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS? Don’t let them kill our spirit or very lives for failing to submit, as Bob Dylan warns US All!!!!
- In the 1770’s, Scotland’s High Court accepted Legal Counsel Dundas’s pleadings on behalf of Black client Mr. Knight- bringing sunny daybreak on Earth by OUTLAWING SLAVERY!!!! TODAY OUR YOUNG CHILDREN BEG FOR A SAVIOR again in Scotland to OUTLAW THE ONGOING RAPING of MOTHER NATURE & Address Climate Change!!!! But when have our burgeoning MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ever paid careful attention to FIRST NATIONS INDIGENOUS BRILLIANCE about looking ahead 7 Generations how our actions today will impact our World! Beatle John Lennon (& Musical Artistic Friends) were U.S. Pres. Nixon’s BIGGEST THREAT! They could TURN & UNITE YOUNG PEOPLE, PULL AWAY THE CURTAIN EXPOSING the devil puppeteering! Pres. Nixon’s veiled ‘War on Drugs’ was a Racist War TARGETING Black POWER- “SAY IT LOUD- I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!” in America! Biden’s circa 1990’s crime bill was a thinly veiled view of ‘Blacks as ‘savages’ creating a Jungle,’ Biden aimed to lock away a majority of young Black males, destroy Black Families, Communities, etc. Until Pres. Obama SAVED HIS SINNER’S SOUL!!!! Today-
- #WE MUST EXPOSE OURSELVES & OUR CHILDREN TO ‘TRUTH & RECONCILIATION’ in ALL our Nation’s Histories WORLDWIDE- About mistreatment & Genocide against our Indigenous & Oppressed Scapegoated Minorities…
- #We are not born devils today nor stained by our skin color, race, religion, etc. but like everybody everywhere- We choose in every moment who we are, who we serve & what we express- ALWAYS OUR BEST HIGHEST CHARACTER for COMPASSIONATE GOOD WILL, CREATIVE JOY & FULFILLMENT for the BENEFIT TO ALL- INCLUDING MOTHER EARTH!!!! Our Whole Being BRAIN POWER, our Collective SOUL & CONSCIOUSNESS raising all boats!!! Martin Luther King is killed for Preaching Racial Harmony- judging only by CHARACTER & CONTENT of our SOUL- not by Mammon or Minority Status- soon to be “Minority Report” like sentencing for ‘Future Predicted Crime a la Down Under in Australia?!” #Pres. Reagan ‘RISING TO THE OCCASION’- You just can’t keep a GOOD DEAD MAN DOWN from HELPING SAVE U.S.A.LL- from today’s POLITICAL MONKEY BUSINESS! Poet song writer Bob Dylan saw his Destiny clearly BUT KEPT HIS CREATIVE GENIUS & KNOWLEDGE SAFE & SOUND! Allowing it to be EXPOSED to the devil walking our World in man’s flesh, “THEY’LL KILL IT!” ALWAYS IN YOUR LOVING HEART & YOU IN MINE FOREVER!!! Yes- If they can’t BREAK BELOVED BRITNEY AFTER 13 years, we should STAND STRONG TOGETHER FOREVER In OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT- CELEBRATING OUR COLLECTIVE HEART & SOUL!!!! Oct. 25, 2021 Loving You, Brianca Lane IS IT MAKE IT or BREAK IT “DOOMSDAY TIME’S UP!” FOR U>S>A>LL???? Nov. 1, ’21 ACCESSING YOUR MAGIC DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE! Congratulations you Heroes- Our beloved HEALING Britney Spears used to believe in ‘Fake It until you Make It’ but in 13 years of Britney’s enslavement, we understood all her Handlers were totally FAKING IT & MAKING IT $$$ Big Time at Britney’s expense!!! SUCKING 10’s of millions $$$ from our Princess of Pop’s ENTERTAINMENT STAR BREASTS!!!! Britney realized her CATCH-22 dilemma- but bravely declared herself a ‘struggling, drowning swimmer abandoned by her family,’ needing both our Rescue & her Self Rescue. We/You reached out and saved her, Beat Off the Feeding SHARKS- OOPS- not like that!!! But Britney is SCARED she’ll screw up in her Mental Illness Healing Process: Publicly show an ‘EPISODE’ paparazzi & mag rags will portray declaring ‘See- Britney’s STILL CRAZY!!!!’ So Britney’s pulling back from her Princess pedestal… We RESCUED Britney from being their SONG & DANCE GOLDEN GOOSE GIRL- to BE HEALTHY AGAIN & LOVE LIFE- FREE OUR BRITNEY BIRD to FLY- to the tropics!!!
- Honestly, can we expect sudden miraculous overnight healing from mental illness by Britney or anyone else with our ALARMING SIREN CALL Climate Emergency by the U. N.! Unlike easily resetting a broken bone & placing one’s arm in a caste for several weeks, our World ignored our Indigenous Nations’ Brilliant Agreement with Mother Nature. Among our Privileged, Powerful & Entitled Enslavers, their Plan was to kill the TRUTH by killing our Indigenous Culture & Messengers- break their children at ‘civilized’ concentration camp schools.
- #First Nations vision- ‘LOOK 7 Generations- 140 years ahead to assess impacts on Future Generations in considering the feasibility of any significant decision we make today!’ In translation, our children today have been SOLD OUT to the devil in payment for Worldly pleasures enjoyed by their parents & ancestors!
- Our Mother Nature is _ISSED & TOLD ME SO! Pres. Reagan- You can’t keep a GOOD dead MAN DOWN! ASKS FOR ALL VOICES HONESTLY PRESENTED & RESPECTFULLY LISTENED TO AT THE ROUND TABLE! Today we’re facing a Global Tidal Wave of Climate Impacts! Our Political Autocrats are admitting ‘It’s All Over unless we redress all our relationships with Mother Earth TODAY!!!’
- #All other Life Forms are attempting to urgently communicate with us in one way or another- Give their valuable knowledge & essence but we have become deaf to our Living World! How are their voices represented at the decision making table? Who are their spokes people? Who is even allowed to speak with other Life Forms without being declared insane?
- #Mother Nature’s creatures are asking themselves- Are humans ‘The Night of the Living Dead? Yes- apparently we are according to all our Scientists- We are all asleep like sleepy Joe Biden.
- #The TRULY INSANE are People who are unable to see we live in the midst of a vibrant beautiful world of diverse Life Forms- including human diversity our young inform us! ALL with Inalienable Rights & Freedoms! #What VOICES DO OUR CHILDREN HAVE TODAY AS THEIR WORLD IS FACING DOOMSDAY BEFORE THEY EVEN REACH FULL ADULTHOOD?
- #Why aren’t our Schools pulling together their sizable CHILDREN’S OWN ADVOCACY VOICE & PLATFORM- Children were treated as inanimate voiceless objects during COVID causing 70% depression rates… Zero input as our Children’s Future is being trashed before their Crying Eyes!!!
- #What about our helpless SENIORS killed off in the millions deliberately under COVID COVER by Political & Health Care Priority preferences as to WHO GETS TO LIVE & who dies horribly all alone as DISPOSABLE?
- #TREET OUR MOTHER EARTH RIGHT? To start, how about 8 billion trees being planted immediately! Another 8 billion- 2 trees for every human & whatever else it takes to absorb our McBurger carbon footprint!!!
- Our Amazon Basin- Lungs for our Planet, is being burned down to herd Methane farting McBurger Cattle. An amazing Relative gave selflessly to Everyone but enjoyed a sweet tooth for travelling our World. She became cognitively impaired like Sleepy Joe Biden & couldn’t remember anything at all about her trips she had just poured her life’s savings into!!!
- #We always remember our Wonderful Childhood & Teenage years… When we had NOTHING but almost EVERYTHING- GOOD FRIENDS, FUN & HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS!!! What Britney Spears anxiously NEEDED!!!
- Mental Health Breakdown & Healing Processes can take weeks, months, years depending upon severity, how supportive one’s environment is & basic needs being adequately met… OUR POLITICIANS are toying about a One World (G- 22, COP- 26) Autocracy Council to CONTROL travel, create 24/7 surveillance, suppress Co2 & Methane Emissions, expand monitoring & taxation, defuse & triage poverty, refugees & vulnerable identified by UNICEF, OXFAM, etc. Big Agriculture allegedly setting the stage for ZOONOTICS- infectious outbreaks, by compressing massive herds into stacked cages! Pres. Biden says America will lead victoriously- before falling asleep! America already TOPS the World ahead of Brazil, India, Mexico & Russia- in COVID DEATHS! Only .6% of our vaccine shots have been administered to low income countries in spite of the Summer, 2019 COVAX Plan for Wealthy Countries to supply Poor Countries. Our G-20, the source of 80% of World Carbon Emissions, met in Rome. They could have agreed to revolutionize our World’s carbons emissions with Pope Francis asking for God’s Blessings or at COP- 26 200 Nov. 1- 14, ’21 in Scotland addressing Global Climate Change.
- A Mark of The Beast Moment? Today for 2 weeks at breezy Glasgow, Scotland in Highland short kilts without underwear, our World Leaders are laying the ground work for controlling human emissions!!! ‘It’s NOW or NEVER to act decisively on Global Climate Change- TIME’S UP!’ America’s Supreme Court conspires by Midnight ‘Emergency’ Secret Sessions against open & accountable hearings & decision making. Texas’s crafty Abortion Ban the Supreme Secretive Court allowed, enables private citizens to sue anyone helping a Women access abortion services- Catholic Supreme Court Judges may want to appease Pope Francis as we saw Joe Biden giveaway precious artifacts in Rome. Roe vs. Wade is under review by a Conservative Supreme Court stacked by anti abortionists!!!
- #BABY POWER- PRE BORNS CRY OUT FROM THE WOMB- APPEAL TO THE U.S. SUPREME COURT FOR JUSTICE- Hearings begin Nov. 1- Pope Francis is LISTENING!!! Texas Legislature is slyly using a LOOPHOLE in the Law able to empower every citizen to act as a ‘State Attorney General’ & prosecute anyone assisting a Woman to get an abortion. BE REWARDED with a Bounty if successful. The threat of being sued by vast numbers of $$$motivated citizens is an effective approach to STOPPING ABORTIONS or any other current Right Texas or any State Legislature might arbitrarily attack!
- People feel society expects them to ‘SHAKE IT OFF’ & ‘SNAP OUT OF IT!’ ‘WORK THROUGH IT BUDDY!’ ‘Society’ generally accepts physical illnesses but not mental illnesses. But becoming increasingly ill over time- not ‘SHAKING IT OFF,’ THE DAMNED UP EMOTIONS BURST & WE WISH WE HAD SOUGHT OUR DIAGNOSIS & PROFESSIONAL INSIGHT BEFORE ‘Bi-polar Emotional Climate Disaster Struck!!!’
- #Seeing an Emergency Psychiatrist while in TERRIBLE CRISIS or waiting 8 months while deteriorating = Psychiatrists SEEING THE WORST & OVER PRESCRIBING!!! Worst than Britney’s sad medication tune, I was forcibly injected by about 5 or 6 times the normal level- WAS I HOWLING MAD as an alleged Werewolf in Transition who never hurt a dang flea!!! Just one more reason to justify throwing my Psychiatrist across the room! Sports Heroes throw girly little balls- I throw scary hairy Big Psychiatrists! Like Arnold I LET THEM GO!!!!!! Young Psychiatrist-Seductress calls the COPS- ‘Bring ‘IT’ in or TAKE ‘IT’ OUT!!!’ Is THAT PLAYING NICE??? Escaped hiding out in a Community of FRIENDLY SNAKES- SCARED OFF THE UNWELCOME COPS- SAVING MY NECK!!! No BAD SERPENTINES IN MY WOODS GARDEN!!! Britney appeared joyfully with her Buddy ‘Bananas’- the Friendly Albino Burmese Python at the 2001 & 2016? VMAs!!! For Heaven’s SNAKES- SNAKES WERE BRITNEY’S & MY BEST FRIENDS!!! KiSSY- HISS!!! #Britney & I are Kindred Snake Lover Spirits!!!
- We are incredibly vulnerable at our BREAKDOWN STAGE after fighting Mental Illness for years- ’19th Nervous Breakdown!’ Psychologists study Talk Therapy & create Scientific Question & Answer Psychological illness Profile Sheets over years of study- Psychiatrists may simply WING IT based on experience!! Beyond gaining a Diagnosis, Treatments can be unscientific & controversial- Many clients swear by prescribed mild Psychiatric medications even as the drug effect stops & side effects increase- Enjoying a PLACEBO EFFECT, imagining they are being treated/helped by a magic potion & educated Doctor who is watching over them 24/7! S.S.R.I. medications (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) like Zoloft (sertraline) are prescribed 50 million times & Xanax (alprazolam) prescribed 40 million times in America in 2018 for depression & anxiety, for example. But Clients want Talk Therapy- a majority only receive medications! Britney received everything her $$$money could buy whether she wanted ‘HELP’ or not- 6 Nurses for 24/7 kinky observation including bedroom surveillance!!! Britney’s personal team could have easily cared for hundreds+ Helping others while unburdening Britney!!! How GOOD would that have been for everyone!!!?
- #Your Mental Illness University Course & Degree in The SCIENCE of YOU- YOUR BRAIN, MOOD, EMOTIONS, THINKING & BEHAVIOR… A client may be prescribed HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS by their Psychologist/Therapist like keeping a Daily Journal of thinking, behavior- actions & reactions, mood changes- what seems to trigger bad vs. helpful experiences! Clients become like a ‘Journeyman’ Tradesperson understanding their illness, triggers & approaches to achieving success. A mental Health plumber, structural & design builder & electrical contractor!!! Many tricks & tools in their kit! Becoming a virtuoso practiced analyst- expert of their PERSONAL illness & HAPPILY able to carry on. We can accomplish this without coaching but CLEARLY coaching & feedback by someone we trust is HELPFUL to keep us recovering & actively on track!!!
- #1 in 5+ Americans are on medications- with controversial Presidents like Trump & Biden running the show, at least a 20% mental illness rate is to be expected! Ha! Ha! COVID & CLIMATE CHANGE Apocalyptic Times- DOOMSDAY Science Backed Presentations SCARE US BEYOND ANY FAKE Halloween Hollywood silly movie!!!
- Generally Psychiatrists focus on medications while Psychologists’ strength is Counselling Therapy. Anti-psychotic medications can cause brain injury & functional issues… A majority of clients prescribed medications are denied full talk therapy- psychotherapy counselling! Psychology Therapies focus on approaches to healthy body & mind- thinking, being, emotions, behavior & developing skills/tools for healthy living! An external teacher & coach is GOOD- but you can also be your own Best Therapist if you willing to DO THE NEEDED WORK!!! We recover from Mental Illness BY ACTIVELY LIVING in a SAFE EXPERIENCE- but PUSHING OUR LIMITS WEEK BY WEEK BEYOND OUR PAST ABILITY, STEP BY STEP- UP & AWAY!!!
- #Yes- Don’t you LOVE Britney’s defiant fighting Spirit- a TRUE BLUE Psychiatric Survivor of 13 years Conservatorship- ‘You can’t STICK A LABEL ON ME’- LOVE IT!!!! Britney is enjoying everyone’s MIRACLE SUPPORT & HEALING RECOVERY! So sad for Britney’s hopeful Fans she is DIVORCING FROM the ENTERTAINMENT BIZ to HELP HER HEALING PROCESS. #Everyone- like Britney Spears DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE AT JUST GETTING THEIR REAL LIFE BACK AGAIN- Destiny Joyously Awaiting their RETURN!!! But in our recent Industrial Age, People Kind behaved like Halloween Vampires all year long- Sucking the Lifeblood from all other Life Forms & Mother Earth-Nature!
- Our G-20 Leaders, Meeting in Rome & with the Pope- embody 80% of our Earth’s CO2- Methane, etc. Killing Climate Change Emissions! Currently we are at 1.2 degrees C. increase above Pre-Industrial Revolution average Global Temperature- The stated DOOMSDAY THRESHHOLD LIMIT causing a spiraling feedback Climate Change Emissions loop is frighteningly close!!! Our Politician agreed on hard upper limit is only .3 degrees C. away!
- But lauded heroic Hospital Health Care Workers & other Front Line Workers- with Natural immunity from COVID infection or one vaccine shot giving 80% protection… are now being DECLARED ZEROES- TRASHED & BURNED by our morally bankrupt Autocrat Political Leaders gone POWER CRAZY! Highly paid Police giving out $2,000 tickets to starving university students for partying outside!!!
- #Canada’s FIBBING Liberal P. M. Trudeau- Gone Surfing Dude! to celebrate ‘Indigenous Truth & Reconciliation Day’ is spending millions on LAWYERS to FIGHT AGAINST COURT AWARDED COMPENSATION for Indigenous Children TORN APART & FROM INDIGENOUS FAMILIES & COMMUNITIES- How many have passed never receiving JUSTICE & ANY COMPENSATION??
- #P.S. Pope Francis- Kindly bring your Holy Butt to Canada to APOLOGIZE for CATHOLIC RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SAVAGERY- So Be It- AMEN! God COMMANDS YOU! And how about stopping the Pulpit attack on snakes & serpents- Britney Spears & her fans went bonkers over Burmese Python ‘Bananas’ & God led me Safely into a snake pit who repelled tracking Cops sent by a Psychiatric Seductress Siren!!!! P.S. Don’t try this at home- Who knows if Angels anointed these snakes for their PROTECTION & COURAGE whereas other snakes may have had a HISSSSSSYFIT!!!! #SMILE & BE COURAGEOUS- ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW PROMISING YOUR WONDERFUL DESTINY AFTER THE STORMS PASS! YOU ARE INCREASING IN YOUR BLESSING POWERS!!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR LOVING HEART & YOU IN MINE FOREVER MY LOVE- Nov. 1, 2021 by Brianca Lane GOLDEN GOLDILOCKS ZONED IN FOR SAFETY & SUCCESS!!!! Nov. 8, 2021 #OUR MISSION POSSIBLE in our GOLDEN GOLDILOCKS ZONED IN HEALTHY LIVING is to RAISE UP OUR WORLD- like our Beloved Britney Spears from being skewered in the ‘TWILIGHT ZONE!’ (Rod Sterling) But after experiencing almost 2 years of COVID-19, ALL our INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS APPEAR STOLEN & DEMONIZED by our INSATIABLE POWER CRAZED Autocratic Political Leaders- Personality Cult Big Brothers & Ruthless Authoritarian Enforcers by Top Down Decision Making! ALARMIST World Scientific Reports call out our farting cattle, oil & gas drilling, landfills, agriculture, & melting Arctic Tundra… releasing Methane gas- heating our Climate 80 X faster than Co2 alone! The Critical Danger is the CREATION of a FEEDBACK LOOP CAUSING RUNAWAY GLOBAL WARMING- Is Big Brother creating underground cities for their survival leaving us to perish on the surface? Only 100 big nuclear bombs blasts could take out most Life on our Mother Earth Space Ship! Or-
- How long could we survive if our Electrical Power grid is knocked our by Natural or willful enemy attacks? HOW EASILY OUR ELECTRICAL GRID- ON WHICH WE INCREASINGLY DEPEND, COULD BE KNOCKED OUT BY SEVERAL CAUSES!!!! We need not HARDEN OUR HEARTS BUT SURELY OUR ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM!!!! Once the system is down, SHOCKING trying to survive without electrical power!!!!
- We LIVE IN A SAFE GOLDILOCKS ZONE- Not too COLD or HOT- Superstorms manageable for now! No Super Quakes so far to darken sunlight from giving new Life Energy to Grow… Better begin Terraforming Mars to give us a SAFETY NET! A Safe, GOLDILOCKS ZONE PERFECT for our Goldilocks Girl seeking stability! We’ll TERRAFORM MARS with GREENHOUSE GASES to thicken the atmosphere, warm the planet & establish trees, other plant life, lakes & rivers for we humans if we BURN UP OUR MOTHER EARTH SHIP!!! Planting trees ABUNDANTLY TODAY CAN SAVE US but in an overheated Planetary Future Runaway Climate Change Environment, Carbon trees are fuel for the Wildfires!!! Leaking Methane is sometimes accompanied by other noxious villains like benzene & hydrogen sulfide. But methane emissions accompanying natural gas pipelines are lower by 75% since 1990 & The E.P.A. projects reducing methane by 41 million tons over 12 years beginning in 2023 or ‘TOMORROW-TOMORROW… IT’S ONLY A DAY AWAY!!!’ Penalties for leaked methane would begin in 2024 @$900. per ton & rise to $1500 from 2026- 2030! 100+ Countries are promising to reduce Methane Emissions by 30% by 2030 or else ‘TOMORROW- TOMORROW WE’LL ALL REDUCE METHANE TOMORROW- IT’S ONLY A DAY AWAY!’ Pres. Biden Promising- fingers crossed behind his back? to cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 50% below 2005 levels within 10 years or ‘TOMORROW- TOMORROW…’
- #Farting cattle promising ‘We’ll eat more grass but fart less methane gas- ‘TOMORROW-TOMORROW… We’ll FART LESS TOMORROW…’ or maybe NOT!!!! ‘Cause THAT’S THE WAY- UH HUH UH-HUH THEY LIKE IT!!!’
- #Foxy Ladies News promising more FOXY LADIES TODAY to improve quality of transmissions & emissions? #Should we have 2 competing shows- Brainless blond bombshells vs. Brainy brunette bosses!!?
- #Yes- Hey Hey Ho Ho- LOOKISM is an ugly fact of Life Witch mesmerizes us, My Pretties & HAS TO GO!!! But really- what has changed in 100’s of years- #LOOKISM IS A POWERFUL PRESSURE TODAY OPPRESSING WOMEN… INSTAGRAM pressuring 95% of Girls to look like the 5% Starving Models Portray- Should we simply ask the 5% of starving Model Types to wear Hijabs & Burkas out in Public to stop BODY SHAMING our 95% who FOXY LADIES NEWS inherently VILIFIES??? Foxy Hannity- you irresistible Boy Toy- Will you be put out to pasture before 2030 under No OLD FARTS BESIDES- Oh What’s his name? Cognitively OPPRESSED Pres. Joe BIDEN???
- Speaking of FOXY LADIES- Britney Spears spooked her #FREE BRITNEY fans by her Halloween Prank photo & story- She appeared handcuffed, face/neck & hand areas red with ‘blood’- Story said she was discovered at 5:45? Britney is 5 feet 4+ inches tall!
- #As an alleged Werewolf in transition according to my Psychiatrists- I remained a Virgin! Never a nibble at anyone’s neck- just tossing the odd Psychiatrist across the Bubble Room- BUBBLE ROOM TOSS THERAPY! Don’t try this at home because BUBBLE ROOM TOSS THERAPY & ESCAPISM is followed by 911- Bring ‘IT’ in or Take ‘IT’ OUT COP TERMINATOR THERAPY!
- BREAKING NEWS from the KINGDOM of SHRINKDOM- Simple Principle Magic Healing for Severe Depression… Psychiatry is always reinventing or reworking Electric Probes for treating depression- or CREATING LIFE??? Dr. Frankenstein’s HARD AT WORK!!! In my active Advocacy Daize, virtually every Psychiatric Survivor spoke against E.C.T.- Electric Shock Brain Therapy- One Friend was a professional Musician who was SHOCKED SO BADLY he couldn’t remember how to play his instrument!!! (Drum Roll- ONLY HIS ORGAN!!!) CLEANED OUT HIS MEMORY!!! But a Psychiatrist Friend swore by it- attempted to persuade me to try it & come back once a month for a ‘tune up’ but I never accepted SHOCK THERAPY! A great female Friend with severe depression actually tried it out of desperation & said it helped but WOW- WAS HER HAIR FRIZZY AFTERWARDS!!! Ha! Ha!
- Years ago, received a head M.R.I. as I was accidentally shot on my head by an arrow- ‘Friendly Fire? P.S. Hunters- Get your vision checked before every hunting season!!! You can appreciate my sympathy towards my DEER FRIENDS having to deal with hunters every year- figuring out the Friendly & Kindly from the KILLER CRAZY Humans!!! ‘Friendly Fire?’ I specifically informed Doctors how sending Magnetic Imaging signals in my brain was actually therapeutic for me at the time! Today, we realize a thousand techniques reset our Brain towards releasing endorphins – happy chemicals & healthy neuron transmission beginning with having a good relationship with ourselves, OUR OWN BODY, Mother Nature & Wonderful People like You- Most people are Friendly & Good Hearted!!! Easy natural exercises like walking (with a Friend) is a great mood mender, for example! At Stanford University, Cal. Psychiatric Researchers use an M.R.I. Brain Scan to see what exact area of the Brain appears under active- a dead zone compared to normal activity for very depressed long term Sufferers. They release a TARGETED MAGNETIC PULSE into the exact Brain spot ‘dead zone’- my words not theirs to QUICKLY INCREASE ACTIVITY to A NORMAL LEVEL & follow up with additional Quick Acting Targeted Magnetic Pulses at later dates to attempt to get the Client’s brain more normally active & resilient again!
- This Brain stimulating Neuromodulation Therapy or Targeted Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation makes sense if we think about a physical body part which is too inactive with little blood flow & motor stimulation. We need to get it actively functioning again just like our Brain if a certain part is apparently under active as a result of or coinciding with severe mental illness depression we can theorize… WHO WANTS ‘DEAD SPOTS’ in our SYSTEMS- Right?
- #DO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC BECAUSE THIS PLACEBO EFFECT IS MAGIC HEALING- providing the Healing Approach is not inherently unhealthy. GOOD MAGIC- SAFE WITCHCRAFT like your Mother Kissing your BOO BOO Skin Injury Better- ACTUALLY WORKS MAGIC- The PLACEBO EFFECT is DIVINE- Combined with treatment approaches which are common sensical- ALL THE BETTER!!! Stanford Shrinks will continue research studies & must be peer reviewed, any side effects identified, etc. & compare cost effectiveness versus other treatment approaches.
- A Conservatorship must enable the Conservatee to select or replace their own legal counsel & provide FREE COUNSEL if indicated by financial constraints & a vigorous annual independent REVIEW looking to removing a Conservatorship or loosening restrictions safely. Similarly a CODE under
- #George Floyd Laws- ‘I Can’t Breathe…’ until JUSTICE is ACHIEVED FOR ALL!!! For our Police & Courts, annual reporting should include ALL COMPLAINTS about Police from individuals & ‘groups’- especially historically subjected to oppression & criminalization by Police & Courts. Police Officers should be named so they can be tracked World Wide just like alleged child abusing Clergy, Teachers, etc. so they can’t simply escape to a new jurisdiction. Whistle Blower Protection- Police, Clergy, Teachers, etc. should be required to bring offenders to public & Police account/reprimand for violating Human Rights! Help advocate for victims!
- INDIGENOUS Truth & Reconciliation & Clergy Child Abuse- Pope Francis, Being the Faithful Leader he is, SHOULD BE REQUIRED/PRESSURED by World Leaders to personally IMMEDIATELY visit every Country where child abuse OFFENCES & COVER-UPS HAPPENED to APOLOGIZE & OFFER COMPENSATION. GOD & JESUS consider child abuse a BLASPHEMY AGAINST DIVINITY!!! Is our HOLY POPE WITH JESUS or NOT???
- #Our young children’s School Education should be opening their expectations, knowledge & timely planning to correctively SAVE OUR BADLY BEATEN WORLD THEY ARE INHERITING- RESCUE MOTHERSHIP EARTH FROM THEIR Mr. MAGOO ‘UNAWARE’ PARENTS WHO ARE WRECKING IT!!! SUPREME COURT HEARINGS- OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE vs. MAGOO??? #Should we actually encourage a GENERATIONAL CULTURE GAP- EMPOWER school children to UPDATE & REBOOT OUR SOCIETIES & CULTURES. #Trash Tribalism Everywhere, stereotypical Wahabi Taliban Style TRIBAL Ways of Seeing our World as Top Down, Male Controlled, Excluding Diversity, Aggressive, Uneducated, Ill Informed & Violent? #Is God/Allah/Darwinian Natural Selection giving us all DOMINION over Mother Nature to WRECK Everything or to CHERISH OUR MOTHER EARTH??!!!
- #More citizens dying from denial of Health Protective, Illness Preventive & Treatment Care than by COVID-19 as Political Autocrats shift resources AWAY from all other necessary care causing massive casualties!
- #Based on Climate Change directions today, our Future Generations face Burning hell fires on Earth- They should have picked SMARTER ANCESTORS!!! Americans are justifiable alarmed by the OPEN Southern Border- 20%+ bringing in diseases… Criminals & Slavers entering freely besides GOOD REFUGEES seeking THE AMERICAN DREAM! Inflation is spiking as well as energy costs as Biden froze Oil & Gas Exploration, killed the Canada to U.S. Keystone Pipeline, turned America from being Energy Independent to relying on OPEC Oil in response to addressing Co2 & Methane emissions… Supply chains tied in bottlenecks, re-visioning American history sparkling a backlash… Defunding the police mandates poorly thought out increasing criminality upon communities… Controversial contradictory COVID Dictatorship Mandates etc. frightening Americans about Left Extremism vs. Right Extremism!
- #Don’t we all LOVE BREATHING MOTHER NATURE’S PURE AIR, DRINKING & BATHING in FRESH CLEAN WATER, eating energizing, healthy food grown in nutritious Soils… Imagine RESPECTFUL LISTENING TO ALL RAINBOW DIVERSE POINTS OF VIEW AROUND A ROUND TABLE of EQUALS LIVING BY GOOD SAMARITAN & Biblical GOLDEN PRINCIPLES!!! All decision-making top down giving way to collective co-operative consensus building among EQUALS… Powers BACK SAFELY IN OUR HANDS AGAIN! No CRUELTY or MEAN SPIRITED CHARACTER towards our fellow humans & our fellow kindred Life Forms- Cherishing Healthy Respectful Nurturing! SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS- everyone trustworthy & respectful, co-operatively enjoying EASY DELIGHTFUL DAYS of JOYOUS REAL LIVING!!! SLEEPING like Babies every night- OUR CONSCIENCE & LOVING CHARACTER CLEAN & CLEAR! EMBODYING GABBY PETITO’S WONDERFUL CHILDLIKE JOY EXPERIENCING LIFE’S EVERYDAY ADVENTURES… Why should we waste one more second in our World’s Twilight Zone? WE DESERVE BETTER- WE DESERVE HAPPINESS! WE DESERVE HEALTH & WE DESERVE SAFETY! Our young school age children should be encouraged to CREATE A NEW CULTURE & FRESH ALIVE WORLD!!! FEEL FREE & WELCOME Together Apart in our GOLDEN GOLDILOCKS GARDEN- ZONED IN FOR SAFETY & SUCCESS!!! Always in Your Loving Giving Heart & You in Mine Forever Beloved- Nov. 8, 2021 by Brianca Lane
- P.S. Our World & Experience can be a scary Twilight Zone or because of your MIRACULOUS GENEROUS HEART RISING ABOVE our World’s Turbulent Oceans of Emotions, FUN IN THE SUNSHINE of YOUR LOVE!!! We Are CHALLENGED until CHANGE BECOMES U.S. A.ll So much beyond ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE!’ or ‘A (Christmas) MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET!’ ASK BRITNEY SPEARS about her EXPERIENCE of our Worldly HIGHS & LOWS- Enjoying Pop Princess Star Power, Fame & Fortune but simultaneously Being Ridiculed by Mainstream Media & Enslaved as a Mentally Ill Conservatee performing 10 hour days enriching alleged Bloodthirsty feeding SHARKS with COURT BLESSINGS!!!!!!!! Britney’s Staying Strong- Why not you & I Loving Together MeUsCan-do. Living in Joyous FREEDOM!!!!! You’re/We’re THE REAL DEAL! WE DON’T NEED NO EXEMPTION FROM STRUGGLES EVERYONE IS EXPERIENCING-
- #FREED BRITNEY!!! Simultaneously LAUGHING & CRYING- I am not to make any Bipolar Jokes, Britney says celebrating our collective VICTORY!
- #I THINK I’M GONNA CRY THE REST of THE DAY!!!!” Pres. Trump & Britney actually agree about something! #”The U.S.A. is a radicalized MESS!” And like Britney, Trump adds I Just want my Life Back (as President!) At the Nation COP- 26 Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland- building on Paris Accord PROMISES 6 years earlier, our U.N. Secretary General demands we limit our Global Warming to 1.5 C. above pre-industrial levels by 2030-
- #Given that most Nations’ PROMISES always take effect ‘TOMORROW TOMORROW! We’ll cut emissions TOMORROW!’ our fearless U.N. Secretary says we are ENTERING “EMERGENCY MODE!” Waking up to his ALARM, Pres. Biden is FREAKING everyone by declaring,
- #”NONE OF US CAN ESCAPE THE WORST THAT IS YET TO COME!!!” (Even by falling back asleep!) Actually Pres. has arrived back very ALIVE- Just signed the Infrastructure Bill into Law today- Biden PLANS TO LEAD our World BY HIS EXAMPLE at ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE- He’s either an ACTION HERO or villain according to our individual Tribal Politics- Mother Nature is HOPING!!!!
- #ALL HANDS ON DECK- DEAD or ALIVE- OUR WORLD NEEDS GOOD LEADERSHIP FOR A (CLIMATE) CHANGE- Pres. Reagan has a great sense of humor!!!! Who knew his deadpan humor is so endearing & disarmingly effective at bringing us around to be co-operating enthusiasts???
- #China & the U.S. are our World’s worst emitters- who should be quickest to BE THE CHANGE WE NEED NOW!!!!
- Special Presidential Climate Envoy John Kerry is pushing hard for Nations to voice SPECIFIC COMMITMENTS for TODAY-not just for TOMORROW!!! U.S. Secretary of Transportation is achieving international pledges to reduce shipping & aviation emissions. AGGRESSIVE TAX INCENTIVES for NEW CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES. Removing fossil fuel subsidies. Creating new technologies & materials storing carbon.
- #Everyone- don’t be fuelish about your individually created pollution & gas emissions carbon footprint! Mother Nature says IT ALL ADDS UP SO BEGIN BETTERING OUR PLANET BUTTERCUP!
- #Cattle- eat the grass but cut down the methane gas!!!
- #Young students VOICE PLANNING & ACTION for CHANGES NOW!!!!
- #Everyone co-operating to SAVE ALL FORMS of LIFE on our SACRED PLANET- CHERISHING our MOTHER NATURE!!!
- #Together Apart- MEUSCAN-DO!!! #DON’T LET OUR GOOD MOTHER DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Climate Change Psycho Maths: The Paris Accord hoped to achieve a Global Warming Upper Limit of 2 C./3.6 F. Glasgow pledges & current actions target just under 1.8 C. The U.N. Secretary General says the World Scientific Community Goal is 1.5 C.- “That GOAL IS ON LIFE SUPPORT!” Pres. Biden awakens: “WHAT AM I DOING HERE? Oh yes- I KNOW ABOUT BEING ON LIFE SUPPORT- And MY POPULARITY IS ON LIFE SUPPORT BUT I’M SIGNING MY INFRASTRUCTURE BUILD BACK BETTER BILL injecting more than $100 Billion for CLEAN Energy & Infrastructure!’ $65 Billion to improve the reliability & resiliency of America’s Power Grid; $39 Billion to expand public transportation systems; $7.5 Billion for electric vehicle charging stations; Before falling back asleep Pres. Biden adds “Scientists tell us we are in THE DECISIVE DECADE-WE MUST MAKE DECISIONS THAT WILL AVOID THE WORST CONSEQUENCES OF THE CLIMATE CRISIS!” Almost 2 years ago we wrote-
- #WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE!!! Foxy Ladies News is beginning to report we are indeed in Apocalyptic Times… noting inflation is also skyrocketing forcing poorer Folks to make impossible decisions- winter heating vs. food, etc. The Secretary of Energy places America in a transitional CATCH-22 like all Nations attempting to deliberately, forcibly wean off coal, oil & gas energy- plus reduce SUBSIDIES for production of sources emitting GREEN HOUSE GASES! At the same time increasing subsidies for renewables yet to be in place. She adds the CLEAN ENERGY SECTOR is WORTH $23 TRILLION by 2030- Solar Panels, Batteries, etc. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!! How PAINLESS WILL THE TRANSITION BE??? DO DESPERATE TIMES REQUIRE DESPERATE ACTIONS using COVID-19 or CLIMATE CHANGE COVER??? COP-26 pleads all Nations TRANSITION NOW & reduce subsidies supporting polluting energy sources…
- The O.P.E.C. Cartel holds America by the EAGLE’S BALLS- CONTROLS 90% of gas & oil SUPPLY, 50% of PRODUCTION! Not to be out promised, India is promising 0 emissions by 2070! Will upcoming Climate Change Calamities INSPIRE OUR AUTOCRATIC DICTATORS TO IMPOSE CLIMATE CHANGE MANDATES AS EASILY AS THEY IMPOSE COVID-9 MANDATES? Courts are resisting Autocrats REMOVING ALL OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS & CREATING DICTATORSHIPS under cover of our COVID (& NOW CLIMATE CHANGE?) Competitors U.S.A. & China promise a 30% Methane Gas cut by 2030! METHANE FARTING Cattle BUTTS Are HOLDING THEIR OWN ROUND STABLE- Staying future FARTFESTS!!! Above 2.5 C. we all begin SUFFERING THE WORST of Climate Changes Scientists agree!!! WOW- Speaking about Together Apart- Everyone cruising to VICTORY with EMANCIPATING FORMERLY ENSLAVED $$$ENTERTAINER Beloved Britney Spears- EXPERIENCING SUBSTANTIAL PRE- HEARING STOMACH BUTTERFLIES, ALL FLUTTERBYS/STOMACH JITTERS SUDDENLY STOPPED WHEN BRITNEY’S JUDGE JOINED #FREE BRITNEY! JOY! LOVE! PEACE & GOODWILL!!!! #FREED BRITNEY!!!!
- #Our Celebrated Nov. 11 Remembrance Day Memorial includes WWII Veterans who beat Hitler & his Nazi Regime, etc. at incredible SELF SACRIFICE- Nazis began their Final Solution eliminating groups they didn’t like by adopting mass murder approaches introduced by Psychiatrists rounding up & systematically murdering their MENTAL PATIENTS! #NEVER AGAIN!!! But OMG/Allah- Canada is talking about Doctors Suiciding citizens & even Veterans who Big Brother deems may be $$$costly & are ‘throwaway citizens’ like under 1930’s Genocidal Fascism!!!! ‘Enlightened Countries- NOT!’ are beginning to ENABLE & ENCOURAGE Citizens with Disabilities or facing POVERTY- including Normal/Common Mental Illnesses, to end their lives at the hands of KILLER PHYSICIANS instead of CARING PHYSICIANS demanding supportive resources to help Citizens with Health Challenges to ‘LIVE LONG & PROSPER!’ no matter their Disability or Mental Illness (Star Trek) Be Fully & Joyfully Integrated into Caring Community Living…
- #Britney- to whom much is GIVEN- MUCH IS EXPECTED by Your GIVING HEART to others!!!! PASS ON THE LOVE GIVEN SO FREELY TO YOU!!!!
- #INCREDIBLE TALENT- too often only ‘BARELY PRESENTED’ as America’s Mothers of impressionable Daughter’s viciously attacked her- Young Women are SEXUALIZED ENDLESSLY in Western Culture because sadly SEX SELLS $$$$$ above INCREDIBLE TALENT- ASS BACKWARDS so to speak!!!!!!! Oops- I did it Again Britney!!!
- #Wish Young Entertainer Women 100% SHOW THEIR TALENT FIRST & FOREMOST beyond their sensual appeal- Are their handlers & promoters CAUSING & TRIGGERING MENTAL ILLNESS in young women especially by non stop hyper activity, promotions, concerts, over stimulation, presenting them primarily sexually? Actually Mental Illness is an alleged uncontrolled pandemic in the Entertainment World. Can researchers address this catastrophe affecting our Artists/Performers??? WHY & WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT IT???
- Britney’s INCREDIBLE LOVABLE & SPONTANEOUS CHARACTER- & TOLERANCE in accepting our intrusive views- ALWAYS PRESENTED IN LOVE about her Health & Personal Challenges! Britney’s TRIALS by FIRE as a PSYCHIATRIC SURVIVOR of FORCED UNWANTED TREATMENT & AMERICAN STATE BIG BROTHER APPROVED TORTUROUS ABUSES & SLAVERY. You & I- Always fully understanding & sympathetic- Steadfast SUPPORTIVE for Britney & her FREEDOM!!!
- #Judge courageously couldn’t jump quickly enough to begin RIGHTING ALL THE WRONGS AGAINST BRITNEY BEFORE THINGS REALLY GOT HEATED & TOTALLY OUT of CONTROL in La La Land!!!! Our Founding Psychiatric Survivor Principles explained & voiced like
- Britney smartly relied on these undeniable TRUTHS- presented these INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS in COURT & ALL THE CIRCLING BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRES & SHARKS BEAT IT PRONTO- after 13 years sucking on Britney’s BREASTS & allegedly 100’s? of Britney’s $$$MILLIONS MISSING…
- #What kind of a Country acts in this horrible way- Britney Spears & every Psychiatric abuse SURIVOR or other survivor asks themselves?
- #Britney Spears achieved everything materially- FAME & FORTUNE but was STRIPPED & FORCIBLY IMPRISONED & HARSHLY MISTREATED- HER PERSON & LIFE RIPPED APART based solely on her alleged Mental Health Challenge.
- #The TRIPLE CROSS most Psychiatric Survivor/Abuse victims suffer- Severe Mental Illness Challenges- ‘Anxieties & Stresses- Immense Pressures’ as Britney identifies her Health Challenges publicly; Incredible Derision & Stigma exacerbating abuses heaped on her including removal of all INALIENABLE & CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS; a startling Enslavement- mental, emotional & material impoverishment. Britney had ALL HER RIGHTS REMOVED & had no understanding SHE ACTUALLY DID HAVE A FEW RIGHTS & THE ABILITY to CHALLENGE BIG BROTHER’S BRUTAL IRON FIST!!!
- #Britney credits her #FREE BRITNEY! Supporters for Restoring her Spirit, SOUL & FAITH IN HUMANITY- her ABILITY to RISE UP & WIN BACK HER FREEDOMS & LIFE! #FREED BRITNEY!!!!
- #A brilliant Psychiatrist studied the Life Expectancy of citizens Challenged by severe Mental Illness, etc. Who Face Life Expectancies & overall Health Challenges IN WEALTHY COUNTRIES as if they lived in the most Poverty Stricken Countries- losing 20 years+ of Life Expectancy for example!!!
- #We give LIP SERVICE to REMEMBRANCE DAY Annually on Nov. 11- But ASK our Impoverished, Vulnerable & Homeless Mentally & Physically Challenged Veterans about the lack of SUPPORTS regardless they put their LIVES on the LINE for their Countries!!!! Their life expectancy vastly reduced- SPIRITS IMPOVERISHED for their UNSELFISH SERVICE!!! What kind of a Country acts so badly towards courageous heroes??? P.M. Trudeau’s Veterans are on the FIRING LINE for Doctor Suiciding???
- #Checked in with our MOTHER NATURE yesterday- SHE’S HOPEFUL- UPBEAT- PRAISE GOD/ALLAH/DARWININAN SURVIVAL!!!! (HAPPY ABOUT COP-26 & upcoming follow up Climate Change Conference next year in Egypt, etc.) ‘SHOW ME! SHOW ME!’ Pres. Biden says he’s SHOWING YOU the U.S. Plan IS FOR REAL & PROVIDING LEADERSHIP!!!!
- Speaking of Bad Habits, Nuns everywhere Please- invite His Holiness, Pope Francis to kneel before soon attending Indigenous Abuse Survivors telling their Abuse by Clergy Stories at the Vatican! Pope Francis should not only kneel before them but wash their feet… Indeed- BEG FOR THEIR FORGIVENESS while releasing stolen Indigenous treasures & artifacts- promising to travel & APOLOGIZE PERSONALLY to SURVIVORS IN EVERY COUNTRY HIS HOLINESS VISITS!!!!!! On yer knees SINNER- Oh oh- Is God reading this? Boy- am I in trouble! Jesus forgive me!!!!
- #The BEAST doesn’t PLAY FAIR- EVER! AMBUSHING OUR INNOCENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, HUMANITY, LOVING HEARTED NURTURING SPIRIT! CLEAN HANDS & A PURE HEART like WILD ROSE, SWEET TIGER PURRING BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!! Ha! Ha! In You Hearts Forever- Nov. 15, 2021 Loving You Brianca Lane CHRISTMAS SPIRIT & JINGLE BELLS- BUT SATAN IS ALWAYS ON THE ATTACK!!!! Nov. 22, 2021 Upon typing ‘But Satan is ALWAYS on the ATTACK,’ prevented from writing for 8 days & nights! “Oh- I Need your LOVING 8 DAYS a WEEK!!!” Regaining American Exceptionalism by REBUILDING INTEGRITY, CHARACTER, TRUST, HONESTY, INNOVATION & CREATIVE CONSENSUS BUILDING- WELCOMING ALL VIEWS to a LISTENING ROUND TABLE!!! In spite of reports to the contrary, America- like Joe Biden is still ALIVE & KICKING- just like our Dearest Pres. Reagan attempting to BUILD BACK BETTER AMERICA’S RESPECT & LEADERSHIP GLORY!!!
- Extremist Values & Extremist Behavior by America’s Right & Left is better HELPING by giving way to Pres. Reagan’s call for ALL DIVERSE VOICES to listen to one another- REBUILDING CONSENSUS!!! -EXCLUDING Satan & Friends from participating in ROUND TABLE discussions! Avoid stepping into Satan’s snare- honoring the SHOOTER for ‘defensively killing bad folks allegedly supporting rioting?’ Who among us accepts our neighborhoods being subjected to rioting, fire bombings? Must we invite GOOD INTENTIONED VIGILANTES ROAMING OUR NEIGHBORHOODS armed with AK 30 clip Assault Rifles bent on hurting Bad Folks/People who disagree? See our Neighborhoods becoming WAR ZONES after darkness??? Our recent conviction of 3 White self described neighborhood ‘PROTECTORS’ was deemed a ‘RACIST HATE LYNCHING’ by a mostly White Southern Jury.
- #But can’t we see Satan whispering to self righteous vigilantes to take up arms- Effectively joining Satan’s army!!!! Will we accept young vigilantes taking over our Laws & all Constitutionally Established life & death decisions? Killing ‘RIGHTEOUSLY’ in ‘SELF DEFENCE’ by alleged Satanic Protocols- GOOD VILIGANTES WEARING ‘WHITE HATS’ MUST WIN THE DAY BY KILLING BAD RIOTERS- B.L.M. attending ‘WHITE BAD GUYS.’ His Holiness Pope Francis understands Satan’s ability to corrupt our BEST INTENTIONS as Church Priests become ensnared in blaspheming against innocent children & God/Allah/Darwinian Human Progress & Natural Selective Expression of our BEST TRAITS!!! according to Satan’s BEST LAID SNARES! All our GOOD RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS ARE NATURALLY DEEPLY ASHAMED SHOULD THEY SUCCUMB To Satanic Influence! Hate, hurting, fear & shame- TOOLS of THE Satanic Trade!
- Beyond America’s split Psychiatric Borderline Personality Disorder, everyone is becoming aware about our WORLD CHESS GAME! We create Key Diverse Rainbow Broad & Open Societies Featuring Inalienable Rights, Rule of Law, Justice & Equity, Freedom Loving, Individual Creative & Co-operative consensus Building Round Table Action Plans & Pursuit of Happiness…
- POT CALLING THE KETTLE HOT? Revolutionary America escaped British Royalty for Freedom & Inalienable Rights but still embraced SLAVERY of AFRICANS almost 60 years after Britannia ruled it abhorrent!!! Today, Americans are divided again between GLORIFYING/CELEBRATING in the SPIRIT of ’76 & PUNISHING AMERICA & AMERICANS TODAY FOR PRACTICES IN THE PAST! Everyone needs to be HONEST & WELCOME TRUTH & RECONCILIATION!!! WHAT HAPPENED HAPPENED- WE WELCOME TRUTH & RECONCILIATION- WHO ENJOYS A FESTERING DEEP WOUND IN THE SOUL OF OUR DIVERSE CULTURES & NATIONS????
- We need to also step back from navel gazing -see what is happening abroad! While America spent $8 Billion achieving ZERO in the Middle EAST- killing millions & gifting the Wahabi Taliban with $85 Billion in state of the ART KILLING WEAPONRY, China’s Autocracy is stretching out its tentacles to devour or enslave our entire World economically, politically & militarily- a new SILK ROAD into the Middle East, throughout Africa, into the South China seas & beyond… leading back to China’s Communist Party Autocracy… Taiwan in China’s cross hairs- having impaled Hong Kong; The South China Sea is becoming a new military occupied zone… Hong Kong Freedom SQUASHED! Philippines & other developing Countries being systematically taken over economically? America’s soccer Moms want BETTER EDUCATION, not LOWER STANDARDS- China will rule by Natural Selection if America devalues high educational achievement!!!! OPIOID EPIDEMIC, HATE, VIOLENCE & CRIME, POVERTY & WIDENING ECONOMIC, HEALTH & JUSTICE DISPARITY, etc. are frightening! Character Building, Co-operative Team Play, Respect for Diversity, Community Spirited Efforts NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!! IS CONSTANT INTERNAL FEUDING & BICKERING- plus Pandemics, ALL CHINA’s P.L.A. Autocracy NEEDS TO HELP WESTERN DEMOCRACY COLLAPSE????
- Every day speaking with my server/internet provider about bringing my inputting back to speed but British Columbia Canada Climate Disasters in the Lower Mainland have everyone FEELING HELPLESS- ‘God/Allah has ‘ABANDONED US in B. C.’ faithful Believers are crying!!! Summer 120 F.+ HEAT KILLING HUNDREDS under HEAT DOMES, FOREST FIRES, BUG INFESTATIONS, CYCLONE STORMS, REPEATING PACIFIC OCEAN GENERATED ATSMOSPHERIC RIVERS & MUDSLIDES TEARING APART ROADS & INFRASTRUCTURE< DROWNING & BURYING EVERYTHING!!! We’re not thinking of leaving our dear own children to FACE THIS APOCALYPSE their Parents & previous generations CREATED? As Beatle McCartney sang- Life is much too short (in an Apocalypse) & there’s no time for fussing or fighting my Friend- I have always thought it’s a CRIME!!!!’
- Is Satanic Influence behind our Autocratic EMPALER RULERS? And behind our BEATING UP MOTHER NATURE & NOT CHERISHING ALL LIFE FORMS! How can we justify our unwillingness to ACCEPT OTHER LIFE FORMS HAVE INALIENABLE RIGHTS JUST AS WE DO- Yes- is Satanic Influence everywhere as Pope Francis suggests or are we that ‘dumb, stepping in the snares of the Fowler?’ P.S. *The FREE CUBA MOVEMENT FROM COMMUNIST OPPRESSION, TORTURE & STARVATION needs an OPEN U.S. BASED INTERNET PLATFORM TO ENABLE CUBANS TO CONNECT, COMMUNICATE, STRATEGIZE & RALLY… or at a minimum acquire basic INALIENABLE RIGHTS & FREEDOMS!!! Will Pres. Biden tell Cuban Refugees to stay STARVING, TORTURED & ENSLAVED UNDER CUBAN COMMUNISM- watch them drown at sea if they attempt to get to America & FREEDOM?? A cruel reminder of Jews being turned back to face Fascism & The Holocaust. Russia’s victimized neighbors need an open protective internet too!!!
- About our Beloved Birthday Girl Britney- FREEDOM FROM CONSERVATORSHIP OPPRESSION BEGINS AT 40!!!! If our TOP POP WOMEN SINGER/DANCER/ENTERTAINER is SO EASILY SUDDENLY STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING & ALL HER INALIENABLE RIGHTS, IMPRISONED & ENSLAVED for 13 YEARS BY & IN FREEDOM LOVING U.S.A., WHAT HOPE IS THERE FOR YOU & I? ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME DEEMED ‘A THREAT’ & SUDDENLY STRIPPED OF EVERYTHING!!! IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU TODAY UNLESS WE TAKE BACK OUR RIGHTS & FREEDOMS- BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE- Oh yes- Britney Spears was ‘Cared For’ by People Who Care About Sucking Off Britney’s Teats- by alleged doting Vampiric Leeches attending to her person & public success, gently FEEDING PERSISTENTLY on her WEALTH, POWER & LIFE FORCE??? All’s well that ends well for Britney & everyone if we rise again from Mental Illness & REGAIN CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES, our resources targeted for our benefit & GET OUR WONDERFUL DESTINY BACK ON TRACK!!! Looking towards RAINBOW CLEAR BLUE SKIES LIKE YOUR PRECIOUS HEARTS & BEAUTIFUL OCEANS of EMOTIONS to see our way ahead- Birthday Girl Britney can pray for us all- #We FREED BRITNEY- Britney can sing defiantly to the STORMS to ENSLAVEMENT TODAY- #FREED BRITNEY!!!! Day is within reach!!! At age 40- LIFE, LIBERTY PURSUIT of HAPPINESS RENEWED IN AMERICA THANKS TO YOU ALL BLESSED PEACE& LOVE-FILLED FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!!! Nov. 22, 2021 Always in your Heart & You Forever in Mine- Loving You Brianca P.S. Hoping to see you! (Experiencing OCEANS of EMOTIONS is BEING ALIVE!!!!! Aug. 16, 2021) BEING HEALTHY-LOVING LIFE- Mental Health SUCCESSES & NIGHTMARES… TRIPLE CROSS BURDEN!!! Feb. 24, 2021
- Are we INNOCENT VICTIMS OR NOT in experiencing ‘Apocalyptic Times’ as we referred to pending calamities in Jan. 2020? Or are human beings ‘PRACTICALLY CRAZY,’ conjuring up calamities as shown by their misguided decisions & misbehavior???
- Take Exhibit 1: Instead of The Democrats displaying The Capitol Hollywood Style Show Set SHOWERING U.S.A.ll in PEACE & HOPE, UNITY, BEAUTY & GLORIOUS CELEBRATORY SPLENDOR- Life, Liberty & The Pursuit of Happiness, The Capitol appears tragically set in war torn ‘Yemen’ with High Fencing Topped by Barbed Wire, $500 million budgeted in 2021 for ‘TROOPS & TANKS,’ Military OCCUPATION STYLE FORCES- All American Citizens- POSING NO THREATS, AWAY & AT BAY by a self preoccupied Political Tyranny!!! Will Chapter II of The Capitol Hollywood style Movie Set SHOOT our ‘PRACTICALLY CRAZY’ Theory down? By conjuring up another “ERECTION” (as stated by Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer) or INCITED & STAGED INSURRECTION INCLUDING Special Effects, Stunt Performances & PAID DEEP STATE ACTORS… Why? To say- Please don’t critically examine what we are ACTUALLY DOING by radical ABRUPT PRESIDENTIAL DECREES!!! Keeping Americans distracted, befuddled, afraid. So called Democrats or Demon Rats are creating THE DEVIL in their Hollywood Series of Movies featuring Pres. Trump as Satan- or Satan’s Helper? What about BEING POSITIVE- EXCITED ABOUT HEROIC GOOD CHALLENGES WE FACE & RISE ABOVE??!!! YOU CAN DO IT- WE CAN DO IT TOGETHER APART!!!
- Take Exhibit 2: Political Double Speak- Is Pres. Biden issuing ‘Practically CRAZY’ conflicting visions for America & our World? Pres. Biden is introducing EQUITY by way of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION for Blacks & Visible Minorites- saying WHITES WILL NOT BE TREATED EQUITABLY NOR CONSIDERED FOR CERTAIN JOBS BASED ON SKIN COLOR; Biden is also proactively promoting 1. America First/Buy American; 2. American jobs; BREAKING ties with Cousin & best Trading Partner- CANADA- 75% of Canada’s exports ship to the U.S. but Biden CANCELLED the KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE from Canada & oil self sufficiency while becoming dependent on OPEC, etc. to feed our World Energy- ACTIVELY ATTACKING & UNDERMINING Canada’s Economy & traditional integrated North American Trading Partnerships, manufacturing & supply chains; Undermining Canada’s auto industry, etc. & forcing Canada to look to America’s & our World’s U.S. declared ‘GREATEST EXISTENTIAL THREAT’ & HUMAN RIGHTS ‘GENOCIDAL ROGUE’ China-OMG??! China is behaving genocidally against Uighur Muslims & any Freedom Lusting Outliers, weaving a World Wide Silk Road Economic Web- Spinning back to an Authoritarian Big Brother 1984; Pres. Trump STRONGLY CHALLENGED CHINA’S EFFORTS TO DOMINATE OUR WORLD!!! #Which Political Leaders are Genuine & Trustworthy- Giving us the REAL GOODS, not GOOSING our BUTTS???
- EXPOSE: 3. Pres. Biden & Party are arguably undermining our World Order not only to spite Pres. Trump’s strategies, but to implement a Fantasy Neverland reminiscent of Star Performer Michael Jackson? Brilliantly, Pres. Trump strongly alerted Europe to BREAK FREE from reliance on Russian Bear Energy stoking Russia’s Economy & War Machine- Buy North American Energy instead & keep NATO STRONG & Western Economies Rising Up! Pres. Biden plays perfectly into the Russian Bear’s almost Conservatorship over European Countries totally dependent on Russian Oil & gas!!!!!! Interfere with Russia’s resurrecting U.S.S.R. Glory Days & Russia can threaten European Energy- NATO putting itself almost into a checkmate helpless situation dangerously aided by Pres. Biden??? Far more shocking than the overblown Jan. 6 occupation protest by Trump’s supporters!!!!!! FOXY NEWS critics point to the 100’s of looting & burning riots across America- no one held to account for destroying sections of cities; Catch & Release Policies???
- What mainstream media shows INTEGRITY to EXPOSE the shocking contrast between Pres. Trump’s Brilliant Plan & Pres. Biden’s Catastrophic Neverland Theme Park Dreams!!! If the Russian U.S.S.R. Scheme wasn’t Locked & Loaded, we all could acknowledge Pres. Biden focusing on creating a NEW CARBON ZERO WORLD! But we face Apocalyptic Times in our Fallen World- Everybody TRYING HEROICALLY against our Hair Brained Big Dunce Cap Politicians!!!
- 4. Black Americans & Visible Minorities are SELECTED BASED ON SKIN COLOR & ethnic heritage to key positions of POWER in GOVERNMENT: Kamala Harris- Biden only chose among Black candidates- WHITES were excluded based on skin color but 60% of US. citizens are WHITE, only about 13.5% are BLACK!! Racists complain SKIN COLOR IS NOT A QUALIFYING CHARACTERISTIC TO BE A GOOD ‘CABINET MEMBER!’ In addition to ‘VISIBLE MINORITIES ONLY’ for Vice President, his early preferred list also includes SECRETARY of DEFENSE- L. J. Austin III; SECRETARY of the INTERIOR- 35th generation New Mexican & member of the Laguna Pueblo- Deb Haaland; (574 Federally Recognized Native Tribes;) Haaland complains Pres. Trump cut red tape & opened up 500 million acres of Federal Lands to mining, logging, construction, etc. ‘jobs, jobs, jobs…’ She wants NO NEW leasing, mining, drilling… instead more PROTECTIONS for the Federal Lands; Pres. Biden’s first Acts/Decrees included killing the Keystone XL pipeline bringing oil/energy from Canada to U.S. refineries, severely harming Canada’s Prairie Provinces. Canada helps supply U.S. Domestic Energy needs as opposed to alien cultures traditionally aghast at American Liberty, Free Speech & Democracy.
- 5. What Borders? What Country? What Sovereignty? 10’s of thousands of skilled very high paying jobs WERE COLDLY CANCELLED IMMEDIATELY FOREVER BY PRES. BIDEN’S DECREES! Pres. Biden’s WIDE OPEN WELCOMING BORDER POLICIES including cancelling the Trump Border Wall being completed, enabling caravans of illegal migrants to enter freely under ‘catch & release’ annually by a million plus from the Mexican border! Authorities remain completely in the dark & unaware of migrants COVID & overall health & civility, criminality, education, skills & intentions, needs, ability to contribute to America… Estimates are at least 20% are bringing diseases into America! STEALING AMERICAN JOBS by the millions when unemployment & poverty- especially among visible minorities, is unacceptable if not sky rocketing for good, safe, higher paying jobs! Stopping ICE, etc. from questioning, arresting or deporting among approximately 10 million illegals in America including illegals charged, convicted, jailed for moderately serious criminal offences! Deportees invited to reapply for citizenship in spite of a criminal history! Criminal Cartel Gangs FREELY OPERATING Across the Mexico-U.S. Border including bringing in Opiates, etc. killing 100’s of 1,000’s of Americans & creating flourishing criminal gangs able to challenge any law enforcement in Mexico- maybe any in America too??!!!
- 6. SHOW ME YOUR MASTER PLAN MAN!!! Cancelled Pipeline Environmental Blues: BURNING for DAYS B.N.S.F. Railway Company conflagration, a crash between an 18 wheeler & a train carrying coal, gasoline. etc. to Houston Texas clearly shows trains & trucks carrying explosive energy can be catastrophic vs. SAFER pipelines! The Biden Democrats are targeting additional pipelines! Yes- we must shift away from Carbon & Methane, etc. but INTELLIGENTLY!
- Additional Visible Minority Affirmative Action EQUITY Efforts by ‘WHITES BEING AUTOMATICALLY OVERLOOKED:’ Numerous High level Agency, Committee. Council, Staffing positions, etc. are tasked for ONLY Visible Minorities like Blacks as Whites are excluded, to promote Equity, Justice & Social Change: Creating A NEW NORMAL AMERICA BY ELEVATING BLACK VISIBILITY, DECISION MAKING & POWER POLITICAL CLOUT IN ALL GOVERNMENT VENUES FOR SERIOUS SOCIAL CHANGE! AFFIRMATIVE ACTION to elevate marginalized groups/tribes should be attempted but not to the extent of breaking society cohesion- Actively & Publicly targeting Whites for exclusion & scapegoating??? Wonderful for young Black children to see Folks who look like Mom & Dad, etc. holding Government Power Positions!!! #But other Parents seeing their White Children feeling Demonized by radical Education indoctrination- BLAMING THEM FOR WHAT THEIR ANCESTORS ALLEGEDLY DID!!!
- #School children are being held accountable for what happened before they were born, before their parents were born, before their Grandparents were born!!! Remember- as a young child, I asked an elderly Relative about racism: He said EVERY MAN IN HIS TOWN’S REGION STOOD TOGETHER & ROSE UP BEATING BACK THE K.K.K.- Telling them, “NEVER EVER COME BACK!!!!”
- Pres. Lincoln, America’s TRUE FATHER called for White America to rise up against slavery!!! Among 31.5 million, about 1.5 million died in the Civil War- who has Moral Authority to demand more suffering & sacrifice from America? Pres. Lincoln exposed his life constantly to the threat of assassination to end Slavery- How many times did he fearlessly walk in the valley of the shadow of death until his assassination? How many Whites fought their friends, neighbors, fellow citizens & even kin to end slavery???So should our educational Doctrines tell our innocent, young children they are GUILTY of everything that happened in the past & should be ashamed of their skin color!!!?? If we judge Descendants of our Ancestors, #JUST IMAGINE WHAT FUTURE GENERATIONS MAY SAY ABOUT US & OUR WORLD- OUR WORLD TODAY IS CLASSIFIED AS A 6th MASS EXTINCTION EVENT IN EARTH’S HISTORY BY OUR WORLD’S SCIENTISTS?!! “Caused by UNSUSTAINABLE HUMAN ACTIVITY!”
- If GOD/ALLAH/MOTHER EARTH/DARWINIAN EVOLUTIONARY SURVIVAL ARE CALLING US TO HELP TO SPIRAL LIFE ON EARTH UPWARDS INSTEAD OF DOWNWARDS, WE ALL HAVE TO BE MORE THAN ‘POLITICALLY CORRECT!” We have to be our Best Selves- You already know!!! Yes- Psychologists today are struggling to assert that we all must be Politically Correct in our thinking, speech & behavior! BUT WE MUST BE FAR MORE THAN POLITICALLY CORRECT- We ARE IN A 6th MASS EXTINCTION EVENT BY HUMAN BEHAVIOR, POLITICALLY CORRECT or NOT- CAUSED BY HUMAN BEHAVIOR!!! By what you & I do; Our impact is always for GOOD, for BEING THE BLESSING OUR WORLD NEEDS!!! Why we are here!!! Our GREATER JOB to SAVE OUR WORLD!!!!! Remember Mother Nature’s message to us is “SHOW ME! SHOW ME!”
- Take The Texas Climate Change experience: Millions of Texans Happily Oblivious to Certain Climate Change Catastrophe! Are Texans INNOCENT VICTIMS or ‘PRACTICALLY CRAZY?’ Texas ice & snow storms accompanying by freezing POLAR cold winds brought temperatures SUDDENLY down about 32oF. BELOW the FREEZING POINT for water! Snowy ocean Galveston beaches? But in a week jumping up to 65+oF. again!!! Non insulated New Green Deal Energy WIND POWER FROZE in the cold, cutting a significant percent of electricity- while the Texas Electrical Grid is Barely Adequate, held together by ‘duct tape engineering practices?’ Housing is also an engineering catastrophe lacking insulation, heating systems & the ability for houses to passively control against temperature extremes in the event of electrical failure! (With only an interest in geometry, my self built house- UNUSUAL in APPEARANCE- no accounting for unique geometric brain but SIGNIFICANTLY HEAT & FREEZE PROOF EVEN UNDER ELECTRICAL GRID FAILURE REGARDLESS OF OUTSIDE TEMPERATURES! Texans went all out to heat their IMPRACTICAL, SUBSTANDARD HOUSING overwhelming their collapsing Electrical Grid- itself operated on a shoestring, ‘horseshoe size budget’- an ELECTRICAL CRASH WAITING TO HAPPEN! Operators had only minutes or seconds to SHUT DOWN the Electrical Grid for several days or FACE COMPLETE COLLAPSE for months causing widespread disease, illness & catastrophic loss of Health & Life! Water pipes froze- no clean drinking water available for millions; hypothermia easily overwhelming inadequately built housing… Indoor gas generators spewing deadly CO2 emissions! Texans GRID was never hardened against Winter Ice & Snow Storms like V. P. Kamala Harris who happily attended Grade 8 through High School in The Great White North of French speaking Montreal, Quebec in Canada! Hockey’s original Black panther on ice- eh???
- Can’t Hollywood produce a FUNNY HEARTWARMING MOVIE ABOUT KAMALA BEING SWEPT OFF HER FEET ENJOYING WINTRY CANADA?!! Kamala actually left warm SUNNY California arriving in Montreal on the coldest days of February in Winter- Oh- to have videoed her ‘PSYCHOTIC REACTION’ FIRST TRYING TO BREATHE IN ICE COLD ARCTIC AIR- FEELING HERSELF BECOME A ‘BLOCK OF BLACK ICE!!!’ Probably thought her Mom was ‘PRACTICALLY CRAZY!’ Bring us all a LAUGH Kamala about your ‘BIG CHILL FIRST DAIZE’ in The Great White North in Quebec! Kamala enhancing her experiences speaking about riding in a one horse open sleigh under a buffalo skin- ‘over the field she goes laughing all the way’ to her old school house like beloved ancestor Estelle wrote about at age 6 circa 1900! Juice up her chilling tale saying she was among the First Blacks many Quebecois eyed up close & how she became Kamala- ‘The CRAZY CANUCK IMPORT WOMEN’S CAPTAIN!’ SKATING THROUGH OPPONENTS UNTIL “SHE SHOOTS! SHE SCORES! The BLACK PANTHER of French Canadian Ice Hockey STRIKES AGAIN!” Back to the Forbidden Future-
- China’s recent Communist Revolutions created a new Utopian Strict Surveillance style Authoritarian Regime causing an estimated 40- 80+ MILLION deaths but higher standards of living & economic prosperity in the NEW WORLD ORDER- Racing forward to rival the overly indebted U.S.A.! ‘SMILE- YOU’RE ALWAYS BEING VIDEO TAPED IN CHINA, YOU’RE INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY ASSIGNED, YOU’RE SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE BEING TALLIED TO REWARD OR PUNISH BASED ON EVERYTHING YOU SAY & DO!!! BIG CHINA BROTHER ALWAYS WATCHING & ASSESSING YOU!’ Pres. Trump & now Canada has declared China is COMMITTING GENOCIDE against Uighurs/Muslims… ‘ Given our Apocalyptic Times we entered by Jan. 2020- EVERY COVID DEATH IS AN UNNECESSARY DEATH WE COULD HAVE AVOIDED by being HONEST, REALISTIC!!! Deaths by COVID- always under reported & covered up to ‘not offend the Chinese Rulers,’ were dramatically limited without vaccines by PRACTICAL, REALISTIC China locking down everyone in infection areas, stopping travel for 7 weeks or more as needed.
- But China enabled international travel AFFLICTING EVERY OTHER NATION!!! Quickly China’s Economy BOUNCED BACK FULL THROTTLE-Hundreds of thousands of ‘long haulers’ facing lingering health challenges around our World as voiced by early Long Hauler, CHARMED GOOD WITCH Alyssa Milano. Big Pharma’s Dream Scenario- vaccines at least annually or more often injected into consumers from birth to final sundown @ $40+ each!!! COVID simply creating new variations indicating a ‘need’ for additional vaccines & jabs!!!
- ‘PRACTICALLY CRAZY’ mad Science & Scientists opened Pandora’s Box allegedly c/o Dr. Fauci & or Friends, plaguing our World until U.S. Pres. Obama outlawed the practice of ‘Mad Science’ in 2014. Medical Scientists toyed with weaponizing bacteria & viruses- the worst that might occur against human kind in the future, developing vaccines & treatments… So experimentation on bat, etc. viruses was farmed out to China’s Wuhan viral labs allegedly c/o Fauci & Friends! Reports of accidental contagion, etc. covered up, whistle blowers silenced. COVID-19 appears to have first spread as early as the International Military Games in China circa Oct. 2019? Worldwide our Health Care & Politicians are CULLING our SENIORS & CITIZENS with Co-morbidity c/o COVID COVER & INFECTIONS- Withholding help for above 60 age group!!!
- Brianca’s Brother’s BROTHERLY LOVE & COMFORT REPORT about bacterial & viral infections? His sports coach friend had simple medical micro knee surgery using a Doctor’s needle. Contacting the coach, was reassured all was well- ‘Looks good- only a little redness & minor swelling…’ But our healthy Coach woke up the next morning feeling very ill & alarmed to see substantial swelling/infection & rushed to the hospital Emergency Dep’t. Infection was attacking his critical body organs- Emergency Doctors TRIED THEIR BEST PUMPING IN ANTIBIOTICS BUT-
- But COMPLEX SERIOUS Mental Illness is so often very difficult to assess & successfully treat forever by the Medical Model- Citizens may call themselves survivors of mental illness or worse- SURVIVORS of their inappropriate or ineffective or harmful treatments??? Everyone sees our Angel Rose Heart Britney as a VICTIM- A HARD WORKING VIVACIOUS TALENTED SMART AS A WHIP IN CONTROL ‘I AM WOMEN- HEAR ME ROAR’ YOUNG MODERN TALENT PREYED ON FOR 13 YEARS in a TWILIGHT ZONE $$$SLAVERY ROLE upon HER 2008 MENTAL/EMOTIONAL SENSATIONALIZED BREAKDOWN! We’re Calling Britney’s mental illness ‘Bipolar’ but her illness/diagnosis is HER PRIVATE SECRET Britney KEEPS TO HERSELF!!! Bad Bipolar Illness involves very challenging emotional mood & energy cycles- days or weeks of euphoric mania- feeling STRONG/HIGH/IN CONTROL/ENERGETIC followed obviously by days or weeks of the polar opposite emotions… Triggered several times every year- or more often! Almost like the recent Climate Change experience for Texans- hopefully not so cataclysmic & easier the deal with by experience based insight, therapy or treatment. The Medical Model Approach attempts to find 3 or 4+ drugs over several years working together to smooth out the HIGHS & LOWS. Drugs may work for years but become ineffective… If anti psychotic meds. are prescribed among the combinations, for example, we worry about meds. causing temporary or longer term disability, mentally & physically. Actual DAMAGE!
- Britney enjoys a very high standard of care, assistance, living & an appearance of happiness; working with the highest level production team & artists, dancers, fitness & health conscious assistants & handlers. But she’s a CAPTIVE ENTERTAINER!!! Experiencing a curse of her Dad’s unwanted control & involvement in her life like previous Spear’s women! NOT being allowed to select her own legal Council Advocacy in 2008 forward… Except for lawyers & Handlers, etc. glad handling her $$$ but giving her WHAT? ?? Britney understands better than anyone, all the illness challenges she still faces & what she wants & needs! Impartial Medical Practitioners would ask themselves:
- ‘IS BRITNEY perfectly or at least acceptably minimally competent by herself or with agreed on continuous appropriate help/assistance able to run her own life & affairs- yes or no?’ Is there a time Britney may likely not be competent even if it is rare & what might the consequences be if any? Will Britney seek help/appropriate assistance if such a time occurs? If Britney could ask her legal Counsel- if trustworthy to arrange 3 TOP LEVEL EXPERTS TO MEET WITH HER, CONDUCT A THOROUGH IINDEPENDENT EXAMINATION- Britney’s been examined too much???
- But Britney’s been under a brutal microscope for 13 years- SHE JUST WANTS HER LIFE BACK- NO MORE BRUTAL EXAMINATIONS!!! Will alleged bloodsuckers feeding off Britney’s wealth be willing to HELP HER BE COMPLETELY FREE?? ENSLAVED & ENDURING FORCED TREATMENT for 13 years, Britney MUST BE FREED from her PRISON NOW!!!!! Personally wouldn’t consider taking psychiatric meds. but each individual should assess for themselves what kinds of therapy help best! Who wants drugs causing one to feel like a ZOMBIE & leading to disability! Who wants to struggle FACE ON week after week, month after month experiencing the full impact of serious mental illness & the TRIPLE CROSS of discrimination & extreme poverty pending BLESSED RECOVERY or Angelic citizens showing Christian, Judeo, Muslim… COMPASSION & Direct Charity GIVING for housing & basic necessities for living & individual dignity!!! #SERIOUS MENTAL ILLNESS IS TOUGH BUT YOU’RE TOUGHER- SOONER OR LATER, YOU KICK MENTAL ILLNESS BUTT, RECOVER- OUR WORLD NEEDING YOUR INSIGHT & COMPASSION MORE THAN EVER TODAY! GET BETTER & GET OUR WORLD BETTER TOO BUTTERCUP!!! P.S.
- Pharmacists & now television advertisements are thankfully voicing side effects accompanying medications- Welcoming increased disclosure by Big Pharma vs. covering up or skewing actual experimental results; Scientists & Healers being wined & dined- bought & paid for!!! Family Doctors deliberately lied to about deadly addictive Opioids!!! FROM THE CREATION OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, the Achilles heel is putting $$$PROFITS AHEAD OF HEALTHY, FREE & ENLIGHTENED/EDUCATED CITIZENS! WHY 400 years of SLAVERY & OPPRESSION haunts U.S. A.ll today!!! Profits ahead of our BELOVED, EQUAL BUT DIFFERENT? COMPATRIOTS! We all are Life’s Swimmers or floundering in STORMY circumstantial Rough Seas- Needing Insight & Rescue- Be a TIGER FOR YOUR HEALTH & STAY SAFE ON THE UPSIDE, GREEN SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE- ON SESAME STREET! Yes- LOVE YOU ALWAYS MY BELOVED FRIEND- Yours Feb. 24, 2021 by Brianca Lane
- Pres. Biden is employing AFFIRMATIVE ACTION- countering historical oppression- 400 years beginning with indentured work & slavery, specifically recommending or appointing Blacks/A.A.s & Visible Minorities to Government POWER POSITIONS. He is also studying REPARATIONS on behalf of discriminated against non living minority Ancestors by non living White majority Ancestors… Mentalhealthrightsforum.com always endeavors to reveal our history & Leaders CLEARLY & HONESTLY, acting as a WHISTLE BLOWER on the history of racism, discrimination, human rights, etc. in America & Worldwide! Hopefully we all learn from our past fallen ways so ‘NEVER AGAIN!’ as it is said about Cultural & actual GENOCIDE! It was claimed my Town was named in honor of a Leader who advocated in the 1790’s for the gradual end to slavery in order to build unstoppable MAJORITY SUPPORT against SLAVERY as opposed to creating intractable opposing sides! Or perhaps for less Honorable & opportunistic motives involving Slave owners & interests? He previously argued before 1770’s Scottish High Court successfully ensuring the FREEDOM of a Black (Mr.) Knight wanted for allegedly ‘escaping ownership/slavery.’ EFFECTIVELY BANNING SLAVERY IN SCOTLAND & also diminishing quasi-slavery ‘Indentured Servitude,’ etc.
- ‘But Cultural Change by obliterating & stopping celebrating our Nation’s PAST- REMOVING Names on Streets, Parks & Historical Buildings, Cultural Heritage Artifacts? REWRITE HISTORY/HERSTORY/THEIR STORY NOW- CREATING OUR NEW NORMAL CULTURE & CIVILIZATION! Imagine Future Generations judging our behavior & Culture circa 2020 BEING HEALTHY- LOVING LIFE!!! A JOY TO OUR WORLD!’ That’s U.S.A.LL RIGHT?!! O.M.G.- YOU ARE ACTUALLY LIFTING UP YOUR WORLD- Everyone is FEELING & SEEING THE GOODNESS IN YOUR HEART, HEROIC EFFORTS & ACTS- seemingly small or very visible LIFTING YOUR WORLD UP!!!!
- Our beloved Britney Spears’ reassuring blessings: ‘Hopes we all experience a DEEP HEALING! We all need SELF CLEANSING following a YEAR OF CRAZINESS!!! Deep Cleansing with Meditation & Prayer.’ Prayer my antibiotics KICK INFECTION BUTT! ‘Any kind of interest or hobby that BRINGS JOY!’ ‘Being conscious of our inner selves- What we put in our Bodies helps us to HEAL BODY MIND SPIRIT & OFFERS SO MUCH MORE CLARITY in our everyday lives’ (and infected legs!!!) Britney adds
- “#No matter what we think about a person’s life, it is nothing compared to the actual person living behind the lens.” Lady Ga Ga offering $500,000. for the safe return of her kidnapped dogs Koji & Gusav- ‘My heart is sick and I pray my Family will be whole again! If you bought or found them unknowingly, the reward is the same! I Will pay $500,000 for their safe return.’ Ga Ga’s BELOVED DOG WALKER HUMAN FRIEND WAS SHOT IN THE CHEST FOR PROTECTING HER DOGS- Lady Gaga invited him to recover in her home for several weeks+ but he had to accept money raised by charity to avoid homelessness- Gaga should have given him the $500,000. for defending her dogs, almost sacrificing his life- SHAME SHAME Ga Ga for not granting you dog’s DEFENDER the $500,000.- Beech!
- AstraZeneca to be withheld from Seniors & given quickly to inmates… before expiring… COVAX PROGRAM vaccines created for delivering vaccines to Third World Poor Nations scooped by Canada who were duped in a deal with China! NEW VARIANTS WILL EMERGE FROM NATIONS WHICH ARE NOT INNOCULATED- RICH COUNTRIES CAN’T KEEP ALL THE PATENTS & VACCINES TO THEMSELVES!!!! Like across our World, most recently New York Gov. Cuomo, Canada has COMPLETELY FAILED SENIORS, treating them as disposable, throwaway half citizens undeserving of inalienable rights to life, health care, necessaries for life & Basic Human Dignity… Exposed to CERTAIN DEADLY INFECTIONS, LOCKED AWAY FROM VISTORS & FAMILY, INADEQUATELY ATTENDED- DYING FROM DEHYDRATION, STARVATION, NEGLECT… ALONE IN THEIR FINAL DAYS & HOURS of SUFFERING!!!
- A therapist Friend proudly told me-I have never had a Patient suicide- We always worked the situations, suffering, frustrations or problems out… I meet them by chance years later- They are so HAPPY & THANKFUL- LIVING THEIR DREAMS WITH A COMPLETELY RENEWED POSITIVITY, not allowing months or years of mental health painful, very challenging struggles stop their ULTIMATE RECOVERY PROCESS TO A BETTER LIFE THAN THEY EVER IMAGINED WAS THEIR DESTINY!!! #Say NO to 1930’s Germany’s Social Engineering: Psychiatrists began bringing in & killing their mental patients in medical hospitals… Got The Fuhrer’s full attention who enlisted his S.S. to study the Medical approaches & advance towards a FINAL SOLUTION- GENOCIDAL MASS MURDER. Witch Hunts & Hate Crimes flourish in such a Twilight Zone!
- On the Climate Change CRAZINESS in Texas easily shutting down the ‘duct taped together’ Electrical Power Grid, customers face electrical bills as high as $9,000 to $16,000. in Texan’s UNREGULATED MARKETS! The Grid is not upgraded, hardened, able to withstand any reasonable excess power needs, completely overwhelmed by simple challenges like short Climate Changes… Homes are built so inadequately as if temperature extremes are impossible– 70 degrees F. 24/7… In the Holy Jewish Torah & Christian Bible, we envision Ancient Pharaoh & Egyptians suffering wave upon wave of calamities & plagues being CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES US- hardening their HEARTS!!!
- Enemies of FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY- Russia delights in creating turmoil- encouraging Blacks to riot, firebomb, loot, occupy, hate all Entitled, Privileged Whites. Pres. Lincoln feared “A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND!” Frightened, Pres. Lincoln initially said he would be fully satisfied if NO SLAVES WERE FREED PROVIDED THAT THE NATION STAYED TOGETHER by the end of the Civil War! But upon seeing 750,000+ African Americans laying their lives to BATTLE FOR FREEDOM- TODAY- #FREE OUR LOCKED DOWN CHILDREN FORCED TO SHELTER AT HOME in BORING MENTAL HEALTH DESTROYING SOCIAL brain numbing isolation & solitary confinement, shrinking their resilience & critical development!
- #NO EXTREMISM: Since The Declaration of Independence & Constitution declaring ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL & ENJOY INALIENABLE RIGHT- GOOD WHITES have INCREASINGLY STRUGGLED & LAYED DOWN THEIR PROFESSIONAL & ACTUAL LIVES to end slavery & oppression of Minorities. Our Mentally Ill always first picked on, last to be helped… As a young child, for example, I asked an elderly Relative- ‘What was all this K.K.K. activity about?’ My elderly relative enthusiastically fondly recalled our Family & Town response- ‘Every man in Town organized together so when the K.K.K. collectively came IN FORCE to IMPOSE THEMSELVES on our Town, we DROVE THEM BACK JUST AS FORCEFULLY- “DON’T EVER SHOW YOURSELVES AGAIN IN OUR WHEREABOUTS!!!’ So Whites today should also be compensated for White Ancestors WALKING THE EMANCIPATION & EARLY EQUITY TALK?!
- Pres. Biden ACTIVELY lobbied in the 1970’s for SCHOOL SEGREGATION instead of integration by bussing the races as whistle blower V.P. Kamala Harris pointed out in the Presidential Leadership Contest! Senator Biden helped create anti Black so called ‘anti Jungle Behavior’ crime laws targeted to heavily imprison young male Blacks for lengthy sentences- & not take into consideration oppression, poverty, discrimination, deprivations of life’s basic necessities suffered by Blacks over generations! Approaching his Twilight Years- facing ‘Judgement Day’ as a believer? he is Seeing the LIGHT & trying to offer restitution- WE ARE CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES U.S.- until we each see OUR WAY TO BE HEROES, RESCUERS, LEADERS OF HOPE & JOY!!!
- President Obama (& Michelle) told school children YOU CAN LEARN EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOW TO TREAT ONE ANOTHER BY READING DR. SEUSS CHILDREN’S BOOKS!!!’ But today 6 Dr. Seuss books are being pulled for being ‘racist’ & ‘not politically correct like “IF I RAN THE ZOO!!!” Our beloved MUPPETS are also under CANCEL CULTURE SCRUTINY! White Pres. Trump suffered 4 years of CANCEL CULTURE Witch Hunts- Republicans contest! Today, the Democrats passed their Electioneering Bill wherein critics say they hope to steal future elections by not requiring photo identification?
- Reinvigorated M.A.G.A. Pres. Trump received almost 75 million voter’s support on Nov. 3, 2020 in spite of his COVID illness apparent at the first Pres. Debate where he behaved as a modern Mussolini- ‘Stand down but stand by’ Proud Boys! Pres. Trump & 100’s of thousands of loyal Americans arbitrarily removed from social media by ‘unelected radical elites’ from Twitter, Facebook, Parlor Obliterated! Trump’s daughter & son in law practicing Jews- moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem & recognizing Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel while gaining full support from several Arab neighbors not noticed???
- Personal Racism Hill to Climb? As a child, used to chow down happily on my Aunt Jemima pancakes topped by cream or cherished berries. Nancy Green was born in 1834, a Kentucky slave, but became a World Famous Star first presenting her pancakes by appearing as the happy domestic ‘MAMMA ARCHETYPE’ at a World’s Exposition circa 1893 (one year before my beloved Ancestor Shining Star Estelle was born!) Ms. Green became the LIFE LONG World Wide BELOVED SPOKESPERSON for the Company, her friendly character surviving almost 130 years until WOKISM questioned her legacy from SLAVE to LIFE LONG Company SPOKESPERSON!
- ALARM about the extreme radical militarization of Washington & The White House by the Democrats- 50,000 National Guards deployed & $500 million being spent including high barbed wire topped barricades & fencing… barring & embarrassing all Americans & reminding our World of disastrous 20th century ‘Cultural Revolutionary Calamity’ tactics & scenarios. Social change can happen suddenly like the Russian Revolution where an estimated 61 million died or the Chinese Cultural Revolution-78 million perished… by State Organized famine, collectivization, purges, social engineering & cultural experimentation… CANCEL CULTURE! Many Black activists following year long 2020 occupations, riots, ‘firebombing’ & well funded $100 million+ B.L.M. organization & protest marches say ‘Time’s Up!’ on alleged Current White Cultural Oppression.’ Clearly, lawlessness was enabled among the 2020 devastating riots & protests in deference to ‘listening’ to ‘justifiable outrage!’ Black identified V.P. Kamala Harris strongly supported the 2020 protests/marches/riots as necessary for social change- helped bail out arrested rioters involved in alleged serious criminality & defiantly saying on camera smiling- “THEY’RE NOT GOING TO STOP! THEY’RE NOT GOING TO STOP!” Black activists are clear “YOU’RE EITHER WITH US FULLY NOW!!! FOR RADICAL SOCIAL & CULTURAL CHANGE- REJECTING THE WHITE PRIVILEGE ‘RACIST’ PAST… OR YOU ARE AGAINST US!” Democrats are hurriedly RUSHING & RAMMING THROUGH DECREES to BEAT THE 2022 MID TERM ELECTIONS?
- Most Blacks believe WHITES ENJOY ADVANTAGES NOT AFFORDED BLACKS- about 45%+! Black immigration is up 5X compared to 1980, soon making up 10- 20%? of Black Americans. Almost 90% of Blacks achieved high school education, 24% achieved 4+ years of College- doubling since 1995 (Feb. 22, 2018 by Kristen Bialik) Expectations are very high with AFFIRATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS= Pres. Joe Biden & V.P. Kamala Harris adopting a radical agenda for American cultural change! P.S.
- #The F.B.I. is clearly part of THE DEEP STATE, Conspiracy Theorists worry about- American Social Waters involve currents amidst cross currents!!! Satan/Evil able to ‘direct’ influenced or possessed humans & their 430 million + guns!!! Far too few accept Satan/Evil is running the War- EVIL vs. GOOD: Ask Pope Francis, leader over 1.34 BILLION ADHERENTS, what is GOING ON!!!
- The Democrats are inviting millions of migrants to enter at the Southern Border, live in the U.S. FOR YEARS awaiting an immigration hearing they don’t attend? Have & raise children as U.S. born citizens; gain employment at low wages under poor working conditions but enjoy education & full social welfare benefits! Another 10- 20 million illegals are already in the U.S. seeking a clear path towards green cards & citizenship- VOTING FOR WELCOMING DEMOCRATS BY THE MILLIONS?!! Including many alleged & convicted criminals who are not to be arrested for deportation & already deported illegals returning & reapplying for citizenship. But America is infected by EVIL FROM WITHIN: Pres. Trump had offered now disgraced alleged serial sexual harasser & POWER PLAY ROGUE New York Governor Cuomo, full Naval & other Facilities for segregating & treating COVID patients but Gov. Cuomo REFUSED HELP- instead deliberately SENT COVID HOSPITAL PATIENTS TO SENIORS CARE HOMES allegedly causing the infection & deaths of up to 15,000 vulnerable seniors- cooking the books to show much fewer care home tragedies!
- #Selecting qualified Americans because they are VISIBLE MINORITY & FEMALE IDENTIFIED does not assure GOOD CHARACTER! Regardless of race, skin color, sexual orientation & gender identity/preference, Religion, etc., individuals may show GOOD or BAD CHARACTER! Blacks comprise about 13.5% of Americans so Pres. Biden could ACHIEVE A.A. RACIAL EQUITY by appointing or recommending at least this percentage!!!
- #We SUPPORT INDIVIDUALS TO COME OUT & BE THEMSELVES-Rainbow variations have been abused & ridiculed for centuries! BABY BOOMERS self identify as L.G.B.T.Q.+? at 2% whereas our youngest generation self identify at an arguable substantial 20%+ and comprise about 140 sexual orientation, gender identities & preferences! Is this RADICAL CHANGE a SOCIAL CULTURAL FAD/MOVEMENT or were generations OPPRESSED from expressing their ‘TRUE COLORS everyone is asking??? At what age should we enable children to begin to change their physical selves to suit their identity? 16 or 18 or???
- #Parents pursue a binary traditional biological male or female identity for their children but therapists encourage supportive love- not disowning children who firmly dance to a different drummer- 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q+? Children are curious & enjoy social cultural permission & acceptance among their peers in some societies but traditional cultures may firmly demand a binary choice- or be disowned to leave for America & IDENTITY FREEDOMS! Should Pres. Biden & the Governing Democrats Mathematically break down all variations of Americans to attempt AFFIRMATIVE ACTION & EQUITY, appointing ‘corresponding equitable percentages???’ #FUTURE EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING- ‘By Presidential Order, 1.5 Positions OPEN for Black TRANS?’ If Biden pushes too high, Americans could claim DISCRIMINATION for over representation under AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IDEOLOGY.
- #Should our education systems give annual graduation diplomas for GOOD CHARACTER? Reviewing my Dad’s high school yearbooks & education, GOOD CHARACTER was intrinsically tied to a GOOD EDUCATION, GOOD CITIZENSHIP & LEADERSHIP SKILLS- BEING loyal & trustworthy, honest, hard working, kind, clean living, artistic & well rounded, ‘moral & God fearing/LOVING & LOVABLE!’
- So thankful everyone is to see you LIFTING UP YOUR WORLD, BRINGING LOVE< HOPE, UNSTOPPABLE VICTORY TO WHATEVER CHALLENGES WE/YOU FACE! #Given Psychiatrists agreed given my own diagnoses & hopeless prognoses, reversal & recovery was impossible regardless of Medical Care, we know with certainty you or yours REVERSAL & RECOVERY is both possible & certain in Life’s Divine Plan & Exciting Joyous Destiny! You are just beginning your Life’s Joyful Blessings to your World!! Stay True to Your Best Self- Bless You! Love YOU!!! March 3, 2021 Brianca Lane SOCIAL CHANGE, CRISIS of CHARACTER & Borderline ‘PERSONALITY DISORDERS….’ March 10, 2021 CRISIS of CHARACTER vs. ‘IDENTITY POLITICS?’ “Reviewing my Dad’s High School year books & education, GOOD CHARACTER was intrinsically tied to a GOOD EDUCATION, GOOD CITIZENSHIP & LEADERSHIP SKILLS- LOYAL & TRUSTWORTHY, HONEST, HARD WORKING, KIND & COMPASSIONATE, CLEAN LIVING, ARTISTIC & WELL ROUNDED…’ PERSONAL MORALITY (March 3, 2021) ALL AROUND BALANCED EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT & GOOD CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT are CRITICAL for EVERYONE’S SUCCESSS!!!
- #First children must be IN & ATTENDING SCHOOL 5 days a week to ACHIEVE ALL THE CRITICAL HEALTH, SOCIAL, CULTURAL, CHARACTER BUILDING, EDUCATIONAL & GOOD CITIZENSHIP BENEFITS- not wandering the streets or hidden at home caves wasting away, triggering serious MENTAL ILLNESS among both stressed out Parents & Children for over a year under Government COVID PARANOIA!
- #If Teachers can’t significantly HELP their Students ACHIEVE GREAT CHARACTER QUALITIES in addition to Educational Goals, FIRE TEACHERS WHO CAN’T- FIND & HIRE TEACHERS WHO CAN!!!!
- AMERICANS BEING STIMULATED by a $$$1.9 Trillion U.S. COVID Relief Package Erection Pill/Bill passed TODAY by the ‘House’- but Republicans claim only 10% is for COVID Relief! Full $1400. checks soon ‘in the mail’ for incomes below the threshold- $75,000? $300. weekly unemployment benefits until Sept., bail outs for indebted (especially) Democrat Cities & States, Education, Business. $$$Assistance. FUNNY MONEY for gambling in the Stock Market? PORK BARREL Politics? BUYING VOTES BUT INDEBTING FUTURE TAX PAYERS & sparking inflation!!! All interested Americans are expected to be vaccinated by June as mentalhealthrightsforum.com predicted.
- Speaking of Pork Barrel Politics, Republicans allege Democrat’s Voting Bills alleviate requirements to PRODUCE (IN PERSON) PHOTO IDENTIFICATION, proof of current address to ensure Voting Integrity, etc.
- Originally Harry was ‘Dirty Wild PRINCE RECKLESS & IRRESPONSIBLE HARRY,’ but ALWAYS ENDEARING to our HEARTS having suffered badly over 20 years before seeking Mental Illness Therapy!
- #Should our ARTISTS be EXPECTED TO INSPIRE HEALTHY CHARACTER GROWTH AMONG US- THEIR FANS? All my Female Identified Relatives (Identity Politics Speech) loved Britney Spears.’ CREATIVE Entertaining TALENTS- many enrolled in ‘Triple Threat Glee Training’ After School Arts Programs, emerged with GOOD CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT BY DEMANDING ARTS EDUCATION! #Mothers who believe Britney’s influence cast a dark shadow on their daughters, should enroll them in a DEMANDING Triple Treat Arts After School Program to TEACH THEM WHAT DISCIPLINE IS REQUIRED for Britney to ACHIEVE ‘QUEEN of POP!’
- Democratic Party Darling Cuomo is facing ‘impeachment & criminal investigations…’ for alleged ABUSES of POWER including sexual harassment, COOKING THE NUMBERS/BOOKS, rejecting Pres. Trump’s bountiful COVID AID, CAUSING the suffering & deaths of thousand of Seniors… COVID Patients were allegedly deliberately sent into crowded Senior Care Homes creating COVID WILDFIRES. Investigations World Wide are EXPOSING Governments who viewed Seniors as DISPOSABLE/ NOT WORTHY of civilized health care as in Ontario, Canada- Government rushed to alleviate Care Home liability while rejecting most specific UPGRADES in $$$Practices & Services!
- #COVID Apocalyptic Times inform us many Modern Governments believe SENIORS’ LIVES DON’T MATTER- PEOPLE’S MENTAL HEALTH CONTINUES TO BE A LOW GOVERNMENT PRIORITY! Canada’s Senate, for example is asking Parliament to EXPAND ‘Doctors Killing their Patients Assisted Suicide’ from Irreversible End of Life Suffering to a slippery slope killing temporarily Mentally Challenged Patients or Poverty Stricken Citizens generally facing a Wonderful Life ahead upon Recovery or receiving a needed helping compassionate hand! 20%+ of citizens World Wide experience Mental Illness: #Instead of providing ACTUAL HELP & ALLEVIATING SEVERE POVERTY & PAINFUL SUFFERING, a Canadian SENATE APPROVED ILL ADVISED Proposal is assisted suicide/killing citizens of all ages- experiencing TREATABLE, REVERSIBLE, ACUTE Depressive or Anxiety symptoms!
- Prince Harry & Duchess of Sussex given over $40 million in Crown Jewels/$$$from The Royal Mint, including from assassinated Beloved Princess Diana’s Estate. But Prince Harry is being demonized by Royals: Titles are being stripped for abandoning Family, Country & Commonwealth- DUTY TO PLAY THE PART ON THE ROYALTY STAGE!!! Their business partner Oprah’s company receiving $$$8 million? in advertising revenue for this Mutual Admiration Society Marketing Pitch Staged Interview! H.& M. incorporated are signing multimillion dollar contracts parlaying their Royal Family Background & ESCAPE FROM OPPRESSION AS ABUSE VICTIMS!!!
- Harry also complains Prince William is still under the ROYAL SPELL but doesn’t realize he needs to escape. Thankfully Harry escaped oppression holding enough loot for their modest Malibu $15 million digs! P.S. Stepping out my back door was stepping onto MUSCLE BEACH in SANTA MONICA- BULGING Surfers & Schwarzenegger BODIES EVERYWHERE but for me- Alas “NICE LEGS- SHAME ABOUT THE FACE” Bri! Better luck next life?!!!
- #OUR PRECIOUS UNQUE TALENTS & ENTHUSIASM to HELP are so needed in our BROKEN WORLD, CREATING TOGETHER APART A New AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL or OUR NEW NATIVE LAND WHEREVER WE LIVE ! SUPREME among Civil Rights Agents of Change was 60’s assassinated VISIONARY Martin Luther King who asked which is more important: ‘SKIN COLOR’ or ‘THE CONTENT of OUR CHARACTER?’ Is ‘IDENTITY POLITICS’ DOGMA is a DOG who really can’t hunt everything we hope to achieve? If 13.5% of Americans are Black, 13.5% of Government Officials must also be Black- ADD a few percent more under AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Programs & $$$ for Social, Educational, Cultural & Economic Funding to kickstart CHANGE & BETTER EQUALITY!’ Martin Luther King rings out- “It’s ALWAYS ABOUT THE CONTENT OF OUR CHARACTER, NOT THE COLOR OF OUR SKIN” nor other Borderline Personality Constructs!
- #Square Pegs are hardly well rounded enough balanced characters to ROCK UP OUR WORLD TOWARDS GREATER FREEDOMS, EQUITY & JOY- BE GROOVY YOU YOUNG HEARTED WANNA BE SURFERS & HIPSTERS !!! ‘Nice Legs- Face is Pretty Decent TOO!!!’ #BRITNEY- CONGRESS NEEDS A WITNESS- YOU TO SAVE ALL OUR OPPRESSED!!! Love you for BEING YOU- Who else is able to do for our World what you can GIVE- Bless You- Bless Us All EVERYONE!!! March 10. 2021 by Brianca Lane begging the bacterial infection- LEG-GO of me LEG!!! WHO IS THAT MASKED LEADER- SAVIOR or SINNER? NO SHAME in STOPPING SHAME About MENTAL ILLNESS + ‘GOTCHA CULTURE!!!’ + “YEARNING to BREATHE FREE” (Emma Lazarus) SPRINGING into LIVING EQUITABLY!!! March 17 & 24, 2021 ‘DANCE = FEEL WILD, HUMAN & ALIVE!’ (Britney Sears) plus EQUITY ALERT! + KIDS in CAGES- BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER UPDATES!!! March 31, 2021
- LIBERTY, HOPE & BREATHING FREE!!! Who IS THAT MASKED LEADER? Savior or Sinner- Delivering war torn, poverty stricken migrants seeking asylum from The ‘Wilderness’ into America’s PROMISED LAND! ‘Borderline Personality Disorderly Created Crises & Kids in Cages again?’ TRULY ‘MR. WONDERFUL-‘ ‘AMAZING GRACE?’ Foxy News imagines the World see America according to our created tongue in cheek- JOKAMERICA (Joe’s & Kamala’s America)
- #NO SHAME is SHAMING AGEISM AGAINST Pres. Biden- NO SHAME IN Pres. Biden or anyone else ASKING FOR & RECEIVING REASONABLE ACCOMODATIONS DUE TO AGE, DISABILITY, etc. Seniors’ Lives Matter & Reasonable Accommodations for Seniors! But we don’t excuse Pres. Biden for CRAPPY CHARACTER!!!!
- #Do GREEN LIVES MATTER? YES- ‘GREEN LIVES MATTER!!!’ Does all LIFE in our Universe matter whether it is MATTER or ANTI MATTER!? My local government is looking at ‘All TREE LIVES MATTER!’ #A German Mathematician Friend of my Dad’s survived Nazi Holocaust Horrors so gently educated we children by rewarding us with with Chocolate Bars for NOT disturbing anthill colonies, for example because “ALL LIFE IS PRECIOUS & MATTERS!” The traditional South East Asian Cultural response is not to complain, draw attention to oneself, ’embarrass the Family & Community’ but suffer in silence ‘the slings & arrows of life!’ Up to 80 million+ Chinese… perished under Dictator Mao’s Cultural Revolutions… Minorities like Falun Gong, The Muslim Uyghurs are slaughtered by Genocidal methods including forced sterilization.
- OPEN HEART OPEN BOARDERS INVITATION or TOTAL DISASTER?: #COME TO AMERICA’S PROMISED LAND!!! “BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE!” BY ‘UNBUILDING & DEPOLICING THE SOUTHERN BORDER TRUMP WALL,’ MILLIONS FROM EVERYWHERE COMING HOME TO THE LAND of MILK & HONEY! But video footage shows 1500% OVERCROWDING KIDS IN CAGES, SHIPPING CONTAINERS, PLASTIC PENS FIRST CREATED UNDER PRES. OBAMA & NOW EXPANDING ENDLESSLY UNDER PRES. BIDEN. Children lie body against body under silver aluminum wrap in the cages & pens, press against each other in endless lines for food. 25% of females are sexually abused on the trip to America- an unknown number ‘stolen’ or sold into ‘immorality & slavery.’ Foster Parents are desperately needed NOW- the suggested limit per home was 6 children but now the Government is suggesting 26!!! Individuals & ‘Extended Families’ are being bussed across America & simply dumped for the Community to CARE FOR!!! If Migrants have Friends or Family in America, they receive bus fare to send them there- or otherwise to a city of their choice. Pres. Biden assigned V.P. Harris to attend to the BORDER DISASTER but Harris is seemingly oblivious- She is Missing in Action!!! From the year+ COVID CRISIS, the U.S. body count is climbing well beyond 550,000 with India, Brazil, Russia & Europe following & new more contagious bad strains being released!!!
- #Our Biden-Harris Border alleged FRIENDSHIP CATASTROPHE? Immigration was the lowest in about 45 years under Pres. Trump but under Pres. Biden- the HIGHEST!!!. #Alarming to imagine how many sex offenders, drug & prostitution gangsters are being welcomed & released into America. UNSCREENED WALKING FRIDAY the 13th DEMONS???
- P.S. Kudos to Taylor Swift for RESTORING 13 as a BLESSED NUMBER- So often original pagan practices & symbols have been defiled or culturally appropriated! Talk about BIG PICTURE PRESIDENTS reshaping America- Trump now Biden! A SWIFT SPANKING BY TAYLOR for our Politicians???
- #Riding my Dirt Trail Bike yesterday, also injured my other leg- slightly so my legs have matching cuts like tattoos= Cute! Family would video me SURFING at Santa Monica Beach but ONLY ROLL TAPE IF THEY SAW ME BEGINNING TO WIPE OUT & BECOME SHARK BAIT- Should we watch Bri being pursued by SHARKS AGAIN?
- #How many SHARKS in water or on land have bitten our bottoms, right Britney Spears?!! #Playing with SHARKS is DANGEROUS says my a legless Motorcycle Salesman!
- ‘#ALL THE LONELY Desperate MIGRANTS- WHERE DO THEY ALL COME FROM? All the lonely Migrants- Where do they all BELONG?!” (Lennon McCartney) ‘WE ONCE WAS BLIND’ BUT NOW CAN SEE!’ School teachers SHAMING WHITE CHILDREN based on their skin color for being born into ‘White Privilege.’ For centuries Blacks & Native Americans were SHAMED & STRIPPED of their CULTURE & IDENTITY? INSANITY is reapplying a strategy that PROVED DISASTROUS but expecting GOOD RESULTS!!!
- #PLEASE-no SHAMING CHILDREN for being born with the Culture & Skin Color of their Parents! It can happen to very NICE PEOPLE! Yes- A Scientific Truth!!!
- March 31, 2021 by Brianca Lane Our Story Continues Below under ‘ALWAYS LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE SO EASY TO LOVE!!!’ ‘
- #DANCE= FEEL WILD, HUMAN & ALIVE!!!’ (Britney Spears)
- The Princess & The Pea? Or a ROUND PEG ill fitting in a SQUARE ROYAL FAMILY? (March 17 & 24, 2021) Prince Harry has the Scottish Kilt Highlander Physical Prowess & handsome Anchor Away for Play we witnessed during his Los Vegas Dirty Daize, a Military pedigree, incredible wealth & Hollywood marketing star power! Harry says “WHAT MEGHAN WANTS- MEGHAN GETS!!!” Harry says he will do anything to keep Meghan happy & protect his Family. Who to believe- maybe Meghan is a ROUND PEG ill fitting a square Royal Family?
- “Paranoia strikes deep- Into your life it will creep It starts when you’re always afraid…”(Stephen Stills- For What It’s Worth) Honestly, we all see REALITY differently depending on how we feel, our challenges, situations, health, fitness, culture: If we have an Eating Disorder- Anorexia, and we are shown 10 photos of bodies from very overweight to much too thin for ‘best health,’ will we point at the very thin body saying ‘That’s NORMAL!’ Hitting isn’t?
- In parenting in India, hitting/spanking children is generally seen as NORMAL but as CHILD ABUSE by the American Psychological Association inducing poor mental health & outcomes- including behavior & compliance! Most Countries see abusing children as unhelpful & damaging! #NO HITTING OR I’LL SLAP YOUR BOTTOM!!! Laws generally say no hitting/spanking under age 2 or over 12; no hitting face or head; no marks or signs of injury; no revenge or anger inspired spanking; A.P.A. says spanking, etc. is easy to become dangerous & harmful for everyone involved, causing long term harms!!! DANGEROUS!
- #Why do generations of Minorities experience poverty- low educational & career achievements when many immigrants come to America with little except a willingness to work their butts off & their children become brain surgeons? Intergenerational TRAUMA IS VERY REAL? P.S. My Asian Friend with homes in Canada & Singapore, cites an ASIAN TIGER CONTROLLING DAD- former refugees, demanding his children become successful Professionals in America. His Daughter apparently is not able to perform & begins creating a perfect life for her parents wishes but living a second completely opposite life IN REALITY!!! Tragically, poop hits the fan & she allegedly turns to DARK FORCES/EVIL FOR A SOLUTION- TOO HORRIBLE TO TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!!! Parents embracing America/The West as Lands of Opportunity must be REALISTIC in their EXPECTATIONS for their children do you think? Conversely, how do we STOP INTERGENERATIONAL POVERTY & UNDERACHIEVEMENT???
- Same story about 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? among 20%+ of America’s young: Are Parents ACCEPTING ENOUGH ABOUT CULTURAL & SOCIETAL CHANGE BETWEEN GENERATIONS???
- #Yikes- COVID-19 Side Effects- People report gaining 20 to 40 pounds during COVID stay at home lock down ORDERS!!! Are SNACK ATTACKS under lockdown a medical addiction? EATING- A HABIT WE CAN CHANGE if we think it is HURTING OUR HEALTH!?? Can we also BETTER our Emotions & Emotional Habits? BOUNCE UP or DOWN OUR EMOTIONS for BETTER HEALTH??? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Honest Reflection, etc. are among tools used to help us! Our hereditary biological instinct from countless centuries ago may be to quickly replace lost weight fearing we are facing Scarcity & Starvation! P.S. You’re generally EXCELLENT BEING A BLESSING TO YOUR WORLD- LIFTING YOUR WORLD UP- Everyone can feel & see it- Hope your Spark brings Healthy Attention!!! But we see our World differently day to day or in even shorter episodes based on our Health & Stability- some may experience a ‘DRAMA QUEEN’ Personality or are ‘TRIGGERED’ under specific stressors. I like my STRONG EMOTIONS!!! Prince Harry holds a SEAWORTHY ANCHOR but some enjoy Weighty Emotions!!! How about you- WE’RE “GONNA ROCK THIS TOWN TONIGHT” (Stray Cats, 1981) or ‘SMOOTH RUNNINGS- CHILL OUT MAN- HANG LOOSE!’ with Britney Spears in Hawaii! Everybody LOVES BRITNEY’S DEEP INTENSE EMOTIONS ESPECIALLY BEING SO POSITIVE! Judge Penny understands Britney is FORCIBLY ABUSED as per her #FREE BRITNEY SUPPORTERS- WALKING ON THE SUNNYSIDE of LIVING!!!
- #A major side effect of Psychiatric meds. is TURNING a PERSON into a FLAT EMOTION ZOMBIE- like living in a chemical Straight Jacket because it IS A CHEMICAL STRAIGHT JACKET!!! #IMAGINE experiencing Bi-Polar Disorder: TRIGGERED or more CONTINUOUSLY, Your EMOTIONS & ENERGY SWINGING WAY TOO HIGH for several days or weeks & naturally reversing- FALLING WAY too LOW! A ROLLER COASTER RIDE THROUGH LIFE- Sounds like Music Star Archetype- our beloved tragically honest, talented Kurt Cobain!!!!!! “Smell like Teen Spirit!” Or Russia’s Live Arts Shock Performers “PUSSY RIOT!” Speaking & Acting their TRUTH but in Russia’s Oppressive Punishment!!!
- #Imagine Schizophrenia where it helps to have the INTELLIGENCE of a ROCKET SCIENTIST & the Patience of GAUTAMA BUDDHA to break through all the complex subtleties DISCOVERING YOUR FREEDOM & TRANSCENDENT DIVINE HAPPINESS!
- ALWAYS LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU’RE SO EASY TO LOVE!!! After 400 years obsessing about SKIN COLOR, MAY WE SOOOOON MOVE ON TO CONTENT of CHARACTER!!! Anyone Really Care About Skin Color, Hair Color. Back in the ’50’s & ’60’s CIVIL RIGHTS BREAKTHROUGH ERA, Martin Luther King Jr. foretold a time when we judged NOT BY SKIN COLOR but “BY THE CONTENT of THEIR CHARACTER”- JUMP on it President Biden- CELEBRATE CONTENT of CHARACTER! Santa Claus Biden is $$$ pouring out HELP by the Billions STIMULATING AMERICANS- PRAY IT ESPECIALLY REACHES OUR MOST NEEDY & OPPRESSED!!!! President Biden is employing AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EQUITY to spur upward socioeconomic movement among Black Americans- Blacks have 1/10 the Wealth vs. Whites! But SANTA Biden risks creating deeper ‘identity politics’ divisions & a backlash for given $$$Grants, Rights & Privileges ONLY TO MINORITIES deemed ‘HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED?’ Last year’s B.L.M. city protests GONE BAD included violence, looting, firebombing, seizing whole neighborhoods. Love you, Content of your CHARACTER- YES- AS AN ARTIST, LOVE EVERY SKIN COLOR!!! STAY STRONG & SPRING UP HIGHER in 2021!!! Always LOVE YOU because YOU’RE EASY to LOVE!!! March 24, 2021 Brianca Lane DANCE= ‘FEEL WILD, HUMAN & ALIVE!’ Bipolar & BORDERLINE issues plus Easter, Passover, Ramadan, plus NECESSARY ‘AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/EQUITY’ QUESTIONS!!! March 31, 2021 Q. Why celebrate our Beloved Cuddly Easter Bunnies? A: Ancient symbol of FERTILITY & NEW LIFE! Are we BEARERS of LIGHT & COMFORT? Today our growing GOOD CHARACTER & our compassionate HELPFUL ACTS of KINDNESS outweigh selfish or jealous Me Me Me Worship! #Did you know Scientists are studying STRONG HEALTH EFFECTS BY OUR BEING KIND & COMPASSIONATE!
- Our Beloved Britney Spears is practicing being a ‘Normal Person’ instead of her Show Biz Star ‘Persona.’ Because behind her lens is a different Britney we might only glimpse. My sister in law from South America experienced a monster Earthquake as a tiny tot- the land actually rolling before her eyes like Ocean Surf! DO YOU SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SEE?
- Don’t you Just LOVE Britney’s Emotional Depth!!! She got up the courage to watch a recent video about her rising & falling STAR roller coaster ride.
- #“We still remain so FRAGILE & SENSITIVE. I was embarrassed by the light the Documentary put me in. I CRIED FOR 2 WEEKS and well- I STILL CRY SOMETIMES!!! DANCING EVERYDAY BRINGS ME JOY, LOVE & HAPPINESS!!!! For my sanity, I need to DANCE EVERY NIGHT of MY LIFE to FEEL WILD & HUMAN & ALIVE!!! I’m here to pass on KINDNESS!!!! KISSES!!!!”
- My sister in law instantly RECOGNIZED a suspicious & nervous JUSTIN BIEBER doing some shopping in a Big Box Store! She drove by his house to see his life style. Should we ALLOW our STARS to DROP their STAGE PERSONA when not officially ENTERTAINING US? BE ON & PERFORMING ALL THE TIME IN PUBLIC? If we CRY OUT THEIR NAME, SHOULD THEY BREAK OUT INTO A SONG & BEGIN DANCING UP THE AISLES AMONG SHOPPERS, SHARING HIGH FIVES, HANDING OUT & SIGNING AUTOGRAPHS, TAKING PHOTOS, ANNOUNCING NEW ENGAGEMENTS. We know what Britney Spears wants!!! Personally LOVE Britney’s deeply emotional posts & uplifting Spirited Kindness! But ‘behind her lens,’ she “felt so embarrassed.” Britney’s personal real life ‘behind her lens’ is her private life- but we CHERISH TO HELP HER BE HEALTHY!
- Equity Edicts? RADICAL LEFT vs. RADICAL RIGHT DIVISIONS IN AMERICA: Pres. Biden seeks AFFIRMATIVE ACTION & EQUITY! Will Americans accept giving Minorities MORE- OTHERS LESS contrary to’60’s Civil Rights Hard Won Laws? A HELPING HAND UP INCLUDING GENEROUS HAND OUTS? Without which EQUITY will not happen? Special Grants & Additional Help for Challenged Communities? Tackling longstanding inequities induced by discrimination in combination with ‘oppression induced intergenerational poverty’ & personal character weaknesses: drug addiction, self harm, anti social behaviors, educational under achieving, etc. People with undiagnosed mental illness may seek street drugs among poor self treatment choices. Seemingly our MUSIC STARS FALL TO SELF MEDICATING SHORTENING THEIR LIVES?!!SHARKS & Traffickers are able to feel out vulnerable citizens & take advantage of them by an evil bag of predatory tricks! Legalizing pot correlates with higher self harm & suicidal behavior among males under 40. My local government is weighing permitting a recreational pot store to open close to 3 public schools! Political Elites seem to suggest:
- #Teen pot use by young teens can cause brain damage, anxiety & depression, trigger psychosis & other mental illnesses, DECREASE I.Q. by 8 points!!! Harming learning memory & decision making competency- RUIN THEIR YOUNG LIVES pending HOPEFUL but SLOW BRAIN RECOVERY!!!
- Exclude ‘Whites’ during a time of Social Engineering to ‘create Greater Equity?’ Or should James Brown’s famous statement be the CORRECT APPROACH- “I DON’T WANT NOTHIN’ FROM NOBODY- JUST OPEN THE DOOR & I’LL GET IT (WHAT I WANT) MYSELF!!!” Or a hybrid approach? Too much GIVING FREE EVERYTHING based on TRIBAL Birth Qualities instead of expecting people to apply themselves according to their health & talents???
- The Equinox marks the coming of SPRING to the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere- passing of colder darker ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ illness millions experience. Religions jump on cyclical climate changes to mark special celebrations. Christians CELEBRATE Savior/Prophet/Messiah Jesus RISING from his CRUCIFIXION after 3 days!
- #CHRIST- YOU KNOW IT AIN’T EASY- YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT CAN BE!!! (Lennon-Beatles) Everyone suffering serious mental illness or challenging physical illness is inspired by Jesus’s example RISING UP after being beaten down by illness, hate & circumstances. #NO SHAME IN STOPPING SHAMEFUL HATE! 400 years+ SHAMEFUL HATING over skin color, Religion, Ethnic Background!
- Americans need to BEGIN TO SEE EACH OTHER’S VOICE !!!! #’RISE UP MY LOVE- TAKE UP THY SICK BED AND WALK!’ You are clearly helping LIFT UP YOUR WORLD- What a BLESSING you are in your efforts! Jews CELEBRATE Passover from ‘Judgement’ ‘Karma’ against sin. Muslims celebrate Ramadan- Eschewing Selfish Materialism- They who accumulate the most stuff ‘WIN!!!’ #Yes- Being KIND IS BEING HEALTHY!
- P.S. ‘Now I Find Out!!!’ WAS ALREADY IN SHANGRI LA! Lived on Santa Monica MUSCLE BEACH but became clearly INSANE- MOVED AWAY from PARADISE OCEANSIDE & Beautiful Surf Living to Wild West B.C., Cattle Ranches & cold lakes Canada! Like HAPPY FREE AMERICANS RUSHING SOUTHWARD across the Rio Grande against the flow to emigrate & retire in Central or South America amid the occasional Savage Jungle Cartels?? A new Financial News Article points out Santa Monica LIFE GUARDS earn INCREDIBLE SALARIES with overtime & BENEFITS GALORE as HEROES, LOVED STRONGLY by BEAUTIFUL GUYS & GALS+!!! #BEING RESCUERS COMES WITH BENEFITS!!! Religious Leaders R Worried- Grass is Green Spring has Riz But do you know who You’re true Savior Is? Over 50% of Americans don’t belong to a ‘Church/Synagogue/Mosque’ Community Family! But WE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU- March 30, 2021 by Brianca Lane Please don’t be tricked on April Fools Day- Play Safe & Avoid Off My Road Upsets!!! WHAT IS HAPPENING EVERYWHERE? BLACK/MINORITY POWER = WHITE OPPRESSION??? And when Harry met Meghan like Beatle John Lennon meeting his SCREECH!!! Britney’s Best… April 7, 2021 Piers to Tears? Controversial WHITE British Television Personality Piers Morgan- at the top of his GAME, was forced to WALK THE PLANK at the gracious invitation by the ‘GOOD MORNING BRITAIN WOKE MOB’ on account of Piers talking offense at the celebrated occasion of Duchess Markle sticking out her Royal Tongue & Middle Finger during her OPRAH ‘INFOMERCIAL.’ Ridden Hard- HORSE BROKEN IN HARRY concedes, “What Meghan wants- MEGHAN GETS!!!’ HIGH STANDARDS & HIGH MAINTENANCE EXPRESSING HER INALIENABLE RIGHTS? Or is Meghan a ROYAL PAIN IN THE SUSSEX & BUTTOCKS BRIT NETHER REGIONS!
- Heartthrob Harry: BUT HOW Prince Harry tugs at our HEART STRINGS! HIS BELOVED GIFT from HEAVEN, Mother- Princess Diana is apparently murdered exactly as SHE SAID ‘SOMETHING BAD’ WOULD HAPPEN – She would never live to rise up in The Monarchy! Indeed, after divorce proceedings & hotly criticizing Charles & alleged Royal Disloyalty, Diana suffered a staged auto accident & her ‘rescuers’ deliberately let her bleed out over half an hour with hospital care only minutes away! Swept away physically, Spiritually she lives on- WE LOVE HER STILL!
- #Anchor Away- Dirty Prince Harry’s sailboat looking to dock in many a Broad Bay= Inviting many working ladies for ‘ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!’ Pres. Biden shows he also has the personal machismo to GET IT UP- Biden wants corporate taxes way up & Amazon’s Bezos (worth $188.5 billion but who’s counting?) wants INCOME REDISTRIBUTION to benefit the poor & middle class. (Amazon paid $1.7 Billion in Federal taxes on $21.3 Billion in net income in 2020. (Pres. Trump- nothing?) Pres. Biden also is telling Americans ‘This is a stick up! Hand over your guns…’ Biden wants tougher background checks, more fees & red tape to accompany gun ownership. The more gun suppression laws & tactics, the fewer gun ownership rights & legal guns in circulation! CANCEL CULTURE THE PAST & begin writing on a NEW SOCIALIST AGENDA SLATE! BERNIE Sanders- “OUR REVOLUTION- A FUTURE TO BELIEVE IN!”!!!
- PRINCE HARRY says Meghan has saved him from Royal Slavery, being both Oppressed & an Oppressor! He once was blind, but Meghan restored his eyesight! Harry engendered the Wonderful INVICTUS GAMES in 2014 for UNDEFEATED, UNCONQUORED badly war injured service men & women. In recent years Spoke Out with Brother William about ADDRESSING MENTAL ILLNESS & supporting charities. Cautions us all not to suffer silently like he did for decades. Hung out in Toronto- beset by ACTION CENTRAL CASTING MAGNET Meghan.
- #THE RACE AGAINST RACISM!!! #THE POWER OF KINDNESS TURNS ENEMIES INTO FRIENDS: Britney Spears says her life’s goal is to SPREAD KINDNESS- We all are PEOPLE KIND, MAN KIND, WOMAN KIND, 140 variations of KINDNESS L.G.B.T.Q.+? suggest! Instead of NEW ESTABLISHMENT WOKE CANCEL CULTURE ‘Jim Crowing’ EVERYONE & EVERYTHING DISAPPROVED OF, why not accept The POWER of KINDNESS to TURN ENEMIES INTO FRIENDS!!! Prophet Jesus/Yeshua recommended turning the other cheek, loving our enemies! If Britney asks everyone to be helpful, kind, good & true Friends, she’s probably experienced deep hurt & cried about it for days or weeks- We can BELIEVE in BRITNEY POWER!!! Britney Power simply FEELS GOOD!!! Ideally, Harry & Meghan’s Royal Marriage APPLIED A SOOTHING BALM to skin color tensions! Over 100,000 CLEBRATED THEIR MIXED SKIN/RACE WEDDING! Many Commonwealth Nations are predominately Black. PROMISING HIGH HOPES FOR OUR BETTER WORLD- RACIAL PEACE- WHAT WE WANT & NEED! Really- who cares about skin color- over 50% of Toronto Canada area residents are Visible Minorities- Immigration will increasingly blend skin colors.
- Instead of harping about our Ancestors failings, we need only look to our own shortcomings- male fertility is dropping dangerously- limply & low! Our Environment is Collapsing. (Hardly have a healthy leg to support me!) Global Climate Changes are beating hard our Vulnerable Distressed. Mother Nature LOVES US ALL but is asking us to PLEASE ENLIVEN OUR PRECIOUS PLANET & GIFTS of LIFE, BEAUTY!!! Black Africa is not a pretty picture of women’s rights with about the lowest life expectancy on our Planet- Thankfully up almost 8 years recently- still low compared to most countries!!! Diseases spreading without vaccinations & treatments historically killed millions of children.
- MONSTER Meghan or Meghan’s MENAGERIE? No Regular Royal Allowances & Benefits. as Canada balks at spending $10’s of millions on a Prince who says he ‘escaped’ FROM The Royal Family. Or was Meghan’s mental illness 100% to blame regardless of how fortunate her circumstances & wonderfully caring the people around her truly were? Is Meghan GOODHEARTED or too entitled- THE PRINCESS, SLEEP DEPRIVING PEA LYING SEVERAL MATRESSES BENEATH HER? “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!” Royal staff complain she was ruthless & brutal. An investigation is underway & obviously a tell all book will be leaked or published she won’t enjoy featuring bullet proof fact checking. Prince Harry CUT OFF LAST YEAR FROM RECEIVING $MILLIONS ANNUALLY AT ONLY AGE 38! But just signed with Netflix; to produce a series on the upcoming INVICTUS GAMES in The Hague in 2022 for UNCONQUORED, UNDEFEATED MILITARY INJURED SURVIVORS!!! Harry is reinventing himself again! GO HARRY GO while your STAR STILL SHINES!!! Princess Diana CHEERING FROM ABOVE!!!!!
- Black Folks are not Stupid like the New Political Establishment Imagines: Cancel Culture Woke Movement, please stop implying Georgia Black Voters don’t have photo I.D. or can’t easily obtain a free I.D. Card. Georgia Law Makers want Voter Photo I.D. but Pres. Biden says requiring PHOTO I.D. is akin to ‘Jim Crow’ practices suppressing Black Voters by VIOLENCE! Just to pick up a cheap courier package, had to first receive a courier card in the mail, attend in person with the card & photo I.D. at the location the courier specified, & be approved! All because the Delivery Person saw The Movie. I had laughed saying go to “THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT- I will be waiting- Ho! Ho! Ho!…” like the scary movie! Hey- Can’t I become POSSESSED like anyone else from time to time- YES- Pulling your leg!
- 7 year/indefinite jailing for ‘Whites Meandering-‘ by Homeland Security. Many WHITE men & women entered ‘The White House’ through opened doors & ‘meandered about briefly before leaving- neither involved in violence nor destruction on Jan. 6!’ WHITE MEANDERERS face INDEFINITE DETENTION or 7 years for ‘MEANDERING WHILE WHITE’ In “THE PEOPLE’S WHITE HOUSE!”‘ TRACKED DOWN & PROSECUTED severely vs. VIOLENT B.L.M. OCCUPATION RIOTERS treated with KIDS GLOVES clams FOXY LADY NEWS Sean Hannity & Bros because their cause is seen as ‘RIGHTEOUS- EXCUSING INSURRECTION & VIOLENCE.’ The Southern Border Wide Open to accept 3 million illegal immigrants- sadly including extremely dangerous international mass murderers & terrorists, cartel coyote gangsters getting $$$rich on America’s CHAOS & Opiates Fatal Attraction! Violent predatory sex offenders, human traffickers bringing 100’s of 1,000’s of ‘unprotected’ children wandering in the Wilderness! Achieving The Promised Land ALIVE but crammed into cargo containers, cages, plastic pens- BODY AGAINST BODY 15X+ over acceptable capacity!! Overwhelmed Border Staff facing a human catastrophe! 1 in 4 female immigrants face ABUSE on the journey to America through coyote predatory terrors.
- #RISE UP AGAIN MY LOVE AND COME AWAY! TAKE UP THY SICK BED AND WALK!!! As Spring emerges around our World especially in the Northern Hemisphere, we should ENJOY BEING ACTIVE & OUTSIDE, regaining our resiliency & strengths, becoming ALIVE AGAIN from our Government COVID imposed tombs! #COVID VARIANTS have one purpose- EAT HUMANS ALIVE- BURP TO INFECT MORE! Government overbearing threats & conflicting restrictions locking us down in prison like year long+ confinement. Mental Illness is easily created in such deprived & barren environments- all our sensory input is off bringing our experience down! But TODAY Jesus Says, RISE UP AGAIN MY LOVE & COME AWAY!’ ‘Take up your medical bed & walk again!!!’ Children deprived of helpful at school in person education almost continuously for a year are likely experiencing damage emotionally, socially, physically, mentally- ‘NINETEENTH NERVOUS BREAKDOWN CAUSING’ STAY AT HOME ORDERS! Citizen’s healthy resiliency will not tolerate such lengthy restrictions & deprivations! Everyone GET UP & GET OUT- BE ACTIVELY ENJOYING WONDERFUL SPRING WEATHER & MOTHER NATURE’S ANNUAL COMING OF RESSURRECTION & REBIRTH. We can only stand being talked down to so much & so often- Everyone now knows what ‘oppressed communities’ experience!!! BUT PLEASE abide by all practical safety protocols like social distancing, wearing masks in stores, avoiding crowds, keeping hands & everything clean, not touching one’s face. Find myself slipping back in closer community neighborly conversations joking & laughing forgetting protocols.
- #YOU BE SAFE CAUSE EVERYONE LOVES YOU MADLY & BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS HALF CRAZY AFTER A YEAR OF LOCKDOWNS- GET UP UP UP & GET WALKING & DANCING ON LIFE’S DANCE FLOOR AGAIN with Britney Together but Really APART- LOVE YOU MADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brianca Lane April 7, 2021 B.L.M.$$$ vs. B.L.M. GOODNESS POWER to the PEOPLE!!! + How Mental & Physical Illness ACTUALLY MAY BENEFIT/HELP US ALL- Muslim/Ramadan, Christian, Jewish Suffering- Britney Spears, Princess Diana/Prince Harry/Meghan/OPRAH, The Royal Family + China/Russia/(Iran) Ramping Up for War against JoKamerica? April 14, 2021 We WISH to BE DELIGHTFULLY BOUNCING UP SKY HIGH in JOY & BLISSFUL Exuberance 24/7 or SLEEPING PEACEFULLY like a Baby w/o A CARE or WORRY in the World!!!
- #No VEIL of TEARS for US ALL EVER- DREAM ON MY LOVE! Suffering Speed bumps we pray are short acute episodes between JUMPING ON LIFE’S DANCE FLOOR!!! But BOTH BLISSFUL HAPPINESS & INTENSE SUFFERING are TEACHABLE EXPERIENCES in our Divine Human Being Growth! Yes- We may not want the Suffering ‘Teachable’ Experiences but we all know both sides EDUCATE US & INSPIRE our GROWTH & UNDERSTANDING! Suffering makes us more Sociable, Honest, REAL & Human- EMPATHETIC to the suffering of People & Life around us rather than being capitalistic callous robots!
- #Less misjudging others- On my bus ride home from nuclear machine test hospital bone scans, remarked how fortunate a young active & energetic looking woman was not to be suffering pain. She said “O.M.G.- I may LOOK SO HEALTHY & ACTIVE but some days I have to tell my boss- Experiencing too much PAIN today to come in for work.” Everyone on the bus jumped in agreeing ‘#all the people putting on their HAPPIEST FACE so as not to upset but actually living with episodic or chronic pain.’ Their CROSS to BARE SILENTLY without complaint but always encouraging everyone around them! SUFFERING HEROES!!!
- #How BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING BUT FRAGILE OUR PRECIOUS GIFT of LIFE IS- To be CHERISHED in every moment. Our Precious Relationships LIFTING OUR SPIRITS like you so LIFT YOUR WORLD!!! We see our World is actually up to us- By our every thought, word & action, we are RAISING EVERYONE UP- Imagine everyone you deeply touch daily when you are not even physically touching them in COVID Times. But what a wonderful surprise to touch REAL RESCUING ANGELS BEHIND THEIR TREATMENT CARE ROLES!!!
- #Wild Deer Friends showed warm emotional sympathy seeing me physically struggling- Many stepped closer to offer support & comfort. A collective herd enfolding. #Our animal/pet Friends = Best of Friends!!! Time’s Up on not appreciating our pets & wildlife flora & fauna- furry, birdy, fishy, crawling or slimy critters. Upon escaping from hospital after The Head Psychiatrist DOVE ON ME FOR NOT AGREEING to ‘VOLUNTARILY ASSIGN ALL MY INALIENABLE RIGHTS TO THE HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRISTS,’ Police were called to bring me back in or ‘take out the runaway…’ a NEST OF SNAKES IN THE WILD SAVED & PROTECTED ME- “This place is full of wild snakes, we’re going back!” the commanding Police Officer ordered! The rest is HISSSSSSSSSSSTORY!
- #SEEING SUFFERING BRINGS OUT THE BEST IN GOOD PEOPLE- Bus drivers incredibly kind & attentive like wound care & hospital staff stepping up their Excellence!
- But Joe is in the Know about SUFFERING- Pres. Biden lost his beautiful wife, 30 years young & his 1 year old daughter, their station wagon hit broadside! Senator Joe’s STAR was SHINING BRIGHTLY, A WONDERFUL LIFE in 1972- Blessed before the LOVES of his LIFE were extinguished in the Christmas crush!!!
- POWER vs. THE PEOPLE: WOK UP WITH A HEAD ACHE- B.L.M.$$$ vs. B.L.M. GOODNESS POWER to THE PEOPLE!!! Some critics allege evil has usurped the moral character & hearts of key B.L.M. ‘Inc.’ founders & leaders who are soliciting & acquiring tens or hundreds of millions of donations from individual, government & corporate sympathizers based on “I CAN’T BREATHE! George Floyd tragedies! WE have long called for complete accountability & transparency- exacting plans, measuring tools, oversight for practices, policies, outcomes for all ‘charitable’ donations! Businesses have often said ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t control it/know how well everything is working! BUT LEADERS ALLEGEDLY INDULGING IN LAVISH SPENDING ON THEIR OWN LUXURY LIVING, SALARIES & SAVINGS, ACQUISITIONS INCLUDING MULTIPLE/EXPENSIVE/LUXURY HOUSES, an alleged AIRSTRIP, etc. Alleging there is inadequate accountability for allocating donations, $$$ is not being spent as needed nor expected to fund requested field work among community based B.L.M. groups & activities.
- POLICE HEALTH CHECK POWER vs, THE PEOPLE: As my experience demonstrates, a tragic Police View may be “IF YOU HAVE THIS DIAGNOSIS, YOU SHOULD EXPECT TO BE BEATEN UP!” The more serious the diagnosis, the more you should expect to be afforded dignity, inalienable rights, equity & justice; but instead experience being violently beaten up! Police are being defunded due to not being helpful but perpetrating alarming violent interactions especially with racialized minorities!
- #Friends & Family are never calling for a Police Health Check Assassination- killing their LOVED FAMILY MEMBER SUFFERING MENTAL DISTRESS!
- #BREAKDOWN BLUES-WOK Up This Morning- Oh Lordy Lordy! Got them Britney, Diana, Dirty Harry & Meghan Mayhem Bizarro in Britain TRUE BLUE ROCK BAND ROYALTY BREAKDOWN WOKE BLUES- AGAIN!!!
- #Being materially wealthy & successful cannot always shield us when mental illness is triggered & begins to pounce & claw! Britney, Princess Diana & Meghan experienced Triggered Mental Illness no matter their FAME & FORTUNES!!! America is still playing 400 years of RACE RECORD BLUES! Most Blacks in America experience Joe Crow SUFFERING driving them to distraction & insurrection! Muslims WELCOME Ramadan to fast from dawn to dusk, acknowledge their absolute need to grow as human beings- become generous & compassionate to all people! Are we to annually commemorate acts of racism or participate to see our glass as half full if not almost thirst quenching & REFRESHING!!!
- #In Quebec, Canada, a lone shooter shot 11 Muslims- 6 died- so every year P.M. Trudeau & Canadian Muslims with Mainstream Media dramatically commemorate how BIG evil appears instead of celebrating overwhelming loving engagement among all!
- #Historical Suffering COMPELS JEWS to STRIVE, no matter the circumstances?! Community, Family, Inalienable Human Rights, Driven Work Ethic, Religion & Tribal Allegiance! Along with $$$ & Education & Jobs- Affirmative Action, Justice & Equity, send in Jewish Entrepreneurs & Educators to beaten up & down tragically suffering communities- ‘spiritual storm troopers’ CHALLENGING THEM TO SHAPE UP THESE ‘HISTORICALLY ENSLAVED, PERSECUTED COMMUNITIES’ to modern Jewish Society Standards? In one generation, overwhelming transformation would OVERCOME & REPLACE ALL THE “ENSLAVEMENT’ EMPTINESS- Everyone noses to the grindstone eagerly surpassing all educational goal posts & historical economic achievements. Intergenerational Entrenched Poverty & Hopelessness into INSTANT SALVATION & CELEBRATION of SUCCESSES!!!!!! Many Tribes Worldwide share this enthusiasm given OPPORTUNITIES!!!
- #Christians’ BRILLIANCE is GENIUS BEYOND BELIEF!!!! in LOVING ONE ANOTHER, COMPASSION, The Good Samaritan- Kindness & Generosity for EVERYONE, Forgiveness- ‘I hardly used that eye anyway- don’t worry about it!’ Let’s Break Bread Together my Brothers & Sisters & Turn Our Other Cheek Loving our Enemies. Jesus/Yeshua saying ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ a Blueprint for living a TRULY HEROIC LIFE for Christians & Everyone!!! But back to Britney-
- #INSPIRATION ACHIEVED BY PERSPIRATION!!! Her TRUE ACHIEVED TALENTS BARELY EXPOSED! Her lesser innate sex appeal TOO EXPOSED? Britney ENJOYED SUCCESS BY her INCREDIBLE Work Ethic DRIVING her TALENT! Our eyesight was barely compromised enjoying her diminishing costumes- who can afford extras like underwear !!! #NEVER SURRENDER to any Triggered Mental & Physical illness Pouncing on You, a Foreign Evil Illness INVADING YOUR HOLY TEMPLE! Britney Bird Spears says “I’m FLATTERED by EMPATHETIC Supporters Concerned with my Life!” Turning from PRECIOUS to PREDATORS-
- Russia ‘annexed’ Crimea in 2014- TODAY Ukraine’s army rehearsed repelling a tank & infantry attack next to annexed Crimea. Russia has been amassing attack forces for future war. How is Taiwan handling Chinese aggression now that Hong Kong Democracy & Liberty has been immorally clawed bloodily like the Russian Bear in Ukraine!
- ‘Car 54- Where R U?'”Shuozhou- This is warship 1105 Please break off approach towards our 24 nautical mile line. Please move away immediately!” “TAIWAN AREA SHIP 1105- TAIWAN IS PART OF CHINA. THE TAIWAN AREA HAS NO NAVY> MY NAVIGATION IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHINESE LAW- OUT!” Warning issued to Taiwan: China is stepping up military pressure “IF TAIWAN FORCES OPEN FIRE>>> ALL OUT WAR ACROSS THE TAIWAN STRAIGHT. ‘Actually Taiwan has never been governed by China in the 70 years since Taiwan was founded after the Chinese Civil War!’ U.S. warships routinely sail in the Taiwan Straight & U.S. war planes skirt the coast! U.S. Admiral Philip Davidson- Indo-Pacific Command Chief believes ‘the China Threat is MANIFEST DURING THE NEXT 10 years- in fact the next 6!’ Experts see heavy cyber attacks/storms & attempting to force Taiwan to capitulate to concessions- Military experts suggest if growing harassment & pressures build without achieving virtually capitulation, China might conduct a Nazi Style Blitzkrieg. American Forces are stationed on Japan’s island off Okinawa- a hour away. China is supporting Iran’s nuclear ambitions & buying Iranian oil. All U.S. Administrations & Congress support Taiwan with ARMS DEALS & MILITARY DEPLOYMENTS! China’s leaders lack morality & integrity- dishonoring their Country! Yes- welcome to Apocalyptic Times as stated in Jan. 2020 with war, plagues, pandemics, Climate Change & Wildfire Catastrophes, infestations, Virtue Signaling but hidden agenda’s galore!!!
- #BUT THAT’S WHY WE’RE HERE- God’s/Allah’s…/Mother Nature’s DREAM TEAM to RAISE OUR WORLD CONSCIOUSNESS, RESTORE OUR GARDEN PARADISE, Deal With all THE SH__ LEFT BY PREVIOUS GENERATIONS. We FACE DOWN ALL MENTAL, EMOTIONAL & PHYSICAL ILLNESSES- NEVER SURRENDERING BUT TO LIFE & LOVE!!! WE’VE ALREADY SHOWED WE’RE THE CHOSEN GENERATIONS TO STAND UP & SAVE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! Together- Apart MeUsCan-Do! Will Do! Must Do! You ALL R THE RIGHT STUFF! IN THE RIGHT PLACE! AT THE RIGHT TIME! And ALWAYS SO EASY TO LOVE!!! April 14, 2021 by Brianca Lane in your Hearts!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!! DO YOU SEE/FEEL/HEAR ANGELS FLAPPING THEIR WINGS??? April 21, 2021 April 14- ‘We FACE DOWN ALL Mental, Emotional & Physical Illnesses- NEVER SURRENDERING but to LIFE & LOVE!!! I SEE/FEEL ANGELS FLAPPING THEIR WINGS!!! A DRAMATIC SUDDEN HEALING POWER INVISIBLY TREATING MY RAVAGED LEG & WHOLE BODY- DELIVERING ME ENTIRELY FROM SUFFERING & PAIN: My Digestive Systems Improving, my Lungs Clean & Clear Anew for Breathing, my HEARTBEAT finally able to CALM! THAT’S YOU & YOUR KIND of Apocalypse Conquering HEALING POWER HARD AT WORK! In case anyone’s wondering ‘SOMETHING’S HAPPENING HERE- Hey what’s that Sign…Everyone look what’s Going Down!!!’ (‘For What It’s Worth’ by Stephen Sills) ‘What’s Going Down’ are our infections, badly swollen body parts, suffering & pain. Thankfully You R Riding the Surf to this SWIMMER’S RESCUE not a second too soon- My very concerned Doctor had me Booked for Invasive Investigation at the Hospital over 2 days-
- #’Doctor Frankenstein?’ wanted to withdraw blood & create a Witchy Cauldron with blood from a Children’s Hospital? Inject the extracted altered Bloody Witches Brew several hours later back into my Body. If it turns out bad, burned at the stake??? Or #’Brianca- Raving Vampire or Chipped Cyborg Chirper?’ #Britney’s complaint also- endless Blood Requisitions for psych./drug testing & Psych. Evaluations? Wound Care Nurse couldn’t believe what they were planning! So immediately searched for NORMAL Bloodwork Testing openings- Morning soggy rain & a dead battery had me KICK STARTING- FINALLY Trail Bike ROARED to LIFE! Arrived for Bloodwork more than an hour EARLY but only 10 minutes before Staff LOCKED the DOORS- Appointments were being CANCELLED due to Staff Burn Out!!!
- #After Bloodwork, had only 1 minute to PEE with my Black Nurse standing there urging me on! “AND YOUR BIRD CAN SING!” (Beatles) ‘Ain’t Happening Nurse’ so my Nurse gave me 2 drinks and sent me to another still open Blood Clinic!!! First Roared by the local Hospital- Patients LOVE to HEAR my TRAIL BIKE- NOT! Nurse accepted me for Leg Wound Care ON THE SPOT! Blasted off again to the nearest OPEN Bloodwork Clinic- KNOCKING HARD ON THE CLOSED DOOR- ‘ARE YOU STILL OPEN? I CAN PEE NOW!!! I SAID I CAN PEE NOW!!!’ Nurse opens the door as EVERYONE wonders why the World needs to know ‘BIKER can PEE NOW- Hallelujah- Our World IS SAVED!!!’ ‘The other Blood Clinic gave me drinks & sent me to you to PEE- adding SAMPLES to my Blood Tests!!!’
- #If only THE SQUEAKY WHEELS GET ALL THE $$$GREASE, Political & Media Attention & POWER, what Social Equity is THIS??? A SOCIETY IS JUDGED BY HOW IT TREATS ITS MOST VULNERABLE- THE MILLIONS WITHOUT INCREDIBLE POLITICAL, CORPORATE, MEDIA & FINACIAL RESOURCES, MEDIUMS AND VOICES!!! RESEARCHERS SEE THE WIDENING DIVIDE AS THE WEALTHY BECOME RICHER, THE POOR POORER! BUT If YOU SEE/FEEL/HEAR ANGELS SINGING or FLAPPING THEIR WINGS- YOU JUST MIGHT BE ‘THE VERY ANGELS’ HELPING LIFT UP SO MANY LIVES!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS & THANKING YOU FOREVER!!! ALL THE BEST TO YOU!!! April 21, 2021 by Brianca Lane SOLUTION to HEALING OUR WORLD is in YOUR HEART!!! April 28, 2021 April 14- “NEVER SURRENDERING BUT TO LIFE & LOVE!!! IN YOUR HEARTS !!!!!!!!!!!!1 Thanks to YOU, I See/Feel/Hear ANGELS FLAPPING THEIR WINGS!!!! Physically, I was falling fast & hard by my severe leg injury & infection BUT SUDDENLY MIRACULOUSLY WAS LIFTED UP by YOUR LOVE! BY LOVE, IS EVERYTHING POSSIBLE? Today is SUPERHEROES DAY- Superheroes HEALING OUR WORLD’S WOUNDS!!! Your EFFORTS are in HIGH DEMAND lifting your World up where it BELONGS!!! In Martin Luther King’s DREAM, CHARACTER trumps RACISM & SKIN COLOR! My most recent Hospital Clinic Wound Care Nurses were Black- from The Islands & of Chinese Heritage. Both were PERFECT offering Practical LOVING CARE to my Body & Soul- Inspiring, Uplifting! Excellent Nursing Practice & GENUINE Human WARMTH! Personal Biblical Miracles change one’s Perspective on Everything for THE BETTER!!! PEOPLE POWER WORKS for Our Beloved Talented Triple Threat Recovering Britney Spears! BRITNEY’S BOUNCING BACK- SIGNED, SEALED DELIVERED by OUR HEARTS-
- Pres. Trump dressed down Big Pharma’s GREED, EXPOSED last summer- Biden is repeating Pres. Trump’s allegation Americans pay 3 times what other Countries pay for the same pharmaceuticals. PRES. TRUMP sounded our mentalhealthrightsforum.com Nov., 2020+ assertions recently highlighted on Fox News- Sean Hannity, that Big Pharma helped orchestrate his Presidential LOSS because Big Pharma wanted to continue gouging Americans instead of matching Best Countries Practices by LOWERING Drug Pricing like in Canada; & alleging Big Pharma orchestrated vaccine roll out ONLY in the DAYS AFTER the Nov. Election to deny Trump ELECTION VICTORY & bolster Biden as a New ‘Savior!’
- Hardly HEROIC to GASLIGHT AMERICANS by exaggerating Police Brutality- JUST THE TRUTH PLEASE! But mainstream Media & Pres. Biden recently REPEATEDLY reported on the Ohio police Officer video as an ‘I CAN’T BREATHE’ evil cold blooded killing. A neighbor’s camera & the Officer’s own Body camera shows ‘all hell-o broke out’ after the Officer arrived at a ‘person threatening with knife call!’ Immediately in front of the Officer, a man? threw a woman to the ground- powerfully kicked hard at her head but at the same time, a woman threw another young woman against a car & wielded a large knife to stab her! Incredibly within a second or less as if TIME HAD STOPPED (only able to be seen by slow motion review of the video,) the Police Officer realized the knife wielder was the more deadly threat & with perfect marksmanship, killed the knife wielder in the act of swinging the knife without also killing the knife wielder’s intended victim!
- “Just OPEN THE DOOR- I’LL GET IT MYSELF!” Like The Beatles, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift- James Brown APPLIED HIMSELF FULLY TO ACHIEVING PERFORMANCE GOALS & SET HIGH STANDARDS! 90% Perspiration & 10% Inspiration always breaking into A COLD SWEAT for his Raptured Audience!!
- #Mother Nature is asking- ‘SHOW ME! SHOW ME!’ Pres. Biden is Listening- PROMISING TO CUT Climate Change EMISSIONS in HALF within 10 years; Radically altering traditional Energy Production & Employment; But Worldwide we are exceeding the capacity of Earth to replenish our consumption by 75%+ annually- HUMAN DEMAND vs. EARTH’S BIOCAPACITY TO REPLENISH!
- Very often 60’s- 70’s Hippie Nirvana Dreams of Communal Living became EXPLOITED by Evil Leadership for $$$ & sexual abuse of young women- Charmed Bewitched Rose McGowan’s Father slipped away in the night with his children before Rose could be sexually abused- as did many Survivors of Concentration Camp Cults! Predator ravaging young women like Rose (or men) is a tragedy about Hollywood $$$ buying artists’ silence & souls!? Our Hollywood Stars, etc. HAVE A DUTY TO BE CHEERLEADERS FOR A SEX ABUSE FREE HOLLYWOOD! Or support creating a Rose’s REVENGE FORCE- ‘Have ROSES WITH THORNS- Will Travel’ to CLEAN UP HOLLYWOOD’s or WASHINGTON’s sex abusers?’
- #Thankfully your Healing Power indicates your CLEAN HANDS & PURE HEART- #NO WEAPONS NEEDED BY TRUE HEALERS!!!
- #Our SALUTE to Everyone SUFFERING LONGER TERM PAIN or chronic serious illnesses! HEROIC BATTLES- INVISIBLE unlike Racism but at least as DEMANDING of RESOURCES & Political ATTENTION! So many challenging body organ or system illnesses to deal with- So much PAIN in only a brief 6 months as infection attacked all over my body at will! (NO BRAINER I shouldn’t have waited almost 2 months- enabling infection from my serious leg wound to SPREAD EVERYWHERE BEFORE calling my Doctor in panic- “I NEED ANTIBIOTICS NOW!!! BEFORE BECOMING UNCONSCIOUS!!!” My Brother’s Sport Coach Friend survived only about 24 hours following minor knee micro Surgery by a Specialist! A thin MEDICAL NEEDLE- supposedly sterilized in a safe setting enabled infection to enter his knee! Imagine our immune system hard at work 24/7 saving us from infections & diseases; Our thin layer of skin protecting against deadly strains entering our muscles, bones, blood stream, organs. How little understanding we have about our underlying body operations- enabling us to employ our capacities for GOOD PURPOSES! We are so BLESSED but do we take our body for GRANTED!??
- Mentally, we may experience illness & dissonance as anxiety, OCD, stress, fear, depression, fatigue, psychosis, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse disorder by self medicating, eating disorders, schizophrenia, dissociative/multiple personality disorders, self harm, etc. COVID & Megalomaniac Bossy Busy Body Big Brother CHALLENGING OUR MENTAL RESILIENCY!
- #Being Healthy may require our deliberate AWARENESS of what INSPIRES OUR HEALTH! TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH- BECOME AN EXPERT AS TO WHAT WORKS OR DOESN’T WORK FOR YOU- YOUR GOOD HEALTH HELPS YOU SPREAD THE JOY OUR WORLD NEEDS!!! Your experience of illness helps you become realistic, grounded, compassionate, resilient, able to be an EMPATHETIC FRIEND to others! YOU INSPIRE YOUR WORLD’S HEALTH!
- Imagine Britney enters the dark Courthouse in June to give Judge Brenda a Penny for her Thoughts/presentation. Suddenly, Balloons, CHEERS- SMILES EVERYWHERE- ‘We’re working this out TODAY BRITNEY- You’ll LOVE OUR FREE BRITNEY WORK PLAN.’ Just forecasting-
- #Often saved from self destruction while we learn our LIFE LESSONS!?
- If we honestly placed humans on a continuum over time as to how HIGHLY we Self Actualized our Abilities, Smarts & GOODNESS, what would our CHARTS reveal? Should our children study a PERSONAL & *SOCIAL human experience Self Actualization Chart (*over centuries) to see how we performed. If we actually learned from our mistakes, successes & time on Earth? Are we going up in Life’s Spiral? YIKES!!! 100 years ago, the Spanish Flu infected 1 in 3 World Wide, claiming over 675,000 Americans. Today we are over 575,000 American deaths in spite our 100 years of technological brilliance, incredible medical advances.
- #Social Scientists & Health Researchers can ‘prove’ PEACEFUL CRIME FREE HEALTHY COMPASSIONATE SOCIETIES DO BETTER Self Actualizing their DREAMS! Remember- We’re Human KIND!!!
- #GOOD NEWS STORIES & BALANCED REPORTING!!!!! During Apocalyptic COVID Challenging Times. to preserve our mental health, Mainstream Media might attempt BALANCED reporting featuring GOOD NEWS STORIES- EXCELLENCE in GIVING, COMPASSION, KINDNESS- CHARACTERS & HEROES WE ALL ADMIRE!!! #Mainstream Media likes to report about ZEROS instead of a RAINBOW of HEROES!!!!
- #A brilliant Psychiatrist calculated Citizens facing the Triple Cross of severe mental illness, brutal stigma & discrimination, & consequent severe poverty lose an average 20 years of life expectancy+/- as if living in the worst collapsing nation circumstances- environmental catastrophes, famine, civil war
- Presidents Biden & Harris unleashed Pandora’s Box of Calamities by their LAWLESS CULTS CONTROLLED, No Borders, Open Human Sacrifices CARTEL CONTROLLED, Migrant System! $400 Million in PROFITS to DEATH CULT CARTELS running the immigration corridors & system, $2,000- $50,000 typically for each immigrant! Criminal Gangs bring poisonous addictive Opioids, etc. into the U.S. & buy high powered weaponry to challenge lawful authority & create mayhem for Satan/Evil!!!
- #Is The American Dream to work hard & amass stuff? Look how successful I am- I have so much stuff while others have so little! Do rich people say “I receive far more than I actually need for my Wonderful Good Life so I am giving everything else away to alleviate the suffering, needs & poverty of those Less Fortunate.” The media could Cancel Culture- if STARS/WEALTHY/CORPS. don’t perform ACTS of COMPASSION & KINDNESS to People who are Less Fortunate or towards Cherishing Mother Nature- NO POSITIVE COVERAGE for SCROOGES! Bah! Humbug!
- #CALLING PRES. REAGAN BACK INTO ACTIVE SERVICE- ‘Yes, You’ve Reached Heaven’s Emergency Line- What’s Your Emergency?’ Tell Pres. Reagan BONZO’S GONE TO WASHINGTON- BONZO IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE ASKING “What am I doing here?’ ‘Where do I go now?’ PRES. REAGAN’S REST IN PEACE IS OVER!!! GET HIS ASS BACK DOWN HERE AGAIN!!!! Sorry- Swearing is not allowed in Heaven? Should have known THAT!
- #BUT after 400 years any remnants of RACISM MUST BE EXTINGUISHED SOON- YESTERDAY AT THE LATEST!!! Is America’s GREATER DIVIDE between America’s 1950’s revisionist or RETRO BELIEVERS & the new PRIVILEGED Radical Left Political CLASS aligned with Big Pharma, Big Tech., Big Multi National Corps. & Big Mainstream Media & Artificial Intelligence ‘CANCEL CULTURING’ EVERYONE ELSE AT WILL???? FOXY NEWS REVISITING 1950’s Americana & WHITE PRIVILEGE- BEING SUGAR COATED???? POWER GREEDY ENTITLED SLIPPERY POLITICAL FOXES requiring our CONSTANT SCRUTINY- TRUST but VERIFY!!! CRISIS CREATORS & KIDS STILL KEPT IN CAGES- CULT HUMAN SACRIFICING CARTELS RUNNING THE IMMIGRATION SHOW & PROFITING $400 MILLION MONTHLY! Bringing in OPIOIDS, TERRORISTS & CRIME WAVES- Charging $2,000. to $50,000. per person for ‘safe passage’ at THE DEVIL’S WORD! 25% of women & children ABUSED & VULNERABLE TO CULT RITUALS & SACRIFICE.
- #A WILD WEST NO LAW HAVE GUNS WILL TRAVEL IMMIGRATION PROGRAM Welcoming Open Border Policies & Practices! The most savage PROTECTORS $$$ MONEY CAN BUY- DEVIL CULT DELIVERERS INC. Millions of immigrants from EVERYWHERE arriving anticipating being instantly processed & shipped throughout America- GIVEN FREELY full social & health benefits. Joe & Kamala vs. Jokamerica SOCIALLY ENGINEERING SOCIETY to reinvent Social, Cultural, Legal, Equity, Environmental & Economic Systems! $6 Trillion to be spent stimulating, redirecting & ‘OVERHEATING AMERICA’ causing Inflation- Interest Increases & Monetary Devaluation as we warned on April 28! U.S. Fed. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen must have studied our analysis? Yellen suddenly is departing from her previous view to keep interest rates steady & exceptionally low- ‘PARROTING US’ “INTEREST RATES MAY HAVE TO RISE TO MAKE SURE OUR ECONOMY DOESN’T OVERHEAT!” (with $6Trillion Presidential Stimulus, Aggressive ongoing Fed. Bond Buying.)
- #America is OPENING UP the FAMED LITTLE DEUCE COUP- YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT WE GOT!!! “Just a little deuce coup with a flat head mill- But she’ll walk a Thunderbird like she’s standin’ still. She’s ported and relieved and she’s stroked and bored- She’ll do a hundred and forty with the top end FLOORED!” recorded in June 1963- (written/produced by Brian Wilson; Roger Christian) The Beach Boys used to visit local high schools in Santa Monica, etc. Admiring Girls crowding around their car- Big Smiles all around!!! Britney’s Court presentation before Judge Brenda Penny is June 23! Should she show up in the original 1932 Ford Model 18?
- #Give the Judge The Total Britney Spears Triple Threat Experience Show!!! Thanks kindly- YOUR JET PACK LIFTING ME UP UP & AWAY from Infection SHARK INFESTED WATERS BACK to HEALTH!!!’ Britney’s a LITTLE DEUCE COUP ‘but she’ll walk a Thunderbird…’ ALIVE & HAPPY AGAIN- IN YOUR HEARTS TOO! ‘Who could ask for anything more?’ May 5, 2021 Brianca Lane Beaming LOVE YOUR WAY EVERYDAY!!! The HEAT IS ON vs. ICE CREAM TRUCK REVOLUTION RINGING YOUR BELL!!! May 12, 2021 #You’re so GOOD & SMART TOO! Thanks again for SAVING MY LIFE- Ready for BIGGER CHALLENGES LIKE SAVING OUR WORLD IN APOCALYPTIC TIMES????
- #Forget about being NEUROTIC- SCIENTISTS ARE CREATING NEURONICS!!!! Medical Scientific Research & PEOPLE GOODNESS can accomplish Greatness- Together Apart TOO! Like Messiah Jesus/Yeshua- HEALING by Holy Aura, Hands & Heart, Good Scientists apply A.I. Computer Learning to enable a neck down (non speaking) Paralyzed patient to write/communicate again! Our breakthrough Science sees the Patient IMAGINING HANDWRITING OUT individual letters & copying sentences. Neuron brain activity patterns in the motor cortex governing hand movement are ‘studied & translated’ by an A. I. Algorithm, matching LETTERS with Neuron Brain Activity Patterns. A. I. ‘sees & learns’ each LETTER corresponds with a specific Neuron Pattern & writes sentences on a computer screen as ‘produced’ by the paralyzed patient! GOOD & SMART SCIENCE! We can imagine small implants will accomplish tasks overriding disabilities & physical illnesses by A. I. Learning!!!
- Years ago advocating for self identified ‘survivors, was invited to address an annual Psychiatrists Meeting- BIG QUESTION asked- #Why do so many patients complain they SURVIVED OUR TREATMENTS?!! And why do so many look for ALTERNATIVE ‘TREATMENTS?’ GO ASK BRITNEY SPEARS!!!! Will A. I. study & learn how to assist people suffering mental illness? Our Compassion & Morality- GOODNESS needs to be driving Science into our BETTER FUTURE!!! #Truly, the HEALTH of our World is shared- in your compassionate HANDS & HEART & hopefully by brilliant scientific breakthroughs also BEAMING US UP ON THE SPIRAL OF LIFE!
- #My recent severe PAIN from infection helps bring to light the INTENSE SUFFERING PAIN EMBODIES- OUR HEARTS TO YOU!!! No wonder 500 million Americans recently died from Opioids- hoping to relief Pain & becoming fatally addicted as Big Pharma knew would happen!!!
- Instant Karma ALERT! Pres. Biden wants to follow Pres. Trump’s bold plan to drastically reduce drug prices charged to Americans under Best Practices/Favored Nations Lower Pricing! #And Medical Care is a RIGHT for EVERYONE! Currently, LEGAL Immigrants must wait 5 years for Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance- “We must guarantee Health Care to EVERYONE as a Human Right- regardless of immigration status, income, employment, or anything else!” Rep. Jayapol D. Wash. #Mental patients supposedly face a diminished 20 year life span among severe illnesses & the triple CROSS BURDEN of severe M. I., STIGMA/DISCRIMINATION & EXTREME POVERTY- poor medical care!!! As if they lived in the worst war torn, plague infested, climate disaster, famine & disease catastrophic environments!
- Dr. Fauci- about the origins of COVID-19: Arguably FUNDED by U.S./British Infectious Die-ease Specialists & created in the Wuhan, China Virology Experimental Lab by ‘BAT LADY’ Dr. Shi Zhengli weaponizing bat viruses- GAIN of FUNCTION experiments = Creating COVID SUBSTANTIALLY MORE INFECTIOUS & DEADLY to EVERYONE!!! Pres. Obama had banned funding U.S. based FRANKENSTEIN- DRACULA created INCREASE of FUNCTION viral killers! So our own Western Virology Scientists- along with Wuhan’s ‘Bat Lady,’ allegedly share blame in killing millions once a Wuhan lab worker became infected. China enabled quick international spread while locking down internally to save China! A newly published U.S. COVID Mortality report contends well over 900,000 Americans have passed, not the almost 600,000 commonly stated! (The 1918+ Spanish Flu killed 675,000 Americans- our COVID plague is the WORST EVER ‘Made in America’ & China DISASTER! Even worse, millions of cancer patients, surgical patients, heart patients… are BYPASSED by COVID-19 STEALING HOSPITAL RESOURCES & BEDS!
- #In our changing Apocalyptic Times, The HEAT IS ON! Take our Politicians- PLEASE!!! Mainstream media often simply parrots favored politicians’ constant propaganda talking points instead of engaging in critical analysis- ALL LIFE MATTERS- IS PRECIOUS- our Biosphere & our Blessed Mother Nature!’ At first President Lincoln, for example hoped to preserve the American Union regardless IF NO SLAVES WERE FREED! His VISION EVOLVED to see FREEING SLAVES is CENTRAL TO SAVING AMERICA & 100’s of thousands perishing in the budding cause of ‘Equality! #Hopefully, our CIVILIZATION ENABLES OUR ENLIGHTENMENT WITHOUT CANCELLING EVERYONE- THE A.I. ‘TERMINATOR’ CONSEQUENCE!!!
- #We are primarily HEALERS & RESCUERS, not high & mighty WOK Cancel Culture Wild West ‘Hang ‘Em High’ Gunslingers! I was recently seemingly facing death but you HELPED SAVE ME- HEALERS & RESCUERS- CLEAN HANDS & A PURE HEART R U.S.A.ll SAVING OUR OVERHEATED, TOSSED & TURNED NEEDY BLEEDING WORLD!
- #WE are BLESSED & THANKFUL to BE ALIVE TODAY- The RIGHT PEOPLE embodying THE RIGHT HEARTS- COMPASSIONATE SUPERHEROES. Turn off the t.v. BOOB TUBE- ALL THE DRAMA & SUPERHEROES ARE REAL LIVING WONDERFUL GOOD HEARTED HUMAN BEINGS- Did I say you all SAVED my LIFE? Mayday- Duty Calls- Must be off May 12, 2021 LOVING YOU DEARLY- YOUR BLESSED HEARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brianca Lane to be continued after attending to Family Emergency Mayday Call- cont’d. THE HEAT IS ON vs. ICE CREAM TRUCK REVOLUTION RINGING YOUR BELL!!! SPRINGING CHERRY BLOSSOMS IN BLOOM EVERYWHERE vs. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? May 18, 2021 R AMERICA’S & our World’s ‘ROYALTY’ Elites deserving of LIVING the DREAM ABOVE & BEYOND EVERYONE ELSE? How must we address Power Imbalances, Social Justice & Equity? We want our Civilizations to RISE UP in FREEDOM but sustainably with our Mother Nature’s/Biosphere’s Needs- Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS & WORLD HEALERS-YOU!! Yes- Greater Equity but HEALING RELATIONSHIPS & HEALING LONG STANDING SUFFERING & INJUSTICES! We may ask Israeli’s & Palestinians or the other approximate 400+ conflicts people suffer in recent years- What do you WANT? ‘No Justice- No Peace!’
- TURNED ON TUNED IN DROPPING OUT- To celebrate you saving my Life- THANKS- I decided to enjoy a SPRING BREAK- bus, train, subway to The Big City to Escape- A wanderer- my Dates used to all say I was a WANDERER. No vaccine- a bit nervous, put on a second mask as a Security Blanket! Bus drivers invited me on FREELY at times; drivers & passengers always helping me from stop to stop- Great tour guides- “If you get off here, you could see” So many Visible Minorities & Diversities in our World Class Big Cities, SO HELPFULLY KIND! 20%+ in our Society in desperation for HELP- a HAND UP!!! Everyone else willing to open our HEARTS to KINDNESS, GOOD NEWS STORIES & INSPIRATION?!!
- #How CAN VIOLENCE & SUFFERING SURVIVE WHEN 95%+ of ALL PEOPLE ARE SO GOOD?!! Beautiful warm sunny day- CHERRY BLOSSOMS BLOOMING EVERYWHERE “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” surrealistic summery day!
- #TURNED ON TUNED IN DROPPING GRASS by the BAGFUL!!! “#Getting HIGH grass cut WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS!” (Beatles) #Neighbor yanked my chord until my lawn mower roared!!! Yes- Britney might sing: Neighbor yanked my chord until my lawn mower purred! I know- You’re saying- “What about your COVID RISK STRAYING INTO BIG CITY COVID COUNTRY?? WE JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE Bri!!!” Yes- Mother Nature IS GIVING BRI SPECIAL PROTECTION but Please don’t follow my MOTHER NATURE SALVATION STORY- Wear a Mask; Social Distance & BE HEALTHY- EXERCISE, GOOD DIET, SLEEP- BE KIND TO YOURSELF & YOUR WORLD & IT WILL REFLECT BACK TO YOU!!!
- #COVID has killed almost 1 million Americans according to some researchers + how many thousands more by our Oppressed Ill being denied treatment for cancer, heart disease, infections, organ failures, etc. Health Staff corralled for COVID care ONLY!!!
- Our World Health is a CONTEST BETWEEN BAD MICROBES, $$$ & HEALERS? Presidents Trump & Biden R challenging Big Pharma PROFITING EXCESSIVELY at the expense of citizens with severe Health Challenges! Big Tech. is attempting to STOP Pres. Trump from running again by banning him on Twitter & Facebook, for example- Trump gained tremendous Financial Support by Social Media! Pres. Biden sees Government interventions & $$$injections achieving Greater Justice & Equity. (INFLATION???) America’s ICE CREAM TRUCK REVOLUTION has Americans screaming for QUICK DELIVERY! But back to our question- ENTITLED ROYALTY & The GREAT OPPRESSIVE WEALTH & POWER DIVIDE!
- Duchess of Sussex Meghan’s Gated Community Dream Home- 18,000 square foot, $14.65 million, 16 Bathroom, 9 bedroom, 7.4 acre British/Spanish architectural style Paradise with a 2 bedroom Guest House- FOR YOU? Meditation Area with Rose Gardens, Century Old Olive Trees, Springs & Pond, Swimming Pool, Tennis Court, Wine Cellar, Library, Tea Room, SERVANTS to PAMPER ROYALTY! But The Climate Change HEAT IS ON- Wildfires easily sparked, able to BURN DOWN ELITIST GATED COMMUNITIES among our Entitled Filthy Wealthy.
- #Meghan allegedly dumped NANNIES (& Servants/Staff) like DIAPERS- In Britain Prince Harry INSTRUCTED SERVANTS/STAFF- “WHAT MEGHAN WANTS, MEGHAN GETS!!!” The first to get the Meghan Heave Ho was Harry’s Right Hand Man-Edward LANE Fox, (a major upset for Yours Truly Brianca LANE- & Foxy News werewolvs howling about ‘INJUSTICE!!!’)
- #Harry is “SPIRITALLY but especially $$$financially at HOME in AMERICA!” The Royal Queen Mom assisted Prince Charles’ UNFAITHFUL IMMORAL ADULTERY TRYSTS with Camilla at her ‘Cottage.’ Princess Diana was constantly chased by the British & European paparazzi tracking hound dogs- “like living in a zoo’ Harry says. His Mother left the ‘Royal Family’ one year before the predictable alleged planned auto assassination. ‘It’s been a year now since the final separation- Is IT A GO?’ Who you believe was involved??? You know I’d be too afraid to say- or anyone hoping for a happy future!!!
- #Duchess Meghan choked on her Royal debut- became completely mentally incompetent- an imminent danger to herself/others! But Princess Diana had suffered bouts of mental illness with similarly feelings of oppression thanks to Prince Toadie Charles- When Diana kissed her Prince Charming, he turned into a TOAD! Triple $billionaire Oprah- from her $100 million resort mansion, is partnering with Prince Harry on a Mental Health documentary- “The INCREDIBLY RICH Me You Can’t See BECAUSE I LIVE IN A GATED COMMUNITY on a $14.65 British/Spanish Estate!
- Is the HEALTH, WEALTH & EQUITY GAP WIDENING or NARROWING? WILDFIRES DON’T DISCRIMINATE! In the Los Angeles area, homeless populations over 100,000 R wandering the streets seeking HOPE & ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY! Citizens with Mental & Physical Disabilities, chronic PAIN & ILLNESS- 1 in 5 suffer from currently incurable painful ARTHRITIS- need bi weekly massages, joint & muscle care but receive ‘Sorry- Closed due due to COVID- 19!’ Oprah enjoys her $100 million dollar estates while Pain Sufferers need JUSTICE from PAIN OPPRESSION!!! Where are all the B.L.M. Protest Marches specifically demanding EQUITY & FREEDOM FROM TRIPLE CROSS BURDENS- DISABILITY/ILLNESS/PAIN, Stigma/DISCRIMINATION & OPPRESSIVE POVERTY???
- #NICE LEGS- SHAME ABOUT HIS BRAIN? We need not condemn earlier generations for addressing their challenges- WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!! until we show ourselves to be beyond reproach in addressing our challenges like hate & war; climate change & our 6th mass extinction caused by Human Self Activity vs. cherishing our LIVING BIOSPHERE- Mother Nature spoke pleading with us: “SHOW ME! SHOW ME!” you CHERISH OUR EARTH, flora & fauna!!!’
- #But We R The Chosen Generations ALIVE TODAY to DELIVER OUR WORLD from our Apocalyptic Challenges- CLEAN HANDS & PURE HEARTS- HEALERS not to condemn our Past but to SHOW OUR TRUE COLORS AS both HUMAN & DIVINE- WE ARE BEING CHALLENGED UNTIL CHANGE BECOMES U.S.A.ll! We HEAL & SAVE OUR WORLD TOGETHER APART= Our Healing Powers Unstoppable & Increasing but about to be challenged? Always For You & In Your Heart!!! May 18, 2021 Love You- Brianca Lane P.S. Thanks for answering my May Day Call!!!!!!! Brother says Pull Back on FRISKY RISKY BEHAVIORS – Your Wild & Crazy Activities defying COVID fears! #To Hell NO- WE WON’T GO! But TO HEALTH YES- WE ARE BLESSED!! OUR LIVING IS FOR HEALING OUR WORLD!!!! May 25, 2021 Back in our 1960’s SUMMERS of LOVE, when kindly ‘invited by lottery draft pick’ to cordially attend The AGENT ORANGE & FIRE BOMBING BALL in the Jungles of Vietnam, young male red blooded Social Surfers like Donald Trump screamed the slogan “Hell No- We Won’t Go!’ Pres. Trump avoided the DRAFT 3X & finally secured a Medical Exemption from military service! How confident about Equity & Justice do you feel knowing a gambling lottery system combined with scheming Draft Dodger Antics determined who stayed back in the U.S.A. to joyfully prosper- become Presidential! Or the unfortunates who were pulled from Social Surfing with Sweeties to ‘kill or be killed’ in Asian Jungles- U.S. Secretary of State Blinken comments “Palestinians deserve equal measures of security, freedom, opportunity & dignity…” All LIVES are EQUAL & MATTE! Britney’s LIFE MATTERS TOO!
- #Black Lives HEALTH, Education, Family Cohesion & Family Support Payments Matter! Stopping Black Against Black Crime & Violence Matters! Street Drug Free & Gang Free Living Matters! Dads living at home raising their children MATTER! #Don’t tell U.S.A.ll B.L.M. if the Movement isn’t working hard & WITHIN Black Communities on all the CRITICAL ISSUES making BLACK LIVES MATTER! #An ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE MATTERS especially for invaluable help we receive!!!
- #FORCE YOURSELF TO BE FREE! YOU DESERVE HEALING- Our Anniversary ‘I CAN’T BREATHE’ is May 25, 2020 “Gianna- Your Dad is going to do what?” Darling Beloved 7 years young child predicted- “CHANGE THE WORLD!” May 25 is our day VISIONING WORLD CHANGE as Gianna says. On May 25, 1961, Pres. J.F. Kennedy asked Congress for Financial Support for an ACCELERATED OUTER SPACE PROGRAM to SEND a Man to THE MOON by ’69! But Rogue Dictators now use B.L.M. as a PROPAGANDA TOOL to disgrace America as UNFIT for World Leadership & to ‘justify Oppression & Genocide’ in their own Countries! ‘America lacks MORAL AUTHORITY to Criticize anyone?’ Poorer vulnerable Black & Minority Communities are less protected, Black on Black crime is expedited & the substantial need for greater ‘Good Citizenship, Character Development,’ Educational Achievement & Family Responsibilities is ‘ignored!’ Martin Luther King called for citizens in the future to be judged “BY THE CONTENT of THEIR CHARACTER, NOT by the COLOR of THEIR SKIN!” B.L.M. is scolded for taking America ‘BACKWARDS’ in RACE RELATIONS- or EXPOSING RACISM’S REALITY???
- Pres. Lincoln said a “HOUSE DIVIDE AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND!” #As humans our thinking needs to be coherent- CLEAN HANDS & A PURE HEART! “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us!” Without coherent morals & values, we become afflicted by emotional turmoil & illness! *
- #TO BE FAIR: Not all Politicians are incompetents just as not all Big Media is bought & paid for propaganda- but they try their best to do their worst!!!*
- #TO BE FAIR Politicians are Very good at being very BAD for our sense of security & health!* Break Loose from the cackling GOOSE- incompetent politicians or bought & paid for Big Media Propaganda!*
- #TIME FLIES FAST- YOU BETTER CATCH IT WHILE YOU CAN! The BLACK SLAVE OPPRESSION & TRAGEDY was already ACTIVELY BEING DISPUTED circa the American Colonial Revolt/AMERICAN REVOLUTION from 1765- 1783, won with French support! Our 20/20 perfect hindsight informs us how easily our earlier Pioneering Generations- with the stroke of a pen, should have QUICKLY ABOLISHED OPPRESSION & SLAVERY! Ben Franklin- How could you waver- thrusting America into CENTURIES OF alleged White Privilege & BLACK OPPRESSION? Do you all imagine clearly that GLORIOUS May 25 a few years back in 1787- only 234 years ago- in a ‘Previous Incarnation some Religions allowed for?’
- TIME FLIES FAST- YOU BETTER CATCH IT WHILE YOU CAN!!! Convening Delegates representing the States met in Philadelphia’s Penn State House- Wasn’t the Declaration of Independence drafted, the Articles of Confederation signed there? The Assembly set about to create a new Government- George Washington elected Convention President! A great future begins but for Slavery by White Privilege. Addressed finally by the heroic soldiers struggling in the 1860’s Civil War to end U.S. slavery- long abolished among British Empire States ironically- “All men are created EQUAL” OUTSIDE America- How did that happen?!
- #More recent Generations should have CANCEL CULTURED ALL POLITICAL DICTATORS, DECEPTIVE MEDIA, PROPAGANDA & ADVERTISING. CRIME, HATE, VIOLENCE, WAR, CLIMATE CHANGE, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, CATASTROPHES, POVERTY, PAINS & ILLNESSES, EATING DISORDERS, Declining Health in OLD AGE, Depression, Anxiety, Personality Defects, Flatulence, Boring Teachers, Dog & Human Biting Insects, BAD DRIVERS. We should have been BORN & RAISED in A PERFECT GARDEN in EDEN- Elvis Living Forever as our KINDEST King in Silver Voice- Never Leaving the Building!
- Leave It to Beaver Innocence- Eddie Haskell never transforming into Donald J. Trump, evading the draft 3+ times & becoming yet another Ladies Man Playboy Fast Talking, Gorgeous Wife- Great White Hope Camelot King- Yes he achieved FULL EMPLOYMENT IN AMERICA & SUBSTANTIALLY CUT TAXES. HIS OPERATION WARP DRIVE PRODUCED VACCINES IN COMPRESSED TIME- FINK & FRANKENSTEIN FAUCI SAID WAS IMPOSSIBLE!! TOOK ALL THE WORLD DICTATORS TO TASK- KEPT ALL NARCISSISTIC AUTOCRATIC MORONS IN LINE!!! RAISED INCOMES FOR MINORITY AMERICANS BUT ALAS- WIDENED THE RICH vs. POOR GAP- But #Frightened America with his Italian Dictator Mussolini Pose Debate Presentation & efforts to establish a Family Dynasty FOXY NEWS personalities slobber & drool about!!!!!
- #We want Endless Summers- Beatles & Beach Boys. Surfing, Skating, B. Ball Sports, Joking & Laughing- (Girls) Just Wanna Have FUN! Space Age Tech. Inventions Galore, Never ending Black Motown Hits. Dancing on Every Street Corner. Kids Respecting their Parents-
- #Today increasing numbers of ‘entitled?’ young adult women are dis-owning their parents! Parents saying they gave & sacrificed selflessly all their ‘Princess’- for their HAPPINESS & SUCCESS!!!
- We want our Sesame Street in Sweet Heart America- Big Bird? Bert? Ernie? The COOKIE MONSTER might know something about drugs & thugs but is too busy chewing & chomping? ‘Britney never ever experiences BREAKSDOWNS & sharks don’t chomp on her ass$$$ets!, Taylor Swift releases her 688th number 1 Album- But NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
- #Previous Generations LEFT ALL THESE MESSES FOR U.S.A.ll to PICK UP AFTER THEIR WILD PARTYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- #Our Politicians under COVID COVER KILLING ALL OUR SENIORS & anyone with Underlying Health Issues;
- Going Down There- Brought SOCKS up to the cash register- ‘Sorry- under Gov’t./Public Health Regulations, SOCKS ARE NOT LISTED AS AN ESSENTIAL GOOD OR SERVICE>>>’ What about UNDERWEAR- Are You ALLOWED to SELL A CUSTOMER UNDERWEAR? P.S. Brianca- maybe you were still asleep when you dressed this morning- You are wearing UNDERWEAR on your feet instead of socks & also underwear on your head!’ Yes- Gov’t./Public Health won’t allow citizens buying socks or a hat but UNDERWEAR IS STILL GOOD! Yes- kids ‘kept at home/in solitary confinement’ for a year away from in person school might easily suffer all kinds of issues & illnesses= Millions of parents taking any & all necessary ACTIONS to get their school age kids BACK in the CLASSROOM!!!
- Bill Gates goes down like Joker Bill Cosby for alleged sexual criminality???
- #GOOD NEIGHBOR Billionaire$$$ Gates could not resist Epstein’s evil web of seductive deceit! Be thankful Bill- Melinda didn’t raise the PITCH of YOUR VOICE with sudden midnight surgery like Lorena Bobbitt for befriending MONSTER EPSTEIN- a WALKING CURSE ON THIS PLANET!!!!
- Ben Franklin was pressed to actually CONSTITUTIONAL ENSURE ALL MEN- White or Black, WERE TREATED AS CREATED EQUAL in the Original Charter! (My Town was named Honoring a Jurist/Lawyer who successfully ACHIEVED FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY for his Black Client in SCOTLAND circa 1770’s- ending SLAVERY (& strongly casting down indentured servitude slavery!) But he is criticized today- arguing for GRADUAL RELEASE FROM the INSTITUTION of SLAVERY in British Parliament. He believed a sudden move to END SLAVERY would immediately RAISE OPPOSITION TO ABOLITION but a ‘GRADUAL MOVE to END SLAVERY’ would GAIN APPROVAL- Fishy wavering Agendas??? Allegedly, between 1808 & 1860, the ROYAL NAVY WEST AFRICAN SQUAD CAPTURED 1600 SLAVER SHIPS FREEING 150,000 BLACK AFRICANS! British Queen Victoria- Canada celebrated Victoria Day yesterday with FIREWORKS, had timbers taken from a Royal Navy anti slaver ship & made into an ORNATE DESK for Presidential Use in the WHITE HOUSE! Pres. Obama was given a relic by a British P.M. from another anti slaver intercepting Royal Navy ship. Also in 1833, Britain ABOLISHED SLAVERY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BRITISH EMPIRE- allegedly up to 40%?? of the National Budget was marked for buying out all the SLAVES IN THE EMPIRE- ‘The sun never set on the Empire’ given it’s presence was Worldwide! Actually isn’t SLAVERY STILL PRACTISED IN PLACES TODAY? But is HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF- NEW WORLD SLAVERY ORDER c/o China’s Dirty Dip Stick Dictators!
- China’s Wuhan Lab’s gain of function/weaponized COVID-19 was released Worldwide consuming almost 1 million Americans, 5 million Globally by updated estimates. Indeed our Business & Political Leaders’ SILENCE IS DEAFENING- SELLING THEIR SOULS TO THE DEVIL- Chinese Dictators? So HONOR 1,000’s of TRUE HONORABLE CHINESE PEACE, FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY LOVING Students who SACRIFICED THEIR PROMISING LIVES in Tiananmen Square April 15- June 4, 1989 vs. the so called ‘People’s Liberation Army’- Heavy fisted brute force tanks & automatic fire by Chinese Political Assassins against Freedom!! Hong Kong FREEDOM FIGHTERS are still under FIRE, China tearing up their Agreement with Britain. 80 million slaughtered to date by Chinese Dictators! Now Chinese Dictators are SOFTENING UP OUR ENTIRE WORLD.
- Like in the ’60’s we see two distinct paths ahead- Truth & Honor vs. Blasphemy- Hollywood informs us GOOD ALWAYS WINS OVER EVIL IN THE END- our Action HEROES like Laura Croft ALWAYS SAVE OUR WORLD just like YOU SAVED MY LIFE! ! To Hell- NO We Won’t Go Down!
- #OUR LIFE IS FOR HEALING &YES- We Are BLESSED!!! TOGETHER APART MeUsCan-Do! SAVE OUR WORLD- P.S. Britney Spears- get connected to our Wonderful World & Blessed Supporters: REAL HEALERS = PERFORMING MIRACLES TODAY! Britney loosening the Octopussy tentacles binding her- self serving brain trust sharks chomping on her Prized ass$$$ets!!!
- #Actress Reese Witherspoon chides fickle mainstream media- ‘I was SCREAMING obscenities at Paparazzi too! But I was labelled ‘GOOD,’ Britney ‘BAD!’ Rebel Without A Cause ‘STOP YOUR FRISKY RISKY WILD ‘GOD- IT FEELS GOOD TO BE HEALTHY AGAIN!’ WEREWOLF WAYS, Bri!’ Like Little Richard’s song (The Girl) Can’t Help It-
- #LIVE & LET LIVE- We’re ALL IN OUR MOTHER NATURE’S BIOSPHERE TOGETHER- Let’s everyone be as respectful of one another as we are able!
- #OUR DAYS ON EARTH ARE SHORT- LET’S KEEP OUR TEMPERS & PREJUDICES ON EVEN SHORTER LEASES! “There’s no time for fussing & fighting my friend- I have always thought it’s a crime!” (Paul McCartney- The Beatles- Yeh!) Who wants to spend any time wasted on discrimination- being hot headed & mean spirited instead of BEING FRIENDLY & LIKABLE? God/Allah is allegedly PERFECT so obviously Moses forgot to inform everyone about the 11th Commandment!
- WHAT ABOUT INDIGENOUS FIRST NATIONS- When are our incredibly oppressed First Nations GIVEN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE & AFFIRATIVE ACTION? (In beautiful wonderland Kelowna, B.C. another unmarked Canadian mass grave of approx. 215 First Nation children stolen from their parents, community & culture was discovered- INNOCENT CHILDREN FORCIBLY KEPT IN BRUTAL RESIDENTIAL ‘SCHOOLS’ designed to beat away their alleged ‘savage culture…’ But today in America, our young SACRIFICIAL LAMBS are targeted for HUMILIATION in schools! White Americans TODAY are to suffer remorse & humiliation, pay Black Folks Restorative Reparations for past crimes! American history is to be erased or better ‘reconstructed!’ What to say about Abe Lincoln & the millions of Whites who sacrificed themselves to end slavery? (Thomas) Jefferson Airplane rewriting to ROCK the BOAT & SING LOUD & CLEAR against SLAVERY-
- ‘When the TRUTH (about slavery) is found to be lies And all the JOY within you dies- ‘Don’t YOU WANT SOME BLACK FRIEND TO LOVE- DON’T YOU NEED SOME BLACK FRIEND TO LOVE- WOULDN’T YOU LOVE SOME BLACK FRIEND TO LOVE YOU BETTER FIND SOME BLACK FRIEND TO LOVE!!!’ 2nd verse INDIGENOUS FRIEND replaces BLACK FRIEND!!!! Yes- the classic OLD SCHOOL 1776 style song Pilgrims swooned to- Indigenous First Nations & Aliens too!!! July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence from the British Record Label owning the Masters & Collecting most of the ROYALTIES!!! Britney Spears & Taylor Swift say ‘Tell me about it!’
- Reparations PAYABLE by today’s Whites for crimes they didn’t commit to today’s Blacks they don’t deserve, critics may argue? AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PROGRAMS appear to violate 1960’s Civil & Human Rights Laws Blacks fought & died for- Feb. 10- ’64 U.S. House of Reps. passed the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT!!! Do Special Quotas ‘FOR BLACKS & MINORITIES ONLY’ = ‘WHITES TO THE BACK OF THE LINE!’ Our Politicians say they want TRUTH & RECONCILIATION for our Indigenous & OPPRESSED Minorities.
- All Earthlings who live in Glass Houses shouldn’t throw stones anyways. Today an estimated 787 foot diameter Rock- N.E.O. flying at 40,000 mph just missed our Earth by 4.5 million miles Thank God/Allah! In May a smaller Rock- 108 feet long missed us by 159,000 miles!
- #Imagine if our Highest Paid American Gov’t. Official & alleged Human VIRUS PLAGUE- Dr. Fauci & his Associates buzz together with China’s Dictators about the dangers of asteroids striking Earth. Their solution inevitably leads to killing U.S.A.ll by creating a GAIN OF FUNCTION ASTEROID-
- #China’s Psychopaths killed 80 million so far in China!!! School children were brainwashed to join the P.L.O. & become TERMINATORS!!!! #Brainwashers of our School Children- Be careful what you wish for!!!!
- Happily, America is warming up to ‘Aliens visiting Earth’ observations. Have you observed any ALIENS in your community- I hear they speak ALIENESE- #Some patients say Psychiatrists are ALIENS who speak ALIENESE & enjoy putting things in their brain! #’You are cordially invited to attend Pres. Biden & his ALIENS enjoying fruity double chocolate chip ICE SCREAM CONES & a LOVE-IN by Vulcan mind melt.’
- June is designated recognizing 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? Inalienable Human Rights- Life, Liberty & Pursuit of Happiness= 140 approx. Sexual Orientations & Gender Identities. ‘ Which one shall WE TRY TONIGHT, YOU FLUID GODDESS?’ Does everybody feel comfortable or squirmy like a wormy about 2 Spirit LGBTQ+?? Most 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? Folks want to be ACCEPTED as Real Ordinary Human Beings, not as ‘Exotic Zoo Species!’
- #All Folks just want to be ACCEPTED in Everyday Society like Everyone else! We all want to be accepted for who we are- NO ONE WANTS US TO BE IDENTICAL THINKING & BEHAVING ROBOTS OR HERDED SHEEP- except Foxy News for 1950’s ‘Father Knows Best’ ‘Leave IT to Beaver Americana?!’ Did The Beaver establish IT- Information Technology???
- #Do we believe in & support our Individual American Style Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights or not? Increasingly modern Western Nations are becoming International Community Hubs- Admired Visible Minorities laying waste to traditional Tribal Interests. What an exciting ILLUSTRATION to SHOW ALL COUNTRIES- ALL RACES, RELIGIONS, CULTURES. EVERYONE ENJOYING PEACEFUL CREATIVE PRODUCTIVITY, DELIGHTFULLY CELEBRATING OUR DIFFERENCES, LEAVING BEHIND ALL OUR UNHELPFUL PREJUDICES- AT LAST!
- #Why should any Tribal Groups still be fighting & spewing hate anywhere among our World’s 400+ recent conflicts, when we see the very same Tribal Communities HAPPILY ENJOYING ONE ANOTHER’S COMPANY in FREE LIBERATING DEMOCRATIC COUNTRIES?
- #PROFITEERING from Human & Mother Nature tragic suffering must BE TERMINATED!!!-
- #Rogue Labs profiteering from scientist created plagues??? CREATE THE APOCALYPTIC CRISIS & THE ONGOING $$$TRILLION DOLLAR TREATMENTS! Pres. Putin creates laws to keep himself as permanent Russian Dictator for Life!
- GREMLINS in the KREMLIN? Kremlin’s GREMLIN BACKED United Party ALONE is allowed support for September’s Russian Parliamentary Election.
- Yes- Ontario Canada’s recent female Premier MARRIED & HAD CHILDREN but in her mid 30’s believed she was actually attracted to Women- She divorced & partnered with a Woman- So who knows what decision we might make as informed Adults living in a FREE SOCIETY?! Discussions about children’s orientation & identity involve trust & sensitivity. Parents should support their children, ensure they feel LOVED & ACCEPTED! About trans issues & children, children are not adults so it’s a Pandora’s box anticipating young children are mature enough to make radical physical altering decisions- Closing doors & binding decisions are toying with childhood catastrophe. Reach at least age 16 to begin Psychological Testing & Counselling for future Gender Changing Hormone Treatments???
- In my local neighborhood, three big schools & daycare are near a proposed POT STORE! Adults use POT for good medical reasons- pain treatment, etc. But POT can trigger serious mental illness in children/teens/young adults- with current high concentrations of psycho active components, causing brain damage- an 8% drop in I.Q., terrible consequences!!! How many children will have their lives burdened by being exposed to POT every day, the ‘corner store’ acting as a gateway drug pusher’- NOT just another ‘treat’ like pop & chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- My Ancestors circa the late 1880’s knew ‘spinsters’ living together “but no one asked & no one admitted anything” ‘Don’t ask & Don’t Tell!’ in closed societies. LIVE & LET LIVE! SMART People care especially about personal CHARACTER not so much about skin color or other ‘innate qualities!’
- #HEALTH, FREEDOM & SAFETY are three pillars we all NEED! Today June 1, 2021 we remember the 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma Massacre 100 years ago- Racist Whites emboldened by local POLICE TOOK UP ARMS- burning, looting, killing African Americans who Dared to Enjoy a successful, bustling ‘BLACK WALL ST. COMMUNITY’- Easily equal to White Successful Neighborhoods. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE IN 100 YEARS of MEDIA BLACKOUTS about the MASSACRE!!! 300 killed, 35 city blocks raised &/or looted, 10,000 displaced. Booker T. Washington High School standing but no students enjoying their graduation. Mourning the murdered. BLACK Home ownership today is only half vs. WHITES, family household income only $30,500. vs. Whites at $55,500. African Americans SPIRITS, DREAMS & ASPIRATIONS DELIBERATELY CRUSHED REPEATEDLY. Similar sad fate experienced by many Indigenous Communities World Wide. #Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupting Absolutely!
- #The WINNER TAKES ALL & WRITES HISTORY TO COVER UP INFAMY!!! Mainstream Media primarily PROPAGANDA INSTILLERS used by our Political & Elite Classes? Kiss on the Cheek! Look the Other Way with a Wink & Smile? Rights Enjoyed only by our Privileged Class. Enter Pres. Biden’s AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, RESTORATIVE REPARATIONS ICE CREAM TRUCK COMING TO YOUR LOCAL OPPRESSED COMMUNITY- Blacks’ wealth is only 10 – 15 percent of White Wealth- BROKEN SPIRITS SYNDROME! King of FUNK James Brown rose from LESS than NOTHING to FAME & FORTUNE- “I Don’t Want Nothin’ from Nobody! Just OPEN THE DOOR- I’LL GET IT MYSELF!!!” “SAY IT LOUD- I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!!!” Emboldening Pres. Biden’s Community Ice Cream Truck Delivery Door to OPEN WIDER. BLACK AMERICA- Pres. Biden’s ICE CREAM TRUCK DOOR IS OPENING WIDE JUST FOR YOU!!!!
- Quebec, Canada Politicians legally freaked out because Muslim women chose to wear veils/masks! But soon ORDERED ALL QUEBECOIS TO WEAR FACIAL COVERINGS- under COVID imposed UNENDING STAY AT HOME CURFEWS. In my area, ARBITRARY Big Brother GOVERNMENT DECREES, VERBOTEN BUYING EVEN A PAIR OF SOCKS TO PROTECT MY FEET!!! But we all share common basic NEEDS- NUTRICIOUS FOOD, SHELTER & CLOTHING! OUR HEALTH, Family, Community, Safety, Arts, Culture, Recreational, Educational, Business, Spiritual Activities. FUN! FREEDOMS & CREATIVE JOYFUL LIVING WITHIN MOTHER NATURE’S HEALTHY HAPPY BIOSPHERE!
- #11th Commandment: PLAY NICE- SHARE & CARE! NO FIGHTING or STICKING OUT YOUR TONGUE! FLOWERS IN MOTHER NATURE’S GARDEN ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL!!! THANKFULLY ENJOY A RAINBOW OF COLORS & QUALITIES- like HUMAN BEINGS, we share similarities but also differences. Will everybody feel comfortable in close quarters or experience TRIBAL ISSUES? The BIG SIN among Human Tribes is to place ‘COLORATIONS-‘ Skin Color, Cultural, Religious Variations above CHARACTER & our 11th Commandment!
- #LOVE IS EVERYTHING on EARTH & IN OUR UNIVERSE!!! June 1, 2021 LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!! ALWAYS IN YOUR HEART- Brianca Lane BECOMING ADDICTED to LOVE & INSANELY HAPPY!!! June 8, 2021 S0- we ‘slightly’ recreated American History about Thomas Jefferson Airplane’s Spirit of ’76 ROCK CLASSIC
- #’When the truth about FORCED Re-education Camps & Residential Schools- with unmarked Indigenous or Stigmatized Folks mass gravesites, Slavery, Political, Cultural, Religious, Racial Supremacy Beliefs is FOUND to be LIES- DON’T EVER ALLOW THE JOY INSIDE YOU TO DIE!!!’ Rise UP MY LOVE from Wuhan China Lab Created? COVID-19 Gain of FUNCTION TERROR & our IRON FISTED Political Tyrants Attempting to CONTROL U.S.A.ll- BREAK OUR INDEPENDENT WILL- STEAL ALL OUR FREEDOMS!!! We see for example, Blacks or Indigenous Nations/Tribes were INTENTIONALLY ‘BROKEN’ & ENSLAVED decades or centuries ago but THE CURSE continues Generation after Generation- U.S. Pres. Biden hopes to CATALYZE HEALING BROKEN GENERATIONS.
- #The Spirit of ’76 was a BEGINNING- a BIG BANG! The Founders & U.S. Constitution foretold a FUTURE EVOLUTION REVOLUTION! American Rights were to CONTINUALLY EVOLVE including our current reality like B.L.M. expectations in Joe & Kamala America- JoKamerica!
- #The Spirit of ’76 was to Inspire Every Generation to CHALLENGE IGNORANCE & OPPRESSION, ADVANCE HUMAN RIGHTS, OVERTURN the POWER of TYRANTS, DECLARE the TRIUMPH of EQUALITY OVER INEQUALITY! An Ageless Spirit for the Centuries! Pres. TRUMP- pushing MAGA to enforce & control the Border while successfully achieving FULL EMPLOYMENT & lifting ALL Americans from poverty!
- #Black Indian American French/Montreal Canadian High School educated Kamala is failing Black America’s COVID vaccine uptake! #Is B.L.M. dispersing its assets & substantial donations constructively where best able to help African Americans? ARE SOCIAL EQUITY GROUPS & GOVERNMENTS SPENDING AUDITED TO CATCH THIEVING??? Grassroots Outreach Services being offered at the local community level? Community Outreach by Faith Based Communities enlisting Church Leaders, offering transportation, child care & paid time off for accepting COVID vaccine shots? Poorer Countries with little vaccine power, initially shut out except for COVAX World Distribution & other Charitable Plans, must be INCLUDED- We’re all in this together- Unvaccinated Countries may act as incubators & catalysts for COVID outbreaks & new deadlier strains-
- THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS? RIGHTEOUS RIOTING??? Too often Politicians play FAST & LOOSE with The Spirit of ’76- offer only WORDS WITHOUT ACCOMPANYING ACTIONS- For example Canada’s P.M. Pierre Elliot Trudeau (1968- ’79; ’80- ’84) established THE JUST SOCIETY (John Stuart Mill, 1861) but continued abusing vulnerable Indigenous children in Residential Schools, the mentally ill, etc. A complete Civil Divide between citizens treated justly & unjustly including GENOCIDE! Canada’s P.M. Justin for Justice Trudeau- a self declared feminist P.M., forcibly removed his honest, female Indigenous top Justice Minister ‘sending her powerless back onto the Reserve’ for not yielding her & Canada’s Integrity! Even His Holiness Pope Francis delivers fantastic flowery speeches. But behind the scenes, FIGHTING LIKE THE DEVIL in Courts to STOP RESTITUTION for INDIGENOUS VICTEMS- ‘White faced, black faced, always two faced Politicians’ viewed by critics of many highly regarded Institutions & Countries as holding a hidden buried AGENDA & History of abuses & unmarked forgotten grave sites! Shocking to see Pope Francis hesitating about apologizing for Indigenous children being torn from their Families & Communities to face brutality in Residential Catholic Torture Chamber Schools. P.M. Trudeau admits to GENOCIDE on behalf of his Political predecessors! What RESTITUTION is appropriate- Canada is HOLDING OUT on only $40,000 per SURVIVOR!! ‘I Can’t Breathe’ precedent is $27 million per victim? What RESTITUTION do China’s Dictators owe for COVID-19? $27 million each for the 5 million+ Families/Relatives? In a Discrimination case in Ontario, Canada we covered circa 2017- ’18+, a wonderful young Muslim HERO LEAVING HIS MOSQUE- RAN SELFLESSLY TO RESCUE A SET UPON CRIME VICTIM & WAS SHOT with a .22 by the evil assailants. E.R. allegedly mocked our Muslim hero as he bled & eventually succumbed! Conversely, B.L.M. style protests become violent! But crimes against innocents punished by ‘righteous rioting’ are hushed up in the HIGHER CAUSE of ‘NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!!!’
- When does Media admit HOW ESPECIALLY COMPASSIONATE & WONDERFUL YOU ARE! How Beautiful our World Actually COULD BE! ACTUALLY IS! My Brother says my local Woods is Beautiful as any on our Earth!
- #LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL & FRAGILE- EVERY LIFE is PRECIOUS!!! Big Brother always punishing us seeking evil POWER!!!
- #SHARE ALL YOUR GIFTS & LOVE BEFORE THE FINAL CURTAIN SETS ON YOUR PRECIOUS SHOW!!! Become Addicted to LOVE? ‘So Brianca, do you realize how many lucky human beings like you were SPONTANEOUSLY LIFTED SAFELY FROM THE SHARK BITING JAWS OF DEATH by Angels including Real Live Human ‘ANGELS?’ BUT NEVER EVER COVERED by Mainstream Media because SAVING LIVES & DOING GOOD is apparently TOO JOYFUL for HUMAN CONSUMPTION!!!
- #Who heralds all the millions of THANKFUL PATIENTS/CLIENTS receiving Compassionate Loving Care Every Day in Every Way by Blessed Healers using Scientific & Age Old Natural Remedies!!!
- Imagine instead of spending $trillions on War & Hate, Earth becomes a GARDEN of HEALING & HEALTH- WE HEAL BY EVERYTHING WE DO! WE HELP CREATE our own Reality, Blessing Others & Ourselves. My troubled worldly travelled Brother says his South American Princess Style Raised Bride is Eying & Flirting at Greener Pastures?
- #In our ongoing ‘Spirit of ’76,’ we Clear our Earth of Oppression, Ignorance- & Ill Health! Our Beating Hearts becoming ADDICTED to LOVE & INSANELY HAPPY!!! Don’t you want/need/love to LOVE YOUR WORLD, Mother Nature & Here BROAD RAINBOW of LIFE FORMS! ‘The SPIRIT of 1776′ DECLARATION PRINCIPLES PROMISING to lead America & every Country into a new era of FREEDOM!’ The REVOLUTION begun on July 4, 1776 would never end! ALL PEOPLES EVERYWHERE living under the burdens of OPPRESSION, IGNORANCE & inadequate HEALING & HEALTH- RESCUED & RELEASED to OPEN OUR EYES to GREATER HUMAN RIGHTS, to overturning tyrants, and DECLARE the TRIUMPH of EQUALITY over INEQUALITY!!!’ ‘Self Evident TRUTHS ALL (PEOPLE) ARE CREATED EQUAL, ENJOYING INALIENABLE PERSONAL RIGHTS & FREEDOMS! Pres. Biden revisiting our original Spirit of ’76 Big Bang Explosion!!!
- #Building Bridges with visiting Aliens or Vanquishing demons- Your Choice! Answering if COVID-19 was indeed created in a Scientific Lab designed to KILL US ALL by the millions? Resolving Human Created Nuclear Proliferation able to DESTROY our World a thousand times over? Addressing Our incredibly successful $$$ weapons manufacturers ARMING ALL SIDES in protracted war zones- U.S.A. in Afghanistan for almost 20 years with Taliban still calling the shots- What was accomplished blowing $$$8 trillion on Middle East Wars & Occupations, killing millions of innocents? Most Importantly- Our Blessed Mother Nature is EXASPERATED with our IMPACTS on our ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE & OUR BIOSPHERE- LIVING SYSTEMS within LIVING SYSTEMS! Apologetically & Euphemistically called “LOVING MOTHER NATURE to DEATH!”
- #BUILDING BRIDGES WITH LOVE, BECOMING INSANELY HAPPY is a GOOD FIRST STEP to begin your Homework Assignments- We’ll also ask Britney Spears? Britney doesn’t always tell us her wonderful insights- we’ll love you to succeed Britney with Judge Penny- you will! P.S.S. An Alaskan says the name Fauci means “the jaws of a carnivore!” Italians say it means SICKLE- a weapon or tool to slice things in half. EXACTLY WHERE WE FIND OURSELVES THANKS to DR. FAUCI & HIS FRANKENSTEIN CREATING FRIENDLY FIENDS!
- P.S.S.S. #Never Surrender But only to LOVE & LIFE! Crazy Canucks Canada’s World Hockey Champions began World Tournament in Riga, Latvia losing 3x in a row but as Baseball’s Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’till it’s over!!!” Canada’s Champions reportedly lost to Finland in an overtime shootout 3-2 on June 1 BUT AS YOGI SAYS on June 6, BEAT Finland 3- 2 in OVERTIME, WINNING AS 2021 World Champions!!! Never ask for whom THE ICE CREAM TRUCK BELL RINGS- IT RINGS FOR YOUR SUCCESS & HEALING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISCOVERING OUR WORLD’S TRUE COLORS vs. Britney Spears says “PINK is the NEW RED!” G-7 on STEROIDS vs. China/Russia SLOW BURN SOFTENING UP America, Europe & our World for Takeover? PLAY NICE EVERYONE- Today is China’s Autocratic DICK-tator’s Happy Birthday Jinping-Pong Ding-Dong! (June 15, ’53- Communist P.L.O. V.P. 2008- ’13; Pres. 2013- #SEIZE THE RAT Ding Dong Sing Song: WE have a FREE VACATION RESORT in SING SING- in LOVELY New York New York!!! EVERYBODY SING-
- #Start spreading the NEWS- We’ll TAKE HIM AWAY! Make him be part of it- A RAT in SING SING TODAY!!! Yes- Jinping wants to WAKE UP in a cell And know his Karma’s taking him to hell-o Dolly!!! SO TOP of the TRASH HEAP- Like N.Y.’s Gov. Cuomo a veritable ALAVALANCH of CREEP! They’d be gay old ‘BUDDIES’ in Sing Sing- Their BELLS RINGING PING-PING! Oh New York New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Speaking of Bells Ringing between Good Buddies,* Elton John songster/performer & his Canadian Husband Dave Furnish are hosting YouTube Pride on June 25th at 3 p.m. ET? Bible saved Canadian music icon Justin Bieber- briefly ‘stalked’ for a few hours by my South American Princess Relative to quickly assess his stylish down home abode, is ironically headlining ‘Made in America Festival’ in Philly Sept. 4
- *Being L.G.B.T.Q.+? Celebration Month, several tricky issues are being tossed around on Lady Liberty’s Crashing Seas! The U.S. Supreme has to RULE ABOUT RELIGIOUS FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS v. Constitutionally protected individual’s & group’s RIGHTS like 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q.+? for example. Already the Courts decided in 2018 that a Colorado Baker was allowed to DENY MAKING & SELLING A WEDDING CAKE to a Gay Couple to CELEBRATE THEIR Upcoming MARRIAGE because his narrowly held ‘Christian Religion’ did not accept gay marriage as morally acceptable! Most Christians Religions allow, accept & welcome GAYS in a SPIRIT of INCLUSION & INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS! But obviously some traditional Religious Folks do not feel comfortable providing services celebrating GAY MARRIAGE. ‘RIGHT or WRONG,’ the U.S. Court supports their First Amendment Right based on their Religious Conviction!
- Today before the U.S. Supreme Court, is a case involving the City of Philadelphia Catholic Child Welfare Org.- NOT WILLING to PLACE A CHILD IN ITS CARE WITH A SAME SEX COUPLE. (Elton John & Husband Dave Furnish have adopted children into their happy Family! Who wouldn’t want a star performer as a Parent?) The City- Philly, obviously a funder for Non Profits, CANNOT FUND SERVICES NOT OFFERING “FULL & EQUAL ENJOYMENT OF SERVICES & FACILITIES WITHOUT DISCRIMINATION OR SEGREGATION BECAUSE OF GENDER IDENTITY< SEXUAL ORIENTATION, RACE< RELIGION< MARITAL STATUS< ETC. 11 States allow Religions to CLAIM RELIGIOUS EXEMPTIONS. But if the U.S. Supreme Court ALLOWS DISCRIMINATION against some protected groups based on narrow Religious convictions &/or also requires DISCRIMINATING ORGS. TO BE PUBLICLY FUNDED, the slippery slope argument is:
- #Discrimination against other protected groups could also be allowed in the future & discriminating orgs. achieve public funding- reversing social inclusive, equitable ‘progress?’ A third L.G.B.T.Q.+? CRISIS is 13 State Bills have been passed TARGETING trans youths against their participation in Healthcare, recreation & school life. Additionally 6 State Bills are still active under consideration. An example is a boy trans- now living as a girl but being BANNED in Florida from participating on girl’s sports teams from Middle School through College. SHE IS FORCED TO JOIN BOYS/MENS SPORTS TEAMS WHILE IDENTIFYING & LIVING LIFE AS A GIRL/FEMALE. Obviously, 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q.+? Youths LEGALLY TARGETED, BANNED & OSTRACIZED are subjected to UNSAFE< CRUEL SITUATIONS- suffer much higher rates of self harm, mental illness!
- #Canada’s P.M. Trudeau & Supreme Court Diabolical Jurists under Satanic Influence hope to expand Doctors Suiciding Patients- 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? clearly in the target BULL’S EYE!!!! Relatives almost 100 years young told me the unspoken accepted rule was ‘DON’T TELL & DON’T ASK!’ OVERALL, PARENTS HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO BE SUPPORTIVE: Among L.G.B.T.Q+? teens, 40% say Acceptance of their Identity or Orientation by their Parents is their #1 issue! (2017 H.R.C. Report) Among HOMELESS YOUTH, again 40% identify as L.G.B.T. So Parents of L.G.B.T. Q. children/teens/young adults,
- #UNCONDITIONAL PARENTAL LOVE, SUPPORT & ACCEPTANCE ‘FOR WHO THEY ARE’ as2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q.+? IS CRITICAL TO THEIR HEALTH & SUCCESS!!! BETTER SELF ESTEEM, RESILIENCY & MENTAL HEALTH- lower depression & substance abuse! Please act accordingly- doesn’t mean you encourage/push L.G.B.T.Q. but if you see your child there, be accepting & loving unconditionally- we could suffer much worse by far than imagining an L.G.B.T.Q. child is a heavy burden-LIGHTEN & BRIGHTEN UP- LIFE HAPPENS!!! Today many children are exploring like youth never before did- over 20% identifying as 2 Spirit LGBTQ+? Doesn’t mean they won’t easily discard a non traditional identity or orientation. HORMONES DON’T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER FOREVER! Most parents PUSH HARD AT BIRTH ONWARD FOR CHILDREN ACCEPTING THEIR CISGENDER as BORN- girl or boy parts!
- BACK to real World Troubled Terrors- Nyet to rabid assassination instigator of rival & warrior become peacemaker, Yitzhak Rabin in 1995- Noxious Nervy Netanyahu forever driving Palestinians into the ‘RED DEAD SEA & underground!’ An Israeli Political Science Professor says the Noxious Nit Wit “KILLED THE PEACE PROCESS” causing countless deaths & tragedy! (Tamar Hermann) Net’s TYRANNY is “YOU SUBMIT, OR I HAVE THE RIGHT TO OBLITERATE YOU!” (Amal Jamal) P.S.
- #What’s with all the ROAMING STATE SPONSORED ASSASSINS ACTING AS IF THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO ENTER ANY FOREIGN SOVEREIGN NATION & ASSASSINATE ANYONE REGARDLESS OF DOMESTIC OR INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS & LAWS? As corrupt & narcissistic as any Autocrat- ‘Have many hired guns, will travel & kill at my word!’ he was an unflinching loyal ideological warring racist advancing tiny vulnerable Israel in a vast sea of suspicious Arab Muslim neighbors! In 2018 he pushed a law declaring Israel is only uniquely for Jews- they held the Right of National Self Determination in Israel. Illegal & Legal Jewish Settlements were ‘National Treasures.’ The Arab Languages were second class- like the 1 in 5 Arabs & Palestinians among the tiny population. Net drove the rate of population increases in the illegal West Bank Jewish settlements at more than twice the rate as for Israel proper. Booted out today, Net is thankfully? replaced- “WE STOPPED THE TRAIN BEFORE THE ABYSS- THIS MADNESS!!” new leader Bennett says approved by a hair width margin, 60- 59, leading an 8 Party Alliance. Net says- “I’LL BE BACK!” like Terminator Schwarzenegger!!!!
- The question is why our World suffers so many brutal tyrants- The U.S. Constitution was supposed to transform our World from brutal oppression including economic injustices & inequities, achieve wealth re distribution? ‘Radical progressive thinkers & WOK Cancel Culture Ideas?’ Politicians & Mainstream Media Bias spread fear- divide & conquer!!! Our basic modern FREEDOMS go way back to our circa June 15, 1215 Magna Carta Charter of Human Liberties sealed by King John under threat of Civil War!!! But here we are together over 800 years later- Russia’s terrorist Vlad the Impaler, China’s half man brute- dishonoring his Country, robbing his people’s souls & ‘inviolable human rights:’ Today’s assassinators attempting to create madness, chaos, destabilization, bio & nuclear calamities! Ice Cream Truck Salvation Deliverer Biden meekly asks CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG & ENJOY WONDERFUL DAYS TOGETHER APART- French Pres. Macron gushes ” GREAT to have a U.S. President who is PART of THE CLUB- VERY WILLING to COOPERATE!” According to Holy Scripture, aren’t THE MEEK supposed to inherit The Earth? Oh Right- when we CHERISH & RESTORE Mother Earth’s True Colors & Diversity, Life Forms & Incredible Splendor- RIGHTEOUS & MEEK IN OUR EVERY THOUGHT, WORD & ACTION!!! Why do we maintain BAD HABITS knowing they are beneath our BEST CHARACTER?
- Maybe Singer/songsmith Ed Sheeran knows, soon releasing his latest “Bad Habits!”- Ed generously responded to our early SEDUCTION of the VIRGIN MENTAL PATIENT- QUEEN of OUR HEARTS (Princess Diana) Articles. Ed pointed out how even a careless seemingly innocuous comment can instigate big repercussions in relationship beginnings. (In 1979, The Monks- dressed in Nun Outfits, released an album “Bad Habits” including their fun hit song, “NICE LEGS- SHAME ABOUT THE FACE!”) AMAZING HOW FUN MUSIC PATTERNS ARE REPURPOSED- Beatles admitted borrowing/stealing countless parts from previous songs!
- China’s disease causing economic strategy is evident as China is attempting to Broaden CONTROL over World Wide Infrastructure & consolidate Ownership; ALL SILK ROADS leading back to China so our World is NOURISHED or STARVED-
- SPREAD THE BREAD BROTHERS & SISTERS!!! American Affirmative Action for Equity & Social Justice- Yes! But heavily $$$supported B.L.M. & Advocacy Groups need to SUCCESSFULLY Build Up local Minority non White Communities TODAY! SPREAD THE BREAD BROTHERS & SISTERS- BUILD THE NEW DREAMSCAPES TOGETHER APART!!! G-7 CALLS FOR A MINIMUM CORPORATE TAX WORLDWIDE so businesses can’t greedily hide away from SPREADING THE BREAD! Thomas Jefferson & Friends viewed EQUITY & SHARING WEALTH AS A KEY TO ACHIEVING NIRVANA & THE CONSTITUTION UNFOLDING WORLDWIDE- AS TODAY BY OUR HEARTS & HANDS! ‘Right On’ Brothers & Sisters? The BEST of Judeo- Christian & Muslim Spiritual Religion- GIVING & RECEIVING EASILY, PLANTING & HARVESTING GOODNESS!!! With Spirited INTEGRITY & Focused Outreach Programs-Achieve Measurable Outcomes & HELP HEALING our desperate Communities!!!!
- SUMMER of LOVE ’67 Doors singing- “C’mon Biden- Light My Fire- Try to set Social Justice & $$$EQUITY LOVE ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Socialist O.A.C. only pays her new Junior Staffers $20- $30,000. when minimum Washington rent is typically $2,000.+ monthly- Staffers have to moonlight to STAY ALIVE!!! IF EVERYONE SIMPLY COPERATED TOGETHER, WE’D FIND OUR WAY BACK to SESAME STREET & Britney’s Dance Party!!!
- Black Bros ALERT= STOP WITH THE HIT & RUNS in 2021!!! Children need Fathers providing $$$support, Involved in their lives, Inspiring them to ACHIEVE HIGHER EDUCATION STANDARDS; Keeping them SAFE from street drugs, gangs, crime, negative character destroying experiences. On June 15, 1775, White Privilege Slave Owner & Driver who cannot tell a lie, George Washington became Commander in Chief of The Colonies by the White Privilege Continental Congress! 232 years later a beautiful, brainy Truth Teller escaped North Korean Propaganda & Ancestry Class System Purgatory, crossed a desert, arriving in THE PROMISED LAND- Blessed Free Speaking America to attend ‘Ivy League’ Columbia University! Shocked she experienced the Death of Free Speech in America where citizens are judged by their Ancestry like back in N. K.! At Columbia with ‘No Safety nor Inclusion for FREE SPEECH,’ she was ‘FORCED to AGREE with WOK CANCEL CULTURE Propaganda,’ ‘avoid CHALLENGING or QUESTIONING- No expressing a contrary opinion!’ Sadly she laments- ‘Today, in America You cannot express your TRUTH!’ People who do not RESPECT & LEARN FROM HISTORY REPEAT IT!!!
- Before we saw through a glass darkly but today we see clearly- OUR TIME TO SHINE IS TODAY- Our Apocalypse demands our BEST CHARACTER- SEEING OUR CHALLENGES CLEARLY- not condemning our past Ancestors but SAVING OUR WORLD AS BEST WE ARE ABLE TODAY! Yes- by Affirmative Action Policies & Programs, Exposing & Uncovering Festering Genocidal Policies- SLAVERY- FORCING Indigenous Children into Residential Schools- Beating away Culture & Indigenous Identity, by Racism, Classism, Ableism, Ageism, Lookism, Healthism, Sexism, Genderism!!!
- #So many COLORATIONS of LIFE FORMS on hand to HELP & BLESS US if we only ACCEPT HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS with Mother Nature’s & Our Earth’s Divine Bounty!!! Always GREAT to be ALIVE- IN THE PINK OF HEALTH, THE NEW RED SAYS BRITNEY- ESPECIALLY IN YOUR HEART of HEARTS!!! Discovering Our World’s TRUE COLORS TOGETHER APART & Always Loving YOU- June 15, 2021 by Brianca Lane RISING UP MY LOVE FROM SLAVERY TO FREEDOM!!! June 22, 2021 In 1987, a Worldwide survey studying Human Mitochondrial D.N.A. discovered everyone enjoys ONE ANCESTRAL Creative, Artistic MOMMY singing, dancing, drumming, making passionate LOVE about 200,000 years ago in Africa! ‘Good Lord’ she gestured to her adoring suitors- YOU expect ME to CREATE MODERN HUMANS in this wild, tangled jungle mess- ‘I WANNA SEE SOME REAL PROGRESS BEFORE YOU COME A KNOCKING AT MY LOVE MAKING NEST!!! YOU’RE ALL CUT OFF!’ Yes- we’re all one BIG HAPPY? FAMILY on EARTH TODAY- Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, etc.- June 19th was Emancipation Day, The End of Slavery, holdout Texas declaring on June 19, 1865 “ALL SLAVES ARE FREE!” “Juneteenth” So what’s B.L.M. all about if African Americans have been enjoying GREAT & GLORIOUS FREEDOM SINCE 1865? What’s up? Oh- DECLARING ‘YOU ARE FREE’ DOESN’T MEAN YOU ARE GOING TO BE TREATED AS BEING EQUAL & FREE! Still hundreds of thousands of White Americans offered their lives to END SLAVERY! Thankfully I questioned an elderly relative about our roots-
- ‘All the men in the Region banded together to DRIVE THE K.K.K. AWAY FOREVER when they descended to IMPOSE their ideology!!!!! White Women are finally enjoying a 100 years of increasing Emancipation from being denied owning property, exercising voting rights & holding high positions & offices, etc.- TODAY even Emancipating the WALLETS FROM EX HUSBAND’S PANTS in ‘BIASED? COURT PROCEEDINGS,’ men suggest! FOXY NEWS & Radical Republicans want the Supreme Court to toll back on Roe v. Wade!
- BRITEENTH? EMANCIPATION? Tomorrow will we witness the MIRACLE of BRITEENTH? Beloved Sweetheart POP PRINCESS Britney Spears is to AFTER 13 YEARS- at age 39, GET HER DAY IN CALIFORNIA’S COURT TO PRESENT AN EMANCIPATION SUBMISSION! Oh NO- Not like Lucy encouraging Charlie Brown-
- ‘Charlie Brown- I’ll hold the ball upright for you to race in & kick it as forcefully as you can!!!’ Charlie rushes to kick the ball- Lucy pulls the ball away just as Charlie kicks his very HARDEST!!! Ask not for whom the ‘Mental Patient’ application applies- IT MIGHT APPLY TO THEE WHEN YOU ARE MOST VULNERABLE & UNAWARE OF BEING RAILROADED!!! In 2014, her Court appointed alleged Bloated Feeder? wisely told the Judge she wanted her Oppressive, Controlling Dad removed from her ‘voluntary’ Conservatorship! In 2016, she told a Court Investigator she wanted out from her ‘voluntary’ Conservatorship IMMEDIATELY! In 2019, Britney complained she was A PERFORMER SLAVE under her ‘voluntary’ Conservatorship- she was FORCED to PERFORM AGAINST HER WILL, given little Freedom in her Daily Living. She performed her “PIECE of ME” Residency in Los Vegas in 2018. Britney adds she was PUSHED to check into a Mental Facility. She was kept substantially estranged from her children since her Conservatorship!!! #Is her Dad super dad or simply super bad & controlling, Judge Penny has to decide? He restricts her free & open contact & communication with the Public allegedly by enforcement of Conservator ‘SEALING PROCEDURES.’ Her bedroom is bugged- how low can Conservatorship go??!
- INFLAMMATORY & OVERLY CRITICAL MEDIA OVERWHELMED HER SENSITIVE QUALITIES & INNER VULNERABILITIES triggering her Bipolar? illness- along with overstimulation & relentless work schedule, self medicating, love break up, etc.? Britney IS A SENSITIVE HUMAN BEING underneath her POP PRINCESS WILD & CRAZY LIVING GIRL POWER, I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT PERSONA!
- #he stood out DRAMATICALLY to her because he was so obsessed about trying to not attract attention- He really stood out attracting her attention!!! Brit- you go girl- You’re only 39, dancing on fire, filthy wealthy, everybody’s backing you- LIFE’S GREAT BRIT!!!!!! YOU GO- GIRL!!!
- CULTURAL APPRORIATION- WHITE ARTISTS STEAL BLACK MUSICIAN’S CULTURE & ARTISTRY- MAKING $$$$BILLIONS IN RIP-OFFS!!!! #If we CANCEL CULTURED every White Artist who ripped off Black Music Artists, would we see any White Artists left standing??? June is also Black Music Appreciation Month as declared by Pres. Biden. Thankfully we have been STRONGLY fighting for years in mentalhealthrightsforum.com for recognizing the brilliant original creativity & plundering of Black Artists! Elvis became THE KING by immersing himself in Black Music, Dance, Singing & Culture! Long John Lennon & his Silver Beatles- & almost everybody else in Rock ‘n Roll adopted/ripped off everything by African Americans in creating their performance styles! Black Musicians/Performers have been used as SLAVES continuously for Whites amassing undeserved wealth! Pres. Biden hopes to “ROOT OUR SYSTEMIC RACISM!” Groups like ‘Black Music Action Coalition’ call for Reparative JUSTICE. Biden stands “TOGETHER TO ADVANCE RACIAL JUSTICE & EQUITY!” Historically Black Artists were ‘beaten down’- denied ownership of their Masters, Voices, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc.
- INTELLECTUAL REPARATIONS- Black Artist’s intelligence, creativity, musical inventions belong to them & must be recognized. Mick Jagger stole EVERYTHING for his stage persona from African Americans but he got all the $$$ & FAME! The wonderful Beach Boys stole Chuck Berry’s Sweet Little 16 to create their monster hit SURFIN’ U.S.A.; John Lennon stole from Chuck to create COME TOGETHER- George Harrison ‘unconsciously’ created My Sweet Lord and paid over $500,000. for the Chiffons Black Girl Group’s HIT song He’s So Fine & for all the Rights. Beloved Ed Sheeran ‘accidentally allegedly borrowed’ a great ’70’s Black hit, Marvin Gaye’s 1973 “LET’S GET IT ON!”& was challenged for $100 million in Court. How many additional lawsuits for songs allegedly borrowed among adorable Ed & our contemporary beloved Artists, justifiable or not? Everyone agrees it’s been Unending Rip Offs galore by White Artists cashing in on Blacks INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY!!! Music contracts rely on abusing non business literate virgin Artists. The Beatles received a penny per record sold- PENNY LANE WAGES!!! Prince publicly campaigned in the ’90’s to regain ownership of his Masters. (White Taylor Swift’s also conducting her $350 million dollar campaign for her Masters but
- #Women in the music industry face sexual assault as an added injury- 85% don’t file complaints because ‘like 3rd class citizens- Like ‘Mental Patients,’ they feel they won’t be believed in all oppressive systems!!!’
- Speaking of CRUSHED by CRUELTY, The Hope Inspiring Hong Kong ‘DAILY APPLE’ pro Democracy newspaper is CRUSHED by China’s Communist Autocrats- Assets seized, principle contributors & owners arrested & charged. POWERFUL ABUSING THE POWERLESS- ABSOLUTE POWER corrupting ABSOLUTELY in Performing Arts, in Business, in Politics, in Culture & Class Wars, wherever discrimination thrives!!! Pres. Biden’s Equity, Justice & Restorative Inspiring Hand Outs & Hand Ups$$$ should be SCRUTINIZED FOR EVERY DOLLAR REACHING TARGETED HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED & NEEDY PEOPLE. Pres. Trump alleges mainstream media engages in a GASLIGHTING CAMPAIGN of lies NONSTOP to deceive Americans!!! About dancing to another drummer-
- #WHAT’S THE PROBLEM: Adults LOVING ONE ANOTHER, BEING HAPPY TOGETHER or ADULTS HATING ONE ANOTHER??? Somewhere OVER THE DIVERSITY RAINBOW of Evolution we have become blessed with a described 140 2 Spirit L.G.B.T.Q+? variations, sexual orientations & gender identities?! June is L.G.B.T.Q+ PRIDE MONTH, declared in 1999 by Pres. Wild Animal Bill Clinton- ‘I am not having sex with that women (at this very moment!) 71 Countries still criminalize same sex LOVE- 11 impose the death penalty for alleged ‘aberrations to nature & natural order!’ We understand the incredible attraction of Modern Western Societies by Persecuted Groups- shunned because of religion, ethnic background, skin color, culture, L.G.B.T.Q.+ status, etc. Unbelievable to see all diverse backgrounds getting along together but ‘Back Home’ the same groups fighting continuously! Mainstream Media should daily feature diverse people ENJOYING & CELEBRATING TOGETHER in Western Democracies!!!
- #WHO CARES WHICH ADULTS R LOVING ONE ANOTHER- it’s the Hating Adults who are THE BIG PROBLEMOS!!! On the crime beat, New York Democrat Primary voters voice SURGING CRIME & VIOLENCE AS BEING THEIR #1 CONCERN! But B.L.M. wants Police Defunded- diverting resources to non violent Community Building. All citizens demand LOWER CRIME & VIOLENCE- NOW no matter their backgrounds!!! Gun sales for 2020 were 23 million- up 65%! 300,000 sales were blocked by background checks- 42% for previous felony convictions, 12% for domestic violence! A California Judge overturned the States 30 year ban on assault weapons- declaring them SWISS ARMY MULTIPURPOSE ‘KNIVES’- a 3 Judge Appear Decision froze his decision from being in force!
- #ACKNOWLEDGING our REVISIONIST 20/20 ARM CHAIR QUARTERBACK HINDSIGHT? Blaming our Ancestors as if we might have acted better? We stand on their shoulders in 20/20 hindsight, with hundreds of years to educate us beyond what they understood, light year leaps of knowledge available to us, understanding the consequences of all their actions today. #OUR OBLIGATION IS TO RIGHT WRONGS WE SEE TODAY & SOLVE OUR SOCIAL EQUITY & JUSTICE CHALLENGES- DOING OUR BEST- EMPLOYING OUR COMPASSIONATE CLEAN HANDS & PURE HEARTS!
- #Angels seeking their WINGS like McCartney- The British Post Office is ‘STAMPING OUT’ McCartney!!!! McCartney’s GOING POSTAL!!!!!
- #The Salem Witch Hunts, 1930’s+ Eugenics & Racial Hygiene Inspired Genocides, & Dark Ages Inquisitions remind us Tragic World Events are instigated by MISGUIDED CANCEL CULTURE IDEOLOGIES.
- #An escaped North Korean young woman attended a U.S. Ivy League School & realized American CANCEL CULTURE on Campus was frightfully similar to North Korean Cancel Culture tactics she had risked her life to escape from! Neither allowed for free thinking, speech & questioning- on threat of severe punishment! On this day in 1633, our forever controversial Catholic Church CANCEL CULTURED/FORCED BRILLIANT GALILEO GALILEI to renounce his view the Earth revolved around the Sun at the Center The Church Declared his thinking HERETICAL, he was subjected to permanent house arrest!!! In America, innocent White School children are FORCED to Hate Themselves for being Born White Skinned, Apologize to Minorities they always Honored & Never Have Offended!
- PERFECTLY LIVING OUT OUR BEST SELVES? ANGELS in TRAINING? Just Causes we Believe In- Hoping for OUR ANGEL WINGS like Clarence in “It’s A Wonderful Life!”! LOVABLE HOLLYWOOD MOVIE STAR Angelina Jolie, former Spouse of Bad TOUCH Brad Brad Brad!!!, on Sunday June 20th, happily CELEBRATED WORLD REFUGEE DAY at a CAMP in Burkina Faso. “Compared to when I began 20 years ago (as appointed Special Refugee Envoy for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees) Governments have largely given up their Diplomacy!
- #Countries which have the least are doing the most to support Refugees. There’s a BIAS in the way we think about WHICH COUNTRIES & WHICH PEOPLE’S (LIVES) MATTER! (We witness some) totally neglected (as) of little Geopolitical Importance!” Wealthy Countries easily & quickly vaccinate their willing citizens but poor Countries rely on hand outs ONCE WEALTHY NATIONS DECIDE THEY ACCOMPLISHED VACCINATING THEIR OWN! COVID can recharge among poor challenged Countries biting Rich Countries with COVID VARIANTS- KARMA!!! ! Angelina wants to “SHOW HER SOLIDARITY WITH NATIONS WELCOMING THE DISPLACED (because) the World isn’t HELPING ENOUGH- THE WORLD IS ON A TERRIFYING TRAJECTORY TOWARDS INSTABILITY! GOV’TS. HAVE TO RESOLVE THE CONFLICTS DRIVING REFUGEES!” (Refugees flooding to the U.S. Southern Border & elsewhere are escaping war, poverty, violence, ethnic cleansing, environmental calamities, etc.
- #Biden offers no Border Plan because Democrats SUFFER from ‘BORDER PERSONALITY DISORDER’ which is regarded as ‘the kiss of death’ by many Psychiatrists!
- #If you don’t have a Plan, no one can say your plan isn’t working!! But Pres. Biden pledged 60 million vaccine doses for COVAX GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION TO U.N. NEEDY COUNTRIES & 20 million targeted for ‘America’s Partners.’ The U.S. is also pledging 500 million Pfizer doses for World Distribution over the next year! Scaling back on the promised 60 + 20 million, he is currently shipping 14 million for Latin America, 16 million for Asia, 10 million for Africa, 14 million targeted for specific Countries like Yemen, the West Bank & Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. Pres. Trump’s BORDER PERSONALITY DISORDER caused him to LOCK DOWN THE SOUTHERN BORDER by implementing Title 42 circa March, 2020- indefinitely closing the (Southern) Border to non essential travel & IMMIGRANTS! Migrants without prior permission could be sent back without due process or even taking a COVID test. Millions are breaking in- Biden is giving lip service to controlling entry!!!! Pres. Trump’s action plan along with his Border Wall achieved ‘success,’ only 1%+ among 650,000 Illegals actively intercepted were accepted to seek asylum in the past year under Title 42. 10,000 minors were jailed; 16,000 children migrating alone were removed- a death sentence or likely abuse set up! Coyote Smugglers use adaptive diversions & mass infiltrations to easily overwhelm Border security who simply stand by or send Illegals onward to accepting faith communities or to uninformed communities. Infection rates are above 20%, Opioids, etc. are flowing freely killing Americans by the 10’s of thousands!
- #Biden INVITED Migrants during his campaign to drop out, tune in & turn on to a welcoming America! He threw his V.P. under the bus by appointing Kamala to handle The Overwhelming Border Crisis but She declined to even attend at the Southern Border! Pres. Biden says while “we are a Nation of Laws, securing our Border does not require us to ignore (the pressing needs of) HUMANITY!” Critics say Biden is likely to repeal Trump’s Title 42 Order- but already enabling singles to pour across the Border, 100,000- 200,000 monthly?
- #If you don’t have a plan, no one can say you’re plan isn’t working!!! Increasing numbers of States are acting together in the vacuum with their ad hoc Border Enforcement!
- #Two WOMEN in ONE BEAUTIFUL MIND & BODY- TOO MUCH for Bratty Brad? Bought The Dreamer but Angelina Jolie doesn’t like the control freak Head & Shoulders Hair Brained Brad the Beater!!! She emerges as warrior Laura Croft in REAL LIFE! ‘You treat our Family like the Pitts, Brad!’ Angelina filed for divorce only 2 years after her 2014 blissful Chateau marriage among French vineyards, drunk on LOVE POTIONS & Brad’s irresistible bedroom eyes! Her Mother being of French Canadian descent, she & Brad married in France at their Chateau Miravel 1,000 acre wine estate! #Brad said, “If we are are going to be in the wine business, let’s make the BEST WHINE WE CAN!!!” If you didn’t want Angelina to whine LIKE A Laura Croft WARRIOR, you shouldn’t have asked Brad- You’re the PITTS for wanting equal custody, Laura Croft is STUDYING YOU!!!
- #THEY WHO ENJOY GREAT PRIVILEGE, HONOR & FREEDOMS, MUCH SHOULD BE EXPECTED OF THEM- GIVING BACK TO HUMANITY! Canada’s Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, ’68- ’79’ ’80- ’84 declared ‘the State has no business in the bedrooms of the Country’ but sadly also presided over the ongoing Indigenous Genocidal FORCED Residential School System- unmarked children’s mass graves ONLY NOW BEING SEARCHED FOR!
- #Son P.M. Justin- like a possessed Demonic Entity in a Hollywood Horror Film, is enacting Fascist Eugenics Genocide 2.0 where Doctors Kill their Patients like 1930’s German Psychiatrists sparking Hitler’s Fury & Blood Lust WW2 & The Holocaust!!!!
- #Today, the G-7 is beginning to understand raping & plundering Mother Nature/our Living Biosphere is our biggest failing & challenge today!!! TIME’S UP? DO WE ALLOW PEOPLE TO CHANGE FROM BEING WRONG TO BEING RIGHT??
- #Pres. Lincoln- strongly challenged by relentless depression/mental illness, led America through SEAS of CRUSHING BLOOD RED WAVES THREATENING AMERICA FROM WITHIN! Power CORRUPTS- ABSOLUTE POWER LIKE SLAVERY CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY! Lincoln’s Wife faced very challenging SCHIZOPHRENIA!!!
- #Our big challenge is for political leaders to be SERVANTS to THE PEOPLE, CHERISHING our LIVING, BREATHING BIOSPHERE & MOTHER NATURE!
- #REEFER MADNESS- 116 studies over 50 years shows man made Climate Change is the biggest threat to coral reef fish populations. Coral reefs house incredible diversity just like our endangered jungles. Australia’s massive coral reefs suffered 3 major bleaching events since 2015! Stop this REEFER MADNESS AT ONCE!!!
- #FRUIT of the PRESS- AN APPLE READ EACH DAY- KEPT THE COMMIES AT BAY: Ding A Ling’s madness! China’s Communist Party spits out H.K.’s APPLE DAILY News!! What’s Up??? “But when you TALK ABOUT DESTRUCTION-” Rioting, Looting, Firebombing, Violence, Stopping Police from Protecting Citizens & their Property- “Don’t you know you can count me out! But If you want $$$money for people with MINDS that HATE- All I can tell you is, Brother, you have to wait- Don’t you know it’s gonna be ALL RIGHT- All RIGHT!!!” Beatle John Lennon)
- EDUCATION & EQUALITY: 12% ‘Black Students’ in San Francisco tested o.k. in Math vs. 70% for ‘Whites!’ but CAN’T STOP DR> FUNK!!! THE James Brown MIRACLE STORY- From NOTHING to “SAY IT LOUD- I’M BLACK & I’M PROUD!” World Famous Soul & FUNK STAR!!! Visible minority mix- Black, Chinese, Native American; Born in a SHACK; Mother left when he was all of 4 years; Father took him to be raised by an Aunt who supervised a BROTHEL; Basically minimal Education & allegedly what Experts say a child NEEDS to SURVIVE & THRIVE!!! Attitude: “DON’T WANT NOTHIN’ FROM NOBODY- JUST OPEN THE DOOR & I’LL GET IT MYSELF!”
- AMERICAN DREAMSCAPES> >Enter Stage Left- SALVATION & A FRIENDLY AMERICAN SMILE: WHAT A GLORIOUS FEELING! Are we witnessing America’s COMPASSION IN ACTION? Poet Emma Lazarus raises People Kind’s DREAMS of WORLD LIBERTY!!! Like Lady Liberty President Biden says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, homeless, tempest tossed!” Joe Biden “lifts his LAMP beside The GOLDEN DOOR- “What am I doing here?!!! Where do we go from here?” A TRUE AMERICAN by any standards of decency!!!
- KIDS IN CAGES>> 680 children crammed into a plastic pen/cage, 5 or more times overfilled? Only 2 Border Agents to act as Comforting Parent Figures attending to their needs. No Privacy, poor toilet facilities. Dear God/Allah- not back to Pres. Trump’s ‘Kids in Cages Crisis’ Again??? Since Pres. Biden’s Inauguration, thousands of Families & unaccompanied children- many active Biden t shirt wearing FANS, are STREAMING ACROSS THE WIDE OPEN Mexican-U.S. Border. For two months media STAYED QUIET- but Senators are visiting the Border & demanding ACCESS to SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING! Fox News is already EXPOSING the KIDS IN PLASTIC PENS & CARGO CONTAINERS CRISES!!!
- SPRING is SPRUNG in our Northern Hemisphere- Millions in the Northern Hemisphere SUFFER ‘WINTER BLUES’ “SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER-‘ MISSING GREAT JOY in ‘JINGLE BELLS’ & ‘WALKING IN A WINTER WONDERLAND;’ SLEIGHING, SKIING & SKATING “LAUGHING ALL THE WAY” like my ancestor Estelle wrote about Family Christmastime in 1900 at age 6 riding with her cousins in a one horse open sleigh, cozy buffalo skins pulled over them!!!! Suddenly SUNNY & HOT SPRING ARRIVES- Human Spirits & ENERGY BURSTS FORTH like millions of migrating birds flocking to Florida’s Beaches for Spring Break!!!
- “Give ME your tired, your poor… your huddled masses” your kids crammed by the hundreds in U.S. Border plastic pods, pens & cages, “homeless, tempest tossed YEARNING to be BREATHE FREE! Our World’s Uncle Sam is Joe Biden, ‘BORDERLINE PERSONALITY CRISIS CREATOR, critics alleging’ SPURRING COVID, HEALTH & CRIME EPIDEMICS – Opioids, Violent Offenders, Cartels & Gang Bangers, Migrants with Physical & Mental Health Needs FLOODING ACROSS OPEN BORDERS creating a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS? OPEN IMMIGRATION CREATING Millions of NEW Democrat SUPPORTERS/VOTERS & CHEAP LABOR for business?!!
- #IT’S A SMALL DEMOCRAT RUN WONDERFUL WORLD AFTER ALL??! #ONE HEART ONE WORLD ONE AMERICA- “Imagine ALL the People- LIVING IN PEACE & LOVE! You MAY SAY JOE’S A DREAMER- BUT HE’S NOT THE ONLY ONE.” Joe & Friends hope millions will come & join the 20 million illegals ALREADY IN AMERICA- “And ALL THE WORLD WILL BE ONE!!!” (John Lennon inspiring Biden’s ONE WORLD ONE HEART America!) ‘AMAZING GRACE HOW SWEET THE SOUND- JOE ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW IS FOUND- WAS A DEVOUT BLIND RACIST SENATOR BUT NOW CAN SEE!!!’ (Joe opposed school bussing for integration including a young Kamala Harris & created horrendously racist legislation for locking up a majority of Black young men alleging they lived in a jungle culture whites should excise from society!!!)
- Breaking News RESEARCH CLAIM!!! #Early NEGLECT & ABUSE is the unwanted gift NIGHTMARE that just keeps on giving BAD OUTCOMES! Early abuse, NEGLECT- lack of needed STIMULATION, LOVE, FRIENDSHIPS, EDUCATION, SOCIAL INTERACTION & PEER SUPPORT, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY sows mental & physical illness & stunts overall development with lifelong implications- including BRAIN DEVELOPMENT & UNFAVORABLE LEARNING ABILITY!
- Public Health indeed also knew SENIORS & CITIZENS WITH UNDERLYING HEALTH ISSUES or DEPRIVATION ENVIRONMENTS & SITUATIONS needed the greatest ASSISTANCE & SAFETY BUT THESE GROUPS arguably received the least!!! Many modern ‘Western Countries’ unnecessarily FORCIBLY SHUT IN PERSON PUBLIC EDUCATION DOWN & IMPOSED EXTREME STAY AT HOME ORDERS. Public Health/Government’s Overreach breaking employment & economies, stability of currencies, sparking inflation & social unrest, marriage breakdowns, profound levels of Mental Illness, substance abuse, sidetracking every aspect of children’s development!!
- 1.3 million LOCKED AWAY>> Britney has over $60 million today but is she still $100’s of millions short? She was AMBUSHED UNDER THE OFTEN ABUSIVE TRAGIC CONSERVATORSHIP SYSTEM affecting 1.3 million U.S. Vulnerable Citizens!!!
- City of Minneapolis announced the largest payout ever offered- $27 million to George’s Family for the wrongful death of George Floyd- ‘I CANNOT BREATHE!’ 8+ minutes of public suffocation/lynching!
- No Royal Shun? Queen Elizabeth bears no BEE in her Royal Bonnet- “The WHOLE FAMILY IS SADDENED! HOW CHALLENGING THE LAST FEW YEARS HAVE BEEN for M. & H. The issues raised- RACE, etc. ARE TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY & WILL BE ADDRESSED PRIVATELY! Harry & Meghan WILL ALWAYS BE MUCH LOVED FAMILY MEMBERS.” Business Partner Oprah- $8 million collected in Advertising Revenue in her breakout interview of the Royal Runaways!!! Harry & Meghan were stripped of titles, Royal Duties, allowances & protections!
- Meghan naively admitted she never bothered looking up the Royals to understand the very many ROLES, DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES ROYALS ADHERE TO. The Royal Dressmaker, Chloe Savage helped create Meghan’s Wedding Dress. ‘Meghan misjudged her Role- The Royal Family has BROKEN IN people before- Kate had plenty of time to adapt & adjust whereas Meghan DIVED IN HEAD FIRST!!!’ YOU & I as EXPERIENCED SWIMMERS IN SHARK INFESTED WATERS WE SEE BRING DOWN TOP POP SURFING BELOVED STARS LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS! Over 100,000 British ‘Commoners’ attended to cheer her wedding & welcome her warmly into the Royal Family– Hardly a show of racism towards her?
- Pres. Biden looking at Pres. Putin: “#I look in your eyes & I don’t think you have a SOUL!” “WE UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!” Russian Pres. Putin replies!!!!! But Vlad, PLEASE DON’T HARM PUBLIC ARTS PROTEST PERFORMERS “PUSSY RIOT!!!” Yes- we may be among the SANE ONES in our Apocalyptic SHARK INFESTED TROUBLED HIGH SURF SEAS!
- #STAY TUNED BELOVED- but not ‘TUNAd’- FISHED IN HOOK, LINE & SINKER!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH- Like Michelle Obama & hopefully Beloved Britney Spears You’re RAISING YOUR WORLD- LIFE & LOVE SAVERS R U.S. A.LL EVERYWHERE TOGETHER APART! LOVE LOVE YOU!!! March 17, 2021 Brianca Lane
mentalhealthrightsforum.com does NOT advertise/endorse/sell any products. PSYCHOMATHS: Diagnosis= Discrimination+ Brutality “If you have this diagnosis ____________ you should expect to get beaten up!” (A police officer defending an unprovoked assault BY A PHYSICIAN on a citizen alleged to have a mental health diagnosis who was quietly watering his trees and shrubs on his own property.) To be sure, if you and I are indeed “floundering swimmers in need of help- maybe even some tlc and outright RESCUE, ” a psychiatric or psychological (if we have the ca$h or enhanced health benefits) ASSESSMENT is what the Doctor ordered! “What the hell is going on with my life!” YOU WANT TO KNOW, DON’T YOU? What am I facing? How should I? What should I? How serious is? My employer…? My educational program? My financial situation? Who pays? Are there alternative approaches? (Maybe I should get a second or third or fourth opinion) When will I be “back on my feet”- my life back to normal again? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!? ESPECIALLY NOW!!! Confidential privacy “RIGHTS” Doctor…? What will people say about me!? How will friends/my employer/society/my family… treat me!? (“WELL, FOR SURE, MY DOG WILL STILL LOVE ME!!!) YOU LIKE GAMBLING…? Thank God if your family is your “rock of salvation!” Or at least, they say: “HE’S/SHE’S CRAZY BUT WE LOVE HER ANYWAY!” If your mental/emotional health challenges interfere SIGNIFICANTLY with your “white picket fence happy home/happy me/happy you/all is well with the world” life, you’ve got some SERIOUS WORK ON YOUR HEALTH AHEAD OF YOU! Be thankful that your Doctor can strongly advance your applications for financial and other programs and assistance. If you are a genius (or had the “dumb luck”) to sign into sickness/disability coverage/payments/insurance programs, thank God! Your Doctor can strongly help to make your coverage kick in!** But YOU WANT YOUR MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH BACK AGAIN! If you’re going to put serious time, work and effort into your mental and emotional health, why not have BETTER MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH, BETTER ATTITUDES, BE AN ALL ROUND BETTER HUMAN BEING! Being carefully and fully and professionally assessed and examined and finally diagnosed is one thing. Being treated is quite another! Your Doctor could be brilliant in his/her assessment and diagnostic abilities and yet SUCK- TOTALLY SUCK! in his/her ability to help you- tosses you anchors instead of flotation devices! YOUR DOCTOR COULD BE BRILLIANT IN HIS/HER ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSTIC ABILITIES AND BE CARING AND DO HIS/HER BEST? AND YET SUCK- TOTALLY SUCK! in his/her ability to help you-tosses you anchors instead of flotation devices! Against this backdrop is the challenge of irrational fear, hate, prejudice in governing laws, policies and practices. As a society, we’ve been plagued with heinous crimes like slavery and our karmic fear of retribution- hence the everyday ‘OFFENCE: DRIVING (or living) while BLACK!’ It is a similarly damning indictment of our fallen consciousness, that so many good human beings are being victimized for the ‘OFFENCE: LIVING WHILE BEING ‘MENTALLY ILL’! April 15, 2017 by Brian Lane Sometimes our world seems upside down and the ‘good guys’ become the ‘bad guys’see The Swimmer and the Rescuer Dec. 7, 2017 by Brian TRIPLE CROSS BURDEN **Accessing your ‘short term’ or ‘long term’ disability plan- ‘long term’ also implies you are too unwell for any employment suited to your qualifications & experience, can sometimes be challenging. The insurer is looking to so-called qualified experts– Medical Doctors and Psychologists, etc. for illness, injury and/or disability details, prognosis- expected outcome, course of treatment and/or rehabilitation- and time frames. Your Family Doctor may write an initial report on your behalf and send you to a Psychiatrist, for example, for a second, definitive evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and care plan…. YES OR NO?- Do you want a second or third opinion from a qualified psychologist/therapist, for example- or expert you prefer,’ who may be less/NOT inclined to shove psych. meds. down your throat as your primary so-called treatment. What about promising, ALTERNATIVE EVIDENCE & EXPERIENCE BASED MENTAL HEALTH THERAPIES BEING FACED OFF? SO ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES & APPROACHES MAY BE EVALUATED AND ACCEPTED? (See story, Ms. Beauty and Dr. Beebop. Dr. Beebop lost his integrity by being bought and paid for by ‘big pharma’ but dropped his beastly selfishness, greed, … regained his conscience, character and healing abilities in the golden presence, Ms. Beauty! His income dropped substantially at first but he became known as a healer, not a head shrinker/seDUCTOR a la my Inquisitioners!) I was ‘blacklisted,’ not allowed to see any other qualified care giver. Even worse, a young psychiatrist played ‘a seductress’ to lure me into hospital for ‘forced hospital incarceration & chemical straight jacket treatment.’ Even worse, refusing to submit to this demonic modern Psychiatric Inquisition- and escaping my ‘Trial and branding,’ ‘Doctor Scheming Seductress’ attempted to criminalize and brand me, one virgin, unblemished, sacrificial lamb thankfully safe from slaughter! But you will be FREE from a similar ‘shrink wrapping’ story, right? You’ve been feeling ill- or at least people around you are telling you, an “OMG- A CAR CRASH!” look on their faces, directly or gently- “Are you seeing anyone? Getting help…? Getting yourself together? Back on track? Feelin’ any better?” Your Doctors have sent in the paper work and everyone NOW wants to know your expected date of recovery and return to work. WHEN DOES YOUR CAST COME OFF!? IN 3- 4 WEEKS? YOU’LL JUST NEED CRUTCHES AT FIRST, RIGHT? But your injury or illness is not just displayed by a cast to be signed and removed in a month. And because the diagnosis is ‘mental illness,’ there’s no cast to sign in humorr- ‘HOPE the leg casts come off soon so you can finally stand up for yourself, again!” Insurance companies may monitor any client recipient by requesting updates from Doctors or by visiting you or conducting surveillance. ‘Just because you may be diagnosed as ‘paranoid,’ doesn’t mean you’re not being watched!’ As everyone knows, the correlation between mental illness and poverty and discrimination is an absolute disgrace in our modern world! The insurance company paying benefits may pressure your medical Doctor or Psychologist about “Any progress?” “Treatment plans and expected outcomes?” The insurance company may wish to alter wording, encourage extreme wording to diminish your claim. “…Looking promising! Rehab’s going great! Fewer evidence of mental disturbances!” Another approach is to engage ‘hired guns,’ Doctors who may see themselves as “licensed to bill!’ And ‘licensed to kill’ or minimize insurance claims in return for being paid unusually high fees by insurance related masters. Insurers may edit, ghost write, cut and paste and package independent medical evaluations in favor of the insurance company to limit pay outs! … The assessment companies may ROUTINELY doctor reports or set up most of the reports and then allow the Doctor to ONLY write a small portion according to Ms. Kathy Tomlinson, writing for the Globe and Mail, (Dec.1, 4, 2017.) From ‘you can’t make this stuff up,’ she names a Psychiatrist who: “in case after case, used unique, unproven tests on accident victims. He would tell a joke and if they laughed, he would report they seemed fine. He’d have an assistant knock on the door and if the noise didn’t startle the person he was interviewing, he would conclude they weren’t seriously affected by their accident.” Overall, the name of the game among bad insurance players may be to design assessments to benefit insurers and unfairly discredit claimants. If and when a complainant sues, the claim typically settles out of court so the practice is hidden, according to Tomlinson. The bigger question is how do we lessen the unnecessary **TRIPLE CROSS BURDEN OF MENTAL ILLNESS, CRUEL DISCRIMINATION AND EXTREME POVERTY?! Jan. 5, 2018 by Brian Lane
Painful Truth EXPOSED- Big Pharma’s Vampiric Seduction & $$$ Bloodlust? (Uncontrollable desire to ____ for $$$ versus “DO NO HARM?”) Becoming AWARE, ENLIGHTENED & ABLE to HEAL OURSELVES & our World of ADDICTIONS!
- 2017 was an especially challenging year for 47,600 Americans- Opioids including prescription pain KILLERS, heroin & fentanyl buried them! (U.S.A. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention) Bright daylight is finally exposing Big Pharma’s PHARMACEUTICAL NIGHTMARES- 1 LAWSUIT SETTLED, 2000 to go across America! Oklahoma settled with Purdue Pharma LP & owners (totaling $270 million- including $102.5 + $75 million towards an Oklahoma State University ADDICTION TREATMENT CENTER) for ‘deceptive marketing & playing down the risks of ADDICTION associated with OPIOID pain KILLERS while overstating alleged benefits!’ From 1996- 2017, OxyContin generated $35 billion in sales BUT AT WHAT COST in MISERY & HUMAN LIVES SACRIFICED IN AMERICA & ACROSS OUR WORLD? Face up to pain KILLER ‘medication’ consequences or attempt to squirm away into the night via filing for bankruptcy protection? Same old story- The serpent seducing EVE in The Garden- “Eat of this (medication)- Thou shall surely not die.”
- Viewing our lives from a scientific chemical/pharmacological perspective, our goal is to be healthy- in an ages old evolutionary tried & perfected chemical LOVE AFFAIR with LIFE & CREATIVITY! But a serpent & “the snare of the fowler” like ADDICTIONS have come between us & our BEAUTIFUL happy & healthy lives! According to scientific evolutionary theory, over the many millennia our brain chemistry perfected into ‘Reward Seeking Behavior.’ Psychiatry & Big Pharma seized a financial windfall opportunity! For our own good they seduced us- “Eat of this Opioid pain KILLER medication (making us $$$ filthy rich!”) China chirped in- ‘We can ‘HELP YOU’ by flooding America & the West with laboratory created (synthetic) fentanyl, ‘;super toxic’ & 50 times more powerful than heroin!’ Big pharma’s powerful, opioid pain KILLERS, like OxyContin, are chemically similar to morphine in the opium of the poppy plant. Opioids may ‘overwhelm our brain,’ mimic our body’s pain relievers like endorphins & dopamine which bind to protein receptors & bring us GOOD FEELINGS like euphoria. Drugs for ‘abuse’ raise dopamine levels, & ‘alter brain cell connections & memories.’ Conversely, by abruptly STOPPING OPIOIDS, after our neurotransmitter levels & receptors have been ‘reduced & re-balanced downwards = our brain is starving!,’ stress hormones flood out causing intense suffering- shaking, anxiety, pain, disphoria, physical illness, inability to cope in relationships, control behavior, make appropriate, intelligent decisions. Aloxone is administered for Opioid overdoses BUT due to STIGMA, America turns her back on most HARM REDUCTION STRATEGIES- SUPERVISED INJECTION SITES ARE BANNED!!!
- Alaxone (Narcon) reverses an overdose by removing Opioids from brain receptors. But patients are simply discharged with no follow up care putting the patient into intense withdrawal. Laura Keho sees the central HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE- “The last thing we should be doing is kicking people out of care when they are in crisis!” In her Massachusetts hospital care approach, about 80% return for (hospital) care when offered immediate help! “This is a treatable illness!”
- West Virginia Health Commissioner, Rahul Gupta offers a free health care mobile service to dispense Meloxone, provide a needle exchange program to prevent the spread of H.I.V., hepatitis, etc., steer people toward medical treatment services, serve America’s ‘Opioid Refugees!’ “PREVENTION IS THE SOLUTION!” ‘Meloxone may save lives BUT AFTER (being saved) YOU NEED HELP!’ ‘Steer addicts towards treatment instead of inflicting stigma, neglect, criminalizing the addiction CRISIS!’ ‘ Most addicts cannot even access medications or treatments!’ Gupta’s Psycho Maths- “$1 dollar in harm reduction = $7 dollars saved in medical costs!” Adding to the slaughter, Gupta reports 80,000 annual preventable drinking & 400,000 preventable smoking deaths.
- Vancouver, B. C. in Canada, China’s preferred gateway for exporting Life destroying fentanyl to America- In 2003, Vancouver became the first site in the World where addicts could inject illegal drugs under medical supervision. The ‘Insight Program’ provides clean needles preventing the spread of infectious diseases, helps test addicts’ drugs for fentanyl, dangerous contaminants & fillers, offers antidotes to reverse overdoses, helps addicts access medical treatment & services…. (Fentanyl is found in 88% of illegal drugs in Vancouver- 2 grains of salt size fentanyl may be lethal!)
- Dr. Stephen Maxwell in Charleston, West Virginia cares for BABIES BORN DRUG DEPENDENT GIVING THEM METHADONE, attempting to wean their addiction! Symptoms include frantic behavior & consequently scratching themselves, vomiting, diarrhea, not eating or sleeping for several days, for up to 3 months of withdrawal treatment. Every 25 minutes an AMERICA BABY DRUG ADDICT IS BORN and costs over $1 million! Many become wards of the State- Aspiring parents often not prepared or keen to adopt a stigmatized, innocent BABY DRUG ADDICT! Addiction in families involves poverty, trauma, childhood neglect, … Children experiencing 5 or more “Adverse Childhood Experiences & Effects” are 10X more likely to risk addiction! (The “Adverse Childhood Experience” Questionnaire asks about incidents involving ‘swearing at you, insulting you, putting you down, humiliating you, threatening physical harm against you, pushing, grabbing, slapping, throwing something at you, leaving a mark or injury, etc. before age 18.)
- Opioid brain damage includes a REDUCTION in ‘grey brain matter’ notably serious in our pre-frontal cortex region, out brain’s ‘EXECUTIVE CONTROL CENTER!’ (according to Rita Goldstein) She says, for example, heroin can change the way our brain functions, turning genes on or off inappropriately impairing our brain’s ‘key chemical messenger, Glutamate which makes thinking, decision making & memory possible.’ Thank God! Allah! Jehovah! Goldstein says our ‘grey matter’ can rebuild with our overall brain function BUT IN HOW LONG?
- To personally test our pleasant natural NEUROTRANSMITTER experience, instead of ‘fussing about,’ I walked by BEAUTIFUL natural woods & streams! Returning home after 1 1/2 hours, my NEUROTRANSMITTERS DOPAMINE, SEROTONIN, ENDORPHINS, OXYTOCIN, (G.A.B.A. & ACETYCHOLINE) kicked in-HAPPY, FEELING GOOD, ‘HIGH’ AS A KITE- all perfectly NATURAL! Exercising, having playful fun together, by INTIMACY, … so many approaches to becoming HAPPY & ‘HIGH’ NATURALLY! Scientists believe our brain chemistry neurotransmitters help shape our ‘Reward Seeking Behavior’- ‘Wow-WHAT A GOOD NATURAL FEELING we say! We’ll certainly do that activity AGAIN!!! AND AGAIN!!!
- But the ‘bad news’ is if we develop unhealthy or ‘unnatural’ ‘BAD BEHAVIORS & HABITS’ associated with a ‘RELEASE’ or ‘GOOD FEELINGS?’- GAMBLING, DANGEROUS RISK/THRILL SEEKING BEHAVIORS, promiscuous? & OUT OF CONTROL PARTYING, devil-may-care recklessness about consequences! If we physically hurt or ‘punish our body’ or our children, spouse, loved ones, others, addressing a misdirected sense of fear, anger, disgust, ‘shame….’ If we binge eat- immediately ‘purge ourselves!’ If we adopt behavior cutting our arms or legs as an ’emotional release,’…. To be healthy & safe, we want to avoid behavior hurtful to oneself, others or other forms of Life as best we are able & also
- NOT create any connection between unhealthy behavior and feeling ‘rewarded,’ triggering’ the release of brain/body ‘chemical’ neurotransmitters! Our ‘Reward Seeking Behavior’ neurotransmitter chemical processes are a Divine Gift, Magical, Sacred, inspiring our BEST HEALTH & CREATIVITY! O.k.- shameful if we succumb to any of the above bad behaviors- But, we see it for what it is- unhealthy, unhelpful & inappropriate- WE DEAL WITH IT NOW! We seek help if necessary & ‘manna’ falls from Heaven to pay for therapy!, adopt psycho-social interventions.
- We adopt healthy approaches, adaptive coping strategies, become very ‘MINDFUL’- ‘Grasshopper’ Walking a Simple Spiritual Journey as an ‘ENLIGHTENED LIFE’- Drum roll, Please! ‘Shaolin Priest’ like ‘Kwai Chang Caine’ in Kung Fu YOU! Telling your adversaries to ‘Go Kung Fu!- Cymbal crash, PLEASE! We Retrain our Brain, try ‘cognitive behavior therapy’ if we have a medical coverage plan or $170. +/- per hour to give away!
- Psycho Maths: The LAW OF RELATIVITY = $$$$ – 4 U
- For BELOVED relatives inflicted by drug addiction, we compassionately enable their attendance at special marketed Substance Abuse Treatment Centers for 10’s of thousands $$$- but it is we who subsequently ‘freak out’ & need $$$expensive counselling ourselves should ‘our BELOVED addict’ quickly relapse, $40,000 ++ spent accomplishing WHAT?? LAW of RELATIVITY = $$$$ – 4 U
- Imagine Big Pharma marketing & pushing addictive Opioids onto unsuspecting ‘Patients’ BUT subsequently ALSO Substance Abuse Treatment Centers onto hopelessly ensnared & addicted victims of their alleged medicinal pain KILLERS!
- We become more ‘mindful,’ learn adaptive coping strategies & behaviors instead. But mostly ENJOYING INEXPENSIVE THERAPIES- ALL WE CAN AFFORD!!!
- Addicts are administered the Opioid methadone. Buprenorphine (Suboxone) is taken orally- a better approach! Instead of ‘throwing addicts out, telling them not to come back,’ health care institutions & staff should be offering medically covered programs & care as they might do in regards to any physical illness. Who prescribed addicts Opioids in the first place?
- Not True Believers! Big Pharma & Doctor pain KILLER ‘pushers!,’ being scientists, appear to be ‘non believers’ having little ‘faith’ in ’12 STEP’ Divine Grace & Guidance, Compassion, Prayer & Forgiveness washing away ‘addiction temptation & sin….’ ’12 Step’ faith based programs are slighted BUT WHAT IS Big Pharma, Big Health Care offering- if anything in place of ’12 Step’ or any ‘Steps’ at all- other than being Opioid REFUGEES?? The serpentine Fowlers enshared trusting ‘Patients’- “Eat of this Opioid meds. Thou shalt surely not die!” Shall we judge Doctor/pushers by their acts, their deeds ensnaring Patients faced-off against their Vow- “ABOVE ALL, (WE PROMISE TO) DO NO HARM TO OUR PATIENTS!”
- ‘BUT YES- YOU CAN DO IT!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Isn’t it GREAT to FINALLY SEE the WONDERFUL WAY OUR BRAIN WORKS & begin to apply ourselves & our knowledge to PROBLEM SOLVE!!! We are SO SMART- but will we JUST DO IT!!!!!!!)
- We see clearly how ADDICTION may occur & undermines our modern progressive World. Opioids mimic our natural pain relievers, artificially induce feelings being ‘high,’ euphoric! Shortly, our brain is altered, our neurotransmitters unbalanced causing cravings- compulsive drug abuse no matter negative consequences! BUT WORSE- Opioids laced with but a few salt sized grains of fentanyl from China may be fatal without immediate antidote intervention- our breathing, etc. may stop! Canada’s C.B.C. just released a documentary on the series, “Passionate Eye” about Big Pharma’s terrible Opioids marketing curse on our World!” Aggressively marketed in West Virginia, for example, W. V. soon had the highest rate of overdose deaths in the U.S. Stanford University Psychiatrist Arina Lembke feared Big Pharma’s marketing pressure on Doctors was creating an epidemic! Dr. Lembke accessed patient medical records to discover so many people becoming ADDICTS, abusing pain KILLERS, getting prescriptions from Doctors, NOT from drug dealers! Doctors were pressured by Big Pharma marketing (but also by $$$financial gain?) and by patients to recklessly ‘do anything’- (ANYTHING? ‘the devil’ always asks?) But when Doctors & Hospitals are outed about their patients being (‘so stigmatized, dirty, low down’) ‘DRUG ADDICTS,’ former GOOD OBEDIENT ‘PATIENTS’ are suddenly kicked out as bad unruly ‘dangerous DRUG ADDICTS!’ Now ‘Opioid REFUGEES!’ For example, an African American Father gets his family ‘the hell out’ from Inner City ills to a well to do suburban area including providing Private School for his aspiring children! His intelligent daughter- now hoping to be a Doctor, experiences nerve & muscle pain at sports and is prescribed- OH NO! “copious amounts of Opioid pain KILLERS!” Becoming ADDICTED, she is repeatedly taken to the E.R. but is prescribed- OH NO! “EVERYTIME” the ‘SOLUTION’ is additional Opioid pain KILLERS!”
- Doctors ‘Dumb & Numb’ & ‘Hopeless R US’ Hospital Staff wake up too late- She & her pain is ‘immoral’ because she is an ‘addict!’ ‘Your daughter is an ADDICT! We never want to see you here again!” Caused by Medical Doctors prescribing copious amounts of Opioid pain KILLERS! Cut off, an ‘Opioid REFUGEE,’ her family cannot even touch her! Pain is everywhere- “She felt like her bones were being ripped from her body!” Dr. Lembke says “There was implicit trust. If this medication IS DANGEROUS, they would tell me! As long as we take it just as prescribed, everything’s gonna be o.k. And that is totally untrue! She probably (also) had an underlying vulnerability to addiction.”
- We all have varying susceptibility to diseases & illness based on our genes, biochemistry, families, environments, stressors, behavior, thinking, emotions, …. Shouldn’t we educate ourselves & act accordingly? Addictions & SUBSTANCE ABUSE a big problem in the family or environment? We recognize our own susceptibility & behave especially responsibly, right? Violence or self harm a potential problem within or around us? We are INFORMED, EDUCATED, SMART, NOT FALLING into the same traps & devil snares, right? WE CAN DO THIS- We are beginning to know how our brain works- EDUCATING OURSELVES ABOUT OUR PERSONAL INNER & OUTER SITUATIONS & CHALLENGES!! NOT HELPLESS! BECOMING STABLE- HEADING BACK TO HEALING, BEAUTY, FULLY LIVING OUR DREAMS!
- P.S. Yasmin Hurd, studying addiction, says “Addiction is America’s #1 Domestic Issue today! Runs in the Family. Genes play a role in determining one’s risk. Multiple genes and multiple other factors interact with genetics increasing risk, a complex disorder. Hospitals are overwhelmed (by ‘ADDICTIONS’), prison system filled with people who need ‘TREATMENT,’ Judges who (daily) see more people with ‘MENTAL CONDITIONS’ than a Psychiatrist or Family Doctor!”
March 26, 2019 by Brian Lane- ‘We Shall Overcome!’
*Changing Yourself, Changing Your World- NEW YOU = NEW WORLD!!!
#Great news for our World is NEW YOU = New World!!! Question- Are we The Best We Can Be? Is our World THE BEST? Imagine if you were looking over your CREATION as ‘Mother Nature’ or if you are a ‘Believer,’ imagine God, Jehovah, Allah looking over Planet Earth. Hmm? When we change- viola! Our entire World changes! #When we experience a new or ‘renewed’ self, we actually see a new, better, World within and around us- including HEALTHIER HORIZONS & HOPE!!! Created a song years ago- got to release so many songs soon! “Change my Life, Change my Love, Change my Heart- AND EVERYTHING STARTS!!!!!!” So frustrating for families and friends to watch ‘helplessly’ as loved ones struggle with mental illness right before their eyes! Loved ones who aren’t feeling ‘THE LOVE, JOY, ZEST FOR LIFE!’ Are cutting themselves, experiencing addictions, eating disorders, struggling to find their way! Some experience DID Dissociative Identity Disorder to some extent- about 1- 2%! We used to call Multiple Personality Disorder where our identity may become more than 1 person! How to bring loved ones into BRIGHT SUNLIGHT away from the challenges of dark or conflicting influences, compulsions, shadows, depression, ‘seemingly invisible anchors’ weighing or pulling so heavily on their lives? How to RELEASE ‘INVISIBLE MENTAL ILLNESS’ from holding a loved one so tightly???
*Many psychiatrists and patients simply throw up their hands to the delight of $Big Pharma, the $Alcohol industry- ALCOHOL IN ANY AMOUNT IS TOXIC- A POISON! increasingly the ‘ganja smoky $$$bad ass horizons’- “Everybody Get Stoned ($Dylan) “Just wanna be sedated” ( $Ramones) “Mother’s Little Helpers” (The $$$STONES). In Canada, marijuana for ‘recreational use,’ relieving pain, etc. or self destruction? is available since Oct. 17, 2018- a day according to ‘the Zodiac’ when- couldn’t be better stated, ‘You want harmony but often times are in conflict with what your logical self says and what your (heavy) heart tells you!’ Also appropriate on APRIL FOOLS’ DAY, Ontario begins opening street front $pot stores and wants $alcohol flooding the market place- in corner stores, ‘Hey Man/ Dude/Dudette’- wanna buy a ‘dopey delight’ to add to your ‘alcoholic downer,’ ‘gambling giveaways’ and other money sucking addictions?’ Pot may reduce a teens I.Q. by 8%!!! Our brains are developing until age 25! So many citizens tuning out, turning off- self medicating, ESCAPING THEIR AILMENTS, THEIR WORLD, and THEIR TROUBLES. But we appreciate the TRUTH- We are no APRIL FOOLS- We’re tuning IN turning ON to BEATING OUR mental health stupid yucky challenges- NEVER SURRENDERING but holding the Trump card- WILLING and ABLE to STRUGGLE, to ENDURE in trials & tribulations, to VANQUISH! WE NEVER GIVE UP BECAUSE AT HEART- We’re WINNERS! Every VICTORY- however seemingly tiny, insignificant, increases our HOPE, CONFIDENCE, ABILITY TO MOVE AHEAD and OVERCOME MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES! WE are UNSTOPPABLE-Yes! (But maybe just don’t know yet how STRONG WE ACTUALLY ARE!!!) One small step forward and another- and another- and another …. Give yourself The Feeling YOUR experience “changing your life, your love, YOUR HEART!!!” AND EVERYTHING STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *April 2, 2019 by Brian Time for ‘April Fools’ is in the past- Your World AWAITS & WELCOMES YOU!!! Lane
*Biochemistry 101 YOU versus YOUR BODY- FACE-OFF!!! GO TEAM GO!!! And THE MAGIC BEGINS!!!
- *Together we SURVIVE & THRIVE! But DIVIDED- ‘A house divided against itself cannot stand- rests on shifting sands.’ When we reach our early teens, our biochemistry and body changes, hormones, etc. affect our thinking, feeling & emotions. We may re-evaluate- including how we are achieving overall. On one hand we are DRIVEN by our CHANGING BIOCHEMISTRY- BODY, MIND & EMOTIONS- GO TEAM GO!!! But sometimes we feel uncertain- lacking skill or LIFE/living experience & confidence, ‘GO WHERE? WHY? DO WHAT WITH WHO???’ As teens, we may fall into CURIOSITY TRAPS exploring & RUSHING INTO THINGS FOOLISHLY- experiencing the alarming consequences of our actions.
- *”NOBODY TOLD ME THERE WOULD BE (STRANGE) DAYS LIKE THIS!” (Beatle John Lennon) Some teens including US? earn a P.H.D. in the School of Hard Knocks!!! Guys are encouraged to experience adrenaline rushes- Great training for being a ‘Rebel With or Without A Cause!’ Bullying, scapegoating, jealousy- Ask Jesus about how a Divine, Sinless & Selfless Healer is treated by our Fallen Consciousness World- by mainstream media, Government and even by a ‘God’s Chosen People Religion!’
- *Imagine if a Prophet or Angel descended into our World today- what would LIKELY HAPPEN AGAIN! (If we raised ourselves- our behavior achieving our best giving graces, will we likely see a forecast of descending ‘Angelic Beings joining our GOOD FRIDAY Celebrations!’ Not so much us waiting patiently for Divine Help Descending as Divine Help ANXIOUS for us to be able to ACCEPT & WELCOME Divine Assistance!
- *But back to teen angst triggering A HOUSE DIVIDED among our TEAM- body, mind & emotions! Triggering mental illness symptoms like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, self harm, recklessness beyond comprehension! As kids and teens we play in teams & learn to cooperate, build consensus, play by & respect rules & one another, to be GOOD SPORTS! Fighting against our body, disassociating or splitting our thinking and emotions, imagining there’s SOMETHING FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG about oneself, our appearance, Is NOT going to build a WINNING TEAM for you or me!!! Like in team sports, to PARTICIPATE SUCCESSFULLY & HAVE FUN!!!, we BUILD OUR TEAM PLAYERS UP- ENCOURAGE THEM, RIGHT!!! Like you & I setting our HEARTS FROM TODAY FORWARD- CHERISHING, LOVING, DOING RIGHT BY OUR TEAM- our body, mind, feelings/emotions and our wonderful senses!!! We LOVE & APPRECIATE our body, mind, feelings/emotions and THE MAGIC BEGINS!!! April 18, 2019 by Brian Lane *P.S.
- *P.S. A funny personal story: Long ago (I) and ‘my body’ realized to survive & thrive my teen angst behavior & recklessness, ‘my body’ needed LIGHTENING FAST REFLEXES! So ‘my body leads/tells me’ what, when, how much to eat & sleep! My weight stays the same- even if I choose to overindulge sometimes. Sleep like a happy baby! Food/eating issues = Sleeping & Health Issues! (Versus in teen angst years- ‘Fighting my body- Experiencing eating & body image disorders.’ But the World still holds an ‘Old School’ view about body weight issues, for example:
- *A usual ‘Old School’ bad approach is to mess up team member’s positions & roles. Emotions being upset, people use eating BAD foods or drinks or OVEREATING as a triggered coping mechanism & to stimulate brain receptors. SHAME thinking & feelings are TRIGGERED, body functions are upset, negatively reinforcing future behavior, fun & success! If one team player has a meltdown, we help that player but don’t sacrifice the good activities by the other team players- their performance & responsibilities!!! We don’t toss in the towel based on one player’s misstep.
- *Our HUMAN BODY has TOO OFTEN been Scapegoated rather than BEING CHERISHED! Over decades and centuries ‘Ideal Body Proportions’ change substantially! Remember the Victorian era unhealthy practice of binding a woman’s waist to micro diameter! Later, the ‘full figured (natural?) woman’ morphed completely in the last 50 years to ‘models’ STARVING THEMSELVES- a camp survivor “Twiggy” look? (I witnessed the initial ‘HEALTHY ATHLETIC CALIFORNIAN ‘SURFER GIRL’ BODY LOOK’ before ‘HEALTHY ATHLETIC LOOK!’ became ‘SKINNY & SKINNIER LOOK!!!’) But if anyone needs an excuse for up & down weight issues before simply accepting our Go Team Go!!! Together MeUsCan-Do Approach, the typical mainstream SKINNY ON FAT is:
- *Today- more people World Wide expire BY OVEREATING than BY STARVATION!
- *Over past 1000’s of years, our body (theoretically) adapted TO STORE ENERGY, FAT, HANG ON TO CALORIES. To put ‘lost weight’ BACK ON! You eat less by dieting and the human body adapts by lowering metabolism to avoid ‘starvation.’ Or by triggering an “EAT NOW” messaging demand! In this theory, failure ‘by dieting’ is to be expected. But in our above GOOD NEWS ‘TEAM’ APPROACH, isn’t a balanced healthy weight BOTH NORMAL & NATURAL within a spectrum? Be thankful for not accepting typical belief systems! April 18, 2019 by Brian For now, #should you not have the BODY you’d LOVE, LOVE THE BODY YOU HAVE- and BECOME A TEAM PLAYER!!! And THE MAGIC BEGINS!!! Lane
- *SUMMERTIME!!! And the LIVING is EASY??? Or maybe NOT!!!!! *****Sri Lanka Easter Sunday Suicide Bombers- About 800 immediate casualties- WHOLE ISLAND COUNTRY NOW IN FEAR!!! Only a few days before, wrote: “Nobody told me there would be days like this!” (Beatle John Lennon) ANXIOUS for US TO BE ABLE TO ACCEPT & WELCOME Divine Assistance! it’s MAGICAL TO BE AT PEACE & IN LOVE! Our World Begins to HEAL. Our BUBBLING VIBRATION RIPPLES EVERYWHERE beyond limitations in space & time. For 5,000 years+ the NORMAL RESPONSE was to FIGHT BACK, fear & hate BACK! But today, we’re almost out of time & room for the same old demonic Fallen Serpentine State & Solution! #We MUST BE THE LOVE, PEACE & HELP WE SEEK! BEING VIGILANT ALWAYS- YES! BUT YOU & ME- OUR PEACE & OUR LOVE EXTENDING ALWAYS FROM SEA TO SEA TO SHINING SEA! STRONG-DEFENDING OUR FREEDOMS & HAPPINESS BUT ALWAYS FOR PEACE & LOVE! BUT WHO’S NEXT FOR INVASION RUSSIA POSTURES!!! So thankful for public performance protest art c/o Russia’s adorable girl group, “Pussy Riot!” What happened to Russia’s rich Cultural & Artistic Treasured History? Cruise Missiles DANCING LIKE SUGARPLUMS IN HIS RAPTOR BRAIN?!!!!
*In my personal encounter with demonic entities- as Pope Francis says ‘Who Search the World laying snares to engender Families, Communities, Cultures, Nations at each others’ throats’ (causing chaos, emotional outbursts of hate, fear, blood lust,) I witnessed their powers but also their Achilles heels! Practitioners of evil like ‘vampires portrayed in movies’ FEAR BEING OUTED- EXPOSED TO BRIGHT DAYLIGHT! Not only people directly approached by or encountering demonic entities, or Religious Leaders, are OUTING EVIL DARK ARTS & DEMONIC GAMES but mainstream researchers are now saying for example, “The purpose of the global jihadist movement is to create hatred, fear and divisions in society.” Looks as if (these suicide bombings) came right out of the Isis (or) Al Qaeda global militant PLAYBOOK, fomenting Religious hatred by attacking multiple (Christian/Catholic) Churches on a High Religious Holiday!” Ann Speckhard from The International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism says “Peace Loving Moderate Muslims in Sri Lanka” tried to OUT the Western educated terrorists!’ Good versus evil- The serpent’s games since the Garden in Eden- We’ve played the devil’s games way far too long! Outed & Exposed- evil burns up in Truth & Freedom’s Cleansing Light! *April 25, 2019 by Brian #PLEASE Go on a HAPPY RELAXING (Mental/Emotional or Physical) VACATION AWAY from ALL Your Worries, Troubles & Issues- Hopefully, by summer’s end, they’ll be long gone or won’t be able to find you ever again!!! Lane
*”Give PEACE A CHANCE!” Creating A Circle= PEACE< LOVE & PRAYER!!! Our Choice- CELEBRATION vs. fear, hate & war?
*Friend says he’s taking his innocent wife on a ONCE IN A LIFETIME DREAM VACATION to Iran! Says will greet BEAUTIFUL- FRIENDLY, WARM WELCOMING PEOPLE!! Readers are saying to their partners- ‘Dear, how come you never take me anywhere exotic & exciting- THE THRILL of A LIFETIME!!’ (April 25, 2019) Will you & I be Standing in The FOOTSTEPS of Beatle John Lennon- “All We Are Saying Is Give PEACE (AN’ LOVE) A CHANCE!” Will we be Creating a Circle of PEACE, LOVE an’ Prayer Surrounding OUR BELOVED MIDDLE EAST?! – Dearest Princess Diana (an ANGEL in Heaven*) CHERISHING WORLD PEACE- NOT WAR! CELEBRATING her grandson’s birth to Prince Harry & Meghan! *May 6, 2019 by Brian Lane
*Princess Diana, From her HEART: “I wear my heart on my sleeve!” “I want to do, not just to be!” I’ve always thought people need to feel good about themselves; see my role offering support, providing SOME LIGHT along the way!” ABOUT HIV/AIDS SUFFERERS SHE SAID: “You can shake their hands, give them a hug! Heaven knows they need it!” Nelson Mandela added: “When she stroked the limbs of someone with leprosy or sat on the bed of a man with HIV/AIDS and held his hand, she transformed public attitudes and improved the life chances of such people!” (Sadly, the Queen suggested she involve herself in “something more pleasant!”) Actively involved in well over 100 charitable causes including mental illness- personally challenged by depression, “rampant bulimia,” self harm- ‘threw herself’ down a staircase while pregnant with Prince William!; Cut her arms and legs, very emotionally vulnerable/ sensitive/open- some biographers suggest ‘borderline personality disorder,’ – (Asked a senior psychiatrist about this diagnosis- “Bri, this is the kiss of death.”) Involved herself in heavy hitting causes- beyond the Queen’s comfort zones! and political disruptive necessary charitable intervention/advocacy like animal protection, drug addiction, homelessness & poverty, BANNING LAND MINES; Had she not been ‘killed deliberately’ by an alleged staged auto ‘accident’? would have- only a few months later been AMONG RECIPIENTS of a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? & become an UNSTOPPABLE World Changing AGENT for GOOD!!! (STILL IS but now operates by Heavenly Practice!) Soooo, Harry & Meghan- may we PLEASE include Diana’s name presence- ‘Spencer’ somewhere in ‘Baby Sussex’s name?’ Arthur/Alex/Albert/Edward/William/James – BUT PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! (Can’t help myself: hear the name, ‘James’ and ‘see’ James Brown singing soulfully, ‘Dancing Circles Around Mick Jagger’ at the INCREDIBLE 1964, Santa Monica Auditorium, Oct. 28- 29, 1964 TAMI SHOW- R.S., James Brown and The Fabulous Flames, Chuck Berry, Beach Boys, Jan & Dean, Supremes, Marvin Gaye and The Blossoms, Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, Jerry and Pacemakers, Billy J. Kramer and The Dakotas, Leslie Gore belting out- “You Don’t Own Me- I’M NOT JUST ONE OF YOUR MANY TOYS!” GREAT LYRICS- “So Don’t Tell Me What to Do-Say-‘Think!’ Smells like Women’s Rights MOVEMENT was FIERCE & STRONG-
*I AM WOMAN- HEAR ME ROAR- Way back in good ol’ 1964!!!!!!! How successful was Abraham Lincoln in the 1860’s at avoiding fear, hate & bloodshed? A.: 620,000- 700,000 dearly departed! Yikes! But at least our understanding of Abe Lincoln’s ‘humanity’ & human rights equality voice is clear- OR maybe NOT? “I am NOT, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political EQUALITY of the White and Black races!” including Blacks having ‘No Right to Vote, Serve on Juries, hold Office, Intermarry!’ (Sept. 18, 1858) Lincoln also said he would be ‘COMPLETELY SATISFIED with Black Slavery CONTINUING AS BEFORE the Civil War as long as the U.S. remained intact!’ In the thick of 1860’s Blood, Guts & Civil War, He BECAME ENLIGHTENED LIKE AN ANGEL SUDDENLY WALKING ON EARTH! ENDING SLAVERY- ENTRENCHING LIBERTY & CREATING EQUALITY- he himself no better than any now ‘former slave!!!!!’ *May 6, 2019 by Brian Lane
*Since Beginning of Time- Our Narcissistic Governments’ DIVINE RIGHT DELUSIONS!
- Over 5,000 years, our political leaders tasted the ‘Forbidden Fruits’- triggering Megalomaniac Delusions of Unlimited RIGHT TO POWERS over OUR LIVES!
- By so-called Europe’s ‘Divine Right of Kings & Monarchy Families’
- And by Over Lording ‘Churches,’ our Catholic Church, for example: But with Too Many Priests in Our Pants! Claiming direct descendancy from Disciple Peter! But what would Peter think about Priests abusing children’s ‘peters?’
- By Religions claiming to be the one & only true Voice! Krishna, Too many saying- Hey ‘Buddha’- May we carry your cash for you & forgive your sins?!’
- By Knightly Crusaders evolving into into “Rule Britannia”- “The Sun Never Sets On the British Empire!”
- By ‘The Ruling Chinese People’s Army’ under Mao- 80 million killed!!!
- By Roman brutality- “All World Roads (and misery) lead to (or originate from) ROME;” By wanna be gods like Caligula- Satan’s gift to humanity- ‘Emperors without Clothes’ or souls!
- By so called ‘Nations Under God’ like our beloved U.S. shining under LIBERTY’S LIGHT but also driven by ‘MANIFEST DESTINY!’ Genocide by ‘Doctrines Of Discovery’ against Indigenous First Nations World Wide!
- By Mother Russia attempting to win back her ‘rightful peoples & nations’- ‘Without our Nation’s survival, the World Is Best Destroyed’ according to Vlad The Impaler!’ Same as expressed by Israel, N. K., and others, DELUSIONS FROM THE PRESIDENCY ON BEHALF OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PEOPLE’S! Lincoln’s early 1860’s vision seeing African Americans being shipped back to Africa, to Central or South America!
- APOLOGISTS always say- Lincoln was simply a man of his times!’ YES! But maybe barely different from the men who lead us TODAY! Did Yeshua find that needed changes come from the top down or the bottom up?!
- *SHALL WE TRUST MEN WHO WILLFULLY VIOLATE & EXPRESS SUBJUGATION & HATRED TOWARD WOMEN TO FORMULATE & REGULATE WOMEN’S INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS & REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS??? May 16, 2019 by Brian Lane Please see under Mental Health Rights FACE-OFF- Who or What is BEST??? Overturning Roe v. Wade- Welcome Everyone Back to the 1950’s!!!) May 16, 2019 by Brian Lane
*STRANGE DAYS INDEED!! (Lennon) Westerners looking for ADVENTURE, NEW EXPERIENCES, R. & R, Summertime FUN! FUN! FUN! CELEBRATING LIFE & DIVERSITY!!! including my Fearless ADRENALINE loving FRIEND among 10’s of thousands vacationing Western TOURISTS travelling to, in & around BEAUTIFUL Iran!!! Among FRIENDLY WELCOMING Iranians, enjoying a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXOTIC, EXCITING TRIP! STRANGE APOCALYPTIC DAYS???
*wHEN tORTURE bECOMES tREATMENT- THE BURDENS JUST KEEP ON A COMIN’ AND A PILIN’ ON OUR MENTALLY ILL PATRIOT WARRIORS AND LOVED ONES. NO THANKS TO tORTURE & tREASON wITHOUT a rEASON political ‘rock star’ Canada’s P.M. Unjust True Dunce giving a command performance a la gala ‘Town Hall Meeting’ before his ‘Zombie Snowman Cheerleaders Audience’ on Jan. 10, 2018 at McMaster-Bates University in Hamilton/Beaver Town, ‘The True North, Strong and Free!’ Unjust took his goalie position in front a net at center ice. People line up and take a shot! If he/she/they score, they get to ask the Prime Minister a question. She passionately shouted her question before the Mounties could take her away on their horses back to the stables. Our sassy patriot shouted the Canadian POLITICAL hockey slur, Pu_k You, True Dunce!! But here’s what she said, what the REAL STORY IS: “Trudeau, you are an embarrassment for opening wide Canada’s borders and for agreeing to pay $10.5 million to an al-Qaeda terrorist. The young terrorist built and planted roadside IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICES/I.E.D.S/BOMBS designed to kill Americans and “unbelievers.” He killed a U.S. medic coming to help him. He demanded millions from the Canadian gov’t. for FAILING TO RESCUE HIS EVIL BUTT when he was held and complained of torture by America at Guantanamo as a detainee. Trudeau agreed and SECRETLY GAVE HIM $10.5 million! Trudeau made sure the medic’s widow and another American blinded by the terrorist’s actions, didn’t get a penny! Accompanied by a standing ovation from his ‘Zombie Snowmen Cheerleaders: “Take it as a lesson that in the future no Canadian Gov’t. should think it’s o.k. to allow a Canadian, no matter how unpopular they may be, to be tortured. That is not how we do things in Canada.” BUT WHAT HE “FORGOT” TO ADD: ‘UNLESS YOU ARE A MENTALLY ILL CANADIAN WHEN TORTURE BECOMES TREATMENT. As Canadian P. M. Trudeau KNOWS, Justice Paul Perell, to name one authority, RULED: “THREE PROGRAMS AT THE PENETANG PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL IN ONTARIO, THAT INVOLVED THE FORCED ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS, PHYSICAL RESTRAINTS, AND SLEEP DEPRIVATION, AMOUNTED TO BOTH PHYSICAL AND MENTAL TORTURE.” (Canadianlawyersmag.com quoted in The Canadian Press, June 8, 2017. See also ‘The Swimmer and the Rescuer’ Mentalhealthrightsforum.com) Jan. 11, 2018 by Brian Lane *’TIME’S UP’ for ‘TORTURERS’ The UNITED NATIONS is putting pressure on Canada to STOP THE TORTURE! The Premier (and the Federal Government) have citizens with mental illness in INDEFINITE SOLITARY CONFINEMENT, IN SEGREGATION, ‘TORTURE TREATMENT.’ Ontario’s Human Rights Commissioner also wants the “ABSOLUTE PROHIBITION” of ‘solitary confinement’ for people with mental health disabilities. Similarly, British Columbia’s Civil Liberties Association successfully challenged Trudeau’s ongoing “INHUMAN PRACTICE” pointing out “significant adverse effects on physical, psychological and social health!” The B.C. SUPREME COURT JUDGE RULED Trudeau’s federal government’s practice- indefinite solitary confinement, IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. But why on earth must the P.M.’s government be FORCED TO STOP TORTURING CANADIANS? *Canadians are sadly aware of tragedies such as Ms. Ashley Smith’s self-inflicted choking- Her downward spiral began with simply tossing an apple at a Postal Worker? RULED A “HOMICIDE” by a coroner’s jury! Ashley’s mother reported “nothing has changed.” ‘Rather than responding to inmates needs and capacities, segregation & solitary confinement reinforces, perpetuates and exacerbates their disadvantages.’ “TIMES UP!” Jan. 19, 2018 by Brian Lane (Please also see ‘CATCH 22’ below**) P.S. Over 1996- 2017, OXYCONTIN generated $35 billion in sales for the company & owners BUT AT WHAT COST IN AMERICAN LIVES & across our World- millions stricken down!
*Judge Perell ruled Oak Ridge Facility in Ontario practiced CRUEL & UNUSUAL Torture & Abuses on Patients by unlimited isolation, chaining people together for days, forbidding them from speaking, moving, etc. without permission, forcing various illegal psychedelic & other drugs on them, forcing them to eat by straws, denying them sleep, ‘grotesque violations of basic Human & Patient Rights’ & additional bizarre torture techniques designed to break people down like at illegal wartime camps, notably between 1966- 1983. I visited the Facility & a staff person suggested holding me hostage because a Protest was happening demanding the Institution be shut down! So called Mental Patients released from hospitals without supports in the Community was a deliberate policy by Governments to save$$$- a highest level Health Administrator informed me! They faced the TRIPLE THREAT of extreme poverty, significant mental illness challenges & constant discrimination, stigma & police brutality! A TRIPLE IRON CROSS ANCHOR DROWNING THEM!!! Torturing mental patients according to normal medical practices was ruled INEXCUSABLE by Judge Perell!!! Speaking to Canadian Psychiatrists at an annual meeting, they expressed frustration to me so many Patients self identified as having survived their treatments instead of their illness!!!
- *We human beings live on a wide range continuum from Authoritarian Controlled to FREE RANGE SPIRITED BIRDS!!! Dancing to a different drummer, Wishing to Sing our Own Unique Songs! Dutifully adopting a HAND ME DOWN prescribed Culture or PERSONALLY CHOOSING a preferred Culture? Being ORDERED ‘DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD!’ THIS IS WHAT YOU SEE/THINK/BELIEVE/ARE/EAT/DRINK/DO/DON’T DO! STAY HERE!/MOVE YOUR BUTT- WE’RE GOING THERE! & DON’T ASK QUESTIONS!/HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU!!! YES YOU MAY WEAR THAT- BUT YOU CAN’T WEAR THAT! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!!! Or are we ‘dressing ourselves, minds & our bodies’ like FREE RANGE BIRDS, ‘naturists!’ Living life, enjoying LIBERTY ON OUR OWN TERMS? Not so much in Saudi Arabia, N. K., Pakistan- in so many regimented Nations! BUT oh- oh- EXPERIMENTING in ‘FREER SOCIETIES’ brings consequences! Our personality, biochemistry & genetic make up is UNIQUE- squishing us all into one Society’s or one Culture’s Box is silly, hurtful!
- *Health wise, Big Pharma’s alleged mental health ‘medications’ may prove a bit helpful for one individual but harmful or devastating for another! Messing around in our brain’s bio chemistry may incur bad unintended consequences- used as prescribed by experienced Psychiatrists! Canada’s ‘C.B.C.’ (Broadcasting Corp.) produced a video, ‘Prescription for Murder?,’ Psychiatrist ‘fools rush in prescribing powerful medications where ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD!’ Personally experienced authoritarian, know it all devil may care bull in a china shop, trickster Psychiatrists versus ALERT, SENSITIVE, LIVING IN THE MOMENT Physicians delivering health care with skill & finesse- like FAB All Star Basketball Players- WINNERS!
- *Pursuing HAPPINESS, CELEBRATING OUR DIFFERENCES, not only our communal, hand me down MUTUAL ADMIRATION SOCIETY AGREED COVENANTS. LIFTING OUR LAMP OF JUSTICE & FREEDOM FOR OTHERS TO WALK THROUGH LIBERTY’S GOLDEN DOOR! Comedian, songwriter & mathematician Tom Lehrer’s “National Brotherhood Week,” 1964, 1965- ‘should be Brotherhood & Sisterhood Week?’ included the preamble quip “We ALL AGREE we ought to LOVE ONE ANOTHER and there are people in the World (who) do NOT love their fellow human beings- and I HATE people like that!” “Oh the POOR folks hate the RICH folks and the rich folks hate the poor folks. And all of MY folks hate all of YOUR folks- It’s American as APPLE PIE! But during N.B.W.”
- *Yes- I know- In ‘Today’s World’ we see the alarming rise in radical Populist, Nationalistic CLOSED Governments & Leaders, whose campaigns & extreme authoritarian/populist appeal is BUILT ON FEAR & HATE- STIRRING UP MASS PARANOIA, ‘witch hunts,’ scapegoating, dividing classes, races, cultures. Winning by being against one another instead of LOVING ONE ANOTHER! PRACTITIONERS OF AGE OLD DARK ARTS! ‘Evil wins when GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING!’
- *But you know our LIGHT ALWAYS SHINES, WE SHALL OVERCOME our modern day SORCERERS practicing ‘the same old dark sorcery arts!’ We never surrender our LIFE, LIBERTY, PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS & HEALTH- CELEBRATING OUR INDIVIDUALITY, to today’s SORCERY! TODAY we see same old DARK ARTS & SORCERY AT PLAY should we have lived at any time in the past 5,000 years! ‘Welcome to the new BOSS/Game- Same as the old BOSS/game!’
- *Just as our World includes CLOSED COUNTRIES, SOCIETIES & INSTITUTIONS, our mental health institutions may be INSANELY CLOSED. CHALLENGED by our mental health symptoms which may only exist because our SOCIETY is INSANELY RIGID/CLOSED, WE’RE FREE SPIRITED BIRDS- NOT ‘LEGO’ PIECES! And when we seek mental health treatment, our always overcrowded mental health treatment centers may be- but hopefully not, UNABLE or UNWILLING to offer appropriate, life giving care- you & I BEING UNIQUE INDIVIDUALS!
- *Asked to address a Psychiatrist’s Convention, exasperated Psychiatrists #1 question was ‘Why are patients calling themselves SURVIVORS OF PSYCHIATRY instead of survivors of mental illness?
- *CLOSED INSTITUTIONS MAY SERVE THEIR OWN INTERESTS FIRST, but hopefully NEVER ALWAYS- Patient expressed needs & services are not the inconsequential voices of CRAZY PEOPLE! ‘Let them enjoy the leftovers, crumbs among mental health care spending’- WE RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE!!!’ Our institutions, our cultures, our scapegoating, ‘witch hunt’ practices may be long past their ‘BEST BEFORE’ date- maybe by 1000’s of years!
- *THANKFULLY, we are BLESSED & guided by our budding inner, inviolable awareness- love & peace, by LIFE, FREEDOM, JUSTICE & RESPECT, PURSUIT OF HEALTH & HAPPINESS & OUR DESTINY! FREE SPIRITED BIRDS R US- BEGINNING TO SEE HOW THE SPELL CASTERS & SORCERY GAMES ARE PLAYED! ‘You all got to be kidding- NOT Falling for no SORCERY GAMES AGAIN!!!’ By ‘ME TOO,’ significant Worldwide Climate Changes, inexorable, unstoppable economic, social, cultural upheavals will lift up & shake apart our old ‘Best Before’ World- FREE SPIRITED BIRDS WILL FILL OUR HEARTS FROM SEA TO SEA- TO SHINING SEE! GET READY EVERYBODY!!! We’s ALL WINNERS- Lived in the long Mental Illness Night but now SOARING like eagles into the LIGHT! April 11, 2019 by Brian Lane
* Mental Health PHARMACEUTICAL NIGHTMARES*! forum… Supposedly linking ‘health science’ with ‘chemical science’, to ensure the ‘SAFE’ and ‘EFFECTIVE’ use of ‘meds/potions? ‘Health Science’ + Big $$$Pharma= SEDUCED, SICK & SAD Patients? Psychiatric ‘medicines’=’HEALING HITS’ or ‘POISON POTIONS?’ CREATING LIFELONG HELPLESSNESS AND DRUG DEPENDENCY? ‘CURES OR CURSES’? ‘Poppycock potions?’ Today’s ‘BLACK PLAGUE? Time to GET REAL ANSWERS! And ‘HOW DO I GET OFF THIS ____?!’ BUT I and ANYONE who cares about ‘YOU AND YOURS’ TOTALLY HAS YOUR BACK if YOU choose to consume psych. meds. or not- it’s all about YOUR HEALTH & HAPPINESS, what appears to HELP YOU! Unfortunately, the mental health (or hell) care industry does just about anything and everything to brutally control and advance self-serving schemes! For example, get laws, policies and practices ‘approved, accepted and in place to STAMP OUT LIABILITY FOR INJURY AND WORSE CAUSED BY MEDS. or UNCARING NEGLECT & INCOMPETENCY! To SUPPRESS COMPETITION! LIMITING LIABILITY + CONTROLLING RESOURCES & PRIVATE, PUBLIC/GOV’T. FUNDING & INSURANCE+ SUPPRESSING COMPETITION+ DISCONNECTING PATIENTS HUMAN RIGHTS= Drowning Swimmers/BAD OUTCOMES!! *Our nations are plagued by mental hell care and pharmaceutical nightmares DELIBERATELY and intentionally, NOT BY ACCIDENT! Some programs even FORCE people to consume meds., for example, just to enter and continue receiving HOUSING and other program BENEFITS AND SERVICES- DISCONNECTING PROGRAMS AND BENEFITS FROM THE VERY PEOPLE FOR WHOM THESE RESOURCES ARE SUPPOSEDLY TARGETED! People can be ‘NETTED’/scooped up and brought back to hospital, as in Ontario, Canada because some hopelessly incompetent Doc., acting like a ‘Spanish Inquisition Enforcer,’ decides a person is not adhering to the ‘holy pharmaceutical/meds. doctrine or catechism’ and has strayed into ALTERNATIVE mental health TREATMENT & CARE areas. *For example, the psychiatrists who ‘oversaw me’ disallowed me from seeing psychologists and other caregivers, deemed me requiring ‘megaton’ pharma psych. meds. ‘now and forever,’ opposing my ‘NOT NOW AND NEVER!’ Once “BRANDED,” and the CARE RULING ORDER has been issued, how are our modern psychiatry enforcement systems substantially different from the Spanish Inquisition enforcement systems? My consuming the ‘megaton’ psych. meds. = life-long SEVERE DISABILITY and SUFFERING as life-long patients PLEADED WITH ME LEST I BEFALL THEIR FATE: “For GOD’s sake! LOOK AT US! YOU DON’T WANT TO END UP LIVING LIKE US…!” Being an ‘UNBELIEVER,’ refusing to be suspected, inspected, genuflected, injected, rejected and dejected, is obviously not without consequences! But a dear friend began consuming 1 med.- and eventually 10 meds.! “Here- take this med. to deal with these ‘side affects’ and this other to adjust your mood caused by this 2nd med.” and so on. WITH THE SIDE EFFECTS OF ALL 10 MEDS. AND THE INFINITE CHEMICAL COMBINATIONS, SHE WAS BARELY ABLE TO MOVE! Just setting out all 10 bottles, picking out 10 pills and trying to swallow all 10- dry as desert, was a major challenge! Another friend was given a full bowl of THICK porridge but psych. drug side effects prevented him from swallowing! I and another ‘patient’ saved his life while nursing staff were ‘barricaded’ in their nursing station as was their normal practice! *Nov. 29, 2017 by Brian Lane
- SCARY U.S. Supreme Court Decisions 1. About GENERIC drugs and ‘Big Pharma’s’ liability: (2013) “… ALL GENERIC DRUGS* AND THEIR MANUFACTURERS, (80% of drugs consumed), are EXEMPT FROM LIABILITY for SIDE EFFECTS or VIRTUALLY ANY NEGATIVE REACTIONS if the FDA says a drug is safe, that takes precedent over actual facts, real victims and ANY AND ALL ADVERSE REACTIONS regardless even if the FDA decision is WRONG, based on FRAUD, LIES, DECEPTION on the part of the world’s pharmaceutical companies!” (in Whiteout Press July 7, 2013) **Do we really need to look up the ‘CROSS POLLINATION’ between the FDA and ‘Big Pharma’- see how many managers/directors flow back or forth?!! ** ‘NO BRAINER,’ RIGHT?! 2. We have probably also wondered about VACCINES: A “U.S. Supreme Court decision has given drug companies total liability protection caused by government mandated vaccines.” (sott.net, 2011) *PHARMACEUTICAL FACE OFF BRAND NAME versus GENERIC *A GENERIC DRUG is supposedly ‘chemically equivalent’- ‘same active ingredients, dosage, strength, rate & extent of absorption,’ but cost 1/3 to 3/4s + LESS than ‘NAME BRANDS.’ But NAME BRANDS, at initial release date, may have 20 years protection against competition from GENERIC DRUGS, for example. Generic medications may be different in so-called ‘inactive ingredients’ such as binding materials, dyes, preservatives, flavoring, etc. For example, a Doctor prescribed me a specific medication but the pharmacist gave me a substitute which had a so-called ‘inactive ingredient’ causing a severe and harmful reaction. But my Doctor did not know the medication switch & insisted I continue taking the drug. Seeking a second opinion, given the severity, an ER Doctor declared me to be ‘in critical condition’ requiring IMMEDIATE LIFE MONITORING & CARE! *But what if you or I are given a NEWLY RELEASED MEDICATION, SEVERELY POISONOUS OR INDUCING AUTO IMMUNE RESPONSES WHICH ONLY FULLY EMERGE AFTER THE DRUG RELEASE DATE AND THE ‘POISON’ HAS BEEN WIDELY CONSUMED! TOO LATE, WE REALIZE THE DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES! fOR eXAMPLE, tHALIDOMIDE, ‘a mild sleeping pill safe even for pregnant women’ -NOT! Jan. 3, 2018 by Brian Lane *By the way, HOW SHOCKED to see nursing ward staff aloof and actually SO disliking their patients? I overheard the demeaning comments, especially about ‘anorexic’ young females, for example or “How worthless ‘these people’ are “ as they primped themselves in make-up mirrors * cRAZY lIKE a fOX, I transferred to a MEDICAL ward- ‘NURSING ANGELS DESCENDED UPON ME” and asked questions like “Are all psych. patients so gentle, considerate and WONDERFUL to care for? YES? Dec. 19, 2017 by Brian Lane P.S. All the LOVE IN THE WORLD to people spending CHRISTMAS on a hospital psych. ward! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!* *Humiliating and torturing so-called ‘WITCHES’ hundreds of years ago parallels humiliating and torturing ‘MENTAL PATIENTS’ TODAY! On a typical day in Canada, P. Minister TRUDEAU cries on cue, hugs and pays out to whom- a terrorist murderer on behalf of Canadians? We read another report how the British Columbia mental health Act allows so called “involuntary patients” to be stripped- females included, by male staff, thrown into solitary confinement or strapped to a bed and forcibly given psych. meds. or even ECT/’shock treatments!!’ With no legal assistance available, no independent mental health advocate and, of course, no review process. Well, isn’t that special- NOT!!! (from a B. C. release by Laura Johnston for the Community Legal Assistance Society) And what a wide net to capture ‘involuntary patients!’ ‘Involuntary detention” can occur if it is believed a person “may deteriorate” without in-hospital ‘treatment’- stripping, strapping to a bed, injecting chemicals, dialing up for ‘shock treatments’ and finally throwing the ‘patient’ into solitary confinement. *I recall one buddy came in for treatment but became bored and left for a beer. Upon return, he was stripped and whatever else and tossed into the ‘bubble room.’ I and other in-patients complained louder and louder until staff finally let him out. But by that time, he had deteriorated horribly! Seeing humiliation and careless abandon towards ‘patients’, I asked for a meeting with long term ‘cyclical patients’- in/out year after year. These wonderful ‘survivors’ told me: “Get the hell out of here and the mental hell care system and never look back. *“Look at us! For God’s sake! You don’t want to end up like us!!” So I waited until the Head Psychiatrist was within earshot and said loudly to a nurse: You People on this ward and your Program are hopeless! I’d receive better treatment walking the streets! Never offend the fragile ego, especially of the Head Psychiatrist- or you’ll be kicked out! And HAPPILY for me, I was!!! *WHAT A BLESSING! ‘*These so-called ‘RESCUERS’ are throwing ANCHORS! “‘Something ‘s’ happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a ‘shrink’ with a ‘drug’ over there. Tellin’ me I got to beware! Battle lines being drawn- Everybody look what’s going down” (Buffalo Springfield, 1967) TAKING ME DOWN! SO I’M OUTA HERE- JUST ME, MY FAMILY and WHOEVER ELSE kindly helps out for a few weeks or months- AND GOD! AGAINST FULL OUT MENTAL ILLNESS! BRING IT ON! I’M HOLDIN’ THE DREAM TEAM! ‘CAUSE THE WAY OUT OF THIS JUNGLE IS THE WAY THROUGH THIS JUNGLE!’ And ’cause an early girlfriend read my palm the first time we dated: “OMGOD- YOU’LL BE TERRIBLY ILL AT AGE __! BUT YOU ‘LL SURVIVE! YES! YOU WILL! *by Brian Lane Nov. 29, 2017 *NIGHTMARES are (false) dream experiences with imagery evoking fear, anxiety, sadness and despair whereas Mental Health PHARMACEUTICALS create fake sensations, sense of realities and experiences with imagery eventually? evoking fear, anxiety, sadness and despair!!! *P.S. By the way, why are allowing mental health PHARMACEUTICALS to KILL- BRING DOWN so many of our BELOVED MUSIC STARS so many years PREMATURELY?! We watch helplessly from the sidelines as ONE AFTER ANOTHER after another fall BUT are the PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES peddling deadly ‘poison pills’ EVER HELD RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE? Do we need national and international HEARINGS to CHALLENGE BIG PHARMA or should we helplessly shrug and continue to VIEW THE needless slaughter?!! *Nov. 30, 2017 by Brian Lane
*Let’s Just DO IT! S.A.D. Mental Illness versus “Enjoying A WINTER WONDERLAND” Face-Off! EVERYBODY- Lace Up Your GAME SKATES & COURAGE!!!
- *S.A.D. versus Enjoying A Winter Wonderland Face-Off! HAPPY International Women’s Day! But among many Northern Latitude Nations, Winter’s Back is Being Broken By Strong Sunlight foretelling Springy Days ahead! If you SUFFER ‘Seasonal Affective Disorder’ Mental Illness, BE HOPEFUL! Gradually WARMING & LONGER SUNNY SKIES will LIFT YOUR SPIRITS, INSPIRE YOU to SMILE- to become ACTIVE! ! 4 Season Climates- LOVED by many HEALTHY, SPIRITED ‘People Kind’ World Wide!- especially BEAUTIFUL Winter! Enjoying activities-“Walking in a Winter Wonderland,” “Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh- Over the fields we go LAUGHING all the way!” By SKI-DOO, toboggan, skis, skates!
- *So it’s a S.A.D. Mental Illness causing unfortunate sufferers 1. to experience illness in feelings/mood, senses, energy level, ‘crankiness’- a ‘sick’ state of perception & awareness. 2. Decide to consume pharmaceuticals, self medicate, see Doctors, Therapists, Psychiatrists, visit hospital Emergency Rooms- begin ‘freaking out- ‘can’t take it!” Bringing down your spirit, your senses.
- CHOOSE TO BE OUR OWN HEALERS! Not to lay down a Spiritual Rap on you but ‘Jesus’ said- “Take up THY BED & WALK!”
- *Because sufferers go down annually into a S.A.D. illness state & then gradually begin recovering in the Spring, they can CHOOSE to apply LEARNED SKILLS BY BEING VIGILANT, ALERT, AWARE, BY trial & error, by LIVED EXPERIENCE & BEGIN TO KNOW WHAT WORKS! (And-PLEASE learn quickly for your sake!) By the slow but sure ‘BUTTERFLY EFFECT’- YOU CHOOSING TO STAY HEALTHY- CHOOSING TO DEFEND YOUR HEALTH against S.A.D. illness- LEARNING BY YOUR LIVED EXPERIENCE HOW TO DEFEND YOUR HEALTH- body, mind & soul! Instead of being a passive ‘victim- sufferer,’ seeing your World through ill perception, YOU GAIN CONFIDENCE by every small victory!
- *Small victories are actually BIG VICTORIES! Tide begins to turn, your body, mind & soul gain confidence, you see the struggle, how S.A.D. gets at you, you learn & know what to do to disallow S.A.D. infecting you on your ROAD to HEALTH- Spring, Summer, Fall & You BEGIN to LOVE WINTER! You begin taking control, re-establishing your RIGHT TO ENJOY HEALTH 365!!! Regaining your CONFIDENCE- Standing up for yourself & your HEALTH! P.S. No one’s keeping score but like in hockey, the season is long- opportunities a plenty to stand your ground, learn & practice scoring opportunities in ‘Your Team Mental Health’s Favor!’ P.S. Hearing sad tales of woe from Therapists attempting to encourage their floundering Patients to ‘Please-hang on a bit longer suffering as passive ‘victims’ of S.A.D.,’ I say ‘Time’s Up’ At mentalhealthrightsforum.com- we’ll vanquish the ‘Winter Blues’ from reader’s lives, ENJOY- in 4 season climates, WALKING & LIVING IN A “WINTER WONDERLAND!” As Jesus would probably say today- ‘Tie on thy skates, learn & practice all thy moves, how the games of LIFE work- escaping & vanquishing ‘the snares of thy S.A.D. Fowler,’ SCORE BIG for GOOD & Your God! Let’s DO IT!!!!!!!!!! International Women’s Day Message- With mentalhealthrightsforum.com enjoying so many inspiring readers/participants, VICTORY MAY STILL NOT BE ALL THAT EASY- BUT IT’S ALSO NOT THAT HARD KNOWING PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU ARE TAKING BACK THEIR RIGHT to ENJOY Freedom & Mental Health 365!!! *March 8, 2019 by Brian Lane
*Pharmaceutical Nightmare Hair Raising Serpentine Seduction Stories! * Big Pharma showers Doctors & so called scientist researchers with cash & accolades who will downplay harmful side effects & PUSH potions on naive patients, rave about magic elixirs for regaining health, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious tests & technologies to health care colleagues at forums! (For example, I see a Dr. J. Lexchin writes about Doctors being in denial- ‘ambassadors’ for Big Pharma. Mainstream Media- the (Toronto) Star, (circa Jan. 17, 2019) for example details how a supposed gold standard hair testing technology has afflicted child welfare Court proceedings. From 2000- 2015, tragic criminal proceedings & child welfare interventions happened all based on bad science & technology- alleged ‘inadequate peer review, conflicts of interest, lies about methodology, etc.,’ in examining parents for drug use/ addiction, competency. (Highlighting a company, Motherisk? & a Dr. Koren? based out of Sick Kids Hospital.) The Star alleges the Doctor was in charge, attracted millions $$$ in grants, held editorial positions on more than 15 Journals, supervised graduate students, helped Motherisk? become a primary adviser for pregnant women & their Doctors. He relocated to new pastures- Israel? Health care practitioners may simply relocate to greener pastures if a community declares ‘TIME’s UP!’ on alleged abuses! Shouldn’t health care organizations & facilities offer WORLDWIDE TRANSPARENCY? *(A Dr. Ivan Oransky helped co-found “Retraction Watch,” the Star says, an online data base of retractions & corrections.) Once so-called scientific findings are published, other researchers may naively parrot the misinformation. The more the untruths are parroted & the crowd effect occurs- go along with the b. s. to get along, the worse the mess! ‘Bad science’ & scientists behave as political autocrats & dictators hoping the bigger the lie & the more the lie is repeated, the more chance the lie will be accepted as ‘the truth!’ Corrections & retractions often happen too slowly, if at all. Honorable researchers- like social change advocates, face an uphill battle going against the crowd, the wayward flow into catastrophe, their gutless peers, FALLEN WORLD BELIEFS & WAYS. Ask Yeshua about how the Supreme Jewish ‘Priesthood’ enjoyed being brought into the Healing Light of Reality- brought into The Creator’s BRIGHT SUNLIGHT, doing everything evil! *Our second sad story- not as bad as Sick Kids Hospital, Child Protection- NOT! & other alleged serpentine behavior, tearing helpless babies & defenseless young children from falsely accused & convicted devoted parents! Will we decide our Registered Nurse & her Nursing Association/College is Horrible or Just Another Fallen World Victim? As a Registered Nurse, she’s a LEADER, A LADY WITH the LAMP bringing light into a darkened world in a Care Home. All began innocently on a Sunnyside long term Care Home day, our naive Nurse being tempted by her Serpent Doctor- ‘Eat of this Percocet!’ But Doctor- ‘Nurse- I am sworn to do you no harm! Now eat!’ As we see every day across America & our World, she became ADDICTED to opioids/ narcotics, falsified patients’ medical records so as to RAID THE MEDICAL DISPENSARY & CONSUME THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT HERSELF! *Finally, ‘outed’ and ‘let go,’ she appealed before an Arbitrator backed by her Nurse’s Association. Arbitrator BOUGHT the DEFENSE- SWALLOWED SAD STORY HOOK, LINE & SINKER! Lady With the Lamp suffered from “compulsive behavior & impaired judgement- symptoms of ‘the mental illness’ of SUBSTANCE ABUSE DISORDER” Diminishing her capacity & ‘causing her’ to so act. (Arbitrator explaining away any professional or personal responsibility- Our Nurse was a VICTIM!) ‘Yes- ALSO a victim of ‘mean spirited’ Sunnyside Care Home, her Nurses’ Association shouts! We want justice! Just maybe our so called rescuers, too often need our rescuing them, not only ourselves! Jan. 18, 2019 by Brian Please Rescue Me/Us! Lane Where do your sympathies lie? Who is to blame? *Brian Lane- Jan. 18, 2019
*So You REALLY Wanna B A Rock and Roll STAR??? (versus Your Real Star Power Face-Off!)
- *Just assume You ALL LOVE The BEATLES– John, Paul, George, + Ringo &/or Pete- who is BEST? The KING- ELVIS! Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, & Every ABSOLUTELY FAB STAR from the 1950’s forward!!! Motown, African American Singers, Song Writers & Dancers- Gospel Music, Laying down THE GROOVE, The Foundation, The SOUL for Rock and Roll!
- *But don’t forget about the HARD SIDE of STARDOM! KING ELVIS’s serpentine dependency on pharmaceuticals, spiraling downward like too many Club 27 Forever! Members:
- *Rolling Stones Founder Bipolar? Brian Jones by self medicating, (accidental foul play?) in 1969; The Doors Jim Morrison also by self medicating- alcohol, psychedelics = heart failure 2 years to the day later in 1971. His female companion, Pamela also at 27; Jimi Hendrix by painkillers, alcohol, asphyxiation or by a deathbed confession- murdered in 1970; Janis Joplin by heroin & alcohol also in 1970; Kurt Cobain in 1994- clinical depression since High School + Valium + self medicating- heroin addiction! But Curt stayed only 2 days in a rehab. facility, then self harmed- “I told him not to join that stupid 27 CLUB,” his Mother said; Amy Winehouse by self medicating: heroin, crack cocaine, alcohol poisoning, Valium, eating disorders, self harm- ex. cuts on arms & legs, in 2011; pharmaceutical prescribed nightmares (but overage Rockers in the 1000’s) including ‘M. J.’- He REALLY IS “BAD!!!,” Chris Cornell- sedatives, barbiturates, anti anxiety & sinus congestion medications, finally by ‘asphyxiation in 2017;
- *Not to overlook FAB BEATLE John Lennon signing an apparent ‘FAN’S’ album & generously adding ‘Is there anything else I can do for you?’ But upon returning, being fatally ambushed!!!
- *We already ALL have a Wonderful LIFE AVAILABLE BEFORE US- Our RAINBOW IS WAITING FOR OUR ARRIVAL- No need for self medicating, self harm, becoming a Pharmaceutical Chemical Equation or Experimentally Pilfered by soul destroying ‘PILLS!’ Being famous Rock and Roll or any other kind of STARS is kinda secondary TO BEING OUR BEAUTIFUL NATURAL SELF LOVING LIFE & OUR WORLD! OUR WORLD ready to EMBRACE US & LOVE US BACK!!! SMILE- Your World is PATIENTLY WAITING- LONGINGLY WELCOMES THE REAL NATURAL YOU! YOUR REAL STAR POWER! March 14, 2019 by Brian Lane
- *Hold the Press! 6th sense ALERT- Time’s are a changing! ‘Coincidentally’, A.P.A. just released a critical update on age 27 being a ‘Tipping Point’ “Generational Shift in mood disorders!” “More U.S. adolescents and young adults in the late 2010’s versus the mid 2000’s experienced SERIOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS, major depression or suicidal thoughts, (and more attempts!) These trends are weak or non-existent among adults 26 and over.“ *March 14, 2019 by Brian Lane- showing our ‘6th sense’ is active BEYOND our ‘normal sensory limits!’
*’MONSTER FROM THE DEEP- So we’re pulling away the curtains exposing *’RECREATIONAL DRUGS?’ Alcohol is ‘SELF-MEDICATING’ and ‘BRAIN DAMAGING’ in small quantities and over time. The good news is our brain structure, neurons, etc. can regenerate, adapt and HEAL. We can injure our brain by self medicating with alcohol- or damaging drugs emerging since the 1960s into MODERN PLAGUE! ‘We can get our brains back!’ bUT sLOWLY? Today, dangerous body and soul destroying R.D.s are as plentiful as a Biblical plague of locusts and our first taste could easily be our last! (I accepted a tiny speck from a young teen- ‘couldn’t possibly be dangerous comin’ from this ‘innocent, cheerful ‘teeny bopper!’ at a rock concert. I fought for my life while distressed passersby valiantly attempted to help me as best they could…!) Opioids are taking our loved ones by the tens of thousands! Drug upon drug is everywhere creating a seeming impassable minefield of danger and destruction for the innocent! Fentanyl, for example, is a synthetic opioid analgesic 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine. Even the 1960’s fav. ‘pot’ is no longer your ex-hippie’s low potency, ‘easy trip.’ Physicians and Psychologists have argued, 25 after our brain achieves maturity, is a much safer legal age than 16 to 19- the age range politicians are enabling. Estimates include 15% of marijuana users could experience hallucinations, paranoia, dizziness, low blood pressure, psychosis. In addition, many users will become ‘an accident waiting to happen on or off the road!’ Being ‘PSYCHOTIC’ for a year or more is not on anyone’s ‘bucket list’ of experiences! *P.S. By the way, have you wondered why Beatle John Lennon changed so radically in the 1960s, from a cheerful, cheeky, harmless LAUGH! TO A FEARED, CULTURAL & SOCIAL CHANGE ‘REVOLUTIONARY’ LEADER ‘nUMERO uNO’ in the eyes of U.S. political and social control police elites? He began to IMAGINE he was being played as a ‘useful fool,’ a “STOOGE,” a ‘delicious and delightful’ entertaining DISTRACTION- “A Hard Day’s Night,” “Help!” “Magical Mystery Tour” while the “BLUE MEANIES,” military, industrial, corporate, political elite SHARKS SAVAGED THE LANDS AND SEAS AND FEASTED AT WILL LIKE PIRATES!! My *QUIET RIOT *When I was terribly ill, I used to think I was a WEREWOLF, but I’m ALL RIGHT NOW-WO)))))))!!! EcclesiASStical Psychiatric Clerics for my CRIMES OF HERESY: 1. Refusing to believe and accept ‘SHRINK WRAPPING!’ 2. Refusing to drink UNholy big Pharma’s brain impairing ‘COOL-AID!’ 3. Wishing to live free and heal among friends & family under God’s Good Grace! 4. Poorly imitating Lon Chaney Jr. ‘cRAZY lIKE A fOX’, I OUTSMARTED THE SHRINKS and ‘took the metaphorical Underground Railroad for escaped ‘M. P. SLAVES’ TO FREEDOM!!!!!!!’ But BETTER- I’M NOT ALLOWED IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL ON ACCOUNT, “If you ever let Brian on a ward or allow patients to speak to him, HE’LL CAUSE A RIOT!!! The truth is, living CONSCIOUSLY AWARE with mental illness and INTENTIONALLY FACING ALL THE CHALLENGES HEAD ON, ‘THE WAY OUT IS THE WAY THROUGH,’ gives you greater information, knowledge, experience, intelligent motivation and EVIDENCE **EXPERIENCE** based learning to begin your healing! In other words, you become YOUR OWN MENTAL HEALTH ROCKET SCIENTIST, YOU BRAINIAC! But we ‘Lauras’ and ‘Indianas’ love challenges and breaking right on through adversity and leaving the BAD GUY- mental illness, as a washed up, fading memory! Once you begin your epic journey into healing, JUST DON’T STOP- keep going all the way into your HEALTHY, HAPPY LIFE and WONDERFUL DESTINY!!! *Dec. 14, 2017 by Brian Lane
*”Mother’s Little Helpers” or Spit from the SERPENT*
*SOMETHIN’S HAPPENIN’ HERE-WE NEED TO ASK QUESTIONS & FIND ANSWERS- Somethin’ in the thinking, emotions of musicians & singers? causing them to be vulnerable to pills? Somethin’ in the lifestyle or environment? Way too high personal and audience expectations and pressures = musicians/singers turning to drinkin’ or big pharma’s ‘little helpers’? Concert or song’s gonna set PEOPLE FREE, the AUDIENCE ‘ON FIRE’, CHANGE THE WORLD!? Like John Lennon- All we need is PEACE, ‘PEOPLE POWER’ and LOVE to completely change EVERYONE AND THE WORLD! But, “CHRIST, YOU know it ain’t easy. You know how hard it can be The way that we’re goin’- They’re gonna CRUCIFY me!” Expectations by and for musicians to be SPIRITUAL SAVIOURS!? BUT secretly feelin’ inadequate inside, an actor? ‘WHO the —- AM I? Can’t even save my own ass!” BIG PHARMA escapes ACCOUNTABILITY! THANK GOD fallen musicians’ FAMILIES are adding to the TRUE STORY! We need an INVESTIGATION NOW, HEARINGS, LOUDER VOICES from the FAMILIES, to publicly bring forward the REAL STORY and make ‘Big Pharma’ ACCOUNTABLE!!! ‘Big Pharma Pills’- “Mother’s Little Helpers?” ‘Manna from Heaven?’ Or TRULY- ‘Spit from the SERPENT!’* *Dec. 1, 2017 by Brian Lane
P.S. Ms. AMB asks: ‘Brian, Any “good news” about psych. meds.?’ ‘Good News:’ About 80% choose ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES as opposed to TRADITIONAL psych. care and meds.- achieving varying successes. Unfortunately, RISKY APPROACHES including ‘self medicating’ and using ‘street’ or gov’t. regulated ‘recreational drugs’, self harm, etc., may incur injury or crisis, including frustration and exhaustion…. The traditional Egyptian DENIAL APPROACH to mental care is to skate around issues and ‘rag the puck.:’ ‘Suck it up! Be a man! Pull yourself together, bro! Don’t worry or think about it! Tomorrow’s another day! Sleep on it- you’ll feel better in the morning! Concentrate on work! It’s probably all for the best! The night is always darkest before the dawn. C’mon- loosen up! Shake it off! Let’s Party! Blow off some steam! You just need a vacation- some down time! Don’t be so serious all the time! Life’s already too short! It’s all in your mind- get yourself grounded. When was the last time you got ____?! You/we don’t have time for that …. The ‘DENIAL APPROACH’ eventually may lead to ‘STORMY MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL WATERS BURSTING OVER or WASHING OUT YOUR DAM/levees!!!!!!!’ Experiencing ‘fake sensations and reality’ including being dumbed- and numbed-down and risking harm from psych. meds. might appear justifiable when nothing else seems at hand for ‘relief.’ With 80 years more or less to ENJOY A WONDERFUL, CREATIVE, EXCITING LIFE, you NEVER– ever- EVER! allow yourself to give up on LIFE! Until you experience your INCREDIBLE SELF HEALING POWERS, STRENGTH AND COURAGE like Laura Croft/Indiana Jones, it may be appropriate to use minimum physical & chemical care- ex. 1 day ‘anti-anxiety meds.’ on the advice from a visit to Family Doc./therapist/Emergency, … or even 1-3 days in hospital in an extreme crisis for safety and to relieve your sense of TEMPORARY, short-term overwhelming crisis. Your best alternative approaches can be used instead provided they accomplish the same calming and grounding. The GOAL is to be able to CALM & HEAL YOURSELF by experience and by evidence based learning MASTERY! Being in touch with your courage, strengths and SELF HEALING ABILITIES and powers! (The ‘rescue industry’ loves your cash in exchange for assisting you in therapy should you want outside help. But does the so-called therapist know how to help or specializes in loving your $$$?) Dec. 20, 2017 by Brian Lane MAKE MINE THE COMBO Ms. Debs asks about what we may name, ‘MIX an MATCH’ or ‘COMBO’ Treatment & Care approaches. Not ONLY Psych. meds BUT ALSO ‘Talk Therapies,’ and so on for YOUR BEST AND MOST HELPFUL TREATMENT & CARE! Mucho buena! Si! Our future treatment and care menu WILL ALSO INCLUDE ‘This months specials.’ For example, ‘psychiatric service dogs’ for PTSD, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, …. For getting everyone outside, exercising, socializing, enjoying and participating, gaining confidence, becoming more grounded, ‘movin’ and groovin,’ dogs helping/caring/being man’/women’s/neither’s’ BEST FRIEND’!! Besides we want to FACE OFF MAINSTREAM AND ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT & CARE APPROACHES, FIND OUT WHO OR WHAT WORKS BEST!! FACE OFF FOR YOUR BETTER HEALTH! (What about ‘Psychiatric Service Frogs’ for young children? Oh? So just because frogs don’t have fur are are kinda slimy. Well!) We’ll all find what the BEST, most NUTritious and healthy treatment & care approaches really are BY FACING THEM OFF! (Psychiatrists are beginning to panic, VISUALIZING their $400,000. dollar salary competing with specially trained/educated service dogs– ‘(WO)MANS’ BEST FRIEND who ABSOLUTELY LOVES YOU JUST FOR BEING YOU and offers so much HELP on a 24/7 basis! You love and pet them, feed them daily…! How perfect and easy! Or, competing against treatment and care therapies ACTUALLY UNCOVERING, EXAMINING, TREATING & RESOLVING UNDERLYING ISSUES CAUSING YOUR MENTAL ILLNESS. HEALING YOU, RESOLVING the mental illness rather than simply masking, mucking up, suppressing, ‘numbing and dumbing,’ leaving you struggling and suppressing life-long continuous symptoms from breaking out! You pull up to the ‘FAST DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT and CARE’ ‘MENTAL HEALTH RESTAURANT’ for a complete ASSESSMENT and thereafter you are offered a full menu of funky, FACED OFF treatment and care approaches to choose from! Best of all, YOU ARE in the centER, not ‘blacklisted.’ p.s. hAVE yOU eVER hAD A sLIVER iN THE sOLE oF yOUR fOOT? eVERY sTEP iS pAINFUL aND mAY cAUSE iNJURY- eVENTUALLY iNFECTION. wOULD yOU aND i bE cONTENT tO bE sTOIC, bEAR oUR ‘cROSS iN lIFE’ sILENTLY wITH dIGNITY? aSK oUR dOC. fOR mORE & sTRONGER pAIN mEDS.? oR wOULD wE sCREAM, “PLEASE gET tHIS pIECE oF wOOD oUT! oF mY sOLE,” EXAMINE AND TREAT mY iNFECTED wOUND & mAY gOD hELP mE hEAL mY sOLE! we dON’T wANTyEAR AFTER yEAR “nEW & iMPROVED” pSYCHIATRIC pAIN mEDICATIONS! wE wANT tHE uNDERLYING cAUSE eXPOSED, eXAMINED, tREATED aND hEALED! WE WANT OUR HEALTH BACK!! dEC. 29, 2017 hAPPY nEW yEAR tO uS aLL!! lOVE, Brian Lane
FALLEN CONSCIOUSNESS = FALLEN WORD “Fallen human nature: subject to sin or “depravity”.” THE WORLD STOOD STUNNED IN DISBELIEF, SHOCK AND AWE AS PRESIDENT BUSH SAID HE TALKED TO GOD- NIGHTLY? “Manifest Destiny” and ‘doing the will of “GOD!” ‘from the nation built on ‘negro slavery!’ By “I cannot tell a lie George Washington- I cut down that cherry tree”- ‘and damned if I didn’t work my slaves from dawn to dusk and rode my slave overseers to watch my ‘negro slaves’ 24/7!!!’ By the U.S. nation builders declaring “all men are equal and free- the right to life, liberty, …” yet, to a man, refused to entertain the inclusion of anything for ‘negro slaves!’ Even Ben Franklin, having a note slipped into his pocket with a clause about the rights of ‘negro slaves,’ could not bring himself to reach into his pocket..! From the great President Lincoln who knew slavery was morally despicable but said: ‘If, in the end, the U.S. continues united- undivided, THOUGH NOT ONE SLAVE BE FREED, I WILL BE FULLY SATISFIED!’ Collectively, we helped plant the seeds of evil and we’re seeing the harvest of our efforts! So we’re pouring fuel on the fire ramping up the global arms race. Everyone knows the popular definition of insanity: Doing the same stupid course of action and expecting a different outcome! WE NEED TO STOP THE INSANITY! So in each moment, individually and collectively, we can choose what we are generating: are we generating PEACE, LOVE, TRUTH, BEAUTY, CREATIVITY, TRUST, UNDERSTANDING, HOPE, COMPASSION, INSPIRATION, mentally/emotionally/spiritually/physically UPWARDLY SPIRALING OUR CONSCIOUSNESS AND OUR WORLDS?!! May 23, 2017 -by Brian Lane
Nikki- wearing the dunce cap (‘HALEY AND THE ROCKETS’), U.S. Ambassadunce to the U.N., says North Korea’s leader is “BEGGING FOR WAR!” Please NOT, ‘WE’RE GONNA BOMB, WE’RE GONNA BOMB around the clock tonight!” 1960’s Vietnam revisited? Sept. 4, 2017 by Brian Lane
‘ONLY once in every 500 or 1000 years’ SUPER STORM- EVERY YEAR OR TWO?? Huh? Smells like GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE! “They paved paradise, put in a parking lot…” (Joni Mitchell) Build an Ark!; learn to levitate….. ‘The Swimmer and the Rescuer’- beyond an allegory! Aug. 30, 2017 by Brian Lane
And the moral of this story is: DO NOT MESS WITH ‘MOTHER NATURE!’ Mother Nature is ever so patient with us- and so forgiving! But all bad behaviour eventually creates a stormy sea of karma, climate and other changes. For example, “weather” we want super storms or “weather” we don’t! Our time for wrecking and raping is up! ISN’T IT TIME TO ABANDON our ‘reckless abandon’? Are we willing to ‘smarten up? IS OUR TRASHING ‘MOTHER NATURE’ PARTY OFFICIALLY OVER?? Unfortunately, P. Rump and all the other “WORLD LEADERS AND LOSERS” will probably fall into the same stubborn, idiotic trap as in ancient Egypt. But why repeat past stubborn failures? YOU REMEMBER THE STORY: Egyptians and their Pharaoh absolutely refused to free their slaves until they eventually experienced absolute unspeakable plagues, “the 10 plagues of Egypt” including pestilence- fatal epidemics, horrors and desolation! Their army washed away in the stormy sea! In coming years, ‘UNSPEAKABLE HORRORS ARE US’ will be our mantra just like the Egyptians- UNLESS WE BEGIN TO CHERISH, NURTURE AND REPLENISH OUR “Mother of all Mothers,” ‘MOTHER NATURE’ NOW! ‘Oh, we can build stronger dams and levees, supersize and super strengthen our structures, … our Presidents will harden their hearts (like in ancient Egypt) and rally the citizenry!!’ (Can world leaders ‘harden their hearts’ even more than they already have?!) But you know how the story goes: ‘THE BIGGER THEY STAND, THE HARDER THEY FALL!’ Hang on tight! “MOTHER NATURE’S” GONNA GIVE US A THRILLS- AND ESPECIALLY SPILLS RIDE! BUT INSTEAD OF PREYING ON ‘MOTHER NATURE’, ISN’T IT TIME WE PRAYED AND ACTED FOR OUR MOTHER?!! P.S. We cherish you always,’mother nature’- LOVE AN’ PEACE FROM US TO YOU! AND LOVE AN’ PEACE FROM EARTH TO EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE! ‘We’re actually not as dumb as we appear to be!’ Sept. 8, 2017 by Brian Lane & for the second time- since the hip 1960’s! “DON’T MESS WITH MOTHER!!!”
In the 1960’s, besides sex, drugs and rock and roll- and attempts at “giving peace a chance” (John Lennon) and radical social change, ‘HIPPIES’- among many young social movements, heard the voice of ‘Mother Nature!’ They were being “CALLED BACK TO THE GARDEN”- to a genuine experience of being in harmony with the BIOSPHERE! But here we all are, 50+ years later, first with Houston and so many other populated areas submerged, followed relentlessly by Irma, the largest Atlantic storm ever recorded! Our time for ignoring Mother Nature and climate change is up! Not only are our “FALLEN WORLD VIEWS & WAYS” being slammed and washed away before our eyes- along with incredible property devastation, but tragically for the super storm survivors, THEIR SENSE OF MENTAL HEALTH IS BEING VIOLENTLY CRUSHED! If anyone wants to witness a VIRTUAL ‘ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE,’ TAKE A LOOK AT AN URBAN AREA SQUASHED BY A SUPER STORM! But how do we reinvent our collective world and create the changes today which should have been adopted 50 years ago when young people realized human beings had completely lost themselves, become disconnected, their intimate relationship with ‘Mother Nature’ lost and buried deep in subconscious memory? We’ve all heard the truisms, “As you sow, so shall you reap!” “You get what you pay for….” “The DEFINITION OF INSANITY is DOING THE SAME THINGS AS BEFORE (over and over) BUT EXPECTING DIFFERENT RESULTS!” Now all our governing decision making must include MOTHER NATURE AND THE BIOSPHERE! In our incessant abuse of our environment and biosphere, we were like ‘beyond stupid and absurd slave owners’- who imagined or PRETENDED, SLAVERY ‘IS NATURAL’ and ‘ACCORDING TO GOD’S DESIGN!’ Don’t we wish we could time travel back to the creation of the U.S.A. and THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE…! ‘LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS,’ ‘to freely pursue joy and live your life in any way that makes you happy as long as you don’t infringe on the rights of others….’ WOW! UNDO the 241 years of ENDLESS slavery repercussions, misery and discrimination…? But do you believe the signers of the Constitution and their peers were actually that ‘dumb’ or more likely completely self centered and demonically evil?! My family tree included branches moving to California and another settling in the Ottawa and Quebec area of Canada. When I was a young boy, an elderly relative told me the story of the K.K.K. coming across the Lake into Canada and all the townspeople forcefully driving them back- “We don’t want any of you ‘K.K.K. demons’ or your cruel, UNGODLY and immoral ideas…!” Have we been that self centered and stupid, like slave owners, to pretend our abuse of the BIOSPHERE- TRASHING THE WHOLE ECOSYSTEM, ‘IS OUR NATURAL RIGHT’ AND ACCORDING TO ‘GOD’S DESIGN’ OR SIMPLY ‘EVOLUTION’- ‘NATURAL SELECTION and THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST’?! Our legacy to date has meant declining wildlife-mammals, birds, fish populations, … due to climate changes, pollution, habitat losses, over hunting and fishing, invasive species, … – Basically all OUR doing…??? (But our large scale conservation wetland preservation programs help- and anyways, our ‘DEER FRIENDS’- including ‘BAMBI’ populations are INCREASING! and even though we’re wrecking the planet, OUR ‘DEER FRIENDS’ INCREASINGLY HANG OUT NEAR US AND ‘LOVE US ANYWAYS!!!’- AND THINK WE ROCK!!!) – FALLEN CONSCIOUSNESS= FALLEN WORLD. About three quarters of ALL land in our urban cities appears to be covered by hard surfaces like asphalt/concrete preventing drainage and squashing the presence of MOTHER NATURE AND A HEALTHY BIOSPHERE! But individually, EVERYONE LOVES ‘MOTHER NATURE’ AND THANKS TO THE SUPER STORMS, WE’RE ALL AWAKE NOW! AND READY TO THINK, ACT AND BE SMARTER!!! WE’LL SUCCEED THIS TIME AROUND AND SHOW THE 1960’S VISIONARIES ALL THEIR PRECIOUS DREAMS ARE ABOUT TO BE REALIZED- FINALLY!!! … “and we got to get ourselves back to the Garden” (Joni Mitchell) Psssst… Brian, do you really think ‘The Rump,’ ‘shootin’Putin, the diabolical&demonic Chinese cabal, … potpushin’poparazziFAB jUSTIN tRUDEAU and all the other ‘CRAZIES’ WILL LEAD US TO nIRVANA? ARE YOU kidding me?? REMEMBER WHAT OUR MUSICAL PROPHETS, THE bEATLES, TOLD US: “ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!!!” Sept. 15, 2017 by Brian Lane
“THIS IS A SERIOUS MEDICAL EMERGENCY! … HAVE A COMPLETE EYE EXAMINATION, DIAGNOSIS AND RECEIVE MEDICAL SPECIALIST EYE CARE NOW! IMMEDIATELY! BASED ON 3 + PROTOCOLS AS FOLLOWS…” (my text sent Sept. 4, 2017 helped by Cortana look-up.) My brother, visiting with his Chilean wife in South America, texted me he could see his eye suddenly bleeding internally (indicating a detaching retina (by Cortana look up). He attended a Chilean eye specialist who stupidly advised him to come back on Friday for a better second exam and diagnosis… instead of arranging diagnosis and emergency treatment on Monday or Tuesday! NOW THE SO-CALLED EYE SPECIALIST IS ‘FREAKING OUT,’ TELLING MY BROTHER WORD FOR WORD WHAT I WROTE BACK ON SEPT. 4 AND THAT HIS EYESIGHT IS ON THE PRECIPICE…- and the cost would be $1,000s in Chile! ‘Fly HOME on Monday and ask for EMERGENCY TREATMENT…’ the specialist yells! The lesson for everyone is “BE VIGILANT!” YOU AND I HAVE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OUR OWN MENTAL, PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL HEALTH TO A REASONABLE EXTENT- A VERY SUBSTANTIAL REASONABLE EXTENT, MY TOO TRUSTING BROTHER NOW FINDS OUT! SOMETIMES YOU AND I KNOW BEST! SOMETIMES YOU AND I HAVE TO KNOW BEST!! Yes, the Specialist Doctor studied day and night for years! But when the s… hits the fan, uneducated, nada eye expert Brian acts CORRECTLY based on a simple 15 minute Cortana look up and reads dearest brother Chris THE EMERGENCY ACT! But the supreme medical eye specialist, from his royal throne, totally ***** up! ‘Have a nice siesta, estimado senor Chris, until Friday!’- ‘HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!’ (as ‘Dr. Arnold S.’ put it!) Have you attended for significant or emergency care only to have a DOCTOR/NURSE/SOCIAL WORKER/O.T…., PRINCES AND PRINCESSES IN THE ROYAL HEALTH CARE MEDICAL MONARCHY, TOTALLY SCREW UP!! Thank God you’re so brave and strong! Not only must you bravely face and eventually conquer any and all mental health challenges including all the stigma and discrimination, BUT DO YOU ALSO FIND YOURSELF ‘BEING HELPED’ BY ‘RESCUERS’ WHO OCCASIONALLY TOSS YOU BRIGHTLY COLOURED ‘ANCHORS’ INSTEAD OF FLOTATION DEVICES?!! The dark humour GOOD NEWS IS YOU ARE CONSTANTLY LEARNING AND GROWING BY ALL THE GOOD AND BAD THROWN AT YOU! YOU BECOME A HAPPIER, BRAINIER, SMART-ASS, INTELLECTUAL ‘ROCKET SCIENTIST’ ABOUT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH AND YOU CAN LOOK FORWARD TO MANY CREATIVE AND WONDERFUL YEARS! (HOPEFULLY, UNSCARRED-AND IN MY DEAREST BROTHER’S SITUATION, ENJOYING PERFECT VISION IN A BEAUTIFUL, PRECIOUS WORLD!) Sept. 8, 2017 by Brian Lane
“‘I ONLY HAVE EYEBALLS FOR YOU,’ gentle and caring young Doctor!” Flying from CHILE homeward bound- No, he wasn’t ‘BODY STRAPPED’ with kilos of cocaine from South America, my brother landed and was immediately whisked away! No, not for INTERROGATION- “o.k. amigo, where did you hide the drugs, hombre malo mule from South America!” The hospital could see the eye retina partially separating and my anxious brother felt the RELIEVING, HOT, LASER FIRE delivered by a gentle, caring, doting, young Doctor! But like all torrid young ‘Doctor & patient AFFAIRS,’ the ‘BIG GUY,’ the senior Doctor interrupted the laser hot “treatment” and “deliberately maximized the intensity and duration to “TORTURE MORE THAN TREAT,” at least in my brother’s view! “He knew I was completely immobilized so he seized the opportunity…!” Now my brother experiences nightmares where he is strapped down- immobilized, while the evil, senior Doctor ZAP-ZAP-ZAPS his eye! THE BANDITO ‘BIG GUY’ versus THE TOUCH BY AN ANGEL! I am reminded… a bus swerved onto the shoulder of the road sending me and my bike flying into a ditch! In a sudden reflex action, I had placed my flexed arm and shoulder to take the initial impact and save my life! A gentle and caring, doting, young physio student was assigned to see what, IF ANYTHING, she could do to restore my arm and shoulder. A MIRACLE SEEMED TO BE MY ONLY HOPE! But soon, I began to admire and FALL IN LOVE with her conviction in healing me and apparently, SHE BEGAN OPENING HER HEART TO ME! Her touch on my arm and shoulder seemed far beyond physio/physical therapy and BECAME THE TOUCH OF GENUINE LOVE, THE TOUCH BY AN ANGEL! And the MIRACLE I NEEDED HAPPENED!! Of course, eventually her instructor/supervisor observed how close, gentle- ‘intimate,’ her bedside manner appeared. So she took MY HEALING ANGEL aside and angrily chastised her “FOR ESTABLISHING A CLOSE, AN INTIMATE BOND WITH HER PATIENT- A BIG ‘NO-NO.'” Can you believe it?! A physio student OPENS HER HEART- NOT MERELY HER HANDS, TO BRING HEALING AS IF BY A MIRACLE! AND HER SUPPOSED ‘LEARNED INSTRUCTOR’ IS ACTUALLY A ‘DESTRUCTOR!’ WHO ATTEMPTS TO SHUT DOWN HER STUDENTS’ ANGELIC TALENTS AND HEALING ABILITIES!! (In receiving health care from a professional, always consider the song title, “IT’S THE SINGER, NOT THE SONG!”(Mick/Keith- R.S.) Typical health care and so-called “professional expertise” can become (INCOMPETENT) “HELL CARE-” GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS…” Evil, “empty words”- the “schizophrenic”, the anorexic”, the “basket case….” And empty outward techniques, actions and mechanics…! IS YOUR HEALTH CARE WORKER UNINVOLVED, UNINSPIRING, SOULLESS- DISHING OUT BLAND SLOP?! OFFERING A ‘TREATMENT’ OF EMPTY DARKNESS- IN PLACE OF EMPATHY AND GENUINE CARING LOVE AND COMPASSION??!” ARE YOU INSPIRED OR FEELING HOPELESS AND DEPRESSED AFTER SEEING YOUR HEALTH CARE PERSON?? (And do you sometimes feel like tapping gently on a health care “professional’s” head? “Hello! Is anyone home? Is there any intelligent or GENUINE caring human being in there?!”) Health care ‘professionals’ need to be reminded: I AM A HUMAN BEING, NOT A DISEASE NOR A DIAGNOSIS!!! IS THIS A MENTAL HOSPITAL FOR CRAZY, STUPID PEOPLE WHO IMAGINE THEY ARE ‘HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS??!’ (Or, as more than a few family physicians have discovered upon mental health care site visits, “YOU REALLY CAN’T TELL THE DOCTORS FROM THE PATIENTS-WITH APOLOGIES TO THE PATIENTS!!”) REAL AND ACTUAL HEALTH CARE BEGINS IN THE HEART, SOUL, MIND, INTENTIONS, … AND EMANATES, SPRINGS OUT AND RADIATES IN A GENTLE, HOT, LASER LOVE INVOLVED FIRE! (and if you are a health care professional, when your patient kindly asks, “How’s your day going so far?” you sing, THIS ________… IS ON FIRE!!! FROM THE BOTTOM OF YOUR HEART!!!) Sept. 14, 2017 by Brian Lane
FALLEN WORLD NEWS/ SICK HUMOUR: Was Trump’s election victory, Russia’s novel use of a nuclear grade “DUMB BOMB” to engender the self-destruction of the U.S.A.?!! In a fallen world,”be careful what you ask for news:” Ariana Grande lives up to her “dangerous woman” tour. Famous British “stiff upper lip” composure in the face of tragedy: Attempting to normalize, comfort and inspire hospitalized, young bomb victims, the Queen asks hospitalized victims: ‘…how did you enjoy the show?'(Ariana’s performance?)…’she sings in a lovely voice….’ We are reminded of Beatle George Harrison’s casual comment to E.R. Ambulance attendants- who began employment only a few days prior, as they carried him- stabbed multiple times, bloody and in critical condition: “SO HOW DO YOU LIKE THE JOB SO FAR?” AND THE “CHEMICALIZING” OF U.S.A.ll -IS IT RIGHT OR WRONG?! Probably at least 50% of “patients under so-called mental health care by physicians” or (psychologists) are on “psych. meds..”- for ex., SSRIs, SNRIs, … “beaver damming up” receptors to stop serotonin from draining….(Just the IDEA of ‘B.D.B.S.’ (Beaver Dam Brain Syndrome (sick humour)- millions of teeny-bitty beaver dams in your brain/receptors), causes ‘a common sense, ‘duh-like yeh!’ eye rolling- ‘oh that’s original’- ‘I know that!’ research ARTICLE about increasing serotonin levels NATURALLY and by alternative approaches, to be among the TOP read pysch. medical articles! * IS OUR FUTURE THE “CHEMICALIZING” OF U.S.A.ll?!! GOOD OR BAD? WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO IN A FALLEN WORLD? ARE WE INCAPABLE OF “HAVING A LIFE” OR EVEN “SURVIVING” WITHOUT PSYCH. MEDS. OR RECREATIONAL DRUGS TO KEEP US HAPPY, RELAXED AND FUNCTIONING IN OUR PERSONAL “DANGEROUS WOMAN/MAN/WHATEVER GENDER” WORLD TOURS?!! May 25, 2017 by Brian Lane *Dr. S. N. Young, PhD c 2007 “How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs” “The amount of money and effort put into research on drugs that alter serotonin is very much greater than that put into non-pharmacologic methods. The magnitude of the discrepancy is probably neither in tune with the wishes of the public nor optimal for progress in the prevention and treatment of mental disorders.”… vital significance of mental illness “prevention strategies” … feeling good and positive emotions-happiness and well being, being agreeable and showing ‘agreeable behaviours’, exposure to bright light and sunlight, exercising regularly, nutrition, … DIRECTLY LINKED to mental, physical and overall good health, longevity, well being, increased social supports, increased serotonin and other beneficial chemistry outcomes- better quality of life… cites studies, for example, how feeling good/positive emotions give you 10 more years than ‘sad-sack loser’ feelings/emotions! And HOSTILITY IS DANGEROUS to you!…” IF DR. YOUNG’S ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN FOR YOU- IF THE ARTICLE ‘HAS YOUR NAME ON IT’, READ THE FIRST PAGE EVERY MORNING AND YOU AND EVERYBODY AROUND YOU ESPECIALLY, WILL BE FOREVER “YOUNG MANIACS” AND THANKFUL!!! So, be happy, happy, happy- “singing in the rain- what a glorious feeling-I’M HAPPY AGAIN!…” “HERE COMES THE SUN” (George Harrison)… “I’M FEELING GLAD ALL OVER” (Dave Clark Five)… “SWEET LITTLE 16”; “OH- CAROL!”… (Chuck Berry) “IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR” (Wilson Pickett)… I CAN Get Some “SATISFACTION”- yes! yes! YES!! (Keith and Mick- change all lyrics to be positive!) “GOOD VIBRATIONS!” (Beach Boys)…
- CAUTION: SICK HUMOUR AHEAD! (3rd leading cause of “kaputski” in the U.S.A. claimed to be “PHYSICIAN ERRORS”). ‘Doc- I’ve been feeling kinda BLUE. Could you treat me?’ I could- but I won’t! After my negligent treatment, you’d be feeling kinda NOTHING!!! But in case you imagine you can trust me because I’m ‘CERTIFIED’ AND/OR A DOCTOR, would you like the ‘straight-jacket spritz’ or the ‘zombie combo’?? “Doc- is there any hope for people like me in my condition?” Or PEOPLE LIKE ME IN MY CONDITION!! “Doc- when will I know I’ve regained my sanity?” When you have the common sense to stop thinking I can help you!! “Doc- how long will my recovery take under your program of treatment?” How long will it take you to count the grains of sand in the Sahara Desert? “Doc- I understand Electric Shock Treatment is very controversial and many groups have sought to have it outlawed- but E.S.T. has been highly recommended to me.” BY WHO? “My ‘EX’.” Is he behind in all his support payments? “Yes.” Well- I hope you enjoyed our session and you’ve found it to be beneficial. Is this the first time you’ve visited a ‘CERTIFIED THERAPIST’ LIKE ME? “NO- BUT THIS THE LAST TIME!!” So after years of therapy, you’ve finally gotten over your difficulties- is that correct! “Yes, Doctor.” Well then, perhaps I could help you regain them! “Doc- are you sure you’re able, experienced and qualified to help a person as sick as me?” Am I ‘EXPERIENCED’ AND ‘QUALIFIED’?! MY Good Lady- no one has more ‘completely crazy’ patients than me! And they’ve all been under my treatment for years! (true story: comment to a Family Doctor who visited a hospital psych. ward for a consultation/advice about her patient). “YOU CAN KEEP HIM ALIVE IF YOU WANT TO….” is what she was told! Her comment in response was: ‘ITS TRUE- YOU REALLY CAN’T TELL THE PATIENTS FROM THE PSYCHIATRISTS!!’ HAPPY HOLIDAY TO U.S.A. FRIENDS- KEEP SMILING!!! May 27, 2017 by Brian Lane
- Thanks for Your Wonderful, Encouraging Input/Comments, Feedback- Real hope & inspiration that ACTUALLY WORKS! ‘Marley’s comments:’ “Really like what you are saying! What about a video? ….” “Incredible points! Great Arguments! Keep up the GREAT SPIRIT! from AWESOME Fredo S.; “Thanks for all your time & work! Info. you provide has helped me greatly!” from Pelto; “Woh! I enjoy your articles! … Bookmarked!” by lovely Carroca; “Oh my goodness! Incredible articles, Dude! But an R.S.S. delay?” Sheri S. M. says “Write More Please including nuances!” Wilton V. also asks “Please give more examples- many thanks!” ‘beau r.’ writes “Hi to EVERYONE! Precious Information & website to visit! “Surprising clarity in your posts- Please keep up your gratifying posts- assume you are an expert!” graciously from Kirby S; Wedeking says “Clear- triggering thinking!” Pronek says “Compelling!” & asks “O.k. to pose question- follow up suggestions?” Sure! “More helpful information than I’ve found anywhere else! Thanks!” generously from Lorna C.; Ismael V.- “Very strong- passionate!” “Thanks! Great, valuable information!” from Roberto A., Tomasa L., Tyson W. and from Cinderella/’Rhodopsis’ M.; Did you know, while bathing, an eagle snatched one of Rhodopsis’s sandals, flew to Memphis, tossed the sandal into Elvis’s lap- waking the King to ‘attention!‘ “Now hold on just one dog gone minute” as Elvis would say, our story is in Memphis, EGYPT a few 1,000 years ago- not 1950s/’60s Tennessee, U. S. A.! ‘Smitten’ & curious, our king sent searchers- ‘Bring me the lady as the eagle brought me her sandal!’ Love at first blush, Rhodopsis in his lap, our King wed Rhodophis straight away & they lived happily IN LOVE for ever after! Don’t y’all LOVE a Cinderella Story! (Sept.11, 2018 by Brian Lane- a happy story on a sad anniversary….) When torture becomes ‘treatment’ … TIME’s UP! for Torturers … ‘YES- BUT WHEN??” Mananna M. ASKS US?! Pete Seeger, early folk music pioneer asks us “where have all the flowers gone?” & “When will they ever learn??” Really GOOD ADVICE WORTH SHARING! My followers will gain a lot from reading mentalhealthrightsforum.com enthusiastically from Luciano K.; THANKS for everyone’s impressive words!